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*** EDITED - 5th Jan - FINAL version. ***

Hey everyone,

I missed the 30th by a couple of hours, but here's the latest chapter for you, hot off the keyboard!

As usual I'll be doing some editing over the next few days. I'll let you know when I post up the final version!

I hope you all had a great Christmas!




tefler hears !!! Please update



Jim lynch

Crap second again


Anyone know how to use the special font on a tablet?

Jedi Khan

Damn, I hit refresh not two seconds ago and there's already 5 comments?


Thanks for the new year gift Tef. Happy New Year!

Jedi Khan

And thanks Tefler for posting. Now my night won't be so boring. By the way, any changes to the first part since you posted it earlier?


Yay... needed something new to read


Still the 30th here! You're good to go!


Awesome Tef, thanks for the reading mats! Get started soon as I’m off work!

Tony Bates

Thanks Tefler, have a great new year!


Thank you, Tefler! Have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!


Thanks Tefler, Happy New Year!


It's still the 30th here in America so it's all good thank you tefler


Being a holograph -> Being a hologram


Happy New Year!


Profectiles? Lol oops


Happy New Year Tefler, just in time, I just finished your second ebook.


Needed to be standardized. I have mentioned the Hologram option in other instances but if he chooses Holograph then I can accept that.

Jedi Khan

Page 43: "Even through the initial refit was nearly complete," ... Should be: "Even though the initial refit was nearly complete"

Jedi Khan

Page 44: "eyes narrowing when he saw it was from." ... Should be "eyes narrowing when he saw who it was from."

Jim lynch

I think that the humanoid is a old prisoner of war from the conflict between the two species.


I came across this the first time and glossed over it but I would like to know what definition is meant in the use of the term ‘gagging’ in the following: “Too eager for foreplay?” he asked, as he knelt between her thighs, running his hands over her satiny skin.   She groaned and glanced down at her glistening pussy. “I’ve been gagging for it for hours! Please don’t make me wait any longer!” The definitions that are commonplace to me and what I found in the dictionary just don’t fit in this context.


Woo score!

Anthony Kester

Thanks Tefler. Another great chapter. Happy New Year!!!


I’m surprised I got in first, wasn’t even my intention, I just happened to be holding my phone with time to kill and wondering what i wanted to do next then lo and behold I got an alert!!!


"...horror seemed to sheer through his soul..." shear?


A deliciously slow burn... Makes me smolder for what happensnext.

Dennis Banfield

It's incredible the skill in which you weave your tapestry of a story - so many threads all interweaving at once, makes it a real pleasure to read! Careful not to knit a knot ;)


Thanks and Happy New Year's!


Hmm... Seems that the last planer battle might have weakened John's PJ prison walls... He seems to be having a little trouble with anger. He was rather snippy since getting to Brimor. A teal humanoid? Was that one of the Progenitor thrall colors mentioned previously?


"...Oceanus when she went turned into a Dolphin," she turned? dolphin?

James Glass

Heh, I mentioned in another thread about how wrapping up one plot thread generates another and this chapter proves it. Now to impatiently wait for the next chapter.


Tefler, it is amazing seeing the dramatic improvement in your writing style since the start of this epic. Your early chapters were a great story. This chapter especially highlights you maintaining that baseline while taking the polish and scope to the highest levels. Thank you for sharing your creation with us!


No updates about Jehanna. You're making me nervous Tefler. Love the debut of Faye's body, finally, and the astral battle was a wonderful crescendo of fighting the arrogant oppression.

CJ Mora

Another great chapter! Thanks, Tefler! Happy new year and all the best in 2018! (And that goes out to everyone in the 3SM community, as well!)

Jedi Khan

Nope, we haven't seen teal skinned thralls yet. We've seen yellow, blue, and light green, with the light green being the BSP's matriarch.

Jedi Khan

Nice chapter Tef. As usual, can't wait for the next. I am a bit surprised that the Brimorian border commander didn't recognize John's name, considering just how much propaganda the TFed has been pumping out about him. I wonder how high up the chain John's message will get? However high it goes, I bet that border commander is going to be on the receiving end of a reprimand for letting a known enemy combatant in, provided of course that anyone in the Brimorian government has been watching the TFed news.


I wonder how long it will take Dana to implement thee shield upgrades? Should be an entertaining exit of the area lol....


Great read as usual. Leaving options open and us wanting more. Thanks


Now the long wait for Chapter 98......crap


Teller: I happily associate myself with the many laudatory comments on the improvements in your writing as well as in plot, story, and character development. Huzzahs!!!


I especially enjoyed the conversations among the Avatars Faye, and the insights into this complex inorganic person. With her seemingly full range of emotions, I am curious to see how she might manifest fear and anger.


Dana will be able to upgrade the shields quickly. I imagine they could become some sort of self-regenerating shield tech that revolutionizes ship and personal defense systems.


With a future resolution of the Kirrix incursion, I suspect that Rachel's sonic therapies to riding people Dr Rachel's sonic therapies to rid people of Kirrix infestation will confer major honors and public relations benefits to John and his crew. This might be an opportunity for her reveal some of the other medical innovations, discoveries and breakthroughs medic. This may also undermine the Admirals' efforts to sully John's image.


Thanks for the explanation on gagging - I guess the closest thing I can imagine making sense is a cock-sucker that loves deep-throating so much that they have come to love the feeling of gagging? Otherwise it’s such a negative or humorous denotation that it just doesn’t make sense to me!


No comments about john’s little anger outburst. To the best of my recollection. this is the first time John, without influence of his darker half has had a episode like this. For a moment John went full text book proginator. Is this the first step on the road to the final confrontation with his proginator guide. Is the psychic prison begging to fail.


I'm a little worried that the Kintark battleship might recognize the Invictus or John's name if the diplomat informs them & they might have to fight their way out of there . If they hate Terrans so much having "The Lion" in their midst might be something they couldn't resist trying to capture or kill him & the girls . I think this is the first time it's been mentioned about John's glowing eyes , it's never to safe to insult some one's mother , kind of wish he had toasted that guy just a little .


I think I first mentioned his eyes glowing in the last astral battle (where the dome didn't have a floor).


Has Jade found part of her lost family? I wonder. Great chapter. Happy New Year to all.


I'm confused. When John is first hailed at the border he says that he was last on Brimor 14 months ago in the Fools Gold. Then later, with the girls in the city, he notes that the reaction is much worse than it was when he was there on his last visit 8 years ago. ?????????

Jedi Khan

I read it that he visited Brimor itself 8 years ago, but he has visited other parts of Brimorian space more recently.


If it was a Lenarran, it would have taken its master's preferred form. And if its master was a Brimorian ???????


Another great chapter Tefler. To answer to Jedi question about Why Brimorians not recognized John because they consider Terrans as a vile creature, I think they not going to watch Terran channel. I think only Deep pool know that John is lion of federation.

Jedi Khan

That is a possibility, Ben, but wouldn't the government issue intelligence reports to the border fleets saying to watch out for John, as he might be considered public enemy #1? I just hope that if the Deep Pool does recognize John, that they fear and respect his reputation rather than try to test it. If they do try testing it, they'll learn very quickly that it's well earned.


Aah that word, smolder... Just watched Jumanji funny as hell :)


I think the Brimorians and the Kintark are somewhat having an alliance against the Terrans, I mean the Brimorians banned the sale of their shield tech 3 months ago. What was happening then? The escalation of conflict between the Terrans and Kintark and subsequent battle. The banning of shield tech is to reduce the chance of TFed gaining access to it. The deep pool must be pushing propaganda to their people to create more animosity to the Terrans for a prelude to war or easier political backlash from the Kintark annexing TFed space. Brimorian leadership knew about the Kintark plans long before. How they knew, not sure but BSP may have had a deal with the Brimorians to give their shield tech in exchange for something.


Deveraux's "inspection", wonder if she's trying to get a subtle message to John through his Olympus contacts? Has Jade found a new nymph? Will she get back in time to join the Raptor, Will the Kintark ship cause the Brimorians panic at the sight of the invictus? Is Progenitor John escaping? Lots of questions from that chapter


Oooh my. If that confrontation would take place in the chaos that is to come during the next chapters it would be insane. And I don't think that Tefler will blow all his steam so quickly


The scaleless worker could be another race that is subservient, out could be Terran prisoners after a gene therapy so they can breath water, it could be a third gender. But must military societies have others do the grunt work while they were in charge.


We don't know the terms of the Kintark and Brimorian deal but I suspect it is something that allows the Kintark the land and the Brimorians the sea on conquered Terran worlds.


Finally! 👍👍👍👍

Big Dude

Telfer, superior writing skill and story telling. You are masterful. Your wife was so right. Quitting your job was the correct thing to do! You are home with the little ones and a nooner now and then does the writing heart good too!


I was wondering if the scaleless one is either an offshoot or from an ancestor to Jade's species. Did Mael'nerak create them based on this species, or based on an ancestor of this species, or is this a member of similarly created species such as Jade's? So many different ways for this to play out. Does this species have a submissive trait that made them perfect for what Mael'nerak had in mind, in conjunction with their shapeshifting abilities (like more than a few submarine species)? Did he simply enhance these traits? Was this species also created by Mael'nerak, but for different purposes, such as underwater harvesting? Were the Brimorians created by Mael'nerak, perhaps from this species?


Really nice chapter, iam looking forward to the next one :D Happy new year Tefler and to all of you :D


Back in Ch.75ish,it was said that there were 19 Noble houses.When Edraele was announced as Queen there was only 9 Matriarchs on Genthalas,and 6 on the Invictus.Where are the other 4?


Thanks Tefler. Loved it. Particularly enjoyed the conversation between Faye's avatars! Couple of notes; bottom of p56, "videoes" and "unfriendless" possibly should be videos and unfriendliness. Oh, and Happy New Year to you and family

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Okay, my conjectures: The warning by John not to get into trouble was foreshadowing for Jade. Not sure what she has stumbled across but it is most surely a Brimorian dirty little secret. John's antics at the Embassy, while very dramatic, would not have had the reaction it had unless there was experience at some level with a Progenitor...they would not know what the glowing eyes meant and would not be in fear of their lives otherwise. John has given his full name and introduced himself in a rather dramatic fashion now...so the deep pool will find out, if they do not already know, who he is in reference to his Terran reputation. I see the Jade issue having one of a several scenarios. First: Jade gets attacked and has to morph into one of the large predators that wass mentioned in order to effect an escape. She gets back to the Raptor, finding John and the other girls there and they leave to go to the Invictus. Second: Jade is shocked by what she finds, contacts John, and they all leave without incident and arrive back at the Invictus without incident. Third: Jade creates an international incident due to what she finds and cannot easily get back to the Invictus. John and co have to position the Raptor over the water and rescue her. As for John: The Deep Pool will contact him aboard the Invictus and either tell him to leave, trade with him, or attack him. All while Irillith is hacking their military web and getting the schematics for their best shield tech. I think Jade finds out something interesting, they all leave the planet without incident, Irillith hacks the tech, and they leave Brimorian space. As soon as they do, Charles contacts John and passes on Devereux’s plea for help. (this is why I think the Brimorian trip is cut short)


Great chapter happy new year everyone


Happy New Year to All from Vermont,USA.


Don't know if anyone has mentioned this... As prosaic as it must seem, "tachyon particles scattering in the solar wind" is an impossibility. Tachyons do not interact with anything. That's the point of their existence. Enjoy your 2018, where dreams become reality, and the Alien Queen is now a Disney Princess...


Happy New Year to one and all. Another excellent cliffhanger. Who are these teal creatures, what will the fallout of John's actions at the Embassy be, will Irillith get caught raiding the Brimorian net, tune in to Chapter 98 for the answers to these questions and more. Will the teal creatures turn out to be some of Jade's lost sisters? Are they a slave caste of the Brimorians? Are they prisoners of war? Will their discovery threaten the Deep Pool? I think the "Wildcard" is the Kintark cruisier. Is it the only Kintark ship in Brimorian space? If they have the new shield tech will that embolden the captain to try and capture the Invictus as a prize. How bad will the fallout be for the TFed when the outer worlds are savaged by the Kirrix? Bah, so many questions. Damn it Tef write faster ;-p


A clue. They stopped all trading of shield tech three months ago. What also happened around that time?


If the Brimorian people were created by Maelnerak, might Jade be related to them? It would be interesting if the crystal inside jade was found in Brimorian shield tech. What do Jade's electrical attacks look like underwater?


And no news from the Dragon March. Those and the kirrix hive ships, he is going to need to rush home.


John, please note that there are Ashanath and Trankarran vessels docked, and that John has an even greater reputation in some ways amongst their people than amongst the Terrans, and that *they* know full well who and what he is, unlike the Terrans. They remember Mael'nerak - if not by name - as their Creator, and they know of John as their Protector... who saved both of their races. They know of John's great statue created by the Ashanath in their Marketplace (as might the Brimorians), and might recognize him and his crew from that, too. So, it's not only his Terran Federation reputation, nor even his reputation amongst the Kintark, that the Deep Pool may be considering when word of his presence reaches them, assuming that it has not already reached them before his arrival upon the planet... which would be quite an assumption, actually, given how well known his name is becoming amongst the various peoples in this part of the galaxy. Remember, Traders gossip for fun and profit, so word of his statue in the Marketplace - put there for precisely that purpose, as you recall - will have spread along with the reasons why it is there (at least the ones that the Ashanath wanted known). I sincerely doubt that the Invictus will be attacked. It has the capability to destroy the Brimorian homeworld despite all of its defenses, including its defensive fleets, and if the Deep Pool is unaware of this, I'm quite certain that the Ashanath and Trankarran ambassadors can inform them of that fact, as well as the fact that attacking the Invictus would be an act of war against their peoples (as well as the Maliri!), and no doubt they would be receiving an immediate communication from Edraele before any attack could actually commence. So, no, I don't see the Invictus being attacked. Asked to leave, yes, I can see that... but not in such a way as to instigate hostilities with the majority of the Brimorian trading partners. The Brimorians are not subservient to the Kintark, as I read it, and while they may have made a deal with them regarding the Terran Federation, it won't extend to getting involved in a war in which their only ally would be the Kintark and everyone else would be against them. In summary, I agree with your conclusions. Jade finds out something interesting, they all leave the planet, Dana starts going over the information that Irillith hacks, and they leave Brimorian space expeditiously, shocking the heck out of the Brimorians with their actual speed. Oh, and one of the things that Irillith finds out while in their military net going after shield technology is the determination as to which technology was just traded to the Kintark (and for what!) and which technology was reserved for the Brimorians themselves. This would be the impetus for their hurried departure and lead to them getting into Terran Federation space to where they can receive the request for assistance from Charles. The real question is... will he be requesting assistance from them with regard to the Kintark invasion forces... or the Kirrix invasion taking place in the undefended Outer Worlds?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I have actually stunned fish using electricity. Very dramatic and doesn't take much power. With Jade, think of total incapacitation for a period of about 10 minutes in a sphere of about 100 meters? With a second or third shock, death.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Irillith gets the Brimorian shield tech, which is 50% better than what the Kintark got (New Kintark shielding seems to be 250% better than what the Terrans have based upon events surrounding the last battle.) Dana is able to improve upon that with Maliri and Progen tech by another multiple so (according to Tefler's history of upgrade math) will be 400% stronger than Terran/Original Kintark shielding, 200% stronger than their current shielding, 100% stronger than the best Brimorian shielding, and 150% stronger than what the Kintark have currently.


No mention of BSP. I believe that he started meddling about 5 months ago.


Hard question: should John have more wounded birds? Aside from the Greys, John has a nice collection of crew, but adding a Brimorian may make sense. Particularly one without scale and fit between green (jade) and blue (malari) or purple (faye). You could argue that he is filling out the spectrum.


Does jade speak Brimorian? Why is she impersonating someone without having down the mannerisms and language?


During hacking is the Kintark and Brimorian alliance and invasion plan discovered?


Well at least the cliff hanger wasn't a big one now it's back to my corner to deal with my withdrawal happy new year everyone


Great idea. Might they also know more about progen and BSP?


Each chapter just sinks the addiction deeper. Going crazy here waiting for the next one. Just bought the two EBook's and finished the first one...WELL DONE!!!!!!!!

Big Dude

Ladies and Gentlemen, Happy New year to some of you from the west coast. Here is something I am wondering about. I originally wrote yesterday that John would be rejected by the Brimorians and Irillith would hack their systems to acquire the technology. Dana would get loaded up over the next three days and she would bring the shields to Progenitor level. A Close Guess. So Jade finds a new treasure and determines this creature is one of her kind. She also finds out they are some being held as slaves on Kinta. Wouldn't that be nice? Jade and John have a deep conversation about rescuing her people from slavery. As John leaves Brimor he's contacted by Charles. He learns about the Port Medea destruction and that the captured dreadnaught is being used by the Kintark. So, John determines it is faster to get to Kinta than back to the Core Worlds. John decides to go directly to Kinta and decimate their defenses and rescue some Lenarans. The emperor calls back the TFed attacking fleet because grand prelate Melkadian reminds the emperor that he was there three months ago to warn him of this "menace" to the Kintark. Meanwhile John really kicks some Kintark ass and Alyssa goes psycho with eldritch power supplied by Jade to assist in the attack. With the Kintark in full retreat maybe some decide to continue their attack) the odds to the TFed improve and some of their fleet is sent back to the outer worlds. But as I think about that this means Fleet Admiral Vincent Buckingham stays in power and that is a bad mojo adventure for another four chapters as I guess. So Tefler has something special on his fingertips. I don't think Devereaux knows about the captured Lenarans on Jupiter. That will be a special determination by John and Jade and Jade will be pissed! Dr Dadd, it wasn't his chamberlain the Kintark emperor sent to find the Brimorian Ambassador, it was the The Grand Prelate Melkadian. The officer told the grand prelate: "High Prelate Vraktin’sss battlessship, three cruisersss and two carriersss, all dessstroyed within minutesss, I’ve never ssseen anything like it!" Since the Invictus has the Crystal Alyssium shell, the Kintark commander should recognize the ship. Unfortunately for the Kintark if they decide to attack the ship, Alyssa is on board and she is still agitated after the ethereal adventure and that John and gang are under water. My four farthings.


I've reached teh section where John and the girls are preparing for another astral incursion. They were discussing how John may have weakened himself by creating power reservoirs each of the girls. Would not the reverse be true? Each girl now has a greater pool of energy to contribute.


I’m hoping Dana revonsiders plasma weapon ry and adds some sort of plasma based mine layer to the ship. The fun Calara could have with those between the ships maneuverability, her foresight and her general good tactical mind would be astounding.


Did John project a fear aura?

Big Dude

Brad, No John just demonstrated he really isn't "Terran"! Imagine, glow in the dark eyes. Now that should be an upcoming book cover and title; Three Square Meals M Tefler John is Pissed Again, my four farthings!

Dennis Banfield

I think that the strength of the connection with each of the girls is what determines overall strength, however John has been allocating it into the girls instead of growing his own powers. Imagine what John could be able to do, if all the powers he'd given the girls, he'd kept for himself! That being said, I think it's a wise tactical decision to spread your power around, as to not 'put all of your eggs in one basket' so to speak. Not to mention John is still afraid of losing to progen-John, so giving his power to the girls makes even more sense. This way if he loses is battle, the girls still have a chance to protect the galaxy from his dark side. Cheers!


I wonder if one of the first worlds that the Kirrix will attack will be the worldlet known as Karron... It is, after all, on the eastern border of Terran Federation space, near unto the Kirrix. It would also be quite difficult to dislodge them from it, since it’s a honeycombed mass of tunnels. So much for all those Diablos and others who want revenge on John and the girls... Karma... it always comes around.


Good idea, I think Alyssa might gain the power to impose fear in targets. It would be useful if the happen across a kidnapper or bad Bolon.


Who is taller? Faye or Jade (cat form)


Dude, I know. "Chamberlain" was used as a one word generic for executive counselor/problem solver.


Ben, which cat form? Jade can easily be smaller than Faye in the form of a tabby, and much, much taller in the form of very large smilodon.


A great plan. Maybe we can sneak a suggestion to the Kirrix hive.


Her original feline-like Lenaran form, tail and all, was around five feet tall...


Can Faye spar? I don't want to risk damage, but if there was a fight on Brimor, Faye should be ready to defend herself.


Well, her chassis is Crystal Alyssium. She can also review all the footage in the dojo and create fighting software, as she did to learn dogfighting in the Raptor.


Well, Faye does not have to be in the Raptor to remotely fight the ship. She is probably stronger and faster than is obvious, making her potentially dangerous in hand to hand combat. Plus, injury to her can be repaired without needing Rachel.


Dana could also install antigravity cichlids, shields and


Evacuation system if she is damaged.


JFL, I suspect you are correct. I agree.


I also recall that Faye is using the same system John used for sword training, which allows instant real time communications over interstellar distances. So she does not need to be in close proximity to the ship to function or fight the Raptor. She should be able to engage in expeditions with the crew without losing signal contact with her server on the Invictus.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Well, I think the Brimorian shield tech is a folded wave tech similar to the Nova Lances...just a different application of the same idea. Basically you have massive power fed into a mechanical device that works something similar to a linear amplifier, increasing the power output by folding multiple outputs on top of one another. So basically, the shield tech would be like the layers of an onion, tightly compressed layers of shielding, each shield as strong as a regular shield, but working in parallel so total power is shared between layers making the outer layer capable of absorbing and effectively using the power of the other internal layers. So the only issue to how strong the shield would effectively be is the number of layers you can power up.


Brimor can not be the Brimorians Home World... at least not in it's current state. Brimor is an Aquatic world with no land masses, there is no reason for Amphibians to have evolved. For the Brimorians to have originated there one of several things needs to have happened, either; Brimor has been heavily planet-sculpted and any land masses submerged. Or; Brimorians were uplifted by an unknown third party who heavily altered their genome at that time. There are other possibilities like the Brimorians having migrated there at some distant past, voluntarily or otherwise. It's also possible that Brimor is just the administrative capitol. Our UN isn't in Africa for example. The name Brimorian may just be a terran label since we can't replicate sounds akin to whalesong.


These thoughts lead to the possibility of the Lions blundering onto the "Sacred Waters of the Home World" and triggering a jihad.


if the tech the Kintark got isn't there best , might it also contain info to defeat it ? or Faye & Rill break it down & find something John could send to Charles to help the TFed ships .


I thought it might be layers that slowly increase in size until a point is reached and then they decrease suddenly and start all over. With enough layers it give the impression you aren't doing any damage and let's them recharge. Add in things between the layers like an EM field to short out electronics and you have a fairly strong defensive system. Adjust the appearance and make it a bit reflective and you are strong against lasers....


Dunno if this has come up before on a previous thread, but what's the thoughts on BSP actually being John's dad? Could explain why he's so intruiged by John's actions, & is instructing others not to harm him. Also Ailanthia possibly being a nymph with her pale green skin?


Good point bob

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Bob: This has been discussed to a great degree. While some still hold to that possibility there are a few issues with it. First: With the first conflict between Mael and the other Progen, there were two ships that have been found....one John's mother found and another the Ashanath found. Both ships were inoperable and neither Progen was ever seen or heard of after that battle...until John's mother stumbled across one in Kirrix space. Some contend those were parts of the same ship, but the story does not support that theory since there are two viable rear halves of ships described in the story. Second: BSP has had his current Matriarch for Millennia...far longer a period of time than is possible given the original Maliri Matriarch of Mael before he cut ties with her to fight the other Progen...and this Matriarch does not know John to the point she would if John was her son or the child of one of her Thralls. For these two reasons, the BSP is very likely not Mael or John's father. The generally accepted theory is that one of the Progens (Mael?) was severely wounded during the final explosion of the battle with the other Progen long ago and his ship crash landed on a planet in Kirrix space where John's mother found him many centuries later: still in a very weak state (thinking perhaps he was in suspended animation to preserve his body which he could not heal due to no living thralls or Matriarch). At that point, the weakened Progen (Mael?) made John's mother his new Matriarch and got her pregnant with a male child. Some of us think this was so he could possibly take over the baby's body and be physically reborn. Such a plan being foiled by her shipmates who basically abducted her and returned her to Terra, pregnant. She gave birth to John on the way but left him when she returned to her Progen master. This may have been to protect John from being taken over by her master or because it was too late at that point for the master to inhabit the body. Either way, it is very likely there is another Progen walking around that is John's father/brother whom we have not yet met. Very possibly controlling the Kirrix at this point.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Mark: I think you are underestimating what Jade is about to find, the fallout from John threatening the Embassy guards, and the presence of a Terran Battle Cruiser and Kintark warship in such close proximity. Major cliffhangers galore IMHO.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Lyrdian: Next generation torpedoes would be better...but Tefler has said he is not interested as it would radically change his story at this time. Hoping Dana develops one for the Maliri fleet, though.


Tbf on Tef I'm happy to give him leeway with the artistic & poetic license :)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

One thing I find very interesting is John was going to use a thin force wave to cut the guards in half. That is a new manifestation of his force wave ability...before it was to push others as a blunt instrument. This means John has developed more control... It also is a possible indicator that John is even more powerful than the Progen seen on the Legacy. That Progen used shadow manipulation to less effectively kill off a squad of Thralls. A thin wave of force to cut them in half would have been quicker and more efficient. John, through his girls, may very well end up being the most powerful Progen yet. This is also supported by their attack against the Astral Plane Leviathan(s). I get the impression the big guy was so surprised by John's attack and was in so much fear from the injury John was able to inflict because John is so much more powerful than any other psychic being the Leviathan has ever attacked before.


Of course therein lies the question of how a 'normal' Progenitor interacts with the Astral plane. For instance Progenitor John was in charge when Irillith had her third feed and we've no idea what happened, certainly PJ never let on.


I'll create a paperback in a few weeks time once I've finished making all the edit corrections. I plan to use the exiting cover for a couple of weeks, so that anyone who already bought the paperback of book 1, won't have duplicate covers. Then I'll do a switch, and swap the covers around. :-)


ETA for the next ch? 10th or a bit later?


Yeah I'm on track for the 10th, I've written 8k so far. :-)


Wow, that was a massive shedding of Patrons at the end of the month. Some 50 people dropped off.


Malcolm, it happens every month. Billing tries to process their payments, and when they don't go through, they're automatically dropped and have to sign up again, as I understand it.


So Jade's gone rogue, The Brimorians are in league with the Kintark, both the Kintark and Kirrix are making a play for the Terran Federation and the admirals of the Terran Federation are dicking around worrying that John is bad press for them to the point that they've been stealing Nymphs and reporters just to push John to see what will happen when he snaps.


Another great read Tefler. Thanks for being so consistent keeping all the plot lines straight too. You are weaving one tangled web. I remember back in the day when John had his first astral dream that the realm's master was pleased with John when he was turning his thralls into husks to fuel his conquests. The anger came when John tried to love and nurture his girls instead. I believe the astral beings created the progenitors to do their bidding in the real world. Maybe they feed off the psychic energy of misery and death caused by conquest? It was a symbiotic relationship and John is screwing up the arrangement. Irillith should probably stay home next time though. Loved Jade's comment about not being the mouse. And speaking of her I think she has found a progen species that was conquered by the Brimorians. Devreux is going to tell John about the Kintark through Charles, and John will rally the Maliri fleets to Terra's aid arriving in time to eviscerate the enhanced dreadnought. I truly hope John will need to confront his other half too, maybe the Brimorians can provide that outlet. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the 10th.


A lot of folks have promulgated the idea that the Astral beings created the Progenitors and sent them into John's current universe. While that may be true, in a sense, I think that it's more likely, and more in keeping with the events that have taken place, that those 'ancient beings of great power' in the Astral Plane are ancient Progenitors, themselves, and that they simply have a multi-level stage of growth. Baby Progenitor (John) to Adult Progenitor (Mael'nerak) to Astral Progenitor. Each 'stage' of Progenitor could be supported by (or feed upon) the previous stage, gaining power as the younger ones gain power. Many species (other than humans) undergo multiple stages of development with significant physical and other differences between the different stages. Perhaps, when a Progenitor grows too powerful, they find the limitations of the universe within which they dwell to be too fragile to support them, and they venture into the greater Astral Plane within which they form their own universes (realms) which grow as they grow. Perhaps the universe within which John exists is simply one such plane extruded from the Astral Plane by an Almighty Progenitor (who may or may not take any cognizance of those minor Progenitor younglings who dwell within its realm), which might react (badly) to any truly powerful Progenitor entering (or coming to be) within its Realm. This last idea would actually fit all the observed data points so far, and explain why John is never pursued into his 'waking' Universe, and why there seem to be no truly OLD Progenitors (billions of years) wandering about ruling entire galaxies and remaking reality to their whim. Perhaps it is because there already is One whose reality this is and it is as it is because that's the way this specific Universe's Progenitor wants it to be. Mael'nerak's 'brothers' to whom he made reference would thus be other Progenitors in his (pod? school? family? hatching?) generation with whom he competed in this reality within which he, perhaps, grew up? Much older Progenitors would have had to 'leave the nest', so to speak, venturing into the Astral Plane as their own powers grew too great to go unregarded by the Progenitor (and maintainer?) of this Universe, wherein they could create their own planes of existence (perhaps sub-planes to start).


Another great chapter tefler. Great way to start 2018. Love the plot developments. I find the astral monsters v progenitors akin to greek mythology and the titans v gods. Love it. Cant wait for the next chapter.


I don't think they expect him to find out, they really having a hard time estimating John


All possible. It is also possible that they are another species that exists in the astral plane only. The benefit to the story is that they aren't limited to the progenitor history. Whatever Tefler decides is fine. The astral plane portion of the story is the most unknown and unfamiliar.


Curious question: At the end of the visit by the young matriarchs when Edraele told Tashana and Irillith how much she enjoyed being pregnant with twins and said they would love it, too; was she suggesting that her daughters would or should have twins also?


Twins may run in the family. ;-)


Why does the third feeding send John to the Astral plane? This seemed tied to linkage to John (thrall hood). Also, this is tied to his ability to draw on the spiritual residue of deceased humans. He can not be the only progen who has had this problem. In the past, John felt like he has broken ancient laws. Maybe the Astral plane is a prison, where progen are sent when they misbehave or like where John trapped PJ. Athena might know.


I don't think so, I think John asked on any info on the astral monsters and Athena didn't know much

Big Dude


Big Dude

JFL, When Jehenna is rescued, John finishes her three square meals and they have their next astral plane visitation. He also rescues the other Lenarans and through Jade starts their TSM journey. John meets the astral plane leader and has a lets make a deal conversation. Tefler takes it from there. 1) The astral plane monsters can be used to fight the Kirrix and Kintark 2) The astral plane monsters can be used against the other Progenitor 3) The astral plane monster leader teaches John about his power and how to increase it 4) The astral plane monsters never bother John again Jade brings back the one creature and it tells her there are more down there. Jade goes back brings more than one of those creatures to John and starts the feedings through Jade as she calls them her kittens. Does John need to fill them up to eldritch enhance them? Not if they follow the same method as the Maliri under Edraele. Imagine while Irillith investigates the shields she finds the Brimor weapon designs and they are unique to everyone. I wait to see if John flies to Kinta to start the one ship incursion with the improved shields. My four farthings!


No offense Big, but personally I do not care for any of those options you outlined and do not see Tefler taking the story in that direction. The astral leviathan and proginators are certainly linked in some fundamental way. Not going to spectacle how here just acknowledge and assume the leviathan are the cause of the proginator inatetly evil nature. I have always seen John having the potential to not only to permanently break himself away from the astral influence. But perhaps able to sever the link to all the proginators. Yes, it is high expectations to be the savior of an entire race. But how else he going to save his own children from such a powerful influence. What ever the astral beings are, they will never allow any sort of compromise with what they consider servents. total subjugation is the only acceptable way for them. To be free himself and save his family, John must find a way to sever the hold the astral’s have over all proginators. To be so bold as to make another guess at a story arch. So,where along they John will run into Meal’nerak, who I believe is his father. And Meal will give John some form of key understanding which aids John in fight with the astrals.


Be nice Sharkbait, ideas and discussion is the point of commenting here. Tefler may see what Big Dude writes here and gives him other ideas that help him. Your speculations are your own, some are shared, some aren't. If you don't care for the options Big Dude have, you have a funny way of showing it.


I apologize if I offended anyone in any way, that was not my intent. I thought I clearly stated my ideas were my own. I completely respect everyone’s options. I do not see how you came to the conclusion that I was. With that said. The nature of discussion includes the debate over opposing ideas. Do we not have the right to state a disagreement with someone else.

Doug Hendrickson

I'd have to agree with you on this one Sharkbait. Your post was very much, "I disagree, here's why I disagree, and here are my alternative ideas." That seems to me to be the very soul of a debate. Had you said, "Those ideas suck, Big." without any context? Sure, I can see someone commenting on it, but that's not what happened.


Why are Astral monsters so ugly? You must be a pretty sick person to dream these up. Why can't they be noble, striking, sleak, and gorgeous? Like air strike of hawks, pride of tigers, dragons, etc. Why tentacles and pus? If I was an ancient being on an astral plane, I would surround myself with fierce beauty. What better way to show power than the aesthetics of minions. Btw, i love Tef's concept of a thrall army. If i ever take over the world, I would want one too.


The way is understand it, the astral beings live in a dimension where their thoughts shape reality. They may have started out idealistically with pretty thoughts and gardens, but after eons of living together and fighting for dominance they turned ugly and evil.

Big Dude

Sharkbait and Forbsey, I don't take offense to Sharkbait's rebuttal of my thoughts. I was throwing out some speculations. While I have disagreed with some other thought arcs, from other participants I just let them fly most of the time. We'll see where Teller takes the next chapter. But if you remember, I did call it that before they left for Brimor planet John would feed Dana and the Brimorians would reject John's request and Irillith would begin hacking subroutine #138, since the Brimor firewalls were weak! Thanks for the support Forbsey. I appreciated your comment!


No problem, it seems I midread the intention of the comment a bit.

Jedi Khan

Bob, to answer your question about Ailanthia being a Nymph, the answer is she is not. It was mentioned that Ailanthia was only getting to feed from the BSP in order to maintain her youthful appearance. We know that Nymphs don't need to feed on Progenitor spunk in order to remain youthful considering they spent the better part of ten thousand years alone on Lenarra before the Terrans found them.

Jedi Khan

How's chapter 98 coming? Is it too soon for a status update post? If it is, how about another poll? I think it might be almost time to do a another survey of the community to find out where everyone first discovered 3SM: Literotica, StoriesOnline, Amazon, Facebook, Reddit, or family/friends. I think the majority is still going to be Lit, however the community has grown significantly since the last time you asked, Tef, so that might have changed.

Jedi Khan

Here's a question that I don't recall being asked before: what if the Astral monster that John just kicked the shit out of is not the same one that's been pulling him onto the Astral Plane in the past? What if each dream has been a different monster? Will John have to kick ass repeatedly before the monsters get the hint or will this one spread the word?

Jedi Khan

I've been wondering, BD: what's the exchange rate on farthings to dollars (USD)? Is a farthing the Middle Earth equivalent of a penny?


I'll second that question and make a note that it has been awhile since we had a 3 chapter month =}


I've just updated the FINAL version and uploaded it to this post. Sorry for the delay anyone waiting for that! There's just a handful of minor changes, just word swaps and fixes to spelling mistakes that kind of thing.


Just started reading the printed volume one, and 2 pages in suddenly had an Idea. I think I know where we'll find the odd nymph or two. Madam Trixies on Karron, where the old spacer originally sent John on the first page....

Jedi Khan

Well, if true, then they're pretty much as good as dead. The Kirrix will see to that soon.


“They’re all so tactile!” Quarterary marvelled. “I hadn’t realised quite how much until they were hugging and kissing us all evening.” hey Tef I think word is Quaternary.


Tef, on page 9 it reads "It fell to the floor, pooling at her feet, revealing her tantalising nude body." It should be tantalizing. crewwomen should be crew women. smouldering should be smoldering. This came off the last version posted. It looks like it has a lot of spell check errors. Page 10 realised should be realized, loveable should be lovable, grey eyes should be gray eyes, harmonised should be harmonized, savoured should be savored, Page 13 colours should be colors. Page 16 marvelled should be marveled. I wonder if you made updates to a older version. I see more on page 3, 4, 5, 7, 17, etc.


Cignal, the majority of the spelling changes you're suggesting are not incorrect, they're actually british english rather than american english. UK English uses a lot of 's' where US uses 'z', as in many of the examples you identified. We also use a 'u' in places the US doesn't, such as in armour, colour, valour, savour, you get the idea. 'loveable' can be valid in UK too, 'lovable' is more US, though there's a bit of back and forth on this one. In general, american english tends to feature slightly abbreviated or simplified or more phonetic spellings compared to UK english, I suspect we're hanging onto some older forms of words which were adapted by america after the two versions of the language diverged. The crewwomen/crew women thing is kinda more a style choice, I'd also suggest crew-women as possible.


You are probably right. A hierarchy of sorts probably exists similar to the Malari houses. When John goes to sleep it is like a comet shooting across the astral plane and one of them draws him in.


Congratulations Tefler, I see that on Storiesonline TSM has just passed 1m downloads, not bad for just over 13 months! For those that don't know chapters 1 to 62 appeared on 23rd November 2016.

Jedi Khan

Of course, it doesn't hurt that Tefler has added another 35 chapters since then. Speaking of which, I've been thinking that the guy on SOL who posted a review there should probably do another one, considering all the new content and such. I doubt his opinion of the story has changed much (he gave a rave review), but still, a little affirmation doesn't hurt.


I was reviewing 96 again and thought of a use for Mikaboshi's stealth shuttle. They could use it to sneak into Tartarus so that Irillith can hack the base. After that is just mop up duty. Of course that is once they find out about Jehenna and the Nymphs.

Master Laurent

Never Call a Progenitors Mother a Whore!!! The Following takes place in under 2 hours. 1. 100% Irillith is going to hack into Brimorian Deep Pool. 1. 100% she is going to copy everything from shields / weapons areas. 2. 95% Chance that she finds the documents that shows the Brimorian’ s have been helping out the Kintark. Upon this discovery John and crew start to plan cyber attack. 2. Jade stays behind to further investigate the humanoids and discovers they are her sisters who have been enslaved for the past 100+ Years. 1. Irillith confirms the history of the humanoids in the Deep Pool Archive earning a major spanking. 3. Irillith is able to hack into the Brimorian Defense network and lock out all of the ships through out Brimorian Space, sending them all back to the home world. 4. Jade rescues the humanoids and sends them on one of this Brimorian ships to the Genthalas Shipyard where Edraele and crew take care of them. Jade has her “Pulp Fiction” moment with the Masters and becomes the new master of her sisters. 5. Irillith reprograms the Brimorian Defense Network so the ships can not leave orbit of the current planets they are protecting. Also, they are unable to fire unless they are fired upon. 6. As a demonstration/punishment, John orders all aliens to leave Brimorian Space / planet and shuts off all of the shields holding back the water, flooding all of the cities. Only Critical infrastructures are protected by shields that do not allow any access accept by John or his representatives.

Master Laurent

OK, 1. Dana is going to take the new shield information combined with her feedings and start working in overdrive while she is having one Grand Engineering Overlord moment after another from the three feedings a day she will be getting for the next two days while they are traveling. 2. Expecting the Shields on the Ship, Rapter, Valkyrie, and the body armor to be upgraded in time for next enemy contact - BTW That will be two - three chapters we are lucky. 3. Faye and her boys will both get integrated shields and a secondary set of shields will be setup around critical infrastructure on the Invictus, Power Cores, Computer Cores, Nova Lances, Engines. (JFL, Please comment and add to my madness!)

Jedi Khan

JFL, please don't add to the madness. ML here is more than enough.

Master Laurent

Astral Plane Beings - Who the Fuck Knows - Bravo Tefler, What an awesome chapter. Again, you are cleaning up and opening up so many loose ends at the same time. You Rock. I have just spent the last two hours reading all of the comments / speculations from this chapter. My Thoughts, The are powerful beings trapped in the Astral Plane, and they look for opportunities to travel to other Planes via exploiting other beings that can cross the different Astral Planes. They can not transverse the Planes themselves, however, they can piggyback on others. Most of the smaller Astral Plane monsters were designed to capture / hold the trespassers, it was only once John and Crew started to fight back the the Defenders showed up on the scene. I would suspect that over the history of the Astral Plane, many wannabe’s came visiting, some who were quite powerful. The key point that Tefler makes in this chapter is when John Strikes out and injures the All Powerful Being you can hear fear in the being’s voice. I do not know if this is a good thing or a bad thing because once you poke a bear you better be ready for the bite. I can see Alyssa creating a new “Pocket” and the Grand Engineering Overlord finding a way to rune the new “Pocket Plane”, maybe even creating Missiles with runes in the Astral Plane that provide one hell of a kick. I am sure that JFL will love this idea.

Master Laurent

As Tefler had pointed out in several ways, this chapter seems to cover about two - three hours. So much more time evaluate the stupidity of the races before an action is required. John & Crew’s response to the Brimorian stupidity will cause shock waves though out the TSM Universe. He will declare the space off limits to all accept the Maliri and Trankarans and Ashanath for the next 90 days. John will send an edict to the Bolon’s demanding that the perpetrators of Tashana’s crimes be brought to justice and mandate that every Bolon be screened for the participation in this act. I am guessing that an underground ring about about 200 beings will be discovered over a 90 day period. Bolton’s will be unable to travel unless they have been cleared and all accounts will be frozen. Again, this will cause many ripples through out the TSM Universe, however, with the alliances between the Maliri and Trankarans and Ashanath, few will challenge John and Crew.

Master Laurent

So Many Topics on the Admiralty: 1. How stupid to kidnap Jehanna. Correct me if I am wrong, however, once John has “Fed” one of the girls even once Sakura can find them. 2. I can see the footage from the body armor where the crew goes into the TFED Secret Base and rescues Jehanna and Jade’s sisters. Catching Admiral Stupid on the Base where Alyssa does her mind reading trick and has him offer up a full confession . 3. Jehanna’s rescue takes one hour and is on the way to the core worlds where John is heading to save them because the Kintark are slaughtering the TFED. Irillith Hacks the TFED Networks and Jehanna starts to do live battle updates as they are on the way, covering the slaughter of the TFED troops due to the Admiralty’s hubris. In-between she is doing exposes on the Admiralty and John has had Charles put them all in the brig.

Jedi Khan

Yeah, I really don't see John being that heavy handed. Sure, he's not opposed to some wholesale slaughter of pirates and other criminals, but to take such power as that wielded by governments, i.e. economic sanctions, border closures, etc., is not something he wants to do. Sure, he's the de facto king of the Maliri, god of the Trankarans, and whatever to the Ashanath, but he never wanted those titles and he certainly doesn't want to be a dictator.

Jedi Khan

On point one, there is no link at all for Jehenna, nothing for Sakura to trace. Telfer has said as much multiple times in earlier comments. The only girls who formed a link after the first feeding are Jade, Niskera, and the Maliri connected to Edraele, as they all play by different rules than the other girls.

Master Laurent

Plot Lines Carla determines that the only way to stop the Kintark invasion is to attack the home world and take the “Emperor” Hostage and force him to recall his troops. This turns into another 5 to 10 chapter battle scene like the one to save Niskera. That also covers the slaughter of the TFED forces and the battles with all of the minor characters who have been introduced in the last 5 chapters. The Claymore Pilot, the Mech Driver, the Glowing Queen, etc Battle Chapter one - Destroying the Fleets protecting the home world, like shooting fish in a barrel. Battle Chapter two - At the Home world, destroying planetary defenses, while minimizing civilian casualties. Battle Chapter three - some of the attacking fleet returns, John starts the ground attack, Invictus mops up in the space battle. Battle Chapter four - John get’s to the emperor, Emperor Challenges John to a Fight to the Death to be Broadcast throughout the Universe. Battle Chapter five, John uses his powers and easily subdues the Emperor and removes his teeth on TV and spares his life as long as he recalls all of his troops and pays war restorations. The Queen from Before attempts a Coup d'état, John Defeats her and makes her a "White Queen" where she assumes leadership over the Kintark Not to mention the stupidity that is going to take place with the Admiralty on the way to rescue Jehanna. I am sure that the Brimorian’s are going to be unhappy with the lose of access to their fleet, not to mention the damage by flooding all of the cities on all of the Brimorian worlds. Wondering if John is going to point out the Guard that called his mother a Whore? Maybe Irillith let’s it slip, or the Deep Pool figures it out when the idiot is making his report and everything starts to shut down and John start to broadcast his Terms. I think that the Bolon will be anxious to find all parties involved to keep John Happy Still waiting on what the BSP is going to do, I am sure it will be something. Also, I can see the knowledge of who John is and the Bigger Threat becoming more public, pulling he Major Races together. Enough for now, I have a pork belly to slow cook overnight and then I need to get back to work on my Story. I only have 3K words done and I have so much respect for Tefler. I will let the community know when/if I release it. As I am writing the intro, the story keeps on growing with all of the Arc’s that will show up many long chapters down the road. Enough on Me for now. Hoping that Chapter 98 come’s a day early on the 9th.


If Alyssa learns to project fear in enemies, might she also project confidence and bravery in allies to improve their performance?


If John can conquer the Kintark, maybe he can get them to assist with the next purge of Kirrrix?


I am worried that BSP is related to the Astral being that John stabbed. Hopefully, BSP does not receive a kill order, because John is not ready.


When is John going to shed Progen-John? This is a drain on his power.


Lastly, John and Faye should have their first date soon. We want her to be fully integrated into the crew before Jehanna or the new nymphs board (or the teal friend from Brimor). Faye has waited a long time.

Jim lynch

Help me please I've upgraded from iPhone to galaxy s8 and I have no idea how to open the attachment I've always had iPhones but my brother persuaded me to change and I'm regretting it now they are completely different I'm lost lol so please please help me .

Jedi Khan

You using the Patreon app or a web browser? Actually, doesn't really matter. I keep hearing that the app is crap, so use a web browser. Should work the same as if you were on a PC.


I don't think this idea has been floating around, as we know powerful psychic beings like Maelnerak and Alyssa can create pockets of astral subspace. Tefler has written in the latest chapter rather definitively that your imagination is the tool to create in the astral plane. Who is to say you couldn't create living beings in the astral plane too? Other progenitors possibly created the astral monsters as their maliri equivalent foot soldiers and these that John have been fighting are either BSP's or a long dead progenitor creation. Maybe this astral monster has had its creator gone so long it became much more powerful and essentially causing problems for the existing progenitors.


BTW: status update on ch98 please :) if you don't reply I'll take it your on a roll and too busy to reply

Jim lynch

We just got our update if you haven’t seen it yet.


Should be time for a new update on chapter 98


*Refresh* Arrgh! it STILL says "Current Status update (Chapter 98)" Dangit!


"...leg, only for it shatter with a piercing..." it to shatter?


Well spotted, thanks! Yes, there should have been a "to" in there. :-)