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Toybox #7 (Lost Paradise 2)

  • Continue Draupnir 2
  • Continue Deus 0
  • Continue Lost Paradise 2
  • Start Dark Whispers (Interracial) 0
  • Start A Philosopher's Gift (Dickgirl) 0
  • 2023-07-02
  • —2023-07-09
  • 4 votes
{'title': 'Toybox #7 (Lost Paradise 2)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Continue Draupnir', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Continue Deus', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Continue Lost Paradise', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Start Dark Whispers (Interracial)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Start A Philosopher's Gift (Dickgirl)", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 9, 12, 35, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 2, 19, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 4}


Chapter Two:

Two days passed, and Stephanie and Adam found a strange routine. They were not yet able to awaken anyone else. The batteries were still drained, but from what they could tell, there was no damage done to any of the others still caught in their cryo-sleep.

With Stephanie awake, the two of them were bold enough to step outside. They wore space suits and walked around the perimeter of the ship, but they could find no damage save for the harsh impact of the landing. The landing controls had not done what they were supposed to, but then the pilots brought along on the mission had not woken up like they were supposed to. No landing gear was released, and so the ship’s bottom skidded to a halt in the soft soil around them.

The immediate area surrounding the ship looked about as much like Earth as either of them could have predicted. There were subtle differences, though. While there were similar plants, their colors were sometimes off or their shapes almost fractal and odd. What few animals they could see were analogous to the beasts of Earth but also notably different at a glance. They stayed inside as much as they could, but they were growing bored.

Much of the ship was sealed to them. Though the emergency protocols had given them access to cryotherapy storage, it had not given them access to areas of the ship like housing or even the actual kitchen. They were living off of scraps, and they both knew it. To pass the time, the two of them made plans of who they would wake up and in what order and what they would do once the colony was up and going. These conversations were often short and ended with both of them feeling sad and lonely.

They were both feeling hornier than they had ever felt, too. Adam was almost always hard, and though Stephanie could not confirm this, he appeared to be filling out his jump suit more and more each day. Which was true, as Adam could confirm. His dick was growing at an alarming rate and every day found him longer and thicker than the last. Across two days, he had gained a few inches in both length and girth and had larger balls to match.

Stephanie, meanwhile, was looking younger, and they both noticed that, too. She had always been beautiful, but she did have grays and wrinkles. She was a woman in her early fifties, but after two days she looked nearly a decade younger and Adam couldn’t help but stare. Her body did not have the same dramatic change his dick did, but her small breasts looked perkier, and so did her bottom. The skin-tight jumpsuit she wore was giving him more to look at, and judging by the smile she wore whenever she caught him staring, she did not mind.

They checked the cryotherapy panel at the other end of the catwalk both days and sighed as the battery was make a slow but sure crawl back toward functionality. “I’d say three more days,” said Stephanie near the end of the second day. They had checked the battery multiple times each day and only saw a small growth in power. It was recovering, but it was not recovering as fast as it should have.

Adam stared at the unmoving bar and tapped the glass. There was no observable damage to the ship anywhere. Even the damage done to the hull of the ship on the crash landing was superficial, and they had walked the entire cryotherapy chamber, as large as it was. The only tube that had any damage at all was his.

He looked sullenly at his mother. “I’m sorry I messed up and got you, mom. If it weren’t for that, then…”

“Then I would still be frozen,” she said.

Adam stared at her and then nodded. He looked at the panel again and stared. “…Do you think we’ll starve before we find help?”

“Starve?” Stephanie laughed. “Oh, heavens, I hope not.” When she saw him shaking with tears in his eyes, she sobered. Stephanie hugs her son to her chest. “Adam, dear, we’ll be fine. You did a good thing getting me out, and I’m proud of you for trying.” She feels him hard against her and blushes. They part, and she looked at his body.

“…Mom…?” Adam stares her in the eyes and feels almost like kissing her. Her eyes are fixed on his enhanced package. He moves to touch their lips, and she holds him at arms length and smiles at him.

“You smell,” she says, and he does. Neither of them have washed since before they were frozen, and two days exploring in the jumpsuits had left them ripe. Strangely, the smell of him is not off-putting. If anything, it arouses her.


“Come on. I saw a nearby pond. We can go and get some water from there and…”

“But what if it’s toxic?”

“Then better to try it on our skin before we drink it.” She waves him toward her as she walks away, and Adam stares at her firm bottom as they walk.

Stephanie fetches them water and then drags the water back to the storage room. She finds towels for them and leaves them out. She checks the water with her finger first, and when nothing happens, she begins disrobing in front of him. Adam balks.


Stephanie looks at him with her jumpsuit partway down. She feels strangely giddy with him looking at her, and her nipples are just as hard as his dick is. “Yes?”

Adam swallows the lump in his throat and stares at his mother’s slender, athletic stomach. He can see the muscles there whenever she exhales. He looks her in the eyes and feels faint. “Sh-Shouldn’t you wait for me to go?”

Stephanie blinks. She…should. She knows that she should, but she doesn’t want to. She unzips the jumpsuit the rest of the way and lets her pubic hair show through the zipper as she shrugs her toned arms out of the suit. “Why? We’ve already seen each other,” she says as she steps out of the suit. Her son gapes at her pussy, and for some reason, she cannot find a reason to care.


“Besides, how am I to know if you’re washing yourself properly or not,” she says. “After all, you were so worried about the water, I can’t help but think you’ll want to protect your privates, but they need to be washed, mister, and I’ll make sure that they are.” She feels strange and hot all over as her son stares at her, and she knows that what she is saying is nonsense, but she cannot fight it.

Adam stammers. “Mom, what are you talking about? I…”

“Out of the jumpsuit, Adam.” She glares at him with her hands on her hips, and Adam is almost leaking he is so hard. “Now!”

He shakes as he undoes his jumpsuit, and he takes care not to catch his flesh in the zipper. Once the jumpsuit is down, he checks with his mother to make sure she hasn’t changed her mind, and she stares at him with stern disapproval until he slips the jumpsuit all the way off.


Adam is not toned like his mother. Instead, he is slender and pale. What is not slender is his dick. His dick has grown significantly and now measures somewhere around ten inches in length and very girthy. His mother approaches and takes hold of him immediately and begins stroking him as she stares at his dick.

“Wow. Okay. Wow. This…isn’t like it was the other day, that’s for sure.”

Adam nods. “I’ve been having an unexpected growth spurt.”

Stephanie flashes him a smile and holds him by the root. “Lucky for you, then.”


“Hmm?” Stephanie is not looking at him. Instead, she is staring at his dick as she strokes him and is cupping his balls. “They’re so heavy.”


She looks at him. “What, dear?”

“W-Why are you stroking me?”

Stephanie, still stroking him and kneading him, bites her bottom lip and shrugs. “I don’t know, baby. I just know you need it.” She looks at him again, and she is blushing. “Do you want me to stop?”

Adam and Stephanie stand nearly at the same height. She is only just a bit taller than him but not enough to stop him when he leans forward to kiss her. He kisses her lightly and on the lips, and she stares at him first as he closes his eyes to kiss her. When they part, she is still blushing, and he is, too. “No,” he tells her. “Don’t stop. Help me.”

“Yes, baby,” whispers Stephanie, and she moves her hand to hold him against her belly as she pumps him. Stephanie kisses him again and then whispers to him as she strokes him. “Oh, Adam, sweetie, your penis has gotten so big and thick, honey. You’re so hard and swollen. You’ve been hard and swollen for two days, sweetie. Let mommy help you. Let mommy stroke you off against her belly before we clean up.”

Adam gasps and feeds on his mother’s sweet, honeyed words. She has never been like this before. Neither of them have, and both are swept up in an energy that is radiating around them and flowing through them. His fat crown pokes her belly on each forward stroke as she tugs him toward her, and he leaves a smear of precum against her soft flesh that feels like a brand to her. Adam is so much larger than her husband, and for some reason that arouses her.

Meanwhile, Adam stares at his mother’s small, pert breasts and watches them jerk with the force of her movements. Her nipples are small, pink and stiff, and he boldly reaches out to cup one. Stephanie only smiles in response and bites her bottom lip as he touches her, and Adam smiles back and teases her with his hardened pink flesh with his thumb. “Mom, your hands feel so good right now.”

“Your hand feels good, too, sweetie,” she says, and she leans into his palm. She stares at his dick and strokes him with both hands. “Nn. I know we shouldn’t, but this just feels so…” She gasps as he cups her other breast and begins molding it as he pleases. “Ah! This just feels so right, Adam.”

“It does,” he pants. “Your belly is so soft, mom, but when you breathe, I can see your muscles. You’re so strong.”

“You’re leaking,” she says, and she chuckles to herself. “You’re going to come soon, aren’t you, baby? Mommy’s arms are getting tired.”

“I will,” groans Adam, and his head lulls back. “I’m going to come for you, mom. I’m going to come on your belly. I’m going to come all over your stomach muscles. You’re so hot, mom. You’re so freaking hot!” He squeezes her breasts more roughly than he intends and then fires as he loses control of himself and of his dick.

“Oh,” gasps his mother. “Oh…My!”

She does not stop stroking him as he fires across her belly, but she does come with him. His grip on her breasts hurts a bit, but the pain it causes does not off set the pleasure that his warm, sticky semen sends coursing through her. If anything, the two sensations mingle and amplify each other, and with the pleasure being greater, that’s what she remembers.

Stephanie strokes her son through his climax, and she marvels at her son’s output. He coats her belly with the thickest, hottest semen she has ever seen. Four children, and her husband has never done anything remotely like this. Stroking Adam, she finds herself smiling and thinking fondly of the electric excitement of first times and first kisses, and she feels almost like a virgin again.

Adam goes stiff and then goes breathless. He leans against the wall behind him, and his mother chuckles as he stands there panting with his eyes closed. “You look like you just run a marathon,” she says. She is still holding him by his dick, but she is stroking him more slowly now to keep from causing him discomfort. Her belly is running with his stuff, and it is oozing down her thighs and over her pussy, but she doesn’t want to wipe it up just yet. She looks down her body and laughs again. “Wow, Adam. You…really, uh, made quite the mess.”

Her son’s eyes fly open, and he gapes at the semen on her belly. “Mom! I’m! So! Sorry!” He slips from her grasp and stomps clumsily over to the basin of water and pulls the wetted cloth from it. “I’ll clean it up!” He is beside her wiping her clean again before he realizes what he is doing, and his spent cock slaps sticky against her thigh before he stops and remembers himself.

They make eye contact again, and they are only inches from each other. He can feel her breath on his lips and stops. “…Mom…”

“Adam, sweetie…” She kisses him lightly on the lips and takes the rag from him. “I’ll take care of this, and you take care of yourself, maybe?”

He nods.

“Good boy,” she says, and she pats his head lightly before going to the basin to wet the rag again.

They have to empty and refill the basin twice before they are clean, and then they are quick to put themselves back into their jumpsuits. Adam’s manhood shows through the thin, form-fitting fabric, as do Stephanie’s nipples. The two watch each other with a new found appreciation as they go through their routines, and they do not talk about what happened. That night, Stephanie helps Adam again.


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