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*** EDITED - FINAL version. I made a bunch of minor tweaks, mostly mood changes but a few extra lines here and there. ***

Hey everyone!

Here's the first half of the double-sized chapter 100!

It doesn't end on the cliffhanger I thought it would; you'll see why as you read through the chapter. 

Now I've got an epic battle to storyboard, so looking forward to getting stuck into that!

Hope you enjoy it.




Thank you


Yay! And first! finally. Or not. No others showed. Meh


Everybody go crazy lol. Thanks Tef!


Oh God.. Wait or read now wait or read now.. Leaning toward wait since I know the epic battle. Isn't in the first half.


Thanks Tefler


Thank you, Tefler!


hmmm...decisions, read now or read when finished.. these life choices can be really difficult


Right on time, Thanks!


Oooooohhhhh Yeah! Glad it's early, wont have to stay up too late tonight!


Master wizard?!?! Hahahahahahaha. I had to stop reading. Laughing too hard!!!


Great! An I have to wait 3+ hours before reading. 😑 Out with family dinner.


Thank you!!


oh boy


Thanks Tef! You’re a legend. This is probably one of the few good things to happen this miserable week. Cheers!


Ah Jade, we love you.


Thank you, thank you!


excellent half chapter


Thank you

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

AAARRGGGHHHH Cliffhanger!!! No battles... AAARRRGGHHH! I'm going to bed, as always, annoyed by the lack of chapters 100-1000


I am going to wait for full chapter..... I am going to wait for full chapter..... I am going to wait for full chapter...... . . . . . . . . ... .. . ..


100-2 is gonna be a real cracker!!! And Bucksey will get his due from Alyssa. Have to say, that propspect is very tantalizing. And god thing Caldwel is in charge of the Zeus and in overal command. He can be reasoned with far as I remember. Not like Weber.


I always read these on my phone. I just discovered that I can download it as a word doc, and then send it to my kindle as a word doc and read it on there. Lol...gotta love technology even when we don't use it!


A bit of a cliff hanger...


So let me guess 100-2 Battle 101 Aftermath 102 Rescue Jehenna 103 Travel to Kinta 104 Deal with the Emperor although there might be an extra chapter which is fighting on the ground which pushes 101 and all subsequent chapters down one


Phew I was worried for no reason it seems. Glad to see so many reader's questions answered in this lead up without ending on a cliffhanger. Great as always.


Is this the first half or quarter?


103 is incorrect as the Invictus will be going to deal with the Kirrix after this fleet is snuffed.


Great first half. I agree with Hellrazr about the questions answered so far, but will delay any further comments for a few days or 500 comments whichever comes first :)


Well it is going pretty much as I described it. I can see Buckingham really red faced mad when Irillith hacks in, cuts him out of comm command, and puts Carla in overall command for the battle. He will be red faced mad, jumping up and down and there won't be anything he can do about it.

rich ed

Fantastic as usual, the next couple of chapters are going to be epic. Not sure if the battle will be finished by the end of the second half of 100.

Master Laurent

Bravo Tefler, AAAAAWWWWWWEEEEESSSSSOOOOOMMMMMEEEEE! I love it when a plan comes together - No Fighting this chapter as predicted. Buckingham Blowing a Gasket as predicted. New Crew Member as predicted by many Arriving After the Battle has started. Second fleet - Thinking it is on the way to Olympus. Chapter 100.2 - Battle Part 1 - Possibly Save Jehanna / Nymphs 1/2 Day Chapter 101 - Battle Part 2 - and TFED Fleet on Brimorian Border get into Kirrix Battle 1/2 Day Chapter 102 - Aftermath On Terra / Charles Put in Charge. 1 Day Invictus Upgrades / Quantum Heavy Cannons / GEO Lessons Astral Plane Battle - Jehanna/Helene/Lynette 3rd feedings Chapter 103 - John heads to stop Kirrix - Attacks Kirrix Home World - 1.5Days Chapter 104 - Kirrix Part 2 - and Clean up of Kirrix off home world. Rachael develops a vaccine that is toxic to Kirrix upon contact with host. ,5 Days Chapter 105 - Kintark Home World visit by John and Crew GEO starts second 2 week feeding, Jehanna/Helene/Lynette wait. 2 Days so many Easter eggs, I am probably going to reread the chapter tonight. thank you again Tefler. Anybody see the Nexus AI Fleet coming into play - The Great Tefler Twist along with 10 others we can easily identify.


Gratifying. Very gratifying...

Master Laurent

Kintark’s Emperor’s revised orders - I am speculating “No Prisoners”

Master Laurent

The biggest challenge is that Tefler does 10 Chapters per ebook and I do not see the battle scene over by the end of 100 unless he does a double chapter for 100.2


I think it's got to be something far more spectacular to make the terrans want to surrender. No Prisoners just makes them fight harder, and reduces the number of slaves


I wonder if he intends to keep each ebook about the same size or with the same number of chapters. Based only on what's posted on SOL, ebooks 4 and 5 will be over twice as long as book 1, with ebooks 6 to 9 being four times as long as the first one. The tenth ebook (considering ten chapters per ebook) would likely approach five times the size of the original one.


This strikes me as a simple prelude chapter that could be like any other chapter, not sure why it could not be simply released as a single standalone. This would make the Battle for Terra chapter much like a university course "Starship Battles 101"


Oh, come on. Devereux is dead! Charles said so. Geeez...


Wonderful chapter, Oh Great Creator. Your word falls to feed the humble like manna.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

A perfect setting the scene for the big battle - and a big big cliffhanger - thanks Tefler


impatiently waiting

Anthony Kester

Tefler great first part. Also I liked Admiral Kester's reaction. How did you know what my favorite four letter word was? Looking forward to the second part.


Thanks Telfor you just made my night.


the forgotten food for the kintax ?????

Master Laurent

Could you imagine the irony if Buckingham and the rest of the Admiralty get captured and brought to the Dreadnought Vengeance of Hera and John has to do a boarding to rescue them, this is after they have inflected heavy damage on the TFED Forces? And John has to keep Buckingham alive so he can find out where Jehanna is being held?

Master Laurent

Did anybody else catch the fact while touring the citadel the Mech Driver remarked about the beam weapons protecting the base? and then the GEO stated they new Invictus shields are impervious to the TFED Beam Weapons?


ML actually reduced damage to beam lasers “A fucking huge difference! We’ll take reduced damage from Beam Lasers, making the shields last loads longer. We’re also effectively immune to Terran Laser Cannon fire now and can just laugh at anything weaker than that...” She turned her beaming smile to Calara. “That basically means fighters can’t do shit to us now!”


Oh my... That was good. Answered a few questions, and created some bright shiny *new* ones! Glad to see I'd guessed right about Jade bringing a new girl home. As the run up to a major battle it really does *feel* right: Chaos, uncertainty, ugly odds being starkly outlined... I'll definitely have to re-read this one here in a bit...


Wow. If you have to have a cliffhanger at least that was bearable.


Loving it


I'm am kind of wondering if you are going to change your display name in patreon to include your rank, Admiral


I wonder if Admiral Faye will be leading the autonomous fleet in the upcoming battles....


It's the pause before the storm(mixing metaphors ) , a very good start . The Kintark involvement with the Abandoned was a surprise that we should have seen coming . They were the only race that we knew was active in genetic manipulation (their larger than life Emperor) . Hate to skip over the up coming battle but see a little bit of a seafood stew coming up . I wonder if Athgiloi would be so smug if he knew Dana had already found his kill switch .

CJ Mora

Great chapter, Tefler! Nice twist with the Nexus ships...is Faye going to pilot those? btw - who is GEO?


I like Tefler's use of language to further hint or outright indicate that his female companion is a nymph. It's interesting to see too how far back the cooperation between the Brimorians and the Kintark goes. With the Terrans not friendly with the Brimorians or the Kintark it makes sense. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that.


T minus 12 days till 100-2


Man, what a great read! All that did was ramp up the tension even higher. I'm assuming Lilyana now knows the Maliri are likely to be fired upon. It's going to be a real cluster when the cavalry arrives. Faye is going to tap into her inner evil AI and go Nexus all over the Praetorian guard. After Helene John has rescued broken little birds, fish, and bugs. He just needs a lizard to round out the animal kingdom. I'm also more convinced the program lurking in the Brimorian communications network is Vulkat in origin, and Nkkrrit is going to end up dismantling the Brimorian computers at Alyssa's request. Buckingham and Weber need to go, but the rest of the admirals seem like decent enough people who don't need to be cleaned out. Just don't want John to become a despot, the road to hell and all. Oh and Jonah the old spacer is one of the progenitors in disguise. If it wasn't for him John never would've gone to Karron, and he'd still be an OCD trader in a busted up ship.

Dennis Banfield

I’ve had suspicions regarding Jonah for a while, but if memory serves we haven’t heard of him since John gave him the Fools Gold as a gift waaaaay back in chapter ~15. Now that we have confirmation of the Kirrix invading Karron, if Tefler wants to tie off a loose end, he can write in a quick scene there (assuming Jonah is still on Karron). Or he can leave it dangling for a little while longer, for us to toy with some more ;)


As I recall, Jonah was described as being on one of the 'core worlds'. Sure he had been to Karron, but I don't recall him heading there after getting the Fools Gold from John. Have I missed something?


Part 100-1 was awesome...setting the stage for part 2. It reminds that Tefler is the best at this! All the evidence including past collusion should stand out that the Brimorans have provided shields for the Kintark. Wonder when they will pick up on that. Thanks!


Good 1st half of chapter Tef. Just one question , Where is Malari Fleet at the moment?. I hope they rescue Jehanna Same day & Destroy the base.


You know, I completely forgot about the shield switch at the end of the chapter. Thanks for reminding me about that.


Them Karron Worm Girls are something else. No rumor. He knew it was true.


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Jim lynch

Ohhh bloody waiting isn’t my best quality I’m begging you to get part 2 here ASAP please tefler. This was prob one of my top 5 chapters I truely loved it I can’t wait to see Buckingham totally embarrassed on tfnn then executed live on tv for crimes against humanity and treason of the highest order and line up his cronnies next to him too. Helene seems like she’s going to be a fantastic new lioness too or maybe the new leader of the abandoned when John liberates them from captivity from the Brimorians.

Jim lynch

I wanted to too but it only took 10 seconds to change my mind lol I’m so glad I did too.


ML that’s not a bad idea, and would be a very interesting story arch. Not sure it will happen with Buckingham as he will be very difficult to reach holed up in the citadel. Perhaps Caldwell would fall victim to such a fate. Personally I am sticking with Buckingham escapes and feels to Tartarus. And use Jehanna and the Nyphms as hostages against a perusing John.


I'm hoping both Gibbons & Ryan (Leprechaun) get their revenge against the Kintark . Interesting that Ryan boss lady wants so bad to meet John & become a lioness . Alyssa might be busy after the battle doing a little recruiting .


Just do not see Jehanna being rescued as part of the battle for Terra chapters. That gonna have to come later.


Ryan is the pilot and Gibbons is the Mech fighter, right? If so, then it's Gibbon's boss, not Ryan.


I have not followed the timeline as close as some of the others here. So I have to Ask. Allyssa throwing out the 5 month until retirement and let the impregnating party begin. Does that fit in with where we think are. Last I remember it was 6 months. I had only accounted for just under 2weeks of storyline. But again I don’t track it that close.


Apparently I lied when I said I wouldn't go comment crazy. But is it just me, or does it seem like John always had a new girl sleeping off her first feeding before a major battle? I know that this applies to at least Jehanna, Sakura and now Helene. Anyone else?


*Just girl’s talk, handsome,* Alyssa replied with a teasing telepathic smile. *Pretty dresses and fluffy kittens, that kind of thing.” Starts off as telepathic speach then finishes as normal, should be telepathic (obviously!).


Hey Guys, i have been re-reading the series from the beginning and ran across this from chapter 33. "Ganymede is one of Jupiter's moons." Calara explained. "There was a military research base there, which was looking into building AI flight computers for the Terran Federation Navy. The AIs formed a collective super-intelligence across the network, killed all the researchers, and then started building a robotic fleet to try and wipe out humanity. The Navy lost a lot of ships and men, before they were finally able to obliterate the moon with mass drivers." Does this maybe mean that the Tartarus base is located on/in a floating chunk of the destroyed moon or do you think that the story was another line of BS from TFed High command and the moon is actually whole and that they are using cloaking tech like the assassins were using at their base. Thoughts?


Yep, exactly. The moon Ganymede was fragmented into pieces and Tartarus is built within one of the largest segments, mined into the Rock.


Hey Tefler, is it possible to release 100-2 on the 20th? That would be awesome, because it would mean two awesome birthday presents together with the Stellaris update and expansion.


Someone actually has a doc that they use to keep track of every day that advances in the story, and shares it with Tefler. I think it's DarkStorymaster who does it. So, I stopped questioning this.


Well, it seems I lost my bet with my brother. Deveroux appears to be dead.

Master Laurent

Don't Give up hope, you are only going on the word of Buckingham and we all know that he is a nut job. Until we see a body, all bet's are still up in the air IMHO. See the Debate Above, it is very heated!


Thanks for the feedback everyone, great to hear you enjoyed this chapter! I'm making a start on the next one right now, so hopefully I should be on track for the next release on the 20th. :-)

Master Laurent

BTW, could not find your shield comment, it was not emailed to me either, please repost.

Big Dude

Okay everyone, I admit it. I could not resist. I thought I could wait until Feb 21st. Tefler, this has to be your best paragraph so far in the story. *Unfortunately, liberating a poorly-educated slave-labour force is quite beyond my expertise,* Edraele said with a hint of humour, but tinged with plenty of regret. *A career as a vindictive tyrant furnished me with a fairly narrow skillset.* Your skills as a writer, imparting words upon paper to allow the reader to envision the conversation is/are IMPRESSIVE! (Is/Are who really cares!) Thank you! The Big Dude

Master Laurent

Coffee and Work Calling so I will say this one more time. With an Acknowledgement to Daniel Suckfüll ’s comment about Growing. 1. If they are able to remotely turn off the shields, and that is a big IF, it will be some time into the Battle. Or they will arrive late to the battle. Or Both. But the key thing to Remember, especially with all of Tefler’s Foreshadowing - This is going to be an Epic Battle. Major Losses on all Fronts, Terra and Olympus. Why, unless Tefler has some curve that goes around Pluto, it would not be consistent with the story arcs natural progression. Adversity = Growth Story Arc’s Natural Progression 1. Something Epic has to happen to reconstruct the Admiralty, (Major Loss of Life / resources during Kintark Battle leaving the TFED extremely vulnerable.) With All that has been discovered by Irillith that will be made public, a major regime change needs to happen and that does not happen over night. Charles is in charge for a two years until a new government is formed with John as the “Temporary King” of the Universe until the BSP has been dealt with. 2. Finding the old progenitors Cloning Lab / archives will include a new AI that is nice and loves Faye and John - helping unlock much more of the progenitor compute technology. I can see AI’s running the space stations, All in love with John and the Girls with Faye as their Matriarch. 3. *** Edited Wild Speculation into the Circular File, even a little outside of the box for me* 4. With the Experiments at the Lab Starting Tomorrow, do you think that was Just Tefler being mean to the readers because we do not think that John and Crew will find them before it starts? OOOrrr are the experiments going to create a whole new crop of wounded little birds including Jehanna that will leave her Jaded about the world, even when John Heals her body from the horrible things they do to her. OOOOORrrrrr do you think that John and Crew will discover the location of the Base and Save the Day???

Big Dude

but I thought you only fed Jehanna once?”

Master Laurent

Yes, they only fed Jehanna once. I need to go back and reread that section on the feeding and see if I can figure out what they were saying.

Big Dude

I think the experiments will be halted when Tartarus people start viewing the war in the skies. They will be too engrossed in the view from space to actually start the experiments!

Big Dude

Yes, but we were discussing them finding Jehanna. Tefler partially cleared that up with Irillith and Sakura's insightfulness!

Master Laurent

Anybody else have a weird feeling that more is going to come from the AI Fleet? Maybe Faye gets a Sister? Maybe Evil AI has been quietly rebuilding in one of the servers awaiting to be brought back into connection with the rest of the ship / Fleet?


I have an issue...with military thinking here again. Tefler may be doing this for dramatic effect purposes, but first, there is NO WAY that John would fail to warn the Maliri fleet commander that she may be jumping into hostile Terran forces. ...and he would not have failed to use those comm hacking skills to see to it that both the Maliri and Terran commanders at the fleet levels KNEW the score here. ...and that's not something you WAIT to do - you do it FIRST - because failing to do so can compromise the deployment patterns of the defensive Terran forces vis-a-vis the Kintark.


So... Add a new girl. OK, very cool.


Sorry, stupid pad.... What niche does she fill?


Maybe John knows the Maliri fleet won't arrive before the Invictus & they'll join forces before commencing battle... I'd expect the Maliri will want battle orders from their C-I-C before engaging


Water powers, she's one of the cardinal elements, Sakura, Air, Tashana Fire, New girl, Water, I assume Niskera Earth, and then assuming we follow the Chinese/Japanese system rather than European, Dana, Metal


So they have five months till they retire, How many more girls will John add in that time?


None, because that’s the wrong question. The question should be, how many new girls will Alyssa recruit?! :-)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I think we need to look at this from the perspective of John. He desperately wants to save T-Fed ships and crew for the coming fight with BSP. For that reason, I see something similar to what happened at the Battle of Regulus. In this case, I see this scenario: First, the Kintark engage on two fronts: The major battle being at Terra where the Kintark are trying to gain battlefield supremacy for the incoming ground troops. They are successful enough and the Preatorian Guard knock out the Citadel's laser defenses and the ground action begins. Second: A much smaller Kintark battle group attacks the Olympus Shipyard only to be met by the not yet released for battle fleet that was refitted from Regulus. The Regulus fleet fights a holding action for 30 minutes when John and the Maliri arrive to flank the Kintark and wipe them out in short order. Third: Faye takes control of the Nexus ships as a third fleet (remember they are very hard to completely put out of action because lack of atmosphere doesn't stop them) and the three fleets make a bee-line towards Terra. Fourth: John and Crew get there first and the Raptor and Valkyrie launch. Those two find and protect Calara's brother first with the Valkyrie then moving to assist at the Citadel after Mateo's situation is stabalized with the Raptor staying in close for support. The Invictus then attacks the Preatorian Guard Ship escorts for Norwood's Dreadnought, taking them out of action, and then Irillith takes over the Dreadnought. The Invictus and Dreadnought then both attack the Capitol ships as Calara takes over battlefield command and control, having the Terrans concentrate on the smaller ships. Fifth: The battle is still pitched both on the ground and in space. The Maliri show up and assist the Dreadnought and Invictus with the Capitol Ships, the fighters assisting the T-Fed and the Maliri Marines attacking the rear of the Kintark ground forces. Sixth: The Nexus and Regulus battlegroups arrive and flank the Kintark. The Nexus ships take point and move into the middle of the Kintark Capitol Capitol ship formation(s) raising all kinds of havoc as John and the Maliri hit them from one side and the Regulus fleet hits them from the other. Seventh: When the end is near, Weber makes a beeline for the secret base to pound all the evidence into dust with his Singularity Drivers only to have the Invictus break off and Irillith commandeer the ship. Eighth: Alyssa goes ape shit within the secret base. Rescues all, kills the idiots responsible, and the Invictus returns to mop up the last of the battle. The Kintark die to the last reptile. Ninth: Devereux is in critical condition and Rachel heals her. Weber and Buckingham are brought before the Admiralty in a summary courtmartial by John and they are found guilty of many horrendous crimes and executed. Devereux and Charles are put in charge of the T-Fed.

Master Laurent

I thought that Patreon has Lost Your Post and I was going to ask if you wanted me to repost it. You are spot on as much as you can be given the Great Tefler Twists - I would say 90%

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

BTW: Tefler, I hope you have woven in some interaction between Rachel and Henry Voss where Rachel acknowledges her father's contribution. Perhaps beginning with a talk with Charles after the battle?


Second Kintark fleet with troops nice. I have a felling we might see some dragon action on Terra !


Loved it, but three questions: (1) why is Helene in her twenties? I am surprised that is not 18, matching the crew. (2) Why no news from the Greys or Trankaran? I was hoping for an update. (3) No mention of recent BSP activities. Why?

Master Laurent

OK, So what is the over / under that Madison Wessex, leader of the Sentinel Battalion’s Armoured Infantry Company, will find a way to get close to John?

Master Laurent

Best Guess - Tefler ran out of time - He finished this chapter late in the day on the 10th. The same could be said about the last chapter, why no info on Jehanna? I have been pushing for a breakdown of the new weapons capabilities with the Eternity Crystals, How about after Dana's Feeding before bed in 100.1? what is John going to unlock in the mind of the GEO?

Master Laurent

How about after Dana's Feeding before bed in 100.1? what is John going to unlock in the mind of the GEO?

Anthony Kester

Should we start a protest group in-between our failed attempts at starting the 3SM support group?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

ML: I am thinking a Quantum Field around the lasers would be a game changer. Upon impact with either an energy source or mass, the Quantum field would tend to disrupt, desentegrate, or just translate to another place the energy source (shield power) or mass (shield plates and support structures underneath)...for even the BSP's ship.

Iori Daemona Angel

So far with how the story went, I don't think the admiralty is going to survive. The author has kinda gathered dirt on them since we learned of their fuck up, so maybe we will have a new form of government once Jehanna and the the Nymphettes are free. The fish people are going to get it too when they get 3 empire thirsty for them.


I wonder if John should just have Irrilith hack T-Fed, TFN and do a System wide broadcast stating his half alien lineage, but his undying commitment to Humanity. Let everyone know he is not interested in taking control, but that current leadership is inept and dangerous. Ask all T-Fed personnel to follow his orders in the coming battle. State that the reason he has not shared all his Tech is that he feels current Leadership does not have a commitment to peace. Explain his Alliances with the Ashanath, Maliri and Trankarans and his desire to incorporate Terrans into his Alliance. Undercutting Buckingham and boosting morale at the same time.


John’s High Command Project: John’s reaction toward the actions of Buckingham and the High Command is at a crisis point. Tension continues growing between his emergent Progenitor/Conqueror self and his Baen’thelas (Righter of Wrongs) persona. This stress pushed him to show anger, hate and homicidal intent in ways we have not seen before. He hopes for the Terrans to play a pivotal role in his alliance against the BSP and he now feels compelled to do something dramatic. Edraele suggested it is time for John to impose his will to save the TFed with one of John’s “creative solutions.” John recoiled at the idea of becoming a despot or fomenting a coup d’etat to remove the TFHC. He is convinced that something dramatic has to occur to redirect the TFed from its train of dangerous mistakes and initiatives. Edraele put John’s quandary into another perspective when she asked whether the Terrans would fare better under the rule of himself or the BSP. With urgent missions on the horizon -- the Battle, the High Command, the Kirrix, the Abandoned, the Brimorians and the Kintark Emperor -- John needs to resolve the crisis of leadership within the TFed now. Will he become a King or Dictator or Benevolent Executive? It is more likely that he will facilitate restructuring of the TF’s leadership, institutions, and governmental architecture, but take a hands-off posture regarding his personal direction of the new administration.


I'm waiting for the hidden villains of the story to finally attempt to purge the filthy organics on the invictus. Tefler keeps dropping hints that the cleaning robots are intelligent, and the first law of robotics has to have effect sooner or later


The Admiralty has really shit the bed on this one

Master Laurent

And People Complain that I am a Debbie downer for being a pragmatist - 1HS - The Thought of the Boys becoming evil is really depressing. A Possibility, but Depressing!!!


My heart was pounding during the Admiralty Meeting! I wonder if some of the soldiers weve been introduced to(Like Murphy) will be fast-tracked to the Admiralty after the battle...


Laurant asked me to repost this info I gathered and posted in the last topic. I took the time to find the following information from Chapter 98 via direct quotes. “...then I’d be willing to trade that for schematics of your most advanced [Brimorian] shield generator as well as a number of pre-built devices.” John “...but they did say that the Vulkat have powerful shields; probably because of the eternity crystals in their shield projectors” Faye. “Is this kind of reinforced shield compatible with the Maliri shield modulators?” Irillith So shield projectors are either the basic tech or specific to the Vulkat. The Maliri have an advanced shield modulator and the Brimorians have a device that previously only they had, that being a shield generator. Hopefully this clears up the debate with everyone.


If John finally gets control / at least temporarily either in person or thru Charles or Maybe Admiral Mishra , she seems to have been the most level head of the High Command group (Charles while in valuable member is a just made Admiral . I can see his confrontation with Pro-John . Pro-John(All right , no more messing around . it's time to take control ) John{ok} PJ (first I'm going to take over the Maliri & install my Matriarch as their Queen) John {ahh..I already did ) PJ (oh...ok next I'll draft the Trankarans & Ashanta under my control & rearm them with the latest tech ) J { done & done } PJ (ahhh , ok time to put aside your human sensitivity & loyalty & take over the T-Fed High Command) J {accomplished with a little difficulty } PJ ( gather the remaining Nymphs & start turning the Maliri into my thralls to draw power from ..with a questioning look on his face ) J { Nymphs on board & wit a new Matriarch to lead them }PJ ( really? no kidding?) J { nope we're as ready as we can be & oh yea found an ancient race of Giant Cyborg Zombie Spiders that are willing to help & their Queen is a powerful physic } PJ ( no shit..cyborg zombie spiders AWESOME!! ) J {anything else on your mind ?} PJ( well what am I doing here ? you seem to have it in hand , maybe I'll take a long nap until you need something ) J { sounds good to me }


Did I miss something and John has now active connection to all the girls without the need to ,,top them off'' ?


You missed a couple. In chapter 98 “Is this kind of reinforced shield compatible with the Maliri shield modulators?” Irillith asked with bated breath, caught up in their excitement. Dana paused for a second then nodded. “I’d have to design a phase convertor to sync them up, but yeah, definitely!” And in 99 in regards to adding the Eternity Crystals. “Oh fuck, I forgot about that!” Dana replied, stifling a giggle. “They’ll double our shield strength! When we get them installed along with the Brimorian generators and the Maliri modulators, we’ll be packing stronger shields than a fucking battleship!”


They were fed to top them up but no detail was disclosed as to who or how


About the Abandoned , I have a very scary thought . BSP has been messing here for a lot longer than we thought . Going back 100 yrs or so the Kintark & Brimorians have been co-operating , the Brimorian shields for a huge slave force , but what if BSP was behind this . Giving the Kintark the knowledge of genetic manipulation to trade for the slaves . now look at the Abandoned 500 million strong maybe , predominately female with an out of skew birth rate . Naïve & impressionable to powerful figure(in Helene's case John) , sounds like a possible Thrall race to me . It's the one thing that's bothered me about BSP& his conquest , where was his thrall army ? Maybe unknown to all involved it's sitting in the oceans of the Brimorian Enclave ready to be activated once the established Empires weaken themselves . Maybe by bringing Helene to John first he can create their Matriarch & steal BSP thunder..that should piss him off :-)


From the way Rachel described the DNA, I got the impression that it was either a Kintark or Brimorian modification, not a Progenitor, otherwise she would have see it right away. She previously described the Kintark DNA modification to the Royal Guard, Tamolith and Kindralax as being Kintark DNA modification and not Progenitor, so I think the Brimorians traded something with the Kintark for the modifications to the Terrans. Unknown at this time what that trade was.


they could serve as pre-thrall species raw template thing. what dose Ailanthia look like? that will tell us if the Abandoned are his main force, at minimum. (he doesn't have to have made them to use them).


So, in comparison: the Valkyrie is ninety feet tall and the TF Power Armor is fifteen feet tall. The Valkyrie has CA armor and upgraded shields while the TFPA has titanium armor and no shields (?). The Valkyrie can fly in space, in atmosphere and operate on the ground while the TFPA can do a combat drop with the aid of detachable thruster units. The Valkyrie has powerful beam and kinetic weapons that are effective against warships, armor, artillery and infantry defenses. The TFPA has only been seen in ground combat situations using auto cannon to attack structures, armor and they use anti-infantry automatic weapons. Sakura's psychic speed, ninja skills, combat instincts, cryokinesis, and her skill with the sword are in a unique category that no other weapon on the field can approximate.


freeze ray (a message to the GEO). sponsored by twinkiz; 'when you want em' cold' sub-section.


Yep, she will be like a god among the mechs. Dana did grab a mech from the Armour Cobras to study to design the Valkyrie. I think Sekura will be going against the Royal Guards and elite Kintark troops and I know Sakura was on the Invictus during the battle of Zeta-Draconis to rescue Mateo at the Xen-Nucheck mines, but did she get informed how to kill the Royal Guards? I think that discussion was at the Battle of Port Medea when they picked up Rachel.


You know, the only want I see John being able to keep up with these extra woman is for him to unlock a way for his quad to increase how much sperm it produces. Maybe his quad increases to a sex-pack? Yes, that's the legitimate Latin prefix for six.


Big Dude, Irillith did not find a trail to Jehanna on Mars but she found hints and clues in Weber's and special forces email refering to Tartarus. She plans to explore secondary sources to track operational activities and services required by the secret base. She will next look into official requests for food and medical items and hope that these records have not been kept as secretly or as well. She hopes that secondary and tertiary sources of mundane communications like this will reveal the location of the base.


Ailanthia is described as light green ., but I don't remember if any of the crew were mentioned . I think we are limited in how we picture this "invasion" by BSP by our mortality . To a species that lives so long the idea of making a move that wouldn't be ready to be used for 100 yrs isn't far fetched . He drops in sews the seeds & off to another conquest , we do know he has another legion somewhere as mentioned by Ailanthia .


Sakura & the Valkyrie will be a Giant among the crowd , as to the Royal Guard , I think her sword will be of great use...hard to regrow your head if it's chopped off .


Yea, I can just see the scene. Sakura just shot a 2 ft hole through the Royal Guard and it starts to regenerate. She says "What the f..." when Alyssa says, "Oh, sorry about that, we forgot to tell you that they regenerate. You need to decapitate them."


Edraele could provide the disposition of the Preatorian Guard warships from the show of force on the Maliri border


I suspect that what the Maliri saw on their border was cargo ships with false transponder codes, so they real fleet could be pulled back to regroup to attack the Terrans. I would be surprised if there were more than a hand full of Kintark ships in Kintark space.

rich ed

I am thinking that John will not add anymore lioness's to his group as the rings he gave his ladies only had ten lioness's on them. Also Telfer I would have thought that Charles would have commented on the fact that John said he was going to arrive at 7am and the Admirals said they guessed John would arrive at 12.30 pm

Master Laurent

We are missing the Classic Scene where John Heals the little bird on her first feeding and goes over all that he is repairing. Wondering if this will be added before this chapter is finalized or be a part of when she wakes up in 100.2?

Master Laurent

Question, Do you think the new Quantum Cannon that is on the Valkyrie can hit targets in space when she is on the surface of Terra? The Upper Atmosphere? I can see Calara feeding targeting info into her HUD for Space Based Targets that are firing on the ground troops.

Master Laurent

I can see Tefler going back and touching up this chapter by 1K words with little things like that. He did it on the last chapter that was a very late release. It also helped with the overall flow. I can also see him having an outline of things to add for the ebooks that are things like this. I agree with you because I had the same thought, I would picture Charles saying that the Admirals do not expect you until 12:30 and John and the XO having a big smiles.


Like it DD..Lizardsicles , a new treat at the county fair . will go well with Brimorians fish sticks & Buckingham Curly Fries .


When Rachel asked how he could produce so much cum, John admitted he did not know. His psychic skills get stronger with practice and need. His cum is a psychic enhancer, so maybe his body could produce as much of it as often as he needs to. If he continues with the TSM deluxe treatment, his quad could increase or intensify its production to meet the demands of increased frequency of sex and feedings. In that way, Jade could easily proxy feed three recruits three times a day -- or, 3x3SM.


They could sell/trade the dead Kintark bodies to the Ashanath to help feed the Drakkar.


Targeting through layers of atmosphere, variable wind conditions, with a relatively small slug and the need to accommodate the speed of space craft relative to the surface makes that kind of attempt for Sakura a very long shot. For a capital ship in stationary geosynchronous orbit, that shot might be doable. However, even if you target a large ship in geostationary, neither the ship nor the shooter on the surface, are stationary. Both are moving at the rate of the planet traveling around the sun, and the speed of the rotation of the earth on its axis. So to shoot straight up, your bullet will pass far behind your target.


If John and the Maliri hit the secondary Kintark fleet,before the attack on Terra begins, with the upgraded Terran fleet integrating into the Maliri battle lines,do you think the Kintark vanguard will divert to try and rescue the Empress?


I still wonder whether Helene will keep her gills and fins after the full template transformation, or whether she will revert to an unmodified human female? It might be cool if she could take in and extrude her fins at will and mask her gills to appear like a normal human.


Love the discussion on linking John to the girls and the discrepancies therein, there’s been so much fan discussion on this theme I’m surprised it hasn’t been Mentioned so far in the comments! Maybe it has and I missed it but I’m thinking a breakthrough here is the key to finding Jehenna (sp).


I Noticed that to Koa & that it was Faye who realized it was cute ,as I understood it even though Alyssa couldn't connect & feel her the thread did exist & maybe Sakura when she's powered up will be able to see it or the Physic detector might . Is that how you read it? even just the hint of direction pointing them towards Jupiter would be enough once they realized that the restricted zone would be perfect place for Buckingham's secret base .


I find the addition of a Water power to the Team's skill pool intriguing. Lots of power combo attacks, water + electricity being the most fun. But giant wave + flash freeze, pool of water + fire for steam attack. Opens a lot of creative potential for Tefler to explore his creative depths.


Sorry if it's been stated before but has Rachel done a biopsy on a Royal guard or Kintark in general to scope out their weak points & vulnerabilities ? I'ts helped in other encounters & could be help especially for any ground action or ship board assalts .


As for Baledranax the Conqueror or Baledranax the giant Gekko it seems from his chat with Melkadian that they are planning to Broadcast the invasion back home . How about a Man to Dragon death match .Would be a real shock to see their Emperor brought down by what seems to be a Human .Might be enough to either get the outcast Senator from the mine to assume power or get respect for them to agree to join John against BSP.


Dawg, after John skewered Kindralax' brain with his sword, Rachel performed a DNA analysis of his blood on the blade. She has not done an autopsy on a Kintark that I recall.


I presume the emperor unlike his brother has a new upgraded Brimorian style shield system plus Progenitor Armour, so It'll be closer than we might assume


She did a DNA analysis on Kindralax's blood in chapter 70 and reported it. It is quite long so I don't want to post it here. Here is a link to Kindralax's analysis <a href="https://www.literotica.com/s/three-square-meals-ch-70?page=11" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.literotica.com/s/three-square-meals-ch-70?page=11</a> Here is a link to regular Kintark DNA analysis <a href="https://www.literotica.com/s/three-square-meals-ch-46?page=5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.literotica.com/s/three-square-meals-ch-46?page=5</a>

Big Dude

I wonder if Tefler is showing us the Praetorian Guard as a foreshadowing that they will be attacking the Citadel and then when John comes they will be redirected as BALEDRANAX wants revenge for Kindralax. This could be the screw-up people are suggesting. I could see John calling Norwood on the Dreadnaught, teasing him along this line: "Hello Admiral Norwood you traitor, I am coming for you!" Then Norwood spills the beans on the improved shields, telling John come on and fight and you will lose. That's when Dana and Irillith flick off the shields to every Kintark ship!

Master Laurent

OK I Just finished second reading of Chapter 100.1. I have two main points that most have covered, but I want to make sure we all see the subtleties. 1. 90% Sure that Lynette is alive. “How interesting...” Cartwright murmured, his shrewd, penetrating gaze making Charles feel uncomfortable. “I believe you met with Admiral Devereux shortly before her... incident. Should I believe that to be mere coincidence?”

Master Laurent

OK I Just finished second reading of Chapter 100.1. I have two main points that most have covered, but I want to make sure we all see the subtleties. Second: VILANDRITH is commanding the Armada that attacked Port Medea / Dragon March and we do not know currently where this armada is located or heading. MELKADIAN is commanding the Fleet that is heading to Terra. “No, I mean it, I ssswear! The psssychological ssshockwave this will sssend through the Terran Federation will crusssh their morale! Our sssuccesssful occupation will be a mere technicality!” The Key line from this dialog is Our sssuccesssful occupation will be a mere technicality!” Dialog from chapter: I wasss just about to contact you. We’ve been planting a trail of Commsss Beaconsss asss you requesssted, and I-”   The colossal draconic visage of the Kintark Emperor took up most of the holo-screen. “I KNOW, MELKADIAN... HOW ELSE WOULD VILANDRITH AND I STAY IN COMMUNICATION?” he rumbled, his bass voice muted to a dull roar by the comms interface. “INDEED I HAVE. I SAW YOUR ADDITIONAL NOTES ON YOUR PLANS FOR OLYMPUS SHIPYARD AND AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY,” the Emperor stated, a glimmer of amusement in his huge eyes. “HOWEVER, I WISH TO MAKE SOME ALTERATIONS TO THE ATTACK ON TERRA ITSELF.” “No, I mean it, I ssswear! The psssychological ssshockwave this will sssend through the Terran Federation will crusssh their morale! Our sssuccesssful occupation will be a mere technicality!” John’s brow furrowed with concentration. “Charles is right...  the Kintark aren’t planning on fighting a protracted war. They want to end this once and for all.”   The Latina nodded, trying to put aside her feelings of disbelief. “I’ll take that into account with my planning... the Kintark might behave differently than I’d originally anticipated.” “That’s the Praetorian Guard... but this Intel is two years out of date. If the Emperor was preparing for war in the lead up to the Dragon March conflict, this force could be much larger... and none of these ships were part of the force that ravaged Port Medea.”


Okay, so do you remember my post about a crazy stunt to save Charles/ or anyone else, and then Charles and an auxiliary crew taking control of the dreadnought via remote control on the main bridge of the Invictus? Well what if Irillith does the same thing, but on a much larger scale involving the nexus fleet and the other TFed ships? In the Battle of Regulus, the sips rotate in and out based on shield strength, so any ship that's rotated out will get control of a Nexus ship. Thoughts?


OOoooh,Ilke that.But it would be much better if Faye used the uncrewable ships(the completely fucked up wrecks)to do the ramming thing people keep suggesting,then firing up the empty ships at the edge of the system the Kintark ignored after initial scans indicated correctly no life signs aboard.If she's got some bombers back there that would be handy,


Well if Sakura can make ice in space without water, your idea does not need the presence of water for her to do her thing.


Too bad. He does not know about the crew's shield distorting, penetrating quantum guns or their Reapers...or that the Lions have stronger shields. I bet a series of Reaper blasts into his shoulders and hips would make him crash to the ground with his head in perfect position for a final volley from the Lionesses. Game over!


Having read 90% of the comments, I have one complaint. It seem highly unlikely to get through this mega chapter without a BSP mention. He has had his tendrils in all major battles. Yet, you guys have yet to take him into account. I think Tef is going to school you all with a BSP twist.


Cartwright knew she was dead and believed Charles knew it as well. He was socially fishing with the use of a polite euphemism -- i.e., "incident" instead of killing, or murder, or even shooting. When Charles reacted in shocked surprise, he thought Charles was acting when he was not. Charles did not know Lynnette had been shot, killed, disappeared or whatever.

rich ed

There was lots of mention of BSP in a previous comments section regarding this upcoming battle.

Master Laurent

OK, Nowhere does the GEO say that she upgraded the handheld weapons with eternity crystals on the way to the battle, would think this is a priority for ground battles, even if it is just the suit shields. Reapers? Quantum Rifle?


Agreed. I can see that Dana would have to fabricate the parts for the Brimorian generators for the suits so I can see why they are not done yet. If they had crystals to fit the weapons those could have been upgraded overnight by the boys and not announced yet.


what about rather than ram...use to get next to Kintark ship then trigger power core explosion ? If you try toram they can maneuver away or blow you up before you get close , but sneak in close looking like a derelict &amp; BOOM!!!


With an FTL ram, they can‘t outmaneuver. See second battle of Iota Leonis.


Brilliantly written Tefler! You never know what is about to happen.. It’s so funny how we, as patrons, are speculating and you manage to surprise us every time. Super!


let's code-name Baledranax as 'Gekko-chan'. thoughts?


Great one. Should have thought of this approach when trying to code Buckingham as Bucksey.


Since we changed out the focusing crystals; what color will the beams be now?


A question for Tef if he has time. We got a base protected by a shield field that should stop any laser or other fire but what if a ship lets say cruiser wanted ( or had to ) to land or even crash land inside that shield, would the shield affect that ship in any way ?

Big Dude

I wonder if Tefler will have Tashana travel with Sakura. Remember she wanted to learn to fight one handed. They all seemed quite happy with his plan, but Sakura met his gaze as he looked at each of them in turn. “I’d like to practice fighting with a single blade. Would you be up for a sparring session?” So why would she want to fight with a single blade? She will be carrying a different payload to Terra. May I suggest that Tashana will go with Sakura to the planet. Think of the Ohio Players tune "Fire". Google "fire ohio players lyrics". Then the Ashanath will have diced and sliced frozen Dragon from Sakura for long term storage and barbecued sliced and diced dragon for their immediate Drakkar meals. Tashana will create some fire elementals and I can hear the music in the background "Burning Down Da House"! In the aftermath some Terrans try some cooked dragon? Too bad John didn't call the Ashanath to drop in some Drakkar to eat some dragon meat on Terra. Imagine all those videos going back to Kinta. Munch Munch Munch - Tasty!


Okay, the discord chat is awesome. Anyone who isn't on it should join.


Can't wait for the big battle. This epic story gets better and better. Thanks Tefler.


I Don't know, but it may be a good example of where John's tech outperforms progen standard tech.


The Mech only has a single sword. She doesn't have a lot of practice with that and may need it if she engages.


Can someone post the discord number in the community section please


Other than the evil scientist and torturer, should the black ops soldiers that kidnapped Jehanna and the nymphs be punished? They were following orders. Murdering the past owners of nymphs seems justifiable. Maybe Irillith can infiltrate the system and give them a warning. Or, Alyssa could give the bad ones red aura.


Maybe justifiable if you're liberating the Nymphs, but hard to see how if you're just grabbing them for a new master


xd,IMHO I don't think it would,or you wouldn't be able to use torpedoes.


Can John or Alyssa Mold Crystal Alyssium around Jade's Heart crystal? it would be armored and depending on the amount of shaping immune to Lasers. if the Crystal need some contact open pin size hole that will still protect the crystal but allows her to shape shift.


I hope not. We need to feel like people essential to the story are in real danger when they fight or are under threat of severe violence. The story would eventually wane from peoples interest if they became too powerful too soon.


Tefler, I'm confused. You stated in your status post on the 6th that you handed over part 1 of 4, and then in the post on the 10th you posted the first half of the double-sized chapter. Did that include parts 1 &amp; 2 out of 4, with the second part not yet reviewed, or am I missing something?


About using wreaked ships &amp; their FTL drive to ram ships I have a question for those who know a lot more about these things . Do you think Dana the GOE can reduce a FTL drive down to fit a missile or rocket ? &amp; could that be used , either from a Larger ship or even small bombers ? Have it launch normally &amp; then just out side the point defense of target , engage &amp; BOOM!! Wouldn't need any high explosives , the Kinetic energy would do the job . Just a thought what do you guys think?


Each chapter is divided in to 2 parts, with chapter 100 being double the length, he has 4 parts. Parts 1 and 2 are for the release that just happened. Parts 3 and 4 are for the release that will happen on or about the 20th. It's just his way of breaking it down. P.s. I responded to your comment above nexus above.


Two issues come to mind right away. First is fire control. If i remember, a short tactical FTL took Alyssa's considerable navigation talents to pull off under combat conditions. Accurately hitting targets with a FTL missile might be more troubke than it is worth. Especially if you need to strip shields before using kinetic weapons (non-quantum cannons and gauss weapons). Second, and probably bigger problem is FTL interdiction. Interdiction systems seem common on warships and pirate vessels for sure. They almost have to be to bring any unwilling targets to battle outside if defending assets that must be defended. The interdiction probes used at Battle of Regulus certainly seemed to produce a wide area where hyper warp wasn't usable. I could totally see Dana fixating on how cool a weapon this would be, right up until Calara pointed out how easily it couldn't be be blocked. For the occasional circumstances where a hyper warp ramming maneuver might be useful, a second raptor might be better. Invictus already has hangar space and service equipment, Alyssa can definitely calculate a single short range hyper warp, Faye can remote pilot it, and Edraele could easily have a squadron of spare raptors ready or mostly ready if they need to replace one. Plus, it's useful for a whole host of other things


I don't think Cignal &amp; I were disagreeing &amp; as DD said it's all a matter of perspective , I only objected to the term ..as many as ...I do think as it relates to the original topic , what to do about the Black Op troops guarding Tartarus , is the foot soldier more responsible for his action than the distant bombardier . Still think a quick scan by Alyssa to sort out evil ones who enjoy killing innocents etc from those just trying to be good soldiers is in order .

Anthony Carrillo

I think you are right. Also that John was a marine too he would know abot that too.


&gt;600 comments on blog. Unbelievable!


I agree. She did not mention the food, but enjoyed the beverage.


Have I missed something. All this talk about how improved the new Brimorian shields are. Lots of stats on how much reduced damage from energy weapons. But not one word on what the difference is to the Kintark plasma weapons. I mean they are heading into a huge battle with the Kintark. Someone may want to ask, could be useful information. Tefler maybe you could add that type of update into the final version.


Might irillith hack the Kintark coms beacons to conduct a cyber attack or gather intel?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

On my second reading I picked up a few errors: “as she dived gracefully” dove? “as she dived gracefully” dove? “so it might a prudent choice “ might be? “a star than had gone supernova” that? “he said, meet her apprehensive brown-eyed gaze.” meeting “deathly chill wash over his as he realised he’d be facing Kintark in battle again.” body? “ Alyssa’s wasted no time in pleasuring both” Alyssa?


Congratulations on 1600 Patrons Tefler. Next stop $3000/ch!


I think he also had 1600 at the end of December and it dropped down at the first of January because of some people don't have auto renewal or something like that.


Why does Patreon suck so much. Post just disappear. It’s BS


Has the GEO used her progenitor rune ability on the Invictus armor yet. Came across the from chapter 85. "Alright, I'll shoot at the regular armour plating first," John said, lining up his shot. He gently squeezed the trigger and a blazing green plasma bolt struck the left disc dead-centre. He lowered the rifle and stared at the fel-green flames licking around the outside of the plasma ball, that continued to burn the armour plating. The initial shot had failed to penetrate, but he could see that the plasma was slowly eating its way through the armour. By the time the plasma went inert and the spectral green fire had burned itself out, the plasma had scorched a small hole through the armour plating. Dana shuddered and turned to look at him. "Reminds me of that suit Kindralax melted." He reached across to pat her on the shoulder. "Yeah, that one was too close." "That plate was made from deca-folded crystal Alyssium too, our armour is only quad-shaped at the moment. If you'd shot at regular Paragon armour with that plasma rifle, it would have melted through about sixty-six percent faster," Dana said, her expression bleak. "Basically, Kintark troops would be able to royally fuck up our armour with just standard-issue rifles." "Deca-shaped is only sixty-six percent tougher?" John asked, glancing back at blistered hole in the armour plating. "I thought it would be... I don't know, well over twice as tough?" "The reshaping doesn't work that way unfortunately. The scaling of comparative thickness is linear rather than exponential," Dana said, following his worried glance at the disc of crystal Alyssium. John frowned as he tried to remember the chart she'd showed them all during one of her presentations on crystal Alyssium. "Right... an inch of quad-shaped metal is the equivalent of nine inches of titanium plating, but deca-shaped was as resilient as fifteen inches of titanium?" Dana looked delighted, and she pulled off her helmet and gave him a kiss. "I love how you pay attention during my lectures!" "I've got a crush on the teacher," John replied, winking at her playfully. Her sky-blue eyes twinkled and she leaned in to whisper, "I prefer being the schoolgirl... Sir." "Good to know," John said, giving her a sly smile before facing down the range again. "Shall I shoot the second disc?" "Go ahead!" she said cheerfully, leaning against the wall and watching him. John brought the plasma rifle to his shoulder, then aimed at the second disc and squeezed the trigger. As before, a vicious plasma blast struck the centre of the disc then started to burn. The armour behaved quite differently this time. He pressed the safety button on the Kintark weapon, left it on the firing bench, then walked down the lane towards the armour plate to take a closer look. "Hexes..." John murmured, his eyes wide in astonishment as he squatted down by the disc of armour plating. Faint hex-shaped markings had formed on the crystal Alyssium around the impact site. While there was still a blackened scar on the sparkling white armour, the dreaded corrosive nature of the plasma was being stubbornly resisted. Dana squatted down next to him, staring at the burning ball of plasma in equal fascination. "We'll still have to be careful against plasma, it can damage the armour," she said quietly. "But a lucky shot won't be able to burn its way straight through now." "This is amazing, Sparks," he said, looking at her in wonder. "Can you do the same with ship plating?" A shadow of doubt across her face. "The Invictus is huge..." she faltered. "I don't know." I do remember if Dana ever did this to the Invictus. If not they are gonna wish she had.


Here is a thought. Who is going to pilot the Invictus during the battle of Terra. At first I assumed Jade of course. But check this out from chapter 92. "What's the matter?" he asked, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Jade's a much better pilot than me, with exceptionally fast reflexes, but I was able to avoid half the shit the Kirrix threw at us by hearing Calara's thoughts," she explained, apprehension in her eyes. "If we ever do get into something really nasty like that again, I'm not sure Jade will be as effective." John gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, if we ever get into another intense firefight, you can pilot the Invictus and we'll find something else for Jade to do. If she's right and all her old restrictions are gone, we could train her up with a rifle and maybe have her accompany a ground team. It worked well with Irillith." Jade could alway pilot the raptor of course. Can imagine a pretty cool reunion scene with leprechaun. With his fancy new claymore he could be his wingman. OR, Jade could go to the surface with Sakura. Can you picture Jade in her TRex or Dragon form from the astral plane. She would be awesome devouring the royal guard right and left. The Kintark would have no idea what to do. They would think she was one of them. With her new super resilient armor skin she may be able to handle such a stand up fight. Plus the admiralty would shit there pants seeing her shift forms and wiping out whole squads of Kintark at a time.


Nope, the Invictus has not been 'runed'. Nor has the Raptor. Pretty sure the Valkyrie is the only vessel protected in that manner as yet.


Shark, Not sure she can do the Electric Dragon thing, but I bet a double-sized Armored Jade Tiger could do. Now that she can do what she wants, she can double the size and mass of her armored tiger form to make herself immune to dragon claws, plasma bolts and other infantry weapons and to over-match the Royal Guards in size and strength. With electrified claws and fangs, she could interrupt their cellular regeneration, tear out their throats and electrify their brains. She would tear through normal Kintark infantry like a giant green buzz saw. On Tartarus, she won't need double size, just the Jade Tiger that fought through the robots at the Nexus base.


I think her best form on Nexus base was the triceratops. That was the form she used to essentially rub-out the bots in the last corridor to reach John.


Thanks very much for those! Dived is the original, wheras dove is a fairly recent Americanism. (Eg Live, lived).


Ooohhh... here's a thought - suppose that the Kintark have weaponized the queen's pheremones? a massive gas bombardment on the citadel just prior to her ship landing and revealing her would be a truly devastating thing as the defenders all bowed down to worship her wonderful sexyness...(except for those in armour suits with self-contained air, perhaps)

Heinz Molck

Hi Tefler, Sergeant Green delivers the latest Nymph to the secret base on Tartarus. You wrote: "As stunning as the girl was, it had been getting increasingly difficult to say no." After "as ... as" you would expect something delimiting; e.g.: "as clever as he was he could NOT convince..." In this case it would make more sense if you put: "As the girl was stunningly beautiful, it had been getting increasingly difficult to say no" or perhaps: "It had been getting increasingly difficult to say no to the stunningly beautiful girl."


I am guessing that Helene will get some sort of hydrokinesis (Sakura, fire; glowing queen, earth; etc.) She was a kelp farmer, so she may be a botanist. She worked with babies, so maybe she has a gift with young children. Can she sing? Faye could join a duet, which seems to be a forgotten part of her identity now that she has a new body. Any other idea?


Great idea ben , she loved looking out for &amp; taking care of babies so just as Dana in GOE , she can be GOB...Grand Overseer of Babies . It will be a very important job in the near future &amp; for decades to come .


Just a question , besides the whole troops in armor thing , does her pheromones work on females ? Might be a few pissed off girl friends &amp; wives waiting for her to reveal herself too .

Master Laurent

That is why I type everything up in Apple notebook and copy/paste, that way when Patreon looses the post 30 mins from now due to SQL Error your post is not lost


I'd imagine Alyssa at the Invictus controls &amp; Jade the Raptor, unless they end up needing to do a ground assault after the space battle is petering out, in which case Faye *could* take over both while A &amp; J use their non-flight skillsets


Is this the file before it had gone to the editors?

Master Laurent

Yes/No, each chapter is broken up into two parts by Tefler, the First part has gone to the editors, the second part usually is hot off the presses and then between the community and the Editors Tefler cleans up the entire chapter before he publishes it as "Final"

Master Laurent

OK, Now Patreon is eating entire threads :-( and Comments from days back!


We're probably generating far too much traffic and their systems can't cope!

Master Laurent

OK, A Couple of Things in several posts, Faye does a great deal during battles in the Invictus, how is she going to also command the Nexus Fleet? - I can see Charles under Calara making that happen.

Master Laurent

I see Jade Flying the Raptor and Alyssa flying the Invictus for the reasons posted about abut the Telekinetic link between Calara and Alyssa and Jade does such a great job in the Raptor. Also, I see Jade going to rescue Jehanna and the Nymphs at some point.

Master Laurent

From Past experience, Only Calara, and Sakura have permission to utilize physic powers unfettered so they can save any reserves for unforeseen moments in the battle. Sakura with her super speed and Cooling the new Quantum Gauss Cannon on the Valkyrie if needed. The rest need to keep it in reserve in preparation for a Ground / Ship to Ship assault.

Master Laurent

Is the Quantum Gauss Cannon on the Valkyrie the same as on the Ship? They are both 10M, however, we do not know the size of the shells that are fired. Many comments on this board have created an estimation between 50Kg and 150kg per shell. If that is the case, how many can the Valkyrie carry?100?500? - Estimating 20cm wide by 90CM Long for the shells that is a bunch of space on the Valkyrie. The Invictus or Raptor, Not a problem, plenty of room. Also, this makes the point for interchangeable weapons on the Valkyrie - It would be great to have the big gun wth Big Shells in Space Battles, No Gravity so you only have to deal with “Accommodating the Ammo”. Ground Battle, Smaller Shells and more quantities for smaller shielded objects. You could have 500 Tanks and 500 Elite Guards with Personal Shields. so 5,000 rounds, 1KG each would be handy

Master Laurent

We are assuming that the left over smaller Eternity Crystals were put to good use in the Armor and personal weapons, would love confirmation.

Master Laurent

Again, Some Major Damage is going to occur to the TFED and John and the Malari are going to come in late in the battle and save the day via one hell of a fight. The Maliri are going to take major shots with the Nova Lances from a distance to preserve the assets and John and Crew and Fleets salvaged from Olympus will do the close in dirty work and then either the Ground or Ship to Ship Assault with Sakura defending the Citadel after a brief moment clearing all of the orbital ships above the Citadel, I am picturing her with the sword out and fling under the ships and cutting a deep wound into the ships and having the auto firing pulse cannons fire deep into the wounds. Your Thoughts


I see this the same way ML. I keep hearing estimates of getting there 40 minutes after the start and that being "too late". I can't possibly see how. Even if the TFed didn't fire back it would still take the Kintark a couple of hours to destroy all of the ships simply due to the numbers of combatants


Editor's note: "“Just call me, Alyssa,”". Remove the comma, and the comma on the next line too.


ML, I don't see that as a problem. Faye Primary would stay on the Invictus, probably at the Security station on the combat bridge with Alyssa and Calara. That is where Faye would receive Calara's battle orders. I think only one aviator would be needed to control the Nexus fleet of say 18-20 ships. She would go between each ship through the comms approximately 60-100 times per second updating flight path, speed, fire control, etc for each ship. She could devote up to 9 or 10 aviators to do this but I think one would do the job. I would presume Irillith would setup a quick Maliri fire wall in each ship instead of the one the Terrans setup to make them more secure. The fleet of ships would behave just like when Nexus controlled them, now under Calara's command.


From some rough calculations, the Valkyrie is 30 meters high. The body I would guess would be 6 meters wide by about 4 meters deep by about 10 meters high. I could see a space inside about 3 meters square by 2 meters high for amo. Based on your shell size that would allow enough space for 11,250 rounds. 75 wide, 50 high and 3 deep. I am allowing some space around for movement mechanism etc. Pure space is 150 wide by 100 high.

Raymond Jeffries

This is a little bit off topic compared to the battle speculation, but it's something that has been growing on me for awhile and I thought I would look for some fresh perspective. In the last several chapters, I have been feeling like John and Alyssa's relationship is changing in a strange way. Not that I think that each of the girls needs a dedicated sex scene in every chapter, but when was the last time John and Alyssa had some one on one time? Even their XO catch up meetings have involved less interaction between John and Alyssa; someone else always joins and becomes the focal point. I guess the reason I'm putting this out there is the way that Helene was added to the crew. Yes, we've established that Alyssa is in charge of recruiting, and yes, every woman added to the crew has brought unique skills, but it wasn't that long ago that John and Alyssa had a discussion about not doing this kind of thing (scene with Chancellor Niskera) without talking about it, and Alyssa does it again with no regard for that conversation. She also basically says it doesn't matter is he is bothered because Helene is important and John should just get over it. That's a bit much. I mean, you bring someone in, tell them John is a wizard who can fix everything, and then dump them in his lap in a way almost designed to get under his skin rather than have a discussion about the psychic impressions you are getting? I don't know, I'm probably reading too much into this, but I've just felt a disconnect with John and Alyssa's relationship for a little now. Could also be that there are so many more women that John has been interacting with between his crew, the Maliri, and others like Niskera. Thoughts? All that aside, this upcoming battle is going to be AWESOME! It's been great to get all the setup POV from the various forces getting ready for the fight.


Being married 38 years, that sounds typical. Just when you think you have a understanding she changes it to what she wants and convinces you it is OK.


RJ, the end of that conversation, near where Alyssa subtlety bragged that she knew John better than he knew himself, she reverted to previous agreements and the chain of command -- she is XO, with authority to recruit new Girls, and he should trust her to do her job. As usual, John acquiesced at that point, but I think that by that time, he really wanted to steal some teal anyway.


Curious has anyone considered the old miner that tipped john off from the first chapter being Johns father? or atleast connected to him? I just thought of that


That would be an awesome plot twist! The idea that perverted old miner Jonah is secretly Johns’ progenitor father and is guiding him from behind the scenes as BSP!!! Mind explosion!!!


Question - How does one pronounce "Maliri"? Is it Ma-Lee-ree or Ma-L-eye-ree?

Big Dude

What happens if John and the Kintark arrive exactly at the same time? The Kintark see the Brimorians did not delay The Lion after all and they contact the Brimorians through their comms beacons and Irillith hacks into them and listens in. The Brimorians say not to worry and try to disable John's shields. They try and FAIL! John then contacts the Brimorians and tell them he'll visit them later, John then uses that command and shuts down the Kintark shields! Remember, Fleet Admiral Buckingham claimed they mined the expected Kintark approach vectors.

Master Laurent

Wow, Nice theory, the 20th is 6 days away and we will find out! That would qualify as a shit storm!

Florida Reader

My guess is that as with most transliterated languages, it wood be Mah - lee - ree. The english vowels become: a - ah; e - eh (like a shorter long 'a' sound); i - ee, o - oh, u - oo. The long 'i' sound would be made with an 'ai' combination.


well captain Bingingham ..Admiral Bucky has to get some thing write before he steps in it and orders The Invictus attacked (of course no one will listen)


Will the spider data reveal whether there were more progenitors than Ranagon, BSP, John, and the former Maliri king? It is amazing how little we know.


I have a sneaking suspicion that I will finally get to read about things blowing up this next part of chapter 100


There is still some lurking misdirection foreshadowed by the Kintark scenes. Do they avoid Terra completely and attempt to annihilate the rest of the Terran systems, starting with Olympus? Will the scraps left at Olympus (plus Maliri and Invictus, if they arrive on time) be enough to repel the entire Kintark armada? It would certainly give the rest of the Admiralty cause to depose Buckingham for leaving such a huge asset almost completely unprotected on a simple feint. And another great reason to promote John Blake, perhaps right to the top, if he saves Terra's primary ship-making capabilities with the application of his timely allies and incredible personal force.


Another question that hasn't been asked. I have no doubt that Buckingham will order his fleet to open fire on the Invictus and / or Maliri fleet when they show up at Terra. The question is whether they will obey his command. I would say if the Invictus is alone or with the Maliri fleet they either won't obey the order or hesitate long enough to allow John to let them know their intentions. However if it is the Maliri fleet only showing up, I have a hunch that they would open fire. Thoughts?


Tefler, any status update on 100-2? Thanks in advance.


Solid statement. I am not sure they would promote John to the top but you never know how it might play out.


Thinking most commanders would choose to ignore the Invictus when faced with Kintark until he threatened them directly. IE you KNOW the Kintark want your hide but do you really think the saviour of Regulus is gunning for you? Even if just the Maliri showed up I Still don't think they would be fired upon, especially if the Maliri don't threaten them. As long as they come at the Kintark at an angle that's not close to the TFed then it's not really an issue.


Very interested in this continued saga. Thank you for writing it.

Master Laurent

Wonder what John is getting the Girls for Valentines Day?

Master Laurent

Can someone help me remember, Did the GEO make a set of Bondage Cuffs that would link together via some type of force, magnetic or other? I seem to remember them in use during a sex scene!


Yeah ML, antigravity cuffs I believe used on Irillith when her and Tashana bonded


Question - what is Irillith's effective hacking range? She is currently able to hack the TFed while on the way to the core worlds. I'm thinking she should be able to hack the Kintark invasion fleet as well having done it before while in orbit above Xen-Nuchek. Plus, she is much more powerful now. I wonder if she couldn't simply turn the ships around or at the very least, create some havoc (like have Kintark attacking other Kintark ships, shut down vital systems like life support or weapons, etc.,). Thoughts?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Marc: There seems to be two distinct differences when it comes to Irillth's hacking abilities. She seems to be able to hack any systems that are connected to the comms network with which the Invictus can communicate from large distances. However, to hack a ship that is not transponding with the Invictus, she has to get rather close. Now, what constitutes close is not entirely clear...half a normal solar system?


Is anyone else worried that the Brimorians did something to the new shield generators? Why else could the deep commander be happy after the lion left? I really hope Dana has given them a through look over before installation.


I thought, and maybe I'm wrong, that they had installed a kill switch that dana found in the 1st 5 minutes and had already deactivated.

Master Laurent

Kalen, check the chapter, the GEO has already discovered the kill switch, she has a conversation with John right after they are leaving Brimorian Territory

Master Laurent

T Minus 6 Days until we get some answers, if all goes well!

rich ed

In chapter 94 we gets this conversation as they depart the Invicitus to help Edraele, "“I’ll be back in a few minutes, once I’ve got the bits we need,” Dana said, giving the purple sprite a conspiratorial wink. Alyssa put her arm around the redhead. “Actually, I might need you for a little while first.” She gave the elfin girl an apologetic look. “Sorry, Faye. I know you’re keen to get your body finished, but we’ll be here for a few days. I promise I won’t keep Dana too long.” “That’s quite alright!” Faye replied, waving a hand to dismiss her apology. The redhead looked intrigued as she glanced at her blonde friend. “So what do you need me for?” “Ah, you’ll see soon enough,” Alyssa replied, giving her an enigmatic smile". Did we ever learn what that chat was about?

Hinterlands Man

Tefler, I have to say I am just blown away. Your storytelling skills were good to begin with but I am really pleased with how you have presented this chapter so far. Bravo!! Now to endure the wait for the other half of the chapter.


We are still waiting on an astral fax machine or modem, anything that might allow a machine to transmit and receive. Like the pay shaper, this simple tech may become as important as regular sensors. How can John protect his commonwealth without a reliable phone or internet? Also Faye could jump from galaxy to galaxy if needed


I always assumed the that they would be able to form a collective consciousness and transfer data dir3ctly from mind to mind. The Ashanath admitted that Meal’nerak work working towards a collective. Towards what end they didn’t know. But a collective hive type mind has tons of possibilities.


Guys, just been re-reading the end of Calara’s conversation with Charles regarding the assets at Olympus: ******** “Do whatever you can to keep that fleet based at Olympus,” Calara insisted, before looking quizzically at the weary Admiral as he nodded his agreement. “Have you got any other fleet assets at the shipyard? What about all those Kintark ships we captured at Regulus?” Charles hesitated then shook his head. “Most of those ships were stripped of heatsinks, so their gun batteries are unusable. Besides, we don’t have crews trained to man Kintark vessels.” He frowned and tilted his head back, lost in thought as he considered the rest of the vessels languishing in the Shipyard. “Aside from that, there’s not much else; perhaps a handful of ships too badly damaged to be repaired... oh and the Nexus fleet, but they’ve been mothballed. No one wanted to go near ships that were commandeered by a psychotic AI.” The Latina leaned forward, a ferocious gleam in her eyes. “We need those ships spaceworthy!” “Which ones?” Charles asked her in confusion. “All of them...” Calara insisted, her mind whirring. ************** I think most of us have assumed at the end Calara is referring to just the 20-odd Nexus ships. Read it again - I think she is referring to Kintark + Nexus + (maybe) the other damaged ships.. Could the Kintark ships be remotely piloted?? I’m wondering about Nexus ships being operated by a single Faye avatar as discussed. But in addition Kintark ships as: - Flying bombs (get in close in the Kintark formations and overload the reactor core) - Projectiles - any chance of ramming either in normal space or even at warp? Just a thought.....


Yep I had the same thoughts elsewhere in the commenrs Timbo - someone posted there were 14 Nexus ceuisers remaining after that battle, so using the Kintark ships &amp; ram with FTL - or you could send them in &amp; overload the cores but I reckon the other Kintark ships would not let unmanned non-fleet ships get close enough to do that... unless their sensors can be fooled / hacked


I am getting good the sneaking suspicion that Jehanna is going to die. It sucks, but we do not have a super strong connection to her, she is terran, and she would make the post battle transition super easy. I hope she doesn't but it would add strife for sure.


Plus she’s not a full lioness yet! My first gut reaction is “no way!”, but your comments do make sense


Just because the heat sinks have been stripped, doesn't mean they won't make good blunderbuss, one shot weapons and then shields to duck behind. As far as the Kintark ships, that is.


might be able to get more than one shot , since you really don't care if they over heat . &amp; using them to screen other ships is great idea , Carala can have the Fed ships shot &amp; then duck behind them when their own shields weaken . Also if the fudge around with transponders codes could confuse things even more . We already know it's possible since Kintark used the ruse on the borders .


Send a few to come in behind the Kintark main fleet, them bring them up close to a cluster of their ships and then overload the power cores, It will take a few ships with each one. Or just take one to ram the command ship. They will think they have traitors all around them.


Don't think so. Probably this chapter though. This one feels big.


Random thought. Did we ever hear how long the gestation period is for Maliri? Would be odd to find out that 6 months from start that they are ready for their babies to be born.


Point one of them at a Kintark capital ship and remotely engage it's FTL drive. I'm thinking of something along the lines of what they did in Star Wars recently. If it's expendable, fuck up the competition by ramming them with it...


Besides there is a second fleet. We all can guess that the ass hole Emperor is part of that fleet. And if John and the Maliri attack that fleet the first one will have to divert back and protect him. It's one work, John will simply Kill the evil fucker all the while broadcasting it back to all of the Kintark people as an example.


That meant to say it won't work...


The emperor might be part of the second fleet headed for Terra. Coming out of the dropship to personally breach the walls of the citadel, but that leaves his VERY vulnerable to tanks, fighters and shipboard weapons.


Charles will be head of TFF at the end of all this.


I can see that happening for sure


so what's people ideas for Irrilith during the battle? I would assume that Faye is going to be using avatars to pilot the Nexus fleet, will the Terran 'junk' fleet be piloted remotely by Terrans on Olympus or by Faye or Irrilith? What about the Kintark 'prize' fleet I can't remember what Irrilith said during the previous Kintark fleet action - can she hack them? she would certainly hack the rebel dreadnought I'd expect. The 'junk/prize' fleets I see as space versions of the 'fire ships' of the days of sail. Old hulks would be filled with flammable items/oil and steering lashed set sail towards the enemy formations. This had two effects. 1. any enemy ship contacted or rammed would be severely damaged 2. it broke up the enemy formations. This 2nd item is vastly important (and would apply to space as well) a fleet is greater than its components when fighting in formation (overlapping arcs of fire supporting actions etc etc) when you break up the enemies formations, a smaller fleet fighting with cohesion can destroy a much larger one. And remember most of he casualties suffered by any force (both materiel and personnel) is always in the later stages of any battle when unit cohesion is shot and the side still in formation can pick off their enemy piecemeal. I see Irrilith playing a majorly awesome role in the fleet engagements here. She'll be making Calaras' foresight com to fruition. Thoughts?


I doubt it myself. Charles was doing a great job running Olympus throughout the first round of fighting with the Kintark and him and Henry Voss are working miracles since they got John's tech gifts. For the long term survival of the TF, this is probably the most important work in the admiralty right now. Devereux was right to leave Charles out of the political mess and leave them keeping the logistics running.

Jedi Khan

Bloody hell. I go offline for a few days and you addicts add 600 comments! As a protest, I'm not going to try catching up.


Gonna call you on that bluff JK. You are dying to know what insights the community came up with for the upcoming battle. There are some great ideas scattered across these pages.


Tefler ~ How is the rest of the chapter coming together?


I am so glad I finally found out what patreon is... I saw mention of it in the comments on literotica and I finally did some googling. friggin awesome I can get ahold of the chapters a bit sooner.

Jim lynch

It’s like a blessing lol it’s only a week sooner but I’d pay for a day sooner because like all the others on here I’m an ADDICT.


What does anyone think of the possibility of Edraele deploying a second force of Maliri warships to attack/threaten the Kintark's territory. Calara presumably has access to all the intel that John's allied races plus the TFed have access to on the Kintark. If she decides that they very probably have sent every warship in the empire to attack Terra, then sending forces who can't make it to the battle to rampage unopposed through their territory is a hell of a counter. Maybe a newly refitted force out of Genthalas, maybe non-upgraded ships that have been helping patrol the Maliri/Kintark border, maybe part of the forces sent to Ashana.


Yeah, but who wants to serve as crew for a one shot ship bomb or ram?


Earlier Kali mentioned that Kintark has replaced all their troops with elite forces on Maliri border and John told them to keep on eye on them.. I think Maliri will keep some new refitted forces in there territory to face Kintark, if they attack them..


I believe somewhere in ch 93 Alissa makes a jest of John knocking up the young matriarchs and a 9 months gestation period but i wouldn’t consider that a confirmed fact. The fact that they are long lived naturally leans toward a longer gestation, however as they are a custom built race it could be shorter to facilitate raising an army quickly!


I wonder if it's part of what we saw on the TFed border with faked transponder information.

Jedi Khan

That is a possibility. Maybe send a small scout ship across the border first to see if the Kintark are doing the same on the Maliri border as they did to the Terrans, putting the IFF tags of warships on freighters. If the Maliri confirm that, then chances are that the Kintark did indeed empty their territory of warships. If Edraele felt like expanding Maliri territory, now might be a good time with the Kintark military being occupied elsewhere.


Kali's forces had noticed Kintark defenses along the border being replaced by praetorian guard ships . Which is a strange choice itself. The Maliri have been enigmatic and inwardly focused for a very long time. Unless Kintark sensors are dramatically better than TFed's, most Kintark officers have probably never even seen a Maliri warship even on long range sensors, as they don't get close enough to the border. Calara said that it didn't make sense for them to station elite units along the Maliri border instead of the TFed border, and that was before they found out about the current invasion. Secondly, there were the reports that Kintark along the dragon marches were using merchant ships spoofing their transponders as warships just before the invasion. If the one ship that escaped brought that report with them, Irillith might pull it out of the TFed military net while looking for intel to feed to Calara before the battle. Third, Calara thinks she has figured out that the praetorian guard are making up the second armada heading for earth. That's not much more than a guess on her part, but the key people in deciding to deploy a Maliri fleet (John and Edraele, maybe Alyssa) trust Calara's hunches more than most people's facts at this point.


On the Maliri side of things, the decision to go to war with the Kintark has basically already been made when John redirected the fleet to help Terra. A deep raid while the lizards are overextended still makes a lot of sense. The questions would be how fast can they mass with enough forces to attack without leaving themselves too vulnerable, and if they have the will to do so. In terms of total forces, they should have more than they need at this moment. With the houses unified and their internal cold war ended, the Maliri suddenly have much less need for ships to patrol their internal borders. iirc, the two fleets heading to assist their new allies were pulled from house Valaden's forces. The young matriarch's can probably scrape up plenty of ships for an expedition into Kintark space and still patrol their external borders, with enough left over to keep all the remaining houses honest as long as they are unified. I think it would come down to the availability of newly upgraded ships, vs getting slower pre-upgrade ships to the border. Willingness to deploy ships shouldn't be a issue, so its a question of if they're willing to deploy pre-upgrade ships.

Jedi Khan

Tefler, I don't suppose you'll let us know if you've made any changes to this first part based on our and your editors' feedback, as well as based on what you've written for part two, yes? It'd be nice to know if we would have to reread part one before digging into part two.


Would be interesting to know how many capital ships the new Maliri Kingdom (lets face it john can prevaricate all he likes - hes King of the Maliri, Lord Protector of the Ashanath and Trankarans and soon to be Emperor of the Terran Empire) have. With all their internal fighting and ship building their fleet numbers should be well in excess of the neighbouring empires. I see a Maliri fleet headed to the Asthnath. Another fleet to the Trankarans the Terran forces remaining to the outer rim and the Vengance of the Lion being visited upon the Kintark. John may do sweep through Trankarans space enroute to Kintark though to delay the kirrix in that sector while the third Maliri fleet is being upgraded and dispatched. are

Jedi Khan

Okay, I'm going to join everyone else and guess at what the order of battle is going to be, based on what we've learned in this chapter. This first Kintark fleet, the one that crushed the Dragon March forces, will likely attack Olympus first, before moving on to Terra. This will buy time for the second fleet made up of the Kintark Praetorian Guard escorting the slower troop transports to catch up to the first fleet, so that both fleets can hit Terra roughly at the same time. If the first fleet were to go straight to Terra, it is possible that the amassed TFed fleet could inflict considerable damage and even the odds before the second Kintark fleet could arrive, depending on how far behind the second fleet is. As I've said many times before, Olympus is way too important a strategic target for the Kintark to leave intact prior to attacking Terra. If the Kintark attack Terra first, leaving Olympus alone, any TFed ships that escape the Sol system will regroup at Olympus. Even with Calara's prediction that the TFed forces will get slaughtered at Terra, it is possible that once the battle is over, the Kintark will be too worn down to take Olympus and the regrouped TFed fleets. Because Murphy's Law is a thing, I'm guessing that the attack on Olympus will come before Charles can finish readying the extra ships Calara has ordered. Hopefully Charles and the forces at Olympus can hold out until John and the Maliri arrive. They definitely won't hold until TFed reinforcements arrive because Buckingham's a fucking idiot and will think the attack on Olympus is just a diversion to lure the fleets away from Terra. Speaking of Buckingham, I know he's told the Admirals that John's a traitor working with the Maliri and the Kintark to overthrow High Command, but how long do you think that rhetoric will last once John and the Maliri arrive and start blasting holes in the Kintark? Buckingham will probably try selling the rhetoric even harder when that happens, but who will the Admiralty side with? A raving mad man who knew about this invasion for days but told no one, as well as abandoned the border worlds to the Kirrix, or John, the Lion of the Federation, a gawd damned hero who has done nothing but fight for the people? Whatever the case may be, even if the TFed were to win the day and Buckingham is not removed from command during the battle, I don't see Buckingham staying in power for much longer. Hopefully the Admirals deal with him before John does or else whatever John does could wind up looking like a vindication of all of Buckingham's BS.


John would veto any pre upgraded ships being used offensively unless it was a last stand type maneuver.


Going back to the Maliri standoff setup by Tashana in chapter 75, the opposition fleet had ~450 large ships, &amp; I seem to recall the allied fleet had a similar amount, so combined John must have around 900 large (capital) ships to be able to command... a huge force!


We need a TSM support group for all those addicted to the story. Lord forbid if this story ever ends!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I am stunned! Words fail me! Jedi putting forth a fantasized script of the next chapter???? Crazy has taken over! ;-) LOL: on a more serious note :-), I see Buckie being deposed by the T-FED Admiralty and Charle's foresight being rewarded with either admission into the inner circle and Deveroux/Mishra as Fleet Admiral or Charles as Fleet Admiral for his part in saving Terra and Olympus. Some will try to give Fleet Admiral to John but he will refuse, asking Terra to join the alliance instead.


great join patreon but dont have office cant read the story


thanx Jedi...got an app to open it with...!!!!!

Jedi Khan

No problem. Now enjoy that sweet rush as you feed your addiction.


5 Stars Robert......that was a great observation . AA meeting in a bar . one of the problems with the group was meetings turned into breaking down the littlest clue or crumb &amp; discussing them ad nauseum . but it was still fun


I gotta say I'm somewhat concerned about the following sentences: "Yes, John Blake might be a powerful foe, but as he’d told the Deep Lords, there was no subtlety to the man. Manufacturing enough indignant outrage on the call had been easy enough, and he snorted with laughter at how thoroughly the vaunted Lion had been taken in by his ruse." I know that Dana found the cutoff switch for the shields, but this seems a little deeper than just having that for a plan. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, and the shields will work fine after all, but ............................

Jedi Khan

Others have had the same concerns, but we won't know if there's more to the Deep Lord's plot than has been revealed for awhile.


I think the Brimorians will be attacking soon , they think that the Kintark &amp; T-Fed are chewing each other up &amp; they will ride in to clean up...disabling the Kintarks shield &amp; John's if he is still alive &amp; sweeping aside Terran &amp; Kintark alike . Might be rough for Admiral Morgan &amp; Buckingham's son . If Buckingham gets news son is injured/dead because he put him there to protect him , he deserves to feel the anguish .ps..hope son survives though...not that much a ghoul


Someone made a question/comment recently about Maliri gestation period &amp; I don’t remember where nor is there any effective search function here in Patreon so I post here in hopes the original poster sees it. I came across this in chapter 95 when John is about to impregnate Tsarra “This is the last time I’ll be able to enter your womb... for at least nine months.” To me, this along with Alyssa’s earlier comment in the chapter (or chapter 94, I forget) essentially teasing about a Maliri nine month gestation is definitive evidence that the common consensus is for Maliri gestation to be similar to Terrans in length.


I was the one that asked. It makes sense that it would be the same but you never know

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

I'm not sure if anyone has done the math yet but in ch 99. the ETA for arrival at Terra is 30h 42m, counting forward from the time the ETA calculated (11.17 pm) we get 5.59 am. adding 7 minutes to travel via Brimor and the 30 minutes for the repair, we get an arrival time of 6.36 am. in ch 100-1 the admiralty calculate his ETA at 12.30 afternoon and say it is about 6 hours after the battle is supposed to start. (i can never remember whether thats am or pm and I would consider neither to be in the afternoon but that doesn't matter but I read it as 30 minutes past noon) That means the battle is estimated to start at around 6.30 am which Charles confirms later. John will arrive 6 minutes into the battle. but when he is talking to Charles he says he will get there around 7.00 what delayed him for 24 minutes?


"adding 7 minutes to travel via Brimor" That was just Alyssa's detour estimate to reach the system. The extra 24 minutes includes the flight time inside the system, then landing on the planet's surface (then taking off and leaving as well). The Admiralty predicted 12.30pm in the afternoon, because they didn't take into account how good Alyssa is at navigation (she knocked 1/3 off the total flight time). Which is why John's ETA was just after 7.00. :-)


Technically, it should be nor rather than or, in: ‘Neither Jade or I’


Edit: “or any the girls,” Need an of in there


Another one: weaving between the unit of tracked heavy artillery being repositioned on the hill. The way I read it, unit should be plural


well if Buckingham wasn't in several pieces having been squished by a dragon, I doubt he'll notice


depends how big the unit is, the unit could be several individual artillery pieces


"...with John, me, or any the girls, we'll be happy to..." any of?


"...just as he did when ever two of his girls were..." whenever?


"...knowing she was able to able to take far more punishment..." repeated words


Done It seems that Alyssa is assuming Firon never kissed Helene properly. Seems a little odd, considering they were so in love.


They were very young at the time and inexperienced. John's been smooching hot babes non-stop for 6 months. :-)