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Hey everyone!

I've just handed over part 1 of the next section to my editors and I'm making a start on part 2. I mentioned before that an estimate of the 4th March seems about right and I'm on track for that now.

I'm awaiting an update from the artist I have working on the coverart for eBook 4, but I'm hoping to have something there soon. :-)

After I finish this chapter, I'll start working on eBook 3 again, probably taking a week to get into that before I start on chapter 101. Hopefully I'll get it finished by then, but it's hard to tell with editing, especially with 120k words to edit! (I'm about 1/3 of the way through at the moment).

I've dropped in to chat on Discord a couple of times, and had some interesting chats with patrons there. Here's a link:


I'm thinking of doing a Q&A session on Sunday 4th March at 23:00 GMT, so let me know if there's anything you really want to know. (No spoilers!) :-)




Hey tef what about some more Axel and space bikers?



Kyle Oathout

The discord link isn't working for me. It logs me into discord, but won't join me to a channel.


Tefler, you do realise that for me that will be on the morning of the 5th and it is the first day of teaching at work and I will be busy all day with students. That is just pure cruelty, you are sure you weren't the Maquis de Sade in a former life ?


I have to agree the link is nlt working properly even searchi g for it


I will resend the invite.


<a href="https://discord.gg/qKE3zX3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/qKE3zX3</a>


thanks Tefler can't wait


Also, as a note for anyone joining discord, there is a channel specifically for asking questions for Tefler. :)


Thanks telfer keep up the great work

Dennis Banfield

Any news on book 2 being released in print? Can’t wait to sit down with both books! :D


Mahalo for the update Tef!


120K words..... that's almost Lien Geller TMD5 like! And it took him 2 years to do his 240k words!


And thus the clock begins T minus 5 days and counting


at least 5 days for my next fix. I am jonesing here LOL

Jim lynch

It seems so far away it’s going to be agonising waiting so long. I must know what happens in the battle, dragon slaying, is jade going to be fast enough to save Jehanna, will Webber kill the nymphs or will jade tiger have a juicy meal, can calara destroy the whole kintark battle fleet quick enough to save plenty of Terran capital ships. So many questions I need answering ASAP TEFLER my head is about to explode due to over thinking what’s going to happen.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

While there seems to be quite a bit of melodrama about 100-3, I am not entirely sure Tefler takes it fully in the way it is intended. He has mentioned before he feels pressure from it (on Discord). I hope Tefler accepts our 'Jonesing' as the compliment and testament to his exceptional story and writing that is intended. Tefler: please take the time you need and don't feel you need to rush things. We really only mean well and above all don't want you burning out. Thank you for such a strong and evocative story.


Geller is probably a TSM fan and he's not producing because he's reading and commenting on here.


T minus 4 days and counting....

Big Dude

Hey Kester, leave Crazy alone. HE keeps it lively here! :)


Tefler, Hello from Missouri! I am new to your patreon page and have read through 100-1 and 100-2 enjoying the battle very much. is chapter done? This posting makes it look like there is a third part to the chapter?


The two-kilometre-long dreadnought swung about, bringing the twin barrels of the Singularity Drivers to bear. Shouldn't that be three-kilometre?

Jim lynch

I agree with John f Lewis below tefler I only say these things in jest obviously I want to read it ASAP but that doesn’t mean I want you to rush chapters take your time get it right so your happy with the work your putting out I’m happy to wait as long as it takes you ok.


I believe it's been stated that Tefler has kids , so he must be used to a whinny , " are we there yet" &amp; other little irritations . I just hope he takes the time to produce a chapter that He is happy with , I'm sure we will be .


Hope the 'Beast from the East' isn't disturbing his creative juices... maybe he's using the snow &amp; wind as inspiration for Sakura wreaking havoc among the Kintark...

Heinz Molck

I think there dreadnoughts with different sizes - being the ‘The Retribution of Zeus’ of Caldwell/Buckingham the biggest...


Since Tefler is shooting for 100k per book we‘re already at 1 book for the Invasion of Terra. It‘ll be one of the most awesome books in the series.


A polar bear wearing a red fur hat knocks on your door and says, "can I talk to you about a visit to Mother Russia?" in a heavily accented voice.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Folks, I am in Florida...and while it looks like snow, Part of me wonders if it isn't just the cotton stuffing from the ripped up overhead padding to my room.


After thinking about it, though I prefer otherwise, it looks like Tefler is setting us up for Jade to do a solo run on Tartarus. I think she should wait for support, but with the battle in the Sol system raging on, and Weber on the run, Jade is worried that the hostages could be hurt or killed after Weber arrives. Here are my worries: a) Jade is in the stealth shuttle alone, hoping to follow Weber to a secret base, but if he engages his own stealth systems, Jade may not be able to detect/follow him; b) Weber is frantic, afraid and irrational and can not be expected to be thinking clearly after Calara threatened him with John hunting him down after the space battle; c) when he arrives at Tartarus, he will get access to their landing bay, but Jade may not be able to access the base the same way and without armor she cannot space walk to find an airlock entrance; d) Tartarus is a large base, deep within the second largest fragment of the destroyed moon Ganymede, and she has no floor plans to navigate to the hostages; e) even after Jade somehow gets inside, she does not know that the hostages are kept deep within the base behind multiple levels of security; f) Tefler has not given us a hint if Jade has other abilities, shapes and forms that ensure she will defeat all the defenses arrayed against her and find the path -- via corridors, elevators, ramps, ducts or levels -- to the unknown location of her targets; g) even if she gets past the automated beam and kinetic weapons traps and the special forces defenders, she will still have to successfully exfiltrate over long minutes and a significant distance from the cells with the hostages; h) finally, if Weber and the last defenders engage a kill order or self destruct before abandoning the base, Jade will have to quickly fight her way back to her shuttle with the vulnerable unarmed/unarmored hostages and escape before calamity falls on them. This as a complex set of actions in a time-compressed situation that could go wrong at any time. If Tefler sends her in alone on this rescue mission, as it increasingly looks likely, I worry that her abilities and commitment may not be enough for solo success.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

News Flash! Tefler just said on Lit that he will not be through with 100-3 until at least the 15th due to getting the Flu! Chuckles as he sits back and watches all the attempted suicides from his rumor mongoring, Humming the theme song to M.A.S.H.


not the first time someone has tried to cause chaos like this



Donovan Gibson

Take care of yourself Tefler! Don't stress on our part, we want you eating well and getting good rest. We'll be sending out positive vibes~


Your getting a little too sweet their Donovan, dial it back a little bit, ;)


[Jade and Alyssa contact a captive Nymph in Tartarus -- The Longest Yard] Crewe: We're getting up a football game against the guards, wondered if you and some of your buddies here would like to join in on the fun. Samson: (slow smile begins to grow) With the guards? Crewe: (nods) Uh-huh. Samson: (large gap-tooth smile) Sure, I'd like that. Crewe: Sign him up. Caretaker: I'm way ahead of you.

Big Dude

The flu does affect how one writes.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Ok, on a serious note: What is John going to do with 5 Nymphs? How will he name them? Who will be their matriarch? I see John developing them along the lines of Jade, just much faster since he now knows more about what he is doing...Remember, he wants to eventually get them all pregnant to help re-establish the race. I see the crew getting together to name them....thinking Tefler might want to put up a poll on that one. And I see Jade being their Matriarch... Thoughts welcome....wife says I have none worth while....lol

Jedi Khan

What if Jade remembers what their original Lenarran names were? Would they use those names?


I like what John and Jedi are saying. I hope Jade remembers their original names, but Tefler does a poll for them.


Holly Ivy Olive Fern


Too bad Calara's prescience didn't kick in and request the 40 claymores at Olympus dock on the Invictus to take to the Invasion of Terra.


Laurel, Phoenix, Harley, Hunter, Emerald, Olive, Celadon, Fern, Kelly, Lucky, Clove, Vermillion


Emerald , Peridot , Sapphire , Apatite , Turquoise ...green gemstones


Why hasn't Dana, Irillith or Faye transmitted the kill code for the Kintark shields yet?

Jedi Khan

Probably because they don't have it? I doubt that the kill code for the Kinark shields would be the same as for the Invictus, and that's if the Kintark shields even have a kill code. That could be what Dana is going to find out on her solo mission.


Agnes, Pricilla, Hortense and Eunice. Remember these are old beings, they need old names.


Dana’s solo mission: What is it? We know John has been persuaded to approve of it, and Dana’s initial description to him was something like “You’ll love it”. I’m using this to give odds on the various options that have been kicked around:- 1. Get the Kintark shield shut-down code (How? Maybe from a derelict, I guess): 1/1 2. Something left field that hasn’t been discussed here, or I have missed. A typical Tefler surprise: 2/1 3. Doing things with that minefield to re-purpose them as Kintark hunters / move them or something: 5/1 4. Do something outlandish vis a vis BSP: 20/1


Might Sakura see a strand to Jehanna? Just to let Jade know she is on the right path.


On a scale from 1 to Bigfish, how powerful are the new Nova Lance beams?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Well, they are taking out the Brimorian shields on the Kintark Capitol ships and cutting them in half with one shot....so their total energy is massive. However, that is unnecessarily spread over a 100 meter wide circle. By using a 10 meter extension of an antigrav tube that energy can be 100 times more powerful per cross section...Lots of wasted energy with that wide a beam that can be used more effectively. Sooo.... .8 Bigfish.


The mad doctor wants to breed Lenarrans with Kirrix and they assume the form that most pleases a new master. I don't think I really want to know how it works but a hawt babe for a Kirrix would be another Kirrix, not the grub chow. What are the captives going to look like and how long will it take to 'de-bug' them after they're rescued? (shudder)


As far as getting rid of Kirrix "in the womb", so to speak, Rachel already has the cure for that. As far as looking like another Kirrix; I'd like to think that, in this case, the whole psychic semi mind reading won't work with the Kirrix.

Jedi Khan

This has been discussed several times. There is no connection to Jehanna from Alyssa or anyone else since Jehanna didn't get the third feeding, thus nothing for Sakura to see. If there was something, then there wouldn't be a need for Jade to follow Weber.


Awhile back in comments Jedi , DD , &amp; others got into a discussion about Faye's duties &amp; abilities in running future enterprises that led to a debate about AI in general . How's this for a curve ball , I now think Progenitors are Organic AI's . Look at their behavior , cold merciless killers , seemingly created to simply destroy &amp; conquer . Rachel stated quite awhile ago they were a created species , although by who &amp; why were left unsaid . They seem to take no great pleasure from their conquests as would any normal ruler. No grand courts &amp; fancy threads , Balls &amp; parties etc. They have unlimited harems but seem not to enjoy them much (Ailanthia was shocked when BSP actually used her name , let alone used her to actual feel pleasure ) Also the encoding of their DNA with all the tech &amp; plans seemed to me strange , more like down loading programs into a computer or an AI that we're more use to seeing &amp; not simply passing along physical traits like human DNA . You might ask , "what about Mael' " well there I go with the "Ghost in the Machine" over time any computer will start to wear down &amp; small changes start to happen , given Mael' ruled for 50,000 years I think he gradually , because of exposure to Valada , began to get what we would describe as human feelings . Also in the discussion on AI's they talked about how the AI's were treated would go a long way as to their relationship to people . So then we have John &amp; Faye as opposed to say BSP &amp; Nexus . One set raised &amp; treated as human &amp; taught right from wrong , Faye nurtured by the girls &amp; Nexus torn apart by Terran scientists &amp; made a slave . One becomes trusted ally , other homicidal killer . Just something to ponder while trying to figure out what BSP might do next :-)


Is a Progenitor dependent upon his physical body? Do psychic powers depend upon the physical body? Yes? No? Discuss!


Postulated that psychic powers and Progenitors are independent of their physical forms, to a large degree, but that establishing the psychic power feeds is greatly facilitated by their physical body chemistry. So, Progenitors dwelling in their own subplanes in the Astral Plane don’t have the same easy access to new power sources, having left their corporeal forms behind.

rich ed

also the hacking deck that Faye came out of was something tash found at a progenitor dig


Obviously we know little about their origin story &amp; only make guesses to motivation but with a small sample we can make some guesses . The real lifting of the veil will come if John eventually talks with BSP or his father . The Astral beings don't seem to be the type to "talk things out " so to speak . I have known a few very superior minds &amp; some creative ones , not either exclusive or inclusive to either but some of the smartest people are only interested in their own little world to the exculsion of everything else , even sometimes to eat unless someone puts it in front of them .Intelligence isn't the same as imagination .


Has there been any specific mention of an Emperoress or Crown Prince ? With an Immortal ruler would they have any type of succession plan ? Might be a big problem to continue as they have .Even if he did have a successor would the shame of his death at hands of a "puny" Terran torpedo his chances ?Lots of questions

Jedi Khan

You mean someone who can carry on in the Progenitor's stead should the worse come to pass? No, it hasn't been mentioned. The only example we've seen of a Progenitor passing the torch so to speak was with Mael'nerak and Valada, his matriarch. I would imagine that the Progenitors, in all their arrogant glory, never had it occur to them that they might need to consider the possibility of their demise and thus plan for succession. Or are you talking about the Kintark emperor? Same thing would apply to him, I imagine. His prideful arrogance and confidence in his immortal power would never let him consider the possibility that he might die at some point.


Cant wait for the dragonbarbeque tonight 😝


Think Tefler will release the new installment tonight? Thought he stated he was shooting for the 4th.


Here's a thought: With Ailanthia being disrespected so often, I wonder if the BSP is setting her up to cut her loose and replace her? She's seen John and his actions with his crew, could be a play to get her to seek John out as a replacement. Cut her loose with a ship, a nice fast one. She seeks out John, gives him hints about what he is "supposed" to be doing. IE another BSP manipulation play.


TJ, I am not so sure that BSP disrespects Ailanthia as much as it is his wishes, demands, behaviors and attitudes dominate everything. His will and desires rule their lives. He has always treated his thralls this way, without any thought about how they might feel about it. After all, they are tools, battery packs, to be used and disposed of at a whim or need. His sexual dalliances over recent months are different and out of character. Why that is, only Tefler knows. He did not normally engage in sexual play or show concern for the sexual or emotional interests of his matriarch or thralls. Is this disrespect or just his view of the natural order of things in his life?


BSP has light green thrall, so we know that they are not Malari (light blue), but they could be Lenaran. What are the other thrall colors? What color is his matriarch?


When Jade and her sisters served Mael' as slaves, they were in their cat girl forms, not humanoid females like the thralls we have seen so far. They were green, with tails and short-furred, distinguished by unique Viridian patterns of stripes.


Pretty sure the Lenarans were used to spread Mael' seed thru his thrall army , much like Jade did for John with the Maliri engineers during the refit . With the Vats of store juice &amp; a couple thousand Jades wouldn't take long to build up an army . So they didn't have same relationship as the Maliri . I think each races he created was for a specific job . Trankians/miners metal workers , Maliri /chosen ones his Matriarch &amp; thralls , Ashanta /physics , maybe his astral command unit &amp; humans an experiment &amp; Lenarans his army builders . Like I said in earlier post John &amp; Jade were a happy accident , she didn't recognize him as a Progenitor &amp; he became just her next master until he powered her up . It will be interesting where Tef takes the inclusion of the freed Nymphs next .


I think we see it as disrespect because we're comparing it to how John treats Alyssa &amp; the girls . Maybe that's why Progenitors always treated his Matriarch &amp; thralls they way they did . Once BSP started treating Ailanthia like John did Alyssa she became jealous of his attention , which hadn't happened before , or so we were lead to believe . With the bond I don't see her taking off to John anytime soon as some have suggested .


DD....John's father on Arcadia is a Progenitor , obviously , which one is the question . It could be Mael' , as you've said they're immortal . If injured &amp; without a Matriarch to channel power to him , he might be able to survive but not heal completely or repair his ship , especially if is as bad as described . He might have seen Jessica as his chance to rebuild his strength or at least continue his line , something most Progens don't even consider .


Some food for thought and questions....1). Ailanthia's skin is referred to as green in an earlier chapter...2). she talks about "going home" to BSP as he does not have a thrall army/ships with him...3). if he is Mael, what happened to his "humanity developed with Valada...4). how did he get another advanced flagship?...questions abound!!!!!!Tefler has really created something special and look at how fast his supporter seem to be increasing!


I posted this a few days ago under the last chapter. Don’t think many people saw it. So I will repost. As there is more discussion around this topic here Here’s some food for thought, bear with me and hear me out. Tefler has laid out his magical universe on the predication that John is acting different by sharing his powers and his treatment of his girls. To date in the storyline there has been ample evidence for this supposition. After all this is a central pillar of the story. Imagine for a moment that John is not a first time rebel departing from typical proginator behavior. But instead is acting to restore an ancient proginator tradition. Now we know that proginators are not truly immoral, they can die. But are incredibly long lived. With lifespans spanning tens of thousands of years. We have seen from the story individual proginators dating as far back as 40,000 years. It would not be beyond belief to estimate a typical proginator lifespan of 100,000 years before they are by another rival proginator. This cycle may have repeated itself over several generations thus forming the foundation of the modern evil power hungry tyrannical proginator stereotype. Now go back millions of years, dozens of generations of proginators. Why should we assume just because proginators demonstrates a centimeter behavior pattern now that that is how they always have been. We know from the Rachel’s research that proginators are not a natural occurring species but instead are an engineered one. Hypothetically. Let’s say, whoever, however, why ever. Originally created the proginators, (doesn’t matter). they were created to be a force of good, and served in that capacity for a time. Until one proginator went bad. After all, history has demonstrated. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. What happen to all the good proginators is not really the point of this post, but it is interesting and intriguing thought. What I am suggesting is. John is not forging a new proginator path, but instead restoring an old original purpose. Tefler has stated time and time again through Athena that John is acting purely on instincts. And encourages John to follow those instincts. I had originally believed that John’s instincts for good and desire to help others are a result of his kind and caring upbringing supplied from his grandparents. As well as his own desire to improve and be better person after witnessing the worst that human nature is capable of during military his service in the Tfed military. But, what if there is a bit more to it than that. What if there is a inherent genetic nature at work as well. Who is to say that the original proginator source code for lack of a better term is not on a fundamental level. To do good in the universe. A all powerful species to go forth and right wrong. To improve the lives of those you come across. To extend this logical one step further. Who is to say originally that there were not female proginators in the beginning. Perhaps John changed Alyssa because his original programming showed him it was possible. I have stated before in other posts that I believe, in the end. John will break from or end the region of the astral plane monsters. I have laid him out to be the savior of the entire proginator species. I first thought he would do that by accomplishing something no proginator has ever done before. Be a good guy. But now think maybe he is restoring the proginator to what they were supposed to be all along. Only Tefler can tell us the true outcome Sent from my iPad


There doesn't appear to be a spot for general comments and thanks. The Vulkat and Queen Nkkrrit Nkkrrit is my personal favorite character so far with both the best and most genuine, almost visceral response to her plight and the genocidal war that eventually eliminated the Vulkat. Now that Alyssa has made everyone aware, I hope the Maliri and other folks will continue to sing to and with Nkkrrit, possibly discovering another hidden remnant of her race that survived the war instead of just dropping her from the story without another word or some sotto voce handwavium and dismissium. Chapter 100 and the battle so far is excellent but, honestly, Chapter 99 was the best chapter with some of the best storytelling I've read in a while. There was an emotional progression from full combat alert wariness and preparedness to a tangible and oppressive fear after they first boarded the Vulkat ship, wariness then slowly morphed into an almost gibbering desire to flee just to stay alive as they discovered horror after horror while trying to locate the Eternity Crystals and remain undetected. The entirely unexpected call from Alyssa to meet with the enemy under an oppressive and terrifying truce came straight and hot right out of left field but changed to sympathy, appreciation, and a genuine desire to help after meeting with a truly beautiful Queen that sang her song to the Universe and it sang to her in return. Do it again, Tefler, please.


Is there any reason Lenarrans can't fill several roles including shapeshifting ideal lovers, backup Tonic dispensers, and ships' cats? BSP doesn't appear to have a clue about Nymphs. Yet.


Here's the thing, Bigdawg, when ever we saw the Maliri in the Nexus files, they were helpmates, thrall warriors of house slaves. We saw them help a created being from the activation tech or operating ship systems. We only saw Mael working on tech or pushing the buttons, when not commanding Nexus to execute his orders. More, we think all Progens have a genetically stored tech/science data base that they learn to access to build a suite of ship and weapons tech. Nexus did not have this info, it innovated around Terran designs. Mael does not otherwise seem to use computers, bots or AIs, nor does BSP. So, my point is, with the resources in half of his broken flagship, his programmed sci/tech inheritance, and time on his hands, why did he not build something to get him out of that quandary? Jessica could have been a catalyst for altering the trajectory of this mystery progen's life, but he alone is the vessel of the legacies, and at least once, he rose to the pinnacle of conquest, so he could do it again.


I believe I speak for many of Tefler fans when I say, we all hope Nikkirrt’s story is not yet finished. There have been many a comments from ch99. Expressing the desire to see the Vulkat make an appearance in the final confrontation with BSP allow Nikkirrt to fulfill her mission and see the end on the evil tyrant who destroyed her people.


Is Tefler still on pace to post chapter 100-3 tomorrow?

Jedi Khan

Until we hear otherwise from Tefler himself (not the local troll who has recently revealed himself), I'm guessing we'll see 100-3 in the next 24 hours, +/- 2 hours.


Thks Jedi Khan! I'm sure we all appreciate you and any other Troll watchers . Thanks again.


Teflers on Discord General.


Tefler, thank you for the session and time on Discord!


T minus Bigfish until 100-3 ;)


March 4th 12:00 am PST (GMT -8 hrs). Thank you in advance Tefler. I happily and (simi) patiently await the posting of the next part of Chapter 100. And while I (and probably the others) say that I cannot possibly wait and for you to hurry, just know that it is in 1 jest and 2 appreation of this amazing story that has captured my imagination and left me on the edge of my seat in excitement!


Ganymede is/was a moon of Jupiter, where Tartarus is located, and where Jehanna and the Nymphs are being held captive. Calara has ordered the TF fleet to withdraw from Terra toward Saturn to prepare for their counter attack on the Kentark armada. Saturn is closer to Ganymede than is Terra, so if Jade calls for help from Tartarus, the Invictus will be closer at hand. The Raptor is carrying Dana on her secret mission, but she should return to the battle zone around Saturn before all is done. The Valkyrie is in earth orbit and will probably join in the ground combat with John, Alyssa, Tashana and Rachel. Sakura can fly the Valkyrie from Terra to Saturn or Tartarus as quickly as can the Raptor. The ground combat team would have to be picked up by the Raptor or the Invictus to travel to Tartarus in response to a call for help. There are enough seats on the small shuttle to carry Jade, Jehanna and four Nymphs away from Tartarus under stealth mode. If the secret base has external shields, beam and kinetic defenses, once on alert, the Invictus and Valkyrie would have to fight their way to the base; unless Jade is able to make a stealth escape and meet the Invictus elsewhere.

Jedi Khan

A decent analysis, but where did the mention of Saturn come from? All I recall Calara saying is for the TFed forces to go into full retreat, not to where. Plus, it depends on where the planets are in their respective orbits as to which planet is closest to Ganymede. Saturn could possibly be on the other side of the system from Jupiter at the moment, while Terra could be right next door, astronomically speaking.


It would be nice to know what Maria Fernandez is up to. She does not seem like the kind of woman to sit patiently and wait when she can do something positive. I imagine her working her links to add her insights to the exchanges taking place among her covert com tech friends.


Will Jade be back on board the Invictus following her rescue mission before or after Helene wakes up thirsty?


About 6-7 hours ago, Tefler announced on Discord that part 3 will most likely be released on the 5th and not the 4th as he still has about 7k words to write.

Jedi Khan

That could very well mean a release after midnight on the 5th, which would still be the 4th for those of us in the US. He has done that on the last few releases. If that's the case, then my guess of 15 hours, give or take a few hours, still holds. If he decides to go to bed before releasing 100-3, then it'll indeed be later on the 5th for all of us, maybe even the 6th for some parts of the world.


What if there's more than one BSP? What if this BSP isn't a bad guy. We talk about this and much more over on Discord.


I have tried to join the discord server but the invite is expired can anyone post one that isn't? Thank you.


Is it soup yet? No? Dang!

Jedi Khan

Okay, so how many comments will be posted today between now and when 100-3 goes up? Any guesses? I'm going with 200.


maybe over 9000 jedi ?

Jedi Khan

lol Even Crazy isn't crazy enough to think that possible.


he could make it possible, very very easily :P

Jedi Khan

Maybe if someone like Dr. Dadd, Muledrvr, JFL, or any of the other wordy patrons decided to do one word per post until they've completed a sentence/paragraph. Now wouldn't that be something. lol

Big Dude

Well, if the latest TSM chapter is delayed a day then I have played it well. I can listen to Subjugation Chapter 6 from Fel as I drive in the interim tomorrow. One needs a diversion while patiently waiting!


or crazy could start just using letters in a single post to create sentences or a mini story, and yes that might just be a challenge ;p

Jedi Khan

lol Now that's just being obnoxious. Better to keep it to whole words.

Heinz Molck

<a href="https://discord.gg/9zwsQGb" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/9zwsQGb</a>


Probably double checking her bugout bag. Actually, we all know that's mostly a joke. Being prior service in a combat oriented position, Maria already has that sorted plus probably transportation off that rock. Most likely she's trying to figure out how the battle in space is going. She knows it was coming but unless she has some realtime contacts all she will see is the battle at the citadel on Terra, and that can't be comforting.


Im getting "Discord link invalid or expired"

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Okay: My thinking is Jade gets to the hidden docking bay. Weber sees her as he goes through the door/elevator/wtfe and shouts something to the effect she is too late and will never be able to save anyone. The stealth shuttle gets wasted in the hangar. Jade begs for help and Dana has just finished seeding the mines so she runs to the base and hacks their systems so Jade only has to fight the Special Forces on base. Jade goes primevil on their butts and in a fit of Mother Bear Syndrome just kills everyfreakinbody. Jehenna is in such bad shape she has to be healed/saved but the Nymphs are fine. Dana lands the Raptor and Jade brings her brood and Jehennah onboard. Everyone meets up on the Invictus @ Terra. When all the Nymphs meet John they are told he is their new master and we have 5 Alyssas as a comic relief for a bit...Rachel heals Jehenna who then gets right to work broadcasting the truth about her abduction, the battle, etc. What do you all think will happen?

Heinz Molck

<a href="https://discord.gg/9zwsQGb" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/9zwsQGb</a>

Big Dude

I think she follows Weber to Tartarus and then all hell breaks loose. Weber tells the guards to fire on her and she then morphs into a Lioness pose and her armor becomes the look and feel of Paragon Armor without the helmet. The guards notice she has this strange pistoli in her hands and an even stranger rifle on her back. (Remember the hatred for weaponry was removed by John). She then bellows out if they don't drop their weapons and stand down Vice Admiral John Blake will visit them with prejudice. She also mentions that everyone knows what has been going on here on Tartarus. Weber decides to fire at Jade but Jade notices the movement and she unleashes a Punisher pistoli shot on Weber's ASS and it's see ya Weber's arm. He screams like a spanked JFL and the other soldiers drop their weapons. Then Jade makes the save as JFL says above. Next installment of guesses...


It was said that Weber used a DNA reader to enter the base. She only needs his hand.


Who's zooming who?? Every time hagridden John has the time to get rid of the Progenitor template, he gets interrupted by the sexual story arc or the sci-fi arc. John: "Alyssa, I love you all so much and keeping my Progenitor side locked down really takes it out of me, can y'all give me some help and advice to...." Alyssa: "Oh, John! (batting eyes)(bat)bat)(bat) We know you love us and we can all _feel_ how much you love us, how about some sex?" (bat)(bat-bat) John: "Uh, didn't we just...." Alyssa: (zooming in on John) "John, (zoom) I want sex (zoom) now! (zoom)(zoom)" John: (totally zoomed) "Okay!" John: (possibly days later but still pretty zoomed) "Alyssa, I love you all so much and keeping my Progenitor side locked down really takes it out of me, can y'all give me some help and advice to...." Someone else: (part of the ship, part of the crew) "JOHN! The Ecks are doing Wye! If we don't hurry, everything will be Zee!" (part of the ship, part of the crew) John: (zooms to the rescue) Who's Zooming Who -- Extended Dance Mix: <a href="https://youtu.be/2kEQSbdzAVw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/2kEQSbdzAVw</a>


I need an update Tefler :S how is it going?


I think jade will try very hard to be a good girl. she will follow weber to Tartarus then go all antman. she will shrink down to a house fly and land on weber while he is fleeing into the base. everything will be going fine until she sees either what's planned for/or happened to the other nymphs.


Don't ask. Patience. Tefler already knows you're waiting. Relax. He'll be done when he's done. He doesn't need us asking him like whining kids on a road trip, "How Much Longer?!" :-)

Big Dude

Telfer said March 5th. Today is March 4th in America. Any questions?


sense we have seen a lot of getting bigger I think staying small could be fun for this but I can't decide what would be the most fitting. currently my favorite idea is as follows : Jade for the first time ever that she can remember gets pissed off. enough so that allisa tells john "ut oh, webers fucked jade is pissed!" then giggles. jade then shouts load enough to rattle the walls scaring the shit out of everyone on the base saying something like "LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!" in a very god like fashion. then burrows into webers body. she then starts moving around under his skin very visibly scaring everyone in the room. then while weber is screaming she goes all neo and changes shape while inside him, exploding him out all over the walls. no one wants any of that so they all surrender, and ask permission to get a change of pants,.... sense they forgot to where their brown pants today. :-]


Yes could you please quote the source I remember him saying 4th

Anthony Kester

Is it to early to start breaking another F5 key?


actualy the statement was the 4th, I quote "I've just handed over part 1 of the next section to my editors and I'm making a start on part 2. I mentioned before that an estimate of the 4th March seems about right and I'm on track for that now."

Anthony Kester

Tefler did say on Discord it would be the 5th. We are all going through withdrawals.


@tefler - Given that you were on discord last night and your release timetable was thrown off by a day, did you want to change the date of your Q&amp;A (which had originally been tonight)?


Based on the fact that the Q&amp;A is ongoing on Discord right now, I'm saying that the answer is no. :-)

Big Dude

Chris Wiley, Join the Discord server. Tefler comes on and writes responses every few days to our questions. He also updates us with the latest status, which he may not do here. He claimed to have ~1.5K more to write so it WILL be March 5th.


Any estimate as to the release date from Tefler on discord?

Big Dude

Chris WIley this is from the Discord Server: Tefler - Today at 4:08 PM @smartwombat yeah as soon as I'm done, I'll hand it over to the editors to just give it the once over. If they think it's alright, then I'll publish the chapter. There's a bunch of pivotal scenes in 100-3, so I'll let them review it first before just dumping it on Patreon as I usally do! :smiley: Remember, the comment above was from Feb 27th. How many days ago was that?


Did Tef say approximately what time on March 5th? If I'm not mistaken, it's March 5th where Tef is at.

Jedi Khan

Tefler never gives an estimated time, so it can be anytime between now and 22 hours and 14 minutes from now.


My feline overlords say it's 01:50 and if Tefler has any sense he'll be sleeping like them (no not on my bed) and checking for the edits in maybe 4 hours time. Which is coindidentally when they plan to re-enact the Indy 500 round the bedroom, using me as the pit lane.


Everyone is trying SOO hard not to get @tefler upset with all their incessant nagging! :D I'm pretty sure he's enjoying himself, reading all the comments with an evil laugh, for getting us hooked this bad! Hang in there guys...


Please note that Tefler said on Discord that he had 1.5K to go, yes, as has already been stated, but that he would then NOT be posting it here on Patreon, but first sending it off to his editors, and that after they had a chance to review it, he'd post it here. So, to me, that means late on the 5th at the earliest. He's got a couple of thousand words to write, plus the editors need a chance to read through it and get back to him, and then he'll have to make the changes that he desires, and then he'll probably be posting it. I don't foresee it being accomplished before Tefler's night of the 5th.

Big Dude

So everyone figure 4 PM on the west coast or 7 PM on the east coast March 5th!

Big Dude

This is why you need to read other stories while waiting. It passes the time while waiting!


It says the Discord link is expired does anyone have a new one I could use


New invite for discord <a href="https://discord.gg/K6W9vev" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/K6W9vev</a>

Dennis Banfield

Time to binge ‘Dream Drive’ by ‘Over_Red’ on lit again to pass the time - if you haven’t read it, I do highly recommend. Unfinished work, but a thrilling read with plans to finish a later point (author is in med school atm). Back tomorrow to check up on all of you ;)


Thank you kindly for the clarification, im much to left brain for my own good. This story has brought out my emotion side, i just hopping for the next chapter.


OK been cruising by several times....impatiently waiting for 100-3...


There's an eerily familiar type of singing in Fel's newest chapter, too, must be that time of year.


Nearly 400 comments on Tefler announcing part 1 of a chapter section to the editors. I remember that not so long ago even the chapters didn't get this many comments.

Jedi Khan

lol you have seen the comment count for 100-2, right? 400 comments is nothing compared to that.


That is another good story, others I can recommend. Talla's temple and Talla's fallen temple, also Life as a new hire( and lot of his other works, although most are unfinished) Upon a Savage shore. I could keep going on, but I won't.


I read practically daily the comments on Patreon and enjoy it very much. Now I am surprised and quite disappointed that I have to have access to discord to get relevant information about the next release date. Increasing my frustration level is the fact that I have now access to discord but the section "Tefler Talk" is still locked. Another aspect is that the interaction with Tefler is obviously shifting to discord and the Patreon members which don't wish to join discord have to get it "second hand". Don't misunderstand me, I do not have a problem when Q&amp;A sessions are held on discord but to be excluded from information like delay of the next release gives me the feeling that my (small) support is not appreciated anymore.


I understand your feelings completely, did everything through Literotica until recently I figured out parts of 100 were released on here and I signed up to get access. I know nothing about discord. My problem is since I use webpage readers and file readers to turn them into audio books while I drive since I am a truck driver. I can clear all of Telfer chapters from 1 to current in about 2 weeks.


Much as I believe it is Tefler's right to choose any platform to interact with his fans, I believe he also owes his Patreons to provide the most up-to-date information, without Patreons having to jump though another hoop. There is already too much social media / platforms...


I finished the second half of 100-3 at 2:30 last night and handed it over to my editors. They gave it the thumbs up, so I'll just fix some typos then publish it this afternoon. :-)


Afternoon!? Aaarrrgh!

Jim lynch

I can’t wait I seem to refresh ever few seconds it’s maddening ha ha it’s driving me crazy tefler please hurry posting I’m desperate arghh

Jedi Khan

Listen to those F5 buttons purr, Crazy. Oh yeah, Jedi. Definitely a sweet sound to start the day with, especially on a chapter release day! Wait. I think I hear one getting out of sync. Which one? *pow!* Ohh! That one. Just blew a gasket. That's going to put a damper on that guy's day. No kidding. I hope he has a spare handy, or that his mouse holds out because we still have a few hours left until release!

Jim lynch

A few hours crazy I’m hoping that we’re lucky and get it sooner than that fingers n toes crossed.

Old Cruiser

It’s afternoon!!!

Jedi Khan

Give the guy a chance, say another 30 minutes, to have some lunch.


Its 10.25pm where I am, gonna stay up until I read it :)


12:30 GMT, definitely afternoon – not that I’m counting the minutes or anything :^))


hmm... you guys are sad... want sum popcorn with caramel? its nice. (see i'm not sad.)


Well I'm about to have my lunch so it will very shortly officially be afternoon

Jedi Khan

Okay, Tefler, I'm home from work and can read without interruptions. Go ahead and post 100-3 now!

Old Cruiser

iPad has no E5 button. So I just get the screen more smuggled.


That moment you get a notification, you excitedly open it hoping to be a chapter release. But it was a comment to you by a patron...

Jim lynch

I’m debating weather to read all chapter 100 so it slips together and I don’t miss anything crucial. Its a big decision arghh.


I was going to read 100-3 then go back and re-read the whole chapter.


It is just 6:30am here in far northern California and I had hoped to wake up and have a cup of Tefler this morning to treat my addiction...now I'm beginning withdrawal!\

Jedi Khan

I'm an hour ahead of you and was hoping to have Tefler as a bed time story.


i dont know which is more nerve wracking waiting for the next chapter to post or waiting for the buyer to accept my bid


Maybe...just maybe...an afternoon delight? :)

bob lakhanpal

It’s dinner time now, how much longer do I need to wait......


Too early for Hawaiian pizza - 5am here!

Jedi Khan

2 more hours left in Tefler's afternoon, then it'll be his evening.


2am, do I sleep and wake up with a brilliant story or do I hold out??

Old Cruiser

Hope we don’t have to wait until Spanish dinner time.


2 day's the day!

Florida Reader

While I too want to read 100-3, and the excitement level is fun to watch, I want to make sure Tefler knows that 1) he is an artist that delivers, 2) I appreciate that he likes to get things right, and 3) he should feel absolutely no pressure from me to hurry -- I know that he will come through. Keep up the great work, Tef, and don't feel overwhelmed by all the hype.


NoNoNo!! Genius for us FASTER, Tefler!! ;-) (I bet ya didn't know that "genius" could be a verb, didja?)


I think I just orgasmed from the sheer joy this story gave me. John facing Belendrax; Calara's masterful checkmate; Webbons (Ship name for Gibbons and Wessex). I am actually honoured to have been given this story to read. Thank you Tefler! Here's to more TSM!

Bill Phillips

I think the Federation should name ships after Buckingham and Weber : Garbage Scows ! ! ! ! !