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Hey everyone!

I've just handed over the first half of chapter 107 part 2 to my editors. I've written 16k so far, so I'm in the home stretch! It was fun revisiting some of the old characters I'd introduced before, so I hope you enjoy finding out more about the Trankarans and the Enshunu...

I'm still hoping to finish by the 30th, but if the weather in England is horrible at the moment. We're in the middle of a heatwave (31 degrees!), so it's hotter than hell here which isn't particularly conducive to writing. If I do melt, then you can expect the next chapter by the 31st instead.

I haven't forgotten about artwork commissions, but with my productivity slowing to a crawl with a number of family issues (nothing bad, just time consuming), I haven't had much free time to look into it. I'm hoping August will be calmer, then I'll get eBook 4 done and kick off several commissions if I can find some willing artists.




Dani Vega

Awesome, Tef! I hope, you'll eventually find time to go through your patreon messages too *wink wink*


Please don't melt! Ice cream can't write :p keep up the great work!




31 isn't soo bad!! But I live in Tennessee (USA for those that may not know) I think we hit 42C a few times last week with humidity...ouch...its currently about 28C at 10 am... good luck staying cool!!


Thanks for the update


i think its pretty much the same around most nordic countries atm ^^

William Wallace

We just beet the heet record for the hottest day since 1830 36,8 C


If you're acclimatised to the hot weather it isn't quite so bad, but England is usually a murky 10-20 during Summer(!). That means houses don't have air conditioning, which isn't much fun at all!


31 (=88F) Degrees!? phssssssshhht! You want hot, Tef? years ago, the greater Philadelphia region underwent a combined heat wave and downright rare atmospheric layering inversion phenomenon. The atmospheric layering had the effect of preventing the usual atmospheric response of building up thunderheads in response to heat and high humidity. The ground temperatures hovered in the 106-109 degrees range for over a week, and with nary a cloud in sight - but get this WITH HIGH (100%) HUMIDITY. The Heat Index those days was in the 125-130 degree range. You wanna talk about *HOT*!? Now THAT was _*HOT*_ (and sticky too - waaayyy too hot for sex kind of hot, like literally grab a knife and slice open a hunk of the air on your way forward for each step you took kind of sticky, miserable, utterly intolerable kind of hot)!


This is England, we start melting at 21°c! ffs, 15°c is shorts and sunscreen weather for us!


Take heart...you could be where I live in Redding, CA where the high today is expected to be 110 degrees Fahrenheit/43 degrees Celsius and 2000 firefighters are battling the out of control Carr Fire.


In central Texas, this last week our highs ranged from 41.1 C to 42.2 C for about five days in a row, and for the last few days we have had a respite at 37.6 C to 38.9 C. On night we had a low of 28.9 C, where they have been running about 25.6 C. The humidity daily ranges from 70 to 90 percent.


The big problem with Britain is we rarely get any weather long enough to get used to it. Consequently, no air con in the summer as it not normally needed. As for winter what's a snow plough? The last time we had a warm snap like this was 1976!!!!!!!!! Les


A heat wave lasts two days tops


Thank you for the update, Tefler. Unfortunately, regardless of the naysayers, you’re going to continue to have hotter weather in the foreseeable future. When will the next physical book be available? Any notions in that regard?

Deryck Stevenson

I understand in England biggest problem is the humidity it might be 31° but it feels like 50° I now live in Spain 44° to 46° here at moment and getting hotter so keep cool tefler


Ouch we would be happy to send you some of our 38C weather from the midwest usa!


well we hadn't seen any rain in the east of the UK (till yesterday) for 50 days and the average temperature has been nearly a degree hotter for the last month than the previous record month which was a heatwave in 1976. The government back in 1976 brought in a government minister for drought. We had major rainstorms the next day.


Hah. Same temperatue in England as here in Miami... I'm sure that's a far cry from normal.


With all the stories of high temperatures, I just appreciate that our politicians confirm that global warming is a hoax. Now let me just hoax up my air conditioner...


Eushunu and Tarakkan's are going to be part of next story! Want to know more.. Tarakkan's we have Niskara.. but who will introduce us to Eushunu? ....loosing patience..


How bad is the humidity? It gets really bad here, so if you are anything like me, then walking outside you will run the risk of bursting into flames and melting on the spot. Stay Cool!!


Tefler you're HOT! and a tease! Thanks for the update and setting the agenda for the next lot of postings and considerations...


Today we had 41 degrees on the motorway near Cologne in Germany. Hot as hell. I follow another author here on Patreon, Nick Scipio. He has access to an artist that does artwork for him, maybe something worth to check out?


Friend of mine in England said 33c and I laughed at him. I went from a state where -35 to 35 was what you could expect depending on time of year, with 45.5c hitting this year, to a state where 37 to 40 happens everyday in the summer. Then he told me they don’t have the best cooling units and I cried...


The only aircon in most of the UK is : open all your windows at night (and close windows and curtains by day). It works pretty well though, as the temperature drops significantly during the night.


Today it's a nice cool 30ºC in Japan. Humidity is down due to the rains but, I'm seriously looking at an inflatable raft-there was 10cm of water on the road this morning.


We also have Lilyana and the House Valaden fleet with upgraded shield generators and their first experience in battle with another empire. That experience bodes well for their joint operations with the Tranarans against the Kirrix.


I'm in Nishihara Japan and it's 43c currently so I wish I was in your area. The sensor for that one is sitting in the sun right now.


Wow listening to the various weather reports coming in confirms that TSM is definitely a gobal phenomenon!


It has been around 91 to 98f (32.6 - 36.6c) here in southern Washington State, with Humidity between 50 and 70%. No sign of rain or cooling anywhere in the near future!


I was going to comment on the temp issue earlier but resisted....lol If its 31 deg C here in Adelaide I'm happy!! A heat wave here in summer is typically between 7 to 14 days over 36 with 4 or 5 days of 40plus....


Yeah, it's been up to 113f here in texas with an average of 110


It's been between 100-120F (37.7-48.8C0 here the last couple of weeks LOL




Here's some cool snap towels y'all^^^^^


I'm re-reading this amazing story for, I dunno, the fifth time and something just occured to me. I'm on ch 103 at the scene where Faye is laying the table with John and I realised that Tef often describes their meals in some detail but they never seem to have any sort of dessert, a trifle or treacle pud and custard or even apple pie and cream. I think they are missing out on some of lifes greatest culinary experiences. Come on Tef, get it together on the foodie front LOL.


Seriously though, keep up the good work mate, you're doing a great job.


LOL I finally did the F conversion.. 87.8? LMAO (sorry...) I know you folks over there aren't used to it, but, that is funny to us over here. (I have an old apartment without AC too.... Naked TV watching happens.... )

Old Cruiser

Climate change is fake news??


Climate change is real, but not just on earth, on all planets orbitting the sun, the temerature is rising, and yes I know humans need to lower pollution etc, but we are told all the time that, it is cars, planes, shipping etc, that cause most of the warming, but as the temperature is rising more or less the same percentage wise, all over the solar system, it cant be all that, maybe it is because the sun is warming up, and thus we all are warming up, but that does not go along with the agenda of us all having to pay up to emit CO2, somewhere someone wants it to be this way.


We are having the coolest summer on record here in West Virginia. July and the highs are low 80


Sorry, but important to point out that, science disagrees with Claus, a number of independent measurements of solar activity indicate the sun has shown a slight cooling trend since 1960, over the same period that global temperatures have been warming. Over the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been moving in opposite directions. An analysis of solar trends concluded that the sun has actually contributed a slight cooling influence in recent decades


We’re having heat wave after heat wave with little rain so far this summer in central and western Canada. . . Maybe your West Virginia heat migrated up here for a vacation 😉


Of course your statement is most likely meant ironic but I still want to point out that climate change is very real and (at least mostly) human-made. Since a lot of the climate change deniers were finally forced to back down and admit it is real they're now denying the human-made consensus. But what I actually wanted to point out is: It's dangerous to mix up weather (a singular snapshot of the current situation) and climate (weather averaged over a long period, several years). The mix-up of the two is one important tool the deniers use to attack scientific consensus.


I am sure looking forward to the end of the month and Part 2 . Need a relief as we still have triple digit temperatures and the Carr Fire has now burned almost 90000 acres and is only 5 percent contained. At least no more tornados of fire. 3500 firefighters now with 5 dead and 17 missing. It is something to see helicopter tankers flying low over Shasta Lake sucking up water to dump on the fire and then returning for more...an assembly line. Too bad we don't have the raptor and Invictus to use their lasers and burn a firebreak around the 80 square miles that is this mess! :)


It is 30th... a day more..


Well I'm Louisville Kentucky it's...... :-P Who cares it's hot. I just want more John and the girls. At least you don't have tornados like we did last week. OK. So we have elves cat-girls, witchs (magic users), rock monsters, a mermaid, dragons and the grays (so want john to add dragon-girl in to the harem) all is space. so are you going to add vampires and werewolves next hehe. oh i forgot bugs love the worlds you are building. and the meaning of life we are just a slave race experiment.


Tef, maybe this will be the chapter that sees you break $4,000. Another milestone!

Jim lynch

Today’s the day fingers crossed.


I was looking at the maps that are posted and after reading the story twice neither of them look right I would love to redraw them how they look in my mind

Jedi Khan

It's rather hard to draw 3D space on a 2D map. As it is, those maps Tefler made are just to give a general idea of each empire's position in relation to the others. The first map (#1 of 2) is a top-down view of the region, so basically as if you were looking down on TFed space from Maliri space. The second map (#2 of 2) is a side view of the region, as seen from either Kirrix or Kintark space. However, if you have some way of creating a 3D star map and sharing it in such a way that others don't have to download extra software, feel free to go ahead and run your creation by Tefler to make sure it coincides with his vision.


I wonder what this mile stone will be as for community rewards.


Wow, 6 hrs now with no posts here? Am I dreaming or what?


despite the heat we are shivering with anticipation.....


Now well into the morning 31st for me, which is late night for Tefler. Suspect it may be tomorrow :-)


I've written 25k so far, but there's still several scenes I'd like to add in to finish the chapter. It'll take me most of the day tomorrow to write them, so I'll aim to get it finished by say... 11pm tomorrow night.


Thanks for the heads up Tefler, off to bed, looking forward to tomorrow!


T minus 22 hours 45 minutes and counting

rich ed

Any ideas what else Fayes body can do? So far it sounds like she can levitate and has bionic eyes (both hints dropped when she went on the date with John). Some kind of beam laser from her eye's? Super strength?


On the subject of Faye's physical body - and please forgive me if these thoughts have been expressed previously, I think it is a fascinating exercise, giving an AI - "born" without physical form nor any of the instinctual parameters of a physical being - a physical form. Since they gave Faye a myriad of physical, tactile sensors and attuned them to act very closely to those of a biological entity, we now get to observe (in a highly flawed way because Tefler is not quite imagining all the myriad of technical and adaptive difficulties that any actual AI would really encounter in the effort to "upscale" observation and simulation to the practicalities of actually operating a physical body) an AI learn to be a physical entity in the world. There are vast arrays of missing feedback systems and loops that biological entities are literally born with that the AI would not only not possess, but have no idea were necessary (and that would also be highly unlikely to be guessed at via external observation). Any AI attempting to operate a physical body would quickly run afoul of any or all of these. One simple example: balance. We biologicals (or "filthy organics", if you will) _*learn*_ over time in our early lives how to integrate disperate physiological systems like the inertial/directional sensors of the inner ears of the head with the skeletal musculature of the neck, torso, hips, legs and feet in order to carry out the fantastically physically and scientifically complex operation of simply standing erect on 2 limbs on a stable, stationary, level platform. An AI would have absolutely no idea how to accomplish this - and observing us do it would NOT be sufficient to teach it all the skills to emulate the observed behavior. Quite simply, they would neither have the code already written to accomplish the task, but would be highly unlikely to be able to spontaneously develop it. Even sitting up would initially be beyond their capabilities as they would not know how to operate the muscles of the torso to enable it properly. We as humans, and Tefler as a writer, are glossing over all of this essential stuff because we now simply take it for granted, having relegated the development of these skills to physical memories and algorithms long ago in our own infancies. We no longer think about any of this stuff. It would be vastly different for an AI to suddenly be in possesion of a physical flesh-like body - and be able to jump up and just use it as if born into it!


oops: edit the above and replace "spontaneously develop" with "instantly develop" - after all, as infants we do spontaneously develop these skills - over time, with repeated episodes of trial and error, and major assistance from our inbuilt instinctual abilities.


We also have to remember that all the Androids we currently have now were designed bipedal and we still have a hard time getting them to walk in the forest. Uneven ground is hard to program for. And in Tiflers world robots and AI research has been restricted because of AIs were going insane. Now Faye may be able to bypass some of these problems in that she is a true AI an can think and reprogram herself, but at first it would be extremely difficult to, because she was designed as a hacking tool and personal AI assistant, not an Android.


Check out Boston Dynamics. They're doing pretty well at basically everything they've published about.


John needs a dog.


Dog as in a real dog or a woman related to dog's species?


It's midnight going to sleep. I envy the lucky ones who get to read the story before me...😂😂😂😂😂


the wait is killing me


tefler any word on book 3 paper back


me too, being patient sucks!

David B

Anything yet on 107b??


Just a quick point regarding all the AI conversation above. AI research in the Terran Federation was banned, but only after a ton of it was done, and then it was still being done, albeit illegally. The Maliri are far ahead of the Terran Federation in terms of their computer skills, including AIs, but even they couldn’t create a Faye. She was created from Progenitor technology that outclasses everything else known to anyone else, insofar as we know at this point. If the Progenitors can create Trankarrans, Nymphs and other non-organic species, why couldn’t they create AIs capable of inhabiting both physical and virtual realities?


I don't see that the next chapter was released, I usually see these right away.


If you could please that would be great, I can DM you my email?


You 2 are so naughty,fucking funny though!! rofl


So cruel, at the end of an ugly day at work to get my hopes up..... LOL its all in good fun. Been so busy I was flipping between screens not paying much attention but to try n DL this before I leave to read later.


It's funny, I work IT Service desk and I immediately went into Troubleshoot mode, clear the cache, try a different browser etc Didn't even question it I am so used to stuff not working


anyone bet 107 part 2 might actually be posted on the 1st


is it out yet or are you guys being funny as i dont see it yet


John F are you still up i for some reason i cant get part 2


Having the same Problem, cleared cache and used a different browser and still not getting teflers post for part 2 of chapter 107.


I see JFL is having his usual fun


August has arrived and still no "bacon"


Eight minutes to go before Tefler’s self-imposed time of 23:30 for the update. I don’t know if I want him to make it or not. I’d like to read it, but without him stressing too much making that happen.


does aqnyone have an eta yet got rostered on the late shift so am hoping its out before 21230 eastern standar time

David B

I’m confused. I got a bunch of responses saying that they already have 107b and we’re offering to email it. Were they just jiving me?


yes dude, they were just messing with you

Jim lynch

Tossers I got excited for a min then I’m off to sulk now boo bloody hoo.