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Chapter Nine:

Brad was surprised in the morning when he found the bedroom door unlocked, and he was heartbroken when he entered and saw Michael and Jean awake. The room was dark save for the blade of light that followed him in from the illuminated hallway. Michael was naked with his big body above Jean. He straddled her face and his gargantuan, otherworldly shaft filled her mouth and visibly stretched her throat on each forward stroke as he fucked her face. His big belly shook as he entered her, and he grinned and winked at Brad as the door opened.

Jean was naked, too, and she was on her back with her legs parted. Michael held her by one of her breasts with one hand and fingered her with his other hand. His thick fingers had her open and dripping, and she squelched with each movement as he thumbed her clit. His fat, hairy balls slapped hard across her forehead as he hammered her face, and Brad was disheartened to see Jean holding him by the hips and urging him forward. She moved her hands to cup his flabby ass and mewled around him as he suffocated her.

Michael winced in the light as he stared at Brad, and he gave a breathless laugh as he hammered Jean’s frothing mouth. “Hey there, Ben. How you doing? You look surprised.”

“It’s Brad…”

Michael laughed. “I don’t fucking care what your name is, cuck.” He crushed Jean’s clit hard with his thumb, and she whined in climax as her legs flexed. A wave of lubrication escaped her smooth cunt and wetted his fingers and palm as he rammed her hard and to the knuckle. “We’ve been trying for a while now to see how deep she can get me, and she woke up horny this morning and begged me to fuck her throat instead of her pussy.” Michael wheezed as he eased out of her. He let her suck his crown and slapped her face and lips with his cockhead while he continued to finger her. She moaned and whined against him, and she begged him to come back. “You want to talk to her and see how she’s doing? It’s been a while since you two had a real chat, hasn’t it?”

“N-No. I…” Brad’s words failed him as Michael withdrew his full length from her and took even the crown from her mouth so that he could hold his saliva-slick shaft to her cheek. A web of thick, foamy spittle joined her pink lips to his glossy dick as she turned her head to kiss him. Her eyes were wet with tears and her face slick with spittle as she moaned against him.

“Oh, fuck, Michael. You’re so big. You’re so thick and hot…” She panted against him, and her voice hoarse but delighted as she hugged him about the thigh. That was when she noticed Brad, and she paused to regard him with empty eyes as she stared right through him. “…What is he doing here?”

“He came to see us,” said Michael while the big hand on her breasts crushed her supple flesh without regard for her pleasure. “He wanted to see how we were doing.”

“No,” said Brad with a shake of his head. He stammered as he spoke. A part of him had been curious what it looked like to see them together, but he had been too scared to spy. Now that he was given the chance to see them, he knew that it was right to avoid them for as long as he had. His stomach hurt, and he wanted to cry. “I was just trying to get dressed for work, and you two had been up here so long that I thought you were gone.”

“I’m pregnant,” said Jean with a smile, and she kissed Michael’s thick cock at his hairy root. She ran her tongue through the dark, thick pubic hair gathered at his crotch and kissed his heavy balls as she stared. “I haven’t take the test yet, but I know, you know? There’s no way this big, fat cock hasn’t knocked me up yet.” Giggling, she took hold of Michael in one hand and stroked his slick cock with a purr. “Mm. He’s not like you, Brad. He comes so much more, and he fucks so much better.”

“W-Well, that’s good, then,” said Brad, and he put a small, sad smile on his face. “Then, you two can stop having sex soon, right?”

Jean stopped staring at Brad as her eyes fixed back on Michael’s dick. She stroked him with animal urgency and took to sniffing and kissing his balls as if Brad was no longer there. Michael watched her with a laugh. “Oh, yeah, sure. We could,” he said, and he repositioned himself and fed Jean his dick again. She took him to half his full length, which was a miracle as far as Brad was concerned, and then she hugged him around the waist in an effort to pull him deeper. Her fingers dug into his fat, hairy rear as she choked herself on him.

Michael stared at Brad again and laughed as he said, “Fuck, that’s good.” He teased Jean to another climax with his thick, stubby fingers, and Brad left with a hollow expression on his face and changed alone in the closet. He was stiff despite his disgust and considered it a natural response to what he saw. His underwear was tented and wet at the front, and the only good part about it was the privacy he had as he changed. He stripped his briefs and felt his stomach turn as he compared himself against Michael.

Outside of the closet, Michael grunted. “Fuck. Nutting,” he said, and Brad could hear Jean moaning and gulping and coughing around Michael’s dick. When Brad left the closet, he found Michael still inhabiting Jean’s throat with a frothy ring of saliva around his shaft and running down her chin. She was sucking him and held him deeper than before, but there was semen left across her body and Michael had obviously withdrawn long enough to keep her from drowning.

Jean was glassy eyed as Michael used her. She offered no resistance and hardly seemed to be a human anymore. All she did was hug him around the waist as she made a genuine effort to take him to the root. Michael had lost some steel, and she had managed to take him a bit deeper, but even then, it would be some time before Jean could achieve her goal. Regardless, Michael remained significantly larger than Brad even while limp.

Michael removed his fingers from Jean’s pussy as Brad stood staring in the room. He smiled and, while Jean sucked him and choked on him, he smacked her hard across the pussy to make her moan. “That was a good fucking load, you know?” He watched her take him and couldn’t see her past his belly. Withdrawing, he pulled out and slapped himself down across Jean’s sticky, saliva covered face. Brad was horrified to realize that he could follow Michael’s movements by the swell of Jean’s throat as he used her.

Jean took to licking his shaft and nuzzling his cock like an animal in heat, and Michael watched her with a laugh. “This slut’s fucking dick drunk,” he said, and he flashed a grin at Brad. “Never met someone who likes cum as much as she does.” He winked. “But you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?”

Brad felt hot around his ears and stuffed his hands into his pants. It took everything in him to keep from crying as he murmured, “S-Sure…”

Michael barked a cold, cruel laugh and squashed one of Jean’s breasts in his big, rough hands. “Don’t bullshit me. You don’t know shit. She ain’t eating your cum. Bitch admitted to me that she’s doesn’t even like to suck your cuck fucking dick.” Michael lifted his dick away from Jean and slapped it back down across her face. Brad winced as he heard their flesh connect, and he closed his eyes until he heard Jean giggling afterward. By the time he had opened his eyes again, she had already started to audibly suck and slurp him clean again. “And why would she suck your dick? You can’t even knock her up, can you?”

Brad shook. “N-No,” he confessed, and he felt his dick pulse. He was on the edge of a climax, and he hadn’t even had sex. The room reeked of sex, and though it was his bedroom, none of the sex had there involved him. He had tears in his eyes and sorrow in his voice as he asked, “C-Can I please go?”

Michael shrugged. “Whose stopping you,” he asked, and he fed Jean his dick again. She was choking on him by the time Brad left, and after that Brad drove to work with sticky pants and a broken heart. He didn’t know when or if Jean ever left for work, but when he got home her car was gone. Michael’s truck was missing, too. A part of him had hoped it was over, but he had only just changed when Michael showed up again and forced him out of the bedroom.

Jean was home only a few minutes after that, and with rising dread, Brad watched her climb the stairs with a stupid smile on her face.


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