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Chapter Three: Changes

Days passed, and James sits alone in Paige’s garage holding a rifle across his lap. It is a hunting rifle which he had bought from a friend, and it felt heavy on his fat thighs. Every day, he feel weaker and worse. As his dick shrinks, so does strength. He no longer walks the house naked or in just his briefs and hasn’t been able to get erect since what happened with Jackson. In that time, he has lost almost half his length and, by the looks of it, will end up smaller than he was before.

Paige enters the garage and stops at the top of the stairs. She is still beautiful, with big blue eyes and long auburn hair. Her curves are womanly, but her figure is one of someone younger than her. Her skin is smooth, pale, and without blemish, and she stands staring at him in mixed pity and disappointment.

As the days have passed, her attraction toward him has faded along with his dick. Every new day finds her with growing shame and disgust. She doesn’t resent him, but she doesn’t fear him anymore. Sobriety has hit her hard. She still doesn’t drink, but now that she doesn’t fuck, either, she seems to almost pity him, and that only makes him angrier. When she sees the gun on his lap, she crosses her arms over her heavy breasts and frowns. “James, is everything okay down here?”

Clutching the gun in both hands but not moving it, James glares up at her. “I want to be alone.”

Paige lingers at the top of the stairs and stares at the gun. “Are you sure about that? I could come down and jerk you off if you want. Even blow you.” The words sound hollow and performative. They both know that he can’t get hard. “I could get Olivia instead, if you want.”

James thinks about Olivia, so slender and beautiful like his sister. Once, James had owned Olivia with a flash of his cock. Now, the young man seemed well on his way to becoming Oliver again, while James silently worries about being Jamie. Staring at the gun in his hands, James thinks how he would rather choke on the barrel himself than choke on a cock.


James looks at Paige. She had moved closer and is halfway down the stairs now, and she is staring at him with that hateful pity again. He growls. “I told you, I’m fine.”

Paige stays a moment longer and stares at the gun. Worry forms in her gut, but it manifests beside a growing revulsion for him. Her affection for him is fading just as surely as her attraction to him is. She shrugs. “Fine. Come back up for lunch soon, though.” She turns her back on him and climbs back up the stairs, and on the way she smiles to herself as she says, “Lately, you look like you’re wasting away.” As the threads of his control loosen, she is starting to find some amusement in his suffering.


Jackson struggles to focus at work. His huge dick is a constant distraction to him now, as he is almost always horny and primed to fuck. It is so distracting that it often prevents him from doing his job. His pants fit all wrong, and he feels self-conscious every time he passes a customer or coworker because he feels like they are going  to notice his very obvious bulge.

No amount of eye contact can convince him otherwise, either. In fact, prolonged eye contact makes him feel more certain that they are aware and avoiding it. Female customers in particular seem quite taken with him, and at home, Kendall is beyond smitten. Men, meanwhile, have remained friendly but are demure in his presence. It is partially empowering, to be so well-endowed and well-liked for it. Mostly, however, it reminds him of the fiery sex he is having with Kendall, and that leaves him half-erect all day.

Speaking of Kendall, she is horny, too. Any and all thoughts or fears of James are gone from her head, as she has no more room left to think about anything or anyone except for Jackson. By this point, their entire house reeks of their sex, and so does her body and hair. Her face is still sticky with the remains of the blowjob she gave him before he left for work. He asked to walk so that he could get a break from her, and Kendall was happy to allow it so long as she was given a load before he went.

At this point, it feels more like submission than love, and she doesn’t mind that. She is shameless in her obedience and desperate to deliver him pleasure as often as he likes and however he likes. She tries to keep herself busy while he is gone, though he seems to occupy her every thought anymore. She still enjoys things without him, but every sight and every small smell reminds her of him and leaves her ready and giddy for his return that afternoon.

To this point in her life, Kendall has been career-oriented. She focuses on her ambitions as a professional above all else, but Jackson is changing her. Right now, she wants nothing more than to serve Jackson and to be served by him. She wants to live as his little live-in sex slave and private maid, doing for him whatever he asks and being rewarded only with hard, deep sex and sticky sperm baths.

She cleans for hours to pass the time and then leaves home to go shopping. She buys a number of outfits for Jackson in hopes to entice him with her figure. Mostly, she buys lowcut tops and nearly transparent tank tops, as well as a number of tight-fitting booty-shorts for him to enjoy. She buys a few sets of sheer lingerie as well, and at home she tries everything on to make sure they fit before she washes them. By the time they are dry and put away, she is already gushing for him.

When she arrives at the store to pick Jackson up, she is showered and dressed for him. She wears a long blue dress with red lingerie underneath. The contrasting colors pop against each other and draw attention to her partially exposed bosom. Jackson greets her with a smile when he sees her, and his eyes fix immediately to her displayed cleavage and the lingerie peeking out around and underneath the dress. She smiles to see him half-erect and filling his pants, and when she follows his gaze to her breasts, she feels good about the choices she has made.

“See something you like, handsome?”

Jackson climbs into the car stammering, and keeps his eyes fixed on her exposed cleavage as he fumbles to fasten his seatbelt. “You, um, you look…good!”

Kendall lifts her eyebrows in play. “Just good?” She flashes him a smile afterward as his cheeks go pink.

“Great,” he says. “Um, very, um, nice.”

“Is it my tits,” Kendall asks, and she tugs her blouse to shake her bosom at Jackson. Staring wide-eyed, Jackson merely nods in response, and Kendall laughs. “Ready? We need to get the girls before your big dick goes and bursts through those pants, and I can see the fibers straining.”

Jackson nods again and tries to settle in his seat. Once his seatbelt is fastened, he remains keenly aware of Kendall’s exposed cleavage as he moves. While she is exaggerating, he is hard and uncomfortable in his pants, and at his current size, it is not impossible for him to imagine his pants ripping open.

Kendall pulls away from the parking lot with a smile on her face and merges into traffic. They live in a small town, and the only daycare they could find is in the next town over. She leaves town and merges onto the highway, and while driving on the highway lowers the top of her dress to expose her bare breasts and puffy nipples to Jackson’s unrelenting gaze.

Jackson gasps. “Kendall!”

“What,” she giggles, and she shakes her bosom for him. She swears that she hears the blood pumping in his loins. “I’m the one who has to watch the road, not you.”


Kendall reaches out and feels him through his pants, and she is not disappointed with what he has there. He is at least half erect and well on his way to full erection, and he groans at her touch. Kendall coos in response and rubs him. It was her intent to tease him to this point, but her lust is getting the better of her, and she wants nothing more than to suck him dry before she picks up her children for the day.

After Penelope was born, Kendall had sworn off dating for a time, and she went without pleasure for as long as she could. Penelope’s father was her high school sweetheart, but there was nothing about him that was sweet. He was not suited for a committed relationship, and he definitely didn’t have it in him to be a father. Her first date with James was after nearly a year of solitude and months of harassment. Each new advance was more aggressive than the last, and after turning him down so many times, she figured a one-night stand would be enough to spare her his interest.

Then she got pregnant.

Jackson is the first safe space she has ever found, and he is the first man she can imagine coming home to. Now enhanced by whatever it was that enhanced him, her affection for him has only grown stronger, as has her attraction to him. She had liked him from the first time she saw him, but now she feels obsessed. Each new day spent with him only makes her love for him grow, and with the combined gratitude from him saving him, she feels like she could worship him at his feet and it still not be enough to repay him the debt she owes him.

Driving topless and feeling Jackson through his pants, Kendall felt a change take place in her. She already loved Jackson, and she already found him attractive. His big dick increased her attraction to him, and it amplified her love, but it also changed her. A man like Jackson was rare, and while his kindness endeared her, she had come to see it as unnecessary and even frustrating. She loved him, and she was grateful for his love, but she no longer needed it. All she needed was him.

The way he stared at her breasts while she drove aroused her to no end. Exposed to her body, Jackson could be honest with both her and with himself. His rigid dick told her no lies. He enjoyed her body, and he enjoyed having sex with her. He enjoyed using her for his own amusement and his own pleasure, and Kendall wanted him to do it more. She wanted more than a relationship with him. She wanted to be used by him, and she wanted to submit to him. After experiencing his new dick, Kendall didn’t want to just date him or marry him. She wanted to be owned by him, and she knew deep down that he wanted to own her, too.

She drove through down with her breasts out and only pulled her dress up as they pulled to a stop at the daycare. Jackson had to wait inside of the car to cool off but joined her shortly after as she signed both girls out. Addison came toddling toward him, and he carried her in his arm while she hung from him and babbled, and Kendall preened as she led Penelope by the hand. Jackson looked and moved like their father, though he was new to the job, and it made Kendall want him even more.

The drive home felt almost normal and gave Kendall yet another side of Jackson to appreciate. His kindness, while ultimately unnecessary at this point, was still appreciated. He was of course imperfect. He could be a bit of a doormat sometimes, and even when he wasn’t, he whined more than he made his needs known. Even then, she loved him, and she could easily envision a life with him and more children with him.

On the way home, she held his hand instead of his dick and was giddy to find that it brought her a similar sort of arousal. His touch alone filled her with fire, and she stole smiles at him while also stealing glances at his bulging pants. At home, they spend the afternoon with their children and steal kisses where they can. Once the girls are in bed, however, Kendall cannot hold herself in check anymore, and she shoves Jackson back onto the couch before kneeling at his feet.

Jackson stares and stammers as Kendall runs her hands up his thighs. “K-Kendall, what are you…?”

She grins at him and feels him through his pants. “What am I doing,” she purrs. “I’m going to milk you, that’s what.”

“M-Milk me?!” Jackson balks at the suggestion, but his dick throbs in her grasp. “W-What do you…” His words die as Kendall opens his pants. His boxers are tented with his manhood, and all it takes is a single button to free him. His dick fills the open hole of the briefs nearly to bursting, and though he is only partially erect, he is already massive and heavy in her hands. She strokes him eagerly from root to crown and mewls as she plants kisses along his pubic root.

Jackson gasps in response. “Kendall!”

Nose buried in his pubic hair, Kendall breathes deeply of him before laughing. Primed by her earlier efforts, Jackson is already hard in her hands and leaking precum as she tastes him. She sits back to stare at him, and she moans. “Oh, God, Jackson! I didn’t know…” She kisses the side of his shaft and spits along it to wet him. Using her hands, she spreads her saliva on him while staring him in the eyes and crooning. “Mm. I didn’t know that dicks could get this big!!”

“I didn’t know, either,” Jackson admitted as he watched Kendall stroking him. He winced as pleasure rushed through him and said, “I didn’t used to be this big, you know. I just…grew…overnight.”

“Oh, I know,” Kendall purred, and she pushes her nose into the hole in his boxers and breathed him in. His pubic hair tickles her nostrils as she licks him, and she drinks up his sweat in animal want before licking her way up his cock. She kissed his crown at the top and licks his urethra to sample sticky precum that has gathered there. “Mm. And I love it! You have such a big, beautiful cock, Jackson. Mm. Such a big, beautiful, delicious cock!”

Still purring, Kendall holds him by the root with both hands and eases him into her mouth. She throws herself into him, sucking him dutifully but with care. She is mindful of her teeth and avoids scraping him despite his size. A part of her is desperate to choke on him but fears the impossibility of the task so she only teases him with her throat for now. His enormity requires focus, and though she intends to fully master Jackson’s dick one day, for now she wants to learn to walk before trying to run.

Paralyzed with pleasure, Jackson sits back and watches breathlessly as Kendall sucks him. He rests his hand beside him and is unsure of what to do with them. Kendall looks lewd as she slurps him. She gathers the saliva running down his shaft and spreads it as she strokes him, and she moans and drools on him with her eyes closed. Every movement is urgent but precise. His crown teases her throat, and she gags lightly without choking. This is beyond a blowjob. It feels almost like worship to Jackson.

Kendall gags and comes up gasping for air. Thin ribbons of spittle stretch between her pink lips and his shiny red crown. She stares at him and strokes him with increasing urgency. Deep in her, she feels a tickle and an emptiness that tells her she needs to be fucked, but the taste of his dick lingers at the back of her throat and speaks of another need she has. She twists her hands on him for variation and then pulls him back into her mouth to suck him with escalating hunger.

To this point in her life, Kendall would never have considered herself a size queen. Even after Jackson filled her, she still wouldn’t have called herself one, because she considered her affinity for Jackson’s dick to be borne of her attraction to Jackson and not an attraction to his dick. Teasing her throat with his dick on each downstroke is doing a lot of work to change her mind, though. If she was not a size queen before, she is beginning to think that Jackson is converting her into one now.

Jackson can see the change taking place in her, too, as she gags on him. Kendall used to be very headstrong and even aggressive at times. From the moment he met her, Jackson has been in awe of her assertiveness. She would often say how he saved her, but she was the one to pursue him. It always impressed Jackson how brave it was for her to see him and reach out for help. Yes, he helped her, but she was the one who allowed him close enough to help her to begin with. Now, her aggression and strength is turned solely toward his sexual pleasure, and as erotic as it is, it is also jarring.

Despite these changes, Jackson still loves Kendall, but he feels his own love for her changing, too. Her mouth and throat are a powerful aphrodisiac, as is her willingness to indulge him. Watching her slurp and suck him is almost enough to let him abandon that love in favor of the pleasure his dick promises him. Kendall is willing to be his tool for pleasure, and she shows him that in the ways she dresses and moves every day. All he has to do is take her, and she will be happy.

Jackson grips the couch tightly and groans as his head lulls back. A low, deep growl escapes him as he moans her name. “Oooooh, fuck, Kendall!!”

Kendall sees his pleasure and hears it in his voice, and she smiles. It makes her happy to please him, and on some primal level she understands herself as existing for that pleasure. To her children, she is a mother. To her mother, she is herself a daughter. To her students she is a teacher, but to Jackson she is more than a lover or his soulmate. To him, she is a woman, his woman, and that means to her whatever it needs to mean for her to keep him happy.

With that thought, she sits up and smiles at him as he recovers. Jackson stares down at her in a daze, his head swimming with pleasure and promises of power, and she wipes the spittle from her chin and stares him in the eyes. His gaze drifts, and she follows it to his cleavage, and she cups her breasts and laughs. “Oh, I see you found my breasts again, didn’t you?”

Kendall’s voice is an animal purr as she lifts her breasts and slips Jackson’s rigid dick between them. Holding him in her cleavage, she kisses his crown and compares him against her own body. All her life, Kendall had been all skin and bones. After the birth of her first child, her breasts grew but her body stayed slender. Her second child gave her hips and thighs, with a round bottom and a fuller bosom. A few weeks ago, her breasts filled out more just before James had come back into her life.

Now, she is supple and womanly without being fat. Like Jackson, she was gifted with a strange growth that made her healthy and horny, and Jackson gasps her name as she holds him and licks him, and she smiles against his dick and purrs. “Mm. Don’t worry, Jackson. I’ll love you, and I’ll take care of you, and I’ll stroke you all the way through.”

Jackson is stunned by her primal beauty and stares at her while gasping like a fish. She strokes him with her body, using her saliva to lubricate her cleavage and glide along his shaft. She continues to lick as she moves, and she can feel him thickening and throbbing in her grasp as his orgasm is fast approaching. She smiles against him, and she gives a tinkling, delightful, feminine laugh while sucking his precum from his crown.

“Do you like this, baby? Do you like how it feels to have your big, hard dick wedged in my warm, wet cleavage?” Jackson, still gasping, claws at the couch while staring at her. “Good,” she mewls, and she dances her tongue along his glans and urethra. “I’ve never done this with anyone else before, you know. This is yours, Jackson. It’s only for you. My mouth. My breasts. They’re all yours. Only yours. Mm.” She finishes the thought by sucking him into her mouth with a sloppy moan.

Jackson groans again and sits speechless in thoughtless, breathless pleasure. Echoes inside of him tell him that he deserves this pleasure. They tell him that this is his dominion, and that Kendall is serving him as a woman should. Any guilt he should have felt was gone and was replaced by indignation. She belonged to him, and this was his right to soil her.

“Kendall…!” He moaned her name in desperate pleasure, and his balls ached and churned. He wants nothing more than to fire, but even in his arrogance, he does not wish to degrade her. He loves her, and he is overcome by that love as he thickens and throbs. His composure is failing him, though, and the struggle is too great. It is like standing against a tidal wave as his orgasm rises all around him. He watches her, and he sees that she has no such reservations. That worries him even more, but her willingness also frees him from responsibility.

She wants it, the voices tell him, and though he hates it, he also knows it is true. Kendall is there of her own desire. She is stroking him and kissing him, and she is milking him onto her face. The only thing holding him back are his own reservations. He fears what will change between them if he baptizes her in his sperm now. There is a hunger behind those echoes. It wants him to rule, and it wants her to follow. He claws at the couch cushions and whines and kicks like a child as his orgasm swallows him. “Kendall, I’m about to…!!!”

Smiling and kissing at his thickening, leaking cock, Kendall purrs. Her breasts are wet with saliva and precum now. Jackson has been leaking for some time now, and she has actually been very impressed with how long he has held out. He needs to come, though, and she needs him to come, too.

She giggles. “Oh, trust me, Jackson. I know.” She licks him and winks, and she says, “And I want it.”

“W-What…?” Jackson’s head swam as he was submerged in rapture. He is just about to shoot and tenses in preparation.

Kendall slurps off of him and stares him in the eyes. She slows her movements as his orgasm approaches, and she whispers into his dick all the thoughts that have been following her for the last few days. “I want you to soak me, Jackson. I want you to come all over me. I want to drown in your semen. I want to smell like you, and I want the world to know that I am your woman. I want them to know that I belong to you.” She picked up speed and tightened her grip on him, and she stole kisses at his cockhead as she moaned. “I want you to cover me, Jackson!! I want you to make me your slut!!!”

Renewed discomfort settled into Jackson’s gut, but the passion Kendall showed in milking him was too great for him to ignore. He fed on her arousal, and he allowed himself to be swept along in the current. She coaxed him with the soft, sensual pleasure of her wet cleavage, and to his shame, Jackson erupted.

Jackson’s orgasms had grown mighty alongside his cock. She has seen them and experienced them multiple times now, and yet they never fail to impress her. She knows what is to come, and yet she is swept up in his climax just like he is. It is like they are dragged out of body and carried to a higher plane of pleasure as his semen flows. He spews white hot lava across her pretty face and paints her like a human canvas, and she licks him and kisses him and comes right alongside him.

Kissing him, licking him and eating his semen with animal want, Kendall moans and strokes him through his climax. She milks him, and she doesn’t stop until he is completely finished. Even then, she continues to slurp him and lick him. She cleans him with her tongue and leaves his dick spotless while wearing his mess across her face and across her cleavage. When finished, she sits back and smiles up at him, and she cups her cleavage to lick up his cum and eats a few stray pubic hairs that had gotten into her mouth as she slurped him. “Mm.” She purrs and makes a show of swallowing before sucking her fingers clean afterward, and then she smiles again. “Delicious!!”

Jackson sits in quiet shock as he stares at her. This is his love and future wife, and his dick has reduced her to this. “…Kendall…” He feels sick as he says her name because who he is looking at now is not the woman he fell in love with.

Kendall doesn’t seem to notice or mind. She presses her sperm-slick torso against him and soils his shirt and pants as she moves. They kiss, and Jackson closes his eyes and tries to remember her as she was, but he can taste himself on her lips and on her tongue and the illusion fades before he can even enjoy it. This is not the same Kendall, and he knows it, but a base part of him enjoys that. A base part of him enjoys what he is making her into.

They come apart, and Kendall takes holding her large, sticky breasts again as she regards him with a purr. “That was good, too.”

Jackson, still staring, nods. “It…it was,” he confesses, and he follows her gaze to his half erect dick. Kendall purrs and falls onto him. She sucks him back into her mouth with a moan, and she gasps and holds the couch tight. “Kendall!!” Taking great care, Jackson removes her from his dick with both hands and scoots from her. Kendall sits back giggling at his large dick swung with his movements.

“Yes, dear,” she purrs.

“You said you wanted to be my slut…”

She licks her lips and laughs throatily. “I did,” she says, and she stares him in the eyes as she licks at her sticky cleavage. She moans. “It was dirty talk.”

Jackson’s heart hammers as he watches her. He can see that she is taunting him. More than that, she is playing it safe. She does want to be his slut, but she isn’t sure that is what he wants. They are both worried about what it means, and neither of them are ready to move forward with it. So, instead of arguing, he simply says, “Oh.”

Kendall releases her breasts, and they fall and sway as she stands from the couch. Semen oozes slowly down her belly as she takes Jackson by the hand and pulls him up next to her. “Come on, we’re a mess, and we could both use a shower.” She leads him by the hand after her, and his dick swings and slaps his thighs as he walked. Once in the bathroom, she eyes his dick with a smile and holds him idly while the water warmed. Jackson stands still and stares at her.

His relationship with her is changing rapidly, and he does not know how to handle all of it. She might not really be his slut yet, but he can't imagine it will take too much longer for that to change, and it frightens him.


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