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Hey everyone!

The beginning of this month has been pretty hectic and I haven't had as much a chance to write as normal. I've finished the first half of the chapter and just handed it over to my editors, so I expect I'll have the second half done by about the 14th or so.

I'll work on chapter 88 directly afterwards, then work on the ebook for the rest of the month. I'll be away again for a few days towards the tail-end of August, so don't be alarmed if I go incommunicado for a bit! :-)

I spoke to the artist working on the third art commission, which is the picture of the Maliri twins. The preliminary sketch looks great, so hopefully the final picture will be equally as good! You can probably expect that in a week or so.




Lol, literally got the notification for this 5 minutes after checking for it. Seems I'm just a pace ahead. Thanks for the update tef.


Thanks Tefler!


Once you have a small repertoire of commissioned art, maybe you could post one of them public. That way people who doubt whether or not to go for the $2 tier can make a more informed choice.

Jedi Khan

How are we going to be able to tell the twins apart? They're identical in every respect except for their powers and personalities. I'm a bit curious as to how John can tell them apart as well.


Sure, that's a good idea. I'll probably share whichever one I use as cover art for the ebook once that's finished. :-)


Hmmm, Tefler absent for short periods at the beginning and end of august.....you're not a larper are you?


I know I missed something somewhere. What's this about an ebook?

Master Laurent

Wondering if we are going to see JFL's Gravity Lens for the Nova Lances / Photon Lasers as a part of this upgrade. I also have a feeling that Faye and the Boys are going to be doing a bunch of work on the Invictus during this vacation. With the new heat syncs, power couplings and power conduits so much work to be done. Not to mention making several/all of the Heavy Cannons into ESP Heavy Cannons. Still looking for a 80MM Quantum Sniper Rifle for the Valkyrie as a weapons change out for space battles verses the Punisher Gatling Gun for Ground battles. And Dana's Feedings will start soon, I can see her doing her magic on the Invictus /Raptor by section over the week and I can also see some deca-shaping of the armor on the Invictus - Say 100M a day by John and Alyssa. Also wondering if Faye's Boys are going to get Deca-Shaped and Dana's enhanced servo's. If they are performing repairs during battle they should be as tough and fast as possible. All of this along with all of the other open plot arcs should allow Tefler to create a couple of 35K+ Chapters this month . *Pleading Eyes* Still hoping for Faye to get a "Jade" Body and have her be put into one of the Freshly Created Red Crystals. Just added 4+ plot arcs to make that happen!


I'm hoping we'll get to see the design for Dana's new Destroyer soon.I think a pair of 80m long Quantum drivers,12-16 Photon lasers,4-8 light(Guase) Quantum cannons and 24-36 pulse cannons should do the trick.Now the hard part, names for the ship?Something tells me Tashana will skipper it,so with that in mind I would like to suggest MALIFICA. That name alone will scare the shit out of the Enshunu.

Master Laurent

Also, Irillith has yet to look at the "Combat Mode" Software upgrade on the boys yet and have a discussion with Faye. This could be brought up when they go to check on the assassin and see one of the boys with the Red Eyes and wonder what is going on. I would think that Faye has one of the boys take care of the assassin's daily needs,

Master Laurent

50/50 that Jehanna shows up while they are on vacation for a day or two at the end and does a story about the Rachael's Cosmetics and Medicines.


Hey Tefler, I need clarification. 1) Lion color for Illrith and Tashana. 2) What's John going to do with the 10 tonnes of Tyrenium he has?


@Cole - Do you mean the ten tons of tyrenium that was used to build the singularity drivers during the last Invictus upgrade in Maliri space?

Master Laurent

T-Minus 3 Days - 9 Hours - 36 Mins!!!! Not that I am counting! Hoping for a long chapter that is filled with many answers to the questions posted, Acknowledging Tefer's usual modus operandi!! Humbly bowing to the Great Tefler and his ability to create such wonderful works!

Master Laurent

Predictions for Chapter 87 and Easter Eggs from the All Mighty Tefler – Estimating 2 Days of TSM Time hoping for 35K words, a lot to cover and this does not include the classic Tefler Twists: 1. Rachael’s Father Meeting 2. Rachael’s Father affiliated with new space stations to help ease the Terran relations 3. Find Progenitor Cloning Facility / Hidden Artifacts / Hidden Facility on Eden 4. Assassin’s Quick Resolution – ie floated into space and hit with a Photon Laser and instantly vaporized 5. Tashana’s Feedings Continue 6. Faye and the Boys finish power coupling and power conduit upgrades and start on Photon Lasers 7. Irillith discovers Faye’s Combat Mode Upgrades 8. Raptor Get’s Deca-Shaped and Dana Metallurgy / Runes 9. Sakura tests the Valkyrie - Valkyrie’s Sword get’s Dana’s touch 10. Quantum Sniper Rifle for Valkyrie / Raptor 11. Body armor upgrades with Dana’s Touch 12. Jehanna’s surprise visit for 2 days – starts at end of 87 and goes to 89 Easter Eggs: 1. Photon Laser power/operations explained in detail with new heat syncs and Dana Metal barrels. 2. Current Invictus Dimensions and Compartments - Primary Hanger Size, Secondary Hanger Size, Launch bay door sizing, Cargo bay sizing. Ship layout. Weapons Layout Maybe a new hand drawn picture in the Invictus section. 3. Updated Travel Schedule - Ie – Vacation / Meetup with Maliri / Supply run to Trankaran excursion and return to Maliri Space to drop off and start the construction of the space stations, Brimorian excursion. This alone is 20-30 chapters and estimating 30 – 40 Days TSM calendar. 4. ESP Weapon upgrades on Invictus – Heavy Cannons - how powerful? What effect does Dana’s Touch have on the projectiles from the punisher up to the Singularity Driver? 5. Upgrading Faye’s Boys to Deca-Shaped and New Servo’s - battle hardened so better able to survive while repairing the Invictus during a battle. Request, Can you Please Tag or Take over the Weapons Posts in the Community Section to make it easier to update / find. Enough for Now. ML


Lion colours for the twins, blue flames and blue lightning making up the lionesses should work.Or fire and lightning backgrounds for blue lionesses.

Master Laurent

Easter Egg : Forgot the heat sync / power / Dana Metal upgrades to the Nova Lances and hopefully the Gravity lens for both the Nova Lances and maybe a couple of the Photon Lasers.


Tefler - I am new to patreon, so apologies if I am posting this in the wrong place, but I found your story a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it. I am almost finished with my second full read-through. In addition to the hours of amazing reading, the story has also given me something that I haven't had for over a year - the inspiration to do some artwork. I finished a simple piece of fan art (a portrait of Faye) and was wondering if there is a way to share it with you?


You can post it into the community section for everyone to see or message Tefler directly from the home menu on his page.

Master Laurent

Just created a simple Census in the community section - Decade / County


Correction to Chapter 62: When talking about mental compartments for the Malari, John forgets about the girl who helped Dana make the new elements. So, at this point in time, he should have 92 mental compartments for the girls, not 91.


Thanks Cole. Someone pointed that out when I originally posted it and I've fixed it in my master document. Creating edited versions in literotica is a bit of a pain, so I'll just leave it as it is. :-)


I have a question about the officer's quarters on deck two. I know that at the end of the hall is Commanders's room, and that the X/O's room at the right was taken out and made in to the walk in closet by Vice Admiral Harris in the refit right after John purchased the Invictus. Then Calara's room was to the left. And supposing that all of the girl took rooms in the same order, you've been stating where each new girl's room is since Rachel joined the ship as she couldn't be directly across from Dana. Just something for you to note for when you I edit the chapters again.


Calara would be across from walk-in closet. Jade would be across from Dana. Illrith would be across from Rachel. Tashana would be across from Sakura. Just wondering, how many more rooms are on this level?


Tefler, I am going to guess this correction has been caught long before now. But knowing you are working on those early chapters for the E-book. Thought I would point this out just in case. At the end of chapter 7, Holding hands contentedly, they headed back up to the bridge before separating to sit in their corresponding chairs. Timed to perfection, the Invictus dropped out of Hyper warp into the Nerus system, home of Port Cerberus. Should be port Hercules, not Cerberus.


I think Tefler should have his more detail oriented readers (aka us) "proof" this ebook before he officially published it. Hint hint.


Hey Junkies, reading through the story and found another piece of gold: Dana reached out and took her hand in her own, and said in all seriousness, "There's something I think I should warn you about, with John." "What is it?" Sakura asked, gripping the other girl's hand tighter, and staring at her with wide eyes. "He's quite fond of blowjobs," the redhead replied, her sky-blue eyes sparkling with mischief. Alyssa smiled to herself as she heard the three girls in the Medical Bay descend into peals of laughter.

Jedi Khan

Dana has always been my favorite personality wise. I love her wise cracks. I especially like how she handled the job interview with John when she first joined up.

Master Laurent

T-Minus 8H - 35M - Not that I am counting or have set several alarms or turned on Desktop Email Notifications on both of my computers so I hear it through my headphone on my iMac or on the sound system in the house. Not Me!

Master Laurent

In Case you missed it, I asked Tefler on chapter 86 countdown if he is annoyed by the countdowns and he informed me that he shuts of his emails on the last day, he says it is to easy to get distracted. I am only going to update the countdowns @ t-minus 3, 1, and :30 hoping for an early gift of a long chapter. Could not take a delay, especially after a vacation break in the schedule and knowing it will be only a 2 chapter month if we are lucky.


It won't be today. Probably tomorrow all being well. :-)

Master Laurent

T Minus 1 Day 8 Hours and 18 Minutes


T minus 1 day


Since someone asked, the room allocation on Deck 2 is: Bathroom Jade Irillith Tashana John Calara Dana Rachel Sakura


Dinner table seating plan: John Alyssa Calara Dana Jade Rachel Irilllith Sakura Tashana Faye


About how many other bedrooms are on Deck 2? And what about the playroom used early in the story?


near 2 am and still waiting for the next chapter >_

Jedi Khan

Go to bed. When you wake up, it'll be like a time machine to the future and the chapter will be there. Hopefully. Maybe? I sure hope so because I'm doing the same.

Master Laurent

T-Minus 6 Hours, 50 mins if all goes well!

Master Laurent

T-Minus 4 Hours - 8 minutes if all goes well

Anthony Kester

T minus 3 hours 45 minutes. F5 key is broken again, Fingers are chewed to the bone and I paced so much I burn through my floors.


Must.. stop.. hitting... refresh button.


M L Tefler said he turns off e-mail 24 hours before posting . Hoping he's done and just waiting for me to make a fool out of myself

Master Laurent

Patreon Technical Command Center: IT Network Geek: “Sir, I think we are getting a DDS attack, it started slow yesterday and is now growing! Bots from around the world” Manager: “Hold on, let me check something - No Worries “ IT Network Geek: “But Sir, it keeps growing, I think we need to take action” Manager: “It is just the TSM Addicts waiting for the next release, I noticed this phenomena about 3 months ago - The Author of this Amazing Story posts 2-3 chapters a month and on the day of the release all of the “Addicts” keep hitting refresh and switching between the Post and Community Sections waiting for the post!” IT Network Geek: “I should check out this story? If that many people like it, it must be good!!!” Manager: “NO, It has been blocked from your account, we have already lost 4 tech’s. Every month 2 days before and 2 days after the release they would take off because they were such wrecks waiting for the content. And this does not include the two weeks of sick time that they would come up with some stupid reason to be at home while they read the first 86 chapters when they first discovered the story.” IT Network Geek: “Is that why I don’t see Jones, Williams, or Klein any more?” Manager: “That is correct - we are adding PantherParabola to the IT Employees Banned author list, his stories are starting to get some traction and the same crew seems to be following them!” IT Network Geek: “OK, I will allocate more server resources for both authors to handle this activity!”

Anthony Kester

Adding network resources won't solve the problem. Only new chapters will solve the problem and feed the addiction.


Starting to twitch over here! any guesses on when we get our fix?!

Master Laurent

T-Minus 2 Hours 15 Mins- If it happens tonight, Mercury is in Retrograde!


Thanks for the heads up!

Master Laurent

Off to shave and shower for the day, hopefully I will have a gift when I get back.

Anthony Kester

T-minus 1 hour and 36 minutes


Patreon is always slow to refreshing their page, but today everyone must be every two minutes. Taking forever to refresh, Ha!

Master Laurent

No, Not the Browns, Art Model can burn in HELL for all of eternity. I will have to switch to a Steelers logo for my avatar.


T minus 1 hour


T minus 35 minutes

Anthony Kester

Why do i have this feeling Tefler is just screwing with us and is going to wait until 11:59 London time to release the next chapter of his masterpiece?


He tends to like a midnight release.

Master Laurent

Got Water, Allergy pill, Eye Drops - Ready - T-Minus 15 mins


I'll be able to start it while on lunch and the have to wait until I'm off work to finish it

Anthony Kester

Dinner... Check, Don't have to go to work tonight... Check, F5 key... Still broken T-Minus 10 minutes.


T minus 7 minutes

Master Laurent

Can almost hear Tefler's Evil Laugh in the background. This way he can go to sleep and have a bunch of comments in the morning! T-Minus 6 minutes

Master Laurent

Yeah, You will be able to wait, I can see the long breaks, leaving early, etc. Admit it, you are like the rest of us Addicts. *Soft Smile*

Master Laurent

Ok, so Mercury Retrograde is having fun with all of us!


Hope he hasn't just gone to bed and will awake to this kerfuffle in the morning ;)



Master Laurent

Tefler posted 2 hours ago as a response to a comment, I am sure he is up and working right now.


H-Hour has passed(really sad sigh!)

Master Laurent

Watch Tefler deliver in 15 mins just to make us all crazy! LOL

Master Laurent

Feeling like the panicked navigator in "The Hunt for Red October" +10 . . +11 . . +12 . . +13 . . +14. . +15

Anthony Kester

Just breathe ML. Don't go crazy on us. Jedi/Crazy have that covered for everyone.

Anthony Kester

I hope Tefler isn't going off of eastern usa time.

Master Laurent

That is Silly even for a Browns Fan, why would he change for this chapter?

Master Laurent

A blonde woman walks into a store and is immediately curious about a shiny object on sale. She asks the shop assistant, 'What is that?' The assistant responds, 'It's a thermos.' The blonde then asks, 'What does it do?' 'It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.' So the blonde buys one. The next day she brings the thermos to work with her. Her boss, also a blonde, asks, 'What is the shiny object?' 'It's a thermos.' 'What does it do?' 'It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.' Her boss then asks, 'What do you have in there?' The blonde replies, 'Two cups of coffee and a Popsicle.'


T plus 36 minutes

Master Laurent

Tefler has consistently demonstrated a profound responsibility to his readers/supporters and will let us know if he is going to push back a day or two. I am thinking that he is either adding a closing scene like the beginning of Chapter 86 because he got so much grief for leaving us hanging at the end of chapter 85. He is a great artist and does not answer to anybody but himself and I feel he is very tough on himself about the quality of his work. Look at how his quality has shot through the roof once he started full time. Keep in mind that he was delivering consistently A Work before, now it is A++ and 30K+ Word Chapters. Bravo!

Master Laurent

Thinking that he may have remembered the assassin in the brig, having been so focused on all of the other classic Tefler Twists he does he read through and then remembers, Shit, the Assassin.


here i go again Tefler said he does not read e-mails 24 hours before release .last post 3 hours ago?


hope it happens soon like yeserday