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Chapter Five: An Unwanted Throne

Jackson takes care to slip out of bed silently and leave Kendall resting. He dresses in equal silence and stops to stare at her before leaving for work. She is so beautiful that it briefly takes his breath away. He loves her, but that love and admiration he has for her is slowly being corrupted and eroded away. Even now, while she is in a silent, gentle repose, a demonic hunger fills him. She is still sticky with leftover semen from a night of rough, thoughtless passion, and he is the one who left her in such a state.

He leaves the house horny. It is the weekend, and the girls will be sleeping in with Kendall. Jackson is going for a quick walk in the cool morning to clear his head. His big dick is still new to him, and it feels out of place between his legs. He has to hang it down one of his pantlegs to find room for it, and though it is relatively cooler in the morning, it is still summer, and the heat has his flesh clinging.

Memories of last night do not help to ease his arousal. Even after seeing her at rest, he cannot help but picture her face stretched around him. Nor can he ignore the diligence she took in washing him last night, after she had coaxed a messy orgasm from him. Afterward, she had prepared him a snack and then sat caressing his feet and thighs while he played video games. Anything he wanted, she went to fetch for him. She waited on him like a slave and showed indignance when he insisted she do anything else.

Kendall seems determined to submit to him, and it frightens and arouses Jackson. He wants to marry her as equals, but there is something deeply intoxicating about the power he unwillingly wields over her. She is no trophy, and he knows that, but he still took her from James and made her his own, and that thought is particularly arousing for him.

His dick aches and tents his pants, and he finds a happy interruption as he passes one of his neighbor’s homes. The neighbor in question lives at the end of the street, just before the school that he and Kendall had just spent the year working in. A chain link fence separates the school from the neighbor’s property. This neighbor also works at the school, though Jackson does not see him this morning. Instead, he spies the man's wife at work on a small garden in thee front lawn.

Derick Jones is a science teacher at the building Jackson worked at, and his wife Audrey Jones teaches elementary school in the same district. Jackson knows Audrey only through her husband and has never actually spoken to her before, though he has seen her around the neighborhood, and the two have shared smiles and waves whenever they pass. Derick and Audrey are a young couple who is religious but kind-hearted.

Audrey is pretty with red hair, pale skin, and freckles. She is tall and slender, and today she is wearing a black tank top and a pair of purple and white shorts that show off her slender, alabaster thighs. In the past, Jackson has always appreciated her beauty in a distant way, but today he is struck by a sudden stab of arousal when he sees her and finds himself rooted in place.

Familiar whispers from the back of his head tell him to fuck her, and they are just as insistent now as they are with Kendall. They tell him that he is worthy of this worship and that he should claim other women and tame them as he has tamed Kendall. Audrey is a stranger to him, and yet he feels like has claim to her. Derrick is a big, fit man, but Jackson does not fear him. James was bigger than Jackson, too, and Jackson had beat him. Furthermore, Derrick is undoubtedly smaller there it matters most, so Jackson has the advantage.

Without thinking, Jackson clears his throat to draw her attention. She looks at him, and he takes a step toward him. “Mrs. Jones?”

Audrey is busy watering flowers when Jackson catches sight of her. Her breasts are not as large of Kendall’s, but the sight of her pale cleavage entices him. When she looks up, she catches him staring, and she adjusts her top as she stands. She does not know Jackson well and recognizes him only as her neighbor and as her husband's coworker. As they make eye contact though, she finds that his gaze make her feel strangely giddy. “Yes. You’re…Jackson, right? Can I help you with anything?”

“You can,” says Jackson, and the next words leave his mouth before he can think. “You can kneel.” His cheeks burn as the words land upon Audrey’s ears. He stands frozen for a long moment as she frowns at him, and he is just about to apologize and run when to his shock, she kneels as he asked her to.

“Fine,” she says primly, and she lands on her knees in the wet morning grass. She isn’t sure why she obeyed him, but looking him in the eyes makes her feel like she has to. When told to kneel, her body moved for her, and the longer she stares him in the eyes, the more certain she is that she should obey. “Now what,” she asks. She is haughty but not unkind. Jackson does not respond. He merely approaches and stops in front of her, and she stares at him in confused but growing arousal. “W-What are you doing?”

Standing over her, Jackson feels like a king. He grabs her by the hair and tugs her head with a menacing grin on his face. “You want to be a slut, too, don’t you?”

Audrey gasps and glares at him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, and I don’t even know who you are. I want you to…Oh!!” Her words leave her as Jackson’s pants come open. The smell of him smacks her across the face before his dick does. Half-erect, he is significantly larger than her husband, and the heat and stench of him wash over her and send a shiver through her. She comes on the spot and sits there moaning as she stares him in his dark eyes. When she recovers, she sniffs him and whispers, “…You’re so big!!”

Jackson rests a hand in her hair without thinking and holds her there. “Answer me,” he growls, and he pulses against her face as she sniffs him. “You want it, don’t you? You want to be my slut.”

Audrey moans against him. Jackson’s cock is sweaty against her face. It is early, but the summer is hot. The stink of him is made even worse by the sweat in his pubic hair, and she realizes as she breathes him in how badly she wants to suck up his sweat and taste it. She whines, “I…I don’t…” Looking him in his dark eyes, Audrey pauses and then says, “…Do you want me to be your slut?”

Jackson doesn’t speak. Instead, he moves her by her hair and drags her down into his balls. She smells him, and then she suffocates on him as she parts her lips to taste him. The sweaty, fleshy flavor of his testicles spreads across her tongue and fills her with rapture. She sucks him, and she comes again as his heavy shaft now rests across her forehead. His eye close, and he leans his head back and imagines Kendall there with them and submitting alongside Audrey.

Thinking about Kendall wakes Jackson, who tenses with his hand in Audrey’s hair and stares down at the redheaded woman in horrified arousal. “What am I…?!” He steps away and finds her lust-glazed eyes following him. His heavy cock falls across her face, and Audrey still has a pubic hair on her pink lips as she stares at him.

“No,” she whines. “Don’t go! I’ll be your slut! I promise! I’ll be such a good slut for you! Please!”


Jackson is too hard to put himself away, but he does his best to tuck his dick up into his shirt on his way home. Audrey, meanwhile, remains in the grass with a wet crotch and wet knees. She looks down to find the water hose on the ground in front of her and a pool of water forming in the grass. When she looks up, she finds Jackson down the street and whines. “Please,” she whispers to herself. “Please, don’t go. Let me be your slut!”

Jackson makes it home but doesn’t make it past Kendall. He arrives at the bed with a hard-on and stands over her feeling stiff and sad. Whatever he had done to Mrs. Jones had been unintentional but intoxicating. Audrey had enjoyed it, and more worrying, he had enjoyed it, too. In fact, he is still horny from it. Escape had come from a sobering thought but had not been completely sobering, and now that he is surrounded by the stink of sex inside of her house again, Jackson cannot help himself.

He removes the blanket from Kendall’s body and stares at her supple, feminine form in confused awe. Quietly, he rubs her through her panties. Kendall moans and moves her hips in her sleep. She parts her legs for him, and the sound of her pleasure triggers something inside of him that he has been struggling to hold back.

Slowly and carefully, he lowers himself onto the bed with a crude smile on his face. Her panties are wet at the crotch. She is ready for him; she is always ready for him. He pulls her panties to the side and stares at her dripping cleft, and he wonders if she is always this wet even when he isn’t at home. Her lips are slightly swollen and parted for him, and her insides are pink and glistening.

Cupping her thighs, Jackson lowers himself to her. He breathes her scent in and then tastes her. She opens for him around his tongue and shifts around him, moaning in her sleep as he eats her. She comes for him, too, but she doesn’t stir until he finds her clit and nudges it with his tongue. A second orgasm formally wakes her and finds her moaning and rolls her hips against him. She knows on instinct who it is and smiles. “Jackson?" Looking at him over her bosom, she smiles and cups his head with a whine. “Jackson!!”

Just the sight of him is enough to bring her to a second climax, and shortly after, she has planted her feet and is grinding against his face as she cups his head. “Oh! Jackson! Oh, baby! You don’t have to do this!! I’m your slut! I should be doing this for you!!”

Clutching her by the hips and drinking from her like a cup, he licks her while he stares up her body. He stared into her blue eyes and then swatted her hard on the ass. “You’re my slut,” he says from her wetted snatch, and she whines when she hears the words. He smiles. “That means I can use you how I want, and right now, I want to eat you. After that…Well, we’ll see what happens...”

Kendall whines again and holds her thighs apart for him. “Yes, Jackson. Yes, master!” She lifts herself into him and lets him eat her, and he does eat her. He eats like he is ravenous, and she holds him carefully by the head and moans and whines as he strokes her with his tongue. His skill is moderate at best. He uses too clumsy and forceful, but the slurps and grunts are enough to make up for it. Jackson has room to grow, but the pleasure he gives is already the greatest of her life, and soon she is coming, and the complaints leave her as she wets his face.

He gives her three orgasms before rising, and his face is wet and chin dripping as he licks his lips clean. He is hard, and he shuffles forward between her legs with his shorts tented. Kendall stares at his dick first and then looks him in his dark eyes, and she shakes. “…Jackson…?” Staring into those dark eyes, she smiles and purrs. “No. Master.”

Jackson’s face is hard and unfeeling. He takes her hand and guides it to his shorts, and he says, “Take me out. Now.”

Kendall moans and rubs him. “Yes, master!!”

She is shaking as she yanks Jackson’s pants down, and she nearly comes again when his dick springs into view. Kendall has never considered herself a size queen before, but she knows that she is one now looking at Jackson. She strokes him slowly and gathers his precum in her palm. The sticky warmth of him conjures a moan from her, and she holds him and kisses his crown as he steps out of his shorts and lowers himself back between her thighs.

Kendall holds him by the root and whines, “Oh, Jackson! Please!”

“Say it again,” he growls, and he takes her by the thighs and lines up. His crown rests against her parted cleft as she strokes him. “Tell me that you’re my slut, Kendall!!”

“I’m your slut,” she cries, and she smiles as Jackson enters her. He takes her with one smooth, deep stroke, and his hard dick hammers into the depths of her. He hits her cervix, and her toes curl as she has yet another orgasm for him. “OH!!!”

“Tell me that you’re my property,” he says, and he gives her another hard stroke. This knocks the air from her and softens her cervix. Kendall seems speechless as the wind is forced from her lungs. She rasps and whines as she holds him by the chest and stares him in the eyes. There should be pain there for her, and both know it, but neither feel it. He thrusts again and shouts, “Tell me!”

“I’m your property,” she whines, and she rolls her hips against him. A forth stroke follows, and another orgasm hits her as he holds himself in her depths. He feels her cervix parting for him and kissing his cockhead, and he grins.

“Tell me that you love me,” he says, and he hammers forward. “Tell me that you serve me and that you worship me!”

Kendall stares him in the eyes with a languid, feline smile and purrs. “I love you, Jackson! I love you more than I’ve ever loved a man before! Hell, I love you more than I love my mother, my brother, or my daughters! I love you, and I serve you. I’m your slut, and I worship you, Jackson. I worship you! AH!!” She moans, and her body curls and her face scrunches in climax. “I worship you and your big, mighty cock!!!”

Jackson smiles and thrusts again, and she opens for him. Her cervix parts and swallows him. Blinding pain and endless pleasure wash over her in rolling, rushing waves as Jackson reaches the deepest parts of her. She goes wide-eyed and unfurls, and her body tenses around him and alters. Pleasure like tidal waves sucks her under, and Kendall is left breathless as she screams.

Jackson moves quickly to stuff her panties into her mouth to quiet her. It is a thoughtless action, but he feels entitled. In that moment, with his dick intruding in the most private parts of her body, Jackson takes hold of her by one tit and puts his other hand on her hips, and he fucks her with hard, thoughtless strokes that go so deep that they reshape her. The pain fades, and soon all Kendall knows is the pleasure.

She holds Jackson by his hands and urges him to fuck her. His hard strokes go fast and deep, but his movements are shallow. He doesn’t remove more than a few inches from her at a time as he plows her, and it feels to Kendall like he is fucking her cervix as much as he is fucking her pussy. The blinding pain is gone now, and Kendall has lost count of all of her orgasms.

Eventually the pleasure blends and blurs without distinction. She stares at him, and she feels him thicken, and she moans around her wet panties as he slams into her so hard that her hips ache. Jackson floods her, shooting into the deepest parts of her and ballooning her insides. In response, Kendall tightens, flexes and coaxes him as the biggest, most intense orgasm of her life hits.

She loses consciousness and wakes to find Jackson hanging his limp cock in her face and leaving wet, slick spots wherever he touches her. “Wakey, wakey, slut,” he teases, and Kendall purrs and parts her lips so that he can pluck the panties from her mouth. Then, she licks him with an animal mewl.

Jackson slowly recovers himself as he watches her, and in the space of a blink and a breath, he remembers and scrambles off of the bed. His wet cock slaps between his chunky thighs, and he pins his back to the wall and stares breathlessly at her as a previously blurring morning takes shape in front of him. He had made Audrey Jones kneel at his feet and submit, and now he has taken Kendall in a brutal and uncaring fashion.

Hyperventilating, Jackson collapses to the ground and begins to sob. His cock is limp and slick against the carpet as Kendall joins him, and she comforts him with a careful hug. As his sobs slow, Kendall moves his arms and parts his legs, and she stares him in the eyes as she sucks him into her mouth again, and he sighs. “Kendall, please, you don’t have to…”

Kendall smiles around him and moans as she slurps off of him. Holding him by the root, she kisses his fat crown and purrs. “I want to,” she says, and she tongues his glans and urethra and says, “That was the best sex of my life, Jackson. You deserve this and more!”

Hearing her speak this way and seeing her suck him, Jackson feels the conflict inside of him stir up into a storm that expresses itself with renewed tears. “But, Kendall, I did nothing but degrade and demean you. I used you like a tool for my pleasure.”

“Mm.” Kendall slurps off of him again and holds his saliva slick cock to her cheek as she smiles. “I know, and I loved it!”

“But you shouldn’t!!”

“And why shouldn’t I,” she asks primly and without humor. “I’m a slut, Jackson. I like it, and I don’t see a problem with it. Do you have a problem with it?”

Jackson doesn’t have an answer. In his heart, he knows that something is different about them both, but he doesn’t know what it is. He is unable to articulate the whispers that urge him to dominate and conquer her, and so he lets her suck him clean before going for a shower to start his day. Kendall attempts to join him and grows fussy when he refuses her. They fuck again that night, and Jackson tries to be gentle with her, but her words make him savage.

As Kendall drifts off to sleep with a smile on her face, Jackson curls up and cries again until he cannot stay awake any longer.


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