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Hey pervs.

-My main focus is on proofing Geis: Intervention.  I am about 3/4 of the way through it right now.

-Campus King: Last chapter goes up next week.  After that, I will begin posting Geis: Intervention for the general populace (Showers and Growers)

-Surrogate: Chapter 10 goes up a week after that.

-I have a fan fiction project in the works.  We'll see how that goes.  It is set in Final Fantasy VII.

-Stolen Wishes: I am slowly proofing this and am just shy of 1/2 through.  When I finished with Geis: Intervention, I will focus on this.

-Toybox: I am almost finished with Draupnir and have plotted Deus and Lost Paradise.  My goal is for these stories to eventually reach general populace, but I have no timeline on that.  Dark Whispers and A Philosopher's Gift are on my schedule, but they are never voted on, so I don't give them as much attention.

-Edit: I am trying something new.  I have a few 'free' memberships.  So, I'll let everyone see this post and see how that goes.  Showers get 2 chapters a month; Growers 3 Chapters and Voting Rights; Studs get 3 Chapters, Voting Rights, and Early Access to completed stories..  I don't know if that's what I have up right now, but that is how it goes.

-Final Edit: I am considering opening commissions but at a much slower rate.  I have had a few people contact me requesting commissions after I closed them, and I would like to do them again, but I was between work when I did them last time and had a bit more free time.  I have no free time now, and I do not want commissions to affect my current writing schedule.  Anyone have an opinion?

Happy Valentine's Day, and Happy Fapping.



Water daoist

Finish lost paradise first