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Note: I know this isn't much.  See my early update for more details.

Adam walked the catwalk with a faraway look in his eye. He stopped in front of his father's cryotube and stared at the old man. Adam's father was bigger than Adam, in that he had broader shoulders and a larger build. He supposed he was a good person, though he had never considered it before. His father was always there to care for him, though being the youngest, Adam had always been closer with his mother instead.

Since waking up crash landed on this planet, Adam had felt closer to his mother than ever before. In fact, he worried that he was too close to his mother, a thought that he would have deemed impossible were he not getting milked by her nimble, diligently hands multiple times a day for over a week now. Last night, as she stroked him in the dark, Adam found himself wondering how things might be different if his father was the one they had chosen to woke up and not Andrea.

If Adam's father had woken up, he felt for certain that his sexual relationship with his mother would not have continued, and that made him resent his father in a way that he was both uncomfortable with and also baffled by. In his entire life, Adam has never felt attracted to his mother. He could objectively see her beauty, though she was never so beautiful that his friends envied him, but he had never lusted after her.

Ever since he woke up, Adam has been more than attracted to his mother. He has fully and completely lusted after her, and upon seeing his sister, he had felt the same way. The idea of waking Eugene did not sit well with him, as he did not want to share the ship with this other man. More than that, he didn't want to share the women with the other man, a thought that was completely outside of Adam to this point.

Adam was not a prude. He knew about sexual attraction, and he had dated, but he had not dated much back on Earth. He was a virgin in most ways, though he had gotten a few experimental hand jobs from girlfriends who were just as shy and uncertain as he was. The worship his mother gave his oversized cock was intoxicating for him, and it made it difficult for him to think objectively.

He was caught in these thoughts when Andrea joined him. "Hey, little bro, you okay?" Adam looked at her in embarrassed surprised. His gaze swept over her figure, more voluptuous than his mother's, and his blush deepened as he looked away. Andrea noticed both his embarrassment and his sweeping gaze. The former worried her, and the latter flattered her in a way she didn't fully understand. She adjusted the zipper on her jumpsuit just in case she was showing cleavage and said, "You've been, um, acting weird since I woke up."

"N-Nothing," he said, and his gaze was fixed on the middle grating of the catwalk. He had to keep his body turned at a strange angle to both hide his hardened cock without completely hiding his face from her. "W-Why do you say I've been acting weird?"

"You're just being…standoffish," said Andrea, and she saw the strangeness of his suit but only just barely, and she wondered if her dream the night before had only been a dream. There was no way that Stephanie would do something like that, and especially not with Adam. He was her baby, after all. Then again, she told herself, if what she thought she saw was real, she could imagine how uncomfortable Adam was and how desperate Stephanie would be to help him. "I don't know."

"I'm just stressed," he said, and he gripped the handrailing tightly with both hands as he tried to sort his too-fast thoughts. "It's…been a lot since this happened."

"I guess that's true," said Andrea, though she didn't fully believe him. She knew trauma could create strange behaviors in people, but he wasn't just being withdrawn. There was something she couldn't quite place. He wasn't just acting different. He was different. For her, he was like a magnetic pole pulling her north. She was attracted to him, but she didn't know what that meant. "Have you…talked to Stephanie about it?"

"Mom?" Adam went rigid in more way than one at the mention of his mother. His voice cracked as he spoke too fast for his mouth to keep up. "Yeah. Mom's been…helping as much as she can."

Andrea heard the implication but chose not to believe it. She felt flushed by it all the same. "I figured," she said, and she quickly added, "She's a great mom. She loves you."

"She loves you, too," said Adam protectively, and he looked her in the eyes for the first time since the conversation started.

Now, Andrea blushed and looked away. "I…know." She felt his gaze linger on her bosom, but when she moved to meet his gaze, he had looked away again. "You can…rely on me, too. If you want." This seemed to make him even stiffer, though she didn't know what that meant. She avoided looking at his jump suit. The dimensions were wrong. "Well, I'm going to…go look around the chip. See if I can see anything to help get Eugene set up when he wakes up. I'll…see you later. At lunch."

"Y-Yeah," said Adam, and he didn't look up from his feet until Andre turned and walking off. When he did finally look at her retreating back, he stared at her shapely backside, as they both knew he would.


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