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Hey everyone!

I've finished eBook 4 and have just emailed a copy to all the patrons who have paid over $150 in their lifetime of patronage. If you haven't received a copy and believe you should have been eligible, let me know and I'll mail you a copy!

I hope you enjoy the new scenes and please let me know if you spot any typos!




I think I just fell under the limit :( oh well, I know how to buy it B-)


Any idea how long it takes before appearing on Amazon please Tef?

Jim lynch

just out of curiosity how much have I paid tefler it should be somewhere near lol don’t worry I’m not after a free copy I don’t mind paying for it as I still think I’m getting a bargain.

Jim lynch

I just looked for it but couldn’t find it ?


Apparently I've supported you with more than I expected. Thanks a lot for sharing.


Perhaps on your Patreon homepage? I can see it via mouse-over a patrons name.


$113 so far. Sorry you're a bit short, but I had to set a cut off point somewhere. :-(

David Shmilowitz

and now the endgame waiting for amazon to update their page so we can buy the book. btw, is there a stat on patreon somewhere that lets us know how much we've contributed to someone over our accounts lifetime?


I'm waiting for edits on chapter 36 and 37 from my last editor, but I'm not expecting much on those ones. I'll give the patrons a while to read through so I can fix any errors that they spot, so I'll aim to publish on amazon perhaps by the weekend.

Jedi Khan

Yay! Now I have something to read at work. Kinda wish it was chapter 116, but still, this is good. :-)

Jim lynch

Lucky you I’m not jealous in any way honest I’m not and no I’m not crying I’ve got allergies......


oh hey, saw this email and since i have a patreon filter (from patreon) thought spam :D havent paid attention since I started giving, am so far behind! edit: holy shit, $4k+ per chapter, I seriously haven't been around in a while! congrats, I knew you where worth it! edit2: yep, Dec 2016 :D


Just in case anybody is worried they didn't receive a copy when they should have, check your junk folder. That is where it turned up for me, even though it is probably the most important email I have received in some time!


thank you hope yuor feeling better


Just of curiosity, how much have I contributed?


If you go to your membership account there is an option to view your billing history, you can scroll through that and add it up over the months.


Tefler, just started reading and love it. I noticed an area that's a bit rough and you might want to edit it some. PG. 21-22 (The assault cruiser was travelling through hyper-warp at an incredible rate, its new (Ashanath letting) it travel at triple the speed capable by any vessel in the Terran Federation). Seems like something should be added between inner parentheses. IMHO

rich ed

the last sentence here, After a couple of hours, they decided to call it a day, and Calara turned off the controls for the robotic loading arms. Jade came padding over to them on her huge paws, flanks rising and falling rapidly as she laboured for breath, her long tongue lolling out. Her emerald eyes were liking glittering jewels. might be like glittering jewels?


Where can I buy it Tef? Will there be an option to buy all four?

Jedi Khan

The first three can be found on Amazon, with the link to the third book below. The fourth book has not been posted yet; Tefler says he'll do that this weekend. <a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C6GQC99" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C6GQC99</a>

Jedi Khan

Just got to the scene in the ebook where Calara unveils Jade's cat toy. Now that there's a few more Nymphs on the crew, they should probably consider bringing that out again. Jade would probably love the chance to play with her sisters outside of the bedroom and lagoon.


i cant wait for the Paperbacks to be released as a Box Set at the end. That would be amazing, especially if it has some Artwork or something. Although i own all Ebooks and Paperbacks available atm, i'd still buy a boxed set, would look nice in my library.

Jedi Khan

Indeed. I'm looking forward to buying the box set of hardbacks plus a deluxe art book, then tracking Tefler down at a convention for him to sign the set.


Well spotted! There was a reference to the new Tachyon Drive missing from there. I rejigged the sentence to include that and make it flow better. :-)


One of the editors suggested something similar. I might add in something like that in an upcoming chapter. :-)

Kim Biel-Nielsen

My billing history adds up to $ 190 (for 2017-2019)

Steven Allen

I'm looking forward to the next ebook release on Kindle. Sure wish I had a Kindle when I was active duty Infantry, would have saved a few pounds off my back. I carried 3-4 paperbacks in my ruck when in the field.


I did not receive it. I am plenty over the $150 mark.


You were on my mailing list. My original email might have gone into your spam email folder because it was CC'd to so many people and has a word document attached. I emailed it to you again, just in case. :-)


You were on my mailing list. My original email might have gone into your spam email folder because it was CC'd to so many people and has a word document attached. I emailed it to you again, just in case. :-)

Who Me

Wish I knew where to purchase Book 4!


I'll put up a post with a link to the amazon site when it goes live. I'll wait a couple of days in case patrons spot any mistakes, then I'll fix them and publish. :-)


Tefler, page 47-48, Just then Jade bounded into the cargo bay, still nude and dropping wet after rushing to join them from the pool. Believe you hit the wrong key, happens to me all the time.


Thanks for my copy, I wasn't actually ecpecting it! Anyway to show I'm actually checking it over I've noticed a number of references to Briefing Room, which is I think correct, briefing room, which I'm sure should be capitalised, and one instance of Debriefing Room.

David Shmilowitz

Tefler, I remember from a post way back around the time of the first e-book that you estimated that after the first few e-books, the rest of the e-books would be published quicker due to how your writing had become more refined and requiring less proofreading (or something along those lines). Do you think you've reached that tipping point with this newest e-book?


Tefler, I did not receive it. I should be well past 150 mark. thanks for a great ride.


Ah nice, thanks for letting me know. I fixed that in my master copy!


I'd say from about... chapter 66 onwards the technical quality is roughly the same as it is now (enough that I'd only be making minor corrections here and there). In the older chapters, there are different degrees of refinement to the writing, which changed as I learnt new things. I'm past the really glaring problems, but I'm still having to deal with too many adjectives and excessive comma usage. I sorted that out in the mid-60's.


I'm seeing your lifetime support as $26. Did you have another Patreon account before this one?


Did not receive a copy, but then I'm not sure if I have paid for 50 chapters yet :)


Tefler,i did not get one either,and i have here since you went to patreon,and $ 5 a chapter that over 500$,thank you

Jedi Khan

Page 123: "...cheering echoed around them as they he walked away..." The "he" is likely not needed.


I've noticed a bit of a continuity issue in the section where the armour is being updated in ch.35. The redhead was pleased to see them, but she was deeply immersed in her work, so Alyssa upgraded the two Phalanx suits there before they left Dana in peace. They then go to the Commander's Quarters, update the armour in the wardrobe then John's sword but then ... "Has she been okay?" Dana asked, stroking the brunette’s arm. Dana suddenly appears despite having been left in Engineering .


Tefler by my understanding on can by the ebboks on amazon wondering whether its possible to get hard copy/paper back versions of the book

Jedi Khan

Paperback versions are available for the first two books, but I don't think the third has one yet.

Jedi Khan

Bottom of page 129: "Everyone on the bridge watched in tense silence as the Kintark strike craft draw closer." That should be "drew," past tense to match "watched." There are two subjects in the sentence "everyone" and "Kintark strike craft," and both are doing different actions but at the same time. If the sentence was "Everyone on the bridge watched the Kintark strike craft..." then "draw" would work.


Another continuity error but this one is self inflicted I'm afraid, you have this in ch.36 as in the original version "This is the third time we've met and I'm afraid I still don't know your name," John said with a frown of apology. "Oh! I'm Lieutenant Victor Adams, Sir," the young man replied with a start. But in Volume One ch.6 you have this A young naval officer was waiting for them outside the Fool’s Gold and he approached them at a brisk pace then snapped to attention as he saluted John. "Commander Blake, I am Lieutenant Victor Adams, ADC to Vice Admiral Harris. The Vice Admiral sends his apologies. He's in a meeting at the moment, but if you would like to follow me, I'll lead you to his office." So they do already know his name!


Sorry about this but another continuity issue, from ch.36 we have “Boo,” the redhead said with a pout. She sighed and peeled back the covers. “I suppose I better get up anyway. I need to start my analysis of the new white metal that Alyssa created.” John offered her a hand. “Have lunch with us first. You can start your research after you’ve eaten. but in ch.35 there's They visited the various locations where their Phalanx armour was stored, starting with the Firing Range, then moving on to the Engineering Bay where Dana was hard at work running tests on the Invictium samples. I suggest you change start to finish or complete.


Noticed another start a little further on Calara wanted to start her search for more information on the Dragon March admirals, Dana planned to start her analysis of the white metal, and Alyssa wanted to refurbish the Raptor’s cabin.


I made some major changes to that section, essentially adding another 12 hours to make sure the flight time back from the Dragon March was consistent with the Kintark Armada taking 5 days to reach Terra. That dialogue got chopped around quite a bit, so that's how that one get messed up. I've tweaked it so that Dana had returned to the bedroom by the time John put his sword away in the wardrobe. :-)


Yeah, I double-checked this one. When I rewrote eBook 1, one of my editors suggested having Victor formally introduce himself... which broke the dialogue in chapter 36. I've tweaked it now, so that John forgets Victor's name and apologises.


It looks like your lifetime support is at $128 at the moment. Sorry you weren't quite at the cutoff point yet. :-(


Hey Ski, You were on my mailing list as your lifetime total is $235. (I only started my Patreon site at chapter 58!). My email probably went into your spam folder, but I'll mail you another copy just in case. Thanks for all your support! :-)


sorry if this has ben asked &amp; answered , but how would I find out my donation level ...Thanks


Looking forward to this. Any idea when this will be available for purchase?


I keep hitting that F5!


Hey Tefler, here is one at page 281-282, "We can just detach the outer Invictium plates manually," John suggested, as he looked down at the ripped and gouged plating on his body armour. "Then Alyssa could forge some new double-shaped plating and we can fit that on the way we did with all the female variants of the (amour). The Psi-shaper seemed to handle that without any problems." dropped the "r".


Tefler, please read this from page 308-309."I guess you're all curious to get a (good look the new girl)," Rachel said as she sat up boldly, untangling herself from her covers. Following her lead, the other girls climbed (of) the covers and fanned out into a semi-circle. Rachel looked to her right at Dana, then took her time admiring each of the . The first is missing the action and the second should be OFF??

Hendrix Morton

Any idea how long this will take to be available on Amazon?


My other Patrons are producing as promised, However you are NOT Yoy promised chapter 116 of TSM on 01/22. Please tell me Where is it?


I had severe toothache and needed a root canal, so the unrelenting pain has made writing problematic. I also caught a flu bug off my wife, who broke her ankle two weeks ago... which has meant that despite feeling like crap, I'm doing all the school runs at the moment and ferrying my family around everywhere. Unfortunately, this has severely restricted how much I can write on a daily basis and delayed my plan to finish chapter 116 by the 22nd January. I try to stick to my estimated release dates where possible, but they aren't "promises". One of the reasons I charge patrons per chapter not per month, is because sometimes you just can't predict when life throws a series of disasters your way...


Take care of yourself and your family! The writing can wait!


hope everybody at your house gets well soon. remember,family 1st.........

David Shmilowitz

always remember tefler, your health comes first. Not just for your health, but for our sanity as well. If something happens to your health, we might not get ANY tsm anymore and most of us (or at least me) would slowly go insane afterwards due to permanently unresolved plotlines. take whatever time you need.


thank you Tefler,i was on patreon under another name before this one but they messed up my credit card after awhile so icould not log on so i switched,thank you,,


i just looked and i got the ebooks,my other e=mail address thank you Tefler,


Is the ebook available to be purchased yet? I checked amazon and did not see it. Thanks

thomas rodrian

I just looked on Amazon and cannot find eBook 4. Where are you selling it?


Family comes first we can wait


Just curious. Will we see a chapter this month?

Bp Hlpt

Tefler has already stated that is his intention, but depending on how quickly he recovers from his wisdom teeth issues, and anything else that comes up in RL, that may change. There is currently no projected date for completion of the next chapter, or for when eBook 4 will be available for general consumption.


Your words have painted a good enough picture of the girls for me Tefler. I would much rather have new words in the form of chapter 116 or book 4 from you


although I am disappointed in not being able to read the next chapter, I know how life can throw you set backs. Hope it gets better and maybe the story will be a long one so it will take some time to enjoy the story....


ETAon bk 4 on Amazon.


Real life is a bitch. it is cold uncaring and can grind you down, I get it. If Tefler can’t get a chapter finished this month, so be it. We all pay by the chapter, not by the month. Now that being said. Personally it is my preference to wait on the competed chapter, than for Tefler to post the first half of an unedited chapter. I am not a fan of paying for a product and having to wait 2 weeks for the finished product. I’m sure there are many here who differently and would appreciate a little bit of something early than having to wait for the whole thing. And that’s fine, opinions differ.


I finely broke down and got the eBooks well worth it.


Ive been waiting for book 4 - when is it on amazon please?


I received the last edits from my editor today, so I'll go through those tomorrow and publish it. I'll make a note in a status post when I've published (it'll take a day or two to appear on the amazon site.)

Jedi Khan

I posted a few more edits myself in a comment further up, Tefler, in case you didn't see them. I continued off the first edit suggestion I posted the other day.


I did see them, thank you! I'll go through all the edits tomorrow then publish the eBook.


Hi Tef, I’m glad you appear to be getting back on a bit of a more even keel. According to the old saying, bad things come in threes so you’ve had your ration now and should be headed for calmer waters! Are the dental issues now settled down? I do hope so. Also, I’m sure I’m speaking for everyone here when I ask you to pass our best wishes for a speedy recovery along to Mrs Tef. May she make a rapid and full recovery, and please, take care of that foot in future! With hopes for a less turbulent immediate future, best wishes Tim


Thanks very much to everyone who contacted me with editing suggestions for the eBook! I went through all your notes and I published the eBook today, :-) It can take up to 72 hours for Amazon to review it, so I'll let you know when the eBook goes live!