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Hey everyone!

I've been making some good inroads into chapter 88 and have handed part 1 over to my editors. I've written:

30k so far.

I'll keep this post updated as I make further progress!






CJ Mora

Welcome back!

Jim lynch



Awesome! Now here come the countdowns lol.


The addiction is hard to contain sir.... You must provide more.... We need more....


Still on track for 8/30 for part 2?


Thanks Tefler, great to hear good news


So should I expect to wait about a week or... ?


Still hoping for an August release, but we'll see.

Jedi Khan

$10 for release on August 31.


Isn't anyone surprised that no one has contacted John looking for help? If he was around presently, he would inundated with requests to find missing persons, avenge wrongs, and fix all manner of terrain problems. There must be more bad guys in the core worlds. My guess is that Faye or Alyssa are screening these requests.


Also earth must be overwhelmed with all of the arrests related to the assassination ring. There must be hundreds of persons who want John dead. Lastly, where are the nonhuman assassins? News of his work must have spread to others species.

Master Laurent

3K today, either battle scenes or holiday, still saying Sept 2-3 and a 32Kish chapter or a 28kish if before, to much ground to cover, especially after the garden twist last chapter and the two more twists in this chapter, can feel it!


Hey peeps got a song to listen to chill until the chapter :) Best listening on a recliner. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_typLTFRdk&amp;index=92&amp;list=FLeRLix5rHHx3AizTNNH_ulA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_typLTFRdk&amp;index=92&amp;list=FLeRLix5rHHx3AizTNNH_ulA</a>


24K with two full work days to go? The 31st is a distinct possibility, still, for initial release. Mind you, I don't mind if it's released in September. I'm just pointing out that my original guesstimate of the 31st might still hold. Whatever works best for Tefler is best.

Jedi Khan

Hey there everyone in the Tefler-verse! Literotica's 2016 Reader's Choice Awards are still going, but not for much longer! Voting closes September 3rd! Tefler has been nominated for several categories, including: Most Influential Writer, Sexiest Male Character (John Blake), Sexiest Female Character (Alyssa), and Best in Sci-Fi &amp; Fantasy (Chapter 60)! While Tefler does have the lead in all these categories, an upset is still possible so go over there and vote NOW! Click on the below link to go straight to the voting page on the Literotica Forums! Note: You'll need a Literotica account in order to vote. If you have one for commenting on Tefler's stories, that account will work on the forums as well. What are you waiting for? Time's running out! VOTE NOW! <a href="http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=1443374" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=1443374</a>

Master Laurent

ok 3-4K per day, maybe tomorrow but it will be under 30K, I really think that we are putting unnecessary pressure on Tefler. He has his 1500 nut well covered for the month of August and I think it would be much better for him to create at his pace verses being driven by us because of some arbitrary deadline. I am sure that Tefler will create 1-2 chapters a month without all of this craziness. I know you are all wondering what alien came and abducted the real ML Look at the pressure we put on him and he released chapter 85 prematurely (IMHO) and had to give us the chapter 86 preview to keep the wolves at bay. No disrespect to the almighty Tefler, as I have stated on many occasions, YOU ARE AWESOME. I am just feeling the need to show you and your amazing talent a little more respect than to be driven by the needs of the addicts. (With all due respects to the addicts, as I am one.) Apologies to any that I may have offended with this post, I am a senior moment Idiot that knows nothing, so take this post for what it is worth and write it off as "Fake News" offering a commentary. (No, I'm not having a bad day, me, never!!)

Master Laurent

Cole, Tefler said that he did not have a problem with the countdown clocks on the day of his scheduled release. He has never stated that he was ok with the pressure that we as a community are putting on him for his release dates. Good for you for being ok with a Sept 5th release. That is the comment that I am hoping for. Tefler, we support you on your journey and are grateful for any gift you happen to give us. None of us can begin to comprehend what it takes to create such a work as compelling and complete as TSM's that is also exhibiting a very long future.


Well said, ML and Cole. Tefler can place the next chapter when HE feels it's ready as it should be! Tefler please don't bow to anyone who is pressuring you to release your work before YOU say it's done. Thanks for all your GREAT work !!!! (-:


I have a proposition to make! How about we create a discord server for all the fans of Teflers storys? For once it would make it way easier for everyone to interact and enable us to discuss things in a way more orderly manner. Give me your thoughts on this please


I have a web farm company...can donate site and server


i approve of this message 100%... and tefler can do a podcast or a meet the author type thing and allow all of his rabid fans to bask in his greatness


If I'm not wrong we don't even need to make use of your generosity Sergio, the servers are free as far as I know. I'll create one and post the link in the community section, so everyone that is a patreon can access it. Together we can then make improvements and such. We can even assign all the roles :)

Master Laurent

This is why I was pushing for a wiki type of page and someone has created it that way we could group the topics together, ie weapons, theories on John Heritage, etc. I know that many of us have put great info in the comments sections in many of the past chapters many of which could be reliant across many of the chapters Jedi and I created several posts in the community section on weapons that are now lost under the photo's, not that I am complaining, however, it would be nice and they really need to be loaded into the wiki that someone has created and we have lost the link in old comments. Can someone repost the wiki link?

Master Laurent

I never said that you were bothering me, Mercury is in retrograde. I was actually complementing your "I'm ok with Sept. 5 comment". Please feel free, you are an important contributor.

Master Laurent

Greetings To All; For a month and a half I have had the opportunity to be a story line editor for an author from another site. It has been a very humbling experience on my part. I have spent 25+ Years editing Technical works with great success. Being a creative writing “Editor with Training Wheels” has been quite the experience. First, learning how to communicate with the Creator has been a journey. ( FYI, I feel like I am elementary school kid and they are a Professor!) Knowing that my primary responsibility is to ask questions for clarity, an occasional suggestion on color, or questioning a characters actions or lack of them to help with readability / story flow. I am grateful that the Creator that I am working with is very patient as I move from “Big Wheel” to Bike with training wheels with a while to go until I get to my Beach Cruiser. For the last 8+ Chapters that I have been following Tefler on Patreon, I always do a Document Compare from the original release to the final and I am amazed at the progressions of the edits. Most are typographical or the occasional paragraph to provide clarity. Every once in a while Tefler has a major change on a word like how “Nodding” got the Nerf Bat. I have no insights as to the dialogs Tefler has with his editors in the “Part 1” editor reviews. What have I learned from this? Great Respect for Creators. The one I am working with creates AWESOME work like Tefler and given work/time/real life responsibility constraints it takes a couple of days back and forth until we are either on the same page, agree to disagree, or some place in the middle. This is why I have gained a new prospective on the countdown clocks. It is hard enough to take on the responsibility as an Editor, it would make me crazy knowing that my lack of time, inability to communicate, or quest for perfection is causing stress to the Creator or supporters of the Creator. I feel blessed to be a part of this community and interact with so many of the wonderful members. I so enjoy the way Tefler weaves the comments into his stories from time to time when they are worthy. It makes me so happy to identify what I call “Easter Eggs” from the comments in the story, although none of my comments have materialized outright and I am not bothered by this one bit. Only one or two make it in each chapter, if that. Several others could be attributed as standard story line progression. Years of being a programmer has absolutely destroyed my ability to spell or make grammatical corrections so please do not give me grief if I make mistakes in my comments, I am all about the content and continuity. I apologize if any of my comments have been misunderstood as being critical, my only intent has been to provoke thought. Thank you Tefler and Community for your patience and understanding. ML


Hi was wondering if anyone could recommend a story as after reading teflers master piece I find the other stories quite dull

Jim lynch

It can't be long now. I've no more nails left I need chapter 88 asap please tefler

Jedi Khan

Check out the Community section. There's a few posts buried in there that have recommendations.


Hello STARDREAMER . If I may, I recommend Upon a Savage Shore by RipperFish and Starlight Gleaming by TJSkywind as well as Life of a new hire by FinalStand all here on lit. Enjoy!


I know what you mean Jim. I'm starting to get the check and recheck jitters myself.


I just finished! I've got the edits back from my editors on part 1, but I haven't had a chance to go through them yet. I might just submit the chapter as it is now, so people interested in seeing the various editing stages can see the changes as I make them. I should have the fully edited part 1 done by this evening, if you want to hold off for a few hours. :-)

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Holding on while holding my breath😎 Thanks Tefler

Master Laurent

With the tease of a pending release I am going to break my refresh button, no more posts until it is released on my part.


Please release it.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Another really wonderfull chapter - thanks