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*** FINAL VERSION - 1st October ***

Hey everyone!

I haven't quite finished chapter 109 yet. I've still got two more scenes to write, but you might as well have a look at what I've written so far (it's 29k words, so nearly there).

I'll wrap this up tomorrow and update the post with the completed version when it's done.

(P.S. I'm not charging for this post. As I explained earlier, I billed for chapter 109 at the end of August, so the second half is free.)



rich ed

you the man Telfer




early Birthday gift for me :-)...Thanks


Thanks :)


Thanks and do whatever you need to do. We all support you


Thanks for the fix




Thanks Tefler

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Yes - finally - thanks thanks thanks


Thank you


thank you good sir, Cheque is in the mail :-)


Thanks Tefler. Nobody writes like you! Glad you had an enjoyable holiday.

Big Dude







Thank you, Tefler!


Just continues to be totally awesome!!!!!!


yay !!!!!!!


Outstanding! Especially the additional scenes in part 1. Looking forward to final version.


The Kirrix are certainly putting up more of a fight than we would of thought. Also interesting seeing the new Kirrix in action. Will the big bug brain be caught? Nice to see the lionesses taking some punishment (because it is more real that way) rather than John and the Pride just walking through. Will the Terran Fleet be able to take on a Dreadnought if it has a 'big bug brain' and entourage? Karron getting interesting too. Nice one Tefler and looking forward to the rest.


Thnx Tef


Has Alyssa forgotten that she has telekinesis? She can throw the defenders bugs around and not just kill them with her kinetic spears?


Yeah and John forgetting flight mode to get up top quicker then running up ramps. In the heat of battle it’s easy to forget simple things. could of would of should of always came up AFTER a firefight debriefing when I was in Afghanistan.

Jedi Khan

I want those last two scenes now please. <a href="http://funnyand.com/gimme-gimme/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://funnyand.com/gimme-gimme/</a>


let's look for it when the Pride debrief after this


I meant to put something in about that, but in my defence it was 3am when I finished. :-) I've added in a new bit that addresses that this morning!


I'm glad you liked the new part 1 scenes. I meant to mention them in the post summary, but couldn't remember exactly what I added!


I'm working on them atm! I wanted to wrap them up last night, but they were too important to be rushed. I'll get them finished in the next couple of hours.


Thanks! Can't wait to see part 2!


This beast is brand new, as are the psychic shielded guards. I'm loving it!! I wonder if Rachel will find progenitor fingerprints when she does an autopsy on these new Kirrix? Please Sir, I want some more.

Jedi Khan

Seriously, what is up with people's obsession with the possibility that the Kirrix are a Progenitor creation or are somehow influenced by a Progenitor? Why is it so difficult to believe that they might actually be a naturally evolved species that have absolutely nothing to do with Progenitors?


Alyssa got a bit cocky didn't she. John and the lionesses probably need to revisit their squad formations given their new 'powers', smaller fire teams and the new kind of psychic foe. It maybe nothing changes but already we see limitations in what they are doing currently.


Jedi, Terran forces have been repelling Kirrix incursions for over 40 years. In the last 6 months since John transformed, LK has appeared on the scene, pitting all the races in the area against each other, while upgrading their weapons and/or armour. The Kirrix have suddenly come up with a brand new ship, new defenders with psychic abilities, and a new Brood Mother with awesome psychic powers. The Terran Marines would have struggled to win a battle against the juggernauts, which were not seen in John and the girls' first encounter, let alone these new models.


"John nodded thoughtfully, turning to look at the mangled remnants of the hive ship behind him. “Maybe it’s time...” Alyssa placed a gauntleted hand on his chest. “You know we’ll back you all the way. The Maliri will understand if you want to take a little detour...” " Maybe I am being a little dense this morning because I do have a headache , but what is he refering too? Looking for his fathers crash site? Facing his Progenitor Nemisis?

Big Dude

What was that strange thing Tony saw when he went into the collapsed crater and tunnel. He paused when he got closer, finding that the corner of some kind of big metallic object had broken through the ceiling, its weight probably contributing to the tunnel’s collapse. The strange tan colouring was unlike anything he’d seen before, and Tony ran a hand over its pockmarked surface, feeling tiny indentations under his fingertips. I wonder...


Great chapter, thanks Tef. It's good to see (well, not good, but you know what i mean) that the crew aren't infallible. It makes the scene all the more dramatic. As for the Karron story arc, i'm lovin' it. Tony and the girls are great characters and i hope they get to safety eventually and Rachel can fix them up with her magic touch. It's crazy that i'm so into their story that i'm annoyed when you switch back to the main story.


Beowolf….I believe that they have been fighting the Kirrix for centuries , they had swept them back a hundred years ago or so which allowed the expedition to Arcada . I do believe from what we have seen that this was the first major invasion &amp; not just raiding parties to grab people to use &amp; might be why they hadn't seen the Juggernauts &amp; Guardians &amp; Queen before . If the Queen is creating Hivelords &amp; Broodmother they have been around &amp; John knew of them &amp; how to kill them so they at least have been around pre-LK . Also the juggernauts were at Khalgron but the Dreadnaught with the Queen &amp; her guards were not .


The Achonin might have even been a Progenitors thrall race , maybe the yellow skinned red haired ones Alyssa saw being killed aboard the Legacy , as someone pointed out MN there still had his beard &amp; a nasty attitude which dates it much earlier than Ranagon's invasion . Could explain why Enshunu knew of the old Masters &amp; why they were puzzled the Maliri were able to defeat them when they couldn't .


I am thinking I see two more lioness on the horizon. Wounded birds from the past.


They will probably just be healed, and then stay with their savior. After Alyssa does a mind probe on everyone


The vulnerabilities of the fire teams in this battle sequence will push Dana's armor and weapons specs to a higher level. The personal shields need to be upgraded to solid phase, and the resilience of their CA weapons casings has been defeated -- leaving Rachel vulnerable without offensive power. The Paragon armor was penetrated by psychically enhanced blades and mental energy darts. John's battle runes met the challenged posed by the Kirrix Queen's shields and telekinetic darts, but the others were nearly overwhelmed by the Red Guards. Dana' new magnetic field and gravity well abilities are situationally perfect, with other potential powers displayed after her combat drop. Rachel needs better defensive shields and offensive options to survive increasingly lethal combat scenarios. She knows thrall combat is imminent.


I agree fully. I am so enraptured with Tefler’s writing that I do not want to complain. But the swapping in mid action sequences almost made me scream. I love this story so much though that I am reticent to critique it in anyway.


I admit that I'm a bit slow; however, have all the updates to the chapter been loaded? I've been putting off reading until it is actually complete.


Still rereading old chapters - in ch. 107 Jade remembers that the throne room where the nymphs were freed was on Kythshara, so postulates that the control room probably was too, then Irrilith says the last time we saw Mael was in the control room when he broke the bond with Valada. We also know that Genthalas was built in Mael's time. Now I don't remember if it states anywhere else that Valada relocated the Maliri homeworld after contracting the Maliri borders, &amp; if so that Genthalas would have had to relocate too (can it even move?), but if not is it possible that Valaden is just Kythshara renamed after Mael's disappearing act, &amp; Genthalas, once fully back online, could turn out to be Mael's soul forge. Maybe Tashana found the Nexus that was in the control room, rather than a thrall facility... any takers?


What is the status of chapter 109 final?


While waiting for the final version I wanted to mention something I noticed while browsing new amazon kindle sci fi releases and there seems to be a new genre I never noticed before called "Harem". Not really a genre but lots of new releases and best sellers included "Harem" in the title. TSM is the original Harem series. I've purchased a few and they're okay but of course none compare to TSM especially the sex scenes. I guess my point is maybe Tefler should rebrand his ebooks with "Harem Space Epic" or something similar in the title to attract more buyers/readers. He also would need to upgrade the quality of the book jackets as they're pretty much standard sci fi jackets and don't really express what's on the pages, i.e. there has to be 2 or more beautiful women on the cover for each. Just a thought maybe others can chime in on. Only want to help Tefler get paid.


It might be a consequence of their easy victory over the drones and juggernauts on the planet. The Lion(esses) have not really had a challenge lately. With Calara assessing battle strategies victory is almost a foregone conclusion. Now they have no real intelligence on the rarer Kirrix and the strategy must be to adapt. No plan survives contact with the enemy.

Big Dude

If he does as you suggest Mark P then he won't get the young adult crowd. TSM as a particular "RING" to it!


OK I might be reading too much into it and assuming that Telfer conforms the old stereotype of apiarists among Brits (like Sherlock Holmes), but the Kirrix seem like fairly typical eusocial insects like bees and ants. The "special" eggs might be for the rarer types like queens, guardians, or juggernauts like bee drones and future queens. Likewise the different types are similar to the specialisation in ants and the parasitism is similar to wasps like the Jewel Wasp. Is Tefler an entomologist specialsing in hymenoptera in real life?


I think this is yet another great chapter, except for two things that I just can't let go of. First, are we to assume that Tashana's control over her fire sprites is solely dependent on line of sight? If not, why didn't she summon fire sprites and have them proceed, say 50 or 100 meters into the Kirrix ship and take out the initial massed opposition? Second, the Alyssa and the others had just used flight mode to get to the top platform, but they just stand there ON THE PLATFORM and let red guardians -- who can't fly, as far as we know -- assault them?


No it’s not all done. Currently we have 109 part 1 and either half or more of part 2 of 109. And the second part is supposedly coming out tonight/tomorrow morning (US based time since I am in it)


Shhhhhh we need tension and I am assuming that they don’t want to fly do to the physic bolts and they went up to the top of the platform and I am believing that they might not have enough room to really exploit their flying. Just enough space for Sparks to pull them away.


I've added a bunch of new scenes, bringing the chapter up to 32.5k words. I hope you enjoy the ending! :-)


Looks like Ch. 109 is now in its "complete" form. Time to jump in and bash some bugs!


Excellant as always, and like always I am left wanting more. Keep up the great work.

Jedi Khan

Dat-ta-da! Alyssa to the rescue! Yay! I don't suppose we want to know exactly what Alyssa is going to do the Hive Queen, do we? "Hell hath no fury" probably doesn't quite do Alyssa justice in this moment, does it? While I am curious to know what sort of...punishment...Alyssa has in store, it's more of a morbid curiosity than anything else.


Awesome job keeping it fresh - I was starting to fee a little disconnect with the story so I reread from chapter 90 this past weekend. I love how you lead us in one direction and then come up with some twists that keep us on our toes. I also love how you incorporate the feedback from your readers. I remember a few issues that popped up in my mind when I read the drafts and when I reread the final versions this past weekend i saw that those issues were addressed! Awesome work, keep it going and glad that this platform is allowing you to support your family by doing what you love!

Jedi Khan

Do you mean the complete chapter, as final implies it's fully edited and ready for posting to Lit and SOL? If you do, then it's up now.


Hive Mind recalling in astonishment , I think should be recoiling


Thanks Tefler, excellent as always.

Jedi Khan

"TSM is the original Harem series"? Not the right word to use. The harem genre in literature and other media has been around a long time, a lot longer than TSM. TSM just happens to be one of the better offerings, so I'd replace "original" with "best." Besides, the harem aspect of the story has kinda taken a back seat to the actual plot and story. As for the book covers, those are actually original pieces that Tefler had commissioned and are available for viewing here on Patreon if you're a $2+ member. He plans on having pieces done for each of the girls, which will then be used for book covers, alternating with images of the Invictus and/or other scenes. He can't really do anything too risque for a book cover because of censorship and whatnot. I think. I'm sure there's a good reason, at least.


10/10 outta the park once again. See you in 10 days and can’t wait to start giving you your well earned money.


Loved the ending. Great job


Yeah that was awesome! So did the Kirrix and Vulkat get invaded at the same time? Maybe our part of space was an insectoid empire before the progenitors wiped out the unsightly creatures. Now we need to know what this shroud is, and how can Alyssa remove the Luphids sterility to bring the Kirrix on John's side? How did we know the Kirrix called themselves Kirrix if they didn't talk to us? If their homeworld is Kirra nix the name Kirrix must've come from them. How much psychic energy do the matriarchs have left after this battle? It seems like Jade has a ton left and so does Edraele. Seems like the crew were nowhere near exhaustion after this battle. Thanks for another amazing chapter Tefler, and I'm looking forward to see the Kirrix playing doctor for Perl, Kelli, and Tony. It seems like they have some super healing salve technology. Was John's dad the on who attacked the Kirrix and when they finally thwarted his genocide he crashed on Arcadia? So many questions, so much time until 110.


It feels like Alyssa is about to end the Kirrix invasion and somehow compel the chorus of queens to withdraw, or else. What a twisty Tefler curve is that? Now Jack only has to worry about triage and patrol.


Congrats, Creator. Another gratifying episode of twists and feints and really big reveals. Now we know that the top of the Kirrix hierarchy is a collective consciousness of unknown numbers that guide their species. I like the idea of an indigenous symbiotic alternative for procreation, once Dr. Voss' genius is seized with the challenge, as it fits John's ethics and opposition to genocide. I wonder if the Kirrix will retreat from Trankaran space at the same time? And will they leave behind all of their human and Trankaran hosts and cargo?

Big Dude

Teller, I never saw that Hive Queen conversation coming. Reminds me of the Vulkat Queen conversation, but from a friendly stance, instead of this one being so adversarial. These plot twists make TSM such a compelling read.

Big Dude

I also love Jade being Alyssa's super psychic eldritch reservoir. Imagine if John powers the other four Lenarrans like that? Mo powa Alyssa sez.

Big Dude

I just decided to reread it for the 3rd time. It was BADAZZ!


Hey, can anyone tell me what year this all takes place?


How the fight with the queen played out will, in some way, foreshadow parts of the upcoming conflict with Larn’k. Alyssa, quite possibly deadlier by far than John, but normally overlooked by adversaries until it’s too late. She’s the ultimate left field surprise that keeps on giving...


Plus with the other Nymphs feeding into her Jade will be a regular psychic power station!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Won't matter what John says to the Admiral in the AAR. The Admiral is going to fly into the system and see all the carnage...all the kirrix forces slain, and the Invictus unscathed. He will be so dumbfounded nothing else is going to register. And when he is told of the change in plans and that the Kirrix are in full retreat and that he will need to split up his med techs to send them to the other worlds/planetoids he is going to not believe a word of it until he starts getting feedback from the border sensors. Thing is, since Alyssa mentioned the Trankarans as well, those Kirrix will be in full retreat also. This leaves the Brimorians in a pickle. Suddenly the Maliri Fleet and the Trankaran Fleets are free to defend the Kintark...and with the Ashanath sending the Drakkar Marines (Fresh Fish anyone?) The Brimorians are going to be wondering what the hell happened. Can you imagine the Brimorians sending most of their Fleet assets to Kintark space only to be met by two Fleets of Maliri (the ones helping the Trankarans and the ones at Ashanah), 4 fleets of Trankarans, a fleet of Drakkar, and a fleet of Kintark all led by the Invictus? BTW: if Dana can create gravity wells then she can create wormholes...Biologic Wormhole Drive anyone????

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

By the way, Tefler, the additional scenes made a great chapter an epic chapter....well done! Don't change a thing....except for possibly these two things I caught? Those detonation actually hurt...detonations outta sit down for a minute...perhaps oughtta?


Glad Tony &amp; the girls survived , was puzzled they tried to get to Space Station , should have known Kirrix would be there . Know they were worried about Perl but think it would have been safer to hunker down somewhere Kirrix had already cleared out &amp; hope to last till someone came to find survivors .

rich ed

another fantastic chapter as per usual. its looking like nearly all the space faring races in this universe are ruled by women. i wonder if that will play a major part in the final show down?


Thanks for letting me know about those! I've fixed them now. Glad you enjoyed it! :-)


I agree, it's not what I would have done. I'd have probably searched the mine compound for medical supplies (like antibiotics), and taken my time to clean and dress Perl's wound, knowing the Kirrix were unlikely to return. Then I would've hunkered down for another day or so depending on her condition, giving Kelli's ankle a chance to recover. The truck got them back fast, but it was way too noisy... staying off the Kirrix's radar was more important than anything. But that's all with the benefit of hindsight (for them). :-)


Thanks for all the feedback everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! As you can see, the final scenes were quite important, so I wanted to take my time with them to get them right. It was fun finally revealing the backstory to the Kirrix and the reasons for their actions. :-) I doubt I'll add anything major to the chapter now, but I only handed the second half over to my editors last night, so I will wait to see what they suggest! Now it's time to get cracking on chapter 110!


I didn't come right out and say it, but yes, the Kirrix and Vulkat were attacked during the "War of Heavens"... As for the Shroud... you might have to wait for the sequel for an explanation for that one. ;-)


Awesome ending, can’t wait to find out what this shroud is. But aylissa is right just because humans aren’t psychic does not make what they do right. Obviously the Kerrix are no longer endangered, yet they continue invading, shrug I’m with the girls, send them home to rest...... in pieces.


hey is anyone else haveving trouble downloading it


just checked and it's working fine for me (on PC using Firefox), it even brought down another updated version dated today at 10.28.


thanks Tefler for another great chapter. Don't think my heart would have coped with your usually cliff hanger ending but I am already anticipating what is to come. Am looking forward to the Terran reaction when they drop in, seeing how the Invictus chooses to go to Karron, the happy ending for Tony and the girls - especially discovering what the strange tan coloured metallic object with the pockmarked surface is, ALyssas ongoing discussion with the Hive mind, the debrief of the pride, Dana's new developments around shielding to include psychic weapons and what ongoing journey of Helene and the other Lenarrans. Thank you Tefler and I look forward to all the chat before the next installment


"You look like you just fought your way out of the Khargon tunnels" Khalgron?


Wonder how long the shroud has been working? 40 years maybe? Since LK turned up but then the Hive Mind did not seem to have any recent memories of 'one of his kind'. I'm not sure why they did not recognise John as one of his kind physically or recognise the thrall tech. Is Rachel sounding alot alike the good drs on Tartarus? With Alyssa's 'understanding of the psychic Kirrix does rachel need to do her experiments on the Kirrix? I wonder what part Helene will play in healing the Kirrix or will it be just Rachel? Looking forward to 110


On a totally different subject, Like to discuss Faye. I'm starting to have some doubts about her based on a few instances in previous chapters. I know she jokes alot about subjugating humanity, but there have a few scenes with the her "boys" that give me some pause, in one scene the bot's "High Five each other" when going back and forth to the cargo bay, in another they almost bump into each other when bringing old armor plates and taking out new ones doing a little jiggle around each other then work it out and as they pass one pats the other on the shoulder. then in another while john is on the black shuttle going from the battleship to Jack's ship the turn and wave at the shuttle as it passes by. John asks Faye how long it took to program them to do that and Faye's response was slightly cryptic "oh a while". Seem's to me something is going on with Faye.


So glad you didn't leave either of those storylines hanging... I think I'd have gone crazier than Crazy waiting for 110!


Yes! gravity powers! thanks, Tef! now i'm wondering about Helene. perhaps, since there was some kind of barrier for giving Rachel her power that took some effort for John to break through, there could be something that allows Helene to utilize her compassion in some manner? perhaps something only available once John absorbs his guide or meets with his father? food for thought.

Big Dude

John was in Paragon armor! The Hive Queen had no frame of reference for John or his powers. Was amazing how the Hive Queen dispatched Rachel's Reaper Cannon. Maybe Alyssa will extract that information from the Hive Queen and the Hive Mind?


maybe Helene becomes the new mother of the Kirrix and leaves the Invictus creating a close alliance between the two nations - especially once Rachel and Alyssa sort out the Shroud and reestablish the normal reproductive cycle of the Kirrix. Is it a small step from localised gravity wells to worm hole generators?


I was super worried for Tony, Kelli and Perl. I actually want them to become players on the larger stage.


another out standing chapter THANK YOU from all of us

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Gravity Wells and Worm Hole Drives: Dana can create all the psionic power she needs with the Ashanath converter...just ramp it up to crazy levels. She is already creating gravity wells...and sustaining them without stress. Have the Progen Power Core provide the energy and the Ashanath converter convert it to psionic energy...that way Dana can use the Power Core the same way John and Alyssa do their Wards. Use it to double or triple or even icosa times (20) her power level....heck, make it a chair and have her power the thing with the Progen power core.


Just keeps getting better and better

Big Dude

When John absorbs his PJ, those hidden "gifts" will manifest themselves in John. Every time John displays something Alyssa doesn't expect she gets "hot". I expect Alyssa will benefit from John's improved Progenitor stance with additional powers. Remember, when the Hive Queen smacked John around Alyssa got really pizzed and delivered the flaming Telekinetic hand (bitch) slap to the Hive Queen. And she did the mighty hand without Jade's assistance!

Big Dude

Here's a thought... Alyssa sends the Kirrix to Vulkat and the Vulkat Queen regenerates her brood using Kirrix parts. Bugs will be bugs! Then the Vulkat attack the Brimorians from the ASS side while the Maliri front end load them!


Alyssa will inform Lynette about her encounter with the Kirrix Hive Mind and the outcomes. Lynette will be able to redeploy medtech and counsellors to the Outer Rim in coming days. Alyssa can also inform Niskera so that as the Kiirix withdraw, they can move on to other priorities. Lilyana will be able to return home via TF space aster she shares the tech specs and shields with the Trankarans. Rachel can use her treatment facilities in the Invictus' hanger while things settle out, then donate her modified sonic canons and anti-infestation treatment protocols to the TF fleet. Jehanna can get images of the mission from Faye to transmit via TFNN. Dana can get working on the upgraded mass fabricators in anticipation of a flurry of work on their armor, weapons and shields. The Twins will have time to work with Faye to scour the Vulkat archives for useful tech and materials. The psychic transmitter idea needs to be developed so tha Edraele's efforts at Genthalas benefit from the newest weapons, shields and power systems. Otherwise, a rendezvous with Maliri ships might be needed as they travel to Arcadia to share those designs and specs.


If Dana cannot miniaturize solid Paragon shields, maybe she can still incorporate them into a combat hover bike.


What a great ending to 109 - FUCK YEAH!


Sorry still alittle worried about Alyssa murdering the Hive Queen who has surrendered. I was more okay about it when we thought the Kirri were not sentient beings but now we know their backstory we should have more compassion. Perhaps the Queen could be processed as part of war crimes or even mass murder. There is no doubt there is cause but....


law is just a sociopolitical convention. justice dose not require mercy, or humanity. everyone has power and choice; even a slave. who else is going to clean up this mess? who else will decide? no one.


Just a thought, harking back to an earlier incident. If the Kirrix can only communicate telepathically, and couldn't "talk" to Terrans, who set up the trade of prisoners between them and the pirate king who had Jade. Over to you Tefler :-).

Big Dude

Everyone, I was asked above where did Tefler mention that the Shroud would not be answered until the sequel. Look under A Human's comment at least a day ago. You need to review all comments under 24 hours every day else you miss those important tidbits of the plot. People answer other comments in-line all the time.


Maybe the rogue Bolon was the conduit - they have a translator don't they?


Tefler wrote one day ago: I didn't come right out and say it, but yes, the Kirrix and Vulkat were attacked during the "War of Heavens"... As for the Shroud... you might have to wait for the sequel for an explanation for that one. ;-)


You know 'the shroud' has a real stellaris streak in it. The game has the shroud concept in it too.


I haven't played Stellaris in quite a while... it must have been in one of the newer updates. At the moment, I'm waiting for them to do a combat overhaul, because the space battle mechanics I found a bit simplistic in the original game.

Big Dude

Telfer, this may be a silly question but one has to ask. I remember you mentioning you create a moving storyboard. Is this on a wall in the man cave or is it a multidimensional spreadsheet?


Is anyone else getting an error trying to download the complete file?

thomas rodrian

First, thank you for the story; I really enjoy reading it. Second, I thought the Karron side-story might cause PTSD problems for Dana and Alyssa until the last scenes in 109. On the one hand, this would make them look less omnipotent with all the frailties of mere mortals. On the other hand, I was looking forward to seeing them reconcile their hatred for an old gang leader turned quasi hero. Should Alyssa do a Weber on Tony; she already knows sufficient information to justify an execution. Do recent Tony events outweigh her recently acquired moral code? To say I am irritated right now is a massive understatement. I really wanted to see Alyssa’s decision for Tony and then her plead mea culpa. Even a progenitor can make mistakes. Regardless of which action she chooses, it is wrong. Tony paying for sins of the past, also punishes Kelli and Perl. Ignoring Tony’s sins of the past makes a mockery of her admiralty actions. IMO, the situation with Tony is not an ‘ends justifies the means’ like with Admiral Zelig.


Really great chapter tef! We finally have a battle of psychics, fascinating how many different kinds of attacks can be made. If it's a psychic attack, then the sky is the limit. Maybe John and his lionesses should spar not with swords but with the mind? Learning how to effectively use all that power seems to be the bottleneck at the moment


Thanks for the interesting comment! "I thought the Karron side-story might cause PTSD problems for Dana and Alyssa until the last scenes in 109" Why did the last scene change that? Because he got shot? He's wounded at the moment, but not dead. "I really wanted to see Alyssa’s decision for Tony and then her plead mea culpa." That scene wouldn't happen until John and the girls arrive on Karron, so I wasn't sure why you were irritated at the moment? :-) It's an interesting idea though, and a potentially interesting source of drama, so I'll give it some thought until it comes up.


I have a couple of word documents that I work from. One lists every major character in the story and brief notes about them (ship names, physical descriptions etc.). The other lists the scenes I want to include in the current or future chapters. That document helps me structure each chapter and decided what's going in where. I haven't made either publically available because both contain spoilers! :-) The word doc for the Battle of Terra was an exception because that fight was so large and complex. I created a separate document to track that, which I added to a status post shortly after 100 was released.


Yeah, they've been neglecting their psychic training and suffered for it here. You can expect to see more coming up!


Have you finished chapter 9?


Chapter 109? I haven't edited the second half yet, as the editors haven't had it for very long. I doubt I'll add any more major scenes, so it'll probably just be spelling and grammar issues, as well as a few extra lines added here and there.


I'm dieing here. I caught back up to you and now I'm hanging waiting for 110 ;)




I await chapter 110 with bated breath awesome chapter.

Idaho Spud56

Is 110 done yet? LOL.


Naw fam each chapter is 25-30k words so he needs more then 3 days to get a chapter done lel. So he said that the next one will be out on or a day or two after the 20th.


Its deffinatley time for some mental exercises


after each new chapter comes out I just go back and start at the beginning....lol back up to chapter 35 again


So... is this the finished version yet? I've been so bored camping...


nope he still got to put the final version up yet....


Great chapter. Thank you.


Awesome as always Tefler! Thank you.


If John takes Tony and the girls on the ship as crew, what will Tony do? Progenitor’s don’t use men in their female armies. And won’t Tony get jealous. He has a thing for Kelli right?

Bp Hlpt

Dark Storymaker's timeline is tremendously useful indeed! Many, many kudos to Dark Storymaker! Has Dark Storymaker's timeline been updated since chapter 103? Will the link that Tefler copied to the first post under "Reference Document" automatically get updated whenever Dark Storymaker's timeline gets updated? If not can Tefler please provide a link such that it is?


I don't think that they will take them on the ship like you said they are all ready in a relationship.

Jedi Khan

The link goes to the master document, so there wouldn't be separate links for different versions since there's only the one. Which means that if the timeline on there ends at chapter 103, then DS is a bit behind.

Jedi Khan

If you mean has it been fully edited and is ready for posting on the free sites, the answer is no. If you mean has Tefler put in all the content he planned on for the chapter, then the answer is yes. There is a chance that Tefler will make some adjustments and/or add content during the editing process, but for the most part, the chapter is pretty much complete.


It’s not a question of mockery but an examination of redemption. Tony, unlike the admiralty members, chose to save others, performed heroic acts, examined his past life decisions, came to grips with his own bullshit, and began visualizing a better future. The question will be, how will the three act once the pressure is off? How will Alyssa be affected encountering people who are choosing a new path? They are all three, wounded birds.

Jedi Khan

What Ashanath converter? The telepathy to audio one? That's the only one I'm aware of. The only other Ashanath psychic device that's been in the story is their amplifier, which takes psychic input and boosts it so their engineers can shape metal.

Jedi Khan

Tefler, got a bit of a question for you, intended to clarify some of the science of your brilliant story. What is the difference between the barrel velocities of the Invictus' old Mass Drivers and its current Singularity Drivers? In the past, it's been stated that the Mass Drivers fired at hyper-warp velocities, and that the Singularity Drivers are an improvement on the Mass Drivers. But what exactly does that mean? Is "hyper-warp" a faster than light speed, or is it a speed approaching the speed of light, but still slower? Both weapons left faint trails of blue tachyon particles in the wake of their shots, but does that mean the shots were traveling faster than light? If so, how much faster? If you don't have a specific number, how about in comparison to the Invictus? A chapter or two ago, I put forth what I considered to be a brilliant bit of deduction that supported the idea that the Singularity Drivers delivered shots at FTL velocities. Others had questioned if the Singularity Drivers had such a capability, and while I could not recall a specific reference in the story, I was sure the weapons did indeed fire at FTL speeds. So I used the presence of the blue tachyon particles with the Mass Drivers, and the lack of those trails with the Singularity Drivers, as evidence. Now that this chapter has shown the presence of tachyon particle trails in the wake of the Singularity Driver shots, my thesis falls apart. So now I have to ask for a definitive, straight from the source answer. Do the Singularity Drivers fire shells at higher barrel velocities than the old Mass Drivers? If so, how much faster? Are those velocities faster or slower than the speed of light? Exact numbers are not required, but could prove enlightening to some of the math nuts around here.

Jedi Khan

I believe it has been mentioned before, Tefler, that you tend to listen to music for inspiration during various scenes, like a battle sequence or something like that. Came across this gem recently and I think it would make for a great soundtrack to when John faces PJ, LK, and/or his father/mother. Might also help to watch the series it's linked to so you can get the full affect. <a href="https://youtu.be/9OZ-yNdKw3o" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/9OZ-yNdKw3o</a> Thoughts?


By the time the Invictus gets to Karron will all the Kirrix have 'bugged out' (assuming ALL the Kirrix in the systems are withdrawing to defend their home planet)? Are Tony and the girls the only survivors? How will the Invictus crew find the Achonin (we assume from the description) relic? Will Tony recognise Alyssa and Dana (Sparks)? What will calara and rachel unveil or find on Karron about ALyssa and or Dana?


Jedi, this is what Calara had to say about the difference between the Mass Drivers and the Singularity Drivers in Chapter 69 page 8 in Literotica John glanced at Calara, leaving Dana to enjoy herself for the moment, and asked, "What do you make of the Singularity Drivers, Commander?" She smiled at him, then replied, "A direct upgrade to the Mass Drivers, Rear Admiral. Essentially the Singularity Drivers are a rapid firing, longer range, more potent improvement."


still wondering whether the Hive Mind is made up of just Hive Queens or whether there is still another group of Kirrix in the mix. The answer may not come until the sequel when the Pride cubs (or will the original Pride still be out cruising the highways and byways of space looking for trouble?) venture forth and heal the shroud (does this mean the Kirrix survive this round?). Like a number have mentioned definitely interested in how the Kirrix worked with the pirates.


Just a wild thought for all on the forum. What would happen to a Nymph captured by the Kirrix?

Jedi Khan

That's something Weber and his mad doctor on Tartarus wanted to find out. Probably best that they never did. Or are you talking about a Nymph that hasn't been bonded and is looking for a new master? Would it try to assume the form of the ideal mate for the Kirrix? Do the Kirrix even have a defined male/female gender? We know they have queens and hive lords, but the hive lord is responsible for laying the eggs while the queen is responsible for caring for the hatched grubs. Does that make them male or female? What of the drones and other Kirrix? Are they male or female?


Can someone explain Shroud to me?

Jedi Khan

From what little the Kirrix showed Alyssa, the Shroud is either the "disease" (for lack of a better word) that caused the Kirrix to no longer be able to have a symbiotic relationship with a creature from their home world, forcing them to become parasites that use other sentient creatures to incubate and hatch their young, or it is what the Kirrix have called the symptom.


After the battle with the Asanath and Drakkar, the motley crew gave solid shot cannon to the Asanath because Drakkar ship armour repelled lasers. Now they just dumped 12 cannons for even more lasers. Are Tacyon lasers armour piercing against laser reflective armour?

Jedi Khan

It wasn't just because the Drakkar had the black armor that was resistant to energy weapons. Mainly it was because the Ashanath's laser weaponry wasn't powerful enough to completely negate that resistance, while the Maliri's lasers and now the Tachyon Lances pretty much cut through the energy resistant armor like butter. Of all the empires, the Ashanath probably have the weakest military tech. Their armor is an aluminum alloy and they relied exclusively on laser weapons. While the Trankarans and the Maliri both are also exclusively energy weapons, their weapons are stronger than what the Ashanath and Terrans use. The Terrans compensated by using projectile weapons in addition to lasers, with the projectile weapons excelling at ripping apart armor. Basically, it comes down to the fundamental difference between energy weapons and projectile weapons. Energy weapons are just that, energy. No mass or anything. The energy can be absorbed or reflected by a ship's armor (mostly absorbed); how well that armor can stand up to the energy weapons depends on the metallic properties of the armor and how it's designed. At some point, the amount of energy being poured into the armor will exceed the amount that can be safely absorbed or reflected, and the armor will melt. The better the armor's absorption or reflective properties, the less effective energy weapons become. Projectile weapons, however, fire solid chunks of metal or shells filled with explosives. Doesn't matter how much energy armor can absorb or reflect if it's being hit with a solid object. At that point, armor thickness and strength become a factor, determining how much force the metal can withstand before failing. With regards to the Tachyon Lances, it's not that they're armor piercing against laser resistant armor, it's that they put out so much power that whatever energy resistance armor has is completely overwhelmed. At that point, when armor energy resistance is no longer a factor, it makes more sense to have a uniform weapon loadout consisting of energy weapons, and converting the former internal ammo storage to other purposes. Except in the case of the Progenitor black armor, that is. We don't know how good that armor is, we just know it's better than what the team currently has.


Is this the final version or is he going to add more?

Jedi Khan

It's the final unedited version. He's still waiting for input from his editors on part 2, so there might be some changes, but they'll be minor for the most part.


Now that Alyssa has instigated a Kirrix evac from the outer rim and we suspect the Trankarran space in order to protect the home world (as he vision projected) how will Jack Fernandez alleviate his guilt and prove to himself and Maria and Calara that he is still a hero?

Jedi Khan

By being there to help the infested. That was the plan to begin with, the only difference being that it's now a bit safer without having the Kirrix in the way. Of course, we don't know for sure if the Kirrix are in fact pulling out, we're just hopefully assuming that they are. For all we know, they could decide to group all their forces in the region together for a massive attack on a Terran core world in retaliation.


Jedi I think we can safely assume that the Kirrix have withdrawn and are not doing so in order to reset and surge forth onto a core world. The whole fleet will be withdrawing driven by the notion of coming up against one of them (ie a progenitor) again and the angst of the primal racial memory being reinforced by Alyssa killing their Hive Queen, threatening their home world and giving the Hive Mind a slap. They are in survival mode so trying to consider attacking a core world will probably definitely be off the table. The question are they withdrawing with larders full or are they jettisoning the bodies?

Jedi Khan

People were predicting that Alyssa would gain control of the Kirrix and do whatever back when 108 was released, maybe even with 107. Would Tefler really be that predictable? He's probably got some sort of twist in mind to keep us guessing.

James Mayer

They have always wanted to investigate Kirrix space. This is classic side quest. I believe they will agree to a full release of humans in exchange for promising to journey into Kirrix to investigate the shadow.


Just wondering, other than the Vulkat and Kirrix being psychic and insectoid, has anyone else noticed any common characteristics in the psychic species? The Ashanath are humanoid and there was that gelatinous alien species that John and Alyssa met on the first space port visit that also psychically raped Tashana. I wonder if the Progenitor encountered the ability in the two insectoid species and engineered it into his experiments. I also wonder about the Achonin and whether they were also a psychic species. Otherwise, I think that the species as simple resource (John and the Girls all eat meat from what I assuming non sentient life forms but that may be debatable). I think Tefler is trying to draw parallels between the Vulkat and the Kirrix. The Vulkat accepted extinction (I don't remember if Rachel had the healing power at that point) but might be revived by Rachel now? The Kirrix took an extreme and arguably immoral action of knowingly using sentient species as a host. The Vulkat even described her children having lost hope and done the "unthinkable" act of committing suicide. After which, they suffered the indignity of becoming zombies. Also, the Kirrix Hivemind and the last Vulkat both described their "children" as "beautiful. I think that this is supposed to evoke some sympathy in the crew but much less than the Vulkat. Isn't John's new name in Maliri, "Righter of Wrongs" (I want to say Baen' Thelas)? As he has with the Maliri, Ashanath, and Trankarans, would righting the wrongs done to the Vulkat and the Kirrix also count as righting wrongs? I honestly don't know as my psychic insight into Tefler's mind is lacking.


cho..do you mean Vulkat &amp; Kirrix ? both were "wronged" by a Progenitor , so maybe there is a path back for the Vulkat from extinction &amp; a way forward for the Kirrix that doesn't lead to their extinction too . One thing that seems common to the physic races is the lack of vocal organs , the Bolan , as you say are a mass of a gelatin like substance &amp; I don't remember a mention of a mouth on the Ashanta &amp; although the Kirrix seem to click &amp; also scream when dying , most earthly insects of that type use pheromones to communicate , which would be impractical in space or armor . just a thought .

Jedi Khan

Okay, here's a thought that could very well be a game changer. We know that projectile weapons are completely useless against shields, the shells just harmlessly bouncing off or whatever, causing no impact to the shield strength. We also know from this chapter that the team's new hard shields will stop any solid object from passing through, be it drop ships, missiles, or debris. However, doing so causes a corresponding drop in shield power in a similar manner to when hit by energy weapons. So, knowing that solid objects can now interact with and reduce the strength of the team's new shields, does this mean that projectile weapons are now effective against the new shields? Think about it. Solid objects traveling at a fraction of the velocity of the shells fired by projectile weapons are causing damage to shields, so why wouldn't a cannon shell?


Tefler, Kirrix characteristics and bodily structure make me take notice when you refer to John cutting into their femur or radius or other bones that do not exist in insectoids with chitinous exoskeletons.

Jedi Khan

Has Rachel confirmed that the Kirrix don't have an internal skeleton? I don't recall. It's possible that they do, with their carapace serving more for protection than structural support. Either way, literary license. Even if the Kirrix don't have those bones, saying that John is cutting into them is just another way of telling us what parts of the bugs John is cutting off.


They should effect the shields. The drain would be minimal at best sure to the nature of the environment.


Tefler. Was doing some re-reading and I saw that jab. It’s Eggplant. Not your weird UK English, it’s a weird purple elongated egg thing. Thus. Eggplant. I will fight you IRL in Roblox over this Sir.


Omg this junky needs more amazing story. Can't wait for the next scenes😢 gotta love Dana and here wanting to step up her game on the equipment.

CJ Mora

"Holy shit!" Not sure what else I can say. They done pissed off the wrong Progenitor: John might have cut the Kirrix some slack because they're simply trying to survive, but doing that to Alyssa is like 'poking the bear'. (You just don't do it unless you have a death wish. ) To top it off, if John knew what they did to her, there wouldn't be any mercy; they would have burned that bridge. Holy shit!


Methinks she'll rune all of their equipment with John's help. Maybe augment the weapons with battle runes tied to their own psychic power reserves?


Alyssa is more than a Terran - she is progenitor. If the Kirrix had known she and even John were Progenitor (they obviously haven't seen the clips of the battle with the Kintark that everyone else seemed to be watching) would they have acted in the same way toward Alyssa in terms of battling her (includes trying to 'psych her out with the image of her infested) or even talking to her or engaging with the Invictus?

James Mayer

If there are only male progenitors before this story took place what does that mean for a child between John and Alyssa. John doesn’t want and male children because of the genetic code for progenitors. If Alyssa is a full genetic progenitor does it mean the might give birth to a superior progenitor no matter the sex?


But it doesn't have a shell and it's dark purple! I don't know what kind of crazy eggs you've been eating. :-)

Bp Hlpt

When talking about weapons, I wonder about EMPs. It was stated that an EMP could cripple the Invictus, so it seems appropriate for a shield upgrade that can protect against them. And if an EMP could cripple the Invictus, then I assume that they are equally effective against other species' ships. So should Dana come up with an EMP type weapon that the Invictus could deploy effectively?

Bp Hlpt

As to Helene and her role on the ship, I can see ship improvements made to include a space where they could grow fruits, vegetables, etc. I mean, if they can have the lagoon, then ... Helene's background would fit to run that area, and it would fit with John's desire for her not to be directly involved in fighting. She could also become the head cook. With the crew continuing to grow, it could make sense. Yes, she could also become more involved with other nurturing, or "mothering" aspects of crew support, but because of her current level of naivete, she has a lot to learn before she could truly be effective. I would say that she could learn to be Rachel's nurse, but with very, very few exceptions, Rachel's cures are "one and done" with no nursing care required. But there is absolutely no way I can see Helene becoming involved with the Kirrix in any way whatsoever. No way, no how. Nope, Not happening.

Jedi Khan

I've been suggesting that for awhile. It would be especially useful if she could develop a cannon shell that emits an EMP pulse when it detonates, that way the TFed could make use of it with their ships. Combined with a proximity fuse rather than an impact trigger, Terran capital ships could saturate an area occupied by a hostile fleet with EMP bursts, knocking out shields quickly and crippling ships. Even if the ships aren't completely knocked out by the barrage, it would still play havoc with their sensors and other electronics.


What the crew really needs from Helene is for her to be their morale anchor. They are showing a real risk of not being the true good guys if something doesn't change. The carrot and stick is in danger of being replaced with the sledgehammer method.


John and crew aboard the Invictus are teetering on the slippery slope from being defenders to becoming conquerors. Their powers are increasingly more vast and unassailable. No more skulking around for them. Is it inevitable what Lord Acton suspected about the corrupting influence of absolute power?

rich ed

Jees, there are some salty commentators on literotic regarding the speed of the roll out of new chapters. Why do they just not suck it up and pay like we do. Sheesh you can be here for $1 a chapter so I am pretty sure missing buying one coffee a month would not be too much of a hardship. This community is far nicer, I found TSM on literotic around chapter two so I sometimes go back to see what they are postulating. The last chapter there 107, the comments, just wow!


I refuse to miss out on my coffee, I buy each of my kids one less soda instead.


Well it’s also (not 100% sure on how much this REALLY effects this) the time it takes for Lit to read through the works. As from what I have read they read through and moderate everything that gets uploaded. So they could just be unlucky and having to wait for them to get to 108. Or Tefler is waiting on uploading the chapters for some reason.


yup some people forget it is probably one of the longest stories on there now!! If they want it earlier join here.....


Is it reasonable to demand the writer provide his free stories as and when the ungrateful expect it and or answer their demands for satisfaction? I think not. I agree long running and good quality so if they want to get in early join here - otherwise wait like the rest of us.


I'm wondering if, when John and Alyssa finally bag this last behemoth Kirrix if he might be a hybrid descendent of the Vulkat race? John's mother encountered his father in what is now the Kirrix empire. If they beat themselves to an almost extinction and with the Progenitor desire to conquer all. This could have been his "Hail Mary" to see too the destruction of his enemies. Additionally with Alyssa and Rachel they may be able to let them (Kirrix) know that the Progenitor/Mael'nerak lied about this abduction and implantation as their only source of reproduction. Rachel can figure that out and Alyssa can put them in touch with their Queen Nkkrrit. Just wishful thinking but John is going to be needing some hard hitting allies and if the Kirrix do turn out to be Vulkat. He'll save that race and gain a formatible ally against the other Progenitor, whatever is brewing up in the Unclaimed Wastes, and Brimorians. Additionally they could be the a guardians for the Abandoned. Of course I'm only looking for a happy ending.

Jedi Khan

Um...let's see if I was able to follow that. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. First, you're wondering if the Hive Queen that Alyssa is currently giving a very painful and terrifying death could perhaps be a Kirrix-Vulkat hybrid? Second, you're referring to John's dad saving the Kirrix from their death spiral and turning them into a force that he unleashed upon the galaxy to get revenge on his enemies? Third, the Progenitor that drove the Kirrix to use sentient beings for reproduction lied to the bugs about that? And finally fourth, that Rachel can "fix" the Kirrix, after which Alyssa connects them with the Vulkat queen?


I guess it sounded clearer in my head, but the clear up a few points. Alyssa isn't giving the current Hive Queen a painful and terrifying death. The way I understood the passage when I read it is that intent was to subdue and interrogate. What I was referring to with Rachel is that any physical damage inflicted on this Hive Queen can be fixed if the Hive Queen can be reasoned with, she can also determine if they are descendants of the Vulkat race and are compatible for reproducing. I suggested the Kirrix hybrid as possibly being descendants of the Vulkat/Progenitor war. We know that from Alyssa telepathic link with Queen Nkkrrit that her system was invaded by a Mael'nerak and his thralls had yellow skin. It seems that around this time that the Mael'nerak over the Maliri released his most trusted Matriarch and a large number of his thralls and the Lenarrans. Then he went to face off with the invading Progenitor and I’m taking a leap to assume that some of the remaining Vulkat joined the fight. *Note that when John and Co. went into Vulkat space most of their ships were primarily intact it was just their species that had not lasted. If the former Mael'nerak of the Maliri imparted this knowledge (of sustaining their species) onto his Vulkat allies they could chase the other Progenitor and his thralls to the ends of the universe. But in several thousand years it’s not easy to remember where you come from. There was no mention of a Kirrix race when John's mother met his Progenitor father in what is now Kirrix space/empire/whatever. I believe there will be another Progenitor (John’s father) that has remained hidden for whatever reason and will come to John’s aid or not. I hope I explained myself more clearly and again this is all speculation.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Ummm...I think you might want to re-read the last scene or two. My understanding was the Kirrix hive Queen was going to die rather agonizingly for hurting John and for all the death and suffering the Kirrix hive mind has caused.


Yip Alyssa was sending her Pride away to deal to the human prisoners while she executed the surrendered Hive Queen prisoner and tortured the still linked Hive Mind (I suppose it did try to resist didn't it and they have done atrocities in the name of survival). Thereafter she will drag the poor body off to be experimented on by Dr Voss. Both the Vulkat and the Kirrix were victims in the "war of the Heavens" which saw Progenitor against progenitor and lots of collateral damage including these two psychic species. The Vulkat and Kirrix appear to be different species and I'm not sure we are ready for zombie Kirrix. Alyssa is confirming the infamy of progenitor DNA but just maybe rather than total genocide some may survive in some little corner of the world. Like the Maliri I guess any surviving Kirrix will tell boogy man stories about when "one of their kind" comes to town and what happens when grub Kirrix don't eat their veges.... John maybe the righter of wrongs but 18 year old Alyssa...???


I concede, I don't know how I missed that. But it looks like she's ending the whole Hive Mind. Being that they can't collectively push her out, when she's done there'll be a lot of Kirrix ships either floating in space or on the ground. I can see her unleashing her wrath on them and ending their collective. Having been a Soldier once I can say without a doubt it's easy to end an enemy that shows no remorse for their actions only contempt for yours. But it's another thing to live with if you know you had a choice and you could have completed your mission without taking a life. I guess I never thought about it much at the time, I was ruthless and vengeful. My mind set at the time if God wants them he can have them, but when you're home the Monday morning quarterback (second guessing yourself) starts. Anyway before I reread the Alyssa kicking ass what I wrote was just a SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guess), I'm not writing the story I'm just loving it. :)


Oh! Wow!! I just re-read the edited CH. 109.... AWESOME! Lesson to the whole universe: ** DO NOT** Fuck with Alyssa!! Making HER mad is a HORRIBLE mistake!


oldman, I suspect many of us on patreon also SWAG and sometimes even USWAY (un-scientific wild ass guesses). Do you think the Kirrix had contempt for non psychic species? I suspect the earlier post posing the question as to whether the Kirrix attitude to chattels (i.e those without voice) was as much (or little) as we think about cows, sheep, pigs, chooks, fish etc etc. may well be correct


What do you think Alyssa would do if John left the toilet seat up?


That could be true, except cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, fish, etc., don't make space craft and declare war on everyone who isn't like them. And if you might follow the bible, the above mentioned are from earth and "in accordance with the bible" man has dominion over all creatures that walk the earth or swim in the sea. I'm not not trying to start a philosophical debate about beliefs or belief systems. All I'm saying is that Kirrix using humans as host was a conscious and deliberate act. It may have been planted in their subconscious but they were aware the were taking the lives of sentient life forms psychic or not .


I'm a fairly new subscriber although I've read the entire TSM story on SOL up to chapter 108. Can someone explain the time line of Tefler's postings. I don't want to read a chapter or part of a chapter until it is finished and edited. That would be like buying a part finished novel from a book store and taking it back the following year for the finished version. I'm quite happy to wait but on the 3rd September Tefler writes he will be finished with Chapter 109 by the 8th September and be working on chapter 110 which will be delivered by the 20th September. It's now 18th September and the completed 109 is not yet available and I am somewhat unsure how the timing is delivered?


Tefler will tell you if a chapter is still under edit or final. Periodic status updates help. But if you are like many of us, you will eagerly read each iteration more than once, then savor the final version -- until anticipatory anxiety ruins your calm until the next chapter is posted.


NO, NO , wrong, Dr. Dadd....it's: "I hope, for the universe's sake, that there is more than one toilet!" ;-)


This is what I was waiting for! I came for the smut but stayed for the action and story.


For sometime the question of how the pirates &amp; Kirrix came together so they pirates could sell their prisoners to the Kirrix , who John &amp; crew then rescued , has bugged us (sorry for un-intentioned pun) . Now we know that it's safe for a physic being to deal with them without becoming "mommy dearest" . I believe we know of a Bolan who was dealing with the pirates at Underworld &amp; could be a prime suspect &amp; just maybe in learning everything the Queen knew , Tashana will learn his identity &amp; where to find him &amp; expunge one last bad memory .


That would be an interesting twist to the story. If the same Bolon that violated Tashana also was the mediator between the Kirrix and the Chendar pirates. Maybe even more if they also learned he was working for LK to stir up crap. If you remember there was a Bolon on the Underworld station when Tashana had her meeting with Hades but there was no mention of him being there when John and the crew rescued Tashana later. There was also no mention of that one being Tashana’s attacker or that he was dealing with the pirates.


If that Bolon was still on the underworld when the invictus arrived, the red wave would have marked it for destruction.


Paladin there was an Enshunu who got incinerated? If there was a Bolon there and it was the one then it would make things very interesting. Beowulf if the Bolon has some psychic ability it might have shielded against Alyssa's red wave and stealthfully exited stage left


Beowulf, I would think from the description of Alyssa’s method of marking the good from the bad she might have noticed someone putting up a mind shield to escape being IDed. I would think Alyssa’s powers even at that stage out does any Bolon. Again nothing was written so there is no facts to say yea or nay if that Bolon was still on the station at the time of Tashana’s rescue. TF4EVA,,, IF the Bolons are psychic? I think it has been established that the Bolons are psychic. They are telepathic and can see Alyssa’s psychic aura. Then if you missed it during the meeting of the Brimorian Deep Pool when it was discussed that they needed someone with psychic powers to manufacture the eternity crystals they thought the might be able to get the Abshanth or the Bolons to help them.... Maybe another twist,,, when they go to whoop on the Brimoians the Bolon they are seeking is there trying to help them with the crystals


I am a little confused as to the status of 109 (1+2). Tefler states :"Three Square Meals - Chapter 109 (1+2) Patrons only Sep 9 at 8:58pm *** EDITED - 11th Sept - added a bunch of new scenes! *** Hey everyone! I haven't quite finished chapter 109 yet. I've still got two more scenes to write, but you might as well have a look at what I've written so far (it's 29k words, so nearly there). I'll wrap this up tomorrow and update the post with the completed version when it's done." So is the version that we are reading the final version of 109. If so I missed when Tefler posted it. Sign me confused..


The *** EDITED*** line I added in later, when I'd done some additional edits to the chapter. I add in a note saying FINAL, when I've completed all the editing. :-)


Hey Tefler one more edit for you. “the edges still glowing with the heat from Calara’s orbital strike” John called Calara down to offer close in support. So not an orbital strike.


Since you know so much about the story,,,, What was the Invictus’ distance above the planet when Calara “sliced and diced” the Kirrix dreadnought? OTK... Close fire support just means supporting fire is close to friendly troops, not the distance of the target from the platform providing the fire support. A B52 can provide close air support from 50,000ft, it doesn’t mean it’s coming in at treetop level. Fire support was my military specialty,,, trust me.....


@Paladin &amp; David While what you said is unquestionably true, Paladin, it's also true that when doing said close fire support with directed energy weapons of such power, you'd want to close the distance to target to further reduce the likelihood of the consequences of poorly-aimed fire impacting your friendly forces. This is just common sense. Taking that together with the already established ability of the Invictus to enter the atmosphere and hover...David's suggested interpretation of "closer-in" is not entirely remiss. It may behoove Tefler to clarify that language a little to more precisely set the scene in his readers' minds - whether or not Calara strikes from orbital or atmospheric range is not exactly a moot issue... Imagine the scene from the point of view of one of the rescued colonists...seeing the Invictus hovering protectively now over the city in the place of the displaced Kirrix behemoth that had hung there so oppressively a short time earlier and firing on the downed dreadnought...How loud would YOU be cheering in that crowd? :-)


Grandpa,,, it isn’t a moot issue when David recommends an edit based on his assumption. As far as accuracy,, yes accuracy of the firing platform plays in the decision of employment. But people seem to forget that with technology back in the mid 80s one of the SDI experiments was to hit a 8” target on the orbiting space shuttle with a laser on the ground in Hawaii. We have been bouncing lasers off the moon since Apollo 11 when the first laser reflector was deployed there. Yes the laser beam is 4 miles wide when it gets to the moon to hit the welcome mat size target. But it is still roughly the equivalent of hitting a moving golf ball with a rifle from 6 miles away. If you have noticed Tefler has never put a range number to any of the weapons on the Invictus. If you do not want to open a can of worms, don’t go into details.)


I've just gone through the last edits and created the FINAL version of chapter 109. Sorry for the delay anyone waiting for those!


Is this just grammar &amp; punctuation or can anyone tell me if there are any scene changes/additions please?


Paladin it’s time to head back to your bridge. First I never claimed to know “so much about this story” just pointed out what I see as an inconsistency. Let’s talk details. A B52 has a max ceiling of 50,000 feet. It is close to impossible to reach that height with a a full load. It’s optimal mission altitude is a bit over 40,000 feet. Any mission executed from that altitude is more along the lines of carpet bombing. Even a guided missIle would never be considered close support. Never trust the word of someone who says “trust me”. It’s all in the details right?


Sooo... just wondering how Sakura can stay inside the Invictus' shields and fire on the Kirrix' ships...


hi Tefler - I believe there are missing words / punctuation after "murky-looking yellow" in the latest version of chapter 109.