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*** EDITED - FINAL version (20th May) ***

Hey everyone!

It's very late, so I'll keep this short and sweet.

I've just finished chapter 103 and done a quick editing pass of the first half. I'll do some more editing tomorrow and there's an additional scene I want to add to the second half (Probably about 1k words or so).

Hope you enjoy it!




Thank you, Tefler!


Thank you!

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Yippiee!1 3.40 AM and off we go thanks


*smiles* Thanks Tefler, have a great night


cheers mister


Thank you


A+ awesome!!


Thanks Tefler.


Thanks telfer


Thanks Tefler! Glad I told my boss I'd work the over night now hehehehe

rich ed

woop woop

David B



"you wants to stay" -> "you want to stay" "She’d stuffed full" -> "She’s stuffed full"


I’ve been a creeper for a while now and I thought the time has come to say thank you Tef. I had an absolutely horrible day today but you were able to pull me out of my bad mood. You have an uncanny ability to write a compelling story that never gets dull. Thank you from the bottom of my heart


20th cause I had to go and meet a mate :-{


A Big thanks Tef..,.... you the man.... do what you need to we support and understand.


This has to the worst log in system I have EVER been through. Are you nuts?


Another wonderful chapter, Tefler. Thank you so much!


“Am I going to be their Matriarch?” Alyssa asked, her airy tone hinting at something. “I assume Helene, Jehanna, and Edraele will all be connected via me... but what about Jade’s sisters?” Is that supposed to read Jehanna, and Lynette...?


Yet another great chapter, great work keep it up.

Big Orca

Time for that showdown. Surprised that Alyssa didn’t pick up on John’s plan, and why he explicitly sent away Calara and Sakura.

Jedi Khan

Just started reading. Chapter 103 - part 1? Does that mean this is going to be a double chapter with a chapter 103 part 2 or did you forget to remove the "part 1" before posting?

David B

Cliffhanger again!! MORE MORE!! So good - you suck us back in - and now all I can think about is what’s next for them?


Thoroughly satisfying. A great read. Up to your usually high standard. Thank you, Tefler. I am your truest fan.


Teffler this on jumped out at me, “She’d stuffed full of your cum!” I think is “She’s stuffed full of your cum!” that pesky d and s are so close to each other ;-). Also "the Nymph having obeying his orders to the letter" should be "the Nymph having obeyed his orders to the letter", or "the Nymph obeying his orders to the letter"

Jedi Khan

Eh, never mind. Just reached part 2. Guess you left them there to give us an idea of where one ended and the second began?


wow nice one love the relationship building


Outstanding! Only thing that messed me up was "chili com carne" only needs one "l"... :)


FFS THE CLIFFHANGERS! Another amazing chapter, as always Tefler, but damn man I'm doing exams XD


And that chapter brought me to tears a few times because of all the emotion! And my suggestion of healing Charles, I made a few weeks back, has finally appeared. An awesome satisfying chapter!


It was good..hope John defeats all the demon in his head and turn victorious


Nicely set up for a wee TFed get-together followed by a visit to the Astral Plane... next chapter's gonna be a whole lorra fun!


I liked how this fell like a slower chapter despite how much was in it. The only running around was to get dressed to disembark the Invictus and that got a giggle out of me. It felt so silly and a nice break from "We need to rush or people are going to die" to "We're naked and need to get dressed to meet people".


Hey, thanks for taking the time to write a comment. :-) I'm really glad I managed to cheer you up after having a bad day. Knowing that people enjoy my work makes it all worthwhile. I hope everything is alright with you again now.


Sorry, I don't have any control over Patreon or the login system. I've looked at other platforms, but I haven't found anything better.


No problem! It's always a relief when you guys like a chapter.


Great, thanks for pointing those out. I've fixed them in the edited version I'm working on at the moment.


I wonder if that's an americanism? In English, chilli has two "l"s. It's strange how many tiny differences there are in the two dialects.


Fantastic, I'm really pleased you enjoyed it! I'm always hoping to provoke an emotional response in these kinds of scenes, so it's great to hear that they were effective.


I wanted to just focus on relationships a bit this chapter, after the battle and the aftermath. Plus I had to set up a bunch of things for 104! :-)


Just curious what scene was supposed to go here :) "# (Placeholder for additional scene)."


Ah ha! Calara's training in the sword has already begun! When the community commiserated about a choice of weapon, I voted for Calara to wield a katana. With that, it might be nice to see her training with two blades. Sakura seems very pleased with her progress already. By the time they arrive at Genthalas, Luna will have another capable student.


Faye's inadvertent demonstration with the cutlery revealed she has enhanced cybernetic speed. But Tefler was sneaky in how Faye deflected John from exploring her other capabilities further to maintain the illusion that she is a Real Girl. Lovely...


Tefler, your Voss Family Resolution was deftly done. Having Henry recant his earlier beliefs and actions and glow with pride at Rachel's healing abilities was wonderful. Having Tashana play the counterpoint, threat of immolation included, was clever, making her reconsideration of Henry's change of attitude very heart warming. Now Henry has embraced his Daughter's life, recouped all the debts accrued by his ship building investments, and has the satisfaction of building a legacy that he and Rachel both respect.


“Based on the damage sustained by those wrecks we saw in Vorkat territory, whatever energy weapons the Thralls are using are at least as strong as our Photon Lasers.” I'm guessing the Vorkat should be Vulkat.


Yes that was a very nicely done extended scene with the visit to the sick bay included. I wonder if Meredith will be getting a visit from some annoyed Lionesses?


Hi Tef, for us poor mobile users could you please release the chapters as pdf as well?

Jim lynch

Loved it tefler but did you have to stop before the meeting with high command. I hope allysa can create her own astral plane if she dose let’s hope JOHN and allysa pull the terror into her astral plane then it’s their rules and they can kick the shit out of him.


Missing scene?


While rereading some of the earlier chapters I realized how little plot development the later chapters have in comparison. I think you might be falling into the trap of stories like Jeff and Arlene where the author details every little thing instead of just what is important.


If Alyssa can create her own permanent sub-plane based on her rules, the chances of their survival improve. The absence of Calara and Sakura will deny them the support of two powerful psychics. Additionally, the four Nymphs, Helene, Jehanna and Lynette only adds seven damsels in distress who will add little to their collective security/defense.


Faye told John that if she had more avatars, she could do even more for the Invictus and its crew. However she clarified that her current hardware and configuration does not allow it. Since her avatars are driven by her processing core, she can only add new avatars if the processing core is upgraded. For those of us who think you can't have too many Fayes, I was happy that John added this idea as a future priority. As John noted, she already does more than the rest of the crew, even when they are asleep.


Tefler, I know you said that the updated copy has been edited to fix a bunch of typos, and that you were getting a start on 104 today, but my question relates to the placeholder just before Dana checks out what first appeared to be a Tormentor-class destroyer that is currently - if I recall correctly - in the Primary Bay of the Invictus. You indicate that there will be an additional scene there. Are you planning on writing that scene before you work on 104, concurrently, or after you have that at least halfway done?


Tefler, another great chapter, really enjoyed the more-subtle change of pace this time! I think not only John and crew, but all of us as well, needed a little break in the action. I used the new edited version for this update on typos, minus a few already mentioned by others. Some of these are punctuation suggestions (i.e., the addition of comas), and if you disagree, then just disregard; I understand. They are as follows: page 5, second para from top; "Ideally(,) I'd prefer you not to commit your fleet to battle until the refit is complete,"; page 8, second para from bottom, "Actually(,) Baledranax just smacked me around a bit,…"; page 12, center page, The rest of the Lionesses glanced at each other (then) jogged after the redhead.; page 27, third para, He might be one of the wealthiest (men) in the Terran Federation,…; page 32, top lines, "Is something the matter? You (look) unsettled... anxious even." (Did you want this to be past or present tense?); page 58, third para, Alyssa('s) smirked as she listened to his thoughts.; page 59, center page, John was quickly surround(ed) by the four elated Nymphs,…; page 59, five entries from bottom, "I was wondering if I could chat (with) the Lionesses? Some exclusive interviews with the saviours of Terra would (remove the word "be") make for incredible viewing!"; page 59, bottom line, "Of course(,) I'm interested!"; page 60, about center page, "Oh(,) that would be wonderful, thank you!"; page 61, bottom line, If anything(,) Jehanna was even more aroused,…; Thanks for the great work, it made for a very enjoyable morning read. Cheers!


Some really great edits there, thanks very much for taking the time to list them! :-)


Don't tell him about it! :D I love how much there is to read before the story ends. If he sums up 2 or 3 days a chapter the end will only approach faster for us. And it would be sad to elaborate che Charakters of the girls less just for the sake of plot speed.


Where are we and who are we? Hi Tefler, I had a thought for a survey that you could perhaps put up here sometime, that would be a bit of fun and might reveal a little more useful information about your dedicated readers - or to be more precise, hopeless addicts! How about two questions to determine the age and country of residence of Patreon readers? Check box answer for both of them e.g. Age? < 15 15-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 >71 Regarding countries, I’d assume a listing of the main Anglophone ones will catch a good proportion of your fans. My suggestion to start the ball rolling would be (in no intended order): UK & Eire Rest of EU USA Canada Indian Subcontinent Australia New Zealand Hong Kong Singapore Other What do others think - have I covered the main bases - should the EU be further sub divided..? Also, it might be a good idea to make the survey accessible to all visitors to the Patreon site, not just the Patrons. Widen the catchment area... Finally, another great chapter! I really enjoyed reading it, and the care and thoughtfulness that went into scenes like the Rachel/Father/Tashana one really shone through and put a tear in the corner of my eye. Well done... but perhaps we need a pacier chapter as well, sometime, without it being a battle scene. From your comments about 104, that may soon be the case.... Cheers Tim


Hi Tef, Possible homonym. When John is talking to the Maliri fleet commander she marvels at the damage he can reap. Surely this should be wreak. Cheers. Tim


Sharing battle footage against the Kirrix with Lilyana -- as well as other battles -- will give her insights into how Calara fights each foe. Her use of speed, maneuverability and firepower will cue the Maliri regarding how best to defeat Kirrix vessels from a distance. If the Maliri capital ships had heavy projectile cannon, they could fully adopt Calara's tactics to good effect. If John gave better defense grids to the Trankarran fleet, they can better defeat swarms of drone strike craft. Working in tandem with the Maliri, they will jointly be a formidable team against the Kirrix.


A quick google search makes me think it's okay: <a href="http://www.wor.org/book/4030/reaping-destruction" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.wor.org/book/4030/reaping-destruction</a> Apparently that's what God does... :-)


I've just updated the post with a new version of chapter 103. Search for the # symbol to find the start of the newly added scene.


I had a thought for Admiral Devereux having a lack of clothing. Other than the girls couldn't Faye say somehting like "I've contacted the dockside supply master. They have a dress uniform for the Admiral waiting." "Oh, I supplied the measurements from optical scans and had those used." Something like that.

James Hârn

Nice! Always good to see this in my feed Tef.


This chapter was amazing in many ways. It is the first chapter that the emotions of all of the "cast" of characters coming through brought me to tears three times. I wonder if this affected any others? Very well written and I felt it was so different from the previous chapters with the intensity of the girls and John. Congrats my friend! It was a welcomed difference. Keep on Keeping on. You are on a role.. Now to the damn Admiralty.


I haven't read this chapter yet (I'm only in the 50s but I support you on here because I LOVE your work), but I'm wondering if the story is cured at any point of its Mary Sue disease. It seems like there are 4 or 5 Mary Sue's running around the galaxy doing as they wish. All the cool powers, super intelligence and super everything are great, but I'm really hoping that some challenges get run into that are actually difficult to overcome for the team.


&lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


I miss those little scenes when Faye interacts with her avatars. Seemed like they all had their own personalities. Maybe someday there can be 12 little Fayes with bodies.


I thought the sleepy time was 14 hours not 4... Did I miss a change or am I just mistaken?


Up to where you're at, the gang's been dealing with smaller-scale, immediate threats. As they go on, things get tougher, the scope of the story opens up, and more is revealed about what's really going on in the galaxy and who the real players are. You could probably still make an argument for the core cast being Mary-Sue types to a certain extent, but it's something that works and makes sense in the universe of the story. Also, the characters are still shown to have weaknesses and limitations, and not every problem they face is an easy one to solve.


Favourite moment in this chapter has to be Faye's homicidal AI banter with John. XD that moment fully cracked me up

James Hârn

Well for off-ship, sure, but if Devereux found out she had a nudism kink I wouldn't complain...


Faye uses distractions -- which she may have learned watching Alyssa -- to keep John from asking pointed questions about her true capabilities. But what was the deal with the Boys bowing to her, and her salute to them? Cheeky!

Big Dude

I agree with Nathos above. The Faye dialog was hilarious. I also like the tie into Buckingham's son. The Tashana dialog to Rachel's father was well written Tefler! I really liked how you described Henry Voss' reaction.


A short, but poignant scene, Tefler! Very nicely done. Even the worst of villains may have those who will miss them when they're gone, for reasons having nothing to do with their villainy.


Great chapter just needed to be 3x longer. I look forward to the next chapter as always.


To be fair, the Tranks were already a major PITA for the Kirrix to begin with. Super heavy armor and very fast, and the neutron guns or whatever the kirrix employ sound like they don’t do that well against thick armor as they sound more like a mix between non-lethal and lethal weaponry (one part stun gun and one part good old fashioned murderstick)


Hi Tef, can I make a couple of points? (I'll assume yes and blunder on LOL) when the Olympus personnel they would aim to come to attention as one, the 'ripple of thunder' sounds kinda sloppy, maybe 'a single clap of thunder'?and believe me the Olympus RSM is not going to stand for that kind of shit! Oh and Charles calls Rachael Miss Voss, she's a doctor, I doubt Charles would be disrespectful like that, he's old school.

Viktor Hauge

Would be interesting, but EU need to be split up, but the scandinavian countries could be added since some are part of EU and some not Even though they have more in common then thay have with the rest of europe.

D. D.

@stacey: I believe I remember reading that a battleship is up to a km in size. Considering that hangar bay can house 3 of them, the speed of sound is actually a factor here. They may salute at the same time, but the sound takes some time to reach the observer (aka John).


How about ‘Rolling thunder’. ? That gives a sense of the magnitude of the sound, and accommodates the time lag effect that D.D. Correctly pointed out..

Hinterlands Man

A ripple is more like it. A single platoon in boot camp can rarely achieve a single "clap of thunder" whether it be facing movements or what have you. Heck, even the Marine Corps Silent Drill team struggles with it. No matter how focused, duty personnel of battalion size or larger simply will not come to attention precisely at the same time, a ripple is about the best you're going to get.


Tefler, nice extra scene, and again I really enjoyed the overall chapter. On the new scene, I noticed a few things, that I am supplying suggested edits for. Page 45, second para of new scene, "Tonight(,) the place was heaving,…"; page 45, last para of page, every source I can find has "ice cubes" as two words, unless this is a UK English difference?; page 47, second para, in American English, "ice bucket" is two words, not sure about UK English?; page 47, third para, "Finally(,) his eyes settled…" For your discretionary usage. As always, if you disagree, I completely understand. Cheers!


Ashanath Telepathic Translator, Ashanath Psy-Shaper, Bolon Telepathic Translator, Bolon Operated Robotic Assistants, Dana's Psychic Energy Detector, Dana's upgraded Psy-Shaper, LK's Psychic Energy Nullifier... Anyone doubt whether Dana can develop a Psychic Communications Device -- a technological interface to manipulate psychic abilities -- to share secure information and new tech schematics among their allies?


Hey Tefler. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this yet. But I was thinking how nice and appropriate it would be for Calara during her speech. To mention and thank the crew of the Olympus station for their efforts during the refit. If the Olympus crew had not performed so well during the refit. Vice Admiral Dacres fleet would not have stood a chance against the Kintark. Calara spoke to the Olympus crew in an aspiring and motivational manner. Saying one day they may get there chance to save the federation. Many would argue, the crew of the Olympus has already had their calling, and they were not found wanting. There are many ways to serve.


OK, I have to own up. That’s now the sixth time I’ve re-read the scenes of Rachel and Henry coming back together as doting father and worshipful daughter. Each time some damn dust gets in my eyes... I’m officially an old softie. Tim


I prefer epub. :) I convert and save to my phone for my reading enjoyment. So much easier to read.


page 17 "...Alyssa glanced at the control panel to lower the hangar door again, the girls waving goodbye to the hundreds-of-thousands of Terran personnel gathered outside. When the hull was sealed once more the sound was abruptly silenced, leaving John, Charles, and the girls in the quiet serenity of the hangar, their ears still ringing in the aftermath of all that noise..." Charles makes no reaction to the 6 new alien girls, two of whom are of unknown species... Faye and Helene, and the two new Terran lionesses (disguised Irillith and Tashana). Not even a joke about recruiting more beautiful women. There are four more Nymphs as well and Charles knows how powerful Jade is. Seems like a missed spot of surprise/envy/a touch of fear/curiosity about the new alien species, something.


This bothered me as well, but I couldn’t remember if Tashana and Irillith had been shown to anyone but store employees as Terrans. I knew the nymphs and Helene hadn’t. Thankfully these are easily fixed by just a line or two of dialoague


I was just wondering. Since Dana (the GEO) can alter physical properties of inorganic substances (maybe some organic after she works with the Vulkat material). Maybe she can have a training montage (always important during times of uncertainty) and will be able to make the extremely hard elements for the progenitor power cores from the base elements. Just a thought

Jedi Khan

That would certainly be a big step up in power for her. As it is, she can alter the properties of elements, such as their magnetism, melting point, hardness, etc., but she can't change one element into another. Until she can find a way to change lead into gold via her power, she'll have to make do with a fusion reactor to smash atoms together to make heavier elements.


Good exposition and promising sex scenes, hopefully things will continue to ramp up on that front like the last chapter suggested. Here are some possibilities on that front: Sakura resumes her role as chief discipline officer, which i sometimes feel like a broken record saying how much i would like that reintroduced. Relating to that is spanking, (done by john or Sakura or Alyssa), which is mostly only referenced in the story, but when it happens is really sexy and fresh. The final possibility are physic cocks, which have the possibility to break up the narrative of the feedings that John has to do. Instead of documenting another feeding in extreme detail, maybe instead show Alyssa offering Dana a few minutes with her own cock to fuck Rachael like Dana's always wanted. Tefler really doesn't show enough girl-only sex scenes in detail, IMO. Anyways, keep mixing things up, i'd just thought i'd add a few ideas of my own!


Something I've realised, Jehanna was fed for the third time but Alyssa didn't do her usual telepathic prodding bit, nor did she mention Jehanna appearing with the rest of her girls. Since they still don't seem to understand how the Matriarch link works I wondered she has actually linked to Alyssa?


It is one of those things that you are expecting to happen so becomes repetitive if you keep mentioning it. It would only be mentioned at this point if it didn't happen because that would be a break from the expected outcome.


So what happens if someone like Alyssa creates an astral demi-plane, then a portal from the real world is created? Can the astral objects come into the real world? We already know astral creatures can cross over. For example, Dana creating a ship in an astral plane using her imagination and John tearing a hole like what happened on New Eden. Could the ship come thru? Maybe that's how a soul forge could build a fleet in a few weeks, lol. /opens big can of worms


This is the first chapter that you explicitly referred to Jehanna as Indian...I was hoping she was African 😞

Hinterlands Man

Great fun as always Tef. I really enjoy the way you write scenes with Charles. He really comes alive. Tashana was in character too. Under that sweetness that sisterhood and John have brought out remains a ruthless veteran of the Barren Wastes. Hers are no idle threats.


Nope - it was revealed much earlier, round about the first time he had a face to face meting with her...


Malifica is not dead -- only sleeping in her infernal bower dreaming of retribution.


Actually, that may not be too far removed from what a Soul Forge really could be!


I've just uploaded an edited version to the post, with a bunch of new edits. :-)


This is pure torture. I have a 4 hour flight tomorrow. Trying to save this chapter for the flight. Knowing that it is just sitting there, taunting me is killing me. I know it will be worth the wait though.

Jedi Khan

So what scenes got expanded? I noticed you added a comment from Charles regarding the new girls. Interesting that he didn't seem to make a distinction between Helene and the Nymphs.


Has anyone ever asked the question. If Alyssa has had her DNA changed to that of a proginator, why does she not have pointed ears?. She is not just an enhanced terren, Rachel recognizes and classifies Alyssa’s species as a proginator. Shouldn’t her ears be at least slight pointy.

Jedi Khan

Maybe for the same reason she hasn't grown man-parts equal to John's: it's not part of the female Progenitor anatomy. I wouldn't be surprised that if there are other female Progenitors somewhere in the galaxy, that they are distinguished from male Progenitors not just by their genitalia but also by the lack of elongated ears.


Don't forget the Discord edits


After rereading chapter 103 for the fourth time, a small detail nudged its way forward. At the reception in docking bay 1, Charles did not react to the damage to the Invictus's armour at all, even though it was described by Murphy as being plasma scored over almost every inch. Something like ...a hushed silence as the extent of the damage was revealed. Not to mention the missing three engines or the burned out section of deck 4.


“Dacres’ fleet might as well have had Voss Corporation logos emblazoned across their hull.” -&gt; “Dacres’ fleet might as well have had Voss Corporation logos emblazoned across their hulls.” Should be plural.


"What have you done to my ship? The hull was pristine when you left here for Terra. How did you lose three engines and take so much damage?"


ty tef just got achance to finish brovo


Tefler, I really enjoyed the expanded scenes and modifications in this last addition. Your work continues to astound!


With the appreant growing relationship and trust between John and the Admiralty. Combined with the fact that the Terrans have now secured Brimorian shield tech. Any thoughts on further upgrade the crew may pass along. There is lots of options in firepower upgrades. But I would like to see Dana spend an afternoon with the Olympus engineering team. Sensor’s and armour tech are two areas that stand out to me. Onyxiam is to rare of a metal to be a viable option to armour the entire federation fleet in. But surely the GEO can improve the standard titanium armor the federation use’s. I say it is time for everyone to learn how brilliant Dana is, why should Rachel have all the popularity.


Tefler...I enjoyed the scene upon the arrival at Oylmpus , I thought it might be more involved but since it was a military crowd &amp; a lot of work was still to be done can see why it was so short . One thing I though seemed a mistake was Calara using "I" in her speech , saying " when I call you on to play your part" . Unless she has changed he mind about becoming Fleet Admiral I think " when you are called upon to play your part" would be more appropriate . She might end up becoming the Federation answer to Samuel Wilson of the "Uncle Sam " posters fame ,saying "I Want You" , come to think about it as cute as she is it might really boost recruitment numbers .


Dawg, since Calara was urging them to prepare and reach for their Hero Moment, maybe she identified herself as a role model -- one with accomplishents that instill respect among her colleagues and makes her, personally, worthy to lead them into that imaginable future. She would make a great character for a recruitment poster -- Calara in dress uniform looking up to the stars with a caption that reads, "Follow Me."


C.D., I must admit, on occasion, whenever I least expect it, I, too, find my eyes getting misty and my breath coming fast. Tefler's special magic with his Narrative, or just some fine dust in my eyes...


Upgrade sensors, armor, weapons and add shields for Claymores, new bombers and strike craft; miniaturized power cores, shield generators, and portable beam weapons for the fleet and infantry; harden computer and digital networks against hacking intrusion; redesign armored combat units with personal shields and stronger weapons to be more effective and survivable; and upgrade fleet beam weapons which will hit harder with new heat sinks.


Might John encourage the Terrans to form a dependence upon the other races? Maybe the crystals needed for lasers and shields from one. Armor and metals in general from a second. Sensors and targeting from another... this offers protection for them.


Brad D, the only reason that John denies the TF the technology, weapons and systems comparable to the Trankarans or Maliri is his fear that they would revert to their historical form, and launch imperialistic and expansionist wars where they perceived themselves as superior and saw weakness in their chosen adversary. Dacres and Harris glumly discussed this on Olympus during the refit of the ships damaged in the Dragon March. The TFHC has a major opportunity before them that can change everything -- prove to be a trustworthy partner and ally.


When do we expect chapter 104?


Possibly before the end of the month. Maybe Sunday night, maybe not. It depends upon what else Tefler is working upon. He's usually releasing something approximately 3 times per month, however, that could be impacted by other factors.


When we get an update from him that tells us he’s sent H1 of the chapter to his editors, we’re usually 4 days out from getting the finished draft. No update yet, so not this weekend, I’m afraid.... Sometime towards the end of next week, maybe.

David Shmilowitz

I hope the final version of this chapter comes out soon


Are Utensils at 90 degrees some sort of futuristic weird place setting? Or did you mean Parallel?


POV -- utensils on left and right of plate are parallel. Utensils above the plate are at a 90 degree angle, perpendicular to left and right.


Deep Lord Athgiloi suggested to his fellow Deep Pool Lords that the Brimorians should let the Kintark and Terrans weaken each other, then mop up the smashed fragments that remained. I wonder if that is still his plan or whether he has changed his mind?


I would think that would depend upon the broadcasts that he has received. If he is cognizant that the Maliri have engaged the Kintark on behalf of John or the Terrans, or if he has seen footage of the destruction of the Kintark fleet, or of the Kintark Emperor, his perspectives might have changed, no?


Following up with Lilyana idea in claiming the spoils of war that the Malari or Lionessess kills. Does that include Irillith claiming the Kintark enhanced Vengeance of Hera. After all not only did a lioness, singlehandly defeat the Hera. But then used it to destroy the Kintark. On that logic, the Hera already belongs to John. Question is, what is he going to do with it.


I was really hoping he would claim it also. Get it upgraded with the new toys the Federation has combined with the Kintark toys it already has. It has no crew, so he could cherry-pick a best-of human crew or mix some other species in. Keep it under his authority, not HC.


Hey everyone, Just to give you a quick update: I've written about 11.5k of chapter 104, so I should finish part 1 tomorrow with a bit of luck. I'll aim to finish the chapter by about the 25th.


Fantastic, thank you for the update Tefler. We really appreciate them.


Sharkbait...I would assume John , thru Irillith , still controls the Hera &amp; I too hope he keeps it . Not only for it's fire power but also the inclusion of something new for Dana GEO to play with , up till now they haven't really done much research into Plasma weapons , only how to survive them . Actually getting to look into all aspects of them just imagine what Dana might come up with , both offensive &amp; defensive . As to manning it for now Irillth has things in hand &amp; some refit might be necessary for humans , or any of the other "allied" crews to live &amp; work on it , even to switching language of the controls , computers , etc. . If nothing else it's a very scary thing to see popping up on some enemies screens .


Dawg, TFN lost the Shiva, while the Zeus, Thor and (X) were badly savaged, requiring substantial repair and refit. I suspect even Lynette will balk at ceding conquest, capture or salvage rights to the Hera by John or the Maliri. The precedent established by Lilyana regarding salvage rights to ships destroyed by Sakura is probably arguable in an Admiralty Court. True John and crew could refit the dreadnaught to their purposes if they could acquire and keep it. Maybe they could even build a hanger inside the Hera for the Invictus and any other warships, mini-missile batteries, mechs, support vessels or weapons platforms they require.


The Brimorians must be aware by now of Irillith's ability to hack into ships ( the Kintark knew but were lied to by LK as to her being able to hack the Hera ) , so that's another thing for them to consider , there own ships attacking them in battle . All things considered if they decide to fight , they're looking at being wiped out . Extinction is a strong argument to come to a peaceful solution , no matter how bitter the results . DrD probably all concerned with the original taking &amp; warping of the Callopian survivors are gone , so the other Deep Lords would only point to Athgiloi for the treachery of giving the Kintark the shields &amp; trying to kill John &amp; crew . I don't see anyway John let's Athgiloi live after endangering the girls &amp; once He , Jade or Alyssa sees his nymph , that's it for him .


Dawg, you are one clever cuss -- Lynette allowing temporary custody of the Hera with the prospect of getting a more capable vessel back after the loan. You must have been a scrounger in a former life. The Brimorians probably know that the Invictus hacked the Kintark war fleet, but they are still ignorant that their own flagship has been penetrated and remains vulnerable to cyber intrusion. They may believe that their data network configuration and management software is so different than the Kintark's or the Terrans' that they do not know how exposed they really are. An allied fleet led by the Invictus would indeed greatly focus their minds on the prospects of extinction -- much like a man expecting to be hung in the morning. They will want to avoid a fight, but may fight nevertheless if they do not see a way out. Also, John still thinks they can be recruited into his alliance. Though the Deep Pool may try to throw Athgiloi under the water bus, the continuity of their policy over a century regarding the Abandoned implicates them all in that policy. Yes, the originators of this policy are likely dead, but the policy lives on because of the collective leadership of generations of Deep Pool Lords. I agree that John has a particular grudge against Athgiloi, and he probably will want to smash him like a bug. But Edraele keeps telling him he has to develope a better diplomatic approach to achieve his objectives. After all, there may be a billion or more Abandoned being held on who knows how many planets. Better to have a peaceful pattern of repatriation rather than a running battle with every evacuation.


Any news on the next installment yet?

Kim Biel-Nielsen

It strikes me as strange and out of character that the GEO as not dived into researching nutron and plasma weapons. The EMP missiles also seem like very nice to have. Any thoughts?


I recall a remark between John and Dana about the Kintar heatsinks on the Plasma Rifles in that they generate so much heat that the engineers had to build in a lock out function so they wouldn't blow up in the soldier's hands. Perhaps it the same with ship based Plasma Cannons, they expel so much heat that they're not an efficient use of power and resources for Invictus. Given that Invictus is a single ship that the reduced combat efficiency of Kintar Plasma weapons is not a sound choice, but a fleet of ships using Kintar Plasma Cannons would be efficient, less time between fired shots. In addition, the Quantum Guns are closer to the Thrall weapons are using which goes to closing the tech gap.


A few follow-on editing comments... I've noticed a few thing that I'll categorize as "continuity errors" - if only for lack of a better term. In the scenes where John &amp; the girls are being greeted formally by the Olympus crew et. al. and again in the scene where Rachael is healing Charles, I found myself twice at a loss attempting to picture the scene in my mind. An additional sentence describing the scene - of the who was standing where sort of stage-setting language would have helped that immensely. For example, where were they relative to each other vertically? was there a ramp from the Invictus hanger down to the Olympus Deck? Were they standing inside the ship, or on the ramp? Did they leave the ship for the greeting and move back aboard at the end with Charles in tow? (I would imagine that at least some of the other Admirals there would have wanted to shake their hands too - and all of his Lionesses too!) The scene was lacking something for me without some more of those staging details. Similarly, the healing scene with Charles was somewhat confusing - they were up in the Ready room...and then the scene ended with Charles as he "walked away from the Invictus" When did they move from the ready room during the scene? I had the sense of a similar "continuity error" in a scene in chapter 102 also, but didn't mention it. On a related note, though, Charles would have offered John the entire cadre of ship engineering and repair staff experts to help get the Invictus fixed up, but no such offer was made (even if it would have been turned down). That's a rather significant breech of ...protocol?/gratitude?/courtesy?(/all the above!) I also don't recall a previous drydock opportunity to fix that disabled gun mount from what.. a dozen or so chapters back? So there is another item up for the ToDo list here, if I'm not mistaken.


I've updated the post with the FINAL version of chapter 103. For those who haven't read it yet, I hope you enjoy it!


Thanks for the feedback, I tweaked a couple of those scenes, although I left out the Charles offering the engineers for repairs. I mention the damaged state of the Invictus in chapter 104, but when looking at the earlier dialogue in this chapter, there was no easy way to slip in Charles being disgruntled at the state of the Invictus. He notices before the welcome ceremony, but afterwards, they're too busy celebrating so he doesn't bring it up. Then when John joins him in the Lounge, he thanks him and Calara in person for saving his life so the mood isn't right then either. John then springs Rachel healing him, so he's too bewildered at being healed to discuss it then either.


Tefler, did you notice my previous comment regarding a fleet having hulls rather than a hull? That’s still in the latest version and still stands out to me.


Tef I can understand and agree with the points you make above. However, in a slightly similar vein, Charles has seen how banged up Invictus is, and I’m sure he would be wanting to offer help and assistance as fixing it looks like a biggish job - NO WAY can Invictus crew do it as swiftly as they seem to think (from charles’s POV, that is). I get the point that he gets very distracted, but still.... I’m hoping you’ve got it covered in 104. Charles catches up with John (maybe a side conversation before the Admiralty discussions) along the line of ‘2 days? No way. Can we help??’ Then John says they’ve got it covered, but Alyssa (watching Charles’ disbelieving expression and being the imp she is) suggests Charles pops by to see them in action.... That would be cool. Cheers. Tim

Jedi Khan

Any significant changes from when you put up the first draft, minus the scene of the two grieving Terran officers? I know you "expanded" a couple of scenes in the second draft, but I haven't tracked them all down yet.


I always use the Track Changes&gt;Compare Document function (this is in Libre Office) when there's a new version published, makes spotting any changes really simple! However, to answer your question the only significant change compared to the version from the 15th appears just after Jehanna's third time.

Jedi Khan

Thank you Ring. It has occurred to me to use the Track Changes function of Word, but problem is I never save the chapters to my hard drive, so as soon as I'm done reading and close out, they're gone.


I don't explicitly save them it's just Firefox kindly pops them into my Download folder so I have to remember to have a clear out occasionally (I've just checked and it's 2.2Gb, time for some housekeeping!).

Jedi Khan

So now that John and the girls, especially Rachel, have gone public with their abilities, how long do you think it'll take before a Terran religious cult springs up to worship them? What about a reaction from any existing religious organizations? Surely they would have something to say regarding Rachel's miracle healing. Or maybe we'll start seeing Terrans converting en masse to the Trankaran ideology. Maybe Tefler can include mention of a news blurb later that reports on the massive religious shift that the Federation is undergoing as a result of the miracles performed by the Lion and his crew.


Any updates on 104??

Jedi Khan

Well, Tefler did say about 3 days ago that he was aiming for 104 to be done about the 25th, so three more days maybe? It is unusual that he hasn't created a status update post yet.


Thanks for the update Jedi Khan I hadn't heard anything so was wondering


Only if John reveals he has relations or will be married to 10+ women. As of now, the plan is to have Calara be the public wife before retiring to live with and repopulate the Maliri (and Nymphs) with all his real wives. I do not believe there is any plan to reveal the existence of his harem.

Big Dude

I hope Tefler goes back to three chapters a month soon. :)


I really like your thinking here, Jedi! Yes!! - Terran religious types would DEFINITELY be reacting to John and the Lionesses! ...and from both "sides" too! I can just hear some of it! "Salvation! Heaven sent guardians!" and "Demons! Spawn of the Evil One sent to befuddle, tempt, and ensnare us! All the worse as they are seen as saviors! How much better for them to deceive and beguile the witless!"


...what's even worse is that it too would quickly become a political issue among Terran communities too.

Jedi Khan

It's been a long while since we've gotten 3 chapters a month. Hell, we're lucky to be getting two a month as it is, and at 30k words each too. There are many authors out there who can barely manage a chapter of that length in three months. Tefler's speed and quality has spoiled us rotten.


I actually considered how several of the existing religions would react after my first read thru. What I came up with is actually kind of sad and based on historical precedence.


Maybe the Lionesses would generate a cult following which use holographic projections of a lioness ( hair and eye color emphasized) as a part of their identification/fashion.


I worry that as the amazing psychic powers of John and the Girls become more well know, popular wonder and hero worship might get turned by demagogues into rampant distrust and fear of the unknown and strange.


Automation and worker bots -- of all the innovative features and upgrades on the Invictus, we tend to gloss over how much automation enhances its performance. Charles had the ship controls automated such that John and Alyssa were able to fly the ship themselves. The Invictus was able to defeat the Leningrad's pirate fleet and a Kirrix hive ship with a pre-Faye crew of John, Alyssa, Calara and Dana! Weapons, navigation, sensors, life support and defensive grids were all automated to interface with the computer systems. The cleaner bots, and later Dana's maintenance bots, eliminated the need for such crews, while improving maintenance, damage control, and repairs to the hull while in deep space, avoiding dry dock facilities. They have also demonstrated real value in internal defense roles, construction of electronics and weapons, care for rescued survivors and keeping the Valkyrie in a state of combat readiness. The automation of the medbay allows Rachel to do more than a fully staffed medical unit, without the staff. Adding four more mass fabricators will allow Dana to at least double her engineering output without scores of engineers as on TF vessels. Her automated defense systems -- against physical intrusion or interdiction in hyperspace -- increases survivability as shields, weapons and evasion are engaged immediately. My point is this -- the Maliri, Trankarans, Ashanath and Terrans depend on large numbers of crew to operate their vessels. Some capital ships have thousands of personnel. With a shipbuilding binge underway, couldn't they construct smaller but more capable ships with fewer crew members? I imagine that with a degree of focused automation, their ship crews could be reduced by half or more. Then, new, more automated vessels could have experienced crew ready to board and get underway.


That's actually not a bad idea, at least in part. T-Fed just lost a lot of ships and a lot of trained crews. Overall manpower to rerecruit and retrain crews isn't a problem, the general population was barely scratched by the Kintark invasion, so crew shortages are only a short-term problem. Over a few years we'll have replacement personnel trained and gaining experience. In the meantime though, it might be well worth throwing a bit of automation into the ships that are being repaired and refitted, so that the crews we still have can be spread further and remain effective. In the longer term, as new ships are constructed, the benefit becomes less pronounced. It typically takes in excess of a year or longer to build a large ship from scratch, so by the time that ship is ready, recruitment and training can already have crew available. It then becomes a cost/benefit analysis whether it's more cost-effective (and when I say cost I mean not just credits but resources, lives and everything else as well) to have a greater degree of automation installed on the ships. All things being equal, it probably does offer some extra flexibility and resilience for the ship. As to the question of smaller, more capable ships, I'd say that warships come in varying sizes, a balanced fleet needs all sizes. Bigger ships can mount bigger and more numerous systems, and can survive a lot more damage. Those factors suggest capital ships are here to stay, but then again so are corvettes, destroyers and cruisers. It's more that ships of all sizes will perform better in their weight brackets.


I'd also say that we need to keep in mind that the Maintenance Bots can only do these complex jobs because Faye did the intricate programming to get the bots to the point that they can cut repairs and maintenance times. Remember that in the beginning of Faye's existence any of the programs she wrote had to be vetted by Dana or Irillith. Now I'm not saying it can't be done on a T-Fed ship, but I am wondering if the programs were written specifically for Invictus (e.g. it's size and dimensions). If not then why can't those programs be handed over to T-Fed Navy yards and a couple of skilled operators could be put into place at each Dry Dock. Then each Dry Dock would have it's own "crew" of maintenance bots that could work over night to preform the tasks of stripping armor, removing damaged sections of superstructure, or replace weapons all under the watchful eye of a single or team of operators.


This would be an amazing idea, and would earn a whole crap ton of brownie points with Charles and the refit/repair crews


Agreed, I think it really is time for Charles to get a better idea of what this group is capable. Lynette is now in the know, so Charles should be as well. Right now he's about the only trusted party who isn't. And Calara's family (except Maria), though then they'd want to know HOW they got those powers and ... well, that's tricky.


Kane607, Faye is a major factor in evaluating the capability of the Invictus -- that helped to achieve victory at the Battle of Terra over a large Kintark fleet with an active crew of one, Calara (plus Faye X 12). But when Dana developed many of her automation enhancing innovations, Faye did not have the ability or acces she later earned. Dana and Irrilith were well able to code job-specific skills software routines for the Boys and bots. Faye insinuated herself into this activity to make herself useful. She gained more responsibility as she became more capable and trust worthy. I like the idea that ship repair facilities could use more maintenance and repair bots that they program and operate in their daily routines. There should be enough engineering and computer geeks around to write the software code, design and build the units and oversee their work and operations. Dana could share/sell design concepts to bootstrap this activity. I wonder if Voss Corp might be interested in investing in bot design and maintenance/repair contracts with military and civilian stations and transport centers?


Alasdair, when I mentioned smaller and more capable ship, I did not mean they should abandon the various classes of vessels. However, I would supplement the corvettes with wings of Mark II Claymores, larger, faster, more lethal with a second seat for the gunner. Rather, I suggest that with upgraded power cores, shields, engines, sensors, heat sinks, and weapons, one can pack more capability into any class of vessel. Along with strategic automation, you could reduce crews without scrimping on fire power. Any Dana designed destroyer, cruiser or battleship does not have to be as large as is currently found in the various navies, but you can bet she would gun them up to the tits.


There is one automation-related innovation on the Invictus that I would keep on the ship, or share exclusively with Maliri House Valaden -- Faye's targeting and weapons management software algorithms that distill her own experiences and the observation of Calara at the guns.


Dr. D, the problem with more automation is in combat conditions you become increasingly dependent on systems that can be damaged and nonfunctioning and it's end of game.


RPH, at this level of warfare, with its awesome power and destructiveness, I believe your are making a distinction without much of a difference. A traditionally manned capital ship shares the same risks in combat as does a highly automated one. With comparable leadership, weapons and defenses, either vessel is subject to damage and destruction. Traditional vessels are totally dependent on ther irreplaceable, highly fragile crews. Decompression, explosions and fires can reduce their numbers, eroding the effectiveness of their vessels. A highly automated vessel with redundant systems and a more limited crew complement may therefor be even more survivable and effective than its traditional peer.

Jedi Khan

Who's to say that automation isn't already wide spread on the warships in question? Before it was decommissioned, the Invictus only had a Navy crew of 42, which is not a whole lot of people for a ship of that size. Let's keep in mind too that the crew also work in shifts, probably 8 hours each. So that means there was only 14 people on shift (3 shifts in a day) at any given time, including officers. There's also the fact that when Irillith and/or Faye hacks a ship, they can control all aspects of the ship, from power and life support to weapon control and ship navigation. This implies a decent amount of automation that doesn't require direct physical interaction from a crewman in order to operate. On the down side of automation, when you have someone like Irillith or Faye on the warpath, you don't want your ship to be mostly crewed by robots, because then those robots can be turned against the organic crew.


On these same lines, unless I missed something, Dana has been using human made mass fabricators. They seem to be doing a fair job, but I would think that she might be able to make something faster or more intricate or even more compact (able to produce larger items)


Of course, Jedi. The Law of Deminishing Returns has not been suspended. As such, there is a limit to the utility of strategic automation as with any systemic change.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Hey everyone, Lunar Lilith has put up some pretty freakin amazing faces for some of the crew on the Community Page. You really should check them out and comment. I thought the personalities of the girls shown through amazingly well.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

A few ideas here: First, T-Fed is scared to the point of irrationality with anything approaching AI. Remember John about the automated defense algorithm? And his slow acceptance of Faye? That fear is systemic with T-Fed...and recently reinforced with Nexus. Also, the Admiralty was not happy John had an 'unshackled' AI onboard the Invictus. While the idea to have bots in the shipyard has many merits, less risk to human workers, no down time, exact replication of the work, intricate repeatability with no fatigue just to name a few: T-Fed would never accept them. Second: those algorithms have become sentient...at least partially so (the bot nodded to Faye out of respect when John watched last chapter). Not sure John wants other races to have them.


Incredible...just go to the community page here!!!


So I've been freaked out whilst waiting for 104 having re-read 103 with 15 Knives. Just how did Faye get 15 knives - well its explained she looked at the draw calculated from the image and grabbed 15 knives. She said it took "14 nanoseconds." to work out just what to do to grab them. Well the world isn't working any more. Basically Moores' Law says each generation of computers needs to be 4 times as fast to keep pace with demand - prophesied with three point in the 1960's and still holding true therefore by 2800 which is 800 years away we need 160 iteration of computer design, at one every 5 years. each time we need 4 times the amount of computing power. OK so far. thgerfore they can go lets say a 100 times faster than now. So we need to look at a load of knives in a draw, Faye will know where the draw is because she is omni present on the ship, so she pulls it open and grabs 15 Knives by looking at them - I think not! You look at the draw where your knives are and how they are organised, they will be in a tray or slot piled N deep. Now chaos theory kicks in, its random. to process the image will take a lots of machine cycles.Currently we are at say 10Gcycles per second so by 2800 we will be 1000 times faster - that's only 14k cycles to work out how many knives to pick up, NO its no where enough to calculate ithye solution. may be another 1000 times faster to get there ! Given we have got over the limits of making things smaller and maybe are using quantum computing, it is a story with no limits after all. Its still far to many cycles to spot how to get 15 knives especially as chaos get in the way. they will be organised randomly in the draw, not in a nice pile that increases the calculation exponentially. It may be better for her to know how heavy they are, by a rough calculation and then by grabbing the appropriate weight of them using her great built in stress sensors, which she must have so she can touch John in such a delicate fashion, just bring up the correct number of knives.


Maybe I should have not gone to the pub whilst waiting?


should say - say a 1000 times faster


Some people really do have too much spare time on their hands ;)


Actually Moores Law does end soon because transistors in processors are now nearing measureable in terms of how many atoms they use. You can't get smaller than atoms. There are new multipliers to replace miniaturization. 3D layered chips, and new Quantum photonic processors are promising. Multiple cores are already in use for many years but might become massively scalar to improve threading.


Gordon Moores Law is actually about demand, not the solution I can see no end to the demand curve. D3esign of silicon has never kept up with the demand, other solutions have been used to keep pace, wider memories, caching, parallel processing etc., I agree that silicon is nearly dead, for a couple of reasons, one being that electrons are quantum, so they could all be on holiday when you look to see if the are there or not so they become totally unreliable as a simple on off switch when you get to less than about 20 electrons in the switch. Secondly there is another law which says the cost of the silicon Fab plant rises by a factor of about 10 every generation, this means that the next but one silicon plant can not be built because it will cost more than the whole world GDP. Carbon will be the answer, as it gives a 3D solution, however we haven't really worked out how to grow it to our plan yet. Parallel threading isn't the full answer either because we need linear processing for a lot of problems, which will require brute grunt, the solution will be interesting when it arrives. Long live the colon - a reference to the Algol 68 programing report where : separated parallel actions.