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Chapter Seven:

Michael and Jean spent another night fucking loudly while Brad listened downstairs. It had been days since he had been allowed to use his own bed, and each pained whimper from his wife’s mouth hurt him more and more, but Brad said nothing about it. He betrayed little emotion as he shuttled food to the bedroom for them every night and took their dirty dishes down every morning. When allowed inside in the morning to dress, he always found the mattress soaked with old semen and stinking of sex.

Jean always slept soundly beside Michael. She woke up sore but smiling as she felt Michael’s enormous body beside her. He took up more space than Brad, and his entire body seemed to swallow her sometimes when he rolled over. He was warmer than Brad, too, and his fat body kept her warm even in the coldest nights.

Every morning, she woke up stuck to his sweaty body and had to peel herself away from him. The feel of him beside her, and the shape of his big, naked body in the dark, never failed to arouse her. At first, she felt guilty as she lusted for Michael from morning to night. Now, she had come to accept it for what it had become. She preferred Michael, but she felt like most women would and told herself not to feel guilty.

Today, she started her morning with her face in his crotch. She breathed deeply of his pubic hair and let their combined stink wash over her. He smelled strongly of sex, with his own natural musk mingling with the sent her pussy juices left behind as they dried. He had always smelled slightly sweaty, but after days of deep-dickings, she had come to associate what she once thought of as a stench with pleasure, and now she liked it.

Pressed into his pubic root, Jean took to licking his pubic hair and sucking the sweat from it. She snorted like a pig in her animal hunger and rooted until she found his big, heavy balls. There, she latched onto one and washed it thoroughly with her tongue while she sucked him. Brad was a good man, she thought. He was gentle and kind, but he lacked what Michael had.

Michael was crude and degrading, but he was also sexuality embodied in its purest, rawest form. She could not imagine a more grotesque or disturbing man, but by extension, she could not imagine someone more manly, either. Michael was primal and embodied everything she thought a man could or should. Most importantly, he fucked hard and was capable of doing to her everything Brad could not.

At this point, Jean had to be pregnant, and knowing this only turned her on more. She released his balls and nuzzled his shaft again. Holding him by the root, she mewled and kissed him. His testicles were still heavy and were, from her experience, bottomless. He always had more semen for her and was always ready to fuck. Sometimes, she felt like one giant, human-sized pussy for him to unload into. Other times, she was a heifer being slammed and bred by a bull. At first, such thoughts repulsed her. Now, they excited her.

Michael stirred beside her and parted his legs. Lifting the blanket, he caught her and smiled and asked, “Again? Already?”

Jean stared back at him with the shocked expression of a deer in headlights. Without speaking, she made a show of licking one of his large, hairy testicles, and Michael dropped the blanket back over her head with a grin. He watched her head bob beneath the blanket and followed her movements through feel. She appeared quite contented between his legs and seemed determined to clean him by tongue and lips both.

Though Jean was not the first woman Michael has bred, she was his favorite. Few women of her beauty had come to him asking for this. In fact, he could hardly believe that Brad had convinced someone like her to do this to begin with. The women in Michael’s past were passable to unattractive, and he used them like cum rags because that was all they were worth to him. Jean was beautiful, if a bit flat chested, and now she was his cum rag, too, just the same as her ugly counterparts before her.

Keeping the blanket over her, Michael reached under to hold her by the hair and guide her. He was thickening as she held him by the root and stroked him while she nursed his balls. Her work was loud and sloppy as she moaned and gasped against and around him. She had looked so prim and proper when he first met her, but she had proven to Michael a theory which he had kept in the back of his mind for most of his life: all women are sluts; some just haven’t figured it out yet.

He curled his fingers in her hair and pulled her up his rigid shaft. Jean licked him on the way and even kissed his belly and chest before coming into view. Her pussy was moist against his thigh now, and she panted as she came out of the blanket. At this angle, she pinned his hard dick between them and used her belly to undulate against him and stroke him. Even in the darkness, he could see her big, stupid smile.

“Good morning,” she panted as she stared him in the eyes. Her cheeks were slimy with excess saliva, and so were her lips.

Michael laughed and moved her by her hair as he said, “You seem horny, Jean.”

Jean moved and repositioned herself to straddle his midsection. From there, she took to running her wet slit along the length of his rigid, girthy shaft, and she moaned, “Mm. I wanted to do it one more time today before work!” The way she stared at him, with her eyes fixed on his, it wasn’t quite love but it was the desire to love him. The blanket slid down her body and pooled at his waist as she rested her hands on his shoulder and ground against him. “Oh, Michael! I need it!!”

Michael could not stop smiling or laughing as he held her by the hair. He took her by the hips with his other hand and moved her on him, using her vulva to stroke himself. It was dark, but the shadows accentuated the curve of her waist. Jean was not buxom, but she was still attractive and shapely in her own way. He moved the hand in her hair to hold her by the cheeks and fed her his thumb. She sucked him again with a needy mewl while he said, “You want to fuck so I can breed you? Or do you need to come?”

Still whining, Jean slurped his finger loudly before smiling. “Breed me,” she purred.

“Well, if that’s the case,” said Michael, and he shoved Jean off of him. She landed beside him with a look of silent worry settling on her pretty face as she fingered herself. Michael gave her a hard stare after that, though his smile betrayed the manipulation. “At this point we both know you’re pregnant, so we don’t need to breed anymore, Jean. With how hard we’ve been going at it, if we fuck again, it’s just for the fucking.”

Jean shook against him and held her belly. She had known for some time that she was likely pregnant and could almost feel his child growing inside of her already. Even then, as full of him as she was and would remain, she felt empty without his hard dick. She whimpered, and she whined against him, and she glared at him in the darkness. “No, Michael…Please…!”

“Then again…” Michael held his stiff cock up and waved it at Jean. “If you still wanted to fuck, I suppose I would let you on a few conditions. First, you’ve got to turn around and ride me with your ass toward me so I can watch that big, thick thing bounce. Second, you’d have to be okay with it being straight fucking, Jean, cause you’re already pregnant, and anything else we do, we do cause we want to fuck.”

Michael couldn’t hide his smile as he watched her eyes follow his dick. He had seen this same drunken want on women countless times before, but none of them had been so pretty as Jean. He stopped and stroked himself, and she wetted her lips as she stared at him. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining if you only want to fuck, but I want it to be perfectly clear what we’re doing here and why. I don’t want your cuckold husband blaming me later when you’re addicted to my dick.”

Jean shifted her weight on him while her insides tightened. She was so horny that it almost hurt, and she knew that her sensitive body could only find relief with the aid of one person. The bedroom air was cold but felt like a gentle, teasing caress across her hot skin, and the sight of Michael’s enormous dick sent her head spinning and kept her warm. She needed to be fucked, and though it hurt to admit her, she knew that she could never go back to Brad and be satisfied. For now, at least, she needed Michael, and she needed to be fucked by Michael. At this point, he was the only one who could help her find relief from the very passions he had put into her to begin with.

Rubbing herself against him, Jean whined. “Please, Michael! Please…I need it!”

Michael stroked himself, and in his big hand he looked almost normal. Watching him move in the darkness was a special kind of torture for Jean, whose mind had all but collapsed under the weight of her own arousal, and judging by the stupid grin on his face, he could tell just how desperate she really was. “I’ve already told you, Jean: we can fuck as much as you want. All you’ve got to do is climb on up, but it won’t be for breeding. It’ll be for fucking and that’s it.”

Jean stared at him in the near darkness. She knew exactly what he wanted from her, and she hated him for it. The lie had been easier for her. Deep down, the truth was there. This wouldn’t stop with one child. It wouldn’t stop until Michael made it stop, and they both knew, but Jean had felt good about pretending as long as she could. It made the guilt easier for her to swallow.

Staring at his big hard dick, though, and staring into his knowing smile, she knew that the game was over. The lie had to die. She looked at his dick and at his big hand gliding along his spit-wetted length, and she bit her bottom lip and moaned. It was over, and they both knew that, too. She wrapped her hands around his root, and she whispered, “I understand, Michael. I understand completely.”

Holding him steady, Jean lifted herself up and turned to mount him. She straddled him with her ass toward him, and Michael watched with glee as her big, round bottom swung forward and backward as she eased him into her. Finally, once she had opened for him, she took him to half his length and then hovered before taking him to the root with one hard stroke. She came and then held there, grinding her pelvis into his and whining as the greatest orgasm of her life swept over her. It came to her as a relief, and she howled as she let go of her guilt and gave herself over to him completely.

Michael took hold of her by the hips and held her in place. He had a big, gorilla grin on his face. He looked primal but satisfied, and he swatted her across her big bottom and laughed as she jiggled while she moaned on him like a whore. Reaching around, he pulled her back and squeezed her breasts hard while she shook on him. “Is this your answer, Jean? Are we fucking for a baby or are we just fucking?”

“We’re just fucking,” she announced, and she knew full well that Brad could hear her downstairs. She simply didn’t care anymore. Michael felt like he was all the way up into her throat. At that moment, he was all that mattered. Whether he bred her or not, she just knew that she needed him to come. “We’re just fucking,” she repeated, and she moved herself on him while he mauled her. “We’re just fucking! And you’re so fucking big!!”

Michael grinned and released her. Shoving her forward by the shoulders, he took her by the ass and moved her on his dick. “You going to ride me or what,” he asked, swatting her big, bouncing bottom again, and soon he didn’t have to guide her. Jean braced herself with her hands on his thighs and began bouncing her bottom on him herself.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she said, and she smiled at him over her shoulder. Her body was glistening with sweat even in the darkness, and the look in her eyes was one of wild, unrestrained want. It was like she had become a completely different person for him as she moved herself in wide, urgent six inch strokes. “Oh, Michael! I wasted so much time! Too much time! I should have just been yours from the start! From the very first time!”

Michael laughed. Though he didn’t need to move her, he did enjoy touching her and holding her. He squeezed her ass or pulled her hair, and no matter how he touched her or hurt her, she met him. She wanted him to abuse her body with his big dick, and she wanted to belong to him now. He had finally broken her just as he had broken countless women before her, and the delight he took in it was like nothing else.

He knotted her hair around his fist and said, “What the fuck are you talking about, Jean? You were mine from the first time. It just took you a few more times to realize it.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” chanted Jean as his words imbedded themselves into her brain. This was inevitable, she realized. From the moment he first fucked her, no, from the moment she first saw his dick, Michael would one day claim her, and she would someday want to be claimed. Brad had been desperate to give her a child, and he succeeded in a roundabout way, but it had cost him his wife. “Fuck me! Use me! Fuck me! Agh!!”

Another orgasm rocked Jean and cemented in her mind the inescapable truth which was echoing through her. Brad would never be enough again. She had known this for some time, but today, on this morning and with this orgasm, she could no longer deny it to herself. She settled on Michael’s length and sat there flexing around him, her womanhood tight, and wet, and gripping, and he merely laughed as he held her in place.

Michael gasped and grunted behind her. “Fuck, your shit is so tight,” he growled, and he moved his hands to hold her by the shoulders and pressed her into him. They both groaned. “I swear, it’s like hubby has never even fucked you before!”

“He hasn’t,” she whined. “Not like you do, Michael! Not like I need!” She laughed quietly to herself as she regained her composure. Both of them were slick with sweat, and his fingers were so tight around her shoulders that it hurt, but she was smiling in the dark as she let the truth flow freely from her lips. She wiped drool from her chin and said, “He couldn’t even knock me up, Michael, and now…now, he will never fuck me again.”

Michael laughed quietly behind her. He was massive inside of her and on the edge of bursting, but she felt him flexing and holding out. His fat balls felt so good against her, and it made her purr. “And here I thought you wanted to start a family with him.”

“I did,” she admitted, and she rolled her hips on Michael and groaned. “I still do. You can be a part of our family, too, Michael.” Leaning back against his big, bloated belly, Jean pulled him into a kiss. She sucked his tongue and drank his spittle, and she guided his hands to her tender breasts while she shook her hips on him. “Mm. You can be the daddy, Michael, and he can be the cuck!”

Michael crushed her breasts with both hands while she coaxed him with her hungry folds. It hurt, he was so hard, and he could barely hold back as he whispered, raw and rumbling in her ear. “I’m about to explode in you, Jean.”

“Good,” she purred, and there was a smile on her face despite the pain in her breasts. Her stiff nipples were pink and sensitive between his strong fingers and her ass was crushed between their bodies as she held herself pinned tight to him to milk him into the deepest parts of her. If she was not pregnant yet, then she most assuredly would be by the time he finished. “Fill me, Michael, fill me like only you can!”

He growled against her and bit her shoulder. Balls against her wetted vulva, he pulsed and then fired. Just as she requested, he filled her with gravy thick semen while she sat back against him, kissing him and mewling into his mouth. Drool seeped from her lips, and she quaked against him, but he held her in place so tight that his big hands would leave bruises on her body as if marking her as his.

They stayed like this until he was finished. When he finally released her, her breasts were swollen and achy, but so were her insides. He always came hard, but it felt to Jean like he had come harder than usual. It made her happy to have done that for him and, as she sat forward, she flexed around him again to urge out any remaining cum he might have still had inside of his balls.

Michael cupped her ass and shook it idly while she flexed on him. “So, how was it, Jean? How did it feel to finally, fully commit to cheating on your husband?”

Jean, still dizzy with arousal, giggled and smiled back at Michael over her shoulder. Her breasts burned, but his strong hands felt good on her rear as she started riding his half-erect length again. Even after coming, he was harder and larger than Brad could ever be. “It was the best…,” she whispered.

Outside, they heard Brad clear his throat before he knocked at the door. Jean froze on Michael, who chuckled behind her. “Y-Yes,” she stammered, and a long silence followed.

“A-Are you two done yet? I need to get ready for work.”

Jean could hear Brad’s sadness in his voice. He had been crying and could barely speak. It was almost enough to bring her regret, but with Michael’s thick cock still filling her and his cum swelling her insides around him, she had no room for guilt or regret to take root. She pressed her body back down against Michael’s big, hairy balls and flexed around him. “We need to clean up first,” she said, and the smile never left her face as Michael groaned behind her. He swatted her ass, and she said, “Give us, mm, thirty minutes or so.”

Brad lingered outside of the door for what felt like an eternity. When he finally spoke, he only said, “O-Okay…” Then, he went back down the stairs to wait for them to finish.

Jean finally dismounted Michael, and she turned to kiss his dick before throating him with open passion. Semen gushed from her pussy as she cleaned him, and then she dragged him to the shower with her to wash him with soap. They fucked again, and an hour later, Jean and Michael finally left the bedroom and found Brad crying again. This time, there was no regret, only disgust and disappointment as Michael led her out the front door.

Upstairs after they left, Brad could smell their sex soaked into the walls and into the sheets, and he wept even harder as he dressed for work. None of this had gone the way he wanted it to go, but now it was too late for him to stop it, and he knew it. At this point, his only hope was that Michael might get bored of Jean and leave her to Brad, but even then, he knew deep down that their relationship was forever ruined.


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