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Toybox #8 (Draupnir 2.1)

  • Continue Draupnir 1
  • Continue Deus 0
  • Continue Lost Paradise 3
  • Start Dark Whispers (Interracial) 1
  • Start A Philosopher's Gift (Dickgirl) 0
  • 2023-07-09
  • 5 votes
{'title': 'Toybox #8 (Draupnir 2.1)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Continue Draupnir', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Continue Deus', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Continue Lost Paradise', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Start Dark Whispers (Interracial)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': "Start A Philosopher's Gift (Dickgirl)", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 9, 19, 25, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 5}


Chapter Two:

“We need to talk.”

Those were Benjamin’s first words to his daughter, Violet, when he entered her room that night. She was still wearing the ring and had been teasing him and flirting with him all evening, even in front of her mother and sister.

Violet, who was reading, smiled and set her book beside her on her bed. She was wearing familiar pajamas, but her new bosom stretched the draw and drew his attention to her gracefully slender shoulders. She rose from the bed and jiggled on her way to him. “Of course, daddy,” she whispered.

“Don’t call me that,” he snapped.

“I’m sorry.” She bit her bottom lip and reached past him. Her breasts brushed his chest as she locked the door behind him, and then she kneeled at his feet and began undoing his pants.

“Violet,” he hissed, and then he gasped as she yanked his briefs down and took his half-erect dick in her mouth and in her hands. She moaned as she sucked him, and he balled his fists and grunted. “What in the world do you think you’re doing?”

“Mm.” She slurped off of his dick and smiled up at him as she stroked him. “I’m listening like a good girl for you.”

“Oh, Vi,” he moaned, and he rested his right hand on her head without thinking and stared at her pretty face as she smiled and licked his fat, red cockhead. It was almost like he was watching her suck a complete stranger, he was so much larger than he was familiar with. She was different, too, but the obvious DNA of his daughter was there, and he couldn’t deny what was happening either way.

“Your dick is so nice and big, daddy.” She stroked him and sucked his crown again, and she stared him in the eyes as she drooled and suckled his shaft. “Mm. And it tastes so good!”

Benjamin gasped. He wished his wife had liked giving blowjobs this much. The silver ring he gave Violet seemed to gleam as she stroked him, and he rubbed his long shaft along her pretty, pale cheek as he fed her his balls. She sucked them eagerly while he sighed. “Oh, dammit, Vi!”

“Mm. I know, daddy, I know. You need to come so bad, but mom and Ellie are home. So, you just use my mouth for now, and we can have sex again some other time while they are gone.”

“N-No,” he grunted, and Violet beamed as she stood and shimmied out of her ppajamas and panties. He stared at her wetted pussy as it came into view. “Vi,” he croaked.

“If you’re game, then I’m game,” she said, and she led him by his swollen dick to her bed and laid back with her pussy parted. She rubbed herself for him and whined. “Go ahead and do it if you want,” she panted. “Fuck me, daddy.”

“Vi, baby girl,” he gasped, and he stroked himself in his fugue of want. Her pussy looked so nice and pink even after he stretched her earlier. It had been a long time since he had gotten regular pussy, and he was horny like a teenager again. He stared at his gargantuan dick and knew he needed to blow. “We have to stop.”

“Do we,” she teased with a smile, and Benjamin frowned.

“Yes,” he said, and he joined her on the bed. Rather than mount her, Benjamin fed her his dick while reaching down between her legs to finger her. Violet was just as surprised as Benjamin was by his bold move, but she did not fight him as he took to fucking her face and fingering her. It was not the fucking she was expecting, but neither of them were complaining that it was happening.

Benjamin did fuck her face hard, but he did move with purpose inside of his daughter’s hot little mouth. As he did, he eased two fingers into her wetted folds and was surprised by how moist she actually was. She hugged him tight but was yielding, and she moaned and slobbered around him as he forced himself into her. Each forward stroke brought a wet gurgle from her, and she held him by the ass cheek with one hand and urged him while she stroked him with the other hand.

“Oh, Violet, baby!”

Violet smiled around him, and he could see her staring up at him as she stroked him. She was milking him. He was on her bed, fucking her face, and his daughter was milking him. She wanted her cum down her throat and in her belly, and Benjamin didn’t have the will power to resist. He throbbed, and he bit back a moan as his entire body tensed. He came, and when he did, Violet came, too.

She held him tight by the ass and stroked him as he spewed, and she did not come up for air even as semen dribbled out of her mouth. In fact, she did her best to swallow, but Benjamin’s big balls seemed bottomless. Soon, she was gasping and choking as she stroked him across her pretty face, and Benjamin felt somehow right to do this to his pretty daughter and stared at her wobbling breasts as she stroked him.

When he was finished, Benjamin sat there panting with his fingers inside of her. Violet smiled and kissed his cockhead. “Wow, daddy, that was a big load.” She said it with open pride before taking him into her mouth with a purr. Benjamin grunted and twitched in her grasp, and he could see the enjoyment she was taking in him. He removed his fingers and eased them into her mouth with his dick, and she stared up at him in reverent want.

“We shouldn’t do this,” he whispered, but he did not stop her. In fact, he took hold of her head with his other hand and moved her for a bit. “I know it’s the ring, baby, and we’ll get that figured out. Until then…” He removed his dick from her mouth with a wet pop and stared at her sperm covered face. “Until then, we don’t do this while mom and Ellie are home, got it?”

Violet stared up at him without a smile and perhaps without even a thought in her head. She kissed his dick again and whispered, “Yes, daddy. Whatever you say.”

After that clandestine blowjob, Benjamin went back to his bedroom and showered. After his shower, he laid the seven remaining rings he had on his nightstand and sat in his underwear staring at them. When Kayla joined him for bed, she found him with his head in his hands and a look of concentrated intensity on his face. She didn’t touch him, but she did round the bed and ask, “Ben? Is everything alright?”

Benjamin nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard her. He sat up quick and gave her the most plastic smile he had ever worn. Even he knew it looked fake, and he couldn’t even see himself. “Oh! I’m fine, honey! Fine! I’m just…Uh…Thinking?”

Kayla pursed her lips and looked at him. Then, she looked at the rings, and he could see the cogs turning until she glanced at his crotch. Seeing his hefty manhood still half erect after Violet, she blushed and said, “Well, okay, then, sorry to interrupt!” Then, she hurried to the walk-in closet and seemed to hide in there until he had already turned in for bed.

Benjamin dreamt of the rings. He dreamt of his wife loving him again, and he dreamt of his daughter, Violet, loving him, too. He dreamt of them side by side and shoulder to shoulder as they pleasured him with their mouths. In his dream, Kayla choked on his dick as he fucked her face, and Violet held him by the root and cheered for him, “Go ahead and do it, daddy! Choke that cheating bitch! Stuff her with your fat fucking cock! Go, daddy! Go!!”

He woke up hard, but his wife wasn’t there to notice. Violet noticed how plump he was later when they met each other downstairs and was very affectionate with him. She insisted on going to work with him, but Benjamin put his foot down. This only seemed to turn Violet on more, and with Ellie and Kayla both watching, Violet kissed Benjamin on the lips before leaving for school.

Benjamin drove to work hard and was so dizzy and distracted that he thought about pulling over to jerk off. He made it to work, though, and spent his day hunched in his cubicle and trying to ignore the aching throbbing of his dick. The seven remaining rings were heavy in his pocket and only a storm of guilt kept him from using them. He already had one bride, his daughter, and he hated that. He didn’t want to subject anyone else to his lusts.

At home, Benjamin took Violet upstairs and stripped her. She stroked him hard while he laid on her bed and ground her wet pussy against him with a whine. “I thought you were mad at me.”

“No, baby, no, I’m just…confused.”

“Confused?” Violet purred and ran kissed his crown with her pussy after dragging her wet lips up the full length of his shaft. She crouched over him and hovered while she stared him in the eyes. “What are you confused about, daddy?” Her perfect, newly swollen breasts hang in front of him with stiff nipples aching for his touch.

“I shouldn’t,” he wheezes to himself, but he guides her by the hips onto his dick. Violet holds him into her cleft and takes him with a moan, and she quakes at his root and comes for him as she sits panting on his lap.

“Oh, daddy, you’re so big!” Violet put her hands on his shoulders like she was holding him down and began riding him. She moved slowly and with care, and she stared him in the eyes with a gentle, loving smile. “Fuck me, daddy,” she gasped. “Fuck me!”

“Oh, Vi!!!”

Benjamin knew that it was wrong, but he moved his daughter smoothly along his dick with minimal resistance. She bounced on him like she was an old lover, and he could feel his enhanced cock ramming her insides and stretching her. If she was uncomfortable, it did not show. All he saw on her face was animal delight and sincere affection. She laced her fingers with his and leaned forward, and the smile she wore unsettled him as much as it aroused him.

“Violet, we shouldn’t,” he gasped as her lips came closer.

“Why not, daddy?” She giggled. “You gave me this ring, right? That makes me your wife now.”

“I didn’t give it to you,” he gasped, but he was thickening inside of her. Her words frightened him, but they also got him closer. He was so hard that it hurt, and if he wasn’t careful, he would erupt inside of her. “Vi, please.”

“You didn’t leave it for me?” She pouted briefly and then smiled again. She glistened with sweat while her hips bounced on him. His entire body felt numb except for his dick. She was so close that he could feel her breath on his lips. Their noses touched, and she laughed. “Well, it doesn’t matter how I got it. What matters is that I’m wearing the ring now, and that makes me your bride. Now, we just have to seal it with a kiss.”

“Baby, please, you don’t really want this.”

“No, daddy,” she whispered. “I do.”

Violet kissed her father, and that was all he needed. He could hold back no more and humped up into her. They touched at the pelvis, and Benjamin lifted her whole body with the force of his thrust. If he could go any deeper, he wasn’t sure where he could go, and he fired into her without any restraint. Benjamin unloaded into his daughter’s tight, gripping womb, and he drank her saliva sweet saliva straight from her pink lips.

They stayed like this for a while, breathing into each other as their tongues touched and danced. This was the best kiss of Benjamin’s life and reminded him only of the sweet, electric kisses of his adolescence, before he even met his wife. When they parted, Violet sat up smiling but remained on him. She kept him in her and flexed around him with a knowing grin on her face. “Wow, daddy, that was incredible.”

“Vi…” Benjamin looked at her stretched vulva and grimaced. “Sweetie, you need to get off of me now.”

“Mm. Why?” Violet moved her hands down to frame her pussy and purred. “I love it when you’re inside of me like this, daddy. I feel so full!”

She is full. Full of my cum, Benjamin thought, and he winced again. “Please,” he said, and he moved his hands to guide her but palmed a handful of her breast without thinking. Violet giggled and leaned into his hand, and he gaped and removed his hand quickly. “Violet,” he said, and he tried hard to sound like her father and not a whinging teen. “Get off of my dick. Now.” He found that, coupled with the words he said, speaking like a father was only partially effective.

Violet giggled and flexed again. “Wow. That’s kind of hot. You should talk to me like that next time,” she said, and then she eased off of him. Benjamin meant to tell her decisively that there would be no next time, but when he saw his impossibly long, improbably thick cock slide out of her and slap down across his doughy belly, he wasn’t so sure how committed he would be to that.

God, I’m huge, he thought, and my baby girl really took me.

Without speaking, Violet fell to her knees and took to sucking him. Benjamin gasped and sat up, but he did not stop her as he watched her licking his shaft. He gripped her bedsheets tight and stared at her. “Vi, baby, what’re you doing?”

“Your dick is so dirty after we make love, daddy.” She bobbed her head on him and moaned before saying, “Mm. I’m just cleaning it for you.”

“You don’t…Ah!” She smiled while slurping his balls, and Benjamin sighed. “Well, hurry up, I guess. Your mother and sister will be home soon.”

Violet giggled again. “Yes, daddy!”


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