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This was the original, just with the lioness emblems added.




Jim lynch

I would lol


Have put a suggested Halloween outfit in the Community section


i thought that the lioness would wrap around the shoulder plate (the face)


So do I as a default but I also imagine them as animated hologram *pets*. They might look around and growl warnings.


Tefler, congrats on $1900/ch for the third time. LOL. Hopely this month, you will PERMANENTLY break 1,100 addicts and $1900/ch


I was as well imagining the lioness on the shoulders to "look outward" a bit like that : <a href="http://www.thevikingstore.co.uk/larp-polyurethane-lion-head-pauldrons-18988-p.asp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.thevikingstore.co.uk/larp-polyurethane-lion-head-pauldrons-18988-p.asp</a> Here they look more like shoulder mounted lasers...


I think this way makes more sense. The point was that they're holograms that change color when the different girls wear the same suit of armor, to identify them when they wear the helmet.


John's armour is like that Melaine, but the lions on his shoulderpads are forged from crystal Alyssium. I do plan to commission a piece with him in it, but he'll be a while later... once I've covered a particular battle in the story. ;-)

Jedi Khan

Oh you dirty tease...You're going to earn every vote in the 2016 Literotica Awards if you keep doing that. lol (Shameless plug, I know. So sue me. :p)


Ya got me to up to $2 just to see the pictures :) Now maybe less cliffhangers? :) :)


Any updates on Ch 84?


Is it just me, or does Alyssa look just a little bit wrong/psycho in this picture? Kinda makes me think of Harley Quinn, and, nothing against her, but she's not Alyssa in any way, shape, or form to my mind... All I'm saying is that I like the face of the non-commissioned Alyssa WAY better!