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Chapter One:

Charlotte’s head hurts.

Charlotte was a quiet girl with fair skin and dark hair. She wore glasses and lived inside of books, and she had never dated before in her life. She didn’t party much, either, which made her decision to attend a college party at a local fraternity house a shock. She had been invited by one of the basketball boys whom she tutored, and she didn’t want to be rude. Now, she wishes that she had just been rude and not went at all.

Alcohol is something new for Charlotte, and she assumes that is what did this to her. Her mouth feels strange, like she has been licking sandpaper all night, and her throat feels sore. Her stomach twists and turns, but it also feels to her like she has a bunch of lead at the base of it. Every movement is sluggish, and though she is not still drunk, a part of her desperately wishes she was. Lacking experience with such things, she imagines this is why people become alcoholics.

“Oooooooh, nooooo,” she groans, and she shifts, and then her big, green eyes open in shock. She lowers her hand to feel between her legs, and then she squeaks. “Eeep!” Charlotte sits up, and though her head throbs, it is easy to forget it in the shock that she is experiencing. She scrambles to yank her pants off and stares at her bulging panties. “Oh, no, no, no, no,” she mutters to herself, and her stomach does flipflops even with the lead in it. Carefully, and with shaking hands, she lowers her panties, and she gasps.

“What the hell,” she whispers, and she yanks the panties back up, but they feel tighter than usual as something fills them. She lowers her briefs again, and this time her growth falls out. She doesn’t have much to compare by other than basic anatomy classes, but she has enough to know that this is both not normal and also considerably large. She blinks in hopes that it will be gone when she opens her eyes, but it is not.

Charlotte slouches. “…Why do I have a dick?”

Charlotte still doesn’t know why she has a dick by the time she leaves for school. She wears a dress to hide her bulge after seeing herself in jeans and hurries her way to class because she doesn’t know what else to do with herself. From childhood, Charlotte has always loved school above all else and feels safest when learning. In high school, she never went to parties and joined as many clubs as she could to stay as long as she could after classes ended. Her love of academia has followed her to college and is now her only refuge as the world turns upside down for her.

Her dick rubs against her slender thighs as she walks. The panties are too tight, but she wears them to contain herself. Charlotte knows very little about penises by experience, but from books she has learned that the penis she has suddenly sprouted is impressive by pretty much any standard. Though she has not taken the time to measure herself, she is aware that her limp dick is perhaps longer and thicker than the average man’s erection, and though she has nothing to base it off of, she feels like her balls are very heavy and ready for release.

Everything feels good to her dick, too. In fact, it all feels almost too good, and as she drives to school she finds herself distracted by the urgent pulsing and tingling of her newly grown womanhood. In class, she is distracted by the female students around her. Everyone seems so much prettier to her now, and she finds herself appraising classmates she had hardly noticed before except to compare them to herself in the past.

She is staring at a particularly buxom woman’s chest across the room when her best friend, Aryam, joins her. Aryam is a pretty girl with tan skin and messy, dark hair. She has long lashes that Charlotte has always envied and a slender little waist that Charlotte now lusts after. Like Charlotte, she is bookish, but she has a more acerbic sense of humor that seems to make her more popular. She and Charlotte were just acquaintances back in high school, but in their final year they bonded during math club.

Aryam smiles when she sees Charlotte. “Hi there.”

“Uh, hey,” says Charlotte, and her eyes glide down Aryam’s body. Aryam has small, pert breasts, and Charlotte notices for the first time how perky and jiggly they are when she moves. Charlotte blushes, and Aryam laughs.

“You okay, J? You seem…distracted.” Aryam follows Charlotte’s gaze to her bosom and seems confused.

“Yeah, I’m just…” Charlotte looks away and tries to find somewhere safe to look. Staring at a stranger’s bosom was arousing but looking at Aryam’s had been electric. At this rate, her panties will not be able to contain her swelling dick, and she is afraid that her dress won’t, either. She takes a deep breath and swallows. “I just had a long night.”

“Yeah?” Aryam still looks confused and then smiles. “Oh, yeah! You went to that party with that boy!”

“I didn’t go with him,” Charlotte says, and she hadn’t. He had invited her, and she had wanted to do something different. She has heard so much from so many people about how college is a time to explore yourself. This was something that she wanted to explore, and now that she has, she feels foolish for doing it.

“He invited you, and you went.”


“Fine,” sighs Aryam, though she still isn’t convinced. “How was it, though?”

“My head feels like it’s about to burst open,” says Charlotte, and she privately thinks: and I have a dick now. She didn’t say that, of course, because she still didn’t understand or really believe it, but she could feel it against her thigh. Aryam tilted her head to the side, and Charlotte said, “I think I’m hung over.”

“Oh,” said Aryam, and then her eyes widened. “Oh! You got… drunk.” Charlotte nodded, and Aryam said, “Like, really drunk?” Charlotte nodded again, and Aryam sighed. “Wild. I wish I could get drunk.”

“You can get drunk,” said Charlotte, who winced after someone opened the blinds and let light spill into the classroom. She looked toward the light and immediately regretted it.

“I’m only nineteen.”

“So am I.”

“Yes, but our families are different,” she said.

“Your parents are progressive,” she said. “They don’t make you wear a hijab or anything when you go out.”

“Maybe, but they won’t let me date, either. You know, I’ve never even been alone with a boy before, except at school. And if mom and dad found out.” She dragged her finger across her throat and stuck her tongue out. Charlotte laughed and then held her head.

“Don’t…Don’t do that.”

“Is it that bad?”

Charlotte put her head down on the desk and groaned, and Aryam patted her back. Charlotte wished that her friend hadn’t. Even that simple contact was like electricity being sent straight down to her new dick. She tensed briefly, and then she breathed through it. It was strange, but thinking about her dick made her think about her dick more, and the more she thought about her dick, the harder and more sensitive it became.

They stayed like this for a moment, and Aryam’s soft, warm hand soothed Charlotte. Her touch was still electric, but it was also innocent. This aroused Charlotte more, as the taboo of the secret she had caused Charlotte to tingle and throb, but Charlotte did not grow erect until Aryam removed her hand and sighed. “Like that,” she said. “I might not have to wear an abaya, but I could never get away with anything like that.”

“Like…what…,” asked Charlotte, and her whole face went red when she saw what her teacher was wearing.

Charlotte always thought that Ms. Contrada was beautiful, but she could never tell where the woman was from. She had dark, feline eyes and dark brown hair, and she had plump lips that were always smiling. She was not tall, but she carried herself confidently. Her skin was tanned and her nose small and slender. Her hips were wider than any Charlotte had ever seen before, and she had a big juicy butt that Charlotte had never really noticed until that day.

Ms. Contrada always dressed stylishly, and today she wore a dress that seemed to hover just above midthigh. It was yellow with small, bright decorations across it, and Charlotte couldn’t tell if she thought it was cute or inappropriate, but she was fully aware of how it made her imagine what it would look like if she were somehow able to look up it. She imagined more than that, too, but she didn’t want to, because her dick was fully erect and almost painful in her pants.

“Whoa,” said Charlotte, whose lack of blood flow to her brain was almost dizzying.

“I know, right,” said Aryam, who was not experiencing the same sort of numbing arousal that Charlotte found herself stuck in. “It’s cute, it’s stylish, and it’s just a bit flirtsy, and with the sandals, it’s casual and sexy without being sexy, right?” Aryam sat forward and stared, too, but she was staring at the dress and not at the spaces the dress didn’t cover. “I would kill to wear a dress like that even one time.”

It took Aryam a moment to realize that Charlotte was silent as she stared, and she looked to find her friend more focused and attentive than she had ever seen before. Charlotte was so focused, in fact, that she was just about drooling, and with legitimate concern in her heart, Aryam snapped her fingers in front of Charlotte’s glassy eyes and said, “Hey, Charlotte, you okay, girl?”

Charlotte literally and very loudly slurped back into awareness and then stared at Aryam with a creeping blush on her face. Aryam stared back, except she was not blushing. She was just confused.

“Charlotte, is this the hang over, too?”

Charlotte squeaked, “N-No, not really. L-Listen…”

“Good morning, class,” said Ms. Contrada, and it ended their conversation immediately as the student body was compelled to respond. Quiet, sleepy murmurs met her, and Ms. Contrada gave one of her pretty smiles and said, “Now, now, come on, what sort of greeting is that? You’re acting like you’re still asleep! So, wake up and do it again. Good morning, class.”

“Good morning, Ms. C,” said Charlotte and Aryam, and many echoed them.

“Much better,” said Ms. Contrada, and she started her lesson. Charlotte struggled to pay attention as her fantasies ran wild. She just kept imagining Ms. Contrada in that dress and imagining herself inside of Ms. Contrada, too. She had nothing to base it off of, but she knew that Ms. Contrada’s ass would jiggle if they fucked, and that excited her.

Charlotte wasn’t sure what Ms. Contrada was saying when Aryam nudged her and nodded toward her notebook. Charlotte looked down and read a message from Aryam. “You okay? You’re drooling again.”

“I’m fine,” wrote Charlotte after she wiped her mouth. Aryam read it and shrugged, and Charlotte added another message that read, “We need to talk after classes, though. Privately.”

“My house,” wrote Aryam back, and Charlotte nodded. After that, the two of them went about their day, but Charlotte couldn’t focus. She was too worried about the near constant hard-on she had and how to hide it. Aryam could tell that something was different about her friend and that something was wrong, but she didn’t understand what it was. Sometimes, she thought she had it figured out, but it seemed impossible to her, so she ignored it.

Charlotte always liked Aryam’s home. She lived there with her mother, father, and sister. It was a small apartment. The four of them did not have a lot of money, but they were always friendly and welcoming. Aryam and Charlotte were met at the door by Aryam’s mother, Fatima. Fatima was a short woman with dark hair and a pretty, round face. She had dark, pretty eyes and a womanly figure that even her abaya could not hide. She smiled when she saw Charlotte with Aryam and showed her in.

“Welcome, welcome,” said Fatima warmly, and she led them into the living room where they sat. Then, she went to get them some tea to drink while they spoke. Charlotte, still unaccustomed to the surging arousal that seemed to subsume her every thought, watched the subtle jiggle of Fatima’s big, round bottom on her way to the kitchenette to prepare their tea, and she felt herself thicken.

Aryam noticed Charlotte’s distraction and waved her hand in front of Charloette’s eyes. “Earth to Charlotte. You there?”

Charlotte blinked and looked at Aryam. Then, she cleared her throat and smiled. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been…” She eyed Aryam’s chest without Aryam noticing and murmured, “I’ve been a little distracted today.”


KotoChaos here to interrupt: A Philosopher's Gift was another project I was excited about, but it was fifth on the list and the last I was working on.  It was also the roughest around the edges.  Most of what I had outlined was going to be changed as I decided Charlotte would be a high school senior instead of a college student.  A number of characters were altogether replaced, too.

Happy Fapping!


V. The Philosopher’s Gift

5.1. Charlotte wakes up with a dick after a night of partying and doesn’t know how to handle it. She goes to school and sees Teacher and BF but is hard and horny all day long. She visits BF’s home after school to tell her what happened but is scared. She went to the bathroom and got distracted by GF’s parent’s open bedroom and wanders in. She feels stiff in a way she doesn’t understand and begins masturbating using one of MILF’s abayas when MILF finds her. MILF joins her and helps her without thinking and milks Charlotte, who then returns to BF feeling nervous.

5.2. Charlotte is always horny and avoids being home. At school, Charlotte daydreams about Teacher. After school, Charlotte visits BF’s home again and corners MILF with her hard dick. MILF reluctantly strokes Charlotte and lets Charlotte finger her. It ends with MILF blowing Charlotte and milking Charlotte into her mouth as BF catches them.

5.3. BF

5.4. Teacher

5.5. BF’s Sister

5.6. Mom

5.7. Potion Creator reveals himself and reveals that he has shrunk his own dick. Charlotte dominates him.

5.8. Potion Created has turned himself into a woman so that he can be impregnated by Charlotte like Charlotte’s other women have already been. Charlotte is happier as a dick girl than she was before.


KotoChaos here again to interrupt: I have the completed and finalized cast sheet for the story right here:

0. Charlotte: Eighteen-year-old high school senior who gets drunk at a party for the first time and grows a dick afterward. 18. Brunette. Hazel eyes. Light freckles. Fair skin. AA Cup. 12" cock.

1. Aaliyah: Muslim MILF. Dark hair. Round face. Pretty but curvaceous. F Cup breasts. Finds Charlotte irresistible. Agrees to attend to Charlotte's needs to protect her daughter.

2. Lacey Witt: School counselor. Notices Charlotte's changed behavior. Young and single. Slender. A Cup. Loves Anal.

3. Ms. Sarah Peterson: Brunette MILF. Curvy. DD Cup. Big Bottom. Finds out about Charlotte's cock and cannot resist. Reluctant at first.

4. Aubrey: School delinquent. Finds out about Charlotte's cock and wants to fuck. C cup. Piercings and tattoos.

5. Ms. Christine Cruz: School principal. Dark hair. Big Bottom. Divorced MILF. Begins dating Charlotte. A Cup.

6. Dua: Aaliyah's daughter. Dark hair. Slender. Pretty. Charlotte's best friend. Oblivious to her big dick until much later. B Cup.

7. Kendra: Charlotte's mother. Brunette. Blue eyes. Pretty. BB Cup. Wide hips.

8. Isaac: Alchemist who slipped the potion to Charlotte. Tries to make himself an Alpha but ends up feminizing himself.

9. Alex: Distant epilogue. Buxom Latina congresswoman. Meets Charlotte and has a one-night stand. Ends up following her home to join the harem.


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