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Hey everyone,

As I mentioned in the previous post, I'm finally finished with all the battle scenes for the GK invasion. Now that I'm not trying to stick rigidly to timelines, and planning out complex space and land battles, I should be able to write much, much faster.

Thanks for sticking with the story. I promise there are lots more interesting twists coming up soon!

Best wishes,




I would like to extend an official congratulations to this month's prediction winner (stephen mincher) who most accurately predicted the exact quantity of product and any adjunct excuses for more placeholders. Thank you all who participated in this last round and stay tuned for the next round to begin later this month. Until next time, happy placeholder prediction games and may the odds be ever in your favor.


This is really getting irritating, 9 chapters behind and two placeholders a month for a half chapter. This is getting absurd.


Well if what I have read about Apple forcing Patreon to go with their App and Charging up to 30% more I will be gone Tefler has not caught up yet and if we are now forced to pay more per month even if Tefler does a chapter is not good. I have limited his charges for a year when he started doubling the charges. I will leave maybe come back if and when the man gets caught up he is so far behind even on SON and Lit I don’t think he will get even. I have mostly defended Tefler but not sure I can anymore 7 pre-charged chapters and he not even trying to do more even posting 1/2 chapters every 2 weeks ,but no we don’t hear from him till the end of the month and then sorry I have to charge you for 2 more chapters so I can live . Tefler if you even did this a publishing house they would pull you from the press and ask for any money they gave you up front, or even take you to court, man up tell us you will do it, get it done don’t take our good will and FUCK with it. How do sleep at night right now. Sorry getting a little tired of the Sorry only a half chapter and charging for two more. Christ MAN THE FUCK UP


-- you might save your complaining until After Tef is 100% again, ... I will continue to cut him some slack for now, .... and you might recall when he was feeling a bit better back in March, he knocked out a couple of chapters for us, .... let's see how he does, .... after all it is a wonderful story, .... ;-) ttfn

Big Dude

Made the suggestion of 170 and 171 for August 15th to quell the negativity. Nary a peep. So M56S, the ridicule from others is warranted because Tefler could take 2 minutes and give a status update.