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Hey everyone!

Without further ado, here's chapter 110! 

I might expand the final scene a bit and the chapter hasn't been edited yet, but I'll take a look at that tomorrow.


*** EDITED - 24th Oct - FINAL ***



Thank you, Tefler! Now go to sleep!

Anthony Kester

Thanks Tefler. Get some sleep!!!




Not first!

Old Cruiser

Thank you Tefler, now try to get some sleep!

Jedi Khan

damn phone call distracted me!


I'll happily take 7th :)


Thank you!

Jedi Khan

Now get some sleep Tefler.




Woot, thank you Tefler. Your the best


Bedtime reading whee


Go to bed. It's what 3 or 4am your time? My thanks


thank you tefler, well done and sleep late if you can!


cheers mister


Game is done, now to read! Thanks!


When John enters the Lagoon and the nymphs greet him, are they using telepathy? You have their comments in there like: *Master* and *You have no idea, Master...*


Thanks Tefler


'The speed she eliminated' -> 'The speed with which she eliminated'

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Looking so much forward to this 😀


“You’re out of you mind!” -> “You’re out of your mind!”


Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading!


'to assist the Terran Federation repel a Kintark Invasion' -> 'to assist the Terran Federation to repel a Kintark Invasion'


Well... going to bed late tonight... 😎





rich ed

thank you telfer




So either the Hive mind is still in Rock Bois territory or since there are no sensor satellites we don’t know till they push in. Granted they could be running and now it’s down to a race to save as many people as possible, like John and company.


The Maestro does it again!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

solder said, I am sure you meant soldier. same way too.” way, too...needs a comma. But I have a larger issue. The beginning of this chapter seemed a bit disconnected from the last scene in 109 when we left Alyysa with the Hive Queen...almost like everything was decided and we were a great deal ahead in the story. I know you did fill it all back in during the debrief, but perhaps an additional paragraph right at the beginning would make it less choppy? Just felt like we lurched too far forward in the scene without a good transition.


Great chapter Tefler, I am continually amazed at your gift for story telling. I have an theory about the shroud, do not have it all put together yet. But I think I see where you are going. Don’t want to throw it out there just yet. Potential spoiler and all. Will Wait a day or two and let everyone get through a first read.


Great chapter.

Jedi Khan

The Kirrix hive mind is not in any one place, I believe. From the description, it sounds like a distributed hive mind, with their home world serving as a sort of central hub. It is possible that the Kirrix who are in Trankaran space may flee as well because of what happened in Terran space, but I have to wonder if the Kirrix realize that Trankaran space is protected by John and Alyssa as well, or if they believe only Terran space. Or it could be that the realization that they've pissed off another being of the same species that almost annihilated them millennia, and now fear for the very survival of their species to the point that they're retreating from all their invasions across the galaxy to try bolstering their defenses at home.


Have to agree with all before a good consolidation chapter. Thank you. No doubt me and a whole lot of others will start our theorising once we let it sink in some more.....


"The Maliri assassin padded onto the Bridge of the Galaena Serine, her combat-blue eyes drawn to the golden-armoured figure standing at its centre. " Do you mean cobalt-blue eyes?

Jedi Khan

Well that was interesting. Wasn't expecting to come down from the battle quite so abruptly. Or maybe it was the fact that the rest of the chapter was debrief and other stuff, and not the next planet to be liberated. I had estimated that the team's possible trip to Arcadia would potentially be in chapter 112, but now it's looking like 113 or 114 is more likely. Either way, should be interesting to see what happens next. And new tech from Dana? Upgrades to the Nova Lances, the Reaper Cannons, and the Quantum Rifles? Good grief. I can only imagine what those will be like. I could have sworn the Reaper Cannons were the pinnacle of Dana's hand-held weapon tech, having elicited reactions from both Alyssa and John that suggested how "right" the weapon was in the hands of a Thrall. Perhaps this is where we finally see Dana exceed the bounds of Progenitor tech? Or maybe what she is designing is just another level of Progenitor weapon tech without her realizing it?


Thanks, I fixed the solder typo! I'll reread the transition between chapters and see if I need to add some more. :-)


Thanks for all those, I fixed them in the latest version! :-)


Still loving this series Tefler, but some parts are still rather formulaic. I like how you've tried to condense the debriefing scenes by skipping over John praising each of the girls individually, but those scenes still tend to be heavy with exposition. On the other hand, John chatting with Dana in her workshop was a breath of fresh air. Remember, you've got a whole starship for the characters to interact with, they don't need to be limited to a handful of settings and combinations of characters. Having scenes with other characters outside of the Invictus has really livened up the story, you could do the same thing with John and the girls too.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

After reviewing what was said at the time of the unveiling of the Reaper Cannons, I tend to think Dana is taking things to the next level. Not sure what the second barrel is, but I am very intrigued.


Thank you, Tefler! The debriefing that included what the Kintark were really intending to do to the Terrans without tippy-toeing around it was rather satisfying! It's worrying that the crew want to go take on a Progenitor, like the chicken hawk thought he'd try to catch Foghorn Leghorn.


Wow, what a chapter. The part with Tashana was so powerful. Nicely done.


I'm really enjoying Helene's growth as a character. Jade's budding relationship is certainly interesting, although I'm curious if Helene feels the same! (So that's Alyssa/Calara, Dana/Rachel, Irillith/Tashana, and now Jade/Helene. Curious on how Sakura is left, and of course Faye, but she hasn't even had her second date yet! Classic Tefler making us wait forever for Faye plotlines haha)


Just occurred to me this chapter, but since Terran is a second language for Tashana and Irilith, I wonder what a Maliri accent sounds like


I've added a new paragraph to the beginning to hopefully ease the transition into the first scene, as well as fix a bunch of minor typos.


Thanks very much. As always, I'm interested to hear plot speculation, but I'll refrain from commenting!


I'll try and do something different with the next debrief. :-)


Thank you! It was a tricky scene to write, because of everything that had happened to her and the crew obviously wanting to handle it sensitively.


AWESUME Ch. … as dramatic & moving a chapter as any . An honest assessment of a moral dilemma about the Kirrix . It's interesting that the remorseless assassin ( against her will of course ) is the most unforgiving , maybe a reflection of her subconscious guilty ? If Alyssa could contact the Hive mind , I wonder if she could offer a deal , abandon any prisoners already taken & retreat from Terran & Trankaran space & we wouldn't come after you & we will research lifting the Shroud . Would be easier than trying to chase down the fleeing hive ships & they wouldn't have to choose who to save . I hope the Admiral Morgan listens to Commander Walkers concerns about the Brimorians , after being surprised so badly by the Kintarks they should be more on alert to any unusual fleet movements . Also he should keep his eye on Newmont , between what happened with his father & worrying about his fiancé he's on the edge of doing something really dumb .


Before dropping into combat Jade became almost oracle like in getting John to take up his progenitor heritage. It seemed to me and still seems to me Jade was tapping into something else than just her belief. Watch this space me thinks. John working out Tashana's PTSD was nice but could it be a potent of things to come? Commander Newmont is spinning out and making threats against the high command, surely he wouldn't just be allowed to walk and think about things? As bigdawg suggests - keep an eye on that one. Loved Lilyana's interaction with Niskera - full of fun and frivolity wrapped around deadly. Interestingly no indication of Karron or Acadia on the Pride radar - I guess like Jedi suggests we are a couple of chapters out from that. Old formula was action, consolidate, action so I can only suspect 111 will have action - but where? Brecken's world Kirrix have about 4 hours to drop and run (death of queen and travel time) surely the Kirrix can dump and run in that time? OTK I guess


Tefler, another great chapter! Some suggested edits, and many of these are punctuation suggestions (i.e., the addition of comas), and a few, where you combined words, that should probably be either combined with hyphenation, or two separate words. As follows: Page 6: He turned to his right and exchange(d) a look with Commander Richards,; Page 15: “So(,) you aren’t scared of me?” John asked,; Page 15: “So(,) watching us fight didn’t change the way you felt about me or the girls at all?”; Page 16: They did a lot of terrible things to innocent people and we were trying to stop them (from) hurting anyone else.”; Page 16: I can see (that) this upsets you and I’d like to understand why...”; Page 22: the striped Nymph being spit(-)roasted (or spit roasted) by a pair of dark-green cocks.; Page 25: “This(,) smells amazing, thank you,” he said appreciatively,; Page 26: “So(,) if we could neutralise this Shroud,; Page 28: If not(,) we can review the battle, then decide what we’re doing next.”; Page 29: “You mean the xenophobic monsters(,) intent on enslaving and exterminating humanity?”; Page 29: the crews of every ship involved in those massacres were guilty of (war crimes).”; Page 29: “So(,) they really did deserve it?; Page 30: “Now that we’ve agreed we gave the Kirrix a righteous (ass kicking),; Page 32: Fortunately(,) Faye had activated the camera playback and the audience; Page 33: “I wish I’d had (that kind or those kinds) kind of shields when I was flying the Raptor against the Kintark,”; Page 34: “I don’t think so! I haven’t got (have) any suit camera footage for you,; Page 37: Glowing swords cut through the insectoid ranks like spiteful (buzz saws),; Page 38: the (blast wave) from the impact hurtling into the Kirrix troops.; Page 41: “The two of you are supposed to be badass Progenitors(,) right?”; Page 41: “So(,) you two were slugging it out with the entire species?!”; Page 41: “So(,) what happened to them when you fucked up that Hive Queen?”; Page 42: “So(,) you basically delivered a psychic bitch-slap to their entire species?”; Page 42: “You don’t just mean being attacked by that Guardian(,) do you?; Page 43: Although the civilians gratefully thanked their rescuers, each and every one (was flicking glances toward) the upper platform,; Page 47: “So(,) after taking maybe a week to rescue those people,; Page 48: the Brimorians were just (posturing; but,) the earnest young officer seemed adamant that there was more to those manoeuvres.; Page 48: thinking the man politically naive for voicing his often(,) scathing criticisms of Buckingham...; Page 53: “I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me yet(,) are you?”; Page 55: Tashana looked startled. “You’re really serious(,) aren’t you?”; Page 55: “So(,) what’s the next step?” Tashana asked, clearly intrigued.; Page 65: However(,) if the situation became truly dire,; Page 65: So(,) she was just helping to gently encourage those instincts.; Page 65: so she’d always been drawn back to her parents(‘) house.; Page 66: “You’re not pregnant(,) already are you?!”; Page 67: Jehanna relaxed and smiled. “Yes(,) to both.”; Page 69: , *Actually(,) go through with the ra-*; As always, if you disagree, I completely understand. Have a great day! Cheers!


Bigdawg, it's Tom who is worried about the girlfriend. Mason got dumped by the bar girl. But I think that both are displaying irrational behaviour characteristics that Rachel described as common for the genetically enhanced.


there are two words in this chapter that disturb the force for me. Mutilated and Massacred. The first relates to the description of the Hive Queen as she is loaded onto the Raptor. I know there will be a wave of she deserves it out there BUT the word carries a negative connotation and those engaged in it are usually bad. Likewise as Captain Flintlock and commander Ricahards are surveying the Kirrix remains on planet. Yes it is tempered by going on to say without a loss of civilian life but still the word massacre conjures up actions by bad people. One of the meanings is to kill, butcher etc and that fits but then....the connotation is one of the actions of bad people.


In most chapters, there is usually a line that makes me laugh out loud (usually involving Dana). This chapter was no exception. ----The girls nodded, but Dana pointed to Irillith and silently mouthed, “Favourite twin!”---- brilliant.


Perhaps "Cleansed" is less loaded... but then that brings images of the 'final solution' so often popular with conquerers. There is no escaping the magnitude of death and mayhem so some words retain their context.


So, concerning the Shroud. We know “IT” first infected the Kirrixx about 10,000 years ago during the time of the war of the heavens. We know the Kirrix were under siege by a proginator. And that several Kirrix worlds were destroyed. We do not know which proginator, was attacking the Kirrix. Nor do we know why they stopped. But we do know the Shroud first occurred during that time. We also know the effect of the Shroud covers a vast amount of space, but we do not know the limits. What else do we know from that time. Well we know of a crashed proginator ship on Arcadia that very likely Ranagon’s ship. It is theory that the Shroud is caused by or coming from Ranagons ship. Intentionally or not, I cannot say. But I’ll bet, Arcadia is the source of the Shroud.

Jedi Khan

I don't think Irillith and Tashana count considering they're sisters. Once Jehenna joins the crew, then you'll have a triad with the twins.

Jedi Khan

Actually, Shark, we don't know when the Shroud first came to be. Not even the Kirrix know that. It just happened so long ago that the exact amount of time has been forgotten. As for its range, I'm inclined to think it's not an AOE thing, more of a targeted racial thing, meaning that it'll affect the Kirrix no matter where they go in the galaxy. Even if they were to somehow leave the galaxy entirely, the Shroud would still haunt them because it is targeted at their species, not their region of space.


I loved that ending. Pure Joy and healing. My opinion to the shroud is that its pre-proginator. or by some other ancient race that were trying to defend themselves from the proginators. I cant wait to see whats next.


At first I have to say that I am conflicted about this chapter. I have had quite enough of the after action meetings. Maybe because of just receiving just 2 or 3 chapters a month it feels like the meeting after the battle for Terra was just a second away. But in contrast I loved the character building wir all the girls, especially Tashana as I am quite fond of her. Keep up the good work Tef and maybe the crew will get interrupted during the next after action talk and just let it pass ;)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Ok folks. The bots on the ship are definitely showing emotion and Faye is definitely the head of that underground force within the ship. Not so much controlling them, I think, but definitely she is their leader. I find this very disconcerting and it seems to be a direct violation of trust by Faye.

Jedi Khan

Is it "emotion" when it's a programmed response to a predetermined event and/or set of circumstances by a non-sentient being? Yes, the bots are exhibiting some odd behavior, but it's Faye just keeping herself busy, as she pretty much admitted when John asked her about the bots stopping to wave as they flew by during the meetup with the TFed fleet before attacking the Kirrix. John knows what she is doing and has no objections to it.


hmm... not related to the chapter, but i get this nagging feeling that the astral monsters (the big ones, not the mobs) are connected to, if not the actual ancestors of John's progenitor forebears. the dead ones - who's bodies were destroyed but their minds fled to the astral plane. they do have their own astral sub plane, which i understand is something only powerful psychics like progenitors can build. like i said, it's just a feeling i got. seemed interesting so i'm sharing.

Jedi Khan

Anybody remember the Engineer's Almanac from when Dana first joined the crew? Apparently it was the most recent issue at the time. I wonder how much of the next edition will consist of tech Dana developed?


Dana's patents and designs in the public domain would not have likely made it into the almanac in six months. Her more closely held inventions and innovations may not appear in the almanac for a long time -- if at all. However, anything of Dana's genius that Henry Voss puts into play will appear soonest.

Bp Hlpt

How come Dana hasn't tried to further evaluate the progenitor "black armour" lately? I think she has access to some examples of it, and her ability to assess the composition of materials has vastly improved since the last time she tried. If she was able to improve on it, as she has with their current armour, then that will be very useful in any future battles against a progenitor or any other foe.


My first assumption is that Dana's mind never stops gnawing on a mental bone once she sniffs it until she is finished with it. She is now waiting for the assessment of the Vulkat Archives before she reevaluates all that she has learned to date -- i.e., 10-X CA is comparable to the black metal variant used in the barrels of thrall tachyon lances. She may yet learn from Acadia just how the progenitor flagship onyx armor is made, among other important revelations. She may discover that a hybrid armor of layers of onyx varaint, CA and Vulkat Organics will turn out to be superior armor in more than one way -- Impact resistant, heat resistant, laser resistant, energy absorption, etc.


We are operating on the premise that whatever psychic powers and abilities displayed by the Girls are also possible for John -- fire, ice, electricity, speed, hex shields, etc. The obverse of this premise may not be true -- whatever psychic abilities John can use, the Girls could use them, too. Now that they will systematically pursue psychic training, the use of runes and force effects will also become routine. John's confidence that he can teach the Lionesses to form energy conserving runes, and Alyssa's confidence she can teach Rachel to make hex shields, opens the possibility of proliferating multiple, mutually reinforcing psychic abilities among the Lionesses.


Rachel's priority for psychic powers revolves around her ability to heal and cure. Secondarily, she prefers to protect her team from injury above the repair of bodily damage. Alyssa will teach her to form hex shields to protect herself and she will practice using them, much like the Hive Queen, to protect the Lionesses from physical and psychic attacks. She may learn to construct area shields that covers a significant zone to protect groups of people. Using runes for strength and resilience would be an added advantage. In addition to these defensive abilities, Rachel should be able to project force effects in an offensive mode, such as telekinetic darts, psychic force push, psychic restraint, etc.


Alyssa should teach all of the Girls to make hex shields to protect themselves. John should teach them all to form energy conserving runes. Even Helene. The Nymph's may wind up being a special case, as Jade may be impervious to both physical and psychic attacks.

Bp Hlpt

John has said that he does not want all of the Nymphs turned into a dragon fighting team, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see what actually happens. It wouldn't be the first time that John finds out that what he originally opposes turns out not to be such a bad idea after all, perhaps with some tweaks of his own. An example being the situation with Tashana in this very chapter. Even if a dragon team evolves, it would probably take quite awhile for that to happen. It took Jade several months to get to that stage, and that was with many weeks of constant "feedings". I totally agree that the best long term strategy is the continued enhancement of all of the girls psychic abilities, and the continued training by everyone, including John, of both their psychic and physical skills. This should include the entire crew, even Helene, for defensive purposes if nothing else. This will be useful in any future battle or astral plane encounter that occurs. It has been shown that this improves their self-confidence and overall sense of well-being, which then frees them to better develop their other skills. But it also seems that more than one Valkyrie would be useful. In the latest battle it was able to take down a dreadnought, not to mention "outperforming Jade and the twins combined." The only downside I see is tight spaces, but Jade has the same problem in dragon form. As long as everyone isn't in a mech suit, and I can't see John, Alyssa, probably not Rachel so that she can more easily treat any injured, nor any of the Nymphs wearing one, then what's the problem? If the Invictus' computers are further enhanced to allow more iterations of Faye to simultaneously exist, then she could also pilot them. And since I think that the pilot's psychic abilities are able to be used while in the suit, then "best of both worlds"? Anyway, it seems that 2 - 4 could be very handy. And here's a crazy idea. Can you imagine if John shared the Valkyrie's specs with the Maliri and they used them to replace the fighters in their fleets? I think they are the same size or smaller, and MUCH more flexible and powerful. And since they can be used on both land and sky/space, then that decreases the need for drop ships. I would think that once it is known that the Maliri fleet has been enhanced with progenitor tech with Dana's enhancements, if anyone saw a Maliri fleet approaching along with a swarm of Valkyrie type mechs, that they would just lay down their arms and say "We give up!" if they had any good sense at all. As a side note, it probably wouldn't hurt for John to "help" the Maliri fleet commander to obtain better battle tactics, situational awareness, and prescience, a la Calara.

Bp Hlpt

Since all of the psychic powers and abilities originally came from John, whether he knew it or not, it makes sense that they all could eventually have similar skills, and I think they should try to achieve this goal, even if they continue to have specialties or areas that they prefer to be involved. That way they could better back each other up, work together, bounce ideas off each other, and split into different groups without sacrificing any one group's abilities. I think that John's issue with this will be his fear that he is changing them all into perfect soldiers against their will like the old progenitors. All of the girls, including Helene, Jehanna, and Devereux, have tried to convince him that he is worrying too much, that his personality and "goodness" will not allow his fears to come to fruition, but I assume that his fears will continue to exist, even if he seems to be slowly convinced that they are not as bad as he thought. Of course, I understand that worrying that they might is one of the reasons that they won't, but I still find it a little annoying every time he spends too much time arguing why he shouldn't do something.


I think we've seen that the girls physic powers are grown (if that's the right term) from their individual skills & temperament & fit with their original jobs on the Invictus . Alyssa as the first & Executive officer , learned to help John with navigation & piloting but she surrendered these tasks as other were added to the crew that were adapt , to free her for her major role of second in command & John's right hand in combat . Then came Calara as Tactical officer , with her natural talent enhanced with precognition etc. , Then the added Dana/Sparks as Armorer , Rachel as Ships Doctor . Then came Irillith as Electronics & Counter Intelligence , Sakura as body guard / protector & so on . In each case John's physic gifts have enhanced the girls natural gifts , some of course echo & over lap which can only make the overall team stronger . I think the specialization will allow for them to build stronger powers than if they try to do everything John can do .When LK watched the Battle of Terra he thought all the destruction John & the girls laid on the Kintark were John's doing , so those seem to be powers that Progenitors have , so anything the girls can do he can too . I will hope that despite his reluctance the other Nymphs get powered up , after centuries of sexual slavery he wants to let them live rewarding lives but I think he'll find that like Jade their most rewarding life would be helping he & the crew . Besides the idea of a unit of Dragons is too cool to pass on :-) .


It took Jade months of training and practice, as well as several harrowing experiences in the astral plane before she could adopt the Jade Dragon form in reality. Now that she knows how to push and shape her body into various animal and unique forms, she should be able to teach the Sisters how to do so without them having to go through months of their own shape shifter discovery.


Dawg, I like the idea of the Lionesses having distinct psychic powers and abilities that otherwise compliment their skills and personalities. I agree that they do not need to have all the powers that John may posses. However, I do think that each of them should be able to form hex shields for defense, protective and resilience runes for power management, and telekinetic or force effects for offense. John agreed with Sakura that a backup weapon made sense. In this case, the backup would be psychic, to augment their personal combat arms. I am also more convinced that each of them should finally carry a laser/slug thrower sidearm.


The deployment of Claymore Gunships and Vice Admiral Dacres' fleet to reinforce Admiral Morgan's border fleet is an important development. We have not seen Brimorian attack craft yet, but Claymores were superior to Kintark heavy fighters and bombers. The challenge will be to train up enough TF pilots who understand its capabilities for them to make a good showing as they did at Olympus and Terra. Dacres' ships have upgraded power cores, warp drives, engines, heat sinks, Brimorian shields, longer range sensors and other upgrades to their weapons. The Brimorians will be tested by these vessels in a manner they did not expect.

Bp Hlpt

It is also not known what the size of the Brimorian force is, with or without any support from their allies. With the exception of when John and the girls are directly involved, going against larger forces has to this point been the Teran's downfall.


Alot is dependent on the Brimorian fleet attacking Terran space (newly acquired or not) and or the Kintark Empress calling on Terran or Invictus help. The Deep Lord will be surprised to see Terran vessels with Brimorian shields won't he?

Jedi Khan

I believe the Brimorians have a smaller fleet than the Terrans do, given their smaller empire territory (according to Tefler's maps). However, thanks to their advanced shields, they've previously been able to match the Terrans in fleet power despite being outnumbered nearly 2 to 1. Now that the Terrans have been given a whole bunch of new tech, the Brimorian shield advantage has pretty much been negated...or will be once the new tech has actually been deployed fleet wide.

Jedi Khan

Indeed. Dacres' fleet will be a great equalizer for the Terrans if the Brimorians attack, if not giving the Terrans an advantage over the fish. Given what we've seen of the Brimorian shield tech, I believe that in the past the fish could successfully go toe to toe with a Terran fleet even when outnumbered 2 to 1. With Dacres' fleet equipped with a slew of advanced tech, the Brimorian shield advantage will be pretty much negated.


Athgiloi's spies know that the Terrans salvaged Brimorian shields from the Kintark invasion fleet. As Jedi noted, he is probably unaware of how much stronger and faster Dacres's fleet has become.


In battle It's one thing to kill all the troops fighting you ( the Queen sacrificed her drones et al without regard ) & what they Kintark did at Dragon March , killing surrendering troops & attacking civilians ( there were no Kirrix civilians ) . It's not the number of troops killed but what the circumstances of the battle dictate . I might have missed it but I don't remember any Kirrix surrendering . The Queen & the Hive mind only begged for mercy at the very end & by then Alyssa was too angry at their physic attack on her , the Queen was already to wounded to have survive the damage & what Alyssa did to her was more of a warning to the rest of the Hive mind .


No Kirrix is a civilian. They are basically organic killer robots. Every single one can and will try to capture sentient creatures.


Wow this conversation! I really wish ya’ll would have these in Discord for me to read. Using Patreons comment section is painful haha. Anyways really enjoy the theories and points made this chapter.


Where did the shroud come from? I dont remember it in the previous chapter.


It’s new to the story as of this chapter. It might have been hinted at earlier on but not sure.


Speaking of the Maliri, John and crew have a ton of unfinished business. The refit of Maliri fleet assets will be rolling, but the Invictus will get priority. Maybe they can repair and improve the guest quarters on deck four. Dana will have to share specs for new upgrades to shields, power, and weapons, while delving into new thrall plus ideas and science. Sakura can discuss with military leaders about adapting Valkyrie-type mech tech and powered armor Marines to their fleet operations. John will not only have to schedule quality time with the Young Matriarchs, but also with the other senior House Matriarchs, fleet commanders, planetary governors, engineers and friends of the Court. Dana and Sakura can discuss improvements in Maliri traditional armor based of Paragon innovations. Irillith will have to scour the oldest computer records and data files while Tashana organizes an archaeology dig to discover more ancient knowledge, artifacts and relics. They will want to locate MN's Throne Planet and find his Soul Forge. John, Sakura and Calara will train in Maliri sword techniques and martial arts with Luna. Jade and her sisters will take turns, between shape shifting practice, helping John recruit more Wards. Dana, Irillith and Faye will have time to expand and improve her servers to allow for additional avatars. Design, construction and deployment plans for the modular space station fortress can get a big boost. John can introduce Ceraden to Henry and Charles in anticipation. Design and construction of the Thrall Bane attack craft for the Invictus can be completed, and a crash production process of a Maliri variant should commence. The Lionesses and Edraele's inner circle should hold strategic planning sessions for the conflict they anticipate with LK. John and Faye can have their second date on Valaden, followed by a vacation for the whole crew.

Bp Hlpt

DD; "Thrall Bane attack craft for the Invictus" ????? What's that?


In light of recent developments, I think the role of Ashana has taken on more importance. They already have enhanced their potential by adding kinetic weapons to their ships and cultivating Drakkar Raiders as shock troops. Additionally, their upgrades of Maliri visiting fleets adds significantly to Edraele's efforts. Dana had already upgraded the original psy shaper so that weaker telepaths could shape metallic crystalline alloys. Now, she believes she can modify the psy tech from the Kirrix dreadnought, to greatly enhance and amplify that effect. This would allow a great many Ashanath to do useful work than ever before. If they can shape CA at 10x to 15x levels, they can mass produce CA armor, components, parts and a wide range of applications. When Dana establishes an Eternity Crystal production process, Ashanath can mass produce those for the allies, too. Consultations by Dana and Alyssa with their engineers may finally provide the breakthrough to design a Pyschic communicator. These technologies and developments will revolutionize Ashanath civilization and transform their historical relationships with their stellar neighbors.


Some typos regarding the number of nymphs when John meets with Helene by the pool after the battle, sorry if it was pointed out already, the comments are hard to follow on mobile.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

As an extrapolation of my issues with Faye breaching John's trust with the bots: I think it important to point out that Tefler does not wag a tail without there eventually being a dog that shows up in the story. All these unseen emotional responses by the bots is leading somewhere, else Tefler would not have put them into the story. That being understood, I think Tefler is planning to have some type of scene, like I have suggested earlier, where one of the bots is badly hurt and the other bots want a funeral or healing to take place. The bots obviously exhibiting a sense of loss. At that point this whole issue slaps John and the girls in the face and they deal with the unintentional AI additions to the crew Faye has fostered. I think Faye becomes their Matriarch at that point and John finds a way to bring her into the Psychic fold...which has ENORMOUS potential for Psychic power (like pulling in the power of Progen Power Cores).

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I mentioned the creation of Psychic enhancers, in the form of small tiaras like we saw on one of the Ashanath tablets of Progenitors, for the family before. Tefler liked the idea and said he would consider it later in the story. Seems we are heading that way.


PLR - like your description of Tefler’s meticulous foreshadowing! There’s many ways this could go, but I am in agreement with the general direction of drift of your thoughts - something will happen to draw this to everyone’s attention, John in particular, and when the dust has settled good things will come from it. I was actually thinking of a more dramatic route to the same endpoint: For some reason the biologicals on the crew get incapacitated by non-lethal enemy action, maybe psychic, maybe chemical. This leads to a full-on boarding action by an overconfident enemy (‘We know thy’re all knocked out..’ ) and Faye arms the boys (can they actually hold useful weapons?) and they rout the boarders and probably capture someone/something key. John & the gang wake up and all is revealed...

Bp Hlpt

I wouldn't think so. That's basically what happened when the assassins boarded and were dealt with by Faye, since no one else was on the ship. No bot battle was necessary.


With Faye and the Boys always available, the Invictus is never unguarded or insecure. Even if all the living crew were off the ship, Faye would still be in control of its operations and security, whether in orbit or parked in dry dock. Any attackers, even using multiple ships, would be monitored long before they could achieve attack range, and Faye could use external and internal ship defenses and hard phase shields to counter any boarding attempt to attack the Invictus.


There were earlier discussions regarding the dynamic range and speed of flight mode for Paragon suits. One commenter opined that this capability was inadequate and limited in range and speed and thus the crew needed a rapid transport option to handle multiple distant scenarios simultaneously. The Raptor adequately performs that role as seen in the combat drops of fire teams on Carolus III. I believe that the Paragon flight mode has not been constrained by such limits. I presumed that not only could they perform orbital and high altitude combat drops, but they could probably circumnavigate a planet or travel through an asteroid belt, or use flight mode to attain planetary escape velocity to rendezvous with a ship in orbit. I even believe that they can play a critical role in ship to ship actions as small but potent penetrators of enemy vessels for boarding assaults. Flight mode is fast and flexible. This capability needs to be shared with the Maliri and other allies over time, not only in personal combat armor, but for any powered armor or mech tech they develop.


The Twins and the Young Matriarchs should conduct several sessions for the Girls on preparing a wide range of Maliri cuisine. Jade and her sisters would happily participate.


As dry dock at Genthalas looms, I wonder if the Invictus needs any other internal facilities. For sure, the Deck Four Guest Quarters need refurbishing. The holo-suite on Deck Three can be configured to watch movies, sports (Titanium Jake) and other entertainment (for guests and crew). They got rid of the old gym after the Drakkar boarding, replaced it with a lock-up facility, and built the Lagoon. No new exercise facility like earlier now exists. I understand that their bodies are continually reset at a high optimum, so traditional free weights, cardio, calesthetics, resistance exercise may not be necessary. Yet I believe that real muscle work is needed, like a jogging path in the hanger bay, a climbing wall, and tight, challenging holographic course for flight mode training. A holographic training studio could be added to familiarize crew on any new tech, weapons, vehicles, etc. Related to this, the Dojo can double as a meditation chamber where John can teach all of them the value of this discipline. I still like the idea of a park-lette arboretum with flowing water sounds, grass, walk paths, flowers, trees and shrubs -- for tranquility and privacy. Onboard hydroponics and aquaculture strike me as beneficial, not only for fresh food production, but for grounding crew with other living things. Individual space -- Wild Rooms -- outside their formal quarters should be allocated to each of the Girls to follow any private interest or hobby or fancy they have. They have a command bridge, combat bridge, armory, engineering bay, medbay, officers lounge and personal quarters. What more do you think it would be nice for them to have?


Something I've been thinking about. Despite the Kirrix looking down on humanity, they're certainly able to communicate and even trade with them. After all, Kirrix traded with the Pirates in the early chapters. The Pirates sold their captured slaves to the Kirrix. As for what they got in return, we don't know. Yet it shows that the Kirrix and humanity were able to communicate and show some form of cooperation, even if it was for sinister ends from two evil factions. So the Hive-Mind know that humanity is conscious, intelligent, and capable of communication, even if it is not with "the voice". So the hive-mind's lies to Alyssa are even more apparent.


Remember the Space Hippies that go into Kirrix space to show that they are peaceful. I remembered Tefler describing an individual lady who was quite beautiful. Might have been a sturing the pot to agitate the bugs.


the arboretum and hydroponics/ aquaculture all sound beneficial and useful. Do you think the Invictus is big enough as it is to carry all of this? Or will this really be the Invictus II - the destroyer class? The 'private' studies would be advantageous to Tashana as she compiles her archaeological findings, Rachel could do more with fauna and flora and write her papers rather than be confined to the lab..... The vessel is going into moth balls in a couple of months (ha ha as if we believe that) is it worth all this investment?


Does John and crew even know about the existence of a soul forge or is it just us readers who know of it?


Dana has seen Soul Forge written on the schematics and it is something they found in the Vulcat achieves


I thought this was interesting: <a href="http://www.deltamarine.com/yachts/invictus/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.deltamarine.com/yachts/invictus/</a> Click the link and dream.


Makes my little 30 foot boat look pretty small, but that doesn’t stop me from powering through solar storms and firing on the Kirrik once and awhile.


Awesome, to misquote Tashana, "You light up my soul when you publish a new chapter" thank you


Hi Tefler can we expect the Ch. 111 in this month.

James Mayer

I have a question. I read this story on Sol, is there any difference between the books on Amazon and what’s posted on Sol.


he said on the last update by the end of the month for ch. 111


Gotta say can’t wait to learn more about Jehanna‘s family and their reaction to all of it. ALSO the wedding is going to be cash money when we finally get to it.


Ramesh and Harini Elani seem to share characteristics similar to Jack and Maria Fernandez. Harini is a sensitive and perceptive mother dedicated to her family, and Ramesh is a stoic protector dedicated to a life of discipline and service. I imagine Jack and Ramesh would enjoy being sparring partners, and I suspect that Maria and Harini would be thick as thieves when planning something together, like a wedding. One difference, though -- Ramesh taught his beautiful, doting daughter how to fight and take care of herself in a pickle.


I wonder if John can fly? Alyssa can telekinetically levitate herself off the ground and hover in the air. Sakura can use her will to command the winds to lift her to hover and move about in the air. I wonder if Dana can fly by manipulating gravitational repulsion and attraction effects on her body? If so, theoretically, John should be able to do the same.


Seemingly out of nowhere we had Jehanna in 110 and no Karron action. As has been pointed out before Tefler is too good a writer to just willy nilly throw things in and usually there is some purpose or connection. Will Jehanna cave and tell her mother the who(s)? Has lynette put a team on Jehanna's folks?


Liberation of the forest moon of Brecken's World will not be achieved in a matter of hours. John thinks it will take three days to defeat the Kirrix, free the hostages and cure their infestations. A Tefler curve is an obvious tease, so do not expect a smooth operation. Three more hours of transit time. Enough time to top up the Lionesses. I wonder what will be revealed? Then onward to Karron.


Maybe the nice young priest and his lovely wife are covert agents of Lynette's protective services.


Is there a large shield generator dish with teddy bears with spears on this forest moon?


End of the month is Sunday, right?


Helene may envy the glowing happiness of the Young Matriarchs, but will be reluctant to leave John to be kept safe with them.


which for some means it won't arrive until their Monday or Tuesday.


Tefler, I know that we're in the 'Return of the King' phase of Three Square Meals (John Blake Chronicles? Unclaimed Legacy?). The pieces have been put into place, the battle for the Milky Way Galaxy and its citizens are at stake, and John and the girls are part of something larger than anything they ever hoped to understand. They've been in harrowing battles one after the other now, and only greater stakes and danger lies ahead. I understand that this is where the plot must go, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. But I wont lie and say I don't miss the more personal and intimate adventures of the Invictus and her crew. Things like John and the girls sitting in a hot tub trying to figure things out. Or taking a vacation on a beautiful beach planet, discovering who they were and growing together. When their great adventure was visiting an alien homeworld for the first time, this quadrant of the galaxy one great mystery to solve together. But now the pieces are in place and war looms. John and the girls zipping from one trouble to the next, a giant ping pong ball of justice and kick-assery. No time to enjoy one another. Little time to grow (which is why I loved Shan's scene in 110. It was touching and beautifully written.), or take the time to enjoy one another. Just one fight to the next. The story must go where it goes, but I hope that there's still some room for smaller, more intimate adventures. Of making the galaxy mysterious and awe-inspiring again. Of the crew growing together without a worry of what crazed battle they must intercede in again. Maybe I'll have to wait until the wedding. That's fine, but I hope that you'll enjoy writing for us the smaller adventures when the big one is finally over. Helene and Faye deserve the best after all, and they're not getting the needed attention when John has to keep filling the others up! ;P


Am with you there. Sometimes I wish that Helene and the Nymphs had not joined the crew on a full-time basis.


Looking foward to the status update for C 111. My anxiety for the next chapter to drop grows apace.


also waiting for the other chapters to be finalised as well....

Big Dude

When John visits Brimor, Jade will sense the deep lord's Lenarran slave. When she realizes LK had something to do with it, Jade will go Super Saiyan Level 4 on LK.

Big Dude

New gun name, TPM. The Piece Maker.

Jedi Khan

Except LK had nothing to do with it. He was seemingly surprised by her presence/existence.

Jedi Khan

Here's something to pique your interest, JFL, since you like fringe science and all that. <a href="https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a23510743/strange-particles-coming-out-of-the-earth-hint-at-new-physics/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a23510743/strange-particles-coming-out-of-the-earth-hint-at-new-physics/</a>

Jedi Khan

Okay, so John's handover to Admiral Zelig got me thinking. What if John's helmet cam wasn't limited to just a view of his head? What if it could do a full body image? Since Dana has created micro drones that can project a holo image, surely she can make a version with a camera? That thought led me to this one: what's the projection range on the Paragon armor's holo projectors on the shoulders? Can Dana beef them up so they can project an image further away from the body? This could be useful for not only conversations via the aforementioned helmet cam, but possibly for creating decoy images during battle. If John could project an image of himself just a foot in front of him during a melee fight, it could throw off his opponent's sense of distance, causing them to strike the image instead of John. Another trick would be to use Dana's micro drones to project multiple images of the team around an area, a.la the rescue scene from the Star Trek Beyond movie. Even if the enemy does figure out which image is the real deal, it would still buy the team a few precious seconds in a fight.


A more interesting use for this technology would be to provide an image of what isn't there... in other words, to present to the viewer, not the view that they should see of the person from their current perspective, but rather, the view that they should see of what's behind the person. This is basically the equivalent of a holographic camouflage system, also known as a light cloak, or for those familiar with the term, a cloak of invisibility. Ever since Dana presented Lynette with her holographic disguise, I've been wondering why it hasn't been adapted for this purpose.


Also... The ‘Decoys’ become a bit more effective if they are actually firing weapons. Alyssa can TK a bunch of guns that move with the holograms. A coordination issue to be sure, but with possible usefulness.


So. I just thought about something. We (in the story and IRL) are so worried about the girls psychological health when it comes to mowing down legions of whoever John points them at, but what about JOHN’s mental health? We seem him regret at what the girls do, but rarely if ever does John himself get horrified at the carnage he and the girls bring. Hardened marine or not, the psychological dampening effects of being a progenitor must be pretty substantial to leave him almost completely unphased at such things, literally thousands and millions of lives destroyed without a si hole moment of regret other than “It could have been different if we were told” or “We could have worked together, instead I had to destroy you” and Tef I think this might be something you’re want to add a scene to address earlier in the story (before the BIG battles begin nonstop as they are now) for the actual E-Book and physics copy, and maybe scenes to revisit this. As far as I remember the extent of his horror at killing enemies was restricted to fighting the rebels (the battle Irillith helped him get over) where he was horrified at the loss of life on both sides. We don’t really see anything in the 3SM ‘current’ events that hint that John isn’t borderline sociopathic when it comes to fighting enemies, and it really doesn’t fit his character that well.


I think that they talked about it during this chapter. When going through the deluxe upgrade process when John designates “Bad dude’s” they see them like ants until it gets to a certain point (AKA Dana and the fleet battle) as they aren’t going full evil mode.


@Big Dude: You’ll have Detritus after you if you take the name of his beloved weapon in vain...


I'm still working on chapter 111 at the moment, but we've had a lot of family visiting unexpectedly which has set me back a few days. I'll probably do the same as last month, giving you the first half of the chapter as a preview, then release the rest at the beginning of October as soon as it's finished. :-)

Jedi Khan

Was wondering what was up, since we hadn't seen a status update post yet.


thanks Tefler, I think i speak for the majority when I say that we will take whatever you give us.


But that doesn’t really stop John himself from feeling like crap about killing people, it just effects the girls


Ahh, family..... lol


Oh well suppose family comes first. No doubt will enjoy the next installment when ever it arrives.

Big Dude

Hey Tefler, Remember when I made the suggestion to you months ago to have a couple extra chapters ready to go for situations such as this? You would not have to "scramble" when unexpected events happen and you can continue to have fun and enjoy the family when they pop in! Your 3SM life wouldn't be compressed.


i just saw that this morning. its one of those awesome things about science that makes the eggheads go 'Hmm that is strange' i hope they find more examples of it buried in the IceCube data.


Hopefully the family visiting is for good things. Enjoy the visits and spend quality time with your family. Thanks for the progress update.


Charlers talked about PTSD for many of their comrades and how many had taken their lives - he also indicated that John was at risk. As he has picked up his progen side he realises his kind have been involved in genocide and resposbile for wiping out whole worlds and species. He does appear to worry more though about his relationships than his past and the scale of death that surrounds them. His guilt that as a dirty old man who is changing the girls to be more focused on him also includes a overarching desire not to see them or his maliri girls hurt or injured (physically or emotionally) - especially in contrast to how he seems to see MN exploiting and throwing away his connections. Perhaps his battle with PJ and his relationship with Athena help balance him out. The one time he tried to opt out of his domination saw the whole crew and the invictus nearly die. At this stage he realised he is important and opting out is not the answer if he is to protect his Pride


Big Dude the problem might be we the hooked might have to wait for a while so Tefler can get ahead. The idea of no stories would be to ghastly to contemplate .... It's going to be bad enough when he devotes time to ebook 4 and so doesn't churn out a chapter...


Ah! Chapter "shithouse"! ;-) (hopefully it won't be that kind of chapter, though! heh )

Big Dude

No GPM, it would not be chapter shithouse. I suggested that he delay the other stuff so he's not under that constant pressure when family gets sick or visits unexpectedly. Take some time and write a couple of chapters that are edited and ready to go so he can have that family time. Just a suggestion. TF4EVA, NoI am not suggesting Tefler not submit every 15 days. What I suggested is to make it easier on himself because many of us pester him with our F5 count down scripts and "are we there yet?" comments! I realize life gets in the way and we wait on his every sentence each 15 days.

Jedi Khan

Big, so how would Tefler get ahead on the chapter count? He's already giving us stuff hot off the press, so in order for him to queue a few chapters ahead so he can eventually take time off while still giving us chapters every 10-15 days, he'd have to break from giving us chapters for at least a month while still maintaining his current break-neck writing pace.


I'm nearly done, but it's getting quite late. I'll finish off the last thousand words or so tomorrow morning and hopefully it should be up by midday GMT.

Big Dude

Tefler you posted in Chapter 110!

Jedi Khan

Remember to eventually finish the edits for 110 as well. After you get 111 done, of course.


Continuity error,'the 12 Tachyon Lances from the topdeck slicing the first drone carrier in half. The Nymph pulled the flightstick back then directly to the left, pushing the battlecruiser into a fast roll that brought the 28 Tachyon Lances on the underbelly to bear. ' Shouldn't it be 16 and 24?


Oh very good! I actually checked my Invictus loadout document and missread it. Thanks for letting me know. :-)

David Shmilowitz

Any word from the editors on when the final version could be ready? I know it's out of your direct control, but maybe remind them it's been a month since you posted this chapter and they still haven't finished the final version yet.


Hi everyone, The FINAL version of chapter 110 is up. I only made a couple of very minor changes from the last set of edits.


Tefler, on page 34, this still sounds off to me: "I haven’t got have any suit camera footage for you,"...think the word have needs to go away, you may have missed this one.


Sorry if this has already been brought up, but the last line is throwing me. "And she’s a lot cuter than Nkkrrit.." Who is Nkkrrit?

Jedi Khan

Leader of the surviving Vulkat, the zombie cyborg spiders.


Mr. Tefler, sorry to be a bother but I promise it's at least worth a look! If you could check your messages/email I'd really appreciate it! Thanks. ^_^


Just rereading 110 on Lit &amp; noticed 'Descending in the grav-tube to Deck Two' as John is going to see Helene in the Lagoon, but should be Deck Three no?


Ah well spotted, thank you! It's fixed in my master copy, but resubmitting to literotica takes weeks, so I'll leave it as it is there.