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*** 15th May update - I've finished! - Part 2 is with the editors. ***

Hey everyone!

I've made a good start on chapter 78 and planned out the sequence of scenes and written 7k so far. I'm hoping to make a good stab at it today. :-)

I'll update this post as I have done before, tracking the wordcount as it goes up.







On a more serious note, keep up the amazing job kind Sir

Jedi Khan

How's the new keyboard holding up, Tef? Is the clacking driving you or the wife nuts yet?


I really like it! The mechanical keys are comfortable to type with and its only a bit noisier than my old one. :-)


Greatly appreciate the Update Tefler☺


Thanks Mr T


Please tell us that Dana gets to keep the ring announcer load up for the mech! It could the theme that they use to announce its presence on the battlefield similar to what this track signifies: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZS0WIQI7UU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZS0WIQI7UU</a>


Thanks Tefler for the great story. I'm surprised you made the Mech manned. I feel like Faye could have been given the role of operator to save on space and life support systems, but I guess this does give Dana a more active role in conflicts.


Tefler, please please please constantly check Amazon and get some of your work self published there. I just read DreamClouds profile on lit erotica... Some jackwagon stole his work from there. Posted it to Amazon. Sold it. He complained. It was taken down. But now DreamCloud can't even sell his work there. I don't want you to get slapped with the same BS policy.


Wow that really sucks! I'll have to get right on that. :-)


I'm pretty sure that's the way it was written by Tefler but the Grand Engineering Overlord ad-libbed that scene. Dana likes her toys and I can't see her designing something like that without a cockpit.


So you are 1/3 through Tefler

Jedi Khan

You know, I just had a thought. How is the team going to dodge questions about what species Irillith and Tashana are at the award ceremony? Are they simply going to smile and ignore the questions or will they answer with a fake species name? We may need another poll to decide that. Oh, really? And what options would you put in the poll, Crazy? First option will be to ignore the questions obviously, followed by a list of fake species names. I'd vote for Bob-arians. *groan*


It was pretty well know that John and the crew was heading back to Malari space. He told the admiralty he had a important meeting with Edraele. Then they show up a month later with two women's from a species that as never before been seen.

Jedi Khan

Well, it's one thing to speculate, another to confirm. The admiralty also knows he has members of his crew who are not military personnel, but they don't know how many, and if they don't know that, the Admiralty also don't know how long those civilians have been part of the crew.


When I started reading this story I thought it would be some retired guy with an old space ship going around, seeing the sites, trading, etc. Just like me, without the spaceship, uh, girlfriend, and 4, okay, not just like me, but now he's like this great galactic unifying personality. Will the story end with a battle...John and the Galaxy of good guys vs the Progenitor? I just realized...who paid for the attempted assassination of John?


Probably this guy from 1st chapter Seb something the miner hehe. Wouldn't that be a twist :P


Ok just had a thought are they going to put more mines at Ashana or near to block some strategic landing sites, hmm or sent ship full of mines/explosives on suicide mission, I mean how fast the Drakkar can shoot them out of space some are bound to take few dozen at least with them. P.S. If I was this Drakkar overlord I would ignore the ships, station and send part of fleet with ground troops straigt away to the ground.

Jim lynch

Tefler I've been thinking how can John be struggling to make bigger shields when he made a shield big enough to wrap around himself and all the girls then he only has to wrap around himself now each time he goes into the nightmares he has if you understand what I mean lol he can also put ruins on each tile.


That was an astral ward. These things are different from a physical shield as it seems.


Tefler is John going to confront his other Progenitor self he has locked away anytime soon?


maybe the other girls could get melee weapons too. i vote alyssa gets a special spear and johns sword evolves


You know, what I think I appreciate most about this series is the fact that Tefler seems to throw in sound tactical events in the battle sequences. The Regulus fight sequences, getting Calara to have irrilith start the battle between the traitors and the kintark, or in this latest chapter using ships to drop the Drakkar out of hyper warp and baiting them until they crush half the fleet with mines.

Jim lynch

Yes I agree he either reads a lot of military style books or is calara in disguise lol


Any update on Chapter 78 Tefler ?


$15k ok. Suggests 12 May release - just in time for the weekend.


What's funny is by us wanting more chapters published we are asking to pay Tefler more! I love it!! George RR Martin could never keep pace with this readership. Be proud Tefler. You are an amazingly proliferious writer!


You said that the Drakkar will arrive at Ashana about ten minutes before the Invictus will arrive. Did you mean to the system or the planet, and if the latter, to an orbital or landed position? For example, if arriving in system, it might take significant time to transit to the planet's location, without the advanced capabilities of the Invictus. Similarly, if they arrive in orbit, they will be subject to the substantial planetary defenses that you described Dana having discovered previously, before they can safely make their way through the atmosphere to planetfall in their drop-ships. Of course, they could simply commence planetary bombardment before they even reach orbit. It depends, in part, on why they are actually there.


Given that they rather like snacking on the Ashanath, I would assume that their plan would be to wipe out the fleet and land hunting parties.


Can we get an update on the update for 78?


Yes I would expect that when they arrive they will start dropping forces to attack and round up the ashanath for consumption. The raptor and mech will likely be taking on those forces.


Should be ~ 20-22k by tonight going by tefler's usual speed. I think the chapter should be done by the weekend


It's going to be rather odd I think. I could easily see the 10 minutes getting chewed up positioning their forces around the planet. Any way they attack I see them coming down to the planet opposite the planet based batteries the Ashanath have around that site. They would either have to avoid them or attack them and attacking could be expensive. Easier to avoid, drop to planet surface and work you way over, if that even is what their objective is. Depends on what their deal was with the BSP. But yeah, I see lots of legwork in this one.


The Ashanath could always utilize the War of the Worlds defense. By providing those to be eaten (i.e. armed forces) with drugs which are virulent to Drakkar but non-harmful to Ashanath. Something for Rachel to ponder over next 90 minutes....


I have been really looking forward to your next chapter. As you know I'm still working on something for you and it's looking good. I hope to have this version for you before the end of the week. I'll e mail you with my impression of what the Mech might look like. Let me know if you think I'm on the right track with that.


Or Tefler if he has not thought of an ending for the chapter!


you meant prolific...proliferous would be more like him spreading around WMD technologies... :-)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I was just thinking, what would happen when john and bsp meet if Alyssa and Athena ganged up and set up a nul zone around the bsp? Then it is just a conventional fight.


That sounds like Alyssa wouldn't be involved in the fight at all (aside from null zone creation) and I can't see that happening. I kind of imagine her crushing his matriarch to remove his power feed and then turning on the BSP herself. Alyssa being a progenitor herself and arguably more advanced than John at being a progenitor, John has an interesting advantage as well as it being a surprise.


Tefler just wondering if your going to post separate again or wait till its complete


I've had more editor feedback on changes I need to make, so it's not quite finished yet. I was thinking about giving you a preview of part 1, but I think the entire battle will read better with both halves. I'll think about it. :-)


Not much in the way of updates today, other than my new computer arrived! I built it myself and there were no problems booting up thank goodness. (So much easier than the last time I built my own system 10 years ago!) I'm waiting for the two monitors I ordered to arrive, then I'll take a picture! :-)


Sounds as though it's a Sunday edition😪😪😪


Nice and congrats!!


So much easier to build PC's now. My first experience loading windows was 3.1 on an IBM PS/2 286. My was it fun loading windows from floppy disks. 20mb HDD, 1mb ram. But it ran...


thats understandable honestly i think you wright the best cliffhangers though its kind of funny the thing i hate most about the series is what keeps me coming back keep up the amazing work

Florida Reader

Thanks for the PDF versions, Tef


Any updates on Part 2 Tefler ?


I'm up to 18.5k at the moment. I've spent most of the last couple of days building my system, then getting it all set up just right (installing apps and configuring everything). I ordered a couple of new monitors and having not set up a dual-monitor system before, I wasn't aware that you needed to use displayport cables to do so. A quick order last night had them winging their way to me via amazon prime, so they arrived a few hours ago! I'm running dual 144hz monitors and the improvement in picture quality is amazing! I'm finding its helping with productivity as well with two monitors. Everything's so much easier without having to alt-tab all the time! I hope to make some big inroads into part 2 over the next few days, but it'll most likely be early next week before the chapter is ready to go up here, what with editing etc.


I'd be with a lot of readers in trying to convince you to post the edited part 1 early even if u decide to make changes in it later. most of us won't mind. but it's upto u. our desire is based on the inability to wait out two weeks between chapters cuz u have spoiled us. Cheers and enjoy the new system :)


Hah! Yeah I know you all want to get part 1 early! :-) In all honesty, I think the chapter will read better as a whole and I don't want to deprive you of the experience of reading it in one go.


Heh, personally id always wait for something better rather than take something half baked now. If you think we should wait then we will wait. Keep up the good work and enjoy modern computing :) :P :)


I think that Jade needs a sister. She can't be the last. If she now remembers her past, maybe there is some idea of where her sisters might be. Imagine a colony in malari space where they could thrive again. John should include this on his to do list. Jade may become its Matriarch.


I'll go along with whatever you think best. You're the MAN, keep up the great work.


Just to put a point on it... I've been thinking since Jade's resurrection. With her physiology and the existence of her crystal heart, her species cannot possibly be as fragile as we thought when we met her. With the distances that psychics can communicate and her inherent psychic nature, I believe there will be a triggering event in Jade's life that sends out a Psychic Recall to the surviving members of her race that are in hiding. Perhaps her pregnancy?


Well done PRL. Had not thought of that.


Hey Tefler , What are the specifications of your system.

Jedi Khan

Come on, Jedi, just one question. Please? No. Come on, don't be like that. It's just one simple question. What's the harm? None whatsoever, but the answer is still no. You're just going to have to wait like the rest of us. You know waiting isn't my strong suit. Just let me ask the question and then I'll be quiet until the chapter comes out. Fat chance of that happening. Fine, be that way. I was going to at least attempt to be quiet, but I guess now I'm not even going to bother. Let's see...something catchy and especially annoying...Oh! I know! Here we go. *ahem* Ah-- Fine! Ask your damn question, just don't you dare sing. Yay! Okay, here's the question. Tefler, the wait is killing us for the next chapter. Can you at least give us something, anything, to help tide us over? It doesn't have to be much, just a quick excerpt or scene, something that doesn't give away the outcome of the battle, what the Ashanath are hiding, or any other secret you've been keeping. Just something to take the edge off, please? Okay, that's enough. You've asked your question, now I expect you to be quiet until the chapter comes out. Tef, take your time finishing the chapter. Hell, take the weekend off and put your new rig through its paces instead of writing. Finish the chapter next week. You traitor! Why would you ask Tefler something like that?!? If I'm going to be lucky enough to have you be silent until the next chapter comes out, you can be damn sure I'm going to want that silence to last as long as possible. Now hush you. --!


Just had a thought about saving Athena. If it comes to deperate measures and they need to stall for time, would it be possible to contain her the way PJ's contained now? It seems to be confirmed that John can't absorb PJ until he breaks him out and confronts him. Even better would be if it were possible to make it more of a barrier between Alyssa and Athena so neither can affect the other but both can come out. Also It'll be interesting to see Edraele's reaction to Athena, given what happened last time they met, when Athena nearly killed her for trying to break into John's mind (don't think they've met since)


Another thought, does PJ have his own psychic energy reserves separate from Johns? Because he can't drain power from any of the girls now so if both PJ and John are using the same power reserve then it should be easy to have John exhaust them and then beat him with power from Alyssa and Edraele. If PJ does have his own power reserves then it's more difficult, but it'll be worth it to gain those reserves when he's absorbed


Don't forget PJ as we know him only cares about Jon and knows what he is and that eventually he will be integrated with Jon fully. I think he will. Make it a fight but once Jon is strong enough he will be ok with it.


Hi just wondering wether theres a rough i dead as to when we can expect 78


htevbfd .....That wasn't Athena that attacked Edraele , it was Alyssa in , I think , her first Spirit walk . She did it almost by accident when she sensed Edraele was up to something &amp; attacked without knowing what she was doing besides protecting John . It resulted with her passing out as Edraelle retreated with a huge Migraine headache .


Or John will start collecting nymphs with visits to their "Masters." That we be for a future series, "Return of the Nymph" and "Revenge of the Nymph."


Are we there yet? 2 weeks is toooo long a wait.


I got quite a bit done over the weekend, so I'm up to 28k now. All being well, I'll finish it tomorrow and hand it over to my editors in the afternoon. :-)

rich ed

Tefler I was rereading 3sm on lite erotic and came across an name mistake. Chapter 11 page three. Calara kissed him fondly and nodded agreeably. It was actually Alyssa. Just a heads up :)


Congratulations of $1600/month

Anthony Kester

Damn Tefler. $1600 a chapter!!!! You got that resignation letter wrote yet?


Alternatively you could send them's a copy of Illy's Swear Jar song <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drsJ50vH6ro" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drsJ50vH6ro</a>


Is part 1 available to download? I clicked on the attachment but nothing happens


So will u post the first draft tomm or the day after? :)


I just finished part 2! I handed it over to my editors and I'm just discussing it with them at the moment. It's roughly 29k which will get a bit bigger as I finish editing the second half. All being well, I'll aim to release it in the next day or so.


Can't wait. These 15 days went by so slowly without any chapters to read ;) Desktop finally complete Tefler ?


I think I might have finished reading the story again by then. :)


Thanks! Yeah that was amazing to see it continue to climb up. :-)


Thanks Tefler. I can't wait til release. Did you get your two monitors in and hooked up. Great work. Rest as you can, the demand next chapter is about to start.

Big Dude

So onward to 79?


How about, as a compromise, something original like Shippy McShipface?