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Hey everyone!

As I said in my status update a few hours ago, I'm heading off on vacation, so I won't be able to get the chapter completed before the end of the month. 

Here's part 1, which I've just sent off to my editors. I'll be finishing off the second half as soon as I get back from holiday (I'm in Ireland for the rest of the week with the family).

This preview is 15.5k words and the completed chapter will be ~30k words as usual. This one is a paid post, but the rest of the chapter will be free, I won't be charging you twice for it!

I hope you enjoy the preview, I'll be back in a few days. :-)




Woo hoo


Enjoy your trip!!


Enjoy your vacation Tefler!!!! Thanks!!!


Thank you, Tefler! Have a wonderful vacation time with the family!




'moving ever so closer' -> 'moving ever closer'


Sounds great sir, safe travels...... Dunno what we'd ever do without you lol


Thank you oh great spiritual leader! :)


Thank you Tefler, Enjoy your holiday and family time. Recharge the batteries.


'flamee' -> 'flames'




Cheers Tefler, Enjoy your break. We will still be here when you get back.


“You won’t believe what John’s being up to!” -> “You won’t believe what John’s been up to!”


'mediation and abstinence' -> 'meditation and abstinence'. After all, mediation and meditation are quite different, even if only by a single letter. ;-)


A very enjoyable beginning, Tefler! Thank you!


Good start with fabulous imagery e.g. stalking Siberian Tiger. Yeah the Tachyon Lances are working as are the solid shields. Sakura brings the dreadnought down but John sends her off to rescue others in the Hive ships while John and co make entry through the hangar - She's already there why not get her to open up the ship from the back forward? Be interesting to see the capture of the 'big beast' and just what Alyssa can learn. Alyssa and Jade could of course just rip the outer plates off of the dreadnought where the captives are (much as Jade did on her Hive ships) to expedite their release. Is there a way for Alyssa to learn Kirrix language enough for Irillith to discover a way to enter the Kirrix cyber world? Is the hint that the terran population is unsure if not afraid of the 'powerfu alien' saviours something to watch for in the future? Nice one Faye in looking after Helene and dear oh dear what will we do with Helene? Does John saying maybe its time indicate the long awaited detour to Acadia? Enjoy your break Tefler and look forward to the second part of this story.


Have a good vacation!


Thanks Tefler, have a great vacation, you deserve it.


You know, Tefler can write a battle scene like few others. When you think about some of the battles in previous chapters, its amazing that he can continue to push the barriers in terms of thrills and seat-of-the-pants suspense. I fear that I'm gonna need a sedative before I read the chapter detailing their final battle with LK ;) Damn fine work Tef, you continue to amaze!


Anybody else picture "I dream of Jeannie" when Faye blinks?


Why is there no record of the kirrix dreadnought before? What is the thing that noticed John taking a look see, and how will the team deal with it? All this and more, to be answered... soon-ish!


John now has the 4th ability from Excalibur in Warframe.


"Off to do what a Progenitor does best...." lmao


Rachel posited that there was a higher level mind above the hive lords and Broodmothers that exerted some kind of control over the juggernaunts and drone Kirrix. Is there a relationship between this being with more psychic abilities than the ordinary Kirrix and those long vanes sticking out from the forward section that looked vaguely like antenna and four strange iridescent panels swept out from the central hull of the dreadnought. The thing seen and more interestingly blocking our hero's psychic x-ray probably met or knows LK me thinks. This invasion fleet seems as big as that which attacked the Trankarans but there was no dreadnought there. What is different now?

David B

Wow and awesome start to CH 109!!


I'll consider this an early birthday present thank you tefler


Opening her huge fang-filled maw, energy crackled around her teeth, building into a pulsating nimbus of light. She let loose a searing beam of pure destructive force, the terrible blast vaporising everything it "touchED" as she swept it across the park.


Isn't the Raptor nearer 40m than 30 in the opening section, or am I getting mixed up with something else?


Enjoy your break.


God that was a delicious appetiser, now where is the main course :-) enjoy your break

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

A few things that I noticed. Raptor is 40 meters, not 30 to be a perfect fit her hands....fit for her hands? sawing a drone’ legs.....drone's legs You won’t believe what John’s being up to!” what John has been up to (No possessive and been is past tense...appropriate since John has already done it.) Ocher or beige....which is it? You use both. So we get down...cut down

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Also, If Calara cut the Dreadnought in half, that was where, or dangerously close to where, the Terrans were being held captive according to the description in the story.

Jedi Khan

"This is a horrible defensive position. Let's use it." Even bad tactical options become good ones when you're OP enough. lol

Jedi Khan

It was interesting to see that the Nova Lances are still more powerful than the Tachyon Lances, even though the Tachyon's are supposedly the original tech that the Nova's try to copy. Granted the Tachyon's have a higher fire rate than the Nova's, but the Nova's have a longer range and can one-shot kill fully shielded ships, where it takes five Tachyon's just to drop the shields.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

So the Tachyon Lances are 15 times more powerful than a std Terran Beam Laser and have twice the range...with 40 installed the Invictus now has the firepower of 100 Terran Std Cruisers in beam weapons alone. However, after the last refit at Genthalis I thought the Invictus had 72 photon lasers? And the 6 heavy cannons were replaced as well. So it seems the Invictus should have 78 Tachyon Lances...that would make the Invictus have the same Beam Laser damage as 195 Standard Terran Cruisers but with twice the range. Didn't the Invictus have 72 Photon Lasers? So it should have been 72 plus 6 plus 4 plus 2 or 84 Tachyon Lances built?


------ second weapon refit ------- 2 singularity drivers 2 nova lances 24 beam lasers (16 on top deck, 8 on underbelly) 64 pulse cannons (full coverage - 32 in any direction) 16 gauss cannons (on underbelly) - 10m length, fast tracking turrets, hits harder (+barrel, +power) 6 heavy cannons (topdeck only) - double barrels, lighter so can turn and track faster. - 40m length ------ third weapon refit ------- 16 gauss cannons upgraded to 16 Heavy Quantum guns 24 Photon Lasers ---- fourth refit ----- Heavy Quantum Guns and Photon Lasers upgraded to 40 Tachyon Lances (with flux heat-exchangers). – pentadeca shaped.


Each photon laser is, I believe, a triple barrelled weapon. And remember, the Invictus does not have 40 Tachyon Lances installed, some of those were fitted to the Valkyrie (4?) and Raptor (6?)

Jedi Khan

Let's hope Calara didn't hit that big creature either, whatever it was. It obviously has a measure of intelligence, and some power, if it could sense John looking and then block him. I wonder...can it feel fear? <a href="https://youtu.be/b65MLS6_w9Q?t=6m50s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/b65MLS6_w9Q?t=6m50s</a>


Friggin awesome... love the fight scenes. Well written Teff!!


also - blistering heat incinerating the insectoid soldiers WHERE they stood.... and ...blast vaporising everything it touchED as... and can you give someone PTSD? I think John is suggesting he doesn't want to trigger any PTSD like symptoms


"They’ve had a busy day. I think they just need to rest... in pieces.” Tashana, that was 100%, pure, unfiltered cheese. I've never experienced such unadulterated art in my life. Thank you Shan. Thank you. (Tefler, there's no way Ril doesn't laugh at that 80s Action Movie line. Please have her respond to such Gouda cheese!)


Awesome, Great installment!


Awesome Ch. , interesting to see just how powerful they are with physic powers , underscores how just one Progenitor can conquer &amp; destroy a world . Jade's encouragement for John to leave behind his weapon &amp; go forth as a true Progenitor was great . Do have one question though , with what they can do , why wade through them to rescue the Terrans , why not just cut through the side of the ship &amp; go straight to them ?


Tefler, you have done it yet again. Great chapter, can't wait to see what happens next. Thank you


Despite being only half an action focused chapter so far, theres been two pretty important character developments that have struck me. 1. John is growing more confident/dominant in battle. The way he addressed Edraele and then attacked "with a feral grin" shows that in battle, hes exuding his natural Progenitor tendencies more and more. This isnt necessarily bad, but it remains to be seen how this could affect him outside of battle. Which leads me to point two. 2. Faye asks Helene to help them. While somewhat vague, I believe that Faye understands that such bloodshed and violence can cause two reactions: despair and guilt as seen in Dana, or a coarsening of their value in life. Both are dangerous paths to go down, and so the Lionesses and John need a beacon of love, innocence, hope, and care to nurture them. Helene can be this for them, and I hope we can see her embrace that role. We have our warriors. Rachel and John can heal wounds, but perhaps Helene can mend to their hearts and souls.


Stay away from the Blarney stone whilst you're over there. Last thing we want is it being jealous as someone has too much of the Gift of the Gab


interesting thought Go. I suspect the dreadnought was a little underpowered to be truely considered a 'normal' progenitor ship and the Kirrix fleet were armed with normal kit rather than thrall technology. The Kirrix normal nature seems insectoid like - particularly ants, termites, and the use of the term drone seems apt. Must admit on one hand I was expecting some black metal or some souped up kit if LK has been involved but on on the other not surprised if the 'hive' mind entity lurking on board isn't linked to an Acadia influenced central intelligence


Agree Bigdawg that Jade's call was a good one. It seems lately she has come more into her own and with the Anchonin glyphs and LKs comments about Celphna it makes me wonder if not knowing stuff about the Lenarrans and Jade in particular might be a potential worry. Also agree about the apparent waste of energy wading through the dreadnough masses when they can use the can opener options meaning they can control traffic more effectively. Cutting up the vessel only slows down the defenders not stops them. The Terran forces will be arriving soon so they can complete the boarding actions of the hive ships thus I wonder if the best use of the pride would be for them all to be making multiple entries and rescues on the dreadnought. Mission priority now would seem to be to capture the big brain and rescue the masses


After Carolus III will the Kirrix begin a withdrawal in the other systems, carry on or send reinforcements? do we expect a dreadnought to be in every system the Invictus goes to? Is a dreadnought a sign of the presence of a big brain or just that they are serious about taking as many to harvest as possible? How will the Terran Fleet deal with a dreadnought and or big brain if there is one on Tasmaris Prime? What and or who will the Invictus find on Karron?


Great! loved it so far - moer!!


I have to admit battle scenes are boring when they are so one sided. Starting to be like Mont Python's Men vs boys rugby match in the Meaning of Life here. Perhaps the big bug will make things more interesting in part 2. If not now that we've seen them come into their own with their powers hopefully we won't have to go into this detail with liberating each world the Kirrix have captured. Perhaps something with Karon since it's home for Dana and Alyssa but please not all. Seems to me if I was the bug central I would have my ships on the other world cut and run with breeding stock they have loaded instead of getting caught on the ground like they did the last two times. Perhaps chasing them will provide the motivation to head out to Arkadia for a family reunion. Out of curiosity why are they even screwing around with the kirrix at all? Only 4 lightly populated worlds that Terran fleets could handle. Strategically it seems they should have headed back to Genthalus and start upgrading Maliri ships.


Another reason why I wonder whether the pride concentrating on the dreadnought is to divide the entity's attention. It obviously recognised John's scan and blocked him and is directing Kirrix response. Multiple entries by the Invictus fireteams might mean more Kirrix (especially juggernaunts, Hive lords and Broodmothers) are taken out, divides the entities attention, gives the entity less places to hide as they encircle it's position and if it is able to block all psychic activity (ala the blocker used by the Kintark emperor) there is more fire power available. It also means freeing the prisoners and capturing the entity can be worked on similtaneously. Does Irillith need to take out the electrical systems before the self destruct button is pushed on the bridge of the dreadnaunt?


I agree Dave, if the big brain on the Dreadnought truely is intelligent then it would have communicated to the other big brains and Kirrix fleet commanders that all the hive ships need to lift off with what they have and head back to Kirrix space with the Kirrix fleets fighting a rear guard action if necessary. I guess John and the Invictus are dealing to the Kirrix in terran and Trankarran space because he promised. With the Lion and his pride coming into their own, Acadia close and an emphasis on Helene saving souls I wonder if we aren't moving quickly to some sort of conclusion??? It looks as if none can stand before the Invictus and its crew except a progen - don't think the Enshunu or Brimorians will fare any better than the Kirrix.


Is there only one (admittedly big) habitation per world per system? If the Kirrix came to earth they would be spoilt for choice and like the movies like indepence day suggest there would be multiple landing sites. The Lion and his pride are taking on 16 Hive vessels (and a dreadnaunt) at this location - there are no others on this world?


Good point on self-destruct button while John et al are on the ship. Practically a no-brainer decision for a hive mind. Solve one big problem for them all at once. Also highlights how stupid it is to enter a strong psychic’s ship


Story plots that need solving: 1. Terran repusion of the Kirrix 2. Return to Karron 3. Trankarran repulsion of the Kirrix 4. Confrontation with PJ 5. Bringing the Change to Helene and the Nymphs 6. Consummating love with Faye 7. Stopping the Brimorians 8. Stopping the Enshunu 9. Learning the last of Progenitor knowledge/Soul Forge 10. Finding his mother and father on Arcadia 11. Confronting Larn 12. Wedding 13. Baby making time 14. Pregnant fun 15. Parenting 16. More baby making 17. More babies 18. Did I say more babies yet? 19. Whats that? More babies? 20. Look at all these babies!


TF, from most of the SciFi, I have read, most "colony worlds" have a central hub city primary landing site (Starport), and multiple smaller satellite cities (suburbs) within a short distance. There is a certain logic to it, but not very convincing in some respects. Perhaps it is the authors distinction of a naturally evolved home world against, a recently settled (colonised world). The analogy would be early America, or Australia, tight concentrated populations in a few locations (entry/exit points, ports) and a dispersed population with only a few minor satellite settlements.


One question is answered ..the connection between "big bran bug"&amp; the hive is on the same level as the physic connection as John &amp; his wards . If it could block John's physic vision then they might be able to block it's communication both locally &amp; back to it's other fleets . Alyssa might throw a null zone on it once they capture it &amp; examine it , or if they can , question it . They might breakout the physic detector to trace it's connection back to it's hive world , If there is one or at least to the rest of their fleets , also if there is a power draw from the hive back to the big brain ala Progens . I doubt it's a " Progenitor " , just the highest evolved insectizoid , intelligent but still driven by it's base nature .


Happy birthday to me ! Thanks for releasing this early, Tefler.


bigdawg I'm not seeing any evidence that the big brain bug on the dreadnought (be nice to get a name or term or the entity) is drawing energy off the other Kirrix like John draws off his mattriarch and their wards. If Alyssa were to do the null zone she needs to do it before they capture it - this way they get to gauage it's strength as well as nullify any potential attacks and communications. Once it is captured Alyssa can work her Jedi mind tricks and ascertain what it is, what it does and who/wha else is involved.


Bigdawg I was wondering the same thing. What if Alyssa takes control of the hive and is able to use them as she wants. Making them attack each other on distant worlds, or sending all ships into the nearest sun?


Madmax are you suggesting that Alyssa could become the matriarch of the Kirrix? Maybe Helene will take over as Hive mother and change the culture of this hated species? If Alyssa did take over I suspect a few chapters of angst over the moral killing off of a species just because we don't like the way they live. Different in battle or for a purpose like protecting your border, however just ordering them into the sun because you can seems 'inhumane' or progenitor like...


TF4EVA I wouldn’t expect her to take over permanently. I think the Kirrix are too evil for Alyssa to want a lasting connection. Just make them self destruct and get out.


If Alyssa was ever in the place of learning about the Kirrix from the inside in order to find a way to destroy them I am remindered of that line from Enders Game - "I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them.... I destroy them.” At this point they might become less than a pestful species and we would expect some guilt otherwise our heroes become what they profess to find abhorrent - arrogant and uncaring progenitors.


do you wonder if the populus of Carolus III will be worried about being rescued by supernatural freaks and a green Kintark??? Maybe I need to read the story again but Jade seems more European than chinese which resembles more what I thought the royal family of Kintark would look like. Can you imagine Jade and Tamolith together??? I'm sure the populace will be greatful but they will be more pleased to see the terran Fleet me thinks


For what little it is worth, Just want to throw my personal option out there. I am not found of the direction Helena’s development is going. I was, and still am against not gifting her physic powers. We will see where that goes, I am still holding out on that one. What I do not understand is why, everyone or anyone thinks John and/or the girls need a moral compass and a unsoiled shoulder to cry on. To offset the unfortunate actions that must be carried out in warfare. John has always been the one the girls have turned too when even the slightest crisis of faith so to speak has come up. In fact the John counseling the crew scene have become a central facet of the storyline. Which helps firmly establishes John as the leader and figurehead of the entire story. Why Now should this be off loaded to Helena. Perhaps this is not Tefler end game, with Helena, maybe myself and many others are miss reading the clues. Wouldn’t be the first time. Personally, I saw Helena developing into a diplomatic leader, similar to Edraele. And would lead the Abandoned as they gained independence from the Brimorians. Which will likely still happen. I just do not see how, Helena can fulfill that role and be a true Lioness without some form of pyshic powers. Sorry if this post has rambled a bit, been interrupted several times while writing it. I didn’t even get into, what Helena feels for John and the girls now that she has scene first hand, what the kind of destruction they are capable of. Will she think less of them, and Why?.


Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions… Who said that John and the girls were the heroes? :-) Who said that the Progenitors - the source of most of the lifefforms that we know of, including our own, are arrogant and uncaring? Is it arrogance to believe that you’re better than everyone else if you are? Is it uncaring to spend eternity sowing life amongst the dead stars? Who said that the Progenitors aren’t the heroes? Ask them and see what they have to say about it? Is it uncaring to destroy a virus so that a larger organism can live? What about a bacteria? What about a necrotizing parasite? Who decides what lives and dies, and what gives them that right to do so? One can always ask these kinds of questions... but the answers aren’t always comfortable...


I wouldn’t be at all surprised. Provincial is as provincial does. The familiar is almost always more comfortable for humans.


Why should Helena become a violent person? Why should she become a soldier? That doesn’t make her better to become such, does it? It doesn’t make her worse if she doesn’t become such, does it? In this best of all possible worlds, we don’t all follow the same paths. Why should we? Why should she? Why can’t she become a great leader and saviour and visionary for the Abandoned without becoming something other than one of them? Yes, she can be healed and become able to give birth again, but why does she need to be otherwise different than her people who need her? Why can’t her experiences with John and the girls allow her to grow as a person without changing who that person is? Having seen all that she’s seen and will see, why wouldn’t that be enough to give her the perspective that she would need to help her people? I’m just not sure why everyone wants her to change and become something other than what she is, be it via psychic powers or becoming a soldier. She’s already a fighter par excellence, as she has fought for what she wanted for years, all without violence.

rich ed

Do you think that TFed is going to bust a nut when they arrive and see how destruction they did in an hour?


Why should they? They've repeatedly seen how effective the Invictus is against the Kintark. Do you think that they think that the Kirrix vessels are tougher than the Kintark? The more interesting question will be what they think when they find out about the ground operations, how one or two individuals (individual what is open to question!) took down entire hordes of Kirrix in - literally - seconds. It will only get more interesting when they find out from the stories how many Kintark simply perished, and how, with NO visible cause for the catastrophes that befell them! After all, just because *we* read that Tashana was using her fire sprites, doesn't mean that the people who saw them incinerating the Kirrix had any clue as to what they were, much less who was controlling them. Similarly, when ships tore themselves apart or burst into flames, how would they know that Dana, Alyssa, Irillith or Tashana were the ones actually responsible for it? Now, they might get a bit wide-eyed if they hear that John body-slammed a ship... and the ship lost... :-) As for Dragons, Giant Robots, Angels and Demons... well, the people have suffered a lot of trauma. You can't expect them to be entirely accurate in their mental condition, now can you? ;-)


Here’s a thought. Any chance of the Kirrixx being genetically related to the Vulkat. Both species are insects based, with physic capabilities . Who is to say the proginator who destroyed the Vulkat didn’t modify them to develope the Kirrixx. I know Rachel said she didn’t not find any signs of proginator finger prints in the Kirrixx genetic code. But if it was a different proginator than Meal’nerak, would she recognize them.

Jedi Khan

Progenitors seem to have a template they use for genetic modifications, and they stick to it as best they can with few exceptions. The template is a humanoid form, bipedal, upright, one head, two arms, two legs, torso, etc. Basically the Ashanath, Maliri, Terrans, and Trankarans, as well as any other Thrall races, such as the ones LK has and those seen in the ghosts on the Legacy. The Drakkar are an exception, as they were a rush job by Mael to bolster the ranks of his armies. Deviating from this template is unseemly in the eyes of the Progenitors, as evidenced by PJ calling the Trankaran's a mockery of the Progenitor ideal, and in Mael's lament that he couldn't do a better job with the Drakkar (seen in one of the Valada videos). This means that if another Progenitor did try modifying the Vulkat, they would take a more humanoid form than what we've seen from the Kirrix. And Rachel would be able to see the telltale markers of the Progenitor template having been applied to the DNA of the Kirrix. Since she only has samples of Mael's and John's work, there really is no way of knowing if each Progenitor has a slightly different genetic template that they use that can be called a finger print of sorts, which would distinguish the creator of that DNA from another Progenitor. So no, I don't think the Kirrix are a Progenitor creation, either from modifying the Vulkat or any other race. They deviate too far from the Progenitor template for that to be the case.


I know the Kirrix are a plot device but when you think about it, it’s a rather silly premise. A war of expansion makes sense, invading to gain control of a planets resources makes sense, but having us believe that An insect lifeform, advanced enough for space warfare, apparently hasn’t grasped the concept of animal husbandry is a little rich. Going to the expense of invading other worlds just to use the population as hosts for their grubs is silly when it would be far cheaper/easier to raise livestock for this purpose. It would be like Germany invading France so they could use the French as a meat source for bacon. Why not just raise pigs? They reproduce far faster, 30 offspring per calendar year that go from one kilogram to 150kg in a few months? Seems to me that they would be far better off to have just bought a few million breeder hogs from the Terrans than build invasion fleets.


I know the Kirrix are a plot device but when you think about it, it’s a rather silly premise. A war of expansion makes sense, invading to gain control of a planets resources makes sense, but having us believe that An insect lifeform, advanced enough for space warfare, apparently hasn’t grasped the concept of animal husbandry is a little rich. Going to the expense of invading other worlds just to use the population as hosts for their grubs is silly when it would be far cheaper/easier to raise livestock for this purpose. It would be like Germany invading France so they could use the French as a meat source for bacon. Why not just raise pigs? They reproduce far faster, 30 offspring per calendar year that go from one kilogram to 150kg in a few months? Seems to me that they would be far better off to have just bought a few million breeder hogs from the Terrans than build invasion fleets.

Jedi Khan

Who's to say that the Kirrix aren't doing that as well? All we've seen of them so far is their raiding fleets. We haven't seen what their home world is like or their civilization in general. They've got to have some way of building up their forces in between raids on sentient species, especially after events that result in heavy losses like the last Kirrix purge, or the one we're reading about now. If they didn't have some way of rearing their young aside from using sentient species, they would never recover their losses after taking such a beating, as they would eventually run out of people to infest. Besides, given how they use sentient species as fodder, it's highly likely that they consider any non-Kirrix being, intelligent or not, as no more than a resource to be exploited, in which case they're "invading to gain control of a planet's resources."


Dave as a plot devise they are obviously useful. They are so black hat it is easy to hate them whereas LK we are wary of - as Rachel says “You’re right... it’s nice not having to deal with any moral ambiguity,” looking for her next target. They are useful as they sort of have been used as a devise to keep John from Acadia where we assume he will learn so much - good or bad. Now that he knows he has the capability to go deeper into Kirrix space he probably will except the Kirrix have sprung a surprise which needs to be addressed so he can be better prepared. Almost a real time astral plane proving field. The other thing that they provide is a discussion amongst us which goes to the core of the Spiderman quote (from Churchill?) about great responsibility being the bedfellow of power. We don't understand the Kirrix, we don't like them and it has been suggested we need not do any of that just Hasta la vista baby them. Did anyone notice the interchange between Rachel and Alyssa which I'm sure will become relevant soon - "Relaxing, the brunette picked out another target of her own, this one impaled to the ground by a long spear of twisted metal. As she zoomed in on it with the Reaper Cannon’s targeting scope, the sun glinted off its shiny onyx carapace, catching her eye. That sent her mind spinning and she couldn’t help thinking what it would be like to be aiming at another black-armoured foe... but one not nearly so hideously alien. Could they be so dispassionate firing on altogether more familiar foes? Ones that were in fact only a distant cousin to humanity? *Let’s not dwell on that for now,* Alyssa said quietly. *And please keep those thoughts to yourself for the moment, okay?* If the Kirrix had a bean counter I'm sure they would be telling the boss that they are losing too many Kirrix for the kind of returns they are getting. What it all means OTK but the Kirrix are a plot devise with more purpose me thinks than just to show off the new skills of the Lion and Lionesses of the Federation


Jedi Kahn- would make more sense if it was just another example of the xenophobic genocidal tendencies that are common in this epic. (Even good guy John has exterminated one entire species - the Fulmanex - so far) But it’s a poor food or reproductive strategy cause the species they are rounding up reproduce and grow to slowly. Even the forgotten only have children once a year and take 15 years to reach reproductive (or market weight if talking about engrubbing or eating). Reason why Spanish brought hogs with them when they conquered the Americas. Dropped off hogs on every island they landed on so they could stock up on meat in later trips. Also since they provided a reservoir for Eurasian diseases like measles and smallpox, helped to reduce the numbers of pesky natives . So if Kirrix are settling into planets for long haul they would without a doubt bring along their normal host species cause otherwise 30-days after conquering a planet the hive lords would have no purpose for a decade. Cause it would be 15 years before they could use any offspring of terrans they kept for breeding. If they brought their equivalent of hogs with them there would be no interruption. Could make similar economic arguments about the stupidity of uses slaves that eat the same food as you do (Brimorians-forgotten) when even 21st century farm technology could do same tasks more cost effectively let alone what 29th century farm robots or replicator tech could do

Jedi Khan

That's if the Kirrix are settling the worlds, that they would need to bring in whatever their livestock is. However, if they're more like locusts, consuming everything in their path until there's nothing left before moving on, then there's no reason for them to haul livestock with them because as soon as they run out of fodder on one planet, they move on to the next until they're stopped. Also, there's no evidence that the Kirrix keep beings that they capture for breeding livestock. All we know is that adults get infested and children become feed for the hatched grubs later. The livestock, if they have any, could very well be some sort of quick-growing, large animal like you suggest, that is native to heir home world and is kept there, which the Kirrix use to maintain their numbers and/or recover from a purge. Now that I think about it, the Kirrix are acting a lot like locusts do. Locusts eat all the food in sight, and you would think this is not sustainable, but yet they come back year after year, every time their food supply replenishes. When the Kirrix spot a vulnerability in an empire's border security, they pour into the empire like locusts, consuming all the sentient beings, resulting in a population explosion for the Kirrix from the abundance of food. As mentioned, they could potentially have animal livestock back home that they use to make sure they don't die off between raids, but we simply don't know that for sure because we've seen nothing of the Kirrix except for their locust swarm raids.


Not sure if you are back on deck yet Telfer but hope you enjoyed or are enjoying the holiday. Looking forward to seeing the results of your retreat especially as in your own inimitable manner you left opening the door to much discussion and debate. If you aren't back yet but happen to read this safe travel.....


Are the Kirrix cold blooded? If they are wouldn't Sakura's Mrs Freeze be one of the most effective methods to knock them out?


One reason why most folks can't communicate with the Kirrix may be because it's too simple a form of communication. Has anyone - at least, here - considered the possibility that they may communicate primarily via scents? If so, it would certainly explain why Irillith couldn't hack their computer system. It may not be based on electricity at all. It may be a complex, molecular-based scent storage, retrieval and manipulation artifact that is more grown than built. Another possibility is that they communicate via shifts in their individual and group electrical potentialities, allowing for the appearance of telepathy without the actual manifestation of it as such. A third possibility involves a sonic language consisting of sounds that may not be able to be heard and interpreted by most humanoid lifeforms. A fourth possibility involves the combination of the above for short-range and long-range complex and simple communications. OTK, but I'm looking forward to finding out more, myself. Thoughts?

Jedi Khan

All of these seem perfectly feasible except for the fact that we're dealing with interstellar distances across space. While the pheromone/scent method may work in space, it would take an exceedingly long time to traverse the distance between stars, unless there was some way for the odors to go FTL. And a subsonic language wouldn't be possible as sound can't travel in a vacuum. For the shifting of electrical potentials, again, distance is a factor. Unless the Kirrix have some way of detecting those electrical potentials across the vastness of space and near instantaneously regardless of distance, like with the comm systems used by the other races, the time lag in the communication would be measured in years, even hundreds of years depending on distance, and would make interstellar coordination impossible.

Jedi Khan

Tashana's fire seems to get the job done well enough. Same with Irillith's electricity, Alyssa's telekinesis, Jade's dragon breath, John's power, and Rachel and Dana's cannons. In fact, Sakura's ice power just might be the least efficient in the team's bag of tools at dealing with the Kirrix because of the amount of energy required to freeze things. But to answer your question, no I don't think the Kirrix are cold blooded. The last time Dana examined their gear, there was no evidence of equipment designed for heat regulation, like there was with the Kintark soldiers who had armor suits that helped regulate their body temperature.


I agree Bigdawg we have no evidence the Kirrix made it to Acadia. The issue has always been about security getting there. Now the Invictus is up to meeting any challenge thrown at it John can get there to answer some questions. Its never been about the Kirrix but his need for closure or sureity about his mum and potentially his heitage.... Next chapter or the one after than maybe

Jedi Khan

I'm thinking another two chapters before we have a chance to head to Arcadia. The rest of this chapter will be dealing with the big bug on the dreadnought, the fallout from that, and then handing over the operation to the TFed. Next chapter (110) will be dealing with the other planets occupied by the Kirrix, especially Karron. Chapter 111 will probably be the clean up and making sure the TFed has things under control, then travel to the next destination, wherever that might be. 112 will then be the arrival and whatever happens next.


Jedi, unfortunately I think you are correct in your estimation of how long we have to wait until the Invictus turns toward his parents' last know address. We will just have to curb our impatience, and enjoy the tour. I, like many others here, am chomping at the bit for Tefler's description of the liberation of Karron, and the meeting between Alyssa, Dana, and Fat Tony and his girls.


My wife has been reading along and is a bit out off at the description of an older career woman having unsightly bulges in the story. I mean if john is that way I suppose I get it. But older mature more ahem... Well rounded women can be sexy as well. Just a thought as she mentioned that made her like the series less.

Jedi Khan

I sense a disturbance in the Force. *alarms blaring the background* Danger! Danger! Evasive action advised! Danger! Danger! You sure about that Jedi? Maybe it's that alarm going off in your head and not the Force? Hush, Crazy. I'm trying to determine the exact nature of the disturbance.

Jedi Khan

Thing is, that's the earliest that I think the crew could head for Arcadia. Knowing Tefler, and just how long it took to get to this point, it could easily be another five, ten, or even twenty chapters before we finally learn the secrets of John's parentage. And the reveal might not even be on Arcadia! Again knowing Tefler, there is also a chance that those secrets will be revealed in the next two chapters when daddy dearest pops in for a chat while John's busy clearing Kirrix, saving John from making the trip to Arcadia just to find an uninhabited planet.


Jedi Kahn et al since the Kirrix seem to be a hive mind, and they have an opportunity to capture a brain, if not the brain, the simplest way to solve their infestation problem would be forAlyssa to mentally capture the brain, and take over the species (or this portion) and order them to leave the planet without the colonists. similar to how they took over Maliri although without the blow jobs. Perhaps something similar in the past which would explain why Kirrix changed behaviour and started to expand/invade shortly after Jessica Blake returned to Arcadia.(PJ made me do it) Could answer our earlier discussion on why invade to infest instead of using host creatures they evolved with.


Jedi Kahn et al since the Kirrix seem to be a hive mind, and they have an opportunity to capture a brain, if not the brain, the simplest way to solve their infestation problem would be forAlyssa to mentally capture the brain, and take over the species (or this portion) and order them to leave the planet without the colonists. similar to how they took over Maliri although without the blow jobs. Perhaps something similar in the past which would explain why Kirrix changed behaviour and started to expand/invade shortly after Jessica Blake returned to Arcadia.(PJ made me do it) Could answer our earlier discussion on why invade to infest instead of using host creatures they evolved with.

Jedi Khan

I would say the Kirrix's behavior is nothing new. They've always been opportunistic expansionists that invade and consume sentient beings. It's been mentioned in the story that the TFed has had to push the Kirrix back several times in the past, well before John's birth.


T4eva, there are Kirrix on Karon and other worlds so at the very least a co-opted queen issuing conflicting orders would sow confusion in the rank and file. I hive mind species is vulnerable to a powerful telepath. Control the head brain and you control the species. Alyssa could perhaps even send out a command to interrupt their autonomous functions like their heartbeat


T4eva, there are Kirrix on Karon and other worlds so at the very least a co-opted queen issuing conflicting orders would sow confusion in the rank and file. I hive mind species is vulnerable to a powerful telepath. Control the head brain and you control the species. Alyssa could perhaps even send out a command to interrupt their autonomous functions like their heartbeat


For matter of discussion I would say there are two types of a "Hive" mind , one a group of individuals controlled by one superior mind that simply follow orders/instinct &amp; second a group of intelligent individual minds that cooperate in decisions . In the Kirrix we might actually have some sort of a combination , A group of Big Bugs that control individual armies of drones but either are themselves controlled by a higher mind or cooperate in some way . We wait for Tefler to clear all this up.


Interesting point Dave linking the Kirrix expansions in Terran sace to John's mother. It assumes of course that she managed to get back to Kirrix space if not Acadia. If so hopefully future chapters will give us a why any such link might exist. You and Bigdawg also make relevant points about the nature of Hive minds too. For me a hive mind like the Borg or Dalek for instance have a central mind that coordinates intel thus individuals can learn and adapt based on the collective knowledge. There does not seem to be much learning going on with the Kirrix if evidenced by adaption. Thus we see lots of kirrix going about their business unless directly faced with danger - as the fleet was being wiped out the big brain or even the carrier 'captains' or Hive Lords should have sent a signal that it was time to upstakes and get out of town to the other locals and a warning will robinson signal to the other brains in terran and Kirrix space. I think I've been assuming that Big brain bug is somehow in charge but it might well be that in the Kirrix command and control system it sits outside but influences decisions of others e.g. part of it's secret police, praetorian guard or priestly caste (don't even start with why Kirrix might have a religion....because the answer is why not!). This might mean like you suggest bigdawg there are different 'collectives' with different central intelligences. At some space and time no doubt these all come together. OTK... and so will we in less than 25 mins......


If they capture the big brain bug and learn all it's secrets there won't be many if any Kirrix on Carolus III to try out their learnings. They will have to wait till they get to Menganus IV to try out any new strategy. Does Alyssa try to over ride any orders or do they need to take out the next big brain bug first with a null zone? Do they need to take out the Big brain Bug and then reissue new orders? In the mean time Calara takes out the fleet in support. Of course this means by the time they get to Karron.....


Okay it's past the end of the month anyone have any idea when Tefler will cut loose part 2?


Probably after he gets back from vacation and has time to finish it.


Why Kirrix? While eating a salad, a crouton fell to the floor, and was quickly eaten by my dog. If the progen create and destroy worlds, maybe the Kirrix are their pets, surviving on galactic croutons. I probably shouldn't let my dog eat them, but he would disagree.

Jedi Khan

Kinda wish we know when Tefler was getting back from vacation, that way we could estimate when the full chapter would be done. On the other hand, it's probably a good thing we don't know that because it means JFL can't post a countdown every few hours.


Surely you don’t believe that such an infinitesimal detail as a lack of facts would cause him to refrain from posting such, do you?

Jedi Khan

*sigh* You're right. The thought did cross my mind after I made the comment.


at least we know it is still 25mins till the Terran Fleet drops in....


Do civilizations with hive minds have less integrated computers? Maybe they can't be hacked, because their IT storage is more wet ware than software.


<a href="https://youtu.be/Y18AzhWRc14" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Y18AzhWRc14</a> can anyone else see this happening?


well he says "Back in a few days" not "Back in a couple of weeks" So I have him back slaving over a hot keyboard tomorrow, and the rest of the chapter by next weekend :-)


Folks, the plan as he laid it out is to finish this chapter and do two more in September, so that means potential releases on the 10th, the 20th and the 30th. Of course, this too is subject to change.


Was doing a littler rereading of past chapters and got to thinking along the lines of Faye and her development. I am still on the fence over wether or not John could turn her into a real person. This naturally led to the thought of Alyssa, may or may not be able to ever listen in on Faye thought let alone bond with her. But what about Illirith?. How much of a stretch is it to think that Illirith may be able form a permanent matriarchal bond with Faye. Like Alyssa and Edraele have with their wards?


Technically Illirith is still Faye's creator isn't she so it is possible. This is where Ben's wet ware would really play a part although in saying that Faye could become more of a cybernetic organism ala Motoko Kusanagi than a real person. Could such an Faye have John's baby if she were in this form - I think not but as a real girl definitely.

Jedi Khan

Maybe not a Matriarchal bond like Alyssa and the other girls, but maybe a permanent presence in the digital realm. Sort of like the reverse of Faye.


What if John fed Faye while he was in the digital relm?He hasn't 'spirit walked' in quite a while,and he's a lot stronger now.I bet he could manage a session started with her physical body and finished in the digital relm. Would that create the bond with Alyssa?

Jedi Khan

This is Crazy right now: <a href="https://youtu.be/GXeOlcctd9g?t=8m6s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/GXeOlcctd9g?t=8m6s</a>


Yes I would say CRAZY, but boarded is more likely with a little crazy on the side. LOL!


You wanting to know when Tefler will be back need go far, just reread his last two heading posts. He left on vacation the after 27th for a week. That means at most he would be on today on the 9\3 or 4 at most.

Jedi Khan

What? Yeah, I don't get it either, Crazy. Maybe it's some of that English from across the pond. You know, the English English. Ah, okay. Makes sense.


You really would be thing crazy, I'm not from that big island, more German than English and purely USof-fu*k'in-A with a little BlackFoote thrown in on the side.

Jedi Khan

Geezus. I know it's been said that the British and the Americans are two people separated by a common language, but has the English language really diverged so much that now it's not even the same language within the same country?


Even if he gets back today, we aren't necessarily his highest priority. Gotta get that work/life balance. For us, this is a 'life' thing, and for him its a 'work' thing. So, as much as he may love doing this, he probably wants to avoid going back to work for the first day home


Read back, he quit work when donate reach his prior job, his job is this tale of his.


Texan and damn proud of it, spent 4 years in Cincinnati Area on the other side of the Ohio River near the airport (still south of the Mason-Dixon Line). Yep, way different than you Yankees, please and thank you very much. Kiss my rebel ass.

Jedi Khan

Ah, yes. Texas, the Lone Star state. A curious place. Not quite the South, but still not the West despite popular propaganda. It's own little world, defined by BBQ, cowboy hats, and oversized pickup trucks with gun racks. Just as quick to shout "Remember the Alamo!" to those south of the border as they are "Don't take my gun, I have rights!" to those from the north. A curious place indeed. :D


God Bless Texas. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbH60wCO-Yw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbH60wCO-Yw</a>

Jedi Khan

Considering the first one she made was 2km across and she didn't even feel the drain on her power back then, my guess is she can make a planet sized null zone with ease.


Happy Friday anybody want to guess at the next release date?

Jedi Khan

According to Tefler, sometime in the next 24 hours or so.


If she did that, wouldn't it impede her telepathic links as well?


DD...hard to say , at the time she wasn't aware of the situation as to the flow of power &amp; by the time she awoke they had moved away from it . Also it was area specific , it stayed in the mall when they went to visit the council . It was never really discussed at the time if it merely affected communication (since she ordered everyone to stop talking) or if it blocked all physic phenomenon .

Jedi Khan

Dadd, I would think Alyssa could tweak the null zone in such a way that it had no affect on her, John, and the girls.


I sure hope so, i really want to know what that thing is that's on that dreadnought, super intelligent bug? or something else unknown to us?


yeah but would the null zone would stop john from using his powers?

