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Hey everyone,

I've finished all the scenes for this chapter, which brings the battle to its conclusion.

The fight went on for longer than I expected, so the chapter is bigger than the usual 20k words.

I hope you enjoy it.

Please let me know if you spot any typos or continuity errors.

Best wishes,



Derrick Hatfield

I’m still confused about Queen Edraele. I know she was frozen up for a bit, but when she woke up, with all that extra power, shouldn’t Alyssa or John at least noticed over the bond they share? And shouldn’t she have been able to provide some power and strength to him, I realize she was fighting her own battle, but it didn’t seem to be much of a strain for her, she was destroying the invaders like they were nothing and her power network should now be at least equal to Jade and Alyssa, if not vastly stronger, by the newly boosted sheer numbers in her network? Did she just forget? Not care? Seemed odd. But great finish to a killer chapter and battle.

Puttanegra Ficondo

I think that the magnitude of this part of the story can only be comprehended going back to 164 or 165 and reading them all in a sequence. The battle is perfectly designed, even if the writing is not as brilliant as some similar chapters in the past. To be honest, only chapter 100 has a similar complexity in a battle.

Jedi Khan

I think the implication is that Edraele isn't exactly Edraele at the moment. If you look at her dialogue when she woke up, it's a bit off from her normal.


--- Alyssa used the short-range teleportation ability to run from Gahl'kalgor, in a recent chapter (#169), .... a skill that she recently learned from Athena, .... John and more of the girls need to learn how to do it too. -- Just imagine Dana popping into a fight with a bomb, or an Eldritch Inhibitor, ... could be fun, ... ;-) ttfn


When she cast it, I remember reading she drained energy from Dana I might be wrong, but I think there is a high cost coming along with it. Its too versatile a tool if it does not have any inhibiting factors, I also suspect the choosing of the location is very difficult and our dear navigator only is so capable because she is just that a navigator.

Tom Thumb

John's insistence that his forces try to not kill the invaders is quite unrealistic, solders do not just stop fighting when the top dog dies they keep fighting until told to stand down. And with the apathy between the different "races" I don't see them stopping until dead or receiving a nymphs kiss and being altered.


This might be true for Humans, but have you missed the entire story? Also, I am guessing you have not read pt 1 of 170? lol