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Hey everyone!

I've been working with the same artist as before (Hideyoshi) for the cover art on the third eBook. This scene is taken from Chapter 27. Their trusty assault cruiser has been upgraded to Invictium armour and Calara is shooting out the Drakkar's retro-thrusters with the topdeck Laser Cannons.





While this definitely looks cool, shouldn't there be a greater sense of speed?


Thank you. Very nice


Good book cover start.


Nice. Not how I envisioned the drakkar ship.


Great shot, and thanks




Is that considered a Drakkar Cruiser?


Not exactly as I envisioned the Drakkar. Thought of them more like evil, though streamlined looking, piles of black armored jagged junk; sort of like the Reavers in the movie Serenity. That being said, I can definitely live with this. It will be interesting to see how you envision the Kintark and the Kirrix ships? This one reminds me of a large black horned cockroach. Cheers!


Very nice even if the Drakkar Cruiser looks like a Pineapple Sea Cucumber.


Tefler, Looks great but check the firing ports. I think you're missing a pair. Shouldn't be 16?


I was really pleased with how the Invictus came out, as he fixed a bunch of the earlier issues with it and it looks good in black. The laser fire from the cannons is shorter and more rapid than I imagined, but making the laser bolts shorter meant he could do muzzle flares on the Laser Cannons to make them show up more against the black hull. The artist was determined to make the Drakkar cruiser look organic! We went through loads of iterations and just ran out of time in the end. I originally imagined their ships as much more angular and covered in spikes, very much like the Reaver ships. The above is a bit of a departure from that, but it does look evil and very alien. :-)


There's 16 Laser Cannons on the Invictus topdeck, but one is hidden behind the Bridge and not firing. The Drakkar Cruiser has 16 Beam Lasers, and the rest are on the starboard flank and the underbelly (all pointing forward).


I'll post the prior variant to this, which I asked him to make significant changes to.


In my mind I picture a Drakkar as looking similar to a Rhino Beetle, I could be way off on that and Im probably not even close. However the “organic” look as it is pictured fits the general style of gigantic evil insectoid looking death marchine type of space ship that I imagined would be flown by my image of a Drakkar.


LOL that's how I envisioned a Kirrix ship ( of course with diffrent colours ).


whoa..not at all what i was expecting!! With your emphasis on 'spikes' when ever you mention their ships, I thought apart from the spikes covering the ships body, it maybe also had a couple of prominent spikes up front that can be used for ramming!! Kind of like Nero's ship from Startrek, but massively scaled down. <a href="http://www.coronacomingattractions.com/sites/default/files/star_trek_2009_narada.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.coronacomingattractions.com/sites/default/files/star_trek_2009_narada.jpg</a> Also, could have shown the Invictus racing past the Dakkar cruiser while firing, instead just a slugging match.


The front could have looked something like this, but with multiple spiked sections. <a href="http://pre11.deviantart.net/8a25/th/pre/f/2012/344/a/b/ship_concept_1_by_phoenix_06-d5nnnt0.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pre11.deviantart.net/8a25/th/pre/f/2012/344/a/b/ship_concept_1_by_phoenix_06-d5nnnt0.jpg</a>


Hey Tefler, so this artwork is for the 3rd eBook? So where is the 2nd? Are you finishing it and having the 2nd with the same artwork as the first?

Jedi Khan

That laser fire from the Invictus looks a lot like modern machine guns firing at night with tracer rounds. A spectacular sight to behold, especially when you've got a lot of them firing at once.


do you think when they redesign the ship with all the tech upgrades it could be closer to a star wars republic cruiser in shape?

Jedi Khan

Tefler has a couple of sketches he did of the ship, before and after the second refit at Genthalas (where it got lengthened). You can get a fairly good idea of what the ship looks like. And yes, it does look like the Republic's Venator-class cruiser from above. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user/posts?u=3814558&amp;tag=The%20Invictus">https://www.patreon.com/user/posts?u=3814558&amp;tag=The%20Invictus</a>

Bill Phillips

Jedi: Tracer fire is only SPECTACULAR when it is ALL outgoing ! ! !