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Toybox #12 (Draupnir 3)

  • Continue Draupnir 0
  • Continue Deus 1
  • Continue Lost Paradise 0
  • Begin Dark Whispers 0
  • Begin A Philosopher's Gift 0
  • 2023-08-27
  • 1 votes
{'title': 'Toybox #12 (Draupnir 3)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Continue Draupnir', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Continue Deus', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Continue Lost Paradise', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Begin Dark Whispers', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Begin A Philosopher's Gift", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 8, 27, 18, 25, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1}


Chapter Three:

Benjamin now had three wives. His first wife, and the one he thought of as his real wife, was cheating on him with another woman. His second wife was his oldest daughter, and he avoided her as often as he could. His third wife was his boss, and she gave him hand jobs and blowjobs multiple times a day as often as he asked for them.

It was a good life, though it was stressful. For three days straight, he enjoyed Sara’s nimble young hands and pretty red lips fixed around his cock as she milked him. On Friday, he made a point of using her four times that day, and he had expected her to complain, but Sarah had just opened her blouse when he showed up at her office and giggled before saying, “Again? That is VERY flattering.”

With four orgasms under his belt before he came home, Benjamin had expected to be able to last the weekend without fucking his daughter. Violet was wearing a low-cut top in the morning, though, and he was already hard before noon. He felt his resolve flagging and knew that he would have to find relief quickly before he dumped another hot load into his eldest daughter and left her pregnant with his own grandchild, a thought which was beginning to arouse him more than it turned him off.

He watched Violet doing yoga in the living room and adjusted himself. She caught him adjusting himself and winked, and Benjamin quietly excused himself to the back porch for fresh air.

It was a hot day, and his clothes were sticky against his skin as the humidity made everything damp and thick. He was looking everywhere but at the house behind him when he spied his neighbor in the house next door.

Benjamin’s family had lived next door to the Grant family for a few years but they were not close. Sherman was a tall, skinny man with thick glasses and thinning hair. He looked like he had no body fat on him at all, and his face was pocked with acne marks. Emily was pretty but mousy. She was short and a bit frumpy and dressed like a kindergarten teacher because she was one. She had no children, but she looked like she had at least one and was still recovering from it.

When Benjamin saw Emily outside working on her garden, he reached into his pocket and felt the remaining rings inside. He had six, and he kept them on him at all times for fear of what would happen if someone else found them. Even his wife was not allowed a ring, as he didn’t want to fuck her after finding out she was cheating. Emily, however, could be a perfect release for him if times grew desperate.

He thickened to imagine Emily changed for him and made his wife, but he felt guilty, too. After all, Benjamin knew what it felt like to have a cheating spouse, and he did not want to do that to another man. The good thing about Violet and Sara was that neither of them were married. It was not cheating when he used them to milk his rigid cock. Emily was married, and though the ring would refine her and perfect her for his use, it would also take her away from her husband.

Benjamin pulled out one of his silver rings and sighed as he looked at it. Sara could take care of him at work, but he couldn’t be at work all the time. He had to find another source of pleasure at home. There were countless women in his neighborhood, let alone the world, though taking a stranger seemed morally questionable, too. Firstly, how would he know if they were married or not. Secondly, it seemed wrong to steal a person’s future from them and make them his if he didn’t know them at all.

He pocketed the ring and decided not to use it after all, but when he went inside and saw Violet again, he knew that he didn’t have the self-control to restrain himself, he decided to go through with it after all and make Emily his bride. Sherman was a nice guy, but Benjamin would knock his daughter up if he wasn’t careful, and being careful was difficult when she was basically begging him for his cock every day.

Benjamin’s plan fell apart before it even started. He made it to the front door and knocked, and that was as far as he had planned. When Sherman answered the door, Benjamin’s already foolish plot fell apart. He quickly stuffed his hands into his pockets and ran home with his cock between his legs without responding. After that, he let Violet comfort him with her mouth and ended up leaving a load in her against his better judgment.

After that, Benjamin avoided his neighbors. He knew it wasn’t that big of a deal to be weird or nosey, but he also knew that the implications of his running would not be good. He wondered if it started a fight between Sherman and Emily, but neither of them came to see him. A few days passed, and Benjamin comforted himself in Sara when he could. In the evenings, though, Violet continued to occupy the time.

Benjamin was home alone with Violet and spending time in her room when he caught sight of what had happened with his neighbors. He was seated on her bed and sat up on his elbows as he watched Violet sucking him and throating him with uncomfortable familiarity. She was gurgling and drooling down his shaft when he heard a car door shutting, and that is when he caught sight of his neighbors through the window.

To this point, Benjamin had never realized that he could spy his neighbor’s parking space through his daughter’s bedroom window. When he did, though, he found his eyes drawn to Emily and to a tall, slender woman who was on the driver’s side of the car. Benjamin flexed and thickened in his daughter’s throat as he stared at this unfamiliar woman, and he felt a strange, uncertain attraction to her that he did not immediately recognize.

“Holy…shit!” Benjamin grunted and fired down Violet’s throat. Violet, familiar with his orgasm, choked on his semen but did not retreat. She swallowed as quickly as she could and held tight to her father’s hips until he removed her by force. Then, she stroked him across her pretty, smiling face as he stared fixedly out the mirror.

When he was finished, he fell back with a sigh and stared up at her ceiling. He was pale like he had seen a ghost, and Violet busied herself by sucking him clean with long, hungry slurps. Once he was clean, she came up with a smile and said, “You okay, daddy? You seemed a little distracted at the end there.”

“I…I’m fine,” he sighed, but in his head was he conflicted. He had seen something he had not expected, and he realized later that he was indeed missing the ring he had meant to give to Emily. Except, it did not end up on Emily’s finger. Though Benjamin could not see Sherman’s fingers clearly, he could tell what had happened and felt a strange stirring inside of him because of it.

When Benjamin had run, he had left a ring behind by accident. Then, Sherman found the ring when he opened the door and, compelled by its magic, Sherman had put the ring on. Now, he was affected by the rings power in place of Emily, and his body had responded accordingly as a result.

The changes made to Sherman were more subtle than the changes Violet or Sara had undergone. Sherman had not grown breasts, nor had his hips widened. He had grown willowy, though, and had a slender, almost feminine figure now. His hair looked thicker and shinier, even at a distance, and his cheeks were better complected. At a glance, he appeared to be a pretty, young, flat-chested woman and not the man he was before.

Benjamin’s spent cock thickened against his daughter’s cheek as he watched the married couple return inside of their home. If Emily could see something wrong with Sherman, Benjamin couldn’t imagine what it was. She seemed to be treating him as she always did, and that excited Benjamin all the more. He had not meant to feminize his neighbor, but now that he had, he was thrilled to see it.

“Mm, daddy…!” Violet hugged him to her cheek and started kissing his shaft again. Benjamin looked at her and gasped.

“Sweetie, I just came!”

“And you’re already getting hard again.” She licked him and smiled. “I don’t know what it was that you saw, but it must have excited you.”

“Violet…! No…!!” Benjamin grunted as she took him back into her mouth and, even knowing it was wrong, he had her against the wall as he fucked her. Her tight little rear bounced and jiggled as he hammered her, and not long after, he erupted inside of her with a grunt. This was not the last load he left in her that day, but it was the last one he gave her before her mother and sister got home.

By the end of the night, Benjamin knew that a visit to Sherman would be in order if he was going to keep from knocking Violet up.


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