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Chapter Six:

Jean stayed horny all day after Michael left her with a belly full of seed. She went to work with his semen sloshing around inside of her, and she skipped lunch after the thick load he left in her belly. The blowjob had been surprisingly good for her. Not only did it feel good to please him and pay him back for all that he had done for her, but it made her feel sexy to bring such a big, powerful man to orgasm with her hands and mouth alone. She looked forward to doing it again.

Their after-shower sex had taken longer than expected. Michael always had stamina, but his recent orgasm beforehand didn’t help. This was good for Jean, but it was bad for Brad, who not only had to wait outside of the locked bedroom for them to let him in, but whose towel Michael used to wipe his dick clean after he had finished. Jean felt bad about it, but she also felt vindicated. After all, if Brad had been man enough to knock her up on his own, Michael wouldn’t be needed.

At work, she held her flat belly on her lunch break and wondered if she had guilted Brad into it. They had been trying for nearly a half the year without success. Jean had been despondent when friends and coworkers alike were all getting pregnant around her. She had worked so hard to get through school and get a good job, and children seemed like the next logical step. Brad had tried his best, but he simply didn’t have what was required. They could have adopted, but Jean was determined to do it naturally.

That was when Brad contacted Michael. He knew Michael through a friend of a friend. He had heard rumors of Michael frequently knocking women up and knew that he had what it took to impregnate Jean. The fact that those women were often in relationships meant little to Brad, who had trusted Jean at the time. Looking back, both of them should have been more careful. Neither knew what to expect from Michael, but when he had insisted on doing it naturally to ‘aid in the process,’ both were so desperate that they went along with it, and as result his dick had completely redefined Jean’s world.

On the first day she met Michael, Jean could tell there was something off about him. Not only was he repulsive, but he was predatory. They shook hands, and he appraised her like a butcher might appraise meat, but she endured. The stories Brad had told her were unreal, but she wanted to get pregnant so badly, and this seemed like the surest and quickest way to do it.

Then she saw his dick. Just thinking about his thirteen-inches made her head spin, and on the first day she was afraid he wouldn’t fit into her. When he cock smacked, her she came, and when he fucked her she came, too. It had felt like a miracle as he flooded her, and she knew from that moment on not only would he impregnate her, but that continued exposure would ruin her. Even then, she didn’t look back.

It was like their bodies were made for each other, like God had intervened and reshaped her in the moment. Perhaps it was the devil, she sometimes thought when she felt small and guilty, but she knew it didn’t matter. Whether it was God or the devil, all she knew was that she was horny, and she knew that only Michael would calm the stormy seas that boiled and churned inside of her.

When Jean finally made it home that evening, she was soaked. Michael’s truck was waiting in the driveway like it was always was, and she smiled as she parked and adjusted her top to show off what modest cleavage she had. Jean was not well-endowed, but she expected her breasts would start growing soon. She had to be pregnant at that point, there was no doubt in her mind.

Brad was inside sulking when she entered. He looked to her like a shell of himself as he sat on the couch pale and sleepless with dark circles around his eyes. She slowed when she saw him and realized how long it had been since the two of them had really spoken. Since the first day, Brad has been on the couch while she and Michael took the bed, and only now did she realize the depths of what she had done to him.

She felt more than guilty looking at him, and her heart sunk to the bottom of her when he turned those tired eyes on her and stared. He was a haunted man now, hollow and empty save for what appeared to her to be a stable mixture of self-loathing and suffering. She tried to smile at him, but his empty gaze made it hard for to wear for long. The joy that she used to feel when she looked at him was gone now, replaced only with pity as he said, “He’s upstairs.”

That pity, and the guilt that fed it, was quickly swallowed by an even greater and more pressing feeling of growing excitement and lust. As her emotions turned, she had to fight to keep the smile from her face and breathed slowly to keep herself calm before speaking to him. “O-Okay,” she managed, and then she was up the stairs in only a handful of bounding steps as she hurried to meet Michael.

By the time she found Michael naked in her bed, Jean had almost forgotten about Brad entirely. She still remembered him downstairs but could not quite remember what about him made her feel so sad to begin with. Instead, she was enamored with Michael, who was getting better looking every orgasm he gave her. Even his big, fat belly aroused her when she looked at it, and having his big, fat cock propped up against it only made her even hornier.

“Well, shit, I was wondering when you would get home,” he said. He had one big hand at rest around his cock root as he watched her. Jean stripped and muttered an apology as she stared at his massive, hairy balls. Once naked, she quickly locked the door before rushing to the bed to be with him. “Hurry it up,” he growled. “I’m tired of waiting.”

“Sorry,” she murmured again as she climbed onto the bed on her knees. “I drove as fast as I could.”

“Then you’ve got leave earlier, cause we ain’t got all night.”

Jean only nodded and took hold of him with both hands. He looked so much larger when she held him, and she realized that one of his hands alone was nearly equal to both of her hands. She stared down his length and sighed. “You’re already so big!”

“I want you to blow me again.”

Jean chanced a glance at him and then smiled. “Of course! Anything for you!” Then, she lowered herself onto him. She sucked him into her mouth with a wet, hungry moan and let his flavor fill her. Before, she could not quite figure out what he tasted of. Now, she knew the taste and loved it. His precum was rich and spread across his crown. As he filled her mouth, he also spread that same succulent excretion across her tongue, instilling her with an excited longing which foretold the coming orgasms he threated her body with.

She stroked and sucked him, gathering the excess saliva from her mouth and using it to lubricate him. Precum wetted her mouth and lubricated her, too, as she drank him greedily both for his taste and as a show of submission. In all her life, Jean had never enjoyed blowjobs the way she enjoyed them with Michael. This one was even better for her than the one in the shower that morning if for no other reason than that she could use the skills she learned in the morning to make it that much better by the evening.

For Michael, the blowjob was an intoxicating reminder of how much he had changed her He palmed her small breasts roughly while she slurped him and then cupped her big rear, too. Michael had no idea what Jean looked like when Brad had contacted him and had only intended to fuck her enough to make her submit before he left her horny, pregnant and stuck with an inferior male. He liked Jean, though. She had fought him longer than most women would, and she was beautiful in her own right. When she sucked him this morning, he had decided to keep her.

He watched her big booty swing as she sucked him and slapped it. Jean moaned and smiled around him, and he could see her staring at him while she sucked his cock. Holding her rear, he shook it, and Jean smiled again and gurgled on his dick as she choked herself on him. He moved his fingers and found her wetted cleft. Parting her lips, he probed them with two thick digits, and she tilted herself to give him access. Michael rubbed her, and she whined around his dick while she sucked him.

Michael laughed as he watched her and worked her to the edge of an orgasm just to hear her whine. Then, he said, “We should be careful, Jean. It’s starting to sound to me like this is about more than breeding for you.”

Jean, caught in the throes of thoughtless pleasure, mewled what might have been an apology to him, but she did not stop sucking his cock. If anything, she held him tighter by the root with both hands and choked herself on him with increasing aggression. Each choking gag saw her impaled deeper on his dick, and as he spanked and fingered her, she found she took pleasure in the degradation.

Satisfied with her progress, Michael sat back to watch her work. His heavy back fell into the headboard with a loud thud as he left her bottom free. Jean, open, exposed and suddenly empty, sat up to look at him and found him grinning back at her. He took hold of her by the hair and pulled his dick from his throat but he held it to her cheek so that she could kiss him and stroke him. Her eyes were distant and glassy as she whined against him, and Michael only responded with a commanding growl. “Take your panties off, sweet thing, and then get your ass up here to ride me.”

Jean nodded and quickly stood. Her legs were shaky, and she fell into the wall, but she moved frantically to obey. Once fully naked, she turned to him and smiled. She had found him revolting at first, but now she couldn’t imagine a sexier man as she returned to the bed. Mounting him, she ran her wetted cleft along the full length of his cock and stopped at his belly button. Then, easing back onto him, she moaned as she realized how much a big dick could do to improve a person.

Holding at his crown, Jean ground against him and wet him with her pussy as she stared him in the eyes. “Are you ready,” she asked, and she was smiling.

Michael smiled back and slapped her lightly across the cheek. “I already told you I was,” he said, and he forced one of his thick thumbs into her mouth. Jean didn’t like to be slapped, but she sucked his thumb and stared him in the eyes all the same. With a dick like Michael’s, she figured she could forgive him a few blows. “Start riding.”

Jean moaned around him and then reached between their bodies to guide him. It took effort to line him up, but once he was ready, she eased onto him with glee. Her lips stretched to accommodate him. It hurt, but any displeasure she felt was followed immediately by a nerve-numbing explosion of pleasure.

Inch by inch, she took him until she reached the root. There, she held, flexing around him eagerly as an orgasm shook her body. She moaned and drooled around his thumb, and though her cheek still ached, she no longer cared about the pain. The pleasure of his dick being buried into the depths of her body was more than enough to offset it.

It was not the biggest orgasm of her life, but it was enough to remind her that only Michael could do it to her. He had her open now, and it should worry her how easily she took him, but instead she felt pride at having grown so accustomed to his size. Even after birth, it would be difficult for her to go back to Brad. Only Michael could keep her satisfied anymore.

Michael cupped her big, bouncing bottom, and she braced against the wall so that her breasts hung in his face. He fucked her slowly, idly, and swatted her rear while she adjusted. Every time was like the first time for them both. Her pussy was tighter than most, and it was a joy to open her again every day.

His mouth was sloppy around her breasts and her teeth sharp against her nipples. She felt pain, but it was offset by the full pleasure he gave inside of her as he moved her. He used her big bottom to guide her along his shaft, and she whimpered and whined into him as her small but supple breasts jiggled in his face. Staring down at him, she thought how handsome he was and found him only more attractive as thirteen inches of wrist-thick cock barreled into her deepest reaches.

An orgasm hit, and Jean screamed her pleasure. She braced herself around his big, fat body and began riding him. While he moved her with his hands, she moved with him, fucking hard into him while he rested there and let her do the work. She was desperate to come on him, and more than that, she was desperate to make him come. Holding him by the shoulders, she took him in long strokes as her body moved in thoughtless pleasure on him.

Both of their soft bodies quivered as she fell into him with her full weight, and each deep stroke of his dick into her sent her breathless with pleasure. He moved his hand up her back to hold her by the shoulders and drag her back down into him as he chewed her stiff, sensitive nipples. Jean, overcome by pleasure, cupped his head and kissed his forehead as he abused her The pain was gone. She felt only pleasure from the hurt and no longer cared at all that Brad was downstairs listening. “Fuck me, Michael! Fuck me! Impregnate me! Fuck me!!”

“Getting close,” he growled, and he felt her tighten in response. Cupping her rear, she hammered up into her as his cock surged and spewed inside of her. It was small at first as he held out as long as he could, but buried deep inside of her, he growled and bellowed loud enough to drown out her squeals as their sweaty bodies made wet contact. Jean sat breathless on him, clinging to his shoulders as he grunted and snorted into her breasts, and she smiled.

His hands were tight against her rear and in fact hurt her while she shook and exploded on him, wetting his pubic hair and leaving a veritable puddle of pleasure between his thighs. He, meanwhile, flooded the deepest parts of her and stretched her wider as he did. Hot semen gushed into her, and she sat drooling with a lazy, stupid smile on her face until he finished.

As she recovered, they kissed, and she sucked his tongue and wrang it for saliva just to drink him. He was so hot and full inside of her, and he wheezed as they parted. She smiled down at him, her slick body stuck to his sweaty belly as he held her rear so tight that it bruised. “Oh, God, Mike!” She felt dizzy as she sat on him, but she was happy as she stared him in the eyes.

Releasing her bottom, he gave it a firm smack and said, “Don’t worry, slut. The night is still young.” Lifting his hand, he fed her his thumb, and she sucked it dutifully as he stared her in the eyes. “I’m going to keep fucking you until we’re too tired to stay awake. How’s that sound?” Jean purred around him but could not bring herself to speak, and he laughed as he thumbed her lips. “Good. Then tell your cuck hubby to get us some food because we’re going to be busy.”


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