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Hey everyone,

The fourth TSM eBook has now been published on Amazon! 

The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 4: The Dragon March includes chapter 31-37 in the story, covering events after the Invictus leaves the Ashanath Collective. Total wordcount comes in at 124k words, with me adding another 8k to the original text. I rewrote the chapters to improve grammar and dialogue, while also expanding several scenes and adding new ones. 

I hope you enjoy the new "Director's Cut" of the story. :-)


Here are some direct links to the various international Amazon sites:

US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N99K1BQ

UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07N99K1BQ

CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07N99K1BQ

AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07N99K1BQ

DE: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07N99K1BQ



woohoo. just bought mine. looking forward to diving in tonight at work


Woohoo... weekend reading material :D Cheers Tef


In case anyone's interested, here's the wordcounts for the four books so far: 1: 86k 2: 120k 3: 132k 4: 124k I'll be parcelling up the chapters into equal sizes (125k before I add new scenes), although the later chapters are so big, some of the books will have higher wordcounts.


I'll create paperback copies of eBook 3 and eBook 4 in a couple of days time and let you know when they're available. :-)


You're welcome! I hope you enjoy the new versions of those chapters.


I'm short by au$0.40 :( Ah well... next payday


Cant wait, i love the convenience of Ebooks, but having a Paperback to display in a shelf is also amazing. So buying both works ;)




And bought :-)

Jedi Khan

And purchased. Would have gotten it sooner except I was finishing up an anime binge.


Purchased, Tefler could you let me know how much I've contributed to you? It would be interesting to know




I have already downloaded my copy for reading over the weekend. Thank you.


Your lifetime support is $70. Thank you for being a patron for the last couple of years. :-)

Steven Allen

I've got my copy already as well. The Dragon March portion of the TSM story has so far, been my favorite. It is also one of the parts that I reread the most.


Cant wait to read it just. I am reread the story again and i am on ebook 2 cant wait for 4:)

Kim Biel-Nielsen

I never got the free ebook - you probably did not see my message - not to worry i got the ebook from Amazon - love the tiger cover.


I sent it out again a few days ago, but your email hates me for some reason: Your message to ... has been blocked. See technical details below for more information. Sorry you didn't receive it by mail, but thank you for buying a copy! :-)


Brought the book, going to start into it soon as I have absorbed Ch. 116. Figure on tomorrow. Thanks. :-)


So I'm reading book 4, and they're replating the raptor. I'm wondering if the black coloring of the original armor was due to the psy shaper's influence. If so, could they get another and shape a set of armor (one each for John and the girls) in black for more covert ops?


i'd jump to the $5 tier if it were in audiobook form, tefler you may want to see if audible.com would be interested in such a project.....perhaps asking your contact at amazon about it.


and i mean as an additional way to be released beside the ebook form


and its time for me to make a purchase


and *cha-ching* thats done


Just finished ebook 4 good read 👍 really like the extras

thomas rodrian

Thanks, Tefler. Bought #4 last night, but still waiting on Amazon to let me download it. Using Jade for the cover art is nice. Made me think about her not using the Paragon suits. When John and Alyssa first found her, she was wearing clothes that she created as part of her transformation. For consistency with other Lionesses, why does she not create her own paragon armor fit for her current transformation? I seem like this would her identify her as a Lioness and she would not need to discard her clothes before a battle. I guess if she is an exhibitionist, she might not care about clothes, but sometimes they are necessary in after battle scenarios where the Lionesses meet with the public. Just my 2¢ worth of comments.


Tefler, I went ahead and bought my own copy at Amazon, but I did want to inquire, are there any differences between the emailed version and the one that I obtained from Amazon? Also, book #4 does not show up when looking at the series of books. I thought you should know. I will purchase the two new paperback editions when they become available. I’m looking forward to them.

Jedi Khan

I believe the only differences between what was sent to you and what you purchased is some editing.


Tefler, one really minor correction for Book 4, Chapter 35, that I noticed in the ebook from Amazon. "The commission I earned from your shopping bonanza help fund me through the last term, so thanks for that," she said, grinning at Alyssa. The word 'help' should be past tense, so should be 'helped' in this case, as below: "The commission I earned from your shopping bonanza helped fund me through the last term, so thanks for that," she said, grinning at Alyssa. If I find anything else, I'll post it here, but I didn't want to wait since you said you were planning to go to print soon.

Jim lynch

Has anyone else noticed that their Patreon money has gone up this month ?.

Jedi Khan

I haven't. Telfer only posted one chapter for January, so you should have only seen one line item on your receipt for Tefler. If you're talking about your contribution amount, the only reason that should go up is if you increased it. If you don't remember doing it, then either you've got some memory loss or someone's messing with your account.


Cant wait for book 5


I found no other issues of note. Great work, Tefler! I'm looking forward to ordering the printed book!


I looked at mine and it seemed like everything was good. I have noticed a few separate billings then I realized I did it by chapter when I first signed up and did not realize that, but all is good now.

Jedi Khan

That per chapter billing is something Tefler set. He could have set it to bill monthly, meaning he would get paid each month whether he posted a chapter or not, but instead he set it to be per chapter.


When should we expect the next installment?


When it arrives, or alternatively, when Tefler tells us to expect it. He's got a lot on his plate right now. Is he working on chapter 117? Yes. Is he working on physical Book 3? Yes. Is he working on eBook 5? Yes. Is he working on eBook 4 updates? Might be yes to that, too. Only Tefler knows for sure. :-) So, let's not start the 'how soon' questions up again, okay? :-)


I had a thought & don't know if it's been mentioned previously... have the crew considered requesting Bolon's technology to allow Faye to talk psychically to Alyssa & vice versa? They use robotic 'translators' which would seem ideal...


I REALLY wish that Tefler provided these ebooks in some format other than Amazon. In my household, I am the only person without a Kindle. So far, Book 1 and 2 finished up being downloaded to my wife's kindle (that was a fun conversation) and book 3 ended up on my son's kindle. Is there any way to just download the file from Amazon without having to go through this rigamarole? I admit I'm a tech idiot when it comes to things like this, but surely it cant be this hard!


By the way, Book 4 also finished up on my wife's Kindle as well. :(


There is a kindle app for cell phones and PCs. Get it from the app store or Amazon.com and link to your account. Voila, amazon books anywhere w/o dedicated device.


The kindle app doesn’t work particularly well with Speak Screen on iOS, I’ve tried it personally, when my vision is blurred (MS), I have to wait until my MS episode is over before I can “read” it, so visually challenged people find it hard to use!


Ps: epub documents work very well with Speak Screen 😂


Another point I stumbled on... before Irrilith revealled herself no-one knew what the Maliri looked like, so I'm surprised that John, during his investigations into his father's race, never figured he might be related to them... Occam's Razor and all that!


Since John had no idea what his father looked like, nor the Maliri, why would that even occur to him? He had no idea that the Maliri were any more humanoid than the Ashanath, the Enshunu, the Kintark or the Trankaran, all of whom are bipedal creatures that - in a suit - could be mistaken for human, depending upon the circumstances. Nor do we have any reason to believe that those are the only ones of which John might have knowledge. So, why, in a multitude of humanoid creatures, would he consider that his father was Maliri, much less related to them?


Hey Tefler, what software do you use when planning/writing TSM? Just in case you haven't heard of a program called Campfire (writers tool) that helps visualize/compartmentalize plot arcs, etc.


Is there any chance of getting a general forecast for the next installment?

rich ed

Telfer just a heads up re reading the chapters when faye first turns up there are lots of mentions of her sitting on someones arm, or shoulder etc. Ch 54 page 5 on lit - "Hey everyone!" she said perkily, greeting everybody with a cheery wave. Her luminescent eyes settled on Irillith, and she fluttered over to her on her iridescent wings, then planted a big kiss on the started Maliri girl's face. Faye sighed happily and said, "I love you, my wonderful creator. Thank you for giving me life, I'm enjoying it immensely!" Then this "Irillith was too shocked to react to the AI sprite's unusual behaviour, and she reached up her hand to her cheek in surprise. She eventually managed to mumble, "You're welcome, Faye." then later chapters there are many situations where they all forget she is a hologram (as in no physical interaction). You may wish when you write the ebooks to change the wording. i would have no clue as to how but you are the master wordsmith.

travis btmb

tefler are you gonna do paperback for more of your books currently only book 1 and 2 come in paperback

Bp Hlpt

He has already said that he intends to release the rest in paperback form as well, eventually.

Jedi Khan

Keyword being "eventually." Tefler has been busy with real world stuff and making paperback versions of the ebooks takes a back seat to that.

Bp Hlpt

I'm not sure what your point is. At first, Faye was "just" a hologram, but as time went on and she evolved, she became more and more "realistic" in her actions and mannerisms, to the point that the crew began to "forget" that she wasn't "real" and accept her. As such, when Faye kissed them or sat on part of their body or whatever, even though they "knew" she was a hologram and wasn't really there, they would sometimes check to see if it actually happened or not. This is a natural human reaction, and not just something that Tefler created for the TSM universe. The mind has learned to expect certain things to happen as a result of what a person sees, so it can be rather easily fooled. That's how magic and optical illusions work. In 350BC, Aristotle noted that “our senses can be trusted but they can be easily fooled”. Haven't you ever seen an IMAX or 3D movie and had your body physically react to a scene, flinching or ducking from something that you knew wasn't really there? I thought Tefler did a wonderful job writing these kinds of scenes. I don't know why or how you think they need to be changed.


Which chapters does this cover?

Jedi Khan

Your question is answered in the second sentence of this post.


Anyone know when the next chapter is out


Hey Tef... not sure if you got my PM last year but before you get to book 5 you'll need to change this sentence. In ch. 40 towards the end as John & Jade are heading down to the firing range to see the first team shooting demo, you've typed 'They travelled down in the blue glow of the grav-tube...' but blue is up & red is down! :)


Oh & ch. 43 a few pages from the end as John & Alyssa are about to go & meet Irilith by herself the first time, Calara says "Do you want me to come to?" should be too


Thanks for the edits! The chapter 40 one was already fixed in my master copy, but the chapter 43 edit was new! :-)


Enjoying the ebook and hanging out for the next chapter. One question I have after reading ebook 4 is when John and the crew go to the Dragon March award ceremony why is Rachel not her uniform? At one stage she throws a salute but she isn't in uniform so......

bob lakhanpal

Hi Tefler, Just started to read the e-books. I have bought the first two and as I was reading the first few chapters I saw that there are still a few mistakes remaining. Probably repetitive reading of the same stuff has caused you to miss it. I would like to try and contribute towards this great epic you are writing and can help you correct those. How could I help you with that??


She hadn't picked up a replacement after losing all her gear on Port Medea. Also, she was trying to keep a low profile because she is Henry Voss' daughter and if she'd been in uniform with the others, reporters would have been trying to identify her.


Either just list them in a comment here, or send me a message with your list and I'll fix them. :-)


Hi! Any plans to publish on any platforms other than Amazon? I'm partial to Smashwords myself (many of my favorite self-published authors are there) but Kobo offers the option of publishing DRM-free, and Leanpub is an option.


Thanks for the reply and appreciate it. All that you say is what I first thought so glad we on the same page, Then I thought she is a dr but must have undergone officer training and basic. Calara had to go to the Q store to get a new or amended uniform - rachels would have been the same. The event is a military event and charles knows she is TF not that she is henry Voss's daughter. She could have been in uniform and probably better faded into the background than wearing formal evening gown and accompanying John and the girls. Tes she is a dr and the partner of John and Dana but like Calara she is still a serving Officer in the Terran forces. The niggle does not detract from my understanding of where it is at or the direction of travel.. keep up the good work

bob lakhanpal

Hi tefler, I have done the corrections till chapter four on the first e-book. I have listed them out on a word document as well as added the notes and highlights in the kindle version. How do i send it you??


What are the chapters in each book?


Book 1: chapters 1-10 Book 2: chapters 11-20 Book 3: chapters 21-30 Book 4: chapters 31-37 The chapters got larger as the story progressed. I started with chapters in the 5k-10k word range, then by chapter 30 I was up to 15k-20k per chapter.

bob lakhanpal

Hi Tefler, These are the corrections for e-book 1, that i was telling you about. This is b0b from the former colony of India. We are very proud of our English and like to point out to everyone the Indian English is probably more English than the one used in England. Just wanted to add that in the beginning, to clarify that you may disagree with some of the corrections that I might suggest in the succeeding paragraphs. With that as a background I am enclosing herewith some of the corrections that I thought should be done, to make a great book truly epic. Keep up the good work 1. Phrase/ sentence : There could be no mistakes when plotting his course. Location Reference: Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 8). Kindle Edition. Suggested correction. Mistake, singular, course is singular, so mistake would be singular too. 2. The ship's engines roared into life and the old freighter seemed to groan in protest as it took off. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 10). Kindle Edition. To, into somehow doesn’t seem correct 3. then removed the magazine and checked the safety before placing it on the weaponry rack in his cabin. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 10). Kindle Edition. Weapons rack, seems a better word to use. 4. John had an enormous cock, with girth thicker than her delicate wrist. John could see the doubt forming in her mind. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 18). Kindle Edition. with the girth 5. John groaned in ecstasy as the teen's body gripped his cock like a warm, wet, tight-fitting glove. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 21). Kindle Edition. Not body, could we have something else here, please?? Maybe, her throat?? 6. Video feed was playing in the corner of the TFNN news report, Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 23). Kindle Edition. “A video feed”   7. The pretty teen's slim belly soon began to round out, as John filled her with heavy spunk. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 31). Kindle Edition. “with his heavy” 8. he hummed happily to himself as went about his various chores. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 32). Kindle Edition. “as he went” 9. John moved his strong hand to the teens stuffed belly and stroked her gently. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 33). Kindle Edition. “teen’s” 10. The sighs turned to an excited gasp as John spread those delicious cheeks apart, exposing her to his greedy eyes. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (pp. 41-42). Kindle Edition. exposing her ______ to his greedy eyes… backdoor / clenched anus / nether hole, your choice 11. There was a nasty trough cut through the ship’s armour, Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 49). Kindle Edition. “through” 12. John handed her the apple to her Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 65). Kindle Edition. Double pronoun not required. “John handed the apple to her” 13. the perky teenage bubbled, Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 71). Kindle Edition. “teenager” 14. Her gaze was heavy lidded with lust, Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 79). Kindle Edition. “heavily lidded”, maybe? 15. which the crew had not had time to equip. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 94). Kindle Edition. to don... Can’t really equip armour... you either wear it or don it... 16. body trembled with anticipation as his balls trembled in preparation Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 109). Kindle Edition. Trembling twice?? Could use a different verb in place of the second "trembled"... 17. out of the girls clutching ass Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 114). Kindle Edition. girl’s 18. Captain Harris. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 126). Kindle Edition. Captain?? Isnt he a Vice-Admiral?? Or is that intentional?? 19. Commander Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 155). Kindle Edition. Commander’s 20. part of successful businessman. Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 182). Kindle Edition. Part of a successful businessman 21. Although not on anywhere Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 183). Kindle Edition. Although not anywhere 22. I had handed over the next shift to Lieutenant Crowe." Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 187). Kindle Edition. I had handed over charge to Lieutenant Crowe on the next shift   23. five-foot-nine Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 201). Kindle Edition. She was Five-foot-eight earlier when she had gone down to Gravitus with John before taking off in the Invictus 24. blondes, Tefler, M. The John Blake Chronicles - Volume 1: Three Square Meals (The Unclaimed Legacy Series) (p. 201). Kindle Edition. blonde’s More to follow, I have only done till Pg 203 of 299. Will update as I progress ahead. Regards

bob lakhanpal

Actually i made a word file with the corrections as inserted comments, that looked much more clearer. Copy-pasted it here, and not giving the same result. If you have a mail id, i could probably just email the word file to you. Thanks.


I'm ready for books 5 - 8


Me too. Loved the first four of them. Such a pleasure to get back to source