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*** EDITED - 6th Feb - FINAL VERSION - I added a few bits and pieces, mostly word changes, but I tweaked the crew landing on the Vulkat ship, as well as the rapid refit on Brimor. ***

Hey everyone,

Here we go, the last chapter before the huge milestone number 100 (which I'm thinking about making double-sized...)

I hope you enjoy it!




As I understand that exchange, Bigdawg, Dana is unable to spirit walk and thus cannot initiate entry into the astral plane on her own; but she has been twice involuntarily pulled in by the astral monsters in their effort to punish or destroy John and the Lionesses.


Dang, close to 1,200 comments! The idea of moving this community to a more reader/search friendly forum definitely has merit and should be a serious consideration

Master Laurent

See my response to Your post under my comment about Just Finished Reading chapter 100.1


Here is a thought, who is going to pilot the Invictus during the battle for Terra. I first assumed Jade of course. But chapter 92 says the following. "What's the matter?" he asked, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Jade's a much better pilot than me, with exceptionally fast reflexes, but I was able to avoid half the shit the Kirrix threw at us by hearing Calara's thoughts," she explained, apprehension in her eyes. "If we ever do get into something really nasty like that again, I'm not sure Jade will be as effective." John gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, if we ever get into another intense firefight, you can pilot the Invictus and we'll find something else for Jade to do. If she's right and all her old restrictions are gone, we could train her up with a rifle and maybe have her accompany a ground team. It worked well with Irillith." It may not be Jade, huh. She could pilot the raptor of course. Or she could backup Sakura on the planets surface. Imagine Jade in her TRex form devouring Kintark Royal guard left and right. Bite the head off and they can’t regenerate. With her new enhanced armor like skin she could probably handle a stand up fight like that.


I’d rather have 100-3 ASAP than wait for 101






Haha! YES!


Omg! Been waiting all day all last nigh for this!


ty Tefler go birds


Damn, slow app. 6th?


Yay, and massive reveal on first page


Wait...am I first. No couldn't be....well, no time for whooping and hollering. I got reading to do.




I'm going to read the shit out of this chapter!


Awesome thanks! Keep up the great work!


Double size but half the wait? Lol

rich ed



Frickin cell hell. But Yay!!!


yay 19th




Heavy breathing


Thank you, Tefler!


great! now i can go read and sleep :P


Thank You

Big Dude

How sweeeeeeeeeeeeet it is!




Yes something to read tonight. Thanks


I don't mind waiting all February if 100 is doubled in size


Double size would be amazing if it means loads of action. I think it’s definitely be worth the wait


Yes...I can get my fix...no more withdrawal tremors


Go triple size


Double sized? Will it take twice as long to publish though?


But you gotta stretch the chapter out if you gotta wait longer for 100.


Whhhaaa. I can't download it on my desktop? I think Patreon is playing with me.


hmm...worked on the ipad, usually the other way around.


And then there were ten!


Wowza it's looking like 100 is gonna be a doozy. Another great chapter Tefler, once again you managed to confound my preconceptions and go in a direction I didn't expect (as well as some others I've seen in the feverish speculation of late).


100 double sized, and looks like a combat chapter which takes longer.... so end of next month? Good to see our predictions about where the Spiders were going in the story turned out pretty much spot on. Good to see Alyssa getting even more powerful. And John losing more of his aversion to psychic effects. I can see John back on Brimor again soon. someone there is going to get a kicking.


Tefler, sorry found a continuity issue "of their boots making clumping noises as they walked". In space no on can hear you scream, nor can they hear foot falls, a vibration yes noises no :-)


I hope you guys enjoyed the latest chapter. :-) I'm heading off to be bed in a minute, but I just wanted to clarify about chapter 100: There's a lot going on and the battle should be pretty epic. I don't want to try and squash that down to 30k words, so I'll probably split it into two chunks. I'll release part 1 in ten days on here, then part 2 on about the 20th Feb. Once it's all fully edited, then I'll publish it as a ~60k word chapter 100 on literotica. So basically it won't be much different for you guys on Patreon, except chapter 100 part 1 might end on a brutal cliffhanger. ;-)


Loved it


And I though ch 60-61 was the best ones so far. Can't wait till ch 100.


Crazy! Go wake up the boss. It’s reading time.


Awesome Star Wars reference! And it appears there's a new crew member! An Excellent chapter!




couldn't solid suits pass the vibrations, via the floors?

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

Ok, so first thoughts. Helene is obviously in the stealth shuttle with Jade. Will Admiral Morgan abandon the Brimoran border? if yes, will he help defend Terra or the worlds bordering on Kirrix Space. I don't think John will make it before the battle, so he will probably arrive in the middle of it as usual. Will some beloved sidecharacters die? One of Calara's brothers? Charles? Henry Voss? After the battle, will Team John finally realize Jehanna is missing? What will the 'irish' pilot be doing in the battle? what about the elite mech guy? Will Buckingham die in the battle or will Alyssa get to clear house in the admiralty? Hopefully only a few more chapters until Jade has a few of her sisters back. Why didn't Devereaux use something similar to Maria's super secure back channel communications? Was she too rattled by what she had learned to take what I would consider basic precautions when dealing with someone like Buckingham in a 'military dictorship'-like system like the TF?

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

I must have missed that can you give me a hint? (about the Star Wars reference, I have no doubts about the new crew member).


"...one of those other bigass ships. This ship's probably..." big-ass?


Tefler, I noticed something in the latter part of the chapter. John mentions going by Brimor and calling ahead so the parts would be ready, but then is very surprised when Faye calls ahead, stating he hasn't even thought of that.


I got the impression that some of the Kirrix were heading for the asteroid where Jehanna is being held. I think Morgan will defend against the Kirrix. As for side chars dying, I have my suspicions but I hope I'm wrong. :)


Brilliant... was on the verge of going to sleep thinking the deadline was gonna pass but so glad you didn't let the faithful down Tefler. Really happy how the Vulkat engagement happened, how Maria got involved with the call to arms, but mostly that the Brimorians were royally shafted :D You've set us up for a cracker in 100... can't wait.


Not to nit-pick, but why would frost grow on the outside of a supercooled hull? There's no water vapor to condense. I can believe the ice crystals around Sakura's hand being an aesthetic effect caused by her power, but having it extend to secondary effects seems a little far.


Another great chapter, but as always they seem too short! I suppose it's a good sign when the first thing that comes to your audience's mind after finishing a chapter is... MORE PLEASE!!!


God damn cliffhangers. Your chapters are too damn short man! I need more!!!!


Tefler, I find the jump Maria makes between thinking something might be happening to knowing all the details is too extreme. Perhaps a sentence about seeing what she can find out or planning to find out from her contacts?


Oooh what's the chances that Dana realises, or Irrilith hacks the Kintark & discovers, they're using Brimorian shields. Dana could then work out how to disable them with some sort of pulse, or Irrilith just hacks the biggest ships & disables their shields... Kintark's advantage over TFed ships neutralised


"..., then focused all their full attention on him...." focused their?


That scene with the Vulcat was truly beautiful. Does anyone else want the Vulcat to join in the final battle against the BSP? Can't wait for the next one.


"She crinkled her nose at him affectionatetly before returning to..." affectionately?

James Hârn

Great stuff! And I loved Dana and Rachel's "therapy session." The less restrained John (and the girls) is/are, the hotter the story gets.


Yes, he mentioned a 99.5 but possibly with cliffhangers. Would assume Helen and the other amphibious due to the shimmering disk entrance.

Jim lynch

I hate hate hate seeing the end approaching it’s awful. That was such a brilliant chapter I never saw that coming with the vulcat a fantastic shift from the expected battle. I felt so sorry for the queen, so much hurt and pain but hopefully she can still talk to any of the psychics whenever she feels like. Plus I think it was a proginator that killed her race so when she finds out John is fighting one I think she will also join the fight with johns alliance to stop the evil bsp. I also can’t wait to see how powerful the invictus is against the kintark even with their new shields I can’t see them lasting too long or causing much damage to the invictus during the epic battle that’s ahead. I hope they return to brimore to rescues the abandoned and relocate them to terrans oceans where they belong or on land if they can survive there. Finally thanks for a brilliant chapter once again tefler please crack on with chapter 100 I’m going to go crazy waiting for it so I beg you to hurry up with it please.

Jim lynch

I think we all will while going crazy waiting for chapter century to arrive.


brilliant cant wait for the 10th and even more for the 20th will be a great month really looking forward to huge story line

Jim lynch

I think a proginator was what killed her race and when the vulcat find out who John is fighting they will join the alliance too.


Wow. Just wow. Definitely didn’t see the Vulkat twist coming. I know it has been said a lot Tefler but your writing has improved during this wonderful journey to 99. Now it’s riveting. Cliffhanger or not it’s disappointing when I reach the end of a chapter - only because I just want more. The wait for 100 is going to be brutal, each battle chapter has been even more intense than the last. Thank you.


Tefler, as usual, it was amazing. Of course I want more, but I can wait until the 10th. A couple questions (fine, several). 1) Rachel normally wants DNA from other species, so why not from the Vulkat? 2) Did Dana forgot about the hydrogen fuel scoop? 3) Didn't John promised to turn over some crystals to the Brimorianss? 4) Can/should Alyssa plot out the flight path for the Malari fleet to get them to Terra faster? 5) Is it worth John's time to suggest to the Deep Lord that they contract the Ashanti or Bolons to develop the crystals? 6) Could John send the new schematics to the Ashanti Ambassador to the Brimorians and have him send them back home and to the Malari? And finally, two requests for the next chapter. 1) someone explain why the new crystals couldn't upgrade anything to do with the FML drive. I can't remember the science behind this. 2) update about Malari retrofit, how many more engineers arrived from other planets and how fast it's going.


Fabulous Chapter! Now you're all set for an extraordinary chapter 100!! Great setups throughout! Some minor spelling and grammatical issues below: Typo: 'for the girlsto pass' -> 'for the girls to pass' Also, 'our own blue tummy's swelling' -> 'our own blue tummies swelling' since I think you meant that to be the plural rather than the possessive. The grammar is also off (singular vs. plural) in the section that follows, where it reads in part: "sliding his hand around further to explore the tight cleft between their cheeks." Is it a hand (and later finger), or hands (and fingers)? It says 'their cheeks' which would imply that he's doing it to both of them at the same time, no? Next, I found: "waste to leave those all warships effectively mothballed" which should be: "waste to leave all those warships effectively mothballed" I believe. Missing article: "each and every one clearly identifiable as lethal hunter." -> "each and every one clearly identifiable as a lethal hunter." Typo: "special properties of you cum" -> "special properties of your cum" Typo: "and I contacted Deep Lord Athgiloi ." -> "and I contacted Deep Lord Athgiloi." (Removed the space before the period ending the sentence.) "were both been badly shaken" -> "had both been badly shaken" OR "were both badly shaken". Not sure which you meant to use. 'they accompanied him up to the bridge' -- Now, Faye washed with him, but Dana and Rachel were left behind in the cabin to rest, so who is it who is included in the 'they' who accompanied him to the bridge? "affectionatetly" -> "affectionately" "but In truth" -> "but in truth"


Hehe... Since, ATM, it's looking to be a ship only battle. Could Tashana, Faye and the maintenance bots stand in the hangers with reaper cannons lined up and shooting at the other side to help boost the Invictus' damage? Or even a bot in the Raptor on the loading ramp?

James Glass

Great chapter, yet again. The scene with the Vulcat brought me to tears. You are a great author, Tefler. Never stop writing.


I lied. I can't wait. I need more ASAP!!!!! These questions won't leave me alone!!!!


One more thing, I waited to ask this until after the chapter was posted. But since you know have over 1500 addicts, I mean Patrons, should you update the rewards section of the site? If I recall, $10 per chapter lets you get to name a minor character, and I thought I saw someone say (not you) that $25 per chapter lets you get the ebooks for free? Adding these to the rewards might get people to bump up their subscription.


Or ebooks to the $10 patrons and signed first edition hard cover books for the $25 patrons (With condition that they been signed up for X number of months)?


Fuck that was a phenomenal chapter! I guess it’s time to go back to re-reading all the other chapters while eating for 100.


For some reason I was wanting John to befriend the Deep Lord, but I just realized that John's going to have to kill him in order to recover the Nymph in his possession. It now makes sense.

Dennis Banfield

And so the withdrawal begins... Incredible chapter as always. Looking forward to the big 100! Don't rush it though, I'd rather wait for 101 than have all of your intertwining plot lines get tangled and cut short if you rush them. Not that I doubt you for a second!! Imma go up my patreon amount :)


I get the sense that the girl jade was talking to is a nymph hybrid. Also I am wondering what is going to have John more worked up. Saving Terra, or saving jehenna and the captured girls?


WOW...what a chapter!!!!! Another example why Tefler is the MASTER at this! It is too bad they did not want healing as they would be a unique and formidable ally. So many things going on...cannot wait for Chapter 100. I like how Maria was the one to get the word to John through Edraele!! I take it Helene is in the stealth shuttle with Jade...another Lioness maybe with healing of whatever happened to her having children as alluded to in this?


I agreed with you about this last chapter. But now, I don't think Nymphs can have hybrids as only Progenitors can breed them, and all Nymphs are female. And since there are clearly males in their species, I'm now leaning more towards the speculations of the previous chapter, that being that the TFed went and turns humans into merpeople.


Great chapter - such a sense of urgency that the end of the chapter came abruptly and I had to catch myself from repeatedly swiping for the next page in frustration! A few notes: loc 1267 of 1949 : girlsto Loc 1402 those all warships Loc 1164 “If we call ahead and get them to have the equipment ready for us, we can do a rapid refit right there on the planet surface.” Conflicts with loc 1693 “I asked him to have the shield generators ready for us when we arrived.”   John blinked at her in surprise, then gave her a grateful smile. “Great initiative, Faye, thank you! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself, especially with the timeframe being so tight.”   Rachel frowned at herself. “I didn’t think of it either... we could’ve wasted hours waiting for the Brimorians to ready the shield generators for us!”   Finally loc 1706 - shower scene w/ Faye glossed over - that’s the first shower I can recall with just Faye and John; I was expecting more of a big deal, at least some of that characteristic 30 second catch-up internal Faye dialogue amongst all the avatars, feels like you rushed through that scene. Really loved the way things turned out with the zombie cyborg spiders, your ability to consistently deliver surprising plot twists never ceases to amaze! Grameat job!

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Wonderfull chapter - so sad for the Vulcat. Thanks Tef.


Another great chapter. Thanks


Thanks can not wait for the next installment to be released.

Jedi Khan

Very nice. Seems the miracle happened to get John to beeline it to Terra. Now I'm guessing that they'll get into TFed space, turn on the news to see if the invasion has been made public yet, and instead see the report about Jehanna being abducted. As if John doesn't have enough to worry about already... The bit about the Vulkat was very well done. Certainly is rather tragic, what happened to them. It's a real shame that they can't rebuild, Even if the Queen were to be healed by Rachel (I definitely don't see John being up to the task), there is no way to rebuild an entire race from just one female specimen, as the gene pool is much too limited. I've got to wonder, just how much time does she have left? That's pretty damn impressive for the Vulkat Queen to have survived for as long as she has. I bet the Brimorians are going to be quite surprised to find the Vulkat are just as dangerous as ever. They were likely expecting John to have wiped the Vulkat out, not make friends. Speaking of which, that gift of tech from the Queen, did that happen to include the Vulkat's missile tech as well? My guess from what Dana mentioned last chapter about the Vulkat's weaponry is that they have the best missile tech around, which is something none of the other races have specialized in. If Dana can somehow incorporate the Vulkat's missile tech into the team's arsenal, that should give them a weapon no one else has, not even the BSP. I'm looking forward to chapter 100. Should be interesting to see how Buckingham reacts to John arriving with the Maliri in tow, provided they get there in time. Will Buckingham keep his wits and begrudgingly accept the help, or will he finally snap and order the Terrans to attack both John and the Maliri? On another note, I could have sworn that the fleet stationed to defend against the Kirrix had been redirected to the Trankaran border rather than being recalled to the core worlds, with the fleet on the Trankaran border heading for Terra? Since the Trankaran border is closer to Terra, that makes more sense than recalling a fleet that's more than two weeks away.


Food for Thought: What happened to the planetary invasion fleet? Tefler sure has focused a lot on the Mech command. Oh and let's not forget the Claymore pilots either. If it is 2 hours by shuttle from Olympus to Sentinel Command on Tera; how long would it take the Raptor? Did Jade promise babies or just healing? I know my thoughts but what are yours?


Thanks for those ones, and in particular the bit about Faye calling the Deep Lord. I tweaked that a bit so it makes sense now. Good point about the shower scene with Faye... I'll write that in now! :-) I'm glad you liked what happened with the Vulkat. They've been the most 'monstrous' aliens I've written about so far, so I thought it would be an interesting twist if they were actually good and were simply victims of a Progenitor's genocide.


You're right about the Trankaran/Kirrix swap. I made the change for a couple of reasons, but I'll go back and try to find the original reference. I think it was during a Buckingham chat...


Wondering what happened to Kintark ship ? John now knows they're attacking Terra & it might have valuable information . At least Irillith could do a hack & wouldn't she be suprized to find out about their new shields . Might lead to a more interesting chat with the Deep Lord . Also how will the Deep Lord react to the Maliri fleet suddenly turning towards Terran space & then flying thru the Terran fleet unchallenged . Can the Brimorians intercept intra-ship comms ? , learn of John's connection to the Maliri? Might make for a long couple of hours before the Invictus leaves .


As to the battle of Terra II , people have wondered how the Invictus's guns & the up-graded Terran fleet would do against the new shields . I imagine if the Brimorians thought their shields were effective against the Maliri armament they wouldn't roll over so fast , they seem terrified of them , at least the superior officers .


Thanks a lot for pointing out all those mistakes, I've gone through and fixed them! :-)


Shit, shit, SHIT! Maria is now going to be in danger. The Fernandez house is bugged by an unknown party (assumed TFed)! I remember Irillith detecting them at the last visit, but I don't remember her permanently disabling them.


Another awesome chapter Tefler . Loved twist of the vulkat queen. She can help john in final battle against BSP. I think john and Dana need to fix heavy cannon and Its hiding mechanism. Also Invictus has photon laser MK II but John still refer it as beam laser in refit part of chapter and when they first meet brimorians.


why can;t i open it?never had a problem before..keeps saying eorr


I just added a new version, notes on the post. :-)


Teller, I just want to say that was a fantastic chapter, arguably your best yet! Lots of stuff going with a couple answers here and there and more questions all the time. I also love how you factor in suggestions from your patrons while keeping your own twist. For example, I remember reading a couple post topics ago somebody (sorry, don't remember who) mentioning wanting the lionesses to re-enter the trance they initially went into for their first couple of feedings. I like how you acknowledged that and added it in while still finding a way to keep John true to himself. Remarkably well done! All in all, thank you very much for an excellent read and I can't wait for chapter 100!


Thanks for all the kind feedback everyone! I'm eager to get stuck into chapter 100, so I won't thank you all individually. I'm really pleased that you liked the scene with the Vulkat. It was an interesting one to write and it's great to hear that it managed to convey the right sense of emotions. :-)


Yeah, the Dana/Rachel scene was a nod to that suggestion (from a post by James Harn on the community tab I believe). It seemed like a nice way of wrapping up one of John's little insecurities with Rachel's assistance.


Great chapter tefler! One thing that stuck out to me was the forming of frost on the outside of the spaceship. That was in the scene where Dana and Sakura broke into the airlock. Usually there is no watervapor that can deposit in deep space, no matter how cold it gets. Not a big deal, but I thought I'd mention it


I should have known better than to doubt your direction, Tefler. Please consider my "TFed situation" concerns largely addressed.

Master Laurent

I have to get back to work and did not do a thorough job if reading the chapter. From my Predictions - With the Tefler Twist - 1.I had suggested that John would have a Vulkat Queen - Insert Tefler Twist. In General 2. Did the Heavy Cannons Get Upgraded, I would think this is a major push 3. Did Alyssa do more Shaping of the CA Armor that she upgraded 4. Vulcat Queen made a comment about fishmen- Brimorian’s first invaders then Progenitor destroyed the planet? Brimorians originally a Progenitor Warrior Class? Was the Vulcat planet destroyed by accident because they were going after the Other Progenitors forces in the region? 5. Loved the Vulcat story arc, see more to come from it. 6. Dana going to get the history from data downloaded from Vulcat queen 7. Find it hard to believe that Maria did not mention Jehanna’s missing 8. I can see a 50-70% Loss of the TFED Fleet and damage to the home world by the time John and the Maliri get to the battle. Only way John will be able to justify his actions. Also, I can see them having to make a choice between Olympus and the Home World because both with be under attack. 9. I see the traitors dreadnought being destroyed and towed back to the Kintark Border as a reminder. 10. John is by no means done with the Deep Pool, and I see him sending a Message that the Vulcat are now his allies and under his protection. 11. I can see the Matriarchs singing to the Vulcat Queen. Off to work now.


Sakura's psychic abilities work in the same way as Tashana's. Tashana can create fire without any combustible materials, and Sakura can do the same with ice without any water vapour present.


Oh agree very much with #5. John will feel it his duty to restore the Vulcat for their Queen - if only out of sheer gratitude. Yeah, the Brimor haven't heard the last from John, to be sure. re: #7 - yeah, well there are high priority things, and even higher priority things, so since Maria didn't necessarily know about John and Jehenna's relstionship (which was being kept quiet), I can understand that tidbit not making Maria's radar for the call to Edraele. #10 - a dead certainty - later on.


And the withdrawal begins....


“There’s a limit to how much stress the barrels can take, but we can definitely crank up the damage on our Tachyon Lasers and Pulse Cannons!” Dana agreed, nodding enthusiastically. Shouldn't that be Photon Lasers? Of course a Tachyon weapon that flicks a ship into the heart of the nearest star could be interesting!


Double-Sized?! YES!!! :-)


Now that I've had time to sleep on it, some thoughts: John and crew were amazingly lucky that they didn't stumble into one of the rooms full of motionless vulkat considering their only method of determining if a room was empty was listening for movement. Dana might want to create a multi-spectrum overlay for the HUD, so that the scene with Sakura running into the vulkat because of mag-view doesn't happen again. Even a different overlay for each eye would be an improvement, if slightly disorienting when there is a difference in input. Why didn't Sakura notice in mag-view when the walls of the ship itself didn't show up? I am assuming they used the same metalo-organic material for the inner structure as they did for their hull and cybernetics. Considering how oppressive the aura of fear was, and the sheer other-ness of the vulkat, and his conqueror's heritage, John seems awfully open to negotiation right off the bat. I would have expected a little more hesitance or inner conflict, especially considering how he gave serious thought to spacing the lot of them when they first boarded, before they were even effected by the aura. Also, every infiltration up to now has resulted in a firefight once they were discovered.


Tefler. Congratulations on an amazing chapter. This is undoubtedly some of your finest work. Hats off to you sir.


Tefler, I do hope that you do another scene with Faye's various selves reviewing the shower scene. I'm thinking that that would be very enjoyable to both write and read. It was a very nice addition - thank you! - and they should have lots of data to review, including her calling attention to her differences, her blushing, the kiss that was as well as the one that wasn't, the reminder of her dancing, etc.. Very nicely done!


I had that, logged out of Patreon and logged back in again and all is fine now.


I caught that as well Kevin, though we were still using photon pulse canons. Thought I must have missed an update.


Just checked and their last visit was in Ch.88 where Alyssa said (thought) to John, *Irillith swept the place for Admiralty bugs. It's clean.*. No other mention of bugs in that chapter except Maria being bug-eyed!


Yeah - regarding the infiltration - I thought the transition from sneaking to being confronted by the sudden mass of Vulcat soldiers/drones(?) without firing a shot was a little weak. I mean, Why didn't either side fire a shot? There was no real explanation for why either side was holding fire. In the situation where the Queen's ship was being infiltrated, I would think the defenders would be on a hair-trigger alert...and given the Queen's mindset at that point, her soldiers' holding fire at the first confrontation near the main hall doesn't make much sense in an of itself. I'm thinking that there is some Vullcat-side dialog there that we should be seeing leading up to that confrontation. Also... the question of Vulcat infiltration of the Brimorian network and seeing irilith there remains unexplored.


Another great chapter, btw Tef great point to chop it of right there, im pretty certain jade is bringing hellene and posibly her sister. You sir are defenitly the king of cliffhangers


Tefler, Amazing chapter so Buckingham been brainless for a while now? Perhaps someone should call for the Good Humor Men soon.

Steven Allen

I'd like to see a naked Faye dancing for John in the shower. I thought the Vulcat scenes were well done. Until you know for a fact that something is a threat, usually soldiers hold fire. Several times, fear and uncertainty led to a bloody conflict, when talking would have solved the issue without bloodshed. I thought because the Vulcat queen desires to die protecting what is left of the Vulcat Empire, she let John and the girls enter. Letting a potential enemy into kissing range is usually a definitive method of going down with your ship.


"..., before tenderly kissing him on the cheek." him on?


Tefler: What an outstanding chapter. Thank you for your wonderful story. This chapter is a very gratifying addition to your saga with new thrills, revelations and dramatic curves and twists. For example, after all our speculations, your twisty plot keeps the story fresh and flowing. We all speculated about how John would learn about the impending Second Battle of Terra. None of us guessed that Maria would be the channel to Edraele and John. How wonderful to see the interaction between those two women, and Edraele's trust in removing her helmet. Nice touch.


Helene: another wounded bird? Jade will shock the crew when Helene appears aboard the Invictus. I wonder what trauma or injury caused her inability to have children? Was it a natural conflict, a Big Fish, or violence by a Brimorian. Either way, what are so many babies doing here? What do they need them for? Why is her sister so happy about her serial pregnancies? I've got a bad feeling about that...


Would like to add my voice to the chorus of others who say we have not seen the last of Nkkrrit. Also agree with the belief that the Vulkat will play a pivitol role in the battle against BSP. Bring a much needed closure to Nkkrrit. by the time that final battle happens we all agree the John will have unlocked his full proginator heritage. What I am going to step out on a limb and predict. Is with John’s full power and knowledge. John will show his appreciation to Nkkrrit and the Vulkat, in the ultimate Baen’thelas, the righter of wrongs. And restore the planet Uxturo, or terra form another planet for the Vulkat. This act is so perfectly in tune with John character. His inherit shame of what damage that the proginator race inflicts on the galaxy. Is what drives him to be Baen’thelas. Resurrecting the planet and an entire peaceful species from the brink of oblivion is exactly what John would strive to do.


Maria is a brilliant woman in her own right. I was surprised that she hadn’t decided her friend’s message earlier and used that background...a growing level of worry...to match up with her husband’s message. I felt like the discovery was a little bit backwards. I have had the pleasure of working with (an marrying one) so many brilliant, technically competent, and creative women in my life I am not surprised by anything Maria does.


Well that didn’t work. I was trying to get it up above. Dang!


JL: Don't you think the Young Matriarchs were a bit too self-absorbed? When they learned there would be no combat with the Vulkat, they lost interest and did not explore that tense situation further. They just went to bed to continue their girl party. What ever was going on with the Invictus wasn't mentioned by them again until they heard Nkkritt's song, which they initially dismissed as background noise...


Who would the Vulkat's side dialogue be with? Herself as everyone else is dead. John said he didn't want to fire first and since the Vulkat didn't raise any weapons at John, it makes sense. That's just the type of person he is.


I saw no to sister, as that would then bring her 3 kids and then mate. And John is against all other males being on the ship.


There sure was a lot of discussion on how John would get the word about the invasion, and although Edraele factored into several options, I don't think anyone saw that Maria would be the one to make it happen.


I keep waiting for a John reveal with Buckingham where he does something parlor trick'ish like asking for a glass of water in a meeting and once he gets it he hands it back saying he meant one that wasn't frozen. Or helping Buckingham light a cigar or pipe with a flame from his hands. Yeah, it's cheap stuff but it's a silent fck you for Buckingham as in "you have no idea what you are dealing with. It's one thing to say there is an Alien out there but it's another to say that alien is something you can't possibly imagine dealing with.


Also think Alyssa should work some serious amounts of alyssium into John's uniform somehow. Quad shape it or more and it becomes a perfect store of raw metal to pull together into a ball for forming into a sword on a moment's notice. Perfect hidden self defense option. Just make sure it's not buttons or your outfit starts coming apart when you do it. Maybe braces he could wear on his forearms? Would make good defensive option and could be reformed if needed into the sword. Would remain hidden under his sleeves.


So many things up in the air. Our new Vulkat friends, what effect on the Astral Plane will the chorus have...turning death and despair to life and light. An interesting conversation coming up between John and Morgan at the border. The new construction in the Vulkat ship....Alyssa was expected! The chorus begins a new era in the galaxy. How many species will John and the girls save from extinction? Will Rachel heal John’s alter-progenitor self? And the Astral plane creatures become allies? This story could truly be...The Never Ending Story.


100 should be 3 times since you are in the triple digits


LoL short in perspective. Long online compared to everyone else. Agreed though. Keep it coming Tef


I keep hoping that as Tefler re-reads his work as he fixes up the ebook and he becomes infected by the TSM bug and wants to write more to find out what happens. I know he has an outline but he hasn't put down the details and that's different


JG: I agree. The use of flashbacks and snippets of cinema-graphic imagery to tell the sad history of the Vulkat was excellent. It provided a great deal of story elements in an efficient and concise format. I really liked that a lot.


It seems like nkkrrit has no reason to really live except some base feeling of just continuing on. That could become very interesting in the short future, seems like one of the best potential story arcs so far.


A few more:. The Enshunu, discovery and rescue of Jehanna and nymphs. Progenitor John vs John


Rachel's counseling interventions will eventually erode John's sense of guilt, self-hate and demoralization about his Progenitor heritage. As Rachel helps him come to grips with these concerns, he will purge himself of these internal distractions. At some stage, he will approach his ultimate potential and overcome the anchor of PJ on his self actualization.


No, no, it has to end. I know you don't want it to, heck I don't want it to either, but the best series have solid endings, and this is the best series. I'd really hate for the quality to go down just because Tefler over-extended. The best way to tell if something is good is if people want more when it's finished. Sure, you could keep writing and writing until everyone was satisfied and nobody wanted it to go on anymore, but that means it isn't good anymore. What I'm hoping for is that Tefler wraps this up with an epic and satisfying conclusion in good time, then starts writing another epic, and another after that. I will want more TSM, but I NEED more Tefler, and that is the difference.


I think we've got past the really tricky point now the armour is back on. It's 30 minutes that would have me sweating knowing there's a Kintark ship up there


Got it in one, Bigdawg. Woof, woof, I say. The upgraded beams of the Invictus coupled with the Maliri beam weapons have a major edge on all other combatants. Add that to their ability to kill a ship from outside the range of its primary weapons is of strategic importance to the overall battle space. Kintark plasma weapons may well be less effective against upgraded TF ships than at the Battle of Regulus. If the Maliri can quickly strip the Kintark of shields, then it's a TF turkey shoot. Woof, woof!


That was awesome now the withdrawal is back


Tefler, I believe that "tachyon lasers" should be"photon lasers"


DHC, the high speed jinking, firepower, destructive potency and intensity of ship to ship combat would make infantry weapons fired through the window of minimal use. Except, of course, to repel boarders that evaded their point defense grid and their anti-hostile boarding systems.


After re-reading 99 and looking at the battle to come, I think that the Kintark do get to Terra, at least to the Citadel otherwise Tefler wouldn’t have worked it and the Terran’s mechs into the story. That along with the Claymores indicate a broad battle both space and land. I don’t understand why a land battle as space bombardment would be better to wipe out Terra, unless the Kintark wanted a lot of slaves. They did have the 100K troops at the Battle of the Mar'Katrach Nebula, so they could come into play. It should be an interesting workout for the Valkyrie. I can see the Raptor assisting the Claymores to keep the Kintark fighters and bombers at bay.


... the rest of the girls fanned out and took their places as their respective stations. I imagine it should be 'at their respective stations.'


Jedi ...I thought the personal stealth tech of the assassins was the nanoweave cloaks they wore thrown over their bodies & not any tech like their craft had , maybe I missed something there. I seem to remember that the stealth ships tech was not compatible with the Invictus's armament/shielding etc. & that's why Dana said it couldn't be used for the Invictus . I have wondered why Dana hasn't made any of the nanoweave , just incase they needed it or even if they took any from Yomi-no-kuni along with the cybernetic parts they took for Faye .

Jedi Khan

You are correct, Dawg, the assassin's stealth suits was the nanoweave cloaks and it is different from the stealth tech of the shuttle. Dana could still find a way to integrate the stealth properties of the nanoweave into the Paragon armor somehow.


Let's hear it for Sakura. Her courage and strength of will was again demonstrated on the Vulkat Command Ship as she overcame psychic terror to accomplish the mission she proposed for herself in the interest of the Team. Her desire to be at her best ensured that the Valkyrie benefitted from all Dana's upgrades as an effective complement to the Raptor and Invictus. Now she has updated beam weapons as well as quantum ballistic tech installed. Her poise, decision making, discipline and combat skills have been augmented by training in Luna's sword style, hardened by epic sparring sessions with Calara's prescience, and she continues to hone her ice/wind/cold and psychic speed abilities. Her tactical acumen, combat reflexes, and experience as a ninja will make her a very dangerous Space Fighter. She is becoming one of the most powerful and versatile of all the Lionesses.


Cignal, The Kintark High Prelate wants to humiliate and utterly defeat and enslave the Terrans. Nothing says tough love light a firm personal bitch slap.


Another chapter and not one damn explosion. Though I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I suspect next chapter should have lots of explosions so I will remain mostly quiet.


Dadd...I mentioned it more as a sematic thing , hybrid (gene splicing etc ) vs natural breeding , it's scary thinking what they are doing now a days let alone what they might be able to do in a few centuries .


When Jade meet with Helene & later with the others , just how did they "talk" under water , it's funny as I read it I didn't even question it , but when we started talking about aquatic vs amphibian I thought ..wait a sec ?? while dolphin like clicks & squeeks travel under water human speech not so much . Just a thought maybe they are a bit physic like Jade ? be an interesting new angle .

Jedi Khan

How do dolphins produce sound underwater? However that works, we can probably imagine similar mechanics are at play when Jade is talking underwater.


@Dr. Dadd... Actually, I don't think it was stated as a definitive declaration. So, there remains wiggle room for "developments" on the Adniral's fate.

Jedi Khan

Well, John is expecting her to do what is needed in the event that he loses to PJ whenever that confrontation happens.


GrandPa, as I wrote to Bigdawg and Jedi, the two terms -- martyr and demise -- seem definitive declarations to me. To repeat Misra's operative phrase, "...she'd also be putting herself at risk of retribution, just as Devereaux had to her unfortunate demise." Sound definitive?


Jedi...they "know" by looking at the "Warning" they have nothing that could have done that kind of damage . It's the whole point of the Maliri leaving the Warning there . Merchants are usually the first to know where to get the best stuff, no matter what it is & it's what John told the girls , just like the list he made of where to get the up grades he wanted for the Invictus .Engines- Trankians , Power cores & FTL drives -Ashanta , Laser tech -Maliri , Brimorians -shields .


Dadd..she was shot in the middle of the High Command head quarters , I would think if she was dead on the spot that the rumors wouldn't be "something" happened to her but that she was killed , just my hope like I said . to coin an old phrase "God only knows " or in this universe Tefler only knows...for sure :-)

Jedi Khan

And before John arrived at Geniya to buy the weapons, he was under the impression that others had successfully bought the tech for themselves in the past. He found out that was a lie when Ceraden told him that the sale of weapon tech was strictly outlawed. It makes sense that merchants would know who has the best tech in which field, considering the other races have/had their tech available on the market for purchase. However, Maliri laser tech isn't available on the market, so how do the merchants know that Maliri laser tech is the best? Maybe it was just a clever marketing campaign by the Maliri, falsely advertise that their superior laser tech is available, but when merchants show up to buy, they're told "Sorry, laser tech isn't for sale, but here's some nice high-end PC parts you can buy so you don't go home empty handed."

Jedi Khan

Indeed. Unless a medic who was hopefully immediately called in to administer aid declared her DRT (dead right there), there is a chance that Devereux still lives, if only a slim chance.


And what‘s worse, we‘re in for a double chapter. Double the wait!


@tefler In the most recent version, there is an extra space after we in this line: “We ‘d have no chance of stopping them...”


You also have a typo on Matriarch: House Naestina Matrirach

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I am thinking the Vulcat Queen being psychic, she knew of their arrival. This is also hinted at the movement of troops prior to her accepting an audience. I suspect she erroniously figured such a small band would not be that dangerous.

Jim lynch

Well sod it im starting from the beginning yet again but this time I think I will skip the sex scenes lol here we go.

Master Laurent

Quote below from JFL - and I am not doubting him, however, I thought that they only cherry picked certain armor that was damaged and I did not think it was brought all the way up to 10X CA - does someone have the text or can they tell me the chapter? Is this in the timeline? Sorry, Crazy Busy day, however, I need to know about the Invictus plating. Again from JFL"As far as the ships plating, when they fixed the plating after the Kirrix battle during the space walk they deca shaped it. So this would be the 11th shaping at a minimum....which means it is totally reflective of energy weapons." Thanks BTW, Does anybody want to put a bet on if the Heavy Cannons were also upgraded to Quantum Heavy Cannons during the brief Dry-dock?


I'm having a problem with the entry into the Vulcat ship. Ice crystals forming on the hull in a vacuum? Where did the water come from?


I made a similar comment and an interesting thread followed, you can find it in this comment section


why can't i download this,all i get is eorrs,never had a problem before,,,,,,any body help me,,,,,,,

Hinterlands Man

XO supposed to be in charge of recruitment. Naughty nymph! I really like how Rachael has a new role. Clearly John needs to get over his guilt and his hang ups so that he can defeat his dark side progenitor guide.

Master Laurent

use a web browser, this has happened to many people. also, check the file format! you may have to go to word first and open the file.


I know it was after their last battle with the Kirrix, so late 80's or early 90's but if I remember right then some of the armor plates were shaped 5X and the rest were left at 4X.


I forsee a minor problem for the Kintark when John shows up. The ship is bigger than when they last met "It's OK it isn't the Lion. his ship is smaller than that" "Where's half our fleet gone"?


I’m feeling a bit like John has enabled the current T-fed institution. He knew early on to be wary of them, but his interventions have allowed the crazies to stay in power. There’s been no natural progression or house cleaning. The populace and leadership think all is well.

Master Laurent

Anybody Else wondering if the Grand Engineering Overlord is going to modify the Invictus so when it goes into battle mode, 12X CA Shields cover all Portals and redesign all of the maneuvering thrusters to be protected at all times. And I think she will redesign the Exposed Engines to be constructed completely out of 12X CA. I know 12X is major overkill, however, the parts it is protecting are very vulnerable or instrumental in the operation of the Invictus.


A jade medallion could be held inside her and attached to the gem which serves as her heart

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

One thing John needs to do with Faye now that she has her body. When she and John make love for the first time he needs to propose to her properly and give her her ring.

Master Laurent

Agree 100%, Did he not already have the ring made if my memory serves me correctly?

Big Orca

Can Rachel restore the fertility of the Vulcan queen? Can she help her bring back her race? The queen is in pain because she is the last of her kind, but if she can raise them again, and bring them into the chorus, imagine how much psychic power can be made available?


So first, that has to be the fastest 400 comments in 36 hours (fell asleep last night typing that). As soon as he's able, I see John calling Charles (and maybe Rachel's father will be in the room or conferences in) to find out what he knows, and then the nightmare conversation that will follow. Then I see him attempting to reach out to Jehanna, and the bigger nightmare that this causes. Then I'm imagining him calling Buckingham and how "well" that call goes. I then see Charles ordering non-stop emergency triple time work on that ship still under construction including calling back everyone who's on vacation/shore leave, maybe even retired people, with Rachel's father doing the same on the fighters, but do they have the time/resources to build the new shield generator? I wonder if Calara can pull off the gravity well/ bomb field trick again? The raptors or claymores might actually be able to fly in, drop them off and fly away without being killed (ships will be damaged). Of course you'll have that idiot who fires on them and finds out that the shields are way stronger. Oh man, this is going to be a ducking massacre.

Master Laurent

DHC, You noticed the comments also, and I am NOT a majority of them. :-) - Buckingham will stop all communications coming from John. During Buckingham's announcement tomorrow he will enact all of the suggestions you have brought up - sans the mines and Calara's tricks.

Master Laurent

Damage Estimate: TFED Fleet - 60% - 20% Loss of Life Olympus Shipyard - 70% - 10% Loss of Life Home World - 15% - 5% Loss of Life Commercial Traffic 100% Loss - 100% Loss of Life TFED Infrastructure - 100% in path of invasion Kintark Invading Fleet 95% Destroyed - 5% Captured Maliri Fleet - 5% Damage - 0% Loss of Life Your Thoughts?

Master Laurent

The Big Question is what is the BSP Going to do? Slow down John or Maliri? Trigger Progenitor John? We know that this is way to big of an event for the BSP not to show his head, even if it is to enjoy the show and have some popcorn.


I wonder if Rachel can heal Buckingham's mental problems?


which was why she heading to the Fleet Admiral’s office to find out if it was true. Tefler, instead of heading, try headed. Think it sound better?


DHC: John can, and has, done so. On the principle that any psychic gift conferred onto the Girls, John has like potential. With the converse being true, Rachel might, though it is yet to be tested.


DCM, John is just one guy, not an official, with no obligation to mount up and joust at windmills. Only a year ago, he was a retired marine living a lonely life as a tramp trader in a small, slow freighter. Once he made a fortune then came into his heritage, he has only since gained perspective and power to make a difference. He and everyone else knows about the foibles of the system and its leadership. It has been there all their lives. They have no vote. Direct opposition invites the hammer. Now that the HC is threatening him personally and those he cares about, it has awakened in him his protective instincts.


As sure as the sun will rise Tef has yet again successfully exceeded his own high standards by 3 times others top hyper-warp speed. Congrats Tef!!


So.... Do you read it in 8 days, or do you wait for the whole chapter and binge?


Silly question, of course we read it once a day until we get the rest.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Well, I see the Maliri fighters matching up with the Claymore wings and running ahead of them to weaken the cruiser shields while the Claymores finish them and hit them with the Gauss Cannons. The Maliri fighters attack in a double V formation like a 4 bladed arrowhead in a 5 fighter configuration. The lead (point) fighter taking the hits until its shields are weakened and then changing formation while one of the 'blade' fighters takes point. Rotating all 5 fighters so the shields stay fresh.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

One thing, the Kintark fleet will be slowed just a bit by all the places they are hitting on the way to Terra. That may give John the time he and the Maliri need to get to Terra in time. By the way....called it on the Maliri being diverted.

Jedi Khan

What places would the Kintark fleet be hitting on the way to Terra? As far as I can tell, they're beeline-ing it to Terra, not stopping for anything.


At the end of chapter 99 we are at day 192. By the time the Invictus gets back to Terra will be the morning of 193. Jehanna was captured on the night of 187. That would be 5+ days with no food and very little water. I suspect that John will find out sometime during the battle she is missing and confront Buckingham probably using Alyssa's mind interrogation techniques to get the location, so let's say the night of 193. She has to be in rough shape. I don't think Tefler will let her die as there is still too much TSM plot between her with TFNN so the question is whether Rachel or John heals her. For some reason I am leaning towards John. Thoughts?


Awwww, I just realize that Tefler will be giving Jade a gift for Chapter 100! What's the gift? A new Claymore of course!


500 comments in under 50 hours. Tefler, I think we need a new post to talk on.

Master Laurent

Just finished my Second Reading and I have a number of points to make. I will put them in different posts so the comments do not get confusing. in no certain order - 1. Alyssa connected Nkkrrit to all of the bonded - Tefler does not give us the extent of her communications capabilities, however, I have a feeling that she can reach out to Alyssa and communicate with her at will. I am 100% Sure that we are not done with Nkkrrit, like so many have speculated.

Master Laurent

I am sure that the guards are providing food and water while they are watching over her. Unless I have missed something.

Master Laurent

2. Are we sure we can trust the shield generators not to have some kill switch in them or some type of built in vulnerability - Wonder if the Grand Engineering Overlord will discover these while she is installing them on the Valkyrie and Raptor?

Master Laurent

“build the psychic amplifiers and replicate the mineral composition of the growing agent, then either you or Alyssa can psychically shape as many as we need!” Wondering what is going to happen when the Grand Engineering Overlord puts her mind to the growing agent? Can you Say Super Eternity Crystals? And like all of the other things John has shared, he keeps the Super Eternity Crystals for Invictus and Crew, Raptor, Valkyrie, Battle Cruiser, and the Space Stations. Also, are the small crystals that are left over going into the Armor, Reapers, Raptor and Valkyrie? I am thinking they will have just enough to take care of all of the weapons and Valkyrie and Raptor. Also, If Alyssa could pick them up does that imply that she can reshape them? Maybe into Lenses to be stacked and focused for weapons?

Master Laurent

Can you imagine 10-200 disks 20M Round MM separating them so they generate a beam that then goes thought another 100 Focusing disks over 100M making the final beam 10M - OK JFL, I just gave you the slow pitch over home plate!? What about on a smaller scale? Make the Reaper Cannon into a Mini-Nova Lance? - Fuck the BSP!!!

Master Laurent

Can someone help me with my Memory - Which generation of FTL Drives and power cores do the Terran’s have? Maliri Have? Trankaran’s have? Ashanath Have? For some reason I remember that John Always keeps the Best for the Invictus Crew and Equipment and everybody else gets one or two or three(TFED) generations behind? With the Maliri moving so fast, do they have the latest FTL drives equal to the Invictus?


ML...they have the plans/specs they stole, excuse me appropriated on Irillith hack of their ship so any discrepancies will be quickly noted , if they are trying any funny business , I imagine John will have a few things to say to Deep Lord Athgiloi & maybe see Celphna & decide to take her .

Master Laurent

Even though the Brimorian’s are not psychic, does anybody else think it is a bad idea to give them the plans to create Eternity Crystals? I am hoping that Dana missed something or two in the growing medium formula, Sparks doing the Forehead Smack, “Fuck, I knew I was forgetting something!” As a Large smile spread across her face! “John, you are going to have to punish me with a good spanking!”


If I remember correctly I think they all have the Ashanath Power cores and FTL drives and the commercial Trankaran engines. The Invictus has the Progenitor power core and FTL drive and the best military Trankaran engines. I think the Invictus is twice as fast with either the FTL or normal engines.


Jedi....can Sakura's freezing powers slow down the Plasma ? or is it too hot? just flash on this from your last comment .

Jedi Khan

lol The Invictus is bigger than the last time the lizards saw it, but it's still sparkling white and hosting the IFF tag of "Invictus." I think they'll know who it is when they spot it, especially when it dives into the fray surrounded by a blue ball of death like last time.


as to the science of FTL drive..does the size of ship effect it ? we see in normal propulsion systems the smallest ship (scouts) were the fastest & we have a lot of people saying the Invictus is moving faster than that class of ship should move , but is it the same for FTL ?

Master Laurent

I doubt that the 6 Legged Software was from Nkkrrit and Company that Irillith ran into on the Brimorian Ship. Wondering if it is from the BSP or something much older than the current races that just keeps replicating from device to device - like an AI Malware

Jedi Khan

I believe the retractable armor plates over the turret wells for all the weapons does the job of covering the windows. As for the engines and thrusters, you can't put a metal plate over them without interfering with their function. The main engines are not completely exposed, I think. They are inside an armored housing, with just the nacelles/exhaust sticking out.

Master Laurent

I am sure that Nkkrrit sensed Alyssa psychically and allowed her and the team to enter unchallenged, wondering what she was. Maybe Nkkrrit saw Alyssa like the Bolons, "The bright one" and I think the Ashanath also said she was "Bright"!

Master Laurent

I would think the Raptor is More Powerful than the Claymore? Someone please clarify?

Master Laurent

OK, I think I just figured out something, They installed the Brimorian Shield Generator, A Big Device - Does that imply that the Brimorian Shields are in addition to the current shielding, Acting in layers? I ask because I do not think anything was removed where they placed the new generator? if it was, I would think they would take the old one with them because it was not something to leave behind.


Oh shit, it's Nexus back from the grave! He'll haunt John like Ultron haunts the Avengers.


It's new equipment that they didn't previously have. By its self, it doubled the shields. Did the crystals also double the shield, double the recharge rate, or both?

Master Laurent

Thinking this is more a power issue, smaller ships can have larger power cores / ratio. Back a number of chapters we had a discussion about the number of power cores that can be installed and it was limited to a certain number due to some type of interference. That is why the more powerful and efficient cores / capacitors / couplings make such a difference.


As a parting gift to the Deep Pool I hope John informs them that Queen Nkkrrit & the Vulkat are now his friends & allies & wouldn't look kindly on the Brimorians if the keep trying to raid their territory . We might have a new High Lord pretty quick that might be looking to become his friend too.

Master Laurent

BigDawg, My thoughts exactly, However, it may just get them to try to attack Queen Nkkrrit while John is Occupied with the Kintark. Sometimes it is not good to let them know who your friends are.


Does the Prelate know that Buckingham has tried to keep John out of the Battle ? Is he keeping part of his fleet back to deal with John if or when he shows up ? Haven't really heard any discussions between him & Norwood about dealing with The Invictus .


Just got caught up with your series earlier this week. Found about it through literotica and subbed as soon as I found your Patreon. Seeing Chapter 99 out when I thought I was going to have to wait weeks made my weekend.


Presumed true, Allyssa and Nkkrritt can communicate telepathically at will. Since Edraele, the Young Matriarchs and the Girls heard Nkkrrit's song, she probably can reach out to them as well.

Jedi Khan

If you mean can Sakura's powers affect how quickly Kintark plasma can chew through armor, it's a possibility. She can suck the heat out of the plasma, which is the 4th state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma). So when she cools it, the plasma should return to a gaseous state, or if she cools it rapidly enough, it could become a solid. Either way, she could theoretically stop the plasma from burning through armor, but that will require a lot of power on Sakura's part. She may not have enough to be effective.


Fyi, I can recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Nice take on AI.


I kind of like the Pixie dust idea....be right up Faye's ally (joke)

Jeremy Patrick

LOL Gotta love Jade in this chapter :D Looking forward to the next one.


I would recommend more hacking in future chapters.

Jedi Khan

So Tefler, I don't suppose you'd be able to tell us how many ships Charles managed to get upgraded, would you? I doubt enough have been upgraded to completely counter balance the Kintark's shield advantage, but it might be enough for the Kintark to notice the difference.


I can just see if Tefler were to mention how many upgraded ships were on the defensive line before the battle begins be vague about how many survived and their condition - "most surviving upgraded ships were badly damaged, and several were destroyed. At that, they fared a lot better than the non upgraded ships."


When Devereux visited Charles she seemed amazed that so many ships were finished with their repair/refit & up grade. Is there a chance that Buckingham didn't know they were ready & didn't order them back to Terra? Could Charles come rushing to join John & Maliri fleet to drop into rear of Kintark by surprise? Pretty sure that's where Norwood & Grand Prelate are , waiting to bring the dreadnaught into the battle at a crucial time. Irillith could hack it & turn it against rest of Kintark fleet .


Hmmm has anyone thought about the black entity Irilith had felt when she sneaked around the Brimorian network... I think that it’s something that Nkkrrit had ‘planted’ there. Maybe when they decipher the information they got from Nkkrrit Irilith suddenly realize what it was that made her feel so uneasy

Jedi Khan

It's a possibility, given the design of the program. But how'd it get there? Why is it there? If it's there to monitor the Brimorian network, who does it report to and how?


& how did it get there since it was said to predate the Brimorian engineers by several millennium . Was it added during a battle with Vulkat ? for what purpose? Did the Brimorians find an AI like Terrans did with Nexus & it awaits it's Progenitor masters return?


KA, Dawg, Jedi: Maybe the dark program entered Brimorian cyberspace when they tried to install salvaged Eternity Crystals. The program monitors the fleet and reports any Brimorian ship movements on a vector towards the Desolation, pre warning the Vulkat of their location and approach.


She was something new , maybe .If it's a Progenitor creation , he might have recognized her as a Progenitor thrall. Since he didn't attack but just waits .


Dawg, the Battleship Hyperion (and was it five others) received the total upgrade along with a significant number of Cruisers and Destroyers. They underwent conversion in the weeks since DeVoss arrived. Their commanders and captains are on site and are taking the vessels on shake down cruises to learn their new characteristics and capabilities. It might be that they will enter the fight under Charles' orders, but maybe not under his command, and play a pivotal role in the TF counter attack.


Correct, Bigdawg. She was obviously not a part of the system, she had not been seen before, she used strange methods to alter system programming, she defeated firewalls without setting off alarms...she was damn interesting.


If the stealth shuttle works by fooling sensors but not the eyes, how did it work on Brimor? You could argue that they released the shuttle during reentry so ignore that for now. They are the center of attention when jade returned... How was that not noticed?


Brad....Jade notified John she was back at the shuttle & John said they'd talk when they met up , so they will probably met up in the cloud cover . Just my guess .


Jedi...big ocean small craft? with it's better sensors could probably avoid any patrols , if they even have any on home world since they strictly limit access & confine it to trading station .


Long ago John (Tefler) listed components of the Invictus that he wanted to upgrade. Has he just completed this task? Likewise, will this battle cause John to face prog-John and BSP? If so, will Tefler conclude the series within 20 chapters, possibly with a victory wedding followed by a major cliff hanger, the inpregnation of his crew. Many other threads remain, but John will have accomplished his mission.

Jedi Khan

With the acquisition of the Brimorian shield tech, yes, John's shopping list is now complete. All that's left is for Dana to upgrade the crap out of the new tech and unlock the Progenitor versions.


I loved this chapter. You are writing such a great story, I read it all in just one months time. I am glad to support you and your project. I just can‘t wait for chapter 100


you know we could compile a list of possible future stories in this universe; i'll start. john's firstborn is a girl she's blue. byes a ship and... stuff.


Remember before 98 posted Tefler mentioned he had written a scene in it but decided to switch it to 99 . After reading it my guess would be the therapy session with Rachel & Dana & John ,any one else agree or have another possible choice . The things I will think of to delay the withdrawal pains .

Master Laurent

Anybody Else see John sending out a Message to the TSM Universe, any Psychic RACES that help the Brimorians will be considered an Enemy of the Lion. The Entire RACE if just one Helps!


I have this image in my mind of the upcoming battle. It is of Faye’s boy’s patrolling the hull of the Invictus with little fire extinguishers trying to put out plasma fires before they burn through the armor. And Faye getting more pissed with each scorch mark.

Master Laurent

Any interaction with the Boys is great. Wonder if as a part of the battle plan Calara plans for being hit by plasma weapons and has the Grand Engineering Overlord build some type of damage control adapter for the Boys and also puts two of them on the Raptor. I think Sakura can Cool the entire Valkyrie.

Master Laurent

I think that Tefler should to put up a new Multi Answer Poll - Which of the Girls is going to be the most angry @ the Admiralty after the battle and let the commenters offer the Why - Faye - Because they put everyone in Danger and Scratched the Ships? Alyssa/Jade because they kidnapped Jehanna and Jade's Sisters, Calara Because she could have saved so many lives by planning the battle Calara Because she lost a family member(s) in the battle Rachael - Because her father was killed Alyssa - because one of the Lionesses does not survive the battle. Your Thoughts:


I think Fayes sisters above should be Jades sisters.


The raptor would definitely outclass a claymore, destroyers are coming but that’s not for a few chapters at least. Only Tefler knows the timeline but: Terra then probably Olympus Karron/outer rim/kirrix -do they continue on into Kirrix space.


Or to Arcadia? Do the trankarans get involved? Off to Kinta? Return to Brimor Then maybe genthalas to build a destroyer.


Just finished reading this chapter, finally! I have to say, I feel like Maria became sort of an Ex Machina, simply filling a role to drive the plot forward. Or did we already know that she was a communications expert?


This could be the first of Teflers chapters to hit 1000 comments. I love this community


Keep seeing people comment about a possible trip to Kintar after the battle of Terra to confront the emperor. Are we absolutely sure the emperor is not aboard Norwood’s dreadnaught.


Now that John has the Brimorian shield tech and effectively promised Deep Lord Athgiloi that it was for his personal use on his ship, do you think John will give it to the Maliri, Ashanath, and Trankarans? He always seems to have his tech twice as good and anyone else. With the Brimorian shields with the eternity crystals will make his shields approximately twice as good as the Kintark and Brimorians and 4 times better than the Maliri, Ashanath, Trankarans, and 8 times better than the Terrans. What will he give the Terrans, Maliri, Ashanath, and Trankarans? Another thought. On the second refit of the Invictus at Geniya space station, the Maliri engineers under Dana’s schematics built the Progenitor cores and FTL Drives. Why are they using the Ashanath version on their own ships when they have the Progenitor version available to them? They don’t have the Progenitor relays and connectors as Dana re-created them after visiting the Legacy but they did use the Maliri relays and connectors in the second refit, so it would still be a vast improvement over the Ashanath versions.


When will John get missiles? Their sensor range is so much better than nearly everyone and Calara would use them so effectively.


The ebooks on Amazon are a modified version of Chapters 1-10 and 11-20. They provide a much more detailed read of those earlier chapters.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Cignal, I have been wondering the same thing. Also, John has already mentioned giving the Ashanath and Maliri the Brimorian shield tech...but that was before the crystal tech. John and Alyssa also discussed letting the Ashanath build the crystals...so I am thinking the Ashanath and Maliri and Trankarans will get the Brimorian shields with eternity crystals.

Steven Allen

You know Ben I had wondered that too. Especially when it was mentioned that the Vulkat favored missiles over energy weapons. Perhaps Dana got some of the Vulkat missile tech while on board the Vulkat queen's ship. Nukes are not as effective in space as they are in a atmosphere, but still 50+ megatons going off near your hull can't be good for it, shields or not. The heat and the EMP blast alone should do some damage. I would like to see the Invictus armed with large bomb-pumped x-ray laser headed missiles. Launch a volley and suddenly you not only have the Invictus's weapons to deal with but now you have a bunch of missiles that when they detonate are going to pound your shields and ship with several x-ray lasers. I hope Dana got some good Vulkat bomb-pumped x-ray laser tipped missiles.


Not absolutely sure but IIRC he's huge - his brother Kindralax was 100+ ft high & the Emperor may well be bigger, so the dreadnought would need to have a large space kitted out in Emperor-quality style & luxury... that takes a lot of room away for use by fighters, bombers, troops, etc


I don’t whether this has been discussed but by letting the Maliri assist with the battle doesn’t Alyssa need to warn the Trankarans tha


that they have to deal with the Kirix alone a little longer?


Alyssa or John will need to update them, yes. I imagine that will happen at the beginning of the next chapter. The plus side is that I see the Malari being joined by several TFed ships on the way back to go help them.


Jade's Raptor outclasses the new TFed Claymore, which outclasses the TFed Raptor.

Master Laurent

Welcome to the TSM Timeout Bar and Grill. We have plenty of room for those that need a break or those who have been 'Escorted' in by Crazy and and Fuck-Nuts due to some infraction. Currently I am enjoying the last of my Bitter Tea for being a pragmatist and DHC is on his way in for a lack of clarity infraction do to withdrawal. We all go through withdrawal, however, we have a responsibility to the community be as clear as possible with our posts. I am told that the Maliri sandwiches are amazing. Also, the Trankaran Stout on Tap will set anybody straight!

Master Laurent

Just Remembered, the Happy Hour drink special is the Ashanath Mind Eraser Shot!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I think what Dana will find with the Vulkat tech is a new, stable, high-end explosive (requireing a specific type of detonator) that is significantly more powerful than anything they currently have and a new, super efficient organic propellant. She will then incorporate the explosive into the singularity driver as well as the gauss cannons and the new Valkyrie Quantum Gatling cannons. and both into a new type of torpedoe.


Can't wait to see what moves Sakura can pull off in the Mech while fighting in space - we've not really had the chance to see her in action there :). Apart from her Shinatobe memory prompting her to engage the Kirrix while helping the Trankaran's, she proved herself lethal in it while on the ground. If the Kintark do make it to Terra she could be well placed to help the TFed ground mech troops the same way Jade assisted the fighters in the Raptor at Regulus

Master Laurent

I like the way you are thinking. Then Again, on most things we are 99% in sync!

Master Laurent

I have visions of her flying over the TFED Mech's that are pinned down and eliminating an entire battalion of Kintark in under 30 Seconds. Then looks over her shoulder and says "Are you Boys going to sit on your asses all day??? We have some lizards to kill!"


Alyssa's two year old daughter walks over to Dana's and says: Draw Ship. A week later Edreale gets a report on the construction of the new Super Dreadnought that uses rapid fire nova lances on fast tracking mounts for point defense.


Need to incorporate the shield disrupting energy envelopes for the singularity driver rounds. Quantum singularity rounds.

Master Laurent

This topic has been discussed at great length by the community over many chapters. Jedi, JFL, Myself and many others have spent 100's of comments back when we called it ESP = Enhanced Shield Penetrating and now Quantum Rounds. Starting from the Smallest Rifle to the Singularity Rounds - I seem to remember a great reason why the Singularity rounds are the only rounds that can not be made Quantum Rounds.

Jedi Khan

I can only imagine Tefler's poor email inbox at the moment. 800+ emails from Patreon alerting of new comments to this post in 4 days. I sure hope he has a filter set up to make the notifications go to a different folder so he doesn't miss out on other non-Patreon emails.


Hey Tef, when John and Rachel come out on the combat bridge Jade kiss Rachel and feed her share of John spunk but jade said *Just giving Rachel her share from Dana, Master* but end of 98 showed Sakura and Carlara "bringing" dessert for the girl.


Perhaps we need to create a discussion forum for Tefler's Topics! We can then categorize all the different discussions to make it easier to parse.


Any speculation about the "small and elite" crew Alyssa's got in mind for the new destroyer? It sounds like it's gonna be another pocket dreadnought so can't wait to see what they come up with :)


I think I found an error. The crew walks on the vulkrat ship by using the magnetic boots on the organic Armour plating, that is the same organic material that is used for the cybernetics which are not visible in mag view. So the mag boots should not be able to grip, right? Sorry if this is already mentioned above. I didn't read all 800 comments

Jedi Khan

I thought about that too, but I believe you're the first to mention it.


My thought would have been for it to be controlled by Faye - whether by an expansion from her current 12 avatars, or using a 2nd Faye server. However with the look Alyssa gave Sakura is she thinking of training up some of the Maliri matriarch assassins or another dedicated group...

Master Laurent

Cody, Yes, Patreon Sucks, we have the Wiki, it is frustrating how much great conversations are lost in the history, especially the corrections by Tefler!

Master Laurent

OK, Sorry for the Reference - But does anybody else see a “Sophie’s Choice” on the Horizon? It is determined that the Kintark are Attacking Olympus, Terra, And the Base where Jehanna is being held. the Invictus can arrive 30 mins ahead of the Maliri fleet due to FTL V3 to any of the locations, however the change in course moves them out of position to get to the others timely. Does Jade Take the Raptor and Tashana and go to the base, hoping to rendezvous with part of the Maliri Fleet? Then the Choice is Charles / Henry Voss / Olympus verses Terra with Billions of People. I predict that Charles / Henry / 95% of the Olympus staff escape and Olympus is completely Destroyed. From a Story Arc standpoint, This will send a strong message throughout the Terran worlds about the stupidity of the Admiralty and give John & Crew the Ability to rebuild a new Terran Ship Yard and to put the Maliri in a major position of power with their ability to produce ships via the unused capacity they have, they needed personnel. I can see Charles and Voss heading to one of the unused Maliri Shipyards and taking it over for a time until the new Terran shipyard is completed. No Maliri will assist or be present at this facility. And this choice to evacuate Olympus is made before John & Crew are even in the picture! Once Admiral Stupid makes his announcement and they realize the error of not protecting Olympus, they order an evacuation of all personnel and Charles and Crew initiate self destruct to prevent the Kintark from taking Olympus. OK, I have to get to work on all of the things I have been procrastinating about. Off the TSM Grid for 14 hours, I am sure we will be over 1,000 comments by that time and it will absolutely suck to try to find the new comments.


There’s no indication that wherever Jehanna is being kept is under any danger. The asteroid that the Kirrix were attacking is surely Karron, as it said on the edge of space. The facility where Jehanna is is still in the Sol system, right? No where near the border worlds.

Master Laurent

OK YOU GURU’s, I Challenge you!!!! The ability to keep track of new comments that are not on your thread is unbearable at this moment IMHO. I need your input / suggestions. What if a Google Group or Microsoft Group was Created with public access and Tefler created a rule in is inbox that forwarded all of the comment email to that group se we could see the new comments in chronological order and then try to find them if we want to respond. Also, Tefler could create a couple of moderators that could categorize the comments so we are not rehashing old topics over and over again and we can have reference materials that are so helpful. I am kicking myself in the ass for not creating a copy of the Tefler Weapons Power Levels that he provided several chapters ago to end the debate on Strength of the Different weapons because that has all changed in the last 2-3 chapters and it would be nice to have the updated data. So I ask you my fellow community members / IT Guru’s - Give it your best shot. Also, Keep in mind that the rule for the forwarding would have to be able to differentiate between Comment Emails, Emails Direct to Tefler, and Patreon Management emails. I do not think this would be that hard because I think that Tefler uses outlook on a PC and the Message Rules are very robust. Thanks


And why would Maria be in danger if Terra were attacked? They live on a completely different planet in a different system altogether. I agree with you on the possibility of the destruction of Olympus though. Time will tell!

Master Laurent

And it will also help when people respond to a comment with a separate comment verses under the comment thread. I do not know if this is intentional or that they do not understand that the arrow under the comment is to keep your response with the thread. Again Patreon is not that intuitive, and I only use the web app. Thanks

Master Laurent

OK, So I am an Idiot, I have read this chapter twice and missed that the Kirrix are also Invading Terra - From the Chapter - On the furthest edges of Terran Federation Space, what had started as a trickle of ochre-coloured vessels became a flood, with dozens crossing the border by the hour. The front-runners of the Kirrix forces had been able to venture unopposed into Terran territory and were now homing in on their targets... populated worlds.   In the Omicron Ceti system, a bright red star cast a crimson pall over the trio of insectoid vessels as they dropped out of hyper-warp. Turning languidly, the Kirrix hive ships changed course, heading towards a dense belt of rocks and the massive hollowed-out asteroid at its centre...

Big Dude

Master Laurent, I followed your suggestion above and used the special arrow under your Sophie's Choice comment!

Big Dude

Had another thought. TFNN gets wind of the Kintark invasion. They start reporting the TFed losses vs Kintark losses. The announcer asks where is the Lion of the Federation. John calls in and says Buckingham forgot to call him on purpose. The Terra peeps call for Buckingham's head!


I wonder if Charon IV is on the way to the core worlds.They could pick up Jake and his frigate.


Where he could also publish his own ebooks & even paperback copies for sale too. Nice idea...


Upgrades all round,Rachael heals Jake,Dana upgrades the frigate and XO in charge of recruitment!


His other story set in the same timeline 'Truckstop Takedown' stars Tashana and Iriliths' hero from the 'Asphalt Arena' Titanium Jake.Check it out on lit.


Ah, got it. Now I am with you. I’ve read it. Just didn’t make the connection.


I'm not sure what changed, but the .docx files are downloading to my Android correctly now and not as an xml dictionary

Big Dude

MJHSharkbait365, see above to your scenario has potential!


<a href="https://www.literotica.com/s/truckstop-takedown" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.literotica.com/s/truckstop-takedown</a>

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

This is what needs to come over the comms when John and the Maliri show up to the show @ Terra <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUwEIt9ez7M" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUwEIt9ez7M</a> And this one when they are in the thick of battle: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFjqlx8eSfQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFjqlx8eSfQ</a> And when Sakura in the Mech saves the Terran Mechs: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uMWbZj-gWg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uMWbZj-gWg</a> Saving Jehenna and the Nymphs: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YuM2PGx51U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YuM2PGx51U</a> And then when the battle is over....TFNN plays this one: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE</a> And as the Maliri and John fly out of system after the Kirrix <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sh7BZf7D5Bw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sh7BZf7D5Bw</a>

Jedi Khan

How about this one? <a href="https://youtu.be/LheS8xvLXS4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/LheS8xvLXS4</a>


As a twist, I bet the dreadnaught had a new gun gifted by BSP. A planet killer would even the playing field. The Invictus may now be the apex predator, but the story would get stale if the Kintark are hopeless. Like a bully with a shot gun, they could arrive before John and take out some unforgivable targets, like Olympus or a core world to cause Buckingham to surrender. Hopefully, John and his valiant crew can save the day.


Also to prove their lunacy, I can imagine Buckingham ordering the destruction of the Invictus, blaming him for the Kintark invasion


So, why doesn't Tashana have an official role/title on the ship yet?


Philadelphia Eagles, Superbowl Champions!!!!!


Okay, I've seen (and even contributed to) the discussions about Dana building a new ship later on. I only recall seeing one reference to it in the story so far. To me, this isn't likely to happen in this arc.

Jedi Khan

I think there's been at least two references in story. The first was when John got a look at the new primary hangar and asked Dana what they could do with it. That's when they decided on making a destroyer class ship for the space. As for when it will happen, I'm not sure either. Definitely not happening soon, but will it happen before Tefler ends 3SM as we know it and starts the sequel he's mentioned? Maybe.


There are sooooo many comments I've likely missed this thread but Why wouldn't the Invictus be under attack while down to have these shields installed. there as not even any security issues prior to have both support ships out to watch over her while thier pants are down.

Jedi Khan

They're likely on a civilian dock. Any sort of fight has the high risk of collateral damage. The Brimorians don't want to run the risk that the Invictus can still fight back. Plus the Valkyrie is out there assisting, and it is quite obviously armed given the Photon Beam Lasers and Pulse Cannons mounted on its back and shoulders.

Jedi Khan

Okay guys, I'm starting a betting pool for what happens next chapter. To make sure it doesn't get buried in a flood of comments, I've put it over in the Community section. You can find it here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user/community?u=3814558">https://www.patreon.com/user/community?u=3814558</a> Check it out and place your bets.


I'm wondering about the Abandoned. perhaps they would make a good destroyer crew. fluid filled ships should enable their crews to take more maneuver force


You missed another very good one... Victory at Sea: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-EXNounv-U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-EXNounv-U</a><br>Oh, and ... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NjssV8UuVA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NjssV8UuVA</a>


I agree that building two Destroyers would be best. What about getting them from the Federation after the battle? Kind of like they did with the Raptor. I know it may be a little far-fetched but someone in the Federation will be trying to gain favor. It would be way easier to upgrade like the Invictus, then build from scratch.


Because a Tfed destroyer only has 6 weapons hardpoints for photon lasers or heavy quantum guns.A custom destroyer designed and built by the Grand Engineering Overlord will have more firepower than a Tfed battleship.My loadout for said destroyer was from before quantum and photon weapons were introduced,so here is my revised weapon loadout for the Blake Alliance Destroyer Malifica: 200m long ship with 80m spinal mounted heavy quantum drivers, 10-16 photon lasers,6-10 heavy quantum guns and 24-32 pulse cannons. As i've said before,when pirates and slavers heard that Malifica was coming,they new bad shit was on its way.I don't see why that should change.


It would be designed to fit in the primary hanger, which is 200 meters long.

Jedi Khan

And post 1000! Time for an update, Tefler. How's part 1 of chapter 100 coming?


Here's a thought,have the Tfed upgraded any bombers?An upgraded bomber should be a least as fast and manouverable as a Kintark fighter.Just a thought.

Jedi Khan

It's possible the Claymores can sorta fill that role with their Gauss Cannons, provided they can get past the point defenses and inside a ship's shields. Won't do nearly as much damage as a torpedo would, but it'd be more accurate. Pinpoint strikes against the ship's bridge, engines, turrets, etc. can all be rather potent hits, as we've seen Clara do many times.

Master Laurent

LOL, Just the OCD for organized data and respect for the time of the community driving and hatred for this shitty site, you are all good!


JK, Claymores could be the A-10 Warthog of TSM. Could have long range missiles that lock on and forget. A squadron of Claymores pick a ship and fire their missiles. They could carry a couple missiles similar to cruise missiles each. These missiles could carry a warhead, that is contained a directed plasma charge or a bomb-pumped laser, this to increase the damage done.


I like the idea,but i'm thinking you could switch out the Guass Cannon for a torpedo tube on 1 or 2 Claymores in each wing.That way 2 wings could attack 2 cruisers from different sides,using torpedoes on the first shielded cruiser and Guass Cannons on the cruiser that the other wing just torpedoed.Kintark fighters would be forced to give chase leaving the Rapiers to go after Kintark bombers


I need a reminder. Are there any more races John wanted to visit for upgrades?


It is a really really really great idea to name any ship they build or acquire the "MAGNIFICA"...a tribute to her crew lost defending Tashana...the Lioness that once suffered the most of all!


Sorry Arrowglass,but i'm sticking with my original name of 'MALIFICA' for pretty much the same reasons.


I just had a thought(yes,it did hurt).When we first met Niskera, she was very excited about the Grand Engineering Overlords Inertia Negation Device.So my question is this,do the Trankarans have engines that are so powerful that even they couldn't use them until now?'Cause if they do,that would be FUCKING AWSOME!!!

Master Laurent

OK, From Many Past Debates and Notes - 200M Cruiser - Grand Engineering Overlord Design From the story, Cockpit, Kitchen, Bedroom / Bath / Armory for the crew. Every other Square Inch dedicated to Weapons / Ammo - No Cargo spaces. From The Community Questions / Comments? Atmosphere throughout or Just in Crew Quarters, Must be in Armor if need to go into the ship while in space? Nova Lances are 200M / New Eternity Nova Lances 160M ?????????? Weapons Load Out 1 or 2 Eternity Nova Lances 2 Quantum Heavy Cannons Batteries - 3 Barrels - Mounted Externally on each side of ship so it can get into the 50M Bay, Ship Height 40M 16 - Triple Barrel Beam Weapons - Eternity Crystal based - 8 top / 8 bottom 16 - Quantum Gauss Cannons - 8 Top / 8 Bottom V4 12 - Quantum Gatling Guns V4 24 - Photon Defense weapons V4 / Eternity Crystal Based Full Shielding V4 3 Power cores V4 FTL Drive V4 Of Course with the new CA / Eternity V2 Armor

Master Laurent

I have lost track on the current Beam Weapon Versions other than they a 8X TFED before Eternity Crystal Upgrade. BTW 5 Days, 2 Hours :-)


In praise of Faye. The Purple Pixie AI has insinuated herself comprehensively into the lives of the Invictus and its crew. Her bonds of affection with John and the Girls further cements her raison d'etre and commitment to help them succeed in every way. Her avatars and physical body expand her already massive potential and contributions. She has grown tremendously as a pilot (Raptor and Invictus); specialist gunner; cyber warrior; communications officer; holovideo editor; software designer; science and technology synergistic; internal defense operator; designated watch officer; maintenance supervisor (the Boys); design consultant; and the myriad other roles she plays. No other Lioness does half as much as she does routinely for the Invictus. I believe that during combat missions, especially in the elements of the mini-fleet, Fay should ride on each vessel coordinating with the Invictus via her avatars to support the pilots achieve their missions -- as a gunner, copilot, navigator, security eyes and ears and managing mechs in damage control and maintenance situations. Without Faye, John's overall effectiveness drops significantly. With her, the Team's effectiveness just grows stronger and stronger.


Gonna try this for the third time, post keep getting eaten. Before John goes and adds Helena to the crew. And I see no reason why she won’t be. Another matriarch for her species. I would really like to see John do a self check evaluation of his own progress and powers. We assume he is getting stronger by adding more Malari and especially through the enhanced bonds he has created with all the girls. But that’s all just assumptions. Could we get some type measurement. It would be my guess. That John has gained some amount of expertise and experience simply from all the work he has done enhancing everyone else. There has been many comments requesting John having more physic sparing sessions. That would be a great evaluation of his progress. Or perhaps a astral walk and see if the shadow of PJ has changed at all. Something please.


I still think they rely much too heavily on energy weapons. I think a new super explosive would be nice to upgrade main guns and some missles... I really like explosions.


I hope you are right but honestly think it will be a miracle to see it before 15th. I think 20th more likely. I now he can wrote 6k+daily duty averages around 3k daily. I will keep hoping.


I do not consider myself to be a master tactician (shocker). However thinking ahead to the big battle coming. It seems that Tefler has laid the ground work for some surface combat action. Which I am totally stoked for and can’t wait to read. Now thinking how that may play out. At what point would an invading force deploy their ground forces? Surely sub orbital forces air and ground. Cannot be launched until space based forces establishes superiority. Meaning the majority of the T-fed ships have been destroyed. If ground forces are launched to soon, and your space forces are defeated then the ground force is stranded. Is that correct? I really really hope to see Some ground action. I am betting the Terran forces have very few upgrades. With the exception of a few Mech’s from Segernt Gibbons elite unit. Since the Terrans have seen nearly nothing of the Kintark royal guard. Those big regerating lizards are going to go through the Terran defense force like a hot knife through butter. Which, fingers crossed. Is where Sakura and the Valkyrie come in. Guess what I’m saying is. In order to have a surface battle. The T-fed fleet will need to suffer more losses than first anticipated. And reinforcements from John and the Malari arrive much well after the battle has started. Which I’m ok with as it will,seam even more impressive when they defeat the Kintark almost single handily. Thoughts


Strike craft superiority needs to be obtained first,but strike craft supremacy would be preferable.The main battle needs to going in the attackers favour,to be able to reinforce the first wave.Everybody seems to think that elite forces go in the first wave,they don't.The first wave is made up of standard infantry troops,to take the first and heaviest hits,and to establish a beach head or secure landing zone.The elite troops are in the second or third waves,when the defenders are starting to tire,so they can 'breakout' and engage the enemy on the run.


I think that we will see ground combat but perhaps at the secret/classified military base which is in system something about a Jupiter moon? Hopefully we won't see too Terran forces devastation - John is going to need strong and effective Terran forces he still has a heap of hostile races to bring to heel. Too many weak empires (ashanath Kintore when he's finished with them the trankarans etc) will just great a big anchor he needs more than just the maliri for the coming battle with the dark progenitor.


THE CASE FOR ALMARI AND ILYANA JOINING THE INVICTUS I have followed closely the recurring and intensifying discussion about who John and Allyssa should recruit as new Lionesses. Boy has it gotten crazy! Sometimes it seems that any new female character gets thrown into the mix for one reason or another. So I have my own recommendations -- Edraele’s former Assassins Almari and Ilyana -- to take on key roles in security, intelligence and combat operations. Here is why… JOHN: John likes and has a high comfort level with them. He has already healed and enhanced their bodies after two doses of psychic elixir. He constantly worries about protecting the Girls. He enhanced Sakura to serve as his Security Chief with that goal in mind. He learns a lot and greatly enjoys learning from their exceptional skills and training with them (sword and martial arts), which improves his substantial abilities. Additionally, their psychic link with Edraele is a major advantage. It reinforces mutual trust and allows for additional channels of communication between the Maliri Queen and the Protector. EDRAELE: Clearly Edraele has sought a means to help John and protecting her daughters (heirs of House Valaden) as well as the other Lionesses. She has great confidence in the highly skilled former assassins. Their presence would reassure her regarding security for John, Irillith, Tashana and all the rest. Her Chief Assassin (Luna) could be her Liaison with Ilyana and Almari, having served with them for many years. Luna could also train their replacements, along with additional assassins/security for the Young Matriarchs. ALLYSSA: Allysa, as XO, would have no qualms working with the two former assassins. Their link with Edraele is reinforced by her own direct link with them. Allysa confidence would be higher when she did not participate in Away Teams with Almari and Ilyana involved. Their participation reduces her role as protector and allows flexibility if she is needed to pilot the Invictus. As the assassins become closer with John, their ability to generate ethereal energy for him would be augmented, more so than the normal Maliri in Edraele’s network. This, too, would ease Allyssa role channeling and transferring power to the crew. SAKURA: As the number of Lionesses continues to grow, Sakura is being stretched thin to fulfill her role in personal security for the Team. If Ilyana and Almari joined, they immediately become two highly trained partners to help Sakura provide security coverage. Not only are they expert handling a range of weapons, their skill in melee weapons represents a big advantage. Their skills improve and augment the Invictus’ teams through continuous training in the sword and a wide range of martial arts styles. ALMARI AND ILYANA: These two former assassins served the most powerful and ruthless Maliri Matriarch, Edraele of House Valaden, for decades. They were trained intensively in the full range of skills needed by their devious Matriarch in a brutal and Machiavellian environment. They are expert martial artists and had roles in House Valaden involving personal, internal and institutional security as well as intelligence operations. In Edraele’s service, they accumulated skills in strategy, tactics, reconnaissance, weapons, explosives, piloting (atmospheric/space), as snipers, Black Operations and Wet Work. They have comprehensive knowledge about Maliri assets and capabilities; also strategic and tactical knowledge of all the Houses in the Maliri Protectorate and the surrounding empires, species and civilizations. John has already enhanced their physiques for strength and speed to match Sakura. They already own and use Paragon Armor, Justice Laser Riffles, Punisher Rifles, Punisher Pistols and Crystal Allysium swords. So, as experts in security and small unit tactics, they are the perfect partners for Sakura. Their skills are perfect for Away Teams and mini-fleet operations. They could fulfill a role desired by John and provide physical security for Irillith and Tashana on cyber hack runs. They could pilot the Stealth Shuttle and provide security on covert intelligence missions. Working as a unit, Sakura, Ilyana and Almari could provide full personal security coverage for John and the Lionesses. For example: Sakura = John, Calara and Faye; Almari = Dana and Rachel; Illyana = Irillith and Tashana. Jade, of course, is a Special Case. So, that is my argument. I view this proposal as a win-win situation. Thoughts?


What does a Progenitor activated Ashanath look Like? the Ashanath would make a excellent form of long distance communication network for john's fleets free in the assassins to either return to Edreale or go with john but it was never explained what would happen it the ashanath was activated by a progenitor. the Maliri have the white hair, the tankarens the glowing swirls.


I sugested a little while back that the Ashanath may have been an experiment in an orgainc comand and control network.


While I cannot disagree with your thinking, I do not think that this is probable. I do like the thought of the Assassins meeting up with the Glowing Queen and the three of them plotting out how they can get some more time with John. I also like the thought of John and Jade feeding the crew of the Maliri ships and adding them to his Maliri collection.


Chris...Ularean (Ashanta High Councillor ) told John that Mael created them as an experiment in collective physic consciousness . That could be used for command &amp; control which is what they were doing in the battle against the Darrkar before they were over powered by the boarding party &amp; Alyssa &amp; Calara took over .Having them &amp; their network spread thru john's battle fleet would help especially if regular communications were disrupted . Think of now as Kintark takes out com beacons &amp; though they were blinding T-Fed if they had physic connections to spring trap on them instead .


Dawg, don't they have that now? or do you expect to have a significantly larger fleet with many more crews requiring Ashanath communicators? With Allyssa and Edraele serving as dual hubs, they can reach out to their networks including all the Lionesses, Maliri Matriarchs and Fleet Commanders.


DD..when the Ashanta fleet join with Trakaians &amp; Maliri fleets under John &amp; the Invictus for the BIG SHOW is what I was thinking about .Having them spread thru the combined fleets would be the best way for John Carala &amp; Alyssa to run the battle


Is it finalized yet? I've been waiting impatiently, to read this chapter, for what feels like forever...


Morning everyone. I've got the last of the edits in for chapter 99, so I'll work through those this morning and come up with the final version. I've written about 18k of chapter 100 so far and handed over part 1 of 4 to my editors. :-)


I completely agree. and it would be easier than having to create a two way bond with Alyssa or Edraele and one of the girls.


I don't if this has been brought up in the previous 1000 comments but is Alyssa warning the glowing queen the the Maliri Fleet won't be coming to the republic? That would probably be important for her to hear?


the Kirrix suddenly finding the Tfed having no defences so sounding the dinner bell might be as good a defence


I've just posted the FINAL version of chapter 99. :-)

Big Dude

Can't download in Google Chrome


Editing quibble: "“Nice work, ladies,” John said with an approving grin, before stepping into the airlock. holding up a cautionary hand for the girls to wait. Stepping into the open portal, he checked the inner airlock to make sure it was safe, before turning and beckoning them inside." Since you change it so that thy were free-floating, then a verb like "stepping" is incorrect. I'd have gone with "Angling" or "Maneuvering with his Anti-grav supressors" or some such verbiage to indicate that until they were aboard the ship, they were in zero-g mode.

Jedi Khan

You haven't made a bet yet. Head over to my post in the Community Section to add your name to the pool.


GrandPaM, you make a good point, but I disagree with your word choice, and think that instead of 'stepping' it should simply be 'moving' instead. It doesn't break up the flow and fits the action.

Master Laurent

With Apologies to Jedi, In the Sand Box, First of All, I am not known for "OFF THE WALL" sandboxing accept for my story predictions and most of them have had some thread of truth. The only off the wall I have really done is the mortality question and I am not going to post any more on that because to many people get upset. Who Shoots First?? To many unknowns - My Thoughts are that John Saves Jehanna on the way to the battle for some reason only Tefler Knows - This would be a Buckingham Fires First unless the Base is Surrounded by Kintark which is driving the reason for John to Save Jehanna First verses leaving her on a nice safe secret base until the shit-storm has passed. When does John Arrive? - The bigger question is arrive where? Olympus? Home World? Secret Base? Wherever it is, the other areas will be left exposed and major damage will be done to the TFED Spaces. My Thoughts are that John will send the Maliri to Olympus and they will arrive after the battle has begun and Olympus is severely damaged, however, Charles and Henry are OK. I can see the Maliri Fleet fighting a distance battle @ Olympus until almost all of the Kintark Ships above a bomber are destroyed by Nova Lances, then they come in and perform cleanup along with the TFED Fighters. Maliri drive on scene and the battle Olympus is over in 5 Minutes, 3 to destroy ships with the Nova Lances, 2 for the fighters to clean up along with the Maliri ship defense weapons. they will park 1/2 the fleet around what is left of Olympus and send the other half to help John. John will arrive @ Home world after rescuing Jehanna, The Ground assault has begun with the majority of the TFED Fleet destroyed and 85% of the Kintark Fleet supporting ground invasion. I can see the Invictus engaging the remaining Kintark Fleet with Irillith taking over the Dreadnought after 3 - 5 minutes of battle with Calara focusing on the other Kintark ships while Irillith is doing her magic. Sakura is dropped to the ground to go after the invading ground forces and has an epic battle that lasts for 30 Minutes of her hacking through Giant Lizards and taking out the Kintark Mechanized forces with her Gatling Gun and Lasers, Her upgraded Photon Defense Lasers do a number on the Kintark ground support ships trying to take her out. The remaining Maliri fleet arrives and cuts off the retreat of the Kintark and then engages the reinforcement troops sent, Jade and Raptor depart space battle to support Sakura. We find out that Dana has installed a Quantum Gatling Gun on the Raptor to help with the shielded ships. John and Maliri eliminate with Extreme Prejudice the reinforcement troops. The entire time Jehanna is broadcasting the battle scenes with one of Faye’s avatars doing the editing, demonstrating how incompetent the Admiralty is combined with Irillith having captured all of the data about Jehanna Capture and Buckingham and crew’s illegal activities. Near the end of the Battle Buckingham and his loyalists escape the home world in the chaos, grab the stash of “Off Shore” Credits and try to hide only to be found like Rupert Grant a couple of chapters from now. John takes the Invictus to Olympus and repairs / Upgrades the Invictus for 12 Hours, Including making the Heavy Cannons into Quantum Heavy Cannons, The Grand Engineering Overlord has figured out how to make the Lion’s Combined Version of the Eternity Crystal and Crystal Alyssium with new growth material and are upgrading every weapon, drive / power device to the MK II CA. and reshaping the hull plating - Not to MKII CA, Just 8X CA. The Grand Engineering Overlord has also been able to go over the data from Nkkrrit and has created the Lion’s version of a new organic explosive for weapons / torpedoes. She has also figured out more about the Organic Shielding and is going to incorporate it with the upgrades at Olympus. This is the point when they learn about the Kirrix attack and head off to save the rest of the TFED Space. The BSP Will stick his nose in here somewhere and provide the classic Tefler Twist. OK, So I got into the Sandbox, however, Given all of the foreshadowing Tefler has put in place in my minds eye this is how I see it playing out over the next 3 chapters when 100 is the entire battle and 101 is the shipyards and aftermath before going after the Kirrix.


I hope you do make it double length, all the more TSM for us to enjoy at once!

Master Laurent

Tefler Said that he will Release 100 as double length on Literotica, On Patreon he will be releasing Chapter 100.1 on the 10th and 100.2 on the 20th.


Laurent, I don't have time to read your essay, I mean comment, but I will later. But I think you accidentally included a "not" at the beginning that you need to delete. :) Have a great day.


Folks, please note that the Brimorian shields are impressive, but that the Terran Federation fought them to a standstill before, using the technology that they had at the time. They now have a significantly upgraded capacity and have had some training in how to use it. They were taken greatly by surprise in the Dragon March, but the Admiralty has had some warning, at least some of them, that the Kintark now possess Brimorian-like shields, which make them much tougher opponents, as well as Norwood's upgraded Dreadnought fighting with them. So, they shouldn't be taken quite so much by surprise, nor should the battle be as one-sided as people have been suggesting. The Kintark don't know about the upgraded Terran Fleet's capabilities, so it's quite possible that they're the ones who will be surprised during the initial opening salvos between them if they engage at Olympus Base, which is extremely heavily defended, even without the fleets currently around it, or with the fleets around Terra. I'm not saying that John doesn't still need to come in and save the day, but it shouldn't be anywhere near as one-sided a slaughter as it was in the Dragon March.

Jim lynch

T minus 3 days 5 hours and 45 mins 25 seconds to wait

Master Laurent

FYI, I think this is going to be a blood bath until John Arrives, the Main reason is just the sheer number of ships the Kintark are bringing to the battle. And if you think about the fact that they Attacked the Fleet that was on patrol, which should have been able to put up a little resistance. I think that the Nova Lances that John and the Maliri are bringing to the battle will be the game changers, the problem is they will be arriving late and fighting on multiple fronts if my projections about are accurate. :-( If the Kintark have 100+ "Large Ships" @ 2 Nova Lance Shots per minutes, you are still taking about 50+ Minutes if all goes well.


What's the chances of Buckingham turning on John in a fit (possibly after John telling him to surrender &amp; be taken into custody) and ordering the newly refitted &amp; upgraded battleships to gang up on the Invictus and/or Maliri, only for Dana to deactivate their power cores using the built-in failsafe? :D

Master Laurent

Doubtful - The Shit is going to hit the fan and he is going to be the coward he is and try to escape - see my post above.

Master Laurent

OK, Patreon is having problems again with Notifications.


I forgot, can the FML drive up pushed extra hard for limited periods of time, like the engines can?


FTL drive? I dunno tbh but I think it's run at full speed most of the time anyway. However right now I could do with a little FML drive!


Tefler, just read the re-engineered chapter. The problematic Vulkat ship landing has been addressed very well, and the added scenes, comments, dialogues and twist are great. I really like the final product, a great improvement.


Oops, spotted a wee error with the introduction of 'long' into this sentance. They found themselves in an long airlock chamber, with an identical inner door inside.


Nicely spotted. Should be 'a long' rather than 'an long'...


soooooo john has new girl incoming i think and shes a half human half brimorian then also i cant wait for this double length chapter if u do it tef for number 100 anyways great chapter


More likely than being a half breed is that she is a descendant of genetically altered Terran. Which may mean that the Brimorians found the missing genetics lab.


Great Products The Lion Duster (Protective Fashion Wear) Full length Duster, Three-ply, Reversible, Armored The exterior appears as a high quality cloth-like material made from super strong Vulkat Spider Silk. The second layer is a thin and supple but dense material innovated from modified Kirrix Chiton Armor. The Reversible Interior Lining is a unique product made of light-bending Nano-Weave fabric with an Integral Hood, for hard to see personal camouflage effects. The Lion Duster provides personal protection against edged and light ballistic weapons while impeding stun weapon effects. Reversible, with a hard to see camouflage option. Integrated Personal Shield recommended to defeat ballistic and beam weapons. Choice of five Male and Female Design Choices in five Colors. Available at the Lion Emporium, the Voss Corporation


@tefler - not sure if any of your editors caught it, but i think you may be missing a word in this line: "eager to get her scouting mission out the way as fast as possible. " Shouldn't it be "out of the way"?


Also, this should be reduce, not reduced: that’ll massively reduced the phased impedance


In reading the latest up date I came upon a question . While discussing having the Ashanta getting the plans &amp; schematics for Eternity crystal manufacturing they mentioned Dana had memorized them but couldn't enter the Astral plan by herself to share them . She's been with John &amp; Alyssa confronting the Astral monsters at least twice that I can remember so why couldn't Alyssa take her with her ? Is it because the AM drew them in &amp; is more powerful there or some other reason ?