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*** FINAL VERSION - (25th June). ***

Hey everyone!

Here's the latest chapter, I really hope you enjoy it. There's a few little twists in there to keep you entertained. :-)

I've edited the first half and I'll go through the second over the next few days.

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think!





Time to feed the addiction.


I was second once


Hells yeah!




Frickin' work :(




Thank you ole Great One!




Woohoo happy Friday telfer :)


Yes yes yes


I knew if I went out it would get posted...lol


"Upgraded trauma kids"? should be kits


Absolutely outstanding chapter .... one of the best yet!


Tefler have I said you're blowing my mind with your fantabulous writing? Jesus that twist was amazing. Loved the comeback of a certain female kintark as well XD. Keep at it my friend!

Scott Way

Excellent as always


'a few little twists' he says. 'Holy Dramatic Developments, Batman!' says I.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Oh I am so looking forward to this


Nice way to wrap up several plot lines and expand on a few established bits. I would have loved more expansion with a diner scene, but I'm sure you'll have something up your sleeve. If I can suggest one thing, have John take Faye, sometime in the future, to a planet with rain fall. I think an AI with the ability to feel each rain drop hit her skin would be a fascinating scene to read.


Yay just waiting for the bag and here it is


Thanks Tefler


Tefler, many thanks!!!!!!


I think I have enough evidence to make a guess at what the astral monsters are. Big chunks feel into place with this chapter.


Thank you, Tefler!


After reading the chapter my initial comment is Wow...


Excellent, Tefler! Excellent, excellent, excellent!!!


Muahaha... John discovered the Progenitor equivalent of the 1up mushroom. Love it, Tefler. Keep 'em coming.


I enjoyed it immensely Tefler, Thanks

Dennis Banfield

Yet another superb example of literature, many thanks for taking the time to write! Imma go up my contribution again, you deserve it :)


The only sad part about seeing a new chapter of TSM, is that I know I’ll have to wait at least a couple weeks for the next one. Yet, each chapter is so worth it.


My MS Word found several spelling errors but other than that, it was awesome!! As a personal opinion, the scenes with John and his alter ego as well as the fight scene could be expanded. The conversation with his alter ego as well as who was speaking at any given moment could be altered slightly so that it was easier to understand. I really enjoy this story and waiting for the next part is almost painful. Take care and keep up the good work.


Bloody Brilliant!


I am in absolute awe with every single chapter. So many things happening, so much to do, and you continue to tie it all together perfectly. This chapter gave some answers but brought forth even more questions, yet I can't ask any, for risk of spoilers. All I can do is say thank you for bringing this story to me and all of the other followers. One of the best stories and creations I have ever read. Thank you


Another excellent chapter. Thank you. Now I can sleep. ;-)


Tefler, this has to be one of your best chapters to date (top five imo). Great seeing some huge payoffs with the plot especially with your classic twists. Thank you for your work!


It's good...


Amazing chapter! The Empress will certainly be one to watch out for in the future. So many great reveals in this one. I am so looking forward to John and Faye finally getting their date night!


I have to agree. It was just a little confusing as to which "John" was speaking. And it would be helpful to be a bit clearer on what exactly was transferred? Was that the entirety of the guide? Are they now united? Or was that simply evil John granting a bit of knowledge just to keep them from getting snuffed out in the astral plane? I'm perfectly fine with John not knowing all the details, but I think the transfer process could be clearer.


Tef, John mentioned that Sakura and Calara are returning that night but I'm not sure if they were already in transit or if that was just the plan. I'm really enjoying the scenes with Maria so I'm hoping there is another section with her and the girls before they return to the ship. I'd think Maria would be really freaked out when her daughter basically went into a coma so hopefully Faye arranged a call after the astral battle to explain that they were simply exhausted and would wake feeling fine come morning. I also really liked seeing Tamolith again, although she seems to be a bit of a ... difficult woman to get along with. I really hope she doesn't try anything stupid. I'm more worried about her children acting on their God complex in a couple decades though.


Also, Dana's twist was brilliant! I'm not sure how his Progenitor Upgrade Package missed it, with all the other things that got modified. It kinda lends weight to the argument that aside from a few specific things, John didn't really change the girls' personalities. If he had no opinion on the matter it got left as is. Aside from the nymphs, who requested more details, and Edreale, who was basically built from scratch. All in all, an excellent addition and a nice smoothing out of some plots while expanding others. Now time to go back and continue from chapter 40 or so. Doing another re-read.


Oh, one last thing. Any word on the physical book 3?


Thank you Tefler. This chapter is absolutely fantastic. I do not even know where to begin describing it. Going to have to digest this for a day or so then reread it again. So many things going on.


More of an unintentional bit of humour from a typo: “Amazing work, Doctor Voss,” the older woman murmured, her hazel eyes filled with admiration. “With the protracted fighting necessary to liberate those worlds, upgraded trauma kids will prove invaluable!” Rachel inclined her head politely. “Anything to help save more goats.”


On heck yeah! Good stuff Tefler!he


Fantastic chapter! Loved the massive amounts of character and story progression. So is John the first progenitor to not kowtow to the elder gods? The discussion with Tamolith was great, now we know more of where each empire stands. Seems like progenitor John is willing to lend a hand when necessary. They just need to hash things out over a few hands of whiskey. The story arcs for the Nymphs, Dana, and Athena all have me hooked. It's a shame we had to gloss over the twins' TLC though. Thanks again, oh and here's all the typos I found:


I’m dying to know if you’re going to make it worth my while to sell the Hera, or if I should I turn her into Swiss cheese...?” John finished the final bite of his sandwich, then took a big drink from the bottled water. When he was done, he pushed them out the way and beckoned her over. “Come here, Jade.” She gripped his cock with pulsating squeezes, while she stayed frozen in ecstasy, her eyes rolling up as crested that overwhelming surge of pleasure. For a man grown used to have three talkative women chattering away in his mind, her lack of response filled him with a dark sense of foreboding. Pushing back the crashing waves of pain, John found his focus again, calming and centring himself. John held Dana’s thigh against his chest and proceed to give her the vigorous pounding she’d requested upgraded trauma kids will prove invaluable!” “I’m sure Zulkayr will make a fine Emperor when he’d old enough,


AH, when I retread that section when John was preparing to enter the Astral Plane, I got the impression that his confrontation with PJ allowing John to vanquish him as a threat and he reclaimed his progenitor heritage. That is, I think, how he was able to fashion battle runes -- Runic Tatoos -- while accessing new powers and knowledge. If that is correct, PJ is a no more. Only One John remains.


...like being fisted by an Ashanath... Guffaw! Snort!


Tefler, your narrative, where the Sisters were claimed and each sought guidance for their personalities, was first rate. I really enjoy how you string together explanations to give clarity and depth to both the characters and scenes.


Bigdawg, Dana said they looked like they were just about to shoot Ol' Yeller...


Tamolith is a ruthless usurper, but she took her opportunities for good reasons. Her fear and respect for John augurs well for friendly relations in the short term. But as a Good Mother who, as Empress Regent, seeks to preserve and strengthen her empire until her son is ready to rule, more long term relations could get difficult.


I am worried about Jack. The only way Maria could be single is if he were no longer around for some reason. Twenty years younger? No problem, just open wide, honey. Maria's wistful fantasy about joining John's harem fills me with foreboding.


The Dana Origin Story Reveal was fantastic. If Rachel only has data records on the eugenics project that go back ten years, she may never know all the facts, or be able to answer the mystery of how Sparks wound up on Karron.


Interesting so if I'm reading this right the astral beasts are part of some proving ground for progenitors most interesting


Thank you once more for another thrilling installment.


Spotted some telepathic and normal speech mismatches: *Lynette’s so focused on helping Federation citizens. Her plans to improve colony development will make a major difference to the lives of people in the Outer Rim systems.” She faltered as she continued, “I-I should be doing a lot more to help the Maliri... I’m ashamed that I’ve been so singularly obsessed with Fleet refits at Genthalas that I’ve barely considered my people.* *Jade, would you meet me down in the Cargo Bay please?” John requested as he followed his nubile companions into the red anti-gravity field. *Give me ten minutes and I’ll be right there!” the Nymph readily agreed. From the context I think they should all be telepathic.


Thanks for those, I'll fix them later when I get back from taking junior to football practice. :-)

Jedi Khan

Very well done. Some rather intriguing developments. Can't really mention them here (yet) without major spoilers, but damn...I can't wait to see what else those developments have in store that has not yet been revealed.


This was amazing tefler, you have really outshone yourself this time, a few days ago i suggested some things and i needed to add some criticism to do that, and 105 just absorbed it all in a manner full of positive excellence. Conseder all of my expectations a 100% satisfied and you found a middle way to do that what i thought was needed, others thought was extreme and this chapter i believe would satisfy the expectations of both the sides. If you can find a way to do that i believe i need not refine another idea i got i mean if i were to use it for my material then i'll need to think on it however its far too early to consider imbibing this new idea into my material. But with TSM that's not the case the timing is perfect and in 106/107 maybe you can start using this new idea, which is elevating the strongest supporting cast's status for TSM that being Alyssa, just like TV shows do. But i understand that a story like TSM is more of a movie and less of a TV show even if it's moving forward in a middle path so i was thinking if you can find a role for alyssa that fits in between supporting cast and the lead role then it'll be a twist of the excellent caliber. Ever since i read that alyssa is more of a progenitor now i have had this idea but haven't been able to create something substantial to fuse this idea into the storyline maybe you can do that if you like this idea, decide on using this idea, manage to use this idea without tampering too much with the format of TSM i'll be really really impressed and not just me anyone who reads this comment would be and your ability to weave a plotline around any kind of difficulty idea without touching the underlying format will turn out to be unparalleled in the present scenerio.


Tef nice read, thanks. I did find this intriguing one "High Command is braying for blood" should it not be "High Command is baying for blood". Dogs bay for blood, donkeys bray ;-)


Well PJ's end was rather anticlimactic. But interesting to see the astral plane thingy as a proving ground gate keeper.


Wow, wow and again wow! An Amazing chapter, Tef! Every time you manage to surprise me with cunning plot twists... :-)


PJ is still imprisoned. John lured him into giving up a bit of Progenitor knowledge (the 1up rune-phrase and the psyhic energy well) then hit him with a focused attack that made him give up a lot more than he'd intended. PJ lost a decent chunk of his claim over John's mind, but he's still got control over the rest.


Ah, maybe Lynette was making a snide comment about High Command being a bunch of asses? :-) Well spotted, I've fixed that now!


one of the best chapter tefler. eagerly waiting for PJ vs john showdown.


Oohhh... now I'm wondering what tech John managed to pull from PJ's grasp. Armour? A "Soul Forge"? More genetics tech? Even better shield tech? Progenitor Primaey weapons tech (the gun the ashanath have was a secondary weapon)? Planetary engineering/treaforming tech? Power core tech? More Aetherial knowledge? ...or just a "sonic screwdriver"?


Damn that chapter was good.


Yeah, I had to re-read that too. I had a"wait, what" moment.


Another great chapter! In my mind, the twists really made the difference and kept me engaged and interested. Really looking forward to a phenomenal date with Faye and itching for some confrontation with dark progenitor John or the face-to-face with Mael - maybe he’ll interrupt the date with a surprise visit!


Introduction of the ability to automate the psychic shaping of CA is very interesting and important. Now that John and Alyssa can shape CA without thinking about it takes the boredom out of the process and dramatically improves how rapidly they can make and repair armor and other components for the ships, mechs, bots and weapons.


When John, Charles and Lynette were discussing the ideas for a space station and trading post on the TF-Maliri Frontier, I was not sure if they were discussing Edraele's gift of a mothballed Maliri station, or using Trankaran ores fabricated at Genthalas to build one of Dana's modular space station design concepts. Either way, it was very clever to permanently deploy TF and Maliri fleets to that facility, allow Allied fleets to guest there, and to staff the station with Maliri. I think Ceraden would consider serving as Resident Station Administrator.

James Hârn

John just needs to accept that he has mind control powers and get over it. Also, he needs to embrace that breeding kink more.


Will Alyssa be able to link her sub-plane with the Ashanath Command Net? Can she visit them more easily, or welcome them to visit her own sub-plane? If they can interact safely in their astral sanctuaries, can they communicate at anytime and share strategic information on threats and new technology? What would that mean for their research into a psychic communications device?.


Should Lynette shut down the holo net transmissions between Terra and Kenta, or should she retain parts of that infrastructure for easy communications with Tamolith?


Tefler, It was very clever how Rachel and Faye were used to brief Lynette and provide her with the sonic cannon schematics for dealing with Kirrix infestations and the chemical formula for the salve to treat combat trauma. It was also quite cute to see Lynette, Jehanna and Helene in Paragon suits, anxious to help. Well done.


Dana, Faye and the Boys were able to build three Trankaran engines, a power regulator and related systems, among other things in one day with just four mass fabricators. Now she has eight of them.

Steven Allen

Definitely one of my favorite chapters. I like how Tefler left the option open for Lynette to join John and the girls if things with Charles do not work out. I wonder if Lynette might be infatuated with Charles but loves John. Wish there had been a little more action, but great character development chapter. I still want Lynette with John rather than Charles. I hope that Tefler reads these comments - at least some of them.

Jedi Khan

I was thinking along the same lines: can Alyssa somehow link her sub-plane to the Ashanaths, maybe even allow for the exchange of information if the other girls are somehow able to visit? Also, wouldn't it be something for the Ashanath to look out from the edge of their plane and see the massive stone walls of Alyssa's plane suddenly appear? I can just see them having a collective WTF? moment at that sight.

Jedi Khan

Why shut it down? Aside from the fact that almost every comm buoy between Terra and the Dragon March has been destroyed and replaced with a Kintark one that allowed for the lizards to transmit back home, there really isn't much reason to block communications.

Jedi Khan

I'm wondering why they had to ask Charles for the new fabricators. Couldn't Dana have just built them herself? Hell, she could probably build better versions than what the Terrans have.




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Another solid chapter. Loved the Astral Battle. Would love an Artist's rendition of John in his white Gothic Armor ready to attack that leviathan. Really want Dana to do a full bespoke ship once they get to Genthalas.


Now that Runic Tatoos are a "thing", some of our earlier speculations on the subject now seem possible -- psychic energy focused via eternity crystals, psychic energy storage, etc.


After reading about the Vaulk organic armor and their Eternity crystals I had wondered about combining the technology. An organic material growing in a psychically changed crystalline lattice. The organics being feed by the lattice and becoming psychically charged. Bingo! Organic Psychic Battery just like a living mind.


I'd use ADiVA as the acronym. Rolls of the tongue better in marketing. "I just love my DiVA." "I take my DiVA everywhere!" "My DiVA is just perfect for keeping my appointments." and on and on.


I made a few edits, tidying up some typos and I clarified the PJ confrontation with John. I'll revisit the Astral battle tomorrow, then launch into the next chapter.

Joel San Buenaventura

Keep it up tef! One of the stories I always keep looking forward to reading :)

Donovan Gibson

This was a much faster paced chapter, and a very good one! Keep up the awesome work Tef. :)


One of the best chapters! Thanks! I can;t wait for the next one. Greetings from Greece!


Keep up the awesome work.


"The instant the first shield was pulverised to oblivion, a replacement instantly appeared to weather the storm, then another, and then a forth, until the hail of spikes petered out." Fourth instead of forth?


Oh yeah. AWESOME. Love Tamolith being empress.


Another amazing chapter! Keep up the great work!


One correction for @Tefler.you have mentioned eugenics program being operating for 10 years. But Dana is 18 years old. Am I wrong??


Rachael states, "the early stages of the eugenics program in the mid-2720’s saw very promising results". The program has been running for decades. Only in the last 10 years did it target "Over the last ten years, the researchers targeted impoverished young women for recruitment. In exchange for having their debts paid off, those women ‘volunteered’ to become breeding stock, and were repeatedly inseminated by sperm gathered from ‘superior males". So, likely the policy change of the last 10 years only became the dominant policy during that time. More projects, sad to say, would have multiple vectors for testing (intellect variables, age variables, general health variables, controlled environment verses wild examination) and it's just easier to keep that part hidden with low income ‘volunteers' as breeding stock since it is likely easier to control the subjects, "Don't follow the rules. Okay, abort and back on the streets for you."


Oooh, now that is something I hadn't considered. I mean some people are just bad, some break from trauma, and for him it could have simply been a lot of stress, but his irrational fear (well, I guess it was kinda rational. John is nearly a god compared to a normal Terran) could definitely have been a side effect from that.


further to dana's situation, it may be that the parent/s meant to join her but were killed before they could.


"John span around, hacking down the next wave of eldritch terrors that lurched out of the mists, dismembering them with a series of lethal scything cuts. " Should be "John spun around"


perhaps more info wiull come to light when they liberate


Wow Tefler. That was one awesome chapter. It still boggles my mind how much this story has evolved. From a seemingly kinky story about filling the girl with cum to an epic of galactic proportions that has been referred to as the galactic game of thrones. I am a new patron but I have been following your story on literotica since ch 15 was published there. I finally decided to get in on the action so to speak. This story is the best sci-fi story I have come across on the internet and my heartfelt congratulations to you for making it so.


given the small intro to buckingham's son, i wonder if he is part of the new order as well


wow nice one so much happoned


Tefler just a thought that has been going through my mind the last couple of chapters When the crew head out and leave Jehanna and Devereux behind are they going to be left with protection as in guns and armor as Jehanna has shown an aptitude with pistols and Devereux must have had wepons training If Alyssa doesn't bond with Devereux or Jehanna before they leave are they going to have a panic button so that either one can alert the Invictous or the maliri to the need for help Realize that all of this is spoiler territory but something to think about and maybe include thanks for your time


I think John is going to shock the shit out of the other progenitor when the time comes. I have this expectation that John's own abilities will outshine his... Much the same way as the creature who me he was fighting in the hand of would. Consider John.


I see civil war in Kintarks future with Tamolith as Empress...


Well, it is a very good thing that John can now instantly project full-body hex-shields, instead of those silly wrist bucklers.


Tef seems like he is becoming The Master of Understatement. "A few little twists" Yeah right.


Maybe he will have a moment to be a hero as he over-compensates for his perception of his father's failings and shortcomings. His battle group is still on the Brimorian frontier, and I hear that trouble might be brewing there.


On the other hand, she could bank on her leadership role in saving the empire form dissolution and preventing the enslavement of its people. As Savior of the Empire, her political capital could be unassailable.


If either one goes into a panic Alyssa will instantly know just from having the basic connection.


Span is a variant of spun, both being the past tense of spin. It's older usage of the word, but it is correct. :-)


I wonder if LK felt what John did in the astral sub plane and if so what his thoughts were on it.

Jedi Khan

If what the monster said is true, that thousands of others have bent the knee to the monsters, and that those "others" are previous Progenitors, it is possible that LK could be getting a kill order soon.


Things I liked in this chapter, 1.Alyssa's dream of space portal is nearing reality.Space port exclusive of current Maliri and terran ports but accessible to both planned. 2.Timolith is in power at Kintark empire. 3.Charles have 'a thing' for Devereux. 4.John confront his alter ego. 5.Addition of new Nymphs. What I didn't like; 1.Persisting with the halo projector for fleet admiral. 2.Possibility of back stabbing by Kintark even after treaty as no measure put in place by Terran's to check what's happening in Kintark court. 3.Dana's parentage left unsettled with more questions than answers. 4.Lack of clarity on Astral plane, whether it is a manifestation of John's mind , just an imagination or a real place. If real who owns the reality there and how does it work? 5.Not eliminating both John's and Alyssa's alter ego or self doubt from story.


Hi Sajith. I'm glad you liked the first five things! As for the second list of five: 1) Caldwell knows what happened with Gabrielle Lynton. If Devereux reveals the truth, he would immediately assume that she was John's thrall. After what happened with the Dragon March traitor, it would be extremely easy for him to cause them no end of trouble, stirring up discontentment and suspicion. 2) The Kintark Empire has been reduced to a rump state, only a third of the size of the Terran Federation. They are only a shadow of the power they used to be. 3) It would be a bit convenient to find out everything in one go. ;-) 4) The Astral Plane is a real place alright. The Ashanath Command Net is a pocket plane located on the Astral, as is the nightmarish sub-plane that he gets drawn to whenever he recruits new girls. 5) John's Progenitor Guide has been a long-standing foe. It'll be suitably dramatic when that conflict gets resolved. As John mentioned a couple of chapters ago, he wants to find out what happened to his mother before risking oblivion in a fight to the death with PJ.


I was thinking that someone should bring up that it might not be a good idea to change Dana at all.  Target fixation in combat is bad but could be called single minded focus outside of it and in research and development is a benefit.


I was thinking that someone should bring up that it might not be a good idea to change Dana at all.  Target fixation in combat is bad but could be called single minded focus outside of it and in research and development is a benefit.


Nah. Doubt that with all of the ficus that the other girls have shown about their various specialties, that it would be affected.


I've just added a new version with another 1500 words added to the astral battle. I hope you enjoy it! Oh, and don't forget to download cenobyte font if you haven't already. :-)


The have really large showers with multiple nozzle heads...


Just finished reading. Good stuff Tefler, what a jam-packed chapter, so many developments. My highlight.... Dana's backstory. I so hope the crew investigate it further


Hey Tefler, I have some shop questions for you about the Invictus (I realize these aren't alt the actual chapter but it kept me up last night wondering): how sip they get the food between planets? You day in different chapters that they get fresh food but never mention giant store rooms. So the have food replicators like star trek and for that matter how do they get there fresh water? They seem to go through a lot of it? Is the lagoon constantly getting fresh water or does it have it's own cycle system? How is the lagoon cleaned? I realize these aren't your typical questions but they where bumping around my head so I figured I'd ask. Thanks for the great work.


any word on book 3 and a sing




sorry i alwas


do that


Another question: does Alyssa ever go back and check why the nymphs where in cat form when they were with Weber after the astral battle? After the scene in the cargo bay I don't remember it being mentioned again. Did I miss it?

Heinz Molck

It's been explained that the four nymphs were in cat form because Weber couldn't stand them representing his sister. Later John imagines for each individually a form similar to the "standard" assigning the original names to each of the nymphs


In reading about Jade and her sorrow at going against John’s wishes I was struck with the idea that in a sense she had followed John’s wishes. Major recent goals were the saving of the Nymphs, the Rescue of Jehanna, and because of her actions saving the life of Lynette. Had Jade asked - the time involved would have in Jade’s mind put the mission in greater risk. A more coordinated attack would be more certain, but John would likely not be able to relocate to the escape route hanger as he would be in front of Jade, holding her back. Jade saw the situation, knew John’s mind, understood her personal motivations were consistent with John’s goals and went for it. I was more disturbed that when the raptor found the escape ship that there wasn’t a more immediate reaction to it firing on Jade. They watched Jade be fired on and then reacted. A waste of telepathic speed.


Just a quick question about grammer: I noticed when John describes the interior of Alyssa's subplane he calls it 'Spartan'. I'm pretty sure in this regard, it shouldn't be capitalized since he's using it in terms of it's definition (sparse, minimalist) as opposed to it's reference directly to historical Sparta, right?


There are pantries and store rooms of various meats, seafood and spices, preserves, condiments and vegetables as well as carbs like rice, potatoes and pasta, etc. This food is held in a stasis field to preserve its freshness. The stores when fully stocked can serve the personnel of an attack cruiser so is more than sufficient for the Crew. They augmented and replenished their food stores with Maliri cuisine at least once.


Liking the additions to that astral plane confrontation! I the fight seemed less one sided and added meaning to the scene with Irilith that wasn't really there before the addition. Also, the changes were subtle (or maybe I just needed a second reading) but John facing his guide made more sense this time. Very well done! Now I'm just waiting for the next chapter.


AH, you are both technically and grammatically correct about this instance of capitalizing Spartan. However, We in the TSM Community use capilization liberally for Emphasis -- like, the Girls, the Crew, the Boys, Eternity Crystals, etc. That Tendency must have rubbed off on Tefler, too. ;-)


The mind behind those eyes belonged to a being beyond his incomprehension should be beyond his comprehension


"The sub-plane he’d been dragged back to time and again was only a tiny fragment of this unholy demigod’s domain... a tempering ground for those of his kind, although for what purpose he couldn’t begin to fathom." Perhaps this is where Progenitors came from. Remember when John first encountered the being in this plane it was at first proud of John's conquests, but then became furious with him when it realized John was not turning the women into thralls. Maybe a psychic race long ago discovered the Astral Plane, then found this sub plane where the demigod bent the race now known as Progenitors to his will and in turn gave them the amazing knowledge and abilities Progenitors possess.


“How on Terra did a baby from a highly-classified eugenics program end up living on an Outer-Rim cesspool like Karron?!” Just maybe Dana's parents, knowing that Dana was about to be terminated escaped with Dana to the outer rim. The parents were caught and killed but Dana disappeared into the system. Looking for deaths that occurred around that time might give a clue to her parents.


“I’m afraid we’re stuck with those,” Rachel said with an affection smile at her girlfriend. ... affectionate smile...


So Dana was a test tube baby........... didn't see that coming but the astral fight was awesome it looks like there was more to that monster than originally thought well done tefler great chapter as always can't wait for the next one


had a question about the eugenics program , if it's been around for decades how did they miss John , child of a more advanced alien race & scientist mother , you'd think they would keep an eye on him & run a few tests , just in case . Also having seen how duplisatis the High Command was I wouldn't believe anything about his mother & what she might have done after John's birth . How did a zeno-biologist blow up a ship, killing the crew & steal a space ship & evade what I would think would be a vengeful Terran border patrol . Alot of strange things happened there.


Tefler, thank you so much for giving Dana new meaning and dimension to her life. She has so much more to think about now as she learns and imagines more about her parents. Gradually I hope she develops respect for what her parents went through to save her life and develop more respect for herself. She is my favorite wounded bird. Well, Jade’s pretty high up there too, and then there’s....


maybe it's just really, really, really incomprehensible.


I agree! It's all just a little odd, but it is a Terran administration full of incompetencies.


OK, People, what do we think we know about the nature and significance of the Astral Dimension? 1) The “place” is vast and old. 2) It has a hierarchy of Powers. 3) The sub-plane that John experienced was one of (who knows how) many. 4) John believes he went to the same sub-plane each time. 5) The Master of the sub-plane that John defeated (105), was the same one he faced each time. 6) The sub-plane of the Master seems to have been a proving ground for the preparation and control of nascent Progenitors. 7) Tens of thousands of “supplicants” (Progenitor Wannabees?) “bent the knee” to this Master. 8) We do not know if all other Progenitors-in-the-making were tested by this same Master. 9) The defeated Master’s sub-plane rested on the palm of a vastly older and more powerful entity. 10) We do not know how many sub-planes and Masters that this Vast Entity now hosts. 11) We do not know if this Vast Entity is unique, or if the thousands of eyes in the firmament represent Entities of similar or greater potency. 12) John thinks he has come under the scrutiny of the Vast entity before, but has no clear recollection. Brian may be correct that this is the place and process for making Progenitors -- where they are bent to the Master’s will and receive the powers, knowledge and abilities of Progenitors. Brian noted how John’s treatment changed from his first encounter with the Master, who seemed pleased with him. After John created Athena and enhanced the Girls, things went from bad to worse with the nightmare attacks. I do agree with Roethan, that Progenitors see themselves as gods and would be disinclined to bend the knee to anyone. I am not sure about Kane’s suggestion that the astral monsters are or were Progenitors. I am not sure if LK was aware of what John did in the astral sub plane. John never sensed or communicated with the Astral Monsters or Masters when he was in the “real world”. SO I am not sure if LK underwent testing by the same Master as did John, or that the Vast Entity issued “kill orders” for wayward Progenitors.


Sakura, Tashana, Dana, is probably the order that I'd go for most wounded. And all of them are delightful in their own ways. I think Dana is probably my favorite, personality wise. The stuff she says cracks me up.


It might have been dormant but since they were experimenting on alien DNA too , they probably would recognize the third helix as a key to physic ability from the Ashanta & would wonder where it came from or what it meant .


Thank you for expanding the Twins' scenes Tefler. The detail added to the astral battle really increased the tension as well. I have question, is centring just the correct way to spell centering in the real English you guys use across the pond?


Don't know, Bigdawg, not sure. But TF experts seem like members of the Dim Bulb Club sometimes. So, one medtech at his initial military medical exam noted irregularities in his DNA, ears and genitalia. He probably discussed it with his supervisor and a few peers. They saw no problem, filed the results and promptly forgot all about it. In that scenario, complacency wins every time.


Being American, I'm not sure myself, but centre would make sense to just drop the second e. So then it's a matter of centre or center.


I'm glad you liked that bit. Shining a light on her back story has been on my "to do" list for quite a while!


I'll start ebook 4 after I've finished the next chapter and might do the paperback for ebook 3 then.


Kane...they were also experimenting on other aliens , I'm sure since the Ashanta were their first contact they were a priority & it wasn't a secret that their physic powers were found on the third helix Rachel saw it immediately , I'm sure they wouldn't ignore it in John , but with the shield in place it would seem dormant or not able to be accessed by terrans so they let it slide as he proved to be a loyal trooper .


Did any one else think that John gave Charles a sweetheart deal for the Hera ? $850 million when he got $750 million in two deals for 30tons of Tyrenium , one of the last Dreadnaughts in the Terran fleet & a highly up graded one at that ,I think a round Billion would sound better at the least . US just spent 13 billion on latest Air Craft carrier the Gerald Ford , might have to leave the negotiating up to Alyssa next time


Yeah, Dawg, I expected the bounty for the Hera to fall between one and two billion credits. Even considering depreciation and discounts, I think Charles made off like a bandit.


Roethan….I've wondered if PJ ever had occasion to come forth to rescue John during his military career or he was completely dormant until John powered up Alyssa as his Matriarch & started adding his girls .Seems he led a rather heroic life & being awarded the Steller Cluster for Galon Prime he didn't shy away from danger but I'm sure if he started to tear apart enemy troops with his bare hands it would have made it into his records .


How would you describe the characteristics of a "bespoke ship"?


Dawg, I thought John's path to Progenitorhood began when he found a receptive female and was with her for a long enough period of time for his cum to begin to enhance her to the Thrall standard. Once linked to him after three feedings, his third helix lit up like a xmas tree. Only then did his potential begin to manifest and he learned he had super strength or could heal over night. At that time, he was a small time nobody; a recluse in a puny ship who was King of the One Night Stand. Who would be looking for him? Of course, months later, his profile had grown to such proportions that his impact could not be missed. So my question is, was John under surveillance by Astral agents before he met Alyssa? Or did he burst on the scene to attract their attention in recent months?


DD...considering his unusual (we suspect) origin of birth to a human female he might have been completely unknown to the astral plane until that first dream/nightmare . There was no indication that LK was aware of him until he stared to interfere with his plans & even then I think LK was unsure just what he was about , which is why ,I think, he warned Lynton not to hurt him . It would be like a unknown niece or nephew popped up & you didn't know where he came from or just who sent him & why he suddenly appeared & seem to be working against your interest . If the astral monster that John faced is to believed thousands of applicants have arrived on his plane to face the tests , but we don't know if they lived to become progenitors or failed the test & were obliterated .


DD....also I think that LK was so stuck in what he expects from John & his development he was blind to the difference between John's girls & regular thralls. Now that Ailanthia sort of pointed out that maybe john didn't know what was expected of him I wonder if he(LK) will look deeper into John & crew & be stunned he has 3 Matriarchs & just how powerful the girls are in their own right . I kinda hope it remains a mystery to him until it's to late .


DD...I agree , it was sure not to be in Terran space( of which there wasn't much to it) & if Ashanta space they would have found it , like the recruiting facility on New Eden & would tell John about it now. Although if you wanted it hidden the Unclaimed Wastes bordering on Maliri space might be a sleeper location , left behind when Valada pulled back to centralize her empire . If that is the case the Enshui become a more dangerous foe with there searching for tech there


Yeah, Dawg, for me, the worst thing is that we do not know if John is the only supplicant who shunned the standard Progenitor Powers Playbook, or if he is only the latest of a long string of Rebels. If Rebels refuse to bend the knee, are they routinely killed? Do any ever survive? If a Rebel kills his attacker/mentor instead, who confers on him the Secrets of Power? Does he ever become a "real" Progenitor? Or are there alternative paths, as John seems to be pursuing, to full Progenitorhood? So many questions. So few answers. Only Tefler knows.


If I was a Progenitor, I would want my best stuff close at hand, not hidden far away or difficult to get to. Maliri space is where I would keep such a repository, and that is probably where it would be found.


If you were Henry Voss, would you want to go aboard the Indicator of given the chance?  Should Rachel request it?  At the very least he would want to know where their tech could be in a few decades.  I think he should offer Dana a portion of his stock for the rights to the wonders he sees. * The incredibly clean air would make him want to have their life support for the new construction / ships. * Power generation and relays for the star port. * Automation so that it take fewer people top man ships or do a task. * Basic VIs to do a single task like strip and install armor. Should Jehena do a behind the scenes walk through of the ship?  Now that the destroyer is shown to be junk, would should its fate be?  Left at Olympus? 


Here is something. We think Progenitors come with a conquest-oriented "standard" kit -- of psychic powers, advanced science, engineering, technology, weapons and even sizes and classes of warships. This standard potential, we think, is encoded into their DNA, which they can access after a critical learning phase, both in the Astral domain and the real universe. We do not know what the full complement of knowledge, tech and capabilities are included, nor how long this standard has been in effect. We believe that both Ranagon and MN had full access to the Progenitor inheritance at the peak of their power, and their forces were at relative technological and military parity. The variances in their constellation of forces were within the scope of the standard arrangements despite their relatively parity. However, the differences between them were found in their strategic and tactical positions, choices and experiences. John does not have the standard kit; he does not even know what it is. He has no Thralls, no Soul Forge nor standard flagship. LK called the Invictus a Frankenstein Ship. John has instead, instinctually and subconsciously, patched together an ad hoc collection of powerfully enhanced women whom he leads as an elite trouble-shooting combat team and ship's crew. Our impression is that John's non-standard posture, potential, practices and personnel are opaque to LK., as his expectations are based on standards that do not exist. I suspect LK would be just as surprised as PJ was, when Alyssa brushes aside one of his attacks, and responds by spearing him with a psychic Nova blast.

Jedi Khan

"Indicator"? Whose ship is that? As for the destroyer, it's not so much as junk as it is a hack job. Back when it was originally built, the Nexus AI tried to match a thrall ship design but unfortunately had neither the tech nor the full schematic for it to be a true thrall ship. As such, it only looks like a thrall ship from the outside, but everything inside is Terran. The destroyer is still a perfectly good ship, just needs a lot of work to bring it up to parity with the Invictus.


I had a thought. The astral plane beings have or had some effect on the progenitors. The progentitors, using their mental abilities, sought out the astral plane and were set upon by these beings. Turning them from whatever they were, into the evil domineering beings that they are now. The astral beings are using the progentitors as tools for their own ends. John's existence as the good guy, could somehow be effecting their plans. Just look at the apparent damascene conversation taking place with the other progentitor. Or, maybe I'm just reading too much into it.


John's and Alyssa's successes in the Astral Domain seems to portend an end to the horrific nightmares. Calara and Sakura had a relaxing day with Maria and will return refreshed and ready for action. Irillith is on the verge of cracking the code to fully translate the Vulkat Archive. Tashana's growth in psychic abilities will encourage the other Girls to develop greater skills. Dana now has eight Mass Fabricators and new Projenitor insights with which to apply her tech genius. Rachel is more grounded and happy than ever after her reconciliation with her father. Jade's new role as Matriarch to the Nymphs provides new depth and meaning to her role within the Crew. Lynette will get to see the results of John's changes and enhancements to her body today. Alyssa is thrilled with her matchmaking, and Lynette sees a whole new life of challenges and relationships before her. Jehanna will return to Terra and TFNN, but she will be lonely as a Secret Lioness. Helene has been integrated into the Invictus family, but has yet to find a gratifying role for herself. Edraele has made amazing progress in preparing Genthalas to upgrade and refit the Mailiri fleets with potent new technologies. Now that they have been claimed by their new Master, the Nymph Sisters are settling in with Jade as their protector, mentor and guide. Faye's date with John is imminent, and its impact will deepen her affections and commitment to him and the Crew. John is happier, stronger and better positioned than ever to lead his Team to confront the challenges they can anticipate. Tefler has us on the cusp of a new series of adventures that will lead inevitably to the two most important confrontations yet -- with PJ and LK.


The upcoming conflict with the Kirrix is days away. I doubt this clash will be like the rescue at Khalgron, as at least four colonies must be liberated and an unknown number of Kirrix Hive Ships and Battle Carriers must be defeated or pushed out of Terran Space. Calara and Faye have developed effective strategies against Kirrix ships, while Faye's proficiency on the guns is approaching Calara's skill level. The Invictus will have the support of a TF fleet battle group, whose actions will be improved by Calara's coordination. Rachel has shared her medical protocols for dealing with Kirrix infestations which will save the lives of thousands of their victims. Jade should pilot the Invictus through these battles, leaving Alyssa free to do what she does best. Sakura will be more controlled and effective piloting the Valkyrie, and with Faye as her wingman in the Raptor, the two of them will be a formidable pair. Irillith should try again to breach the digital defenses of the Kirrix vessels now that she is learning to stretch her psychic hacking abilities. I would like to see Alyssa and Dana joining John's squad -- along with Tashana and Rachel -- if they go in to liberate Karron.


If Dana could somehow create a physic blocker like LK gave Baledernax or something similar based off of the physic tracer , I wonder if it would cut the cord of the hive mind controlling the Kirrix troops leaving them pretty helpless & easy to mop up . Would also deter any further incursions , who sends troops only to lose them with no return . Just s thought .


We saw at Khalgron that with such a tech advantage in weapons & shielding that fleet actions are pretty lopsided, both the up graded Terran fleet & Invictus & the Maliri fleet can stand off & slaughter the Kirrix war ships . It's going on the ground & the hive ships rooting them out & rescuing the captured troops & civilians that will be dangerous .


Yeah, Dawg. Bring on the Psychic Jammer! That idea is similar to several recent speculations that if Dana's psy detector can identify and monitor the resonant frequency of telepathic communication links, that frequency and link can be blocked or scrambled. The ability to do that against the Kirrix makes them helpless to even the TF Border Fleet.


Thank you, Tefler, I'm really enjoying the story! You have a few typos in the last couple of chapters that bother me. The word "exterminate" is not spelled "subjugate" and we, the readers, need to know that both the Admiralty and Tamolith are aware of the absolute unvarnished truth. There should have been electronic copies of that plan on every display in the Admiralty meeting and a copy should have been sent to Tamolith along with the map so there can be no misunderstandings. I was kind of disappointed with the long-awaited meeting with the Admiralty. Wow. Years ago, one admiral killed his wife, one admiral had an affair and an abortion. There was relatively little about the current skulduggery that got most of the T-Fed forces destroyed or damaged, civilians annihilated, the Maliri injured and then insulted, and Invictus beaten like a cheap drum during the battle. Admiral Alligatormouth should have been replaced on the spot and escorted from the building with his clearance revoked but he does make a nice foil.


The Admirals who might have ben involved with "skulduggery" were forewarned it was in their best interest to resign their commissions & retire & after watching the tape of Webber , they took up that good advice . Adm. Dubois thought he was safe because what he did was before he joined HC & for Maybridge it was more a matter of personal guilt . While Caldwell might be a bit of an ass about things he was a decorated & honorable officer & to remove anyone to speak up against John & Lynette would send the wrong message to the rest of HC , they just got through dealing with a meglomaniac in Buckingham & to see Lynette follow that path would led to big problems later . Also better to keep your critics close so you can watch them & not off doing who knows what out of sight .


3Phyz … at the time of the meeting John & Alyssa had not yet told Lynette the extent of the bad things that happened at Tartarus , only telling her after the meeting & letting her decide if she wanted to sweep it under the rug to keep HC sins away from public eye , with the resulting up roar or come clean & start fresh , which to her credit she has . I hope your not suggesting disagreeing with John & Lynette is on the same level as the crimes the other Admirals who resigned & Buckingham & Webber ? Also I'm sure there must be proticals for removing a sitting member of HC & it can't be done on a whim...even the Fleet Admirals whim .


I thought Alyss said that after a couple of weeks, she would revisit the status of the retired admirals to see if she would leave them be or seek retributive Justice. I have no doubt that Irillith has access to enough secure Admiralty files to help her make her decisions.


Yes, Dr. Dadd, the Kintark were attempting to eliminate humans, not subjugate them, and it keeps getting glossed over. The master plan written by the Kintark was found in the traitor's dreadnought. The Admiralty wouldn't be interested in some other attempted genocide in a meeting held right after most of the T-Fed fleet was demolished and headquarters practically leveled after the Kintark emperor squershed the Fleet Admiral like bug on galaxy-wide video. Tamolith could not care less about anything that does not concern her or the Kintark when she's surrendering half of her empire so there would be no point in sending her a copy of some other empire's genocidal plan. bigdawguw65, Tartarus was discussed in-story so it wasn't avoided as far as the reader is concerned. I did not write one word about it and I agree with the in-story reasoning. Nothing I wrote supports the absurd conclusion that I believe John and Lynette were as bad or worse than Weber or Buckingham, put that nasty thought back under your keyboard before you put someone's eye out! Alyssa returning in "a couple of weeks" to sort out the elusive admirals is a pipe dream and assumes Alyssa will be somewhere around Earth in a couple of weeks. It further assumes that anyone even remotely connected to the skulduggery of an angry ex-Admiralty admiral will still be around to be found without having conveniently committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head several times before slipping and falling out of an unattended airlock.


DD.....MN , didn't really think it , more in response to your question on why John was born there . & then our questions about MN's base of operations .It just kind of bounced around in my brain & popped out . wouldn't it be funny if they were one & the same . Things to ponder , the report of the Cora (Jessica's ship) called it an Eden world , it was blocked from sensors by a nebula's electromagnetic field . Where better place to retire too , a beautiful planet hidden from casual discovery . When MN blew his worm drive where might he set as his destination , hoping to survive the detonation & being thrown home ? Like I said , more harmless muzzings .


3Phayz, interesting post. Think about this. In diplomacy, it is not always desirable or necessary to use your Big Stick. Sometimes, the fact that you have one is enough to get your interlocutor's attention or compliance. Tamolith, like any sovereign, must be primarily concerned with her own imperial interests. She knows what was planned by the Emperor, and acknowledging that, she is focused on system survival. As a result, she ceded half of her worlds to avoid a forlorn hope struggle that she would lose. Devereaux achieved her highest priotity objectives in one executive level conversation, and judged it to be in TF interests to maintain a cordial relationship with Tamolith. I trust Alyssa's word. She has strong views on the role of the Admiralty and TF leadership. If she said she will look into a matter, I expect her to do that. She has sufficient assets and reach to make sure that hypothetical Admiral X, who committed unforgivable acts, can be found and dealt with expeditiously.


3Phazy .... you misread my comment about John & Lynette . You were for throwing Cadwell off of HC for merely questioning John & Lynette handling of the Hera & the scavenging the Maliri did & I was asking if this was on the level of evil that John & Alyssa set for cleaning out of HC . Caldwell still is affraid of John & his connections with aliens but will be isolated & powerless to do much about it , especially now John is a part of HC & has the ear (among other parts ) of the Fleet Admiral . John & crew have bigger fish to fry right now & any retribution over HC past sins will have to wait . They have already gotten all the information already & can address it at their own pace . By a personal accounting I meant personally by Alyssa & John & not in a court of law .


Go...I believe she scans their minds & sees everything they did , I'm sure few if any of the pirates or slavers in Underworld had regrets or guilt about what they did . In Maybridge's case her guilt exaggerated her response , but the termination might have also been against the law at the time .


Subjugation is another fine series by a different author. No one even raised an eyebrow when H.G. Wells killed all the Martians that were trying to kill all the humans, there's no reason to be squeamish about it. They tried, they lost. Tamolith needs to know, the Admiralty needs to know, and we as readers need to know that they all know. There is no diplomacy necessary for an Admiralty meeting, we readers just need to know they've all read it and the characters can euphemize to their hearts' content. That hasn't happened in the dialog. I doubt Tamolith was involved with the plan but getting her up to speed about what is really going on would at least let her wrap her head around mass and volume of excrement that just hit the rotating assembly. She may stay up late at night and read it over and over again while she's nestled in her nest but she does need know better than to try and play word games with people that are looking up ancient Terran Komodo Dragon recipes while she tries to negotiate from a position of ignorance. Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you just told them.


3Phayz, I think what you want you already have. Lynette established from the outset that she was not negotiating a peace treaty with Tamolith, but a total Kintark surrender. It was explicitly stated that Tamolith's choice was to cede half her worlds or potentially lose all of them. Their vulnerability to their neighbors and their defenseless status was made clear, and the repatriation of Kintark warships was not a threat to the TF, but provides a token border patrol defense fleet, gifted by the good will of the TF -- how galling. When Lynette proposed the return of Kintark citizens from TF occupied planets, it was made clear that they could have been enslaved or killed, as Baledranax planned for Terrans. There is no doubt that Tamolith understood clearly that if she failed to accept TF terms for surrender, things could get very unpleasant for the Kintark. Now, diplomacy has it faults, but if you can negotiate terms that are clearly to your advantage, to go for everything, you might over-reach and lose what you had in hand.


No. She may or may not know but Lynette absolutely did not tell Tamolith that the ultimate goal of the invasion was the extermination of humans as a species. Tamolith needs to see the document, she needs to know who came up with the plan, she needs to know who wrote the document, she needs to know who signed off on the document, and she has to believe it. There has been no in-story dialog that shows the Admiralty has read the Kintark plan and everyone knows what it happens when you assume anything. The Admiralty absolutely needs to know they're dealing with exterminators, not conquerors, before the war tribunals begin and before they begin to return the Kintark ships and crews. Conquering is not the same as extermination, casualties in war are not the same as planned genocide, and dancing around in circles about diplomacy before telling the leaders of the T-Fed and the Kintark about it is dumb.


3Phayz, I admire your intensity, but in story terms, Irillith learned about the genocide plans two days ago; Lynette became Fleet Admiral a day ago, and the conversation between Tamolith and Lynette occurred mere moments before the end of 105. I have faith that Tefler has heard you and how others responded to your points. Let the story unfold a bit more before casting too final a judgement about things that have not yet happened.


In the negotiation with Tamolith Lynette said quite clearly that the terms were better far than the brutality that Baledranax & Melkadian had in store for the Terrans & since Tamolith is now large & in charge she has access to all the plans of her predecessors . Also about informing the populace about the plans of the Emperor & Melkidian you would be condemning innocent civilians to the wrath of an enraged public & with the TFed taking over Kintarks worlds you almost assure of bloody conflicts instead of a peaceful transition .


Jedi...just don't tell them they're controlled by an AI . US Marines & other troops work with robot drones both in the air & on the ground both unit controlled & by operators far away . JUst tell them they under the control of one of the Lionesses .


Relax, it's a story. I don't think Tefler's going to lose his mind a run around flapping his arms like a chicken because his characters were up to no good. If he does then I want pictures because we need to know these things.


Dawg, Jedi, I know what to do. Dana should design a substantial, manually-controlled robotic and shielded weapons platform that can be remotely piloted by TF Marines. I do not know if TF Marines wear armor or have personal shields. For sure their personal arms do not compare to the Lion's. Dana could design the unit and transmit specs and blueprints for the weapon to the TF Border Fleet as well as a training simulator. Production by Mass Fabricator and testing can begin en route. The Operator can ride in an APC for protection and to avoid battlefield distractions. Dana can make crystal goggles or a holographic display (for targeting) and a hand unit with two joy sticks and weapons selection buttons to control orientation, pitch, vector, speed and altitude. The hand controller would allow a Marine to fire the weapons installed in the platform -- e.g., mortar and grenade launchers, upgraded pulse lasers, sonic and high velocity flèchette cannon, etc.. It would not be as effectively controlled as a VI or Faye could, but with experience, it would definitely enhance Marine fire power. Two units per platoon would make one hell of a difference in combat effectiveness.


John and Edraele are deeply worried that the Maliri would be in the crosshairs of LK's Thralls when the climactic confrontation ensues. To respond to this challenge, they want to give themselves an advantage, one beyond parity, to achieve a degree of technological and strategic superiority. There are a limited number of pathways to achieve this objective: 1) Dana could be inspired by Progenitor knowledge passed to her from John that lead to equivalent tech; 2) Dana could adapt and improve other species' tech -- i.e., Vulkat, Progenitor, Maliri, etc. -- to make new, more potent weapons against LK's forces; or 3) Tashana could discover a weapons cache or treasure trove of Progenitor technology that survived the disappearances of Ranagon and MN or even LK. All three pathways should be aggressively pursued, especially the discovery of a repository of Progenitor tech that was left behind and forgotten.


It'd be nice to see a touch of verisimilitude applied to the Kintark sssuperior ssspecies before someone leaks "The Plan!" to the AMI (Assange Memorial Institute). Imagine the admirals' surprise when the first time they find out about what was really going on is when those ignorant civilians, well, the ones that are mostly not melted too badly or weren't directly underneath the Kintark burnin' love bombs, show up with torches at the doorstep of the Admiralty that's supposed to be trying to rebuild the fleet and regain their credibility with the public. There was one in-story video call with Tamolith but I'll suspended my disbelief for the moment. Denying attempted genocide and trying to hide it from the leaders is lying by omission. Leaders don't like that and it's exactly the same as Holocaust denial. The grim reality is that Holocaust denial had to be outlawed in the EU back in 2007. No one tried to find a final diplomatic solution for genocide or keep it from the world leaders at a time when they had to make their decisions after WWII. The German people were informed along with everyone else in the world.


When the Kintark Battle group to destroy Olympus broke away from the main invasion fleet, the conversation between Buckingham and Caldwell is instructive and to your point, 3Phayz. Buckingham, in his mad fantasy, erroneously saw an opportunity to crush the invaders and turn the tables on them. If he had his way, it would have been the Kintark who would be reduced to slavery or suffer genocide, their empire dismantled and the civilians reduced to impotent, rights-less, poverty stricken vassalage. If many or all Kintark died in the process, Buckingham would have seen that as a benefit allowing the TF to annex and exploit the resources of their worlds with impunity. I am not engaged in a moral equivalence debate. Rather, I want to stress that in story terms, TSM is not filled with rainbows and sweetness, but is military combat-oriented SF, with some sexy bits thrown in the mix. I like combat sci-fi. I like sexy bits. That's part of the reason I like Tefler and TSM. I do not mistake it for reality, require verisimilitude, nor expect Tefler's narrative to conform to my values or expectations. As long as I enjoy his craft, I will return to learn what happens next in this wonderful saga.


The obvious solution is to rewrite any awkward imaginary history. Tefler could simply erase the part of his story that mentioned the Kintark plan for immediate extermination and long-term genocide since it makes too many readers uncomfortable and their first inclination is go along with the cover-up, justify it, and to lie about it. There was a song about that. Lie-lie-lie! Lie-lie-lie-lie-lie-lie! Lie-lie-lie! Ve-e-e-ry similutude! But stupid! ~ Artie Shaw


I am with you, Dawg. Tamolith now has full control of the powers and instrumentalities of an imperial executive. No doubt she has been briefed on Kintark war plans, fleet commitments, strategic goals and post-conflict expectations. No doubt she has accessed her predecessor's files on relevant matters. There have likely been several anguished high level meetings on Kinta over the last forty hours where their defeat was blubbered about, and plenty of recriminations, accusations and blame were loudly aired. Tamolith fully understands her situation. No doubt. Under the circumstances, even she is surprised how tolerant and considerate Lynette and John were.


Congratulations, Tefler! An author that can get this many people fired up about his story deserves more support so I bumped my subscription up to $10. Way to go, man! Author-arm-flapping pictures will still be required for all readers, even them that votes against it.


Holy shit man. Are you just trying to troll here? Because that's what I see. You might be the first person Tefler has to choose to not take money from just to remove a toxic member of the community from it.


On their journey to Genthalas, Tashana, Irillith, Helene and Faye could review references in the Nexus files and assess potential sites in the stellar neighborhood of Valaden for MN's labs and engineering facilities. During the Invictus's refit, Tashana and Helene could visit the most likely sites in the Raptor and see what they might find. They would have a couple of days to visit secondary and tertiary sites, if necessary, to help build up informational clues about their quest. A successful find and dig could be transformative.


I'm not going to try to speak for, channel, or try to write for Tefler but a few lines of in-story dialog would clear up any ambiguity with the Admiralty and Tamolith: Admiralty (reading "The Plan!" on their screens): "No way!" Lynette: "Way." Admiralty: "D-u-u-u-de!" Tamolith: "What iss thiss document?" Lynette: "Read it. We'll talk later. Out." (click) NO CARRIER


I wonder if the Kirrix, as a hive species, are aware of John as an individual, and recognize the Invictus as a unique threat. Someone mentioned chapters ago, that since they purchased human slaves from pirates in TF space, they must have some ability for cross-species communication. If I remember correctly, Rachel suggested that the shapes and structures of their brains, jaws, mouths, etc., made any complex vocal speech difficult. Our other cases of principally telepathic species -- the Ashanath and Bolons -- depend on translator tech to communicate with non-telepathic species. We believe the Brood Mother and Hive Lord somehow convey telepathic orders to lower level psy-sensitive varieties of Kirrix -- Behemoths, Supervisors, Pilots, Warriors, etc. -- that may or may not come from an even higher level order of Alpha Kirrix elsewhere far away. We do not know if they have 'thirty words for snow' or if they lump together all potential hosts for their eggs as just 'meat?' If they do recognize John, and are able to communicate across species, I imagine they would want to have a chat after they see how John's strategy and tactics defeat them every time.


In the fight scene John just exhibited a new capability of time travel or time wrap..it's just me or no one else noticed it!


I am extremely curious to see how distinctively the emerging personalities of the Nymph Sisters develop, diverge, and distinguish themselves. Their interactions with John, Jade and each other will unveil interesting quirks, qualities and kinks that can help keep the story fresh.


Oh, we all noticed it. I even mentioned it when discussing Runic Tatoos.


I don't think when you buy human as fodder you need to communicate with them.wasps don't tell bugs, worms it capture that it's going to have them act as food for its larvae.I think same applies here for Kirrex- human or other race interaction. How ever they must be capable of logic to mount raids for food so they must understand a threat and respond accordingly. They are seen never attacking strong population/races centers but outer posts or easy pickings. John should be a known threat that decision making body be it a web /hive of minds or a single entity controlling the hive.


Would they remember more? Will we get to know the history of Nymphs....


John got more Progenitor skills than earlier now after his confrontation with PJ.If thats the case does it mean more power, resources and discovery for girls.If the answer is yes, then it will be fun. Now Dana is not the only one with rune skills , will it get transferred to all?


I think it has to do with how Alyssa Spirit Walks when she connects to a mind. When she reads a mind and assess the memory two things are present, the actual memory and it's emotional connection to the memory. The Memory itself is a lot like a fuzzy video recording of the event. The Emotional connection to the event dictates the context that the memory reads. For instance, Tashanna's torments; more specifically the execution of the slaver Captain. Both the visual playback of the event an the emotions are there. I think that the emotional connection is the key to who gets "Painted in the blood of the innocent". For DuBois, the act of killing his wife was motivated by the emotional connection is what painted him guilty much like Maybridge. Still not sure how or which emotions cause being marked, but I think it's as close as we're going to get to understanding how it works.


Ok, Jedi and Bigdawg, what about this? John retired from the TF Marines as a Commander, having led many Marines in many battles and earned the highest battlefield honors. In recent months his exploits as broadcast by TFNN probably were seen by every Marine in the Federation. John fought in body armor as a Marine. He continued to use it after retirement -- McCarran Arms -- until Dana began her evolution of armor types to the current CA Paragon model. Ok, I assume, then, that TF Marines also wear combat armor. It might be of a similar quality as the McCarran Arms top line John first wore on the Invictus. Dana knows that armor design well. So, to build up a capable ground combat team, Dana could use her new production capacity to build thirty or so Phalanx-type Invictium armor suits, including interactive HUD, personal shields, and issue Punisher Rail Guns and Rifles -- or even Justice Lasers -- to Marines to be commanded by John. In that way, they can quickly augment a flexible, trained, combat unit with cohesive fire teams and its own officers, to work with John and the Girls on asteroid clearance and ground combat operations against the Kirrix. Thoughts?


Personally, I do not see or believe John wanting to command a marine unit. He has lost to many under his command in the past. Which is why he strives for the best for the Invictus crew. With the capabilities that John and the girls have. To watch out for themselves and each other. He will either have his team do all the heavy fighting. Or have nothing to do with it at all. He will not want to take the risk of trying to keep so many safe from harm.

Jedi Khan

The armor that John bought from Steinbeck Armory (I believe that's who John bought the armor from) after buying the Invictus was Spec-Ops grade armor, not something that normal grunts like John and other Marines from his military days would wear. That armor was a fully enclosed suit of metal plates that covered just about every part of his body. The body armor of the average grunt is probably more like what John had before buying the Invictus, a simple vest with a metal plate on the front and back, and maybe a few strap-on plates to cover his legs and arms. Certainly nothing like what the full-body suit he bought later. As for Dana equipping a few squads of Terran Marines by building 30 or so suits and weapons, she could probably do it if given more than a few days. Since it's Alyssa and/or John who do the metal shaping, most of the time required for making the team's equipment is spent on assembly rather than manufacturing. As it is, Dana has only had Jade, and occasionally Rachel and Alyssa, for help with assembly, and they're barely keeping up with maintaining the team's equipment. Maybe if the other Nymphs can somehow assist, then perhaps Dana can produce all the gear needed to fully equip a few squads of Marines in the time it would take to go from Olympus to the Outer Rim. I had put forth the idea some time ago that since John has made such a big name for himself, McCarran Arms and Steinbeck Armory might notice that he purchased gear from them and reach out to ask permission to use his name in a marketing campaign. Of course he's not using their gear anymore, but that shouldn't matter to their marketing department since he did use their gear at some point. He could offer up the schematics for the modifications that Dana made to the gear from McCarran and Steinbeck, rather than the Dana original gear that came later, and then let those companies sell a Lion's Signature line of equipment. Tefler liked the idea, but I have no idea if he plans to use it or is already using it but with his own twist to it. Either way, I think instead of Dana equipping Terran troops directly, it would be more prudent to license some private companies, such as McCarran, Steinbeck, and/or Voss Corp, to produce versions of some of Dana's first gen original gear, simplified to allow for mass production and to use materials that are readily available to the Terrans.


DD...I could see John having Dana do like you say , equip a TFed Marine squad with armor & weapons but have to agree with Sharkbait don't think he'd want to led them . Could see co-ordinate sweep with his girls & the marine but he wouodn't want the girls involved unless he was leading them & you can't led two squads at once without confussion

Jedi Khan

Just had a thought. What is Dana building the replacement engines out of? It doesn't seem to be Crystal Alyssium that she's using or else we'd see Alyssa and John shaping engine parts, not just armor plating. I can only imagine how much more powerful, efficient, and durable those engines would be if she were to use Crystal Alyssium as well as mix in some already unlocked Progenitor tech such as power couplings, cabling, etc. While we're on that subject, what are the Power Cores and FTL drive built out of? We know that they're supposedly Progenitor tech, but does that mean they are built using Progenitor grade materials? Are they built using Crystal Alyssium or something else? Is this something else better or worse than Crystal Alyssium? How about all the sub-parts of the Power Cores and FTL drive, such as heat sinks, power couplings, circuits, sensors, etc? Are they Progenitor grade or lower tech stuff setup to simulate Progenitor tech? Same goes for Faye's server, which is supposedly Progenitor tech. Was it built using actual Progenitor tech or lower tech setup to simulate Progenitor tech? If the answer to any of these questions is that they are built using Progenitor grade materials and tech, why hasn't Dana realized that she now has the schematics for all that stuff and begun replacing the lower tech parts in everything else non-Progenitor? This goes especially for the heat sinks. I believe the team is still using the Dana improved version of the Kintark advanced heat sinks, not Progenitor grade heat sinks.


Jedi....from what we were shown in the recording she wasn't close to Mael & Valada when they were freed , more like the engineers at Genthalas , just another one of the Indians not a chief . Doubt she had any interaction with Mael on a personal level . She might have some general idea of how things operated & where she was stationed but even that might be pretty vague if she wasn't educated about celestial navigation . From how she was before John powered her up & the newest recruits , the nymphs seemed very naïve & simple creatures .

Jedi Khan

Jade would at least be able to provide some insight into how Mael recruited his thralls, for I believe that was the purpose of the Nymphs: mass recruitment and feeding. Any insights into how Mael operated would prove invaluable, even if they don't apply universally to all Progenitors.


As I mentioned to Jedi, the Marines would be commanded by their own captain and lieutenants who would have tactical command over the combat fire teams. John would act as the strategic battlefield commander to define their objectives and coordinate their efforts. John knows the capabilities of TF Marines, and would have confidence in their training and experience. By giving them better armor and effective weapons, they could be very useful.


There will be cases where they would best work together. Like with Trankaran Marines during the Khalgron rescue operation, the Lion and Lionesss took point while the Trankarans provided fire support and VIP protection under their own officers. There might be cases where Tashana and John would have to take down multiple Kirrix Behemoths, while the Marines joined Alyssa, Rachel and Dana to take out the mass attacks by regular Kirrix Warriors. Similarly, if they had to rescue prisoners, the Lion and Lionesses can clear an evacuation route through the Kirrix while TF Marines provided fire support and protection.


You got me, Jedi. Tefler usually hides the details of his sausage making behind the curtain. But seriously, I got the impression that Dana puts a variety or ores and metal alloys in the hopper feeds of the Mass Fabricators. When Sakura made the knife that she used to kill Mikaboshi, did the Mass Fabricator transform her former cyber brain into another alloy before production? With Faye's help, Dana re-discovered a number of minerals and elements known to Progenitors that were unknown to Terrans, Ashanth and Maliri. I wish I knew more about that tech.


John and his crew needs to be accompanied by select officers and their hand picked team for action in outer world. Now this team will be armed by the best terran tech on offer. Dana can modify and enhance this tech while in transit with support from those using it. For example the guns used by the lady officer during the seige of citadel was modified heavily by her.Think how it would work if modifications was done by Dana. The modification need not be big but significant enough to remove existing problems of these arms, ammunition,fighters,bombers,armour etc.In terran federation the moral boost and sense of pride will be significant. This tech can be allowed to stay with the team for further modifications and adoption by terran federation forces elite teams.Companies which make these tech will get a boost as they manufacture the base model from which enhancement can be achieved. Sceneario should allow our minor but favourite character s to return,learn and redeem themselves.


Dana,Rachel and Alyssa must start working on psychic signal blocker, they must understand how the signal gets passed, that is what energy wave gets this message from one point to another and what can interfere with this energy source. Rachel can study Alyssa the strongest psychic among the crew to understand and perform her brain mapping.Dana can give material and engineering expertise. If they don't come up with a solution and their own weapon to counteract a jammer or create their own jammer next time they need not be lucky.


Faye is going to become the Sirus Cybernetics Corporation...... "Your plastic pal who's fun to be with" lol


Faye's chassis is a sophisticated amalgam of the best designs and integration of Mikaboshi's and Maliri cybernetics technology. Her chassis, based on humanoid form, has artificial skeletal, musculature, joints, tendons and skin-like analogues to allow for normally efficient walking and running. In a civilization so engaged in conflict, many soldiers and civilian suffer the trauma of lost limbs, eyes and other physiological capabilities. Now that the Vulkat organic science is nearly at hand, I imagine that Dana and Rachel can produce durable organic replacements for bones, joints and life-like limbs for those who have suffered such loss and live with effective paralysis and lack of mobility. Cybernetic prostheses could help wounded soldiers rehabilitate for return to active service or transition to civilian life. Synth-skin would be very useful for cosmetic reconstructions for victims of fire or plasma burns. Artificial eyes and hair would find a vibrant market everywhere. In tandem with Rachel's cosmetic and enzyme treatments, a line of cybernetic prostheses would make a major difference in the lives of millions.

Jedi Khan

They already do. Cybernetic prosthetic parts are already in common use in the TFed. They just pale in comparison to what Dana can make. And oddly enough, according to Dana, the best cybernetic parts the Terrans have to offer is on par with the Maliri's tech, except for the skin. The synthetic skin is where the Maliri are best. As for the possibility of using Vulkat tech to make organic prosthetics, when it comes to organic replacement parts, you have to worry about whether or not a person's body will accept the new part. It's not like you can just throw in a piece of metal, dope the person up with antibiotics to kill any infections, and then have them do rehab for a month or two so they can learn to use the new limb. With organic parts, a person's body could always reject the new part and no amount of medication or rehab can fix that. That's true for parts that are of natural human origin and would be especially true for parts that are of synthetic alien origin too.


Exoskeleton armour are being developed for infabtry soldiers to carry more load and weapons to battle field in today's world.Battle of Citadel showed exoskeleton has evolved.Its not a mech like one developed for Sakura.Would have been fun if there were exoskeleton protection over and above the current armour to carry heavier weapons in to battle field. Alyssa then need not bash battle tanks and Sakura need no cleave battleships but use heavier guns to fire those away. It also allows option to use miniature forms of heavier weapons in Invictus which probably cannot be carried on person but can be incorporated to an exoskeleton with its own power and defense mechanism.


After service in Terran forces John was a Merc or private army on his own with military rank and access based on input from Charles. John could form his team of lionesses as of this freedom to operate above terran regulations. Now Lynette want to make him an admiral and part of high command which will also bring questions on John's actions. Unlike Maliri where John control all house matriarch Terran federation is not compliant to John.Does he need the job with Charles and Lynette already in? Only advantage I see is it adds credibility to his title when dealing with other species as he is now legit. How do you see this?


After some report on Progenitor lab in New Eden there had been no progress on the genetical manipulation done by Progenitors.I was looking forward to some lead on this when the terran lab was found out, particularly since it housed genetic lab but none.It seems Progenitor created whole race put of thin air.I hope Brimorians and their work to develop abandoned will give some clue.But as John is not planning to breed an army I not sure such a research will lead to anything more than ancestry...


When Lynette was negotiating with Kintark empress it was assumed citizens of captured world will leave their world and go to Kintark.Now what if life of Kintark so harsh it's better to live in Terran rule ? Will terran federation accept a foreign race as their own or will they be compelled to leave.I think all discussions were on leaving voluntarily.What if they simply don't leave?


Brimorians tried to trick John.Now with Kintark defeated they know it didn't work. They know John know he was cheated how well will they be prepared?They couldn't fight Maliri then what do they do with John? Will Progenitor help Brimorians against John?


I have an idea why Nymphs were created, I think they were to form an army which could not be destroyed. Think, they can't be killed even if dead they can be brought back to life. They don't need guns to kill as they buy themselves are a weapon which can take any shape.Also their inability to carry weapon is not physical but psychological blockage which with advance Progenitor knowledge can be removed.A being that can be brought back to life even when dead with fighting skills,shape shifting etc.What more do you need?


I posted this as a reply on another comment, but thought it deserves it own thread. With all the discussion surrounding the search for Meal’nerak thrall facilities and proginator technology. Has anyone thought of Genthales station itself. We know Genthales dates back to Meal’s time and was used to creat thrall ships. The station is huge and much of it has been offline for millennium. Who knows what secrets are locked away and forgotten it the sustain. Perhaps Tashana and Illirith should take a look around.


Sajith….While that was the reason Buckingham & Webber were capturing the Nymphs , they're dream of an unstoppable warriors , Webber found out without John they were just very desirable sex slaves . The amount of power John put into Jade to allow her to make those transformations & what he had to do to restore her really doesn't sound like anything a Progenitor would consider . Their armies were made up of disposable thralls armed with superior tech & they didn't seem to mind losing them .To expend that much time , power & energy would be out of character for such selfish beings. I think Jade evolved as a happy accident , her desire to protect John & the girls started her on the path & with his encouragement led from claws she used on the drunks , to her Tiger >T-Rex>Dragon & with the empowerment before the rescue of Niskera , John allowed her to assume any shape(lover) she wants . I believe the nymphs original roll was to , using vats of stored Progenitor cum , convert his thralls , like Jade did with the Maliri engineers on Genthalas . For a Progen to do it one girl at a time would be impossible to build his armies .


SKS, this concept was discussed before. I have always had some concerns about it. For example, John's team are all female. Would this constantly available combat force be all females or of mixed genders? Would this unit live on the Invictus, or would they have their own vessel? Would they accompany the Invictus everywhere or perform their own independent missions? Would they all be Terrans, or be composed of various allied species? Would they be a general, flexible, multi-mission expeditionary combat force or be dedicated to specific operations and missions?


Love to be a fly on the wall of the next Deep Pool meeting , with the Kintark defeat , especially with the involvement of John & the Maliri will bring some hard questions for Deep Lord Athgiloi from the others . He pretty much quarantined John's demise & the sudden realization of John's relationship with the Maliri should put the Brimorians on the defensive . They might just throw Athgiloi under the bus & tell John the deal with the Kintark , giving them the up dated shields & sabatoging the shields given him was all his idea . Think they will be really shocked when he brings up the Abandoned . As for Athgiloi himself..he is toast... endangering his girls , John will not forgive , so look forward to another nymph joining the crew I believe .


To the various allied species, John is effectively a free agent. So far his actions have been beneficial to them, not damaging to their interests. Though he formally has only TF citizenship, the Allies see him as a powerful friend -- though a very special friend and Protector for the Maliri. With his promotion to the HC, he now has influence in all allied centers of governance.


Lynette proposed to help any Kintark who wished to return to their remaining worlds, and offered TF citizenship to any who chose to remain. The only way that would work is if most of the Kintark left peacefully, and those who remained were treated honorably as full, new citizens. If the majority of Kintark refused to go, there would be conflict followed by expulsions as TF colonists would not want to be in the minority. If those who remain work to assimilate, positive outcomes are likely. If those who remain segregate themselves -- or are forcibly segregated and ghettoized -- negative outcomes will predominate. If more positive than negative outcomes can be sustained, a new kind of multi-species society could emerge.


Reclaiming the Abandoned is a tough knot. I agree that the Brimorians are in a pickle. Their expectations of TF defeat were dashed, the Kintark are reduced and vulnerable, they may not know that the Drakkar are in disarray, John actually communicated with the Vulkat Queen and the Maliri are moving out into the Galaxy once more. Once John raises the shield cut off, dangers to his crew and freedom for the Abandoned, they will know their pickle just got more briny and acidic. So, using what leverage he has, John should demand that if the Abandoned are the majority on any Brimorian world, they should be allowed to live free on that planet for up to 100 years, until evacuation can be arranged. Abandoned on worlds in which they are the minority population should be resettled with other free Abandoned. Brimorians on Free Abandoned worlds would evacuate to other Enclave planets. During that century -- the duration of their enslavement -- suitable worlds will be identified and adequate first stage infrastructure could be developed. That would take the pressure off limited resources that would plague any short term mass evacuation and repatriation operation.


How about IF, the Brimorian’s turn on and go after the Kintark instead of the T-fed. Since the Kintark are in much more disarray. Then John steps in and has to save the Kintark for the Brimorian’s. Tamolith is so thankful for John saving what is left of her empire that she agrees to help undo the genetic tampering on the Abandoned turning them back into regular Terrans.


I know Rachel could figure how to undo the genetic manipulation if she wants to, but Rachel does not have the time to help administer the changes. The Kintark do.


What if Brimorians use Abandoned as a shield, a bargaining chip to blackmail John and team?


Aside from the general concept of John being a “good guy” and not hurting innocent people. Why would the Brimorian’s think that would work. For all we know the Abandoned are a secret the Brimorian’s do not want to share. So how would John even be aware of them.


In coldwar USSR collapsed, USA won.Allies and constituent countries of USSR collapsed, brokeup and even joined NATO alliance.Commitment to Russia, biggest member of USSR made while collapse happened were forgotten. Consequences of this is currently playing out in our world.China a country which played both side now emerging a challenger to USA main country in NATO. In our story let's say Kintark is USSR, China is Brimorians and NATO is terran federation.Then I would say it's a mistake to ignore Kintark just because they had a defeat and loss of territory. A wounded animal is sometimes more dangerous.


I wonder why is that with so many exotic species John is the only natural born half human in the story. Is it that no other species were compatible for interbreeding ? Will terran reproduce an offspring with another species only through genetic tampering?


Sometimes what we assume is a positive quality and powerful feature can be viewed as weakness and vulnerability by the opposing team. All know John's runs into help the innocent, why not then use them as a shield against his offensive.Now this strategy has nothing to do with whether Brimorians know whether John is there to save abondoned or not, but with the thought process at Brimorians end that abandoned life don't have same value as theirs.As DD said abandoned will act as fodder in the war but from Brimorians end. They necessarily don't know anything more than what their master says.Yes, John will get angry and may not spare any Brimorian officer of stature involved but loss of life would be huge and even in victory it will be a loss for John and crew.


how do we know his father didn't tamper with his mother to allow cross species breeding? Progenitors could be super fertile (which is pretty much the case I think......LOL)


Hey Tefler! Whats next book4 or 106.........


You risk being targeted by John if you harm people he cares for and protects. If the Brimorians threatened to kill -- or actually killed -- the Abandoned, John's retaliation would be meaningful. Ask Weber. Ask Mikaboshi.


With Weber , Mikaboshi etc there was a sense of victory with millions dead mostly abandoned will there be a victory? John must have a strategy probably infiltration and strike at core of Brimorian command to avoid damage by eliminating them before they could use Abandoned as gun fodder. Even in battle of terra with Kintark, loss of human life or how much in total has not been discussed. Why high command or John never took account of loss of material and life seems surprsing. We did have a function at Olympus but it was to highlight victory. A function, statement,quotes etc to honour those who had laid down their life is general military practice.We should have had a function with John and crew participating and showing their respect.A never again moment for terran forces!


"John is the only natural born half human in the story" Is he? Remember what Rachel identified his species as after the Battle of Ashana...


Almost certainly 106. I'll start work on book 4 afterwards. :-)


SKS, That would seem to me to be more a responsibility of the Admiralty than John's. Only one day has passed since the Battleof Terra. The Federation's response to the invasion is just getting underway. Give the story some time to reveal itself. Not every dimension of the story can be told. I would not want that. I am happy to ride the center line of the narrative, and enjoy peeking down side corridors or charging into dead ends.


I know this is SciFi but species compatibility is rare. Think about our own planet. We share a common ancestor with all primates, which share a common ancestor with with all simians, etc. and we have no ability to reproduce with any of them. Mules, liger, and tigons are infertile chimera. Even species that can interbreed, have specially shaped genitalia (common among insects) and/or biochemical defenses (aquatic species that fertilize in open water) to avoid this. And that is just on this planet. Two different planets, that would be even more rare. I forget the name of the species but but imagine a Terran reproducing with a member of the psychic gelatinous species. As to the species seeded by the Progenators, I think the Terrans are too recent to have had a contact history for that degree of socializing.


I know that responding to the Kirrix invasion is of primary importance right now but can't help but wonder what LK has in mind for the Brimorians & Maliri , the last two major pieces on his board . The Brimorians must be frantic if they've watched the broadcast from Terra .Athogiloi's seemingly clever plan to have the T Fed wiped out & for the Brimorians to sweep in & mop up the weakened Empires is swirling round the toilet bowl as they watch . Their vaunted shields were seemingly worthless against the Maliri Nova Lances & watching John & the Invictus, Raptor & Valkyrie tear thru the KIntark fleet & watching John kill Baledranax with a sword terrifying . They are aware he knows they tried to get him killed by giving him tainted goods & the Kintark the means to ambush him . Besides the possible hint about the gift of the probable Nymph Celphna to Deep Lord Athogilio( we don't know who gave her away ) , we don't know if LK has any direct dealings with the Brimorians as of yet . If I remember correctly HC hasn't been told yet about the Abandoned & the role that their predecessors played in the abandonment of the Terrans citizens to the Brimorians & their enslavement & breeding Talk about a can of worms yet to be opened . Does HC go to war to rescue them & what will they do with them if they are returned ? how do they rescue a billion people spread out through the Enclave without untold bloodshed . Will be very interesting how Tefler will deal with this mess & what role John & crew will play in it .


Considering there are approximately 8 billion citizen in the Federation & we've met at best a couple hundred close enough to notice if they are mixed raced , I think you might be over stating the case saying he's the only one . So far the races we've met outside of the Maliri aren't really desirable to Terrans , the Darkkar , Ashanta , Kintark . Bolan , etc. The Maliri are of course very desirable but were either hidden or unavailable .To even meet a Terran out of armor was a death sentence & that's not conducive to romance . We know John as a Progenitor is compatible for breeding Maliri but Rachel never really check if they & humans are but if they are once Terrans & Maliri start to intermix aboard ships or the trading stations I'm sure John will no longer be alone as a 1/2 breed.


Tefler ...Rachel identified him as Progenitor , so does that mean his Progenitor DNA completely over whelmed the human side or are you saying Jessica carried him but he might have been implanted in her womb ?? A little clue we all missed ? Hmmmmm ….curiouser & curiouser


Eushunu, psychic being had been on Progenitor board and never been visited by John and crew.


When John was breeding Maliri there was discussion on his ability to define gender of unborn child and Alyssa kind of assuring him it's okay.I never could really understand what was going on.Probably all male progeny of a Progenitor will be another Progenitor and female will that of mothers race.I can only assume as this topic never got discussed in detail....

rich ed

Will John and Calara win another star for this battle? Then he would have 3 and her 2. Rachel one for all her healing?


I think they might be beyond the lets give them an award stage....or a second defenders of terra medal.....


In rereading Ch 97 (the crew's visit to Brimor ) John comments on the open hostility shown by the Brimorians to him , Faye , & the Twins even though they aren't Terrans but are close enough for the fishies . He says even though there have been no open hostilities for decades between the Empire & Conclave the mood was much more hostile than his last visit 8 yrs ago .This might be the result of LK's meddling ,or the realization of the impending battle between the T Fed & Kintark , but such open bitter reaction from populace isn't a good sign . There was one scene I would have loved to seen that I hope Tefler might include in the e-book . As two Brimorian guards watch John throwing around the huge generator parts , one turns to the other …#1)" let me get this straight , you insulted that guys Mother ? answer …#2).Yea , well Hmmmm….#1) Are you fucking NUTS!!!! #2) seemed like a good idea at the time …#2) how about now...want another chance , starting to wave to John....#1) NO!!!!!!!!put your arm down....gives John a rather sickly smile when he glances over .


Dawg, though there may not have been any recent event or provocation, the Brimorians seem to cultivate a century of grievance politics regarding their loss of the Callopian Shoals. That way, a savvy politician can stoke up public outrage and animosity anytime he wants to.


Progenitor when at war between one another had used weapons which could destroy entire planetary systems. The weapon on Invictus are mostly for a single target.Yes it was twice used to destroy an undefended planet and a part of splintrred moon.They however do not have area saturation weapons like in present day - multiple rocket launchers, artillery or cluster bombs. Neither do they seem to have developed weapons with mass destruction capability. If they develop such capability then an assembled group of ships need not be targeted indvidualy as they had to do in war for terra.They could engage whole fleets from a distance and keep them selves safe. However this would need developing weapons based on projectiles , missiles etc. I find it surprising why is there this preference for one on one engagement as if in a chase when enemies are arrayed in formation to attack. EMP based weapons are another item I find missing.It render a weapon useless in space and ready for boarding and later possession. With an AI like Faye not developing an array of drones with flight, underwater and land based capability to perform recon and limited attack is also surprise. These drones can also remain for example in Terran or Maliri system to perform recce, survey and act as eyes and ears of John and team even when they are absent in these system.So John and crew get situational awareness even before they reach the location.They can also act as indipendent communication channel from those managed by regimes of each system.


After their liberation, I think the Abandoned should change their name to something more uplifting. Any suggestions?


SKS, John hates the idea of planet killing or star system disrupting weapons. He destroyed Nexus' planet killer before it could be fired on Terra. I doubt he would ever adopt them. So far, Tefler has not introduced missiles or EMP weapons to the Invictus even though they are used by other military forces. With its high powered beam and Quantum weapons, the Invictus already has superior long range stand off capability. With the inclusion of the Quantum Flux Cannon and anything that comes from the Vulkat Archive, their long range kill capacity will only improve. I like your idea of automated, VI drone ships for building a reactive reconnaissance, communications and command network. I would make them smaller than a corvette, heavily shielded, stealth ships, with powerful sensors and very fast engines. They could be armed with twin Laser Pulse Cannon and a center-line Quantum Cannon. Stealth, maneuverability and speed, not offensive combat power, would be their primary assets.


It should be something that strikes as amphibians like kintark strikes as reptilian and ashnath sttikes as psionic trankatan trikes rocky so abandoned being part marin part terrestrial amphibian or something that strikes as such


trying to find TSM chapters 31 thru 57. can anyone help?


here is the link for Tefler’s storiesonline page. <a href="http://storiesonline.net/s/14679" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://storiesonline.net/s/14679</a>


SKS...I don't recall there ever been a reference to Eushunu being psychic , where did you see that ? Also their Empire wasn't shown on Tefler's Empire maps , so I can only surmise it's either tiny , like the other races we've seen , or that it is located somewhere in the Unclaimed Wastes .At this point they are far from anyone's attention being a minor empire far away ,so to speak . We of course have been shown their interest lost tech &amp; their repowering of the Underworld's defense systems seemingly up to something . Also we have Tashanna's revenge to consider , so we as readers are a bit ahead of the curve on their possible future involvement in the story , as of yet they haven't really shown up on the map of concerns to John , Lynette et all . I think that is why we see them popping up in our discussions ,wondering when John etc will deal with them &amp; where they fit in the story so far . imho


DD, I am not disagreeing with your idea of John not wanting to have weaponry capable of destroying entire planets. But what do you base that assessment on? John destying the Quantum Annihilator before it could destroy Terran is hardly compelling evidence. What is to say that John wouldn’t develop that kind of weapon just to ensure others could not use it against him. When it comes to defeating his proginator advisarry and protecting his girls. I would be hesitant to put any limits on what John would do, or use.


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Shark, when Rachel learned that Trankaran Gaia Worlds and Nkkrritt's Vulkat planets were destroyed by Progenitor weapons, she was disgusted and appalled that so many innocents perished. Rachel asked how anyone could do such a thing, and John tried to reassure her that he would do his best to ensure that it does not happen again.


DD...like this one , was trying to think of something that would recognize John's role in their rescue &amp; hopefully independence . Lions of the Seas seemed long :-) . most races in space operas tend to be named for their home planet , but in this case they are spread through the Enclave . Although since they originated as prisoners from the Callopean Shoals maybe Callopean Lions .


Actually, Dawg, I was thinking to myself that name would be good for their military arm. Through Helene, John's liberation of them would be symbolic of that bond. Dana would design armor, weapons and ships for them that function in water, air and space. A Trident held by a rampant Lion before a Crystal Dome would be their iconic symbol.


I also played with imagining names that reflected their change is status, such as Terra's Returned, the Prodigals Embraced, the Callopian Changelings, etc.


A weapons utility is with the party using it.Some weapons or knowledge of having that option allow greater flexibility in deployment, strategy and tactics adopted. John may decide to destroy a planet than allow elimination of whole races. Area saturation attack on planet surface or space allow for removal of enemy formations. Launch of attack can be from Invictus or an array of drones controlled by Invictus. As I said an assembly of drones in space can act as repeater stations , communication channel, trackers and reconaissance options for John and crew. With these passive observers John and crew can detect opening of wormhole in their area of interest by LK. Even when they are able to have their own wormhole generator knowing where the enemy has disappeared to will help track, chase etc.


The Planet destroying weapons need one vital thing to be effective ...a planet to aim at . As it showed with Nexus's attack on Terra the weapon need time to power up &amp; it's quite obvious that it doing so &amp; where a planet can't move except in it predictable orbit , ships can &amp; quickly . As of yet they don't know where LK's home base is , so having a weapon to blow it up , even if John was so inclined is impractical for now . Progenitors seem to use it as a last resort weapon if the resistance is too strong . Like Baledranax's plans for Terra to kill not only the target but his enemies will to fight .I can agree with all the plans put forward for ships to build &amp; troops to equip with the latest gear &amp; new weapons from EMP's &amp; drones &amp;missiles &amp; other exotic toys but what seems to be forgotten is TIME , They don't have the luxury of making long range plans to build fleets &amp; weapons &amp; battle &amp; trading stations .Dana has worked miracles, coming up with up grades &amp; new gear &amp; weapons but even she has limits to what she can do while racing around space . Since the start John has been working on LK's time table , only being able to react &amp; often just in the nick of time to plans that LK has had months to put into action . Even he recognizes that he is chasing around putting out fires &amp; I think he needs to figure out a way to get ahead of LK if they are to have a chance . He has recognized that the Maliri &amp; Brimorians are the last two major Empires left standing &amp; he needs to sit down with Calara &amp; come up with a plan to anticipate what LK might be up to &amp; counter it , saving there remaining fleets from distruction . After he deals with LK , even if it means just making it illogical to continue his piecemeal attacks &amp; postponing a final show down to later .It will give he &amp; his allies the time to build the ships &amp; develop the weapons to face a full fleged Progenitor/thrall war .


Dawg it was in map of LK when Ashanth was fighting with Drakkar...


Also wasn't Tashana violated by a Psychic race, one considered minor , what if one of those perceived as minor is not minor.I remembered it as Eushunu.


I think John is all progenitor... A female from aprogenitor father and a diner female is of doner female dna with progenitor mods. A male from a progenitor father and doner mother is another progenitor... A future competitor...


Dawg, my opinion is drones and other weapons which don't need personal intervention can be mass produced in short period and this has already been proved by AI which went rogue. One of the reason this idea was resisted and considered abhorrent by John could have been his knowledge of past rogue AI. In my opinion it's not the time but attitude of terrans towards adoption of such a tech which in past turned against them.


But considering John's need to limit loss of life in any future war automation of weapon system is a big requirement.


A maverick Bolon psychically raped Tashana, and she is looking for him for punishment.


Remember, the Brimorians are terrified of John and Allysa. After seeing her floating in the air, glowing, and moving things with her mind, and iirc John showing off his strength, the last thing they want to do is anger him. On top of that, the Invictus is capable of scalpel like precision in strikes. If the Brimorians try to use the abandoned as human shields, we all know that John will make them pay 10fold.

Jedi Khan

How about the Vatn Bóndi? It's Icelandic for water farmer, since farming is the Abandoned's primary industry, and they do it in water. Even though the Abandoned consider Terran Standard (English) as their Old Tongue, there's no reason for them to use English as their language, especially when naming themselves. So really, their name could be absolutely anything. Of course, whatever world they eventually end up claiming as their home world after their liberation will probably end up becoming the name of their people. So maybe we should be looking at what their potential new home planet would be called?

Jedi Khan

I've pointed this out before, but the major problem with John dealing with the Brimorians to free the Abandoned is that the moment the Brimorians realize that the Abandoned are what John wants, the Abandoned become hostages. As long as the Abandoned remain under Brimorian control and influence, the fish can do whatever they want to the Abandoned and there's not a damn thing John can do about it without putting the Abandoned at risk. Right now, the Brimorians don't know they have several billion hostages that they can use as leverage against John. The key to freeing the Abandoned is making sure the fish never realize that fact. Before John can do any sort of negotiating, be it thru peaceful dialog or decidedly less peaceful means, for the Abandoned's freedom, John will have to first find some way to make sure the Abandoned can't be used as bargaining chips. Until then, the Brimorians can always say "You want the Abandoned? Fine, you can have their corpses."


John turned to face Lynette, a broad grin on his face. “So, Fleet Admiral Devereux... Two days in the job and you’ve already increased Federation territory by 50%! Congratulations!”. Doesn't increase of 50% signify that both Terran and kintark empires are of the same size?


They were roughly the same size originally (take a look at the empire maps). Now that Tamolith has given roughly half her worlds to Devereux, the Terran Federation is about 3x the size of the Kintark Empire.


I have uploaded the FINAL version of 105. I'll be extending this chapter to a 60k version which will wrap up the events at Olympus Shipyard. The rest I'll be releasing by about the 28th June, then I'll combine the two together before publishing on literotica/storiesonline,


Thank you, Tefler! Any hints as to what has changed since the last version?


After the initial release, I extended several new scenes and added a couple of others, which brought the word count from 30k -&gt; 34k. The last update was only a minor one, just added a couple of sentences and altering a few words I used. If you read the version with the updated Astral Battle and the clarified showdown between John and PJ, you won't notice any real difference.


I think the one thing John needs to discover is the Progenitor shield defensive system that's strong enough to deflect a planet killer shot. Obviously they have one or Maelnerak would not have had to resort to rigging his wormhole drive to take out Ranagon. Now since it would take the equivalent of a weeks energy of a star the size of the sun to obliterate a planet (enough to accelerate the planet"s mass to escape velocity) or many times that if you wanted to see the planets explode like Alderan did in Star Wars it seems likely that the most efficient way to power such a weapon in the PG's universe would be to have a power absorbing system capable of quickly absorbing a few seconds of energy from a star, say 10,000 times brighter than ours and shunting it instantaneously through the astral plain or through some sort of quantum connection to ready it for firing. (Since as we know from the Nexus scenario it takes a few seconds to charge it, the weapon also has one hell of a capacitor to store it before discharge). So the defensive shield would have to also be able to absorb the power that quickly or redirect it quickly enough to defeat it. So it seems if you have the design for such a weapon to begin with you likely also have a defense against it since the same system that absorbs the power in the first place could also defend against an attack with it by absorbing and shunting the energy elsewhere through the astral plain.


All interesting considerations, Jedi, even the Icelandic name. The name does suggest origins, but I would prefer a more optimistic and forward looking moniker. The point about planets influencing identities is a good one, but what if they have more than one planet for their rapidly increasing billions? A species name would help to clarify planetary identities.


LibreOffice (and I'm sure others too) allows you to compare documents. There are only a couple of changes. An extra word here, removal of another there. Not too much at all.