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Chapter Five:

Gabriel’s family live in the middle of nowhere, with the nearest town being nearly thirty minutes away by car. Ever since moving home, he’s been living off of the supplies he could bring with him and is now running low. He could send his mother out to pick up things for him, and she assuredly would but after the previous night he is thinking it would be good to have a talk with his father.

The conversation is brief, and his father agrees to take him into town in short time. They pile into his father’s tiny pick-up, Gabriel straps himself in. Then, they start out of the driveway to the road. They live half a mile from the road and have a dirt driveway that leads up.

“Dad, I’m going to be honest, I didn’t just need a ride,” Gabriel says, and Henry looks at him out of the corner of his eye.


“I wanted to talk to you about our living situation, about mom.”

Henry’s lips go tight.

“I know it must be hard for you, awkward, but…”

“That’s an understatement,” Henry says.

“…But she’s mine now,” Gabriel says. “I hope you understand that.”

Henry is quiet for a long time. They take a few curves a bit fast, but Henry doesn’t betray much emotion. After a while he sighs, releasing his firm grip on the wheel, and the car slows a bit.

“I understand that, and I even accept it,” Henry says. “I know that she is yours, and while it upsets me sometimes, I also know how happy you make her, and so I don’t want to get in the way of it. Vivian belongs to you now, Gabriel, and as long as you take care of her…needs, I won’t do or say anything to ruin it.”

Gabriel smiles. “Good,” he says. “I just wanted to touch bases.”

“I understand, and I appreciate that.”

“Also, I’m proud of you for being so mature, and I promise you’ll be rewarded someday.”

Henry quirks his brow but lets the issue rest.

After finishing his shopping, Gabriel looks at his father and says, “Let’s grabs something to eat. My treat.”

“Gabriel, you don’t need to.”

“It’s the least I can do after taking your wife and making her my bitch,” Gabriel says, laughing. Henry doesn’t laugh, but he does agree to a meal.

While Gabriel and Henry are out around the town, Vivian spends her day thinking about something special. Gabriel’s birthday is fast approaching. Considering his special place in her heart, among other places of her body, Vivian leaves much of her time free to consider gifts she could give him.

The problem she runs into when pondering such things is the power Gabriel holds, both over her and the world around him. Whatever magic he has reshaped her entire body and her mind. It rebuilt her for his pleasure and use. It made it so that she worships the ground he walks on and lives entirely for him.

Even though she complains the pleasure he gives her is indescribable. She finds herself in the problem of how to return such a favor. What can she give him that he cannot already take? If he were to come to her, his cock out, she would give him anything for a simple sniff.

After work she stops by the local store and wanders the aisles. There isn’t much in the way of lingerie, Vivian finds, and she feels guilty for waiting so late to pick up a gift. Of course, she didn’t know what her son would turn her into or what he would turn into himself, but then, she isn’t one who enjoys excuses.

She checks her watch and curses. The time is going by too quickly, and she wants to get home before her husband does. On the other hand, she doesn’t want to deliver something subpar to her son on his birthday. She sighs and stares out at the rows of clothes.

Better find something quick, she thinks solemnly, and she gets to work.

Vivian arrives just after sunset. The cold wind blows icy. Before getting out of the car Vivian checks herself in the rear view. She has her collar on, like a good slut, and her leash is tucked away. Her hair is tucked down, so that it will be nice and orderly when she sees her master.

Before getting out of the car she scoops up her new outfit, bundles it tightly in the plastic bag, and then stuffs it under her jacket. Then, she braves the cold, keeping her head down and her hood up. Gabriel greets her at the kitchen door, a warm smile on his face, and Vivian hugs the bag tight to her breast.

“Welcome home, mother,” he says.

All day Vivian has thought about him and how to please him. She bought an outfit specifically for him, for her master. Seeing him brings her mixed feelings of joy and guilt, however. That is her ongoing struggle with her son. At times her lust for him is overwhelming, but it is never without regret.

He holds the door open for her and kisses her on the cheek when they enter. It is this sort of tenderness that was missing in their relationship. Gabriel never treated her with such respect and civility before leashing her. At times it makes her almost glad for being made her slut, but that never lasts long.

Without warning he reaches forward, grabbing the leash around her neck and pulling it up through her blouse. Then, he seizes her by it and leads her through the house. “You’re late today,” he says on the way.

“Sorry, I was busy at work.” She hugs the bag tight to her body, hoping to keep it hidden. Their routine is for her to strip for his pleasure, as she does every day. Commonly, this leads to the second blowjob of the day, if not a straight, deep fucking. Her pussy quivers with excitement.

“You should send me messages from now on when you’re late,” Gabriel says. He leads her through the living room, where Henry sits. Gabriel waves politely on the way. Vivian keeps her gaze fixed on the floor in front of her.

They entered the bedroom, and Gabriel locks the door behind him. While he does, Vivian quickly sets the bag on a chair and drapes her jacket over it. She turns to face her son just as he turns on her. He settles on the bed, his usual seat for the show, and Vivian stands in front of him.

“Did my pet mommy work hard today?”

“Yes,” she said, frowning. Their game always arouses her, but it is only when caught in the grip of unbridled passion that Vivian doesn’t mind the teasing and the pet names. When sober they are demeaning reminders of her lust.

Gabriel reaches out and hooks her by the pants. He pulls her forward, and she lifts her shirt, exposing her taut stomach for him. Gabriel traces his fingers along the faint form of her abs and circles her belly button. She shudders, and he smiles up at her. “Why are you shivering? Do you like the feel of my fingers on your skin?” He kisses and licks her stomach for good measure.

She twists her shirt and struggles to contain her own pleasure. Looking down, she breathes a laugh, “You’re vain and crude, you know. This is no way to treat your mother.”

He chuckles. “Must we always play this game,” he asks, running his hands up her side and clutching her breasts through her bra. Vivian gasps. He finds her nipples and twists them gently. “Every day you say that I shouldn’t treat you this way, and every day I point out that you’re not just my mother, but my slut as well. Now, say it for me.”

“I’m…” She looks down into his eyes. “Oh, baby, please don’t make me say it. I can be it without admitting to it.”

“You want to play pretend?”

She nods and lifts her shirt, exposing her bra covered breasts. Then, cradling his head gently, she pulls her son to her bosom. He suckles softly, wetly, on her right nipple, and she gasps. “Let mommy pretend she’s a good girl for one night. Tomorrow, on your birthday, I’ll be as bad as you want.”

Gabriel tugs her bra cups up, leaving her breasts to hang, and then clutches her breasts. He sucks on them deeply, twirling his tongue and working his teeth. She nearly comes. Then, quite suddenly, he releases her and pushes her back. “Don’t you think you need to get changed after work?”

Flustered and blushing, Vivian sighs. “You always tease me,” she says while slipping her shirt up and off. She drops it to the floor. Her breasts still hang out beneath her bra. Now, her nipples are aching hard and each has a small smear of saliva on them. She reaches back to unclasp her bra. “I may be your slut, but you can still stand to be nicer to me.”

Gabriel laughs as she undoes her bra and throws it to the side. She then poses, as she always does, pressing her breasts together. As she does so, she smiles. Her hard nipples stick out between her fingers and her arousal is clear. The smile is painted on, but the lust in her eyes is not.

She stays in position until Gabriel gives her permission to move on. When he does, she releases her breasts and straightens up. Her pants are next. Swaying her hips from side-to-side, she undoes them and shimmies out. Stepping out of her pants, she kicks them to the side, and then stands with her legs apart and her hands on her hips.

Vivian’s panties are very wet, as they always are for Gabriel. He reaches out and touches them tenderly, tracing his thumb along the length of her lips, and she shudders in reaction. When he presses his thumb more firmly against her waiting hole Vivian whimpers and comes.

“You complain about how I tease you, and then you come because of it.” He shakes his head and clicks his tongue.

Vivian holds her body and shakes as he grinds his thumb against her womanhood. “I complain because you treat your mother so perversely and you flaunt it. Like walking me through the living room in front of your father…”

“I had a talk with father today,” Gabriel says. He tugs her panties to the side and slips his thumb inside of her and wiggles it around. She sighs and stares down at him, licking her lips. Her mind is turning, shifting into that of a wanton, and they both know it. “He said he’s fine with our relationship so long as we keep it in the private parts private.”

“I see,” Vivian says, surprised and somewhat hurt. Gabriel withdraws his thumb, and she feels emptiness inside of her. Carefully, he puts her panties back into place and pats her cunt gently. She sighs. “…What…”

“Get dressed, mother, we have a whole night ahead of us,” he says.

“But…” She is shaking, and all he does is smile.

“Get dressed, mother, this is no way to be in front of your son, you know.”

She blushes. “You…!” Words failing her, she goes to her closet and picks out a top and holds it over her body for his approval. Working together, they find a top that suits Gabriel, and then she dresses. They leave the room together, her still in her collar and leash, and she remains that way for the remainder of the night.

Vivian wakes early on Gabriel’s birthday, and though he fucked her well the night before, she also wakes horny. So, she wakes well before the sun is up and starts preparing. First, she showers and shaves, and then she dries her hair and carefully puts it into a braid like Gabriel likes. Afterward, she puts on her special birthday outfit, for his viewing pleasure, and then puts her collar and leash on in place.

She slips out of the bedroom before Henry wakes and sneaks her way through the house, to Gabriel’s door. She enters without knocking and finds him sleeping on his back. Again, his blanket is askew, and again his cock strains his underwear. This time, however, she knows what he has hiding and is eager to see it on display.

Crawling into bed, she straddles his legs and gently pulls the blanket aside. The room is cold, but her body feels hot despite it. Gingerly, she rubs his legs and then his cock. She is shaking and nearly salivating. Every morning she wakes Gabriel up with a blowjob, because every morning she wakes up so horny that is nearly drives her mad. For his birthday, however, she wants to make it special somehow. She squeezes him through his underwear.

Undoubtedly, Vivian loves the feel of Gabriel’s hard cock in her hands. She loves his size, his girth, and she loves how no man can match him. That is not, however, her favorite thing about Gabriel. If asked, she wouldn’t be able to articulate what one thing makes him so undesirable. “I exist for him,” is all she could say, and she would leave it at that.

She rubs him with both hands and feels him swell at her attention. As his mother, she is proud of his size, of his rigidity, and of his stamina. Its origin in magic doesn’t matter to her, as it she feels only pride in his gift in magic, in this strange thing which is beyond her reasoning anyhow. She wanders if that is a product of the magic itself, and then reasons that it doesn’t matter.

She exposes him, hooking her fingers in the waistband of his underwear and yanking it down. His big cock springs up, half-erect and still twice the size of her husband’s proudest erection. At this point Gabriel is ten inches in length and is adequately thick. No man would scoff at such a size, but she knows his potential and nearly salivates at the thought of it.

Thirteen inches in his prime, she thinks fondly. She can picture it perfectly in her mind and has memorized each and every ridge of him. Seeing him exposed makes her hunger.

She ducks her head down and licks the tip. Pre-cum leaks out, and she gives a second lick for good measure. His taste is unlike anything else. It is thick, powerful, masculine, and distinctly his. Upon tasting him the first time, Vivian knew it was a concentrated form of him. She didn’t understand the specifics of it, but she knew only Gabriel could taste so wonderful.

His balls were still beneath the underwear. She ran one hand down his hardening shaft and grasped him. Each testicle filled her palm on its own, and each held enough sperm to drown her. It was her fondest dream to drink him dry. The feat seemed impossible, but Vivian was never one to give up.

She took him into her mouth, spreading her jaw wide for him. He still wasn’t fully erect, but Vivian was determined to change that.

Mornings were the hardest on her, it was when her lust was at its apex. Whenever she saw Gabriel’s cock, she lost herself in his perfection. In the morning, however, she sought it out. She sucked his cock every morning, and it fueled the fires for her throughout the day. By the time she gets home, she is eager but in control. They usually fuck, which she knows keeps her honest, and the night will come with a blow job, she is sure.

Every day that goes by without a deep dicking only makes her more lustful. For a while she had hoped it would give her more control. She had thought cigarettes addictive. They are nothing compared to Gabriel’s cock, and neither are the withdrawals.

She chokes on him, eagerly, happily, and keeps her eyes on him. Gabriel usually wakes up to that sight. His mother, lips stretched around his cock, holding him with both hands, and working hard to bring him to orgasm. Once, he woke just as he came, and the first thing he saw was cum splashed across her pretty face. Another time, he woke only after she swallowed his load and was trying to coax him back into hardness. Vivian usually tried to get him hard again. Blowjobs always made her ready for a fuck.

This time Gabriel wakes up at the start. When he sits up Vivian has just pulled him free from her mouth and is licking her way down his shaft. She pulls his underwear back to lick his balls just as he clears his throat. Looking up at him, she smiles, and gives a long, loving lick to his left testicles. “Good morning, birthday boy,” she whispers.

“Good morning, mother,” he says back to her.

She shakes her head. “No, no, don’t call me mother right now,” she whines while kissing her way up his shaft. “I’m not your mother right now, baby, I’m your slut. I’m your horny, naughty slut, sucking your big cock,” she says. She kisses his crown and then eyes it in awe. “Sucking your very, very big cock,” she says.

“I didn’t know that you couldn’t be my mother and do that,” Gabriel says, sitting up a bit.

“Not on your birthday,” Vivian croons. She nestles his cock to her cheek and smiles at him. Sperm and saliva are smeared along her lips, which have a rubbery look to them. She is smiling at her master shamelessly. “Today, I’m your slut all the way, to be used for fucking and sucking and coming everywhere!”

“You’re that every day,” Gabriel says. He takes her by the hair and pulls her along his cock. She opens wide and lets him force her down, and she chokes on him happily and noisily in the process, like a true, grade-A slut.

She bobs her head a few times until he pulls her free. Then, she smacks his cock against her cheek and strokes him.

“Am I wrong about that?”

“No,” she purrs. “I am your slut all the time!” She is panting and desperate for a fuck. They have other plans for the day, and Vivian figures that she can miss work and get a nice, deep fuck in before Henry wakes up. She sits up, exposing her body to him in the half light, and presses his cock against her womanhood. “Look at what your slutty mommy did for her baby boy’s birthday!”

Gabriel looks her body over and smirks. “Oh, did you go out and buy that for me?”

“Specially for you,” she says proudly while grinding her slick pussy against his shaft. She is just about to slip him in without a approval, but she knows better than that. Gabriel has trained her too well for her to be acting undisciplined now. She strokes him with both hands still. “Does Gabriel want to fuck his mommy? Please?” She is pouting by this point.

Gabriel reaches up and cups her right breast, and she moans in reaction. He looks over her outfit, a pleated white top that is split down the front and with a pink bow between her breasts. The straps over her shoulders are thin, revealing her toned arms to him. She clearly isn’t wearing a bra and her dark nipples show through the fabric. Her skirt is short, black, and layered, with a splash of pink in it as well. She is wearing a pink thong underneath and the fabric is wet against his shaft.

“What a cute outfit,” he says while teasing her nipple. Vivian gasps and grinds against him.

“Happy birthday,” she purrs. She bats her eye lashes at him. “I bought it just for you, master.”

“You went out and bought a special outfit just for me.” She nodded slowly and lifted herself, rubbing her pussy along his shaft. “That is sweet,” he says, “But we have to stop.” Her face faults.

“But…Gabriel…Master, I need…It’s your birthday!” She lowers herself again, kissing his cock head while eying him. “At least let me suck your dick.”

“We don’t have time. We have a busy day ahead of us.”

Vivian grinds against his cock. “A blow job won’t take me long,” she whines.

“Are you really that hungry for my cock and my cum?” She nods at him, and Gabriel shakes his head. “Shameless, mother, you’re shameless.”

“You made me this way!”

“I did,” Gabriel says. “That means I own you, that you’re my bitch, and that you must obey. So, let go of my cock and let’s get ready for the day.”

“But…” Vivian looks down at his cock. It is huge and hard in her hands. She whimpers. “But you’re so hard, you need to cum. Please, let your shameless mother help you cum!”

“No,” Gabriel says firmly. “Not now.”

“But later,” she asks, looking hopeful.

“Only if you’re a good girl,” he says.

Vivian smirks and strokes his cock one last time. She still has it pressed tight to her body, but it is almost like an embrace now. She looks down at it fondly, rubbing her hand along the head. He is slick with saliva and pre-cum. It makes her pussy ache, but she slides off of his lap and pulls his underwear over his balls. Then she pats him for good measure. “Yes, master, your mommy slut will be on her best behavior.”

“Good girl. Now, go make sure dad is getting up while I get dressed.”

“Yes, master,” she says, climbing from the bed. Gabriel stops her at the door, and she looks back at him.

“And you’re wearing that outfit all day today.”

“But…” Vivian looks down and tugs on her top.

“It’s cute, and it is my birthday, after all.”

“It is,” she says, blushing.

“Put a bra on, though, those nipples belong to me and no one else.”

This display of possession makes her smile faintly. She never was one to be owned, but with Gabriel it feels so right. He took her, claimed her, and so he deserves her. She nods. “Yes, master, I’ll get a bra on. Wouldn’t want people to think I’m a shameless stray.”

Today is Gabriel’s birthday. He is turning twenty-five, and he is celebrating his first birthday with his bitch at his side. On this very same day, Li, Gabriel’s sister-in-law, is finally being sworn in as an American citizen. To celebrate and show support, the family is getting together and attending the swearing in ceremony. Gabriel, however, has bigger plans.

At Christmas Gabriel seeded his sister-in-law. Over the passing month she has changed for him, transformed into the Li he wants her to be. Now, she is ripe for the taking and only needs to be collared and leashed like his mother before her. To celebrate his birthday, Gabriel plans to leash and collar his sister-in-law in front of everyone, so there is no doubt as to her ownership.

Of course, Gabriel’s father and mother have no idea of his intentions. They all set out while the sun is still down. Vivian is wearing her birthday outfit, only with a bra underneath to hide her nipples. She has her collar and leash on, as she has been trained, and she is wearing a jacket over top, partly out of modesty and partly out of warmth.

Henry drove, and Vivian sat in the passenger’s seat. Gabriel sat in the back. They took their mother’s Bronco into town and filled up on gas before leaving. As always, they stopped at the gas station their mother worked at for gas, and Gabriel took his mother in by the leash to show her off. She is blushing and has her head down, but she follows obediently, as trained.

They go inside ahead of his father. Vivian holds the door for her master and then they saunter inside. There are two people on shift, one employee and Vivian’s assistant manager. They smile and greet the couple as they enter, and Vivian bashfully returns their greeting.

Gabriel keeps her close the entire time. As he goes about picking his food and drink, he keeps firm grip on her leash and doesn’t allow her to stray. Vivian keeps glancing at her coworkers, and they watch her with amused looks on their faces but don’t say anything else. When at the register Vivian pays, and her assistant manager says, “Looks like you have her well-trained.”

“I’m still doing some work,” Gabriel says, looking at his mother. She is somewhere between shocked and horrified. He continues, “She’s coming along nicely, though. Knows not to pull on her leash, even when she sees her friends.”

“She seems very well behaved,” the employee says while handing back some change. Vivian quickly deposits it in her purse and looks to Gabriel, hoping to leave, but he stands waiting.

“She is, though she can be stubborn sometimes. Wouldn’t leave me alone this morning, kept wanting me to play with her.” They all laugh, except for Vivian, who is blushing and holding her leash very tightly. Gabriel says, “But, still, she is a very good girl, and she did something special for me today since it’s my birthday. Would you like to see?”

“Yes, of course,” Jan, Vivian’s assistant manager, says eagerly. She and the register clerk gather together and lean forward. Gabriel tugs on Vivian’s leash.

“Go ahead, mother, open your jacket and show them the gift you got for me.”

Vivian gives him a quick, shameful glance and then obeys. She unbuttons her jacket slowly and then holds it open. The entire time, she stares at the ground, blushing red. Her nipples are hard beneath her bra, and her pussy is nearly leaking down her thigh. Even though she is embarrassed, she is getting off on it.

Her coworkers look over the outfit. Now that she is wearing a bra her nipples are covered, but her breasts are lifted. Her cleavage is deep and displayed in her outfit. She smiles bashfully with her jacket out around her like a pair of wings.

“She looks beautiful,” the clerk says.

“I bet you really like that outfit, huh, Gabriel,” the assistant manager asks with a wink.

“I do enjoy it,” Gabriel says. He gives his mother a liberal look over. “But, then, I like my mother in whatever she wears. She is a beautiful creature,” he says. He pulls her toward him by the leash. Leaning in for a kiss, Vivian puckers her lips and is surprised to feel him kiss her cheek. She blushes again as her coworkers laugh.

“Looks like she’s a bit too well trained,” the assistant says, and everyone laughs again.

“Go ahead and close your jacket,” Gabriel says, and Vivian obeys. After that they go into a normal conversation, something almost surreal to Vivian. At times there are moments where Gabriel behaves almost like a normal child and not her master, and as he carries on an every day conversation with her coworkers, Vivian watches in awe of him. In these moments, when they are mother and son, she sees his perfection.

He tugs on her leash, jarring her back into reality, back into obedience. “Grab out things,” he says.

“Right,” she says, and she scoops them up. He jerks her leash harder again, and she stumbles beside him. Blushing again, she looks back at her coworkers, who are settling back into work as if nothing is amiss.

Outside the wind whips up her jacket and brushes her exposed legs. Gabriel pulls her close enough to whisper in her ear. “What do you think you were doing in there?”

“I’m sorry,” she says while handling her things. They are walking across the parking lot, back to the car where Henry waits. She looks at Gabriel. “Did I do something wrong?”

“You didn’t call me master in there,” Gabriel snaps. He glares at her. “Normally, I’m pretty lenient. I don’t want to be a cruel master who treats your poorly or who you can’t talk to, but when I take you out and show you off, you need to be on your best behavior.”

Vivian glances back at the store. She hadn’t thought of it as being on display, but now looking back everyone didn’t look at her like their boss or Gabriel’s mother. They saw her as his pet, and they talked about her like his pet. The thought made her feel cold in the pit of the stomach and hot everywhere else.

She bows her head. “I am very sorry, master, I will never…”

“No, you won’t,” Gabriel says. They round the car and Vivian stops at his door. She is just about to open it for him when he holds the door shut. She looks at him. “Bend over.”


“You’ve been a bad girl, a bad bitch. You need to be punished.”

“Gabriel…” He narrows his eyes, and she sighs. Setting their things on the ground, Vivian bends forward, bracing against the car.

Behind her, Gabriel flips up her jacket and her skirt, exposing her ass to the cold air. She shivers. He traces his index finger along the crook of her ass and down to her pussy, and he gives her a long, lingering rub. Fire erupts inside of her, and she grinds back and looks at him.

“I thought I was being punished,” she pants. Lust fills her mind now and, as always, it warps her, makes her perverse. She is smiling as she looks forward. Through the window she can see Henry waiting. The thought almost makes her chuckle.

“You’re wet,” Gabriel says.

“I’m always wet when you’re around,” Vivian admits with a smile. She gasps when he smacks her ass. The pain mixes with the pleasure in an exquisite jolt. Now, she shivers for an entirely different reason.

He smacks her a second time, this time on her left cheek. “What would you do right now if I pulled my cock out?”

“Suck you, fuck you,” she says, “Depends on how far you’re willing to let me go, really.”

“You’d fuck me in front of dad?”

“He wouldn’t be able to see,” she says, and she shrugs. “Besides, it’s not like he hasn’t seen your cock before. The only difference is that this time he’ll see me coming, too.” She giggles. “He’s never seen that before.”

Gabriel swats her rear again. “You’re such a mean bitch.”

“I’m your mean bitch,” she breathes. So far, her punishment is only making her hornier. Between slaps, Gabriel runs his hand along her sopping pussy and reignites the fire she felt earlier that morning. He slips two fingers in, and she quakes. “I don’t think this punishment will work as well as you think it will,” she teases.

“Oh, it’ll work fine when I do this,” Gabriel says, and he smacks her ass one last time, this time harder. While her ass stings, he pulls his fingers free from her sopping pussy. She lets out a whimper just as he moves them up and slips them into her ass.

She claws at the window. “Oh! Gabriel, oh master, oh baby, are you going to fuck mommy’s ass? If you do, I promise I’ll be a good girl from now on.”

Gabriel laughs and withdraws his fingers. Then, he lowers her jacket and her skirt and steps away. “I need to go wash my hands before I ear,” he says.

Shaking, Vivian nearly punches the car door. “But…”

“I told you that you would suffer,” Gabriel says. “Only good, obedient girls get rewarded. Now get in the car and tell dad I’ll be there soon.”

Vivian gathers their things and climbs inside. She tells Henry to wait, and she looks out the window. Her body feels hot despite the cold, and her asshole tingles. Twice now she’s been refused a chance at his hard cock and the sun hasn’t even risen. Already, she knows it is going to be a long day.

The trip to State City is long and surprisingly dull, considering the company. Vivian’s lust, while certain to last all day, doesn’t dull until an hour and a half into the trip. They are on the high way when her pussy finally settles. Even then, she thinks fondly of Gabriel’s cock and day dreams about sucking or stroking him.

She looks in the rear view at him and thinks what she would give for a chance at his cock. She would even beg for just a sniff or sight of it, that is how hungry for him she is.

By the time they reach the outskirts of State City, Vivian is feeling fidgety. Since being tamed by Gabriel, Vivian has given up smoking and rarely ever misses it. Right now, she does miss it though, but only because it would distract her from the lust she feels for him. She needs something to do with her hands, with her body, that doesn’t involve fucking or sucking on her son.

He seems to feel differently however. The entire trip up, Gabriel spends much of his time sleeping or otherwise day dreaming. He, too, is feeling horny and had to forego his morning blowjob. It took everything in him to punish his mother and not fuck her, and even as he drifts off to sleep on the way up, he thinks about her breasts spilling from her top and her round ass bouncing on his cock.

As they entered the city proper, Gabriel couldn’t hide from it any longer. So, he reached forward around the seat and groped his mother. She was leaning against the door, ignoring everything while lost in fanciful dreams of being throat-fucked by her son, when she felt her breasts being cupped. It almost made her jump with shock until she realized who it was.

She glances at her husband, who is none-the-wiser to it, and then looks in the rear view. Her son is leaning forward and smiling. He stares into her eyes, and she is lost in the depths of his dark gaze. She smiles back.

All of the effort she put into subduing her lust feels wasted now. As soon as Gabriel seizes her chest, Vivian melts in his hands. Her pussy gushes again and her nipples harden rapidly. She is nearly panting and salivating like a dog. Her mind, already warped with perverse want, becomes unrestrained as she thinks of all the dirty ways for Gabriel to abuse her and degrade her. Each new torture makes her hornier.

Carefully, he slips his hand beneath the flimsy straps of her top and into her bra cups. The direct touch of his fingers on her nipples is a painful joy. She shivers and bites back a sigh, and she keeps watching his eyes, just as he keeps watching hers. It is a game to him, to see how far he can push her, and she is a willing player. She wants to be pushed.

They are now in the city proper and will meet James and Li in fifteen minutes at the court house. That means Gabriel has fifteen minutes to tease and torture Vivian, and she has fifteen minutes to endure it. It is her sincerest hope that, should she endure it well enough, Gabriel will reward her with a quick fuck before the swearing in.

The idea almost makes her laugh. One of the things she loves about Gabriel’s cock is that it is never a quick fuck, but that is unimportant. What matters is that she gets fucked and can fuck Gabriel for his birthday. If they miss the ceremony she will be fine with it.

She fidgets in her seat, rubbing her thighs together and swallowing her breaths. Gabriel’s hands feel perfect on her sensitive breasts. Normally, Vivian prefers men with rough hands, but the soft feel of Gabriel’s flesh arouses her some. It feels like silk on her raw nipples, a soothing sort of tickle that contrasts perfectly with the sharpness of his twisting.

They pass move from the highway into the smaller, narrower streets of the city. Vivian catches the eye of someone as they pass, and they note the man feeling her breasts. They seem momentarily shocked, until Vivian smiles beatifically and tugs on her collar. She wiggles her eye brows, and they smile in return, as if in understanding.

She is his, he had hold her once. It is in the way she speaks, the way she moves, the way she breaths and smells. No one doubts it, no one questions it, and so far today Vivian has had no doubts about it. Everyone simply seems to understand their relationship, even if they hardly seem to know her. They accept it, and they know, Vivian is her son’s pet bitch, and he is her master.

Like a good bitch, Vivian cranes her head and kisses her master’s hand. It is her silent way of thanking him for the attention and of showing him her devotion. Like a dog, she licks and kisses because her words aren’t good enough and silence is necessary. She wriggles in her seat as juices run down her ass crack and soak her thong. The skirt does little to keep her seat safe, she realizes.

“Almost there, you two,” Henry says as they pull down a street. Vivian can see the courthouse in the horizon. It is an enormous, gray building, stately in design. They stop in front of the steps, and as they do Gabriel pulls his hands free from Vivian’s breasts. She has to adjust her blouse to keep them contained. “You two can go ahead and get out, and I’ll find a place to park.”

“Okay,” Gabriel says, and Vivian can see him adjust himself. He has a hard-on. The thought makes her even hungrier.

Gabriel and Vivian get out together. The cold air is bracing, but it isn’t enough to cool the flames of her arousal. She shivers from her exposed thighs and there is a draft on her sopping cunt that causes her to ache, but the sight of Gabriel keeps her going. His cock is clearly swollen in his pants, and he adjusts it again as they step out into the cold.

Vivian cups him while the door is open and strokes his hard-on through his pants. She is smiling and blushing and doesn’t care that her husband can see all of it. Shutting the door, she stares into Gabriel’s dark eyes as a smile spreads across his face.

“What in the world do you think you’re doing,” he asks.

“Keep you warm,” she says, “Keep it warm. Wouldn’t be able to live with myself if the poor thing got frostbite,” she says.

Gabriel takes her by the leash and pulls her close. She squeals in excitement. His lips are almost near enough for her to kiss, but he keeps her at a distance as he says, “If it ever came to that, I’d rip your clothes off and fuck you senseless, keep myself warm in your cunt.”

She shivers and pants. “I hope it comes to that,” she says.

Gabriel turns her and smacks her ass. “Now, get inside of the courthouse.”

“Yes, master,” she says, and she skips away ahead of him. Partway up the steps she looks back and is happy to see him following her, a smile on his face. She flips her skirt, flashing her thong-clad ass at him, before sauntering on.

They meet inside, and the building is a relief from the cold. She smiles and leans into Gabriel, drunken by the moment. Her body is aching for him, calling out for him. She would brave the winter chill for a chance at his cock.

The interior is made up of slick, stone halls with a high, glass dome. Large pillars hold stone walk ways aloft. They spiral around the wall, leading upward. The state emblem is painted onto the floor. Steel carvings and stones with avant art etched into them sit in the center of the building. A fountain gurgles.

Vivian and Gabriel stand together amidst the people. Li isn’t the only person being sworn in today, but she is the only one Gabriel is eager to see. His mother stands close to him, her arm around his waist, and her collar on full display. No one would notice it or question it, save for Li, but she would soon be leashed and collared, too.

They wait quietly, warming each other with their body heat. Li is first to come in, with Andrew in hand, and then Henry and James follow shortly after. They come straight over to Gabriel and Vivian. Henry eyes the two contemptuously, clearly upset by their brazen affection. Li seems curious about it.

“Happy birthday, brother,” James says. He gives Gabriel a hug, and then gives Vivian a hug of her own. “Hi, mom.”

“James,” Vivian says. She eyes Li. Since the magic already changed Vivian, she is immune to the transformation, just as Li is immune to it as well. They both regard each other curiously. They can see hints of the change on each other, but only Vivian fully understands it. She wonders how Li will look with a collar around her throat and knows that she will find out soon.

James puts his arm over Li’s shoulder casually, and she shies away from the initial touch. Gabriel is watching for that, and is happy to see it. He already knew the seed had taken hold. She was tamed, transformed for him, her body suited to serve him now, but her reluctant to touch James is proof that her mind has changed, too.

Gabriel steps forward and hugs Li, greeting her warmly. While they embrace he whispers into her ear, “You’re my bitch now.” She gasps, and he continues, “You live to serve me, live to worship me, you live for me,” he says. “I have a collar and leash in my car, and I will give them to you later today, after you’re sworn in.” They pull apart, and he holds her by the shoulders and smiles into her face. “Do you understand?”

She nods slowly.

“Good, then for my birthday I have a special gift I want to ask of you.”


Gabriel leans in and whispers again, “I want your panties,” he says. She gasps again, and when he pulls back she is blushing. “May I have that?”

She shifts from one foot to the other and looks at James. He is distracted speaking with his mother, who is wearing a strange collar and looks so very different, different like Li. Li feels her neck and thinks how Gabriel will soon have a collar around it, too. She wonders if Gabriel owns Vivian, too.

“Li,” Gabriel calls, and she comes back into awareness. “May I have your panties,” he asks a tad too loudly for her comfort.

Li nods quickly.

“Then go get them, and make sure they’re wet for me,” he says


“Rub your pussy,” Gabriel says, and he reaches down and feels her pussy. No one seems to notice, except Vivian, who grins their way. “Like this,” Gabriel says. Li shivers. His touch is greater than anything she has ever felt in her life, and it leaves her shaking as she walks away.

“I must use the restroom,” she tells James before rushing off. When she returns, it is with wet panties bundled in her hands. She slips them into Gabriel’s grip, but not fast enough to go unnoticed.

“What was that,” James asks.

“Oh, uh…”

“A birthday gift,” Gabriel says, unfolding them. He holds them up, and James and Henry look at her panties for a moment but seem unsurprised.

“Oh,” James says. “Thanks, honey, I forgot to get him anything,” he says while kissing her forehead. He looks toward the group of people, which are funneling through a metal detector. “We should probably go, don’t want to be late.”

“We should,” Gabriel says. He pulls out Vivian’s leash and takes it. Then he hooks his arm in Li’s. “Come on, let’s all go together,” he says. Vivian follows obediently, while Li smiles bashfully and glances at James. He doesn’t seem at all upset.

The details of Li’s transformation elude her, but she can see some of the finer points. Her body, of course, has changed, and clearly her mind has as well. Over Christmas she last saw Vivian and her collar, and at the time it meant nothing to her. Vivian belonged to Gabriel. It was a fact everyone knew and everyone accepted. Today, however, Li knows the truth of it.

She feels her own neck thoughtfully. Soon, Gabriel will put a collar around her neck like he did Vivian’s. Then, she will be his pet bitch, too. She wonders if she will do whatever Gabriel says, and she looks at him. They had to pass through the metal detector separately, and so she used that as a way to distance herself from him. He looks more handsome than she remembers. His eyes are dark and his features strong. She knows that if Gabriel looks at her with those eyes she will obey.

They climb a set of stairs, and on the way up Li stares at Vivian. She looks so different from what Li remembers. When Li first met her mother-in-law, Vivian looked old and tired. She was a scrawny woman with long, spindly legs and little figure. Now, she is a shapely vixen with more curves than a highway.

In recent weeks Li underwent a similar transformation. It was strange that no one noticed, but Li didn’t think to question it. She just enjoyed the changes her body went through and hoped they would be permanent. They were, but it seems they came at a price.

Li glances at Gabriel again, and her body reacts strangely to him. Her nipples itch and her pussy grows hot. After some times she realizes how horny he makes her, and the thought shakes her to the core. She never found Gabriel attractive, but now she views him as perfection.

He is still leading Vivian by her leash and not getting a single glance. When passing through the metal detector he actually warned the police officers of the collar, and they let him pass without an issue. They didn’t even think to ask. All Gabriel said was, “My mother is wearing a collar and is supposed to keep it on for me.” They simply nodded in understanding and waved them on through.

Li wanders if she will be the same way, if she will wear a collar wherever she goes and be spoken for by Gabriel. The idea doesn’t turn her off. Instead, it excites her growing arousal. She looks at Gabriel again and reevaluates him. Her attraction still confuses her, but she won’t complain.

They reach the waiting room for the ceremony, and Vivian stops at the door. She holds it for Gabriel, who lets his brother and father pass first. On the way through he takes Li by the hand and pulls her aside. She looks him in the eye and blushes. Vivian stands nearby, waiting patiently.

“Li, you’re supposed to stay with me. You’re my bitch, remember?”

Li nods bashfully. He says it loudly and without shame. She is his bitch. No one looks at them. They are surrounded by people, and his words don’t even draw the slightest attention.

“Mom is being a good girl, so you be a good girl, too, and stay close.”


“That’s, ‘Yes, master.’”


“I’m your master,” Gabriel says. “You’re my bitch, and so I’m training you. You call me master when I give you commands.” He looks at Vivian and asks, “Isn’t that right, mother?”

“Yes, master,” Vivian says on cue. She is blushing now, too, but she holds Gabriel’s gaze. Li stares at Vivian. She can see a change in Vivian’s eyes. They smolder with unfulfilled lust and uncompromising obedience.

Gabriel turns back to Li. “So, when I tell you to stay close what do you say?”

“Yes, master,” Li whispers. The words unlock something in the darkest parts of Li. She rubs her thighs together as heat swells between them. “I say yes, master,” she repeats a bit more loudly and with a hint of pride.

“That’s right, and when I give you a command what do you do?”

Li stares at him in a moment of thoughtful silence. Then the answer comes to her and, smiling, she says, “I obey?” She waits in hopeful suspense for him to react, and when he does, he smiles, and she smiles back.

“You’re a quick learner,” he says, and he smooths her hair.

“Thank you, master!” Now the words are coming more easily. There is something natural in being his bitch and in calling him master. Her instincts are taking control. When he slips his arm around her waist she feels a flutter in her gut.

“Then come along, we’ve got to go find our seat.”

She smiles and says, “Yes, master.” When he smiles back at her the thrill that runs through her is incomparable.

They pass through the door together and Vivian follows close behind on her leash. The room they enter has large windows in the back and is filled with chairs and people. A podium sits in the front. Flags for the state and the country hang on the wall. Henry, Andrew, and James found seats near the center and have three more beside them.

Gabriel leads them over. He sits his mother on the left side of him, away from the family. As his pet, she is his property and belongs exclusively to him at all times. Li remembers thinking that once upon a time. Now, she has been relieved of such notions, but she still believes it.

He sits beside Vivian and Li goes to take her seat beside James, but Gabriel pulls her down by the hips. She falls onto his lap with a yelp and then looks back. “What…”

“I want my bitches nearby.”

“Oh,” Li says, blushing. She settles in his lap and glances at James, who is busy playing with Andrew. Henry, however, notices, and offers to move to the side. Again, Li tries to stand, but Gabriel holds her in place.

“No, she’s fine on my lap. You want to sit here, don’t you, Li?”

Li looks back at him bashfully. Then she looks at James and Henry, who are waiting for her response. She nods quietly, and James says, “Well, if that’s what she wants, then she’s fine.”

Gabriel pats Li’s head. “Such a good girl already,” he says, and he looks at Vivian. “You gave me a lot more fight than she did.”

“That’s because I have more pride,” Vivian says jealously, and Gabriel smacks her leg hard.

“You be a good girl!”

“Yes, master, I’m sorry…”

“Now, we need to adjust one thing,” Gabriel says. Without warning he tugs on Li’s dress, lifting it up in the back and giving her sopping pussy direct contact with his crotch. She can feel him through his pants. He is quite hard and very large, and the feel of it is enough to make her shiver and swallow a moan.

While it is safe to say Li has been blushing since Gabriel told her that she was his bitch, right now she feels especially red in the face. She chances a glance around the room to see if anyone notices, and no one even pays them any mind. They are in a sea of people, and not a single person glances their way, not even acknowledging she is in his lap. Even her own family doesn’t seem at all upset or surprised by her behavior.

Gabriel rests his hand on her exposed thigh. She tenses and looks down at it. His fingers are brushing her inner thigh. It is a simple touch, but it sends electricity through her core. Her nipples are so hard they ache, and she isn’t wearing a bra. Her top is swollen with them, but only Vivian seems to notice, and she is wearing hateful stare.

She’s jealous, Li thinks in astonished realization. Her mother-in-law isn’t just Gabriel’s bitch, but she is jealous of the attention Li is getting. She is sitting with a collar and a leash on, and she is jealous because Li is the one being teased and put on the display. The thought was outlandish but obvious in at the same time.

This realization makes Li wonder if someday she will be the same. Cleary, she is his bitch and there is no denying it. She obeys his every command, and she does so with only the slightest hesitation. She even gave him her panties and did so with her in-laws and child son only a few feet away. Any lingering reservation isn’t a question of obedience but training, and from how Gabriel is behaving she is sure to be trained soon.

The thought makes her pussy tingle. Without meaning to her mind wanders, and she thinks, I would like to be trained. It is a strange thought, but it is one that puts her entire life into a new perspective.

She glances at Vivian again and wonders if she is the same way. Clearly, Vivian is obedient. She wears her collar and leash without question or shame, and Li suspects she will be the same in time. What catches Li’s imagination is the idea that Vivian, too, enjoys her subservience. The idea of being leashed and collar sends a thrill running up Li’s spine. She can’t imagine that Vivian is any different.

While lost in thought Li doesn’t notice a woman take the podium. Instead, she is too busy fidgeting on Gabriel’s lap. Whatever he has between his legs, it is quite large and the feel of it against her pussy is igniting all kinds of unbecoming thoughts from her. Her son is sitting only a few seats away, and there is she hungering like a bitch in heat for Gabriel’s cock. She can’t even imagine how large it must be.

The woman at the podium says a few things, but Li is lost in reverie. She day dreams about Gabriel and what must be at least ten inches of steel hard shaft. It isn’t just fucking in her mind, it is worship, and she is dutiful and attentive, and she accepts him anywhere and everywhere. Gabriel takes advantage of her, uses her, and he has her on leash and collar the entire time.

The woman steps down, and Gabriel taps Li’s thigh, waking her from her reverie. She looks back at him with a starry expression and a large, drunken smile. “Yes, master?”

“Li, you need to get up.”

She curls her brow in hurt confusion. “Why?”

“Why? Didn’t you hear anything that woman said?”

“I…” Li hesitates and then blushes brighter, and Gabriel laughs at her.

“I see, a little distracted, were you?” He runs his hand higher, exposing some of her slick thighs. Her pussy is dripping wet now, and she gives a glance around the room. People are standing all around her and forming a line. Her family is chatting quietly among themselves. Li bites her bottom lip.

“They need to talk to you privately and then they’ll do the swearing in ceremony,” he says.


“So, you need to get up and get in line.”

I can stay like this a bit longer, she thinks, but she knows better than to say it. He depravity, while enjoyable, is too sudden. She stands and then adjusts her dress. When she turns to face Gabriel, to say goodbye, she finds he has a wet spot on his pants.

“Looks like I wet myself,” Gabriel says with a grin.

“I’m so sorry…”

“It’s fine. Besides, I have ways of hiding it.” Gabriel tugs on his mother’s leash, and without missing a beat she slides into Li’s place. She gives Li a pointed look and spreads her legs, settling her pussy directly above Gabriel’s considerable cock. The way she straddles him show a level of comfort Li didn’t have, and it is in that moment that Li knows Vivian had fucked her son. From the look of lust on her face, it seems she quite enjoyed it. “See,” Gabriel says. “Now, go on and get this done with. The sooner you’re sworn in, the sooner I can celebrate my birthday.” He says this with a meaningful smile, and Li returns it in earnest.

After leaving him Li spends the rest of the time at the capitol with the strange foreigners. She doesn’t speak with any of them and speaks very little in general. Instead, she sits quietly in the back, waits to be called on, and keeps rubbing her neck. It feels somehow naked.

During the ceremony proper she sits away from Gabriel, but she can find him easily in the crowd. He is sitting with his family. Throughout the ceremony he talks and laughs with James, her husband, and she can see them beside each other. Gabriel is clearly the better pick. James is tall, lanky, and lacking in looks. Gabriel is dark, smoldering, and confident. Gabriel is her master.

Together they represent her past and her future. She knows which one to choose and does so subconsciously. There is no guilt in the decision, but there is some lingering affection. After all, James gave her a child. Gabriel promises to give her so much more, though.

He catches her eye and winks, and she blushes and smiles. Her heart flutters in her chest, and she remembers sitting on his lap. She wonders if his pants are still wet. If not, she will eagerly correct that. She will do more, if given the chance. Perhaps I could make his cock wet, she thinks, and she giggles to herself.

After the swearing in she gets her certificate and her paperwork and goes straight into Gabriel’s reach. James hugs her as she passes by, and she pretends that he was her intended target all along. While hugging him back she looks over his shoulder and stares into Gabriel’s dark eyes. He is smirking at her knowingly the entire time.

As they the court together Gabriel takes her hand. It is an intimate gesture but subtle. With his other hand he leads his mother by her leash. Li stares, feeling envious now. She wants her own leash and her own collar. She wants to walk beside Gabriel, led by a leash like the bitch she is. The thought of it has her heart racing. She supposes that how Vivian feels all the time and is jealous of it.

Outside they are greeted by a blast of cold air. Li goes to the nearest body for warmth and falls into Gabriel’s grasp. Realizing where she is, she looks over her shoulder to James. He seems somewhat dejected but not in any way jealous. He does up Andrew’s jacket to keep busy before turning to them.

“Let’s celebrate,” he says.

“Let’s,” Gabriel says, “We have a birthday and Li’s swearing in. It’s a big day, today,” Gabriel says. He pulls Li tighter to him, and she smiles bashfully. “Today is the first day of the rest of your life. From now on, everything changes. How do you feel about that, Li?”

She looks into Gabriel’s dark eyes and feels herself shrinking, molding into him. She is his bitch. It is a glorious thought. She smiles back at everyone else, who are waiting for her response. “It feels great. I’m very excited about all of the changes in my life.” She puts her hand on Gabriel’s chest and can feel his heartbeat. My life revolves around this man.

“We’ll grab lunch, I’m buying,” James says in excitement.

“Sounds good,” Gabriel says. “Hey, why don’t you and dad ride together.”

“What,” James asks.

“I want to spend a little time with our new little citizen. Besides, she promised me another birthday present.”

“Another one,” James says with a small, uncertain grin. He shakes his head. “Spoiling him, hon.”

“Sorry,” Li says, shrugging shamelessly. Her mind is elsewhere, lost in collar and cocks.

“Fine, I guess that works for me,” James says. He looks at Henry, who is staring past him. “What do you think, pop?”

Henry eyes Vivian, who stares back. He rubs his mustache. “Yeah, that’s fine. We’ll meet at that restaurant we passed on the way in.”

“Sounds good,” Gabriel says. “I’m starving.” He lowers his hand down Li’s back and squeezes her ass. Li swallows her yelp and just gives him a shocked smile instead. “We’ll meet you there.”

They part on the steps. Gabriel with his arms around both waists but keeps his hand on Vivian’s leash. Once they are in the shadow of the building he asks, “So, Li, ready to get your collar?”

“Yes, master, I am very excited,” Li says.

“Today you became a citizen and a bitch. Which one do you think you’ll celebrate every year?” Li doesn’t respond. She just chews her bottom lip and stares adoringly at him. Gabriel laughs at her excitement. “Look at her, mom. I don’t think I’ll have to work half as hard with her as I do with you.”

“No, master,” Li says quickly, “I promise, I’ll be your best bitch. I’ll do whatever you want.” She says it with such sincerity that it is almost off-putting. Gabriel slips her dress up and cups her ass. He squeezes it firmly in his palm, and Li purrs in response.

“God, I think I’ll like this one.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, master. She doesn’t know how ornery you get.”

“Ornery,” Li repeated curiously.

“It means he likes to tease,” Vivian says.

Li smiles. “Good, I like to be teased.”

Gabriel laughs and smacks his mother’s firm, round rear. “So does this slut, but she likes to pretend she’s chaste.”

Vivian hangs her head as they cross the road together. “I like to pretend I’m your mother,” she says as they reach the car together.

Gabriel laughs. “Yeah, that, too,” he says. She unlocks the door for him, and he reaches in and pulls a collar from her purse. He turns to Li and says, “And now for the real ceremony. Li, from this day forward you’re one of my pet bitches. Do you understand?”

“Yes, master,” she says eagerly. She eyes the collar. It is a binding contract more sacred than any vow. Marriage comes second to this, as does birth. Her life up to this point means nothing in the face of this transformation.

He fits it around her neck and waits to clasp it. “You will have to obey me, serve me in all ways, and let me use you and…” He gives a pointed look at his mother. “Let me tease you however I like.”

“I want that,” Li says.

Vivian shakes her head. “You’ll be sorry. He’s insatiable.”

“I don’t know that word.”

“It…it means he never stops,” Vivian says.

“Good,” Li says with a sultry smile. “Then I won’t, either.”

“Be careful, mother, I think she might replace you altogether.” This seems to genuinely upset Vivian, who turns on heel and stomps around to the driver’s side. She slams the door as she gets in. Gabriel laughs and shakes his head before clipping the collar on. Then, he pulls a leash from the back seat and clicks it into place. “You’re officially my bitch now, Li. How do you feel?”

“Alive,” Li says. “For the first time in my life I am alive.”

“Good. Then, get into the back with me,” Gabriel says. “We’ve got a short drive and a lot to get done.”

“Yes, master.”

While Li climbs in Gabriel closes the passenger door and then climbs into the back. Before settling, he leans forward and whispers into his mother’s ear. Li can’t hear what he is saying, but his tone is smooth and gentle. His mother nods and tears up a bit, and then they kiss. The kiss is deep and passionate, but it is not familial. She sees their tongues touch tenderly in the exchange and then Gabriel kisses his mother on the cheek.

He sits back and puts his arm around Li. “Chauffeur.”

“Master,” Vivian says. She has a hint of a smile. The fury has left her now, and she is filled with a measure of goodwill and mirth. Though she at times seems unwilling to be Gabriel’s bitch, Li can see the sheer delight she hides.

“I think you know where we have to be.” Gabriel looks at Li. He touches her chin gently and runs his hand down her body. He parts her legs. “Take the long way, though, we’ve some things to clear up.”

“Yes, master,” Vivian says, and she takes off.

In the back of the car Gabriel rubs his hand along Li’s right thigh. He edges higher and higher, and she sits there, simmering. Gradually, he slips his hand up her skirt and find her womanhood. She has a light patch of thin pubic hair curling around her pussy. Her lips are soaking wet and leaking down her ass crack. Gabriel runs the length of her vulva with his right index finger, and she shudders.

“Mother, I think my new bitch likes being petted. Is that right, Li? Do you like to be petted?”

Li looks up into the rear view and catches Vivian glancing back. They hold eye contact for a bit, and Li pants heavily. Her entire body is burning up. Everywhere Gabriel touches comes to life with heat and rapture. She spreads her legs wider, lifting her right leg onto Gabriel’s lap, and she nods. “Yes, master, I love being petted.”

Gabriel sinks his index finger into her, and she shudders. A small orgasm is building up inside of her. It is close, but Gabriel holds inside of her. He lines up his middle finger. “Does anyone else pet you like I do?”

“James has once.”

His middle finger sinks into her now. Juices explode out of her pussy and soak his hand. She lets out a small, impassioned coo as the orgasm runs through her. It is like water through fingers. No matter how she tries to hold onto it, it all drains out of her, leaving only a swelling pressure in its place. “Does he anymore?”

“No,” she breathes, “Only you, master. My pussy is yours.”

“That’s right,” Gabriel says. He withdraws his fingers and rubs his hand along her womanhood. She adjusts herself, angling her pussy more upward, and he hooks his middle finger into her again. A second small orgasm leaves her shaking in his grasp. “Only your pussy, though?”

“No. All of me,” she whines. He twirls his finger inside of her, and she can feel her insides churning. The pleasure is swelling, threatening to explode, and she can hardly contain it. She grips the seat tightly on both sides and whimpers.

“Tell my mother that you’re my bitch and that you belong to me. Announce it proudly.

Li looks into the rear view again. She can see Vivian’s lust glossed eyes watching her. She can almost feel her mother-in-laws jealousy and need. Desperately, through a fit of whines and gasps, Li says, “Vivian, Gabriel is my master. I am his bitch. He owns my pussy. He owns all of me.”

“What about your husband and your son? What about your family,” Vivian asks.

Li thinks fondly of Noah and the life they brought into this world. Then she looks into Gabriel’s dark eyes and becomes lost in them. Gingerly, she touches Gabriel’s face, and she smiles. “I love you,” she whispers to Gabriel, and she pulls him into a kiss.

The kiss is short but intense. He moves his finger inside of her again, coaxing her toward the edge of another orgasm. While he stirs up her pussy, he also stirs up her mouth, wriggling his tongue. His saliva is succulent and an aphrodisiac all its own. When they part her mind is made up.

“I think that’s your answer, mother,” Gabriel says. He withdraws his slick finger and sits back. “Now, Li, prove your loyalty to me.”

She is breathless and staring fondly at him. Her legs are spread; resting on the arm rests of the two front seats. Her pussy is drooling down her ass crack. She has her skirt hiked up to expose herself to the world and is shameless in it. So long as Gabriel is watching she is fine.

“Give me a show,” Gabriel says. “Finger fuck yourself for me, bitch.”

Li looks down at her sopping womanhood. It is slightly parted and looks a mess. There is no way that her fingers will feel as good as Gabriel’s. His touch was electric. Regardless, she will do as asked and give him a show. She reaches down with her left hand and slips two fingers inside.

The pleasure is immense, though nothing compared to Gabriel’s fingers. Her body feels more sensitive now than it has ever been before, however. Even sex with Noah is a joke when compared to the pleasure of her two fingers. Knowing Gabriel is watching only makes it better.

She opens her eyes and looks at him, half-lidded and smiling. “Enjoying yourself,” he asks. He reaches down and finds clit. With his thumb, he presses down, and she shudders and lets out a long, deep moan. Justices splash along her fingers.

“Yes, master, I feel so good.”

“You should. You’re a very, very good girl.” He looks her over and says, “Show me your tits, Li. I want to see what I’m getting out of this deal.”

“Yes, master,” she says. With her free hand she tugs her blouse up. Her breasts hang free, braless. They swelled so quickly over the week that she hadn’t bought one. They were proud, though, and more firm than her old breasts had been. Her nipples are large, dark, and swollen with arousal.

“Now play with them.”

She nods and cups one breast, digging her fingers into the nipple. A shock runs through her, and she lets out a high gasp. Another small orgasm lands, and it isn’t much, but it is enough to send a shiver through her. She smiles again at Gabriel, bashfully and impassion.

“Do you like your new, big breasts, Li?” As he asks, Gabriel touches her left nipple gingerly. He runs his index and middle finger around the length of her areola.

In the course of a week Li’s breasts had swelled enormously. Before, they were a solid B-cup and were pert. Even after having Andrew she was still blessed with a perky chest. After Christmas, however, Li’s breasts swelled to bursting out of her bra. She could still fit them into a B, but only very uncomfortably and so had taken to not wearing a bra.

Gabriel’s question about her breasts got her thinking. She eyes her master curiously. His touch confuses her, though, fogs her brain. She tries to think, to ponder his question, and then looks down at her bulging breasts. Each is huge and capped by a large, swollen nipple. She bites her bottom lip and nods.

“I gave them to you, you know. I took your old breasts and gave you new ones, better ones.”

Li contemplates her new body and figure. It clearly didn’t come from nowhere, and yet she couldn’t truly discern how the changes overcame her. When looking at Gabriel, however, she believed anything was possible. He had, somehow, in the matter of a morning, turned her into something completely different. Now she was his pet, his bitch, his toy. She could only imagine what he could achieve in a week.

“What do you say to that?”

She giggles. “Thank you.”

“She has such good manners, mother, much better than you.”

Li catches Vivian glaring back at her again.

Gabriel looks in the front and sighs. “Well, it seems our time has come to an end.”

Li looks out the window. They are, in fact, pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant. She falls into sulking, but notices the faint hint of a smile on Vivian’s face. Li then looks at Gabriel and reaches out for him. She touches his crotch with her wet fingers and squeezes him.

To her non-surprise, Gabriel feels huge and hard. James is nothing to be ashamed of, from her limited understanding of the male reproductive organ. Gabriel, however, is godlike in his size. Just from a cursory feel she estimates him to be nearly twice as long and thick. She runs her shaky hand down and feels balls sized to match.

“Now, now, Li, don’t be a bad girl…”

“But…” She removes her hand reluctantly and looks pleadingly at Gabriel. He grabs her by the hair and pulls her down, pressing her face against his hugely swollen crotch.

“Give it a lick and a kiss.”

She obeys readily and pretends that his cock is fully exposed. She can almost taste him in her mind’s eye or mouth or whatever a mind tastes with. Just this little sample nearly breaks her poor mind, and leaves her panting and salivating on his crotch. Gabriel clucks his tongue and lifts her up by the hair. A thin trail of saliva runs from her mouth to his crotch.

“Left another mess, didn’t you?”

“Sorry, master…”

“It’s fine,” Gabriel says. He wipes her mouth tenderly and then works to adjust her clothes. He pulls her top down over her breasts while she sits there, sill like a doll. Then he pulls out her waded panties and says, “Lift your ass up.”

“But, they were your gift…”

Gabriel laughs. He smacks her cunt gently and says, “They were a place holder. Ass up, now, bitch.”

She nods and lifts herself, and Gabriel slides her panties into place. He mats the crotch down against her sopping pussy. The feel of his fingers leave her shaking, and when he finally releases her she collapses onto the seat.

He reaches up and taps her collar. “This was my real gift. You are my real gift.”

“A gift from you to you,” Vivian teases.

“What can I say, I know what I like.” He looks Li over and then squeezes both of her breasts. She trembles in his hands and thinks longingly of his enigmatic cock. “And I do have great taste. Now, then, Li, you go on ahead and meet them inside.”

“Yes, master,” she says. She gets out of the car without a thought to her collar. Before leaving, she glances back at Gabriel, who takes the time to sit on the edge of the seat, with his legs hanging out of the car. He pulls her back in by the head and presses her again his crotch again, and she gives him another long, wet kiss. She licks along the ridge of his cock.

“You’re so naughty.”

Li simply smiles. He lifts her by the hair and turns her about. Then, he kicks her in her plump backside. “Tell them we’ll be in soon.”

She nods and skips away.

Vivian is in the front seat. She is flushed and very horny. Her panties are a veritable swamp, and the only reason her blouse isn’t tented is because she had the good graces to buy a bra. She stares at her son through the rear view. If given the chance she would do anything for his cock.

Gabriel watches Li enter the building. He shakes his head and laughs. “That was much, much easier than expected.”

“You’re cruel, teasing her like that,” Vivian says.

“Her or you,” Gabriel asks. He is looking forward now, meeting her gaze in the rearview.

“Both,” Vivian says pointedly. Gabriel laughs.

“Would you rather we skip lunch, celebrate my birthday in private.”

Vivian’s eyebrow twitches. Her mind wanders. She sees them in a hotel together, his cock buried to the base in her ass. She sees them on the side of a road. She is throat fucking him in the back seat. She would gladly take either/or.

“No,” she lies.

He climbs back into the car proper and reaches forward around the headrest. His right hand hovers in front of her face, and his fingers smell of Li’s womanhood. She stares into his eyes, into his grinning, sadistic eyes, and she knows what he wants.

“Open your mouth, mother.”

“You’re disgusting,” she says. He traces his fingers along her lips, and she obeys. She sucks Li’s juices from Gabriel’s fingers. The taste is unrecognizable but not entirely unappealing. Gabriel’s flesh, wherever it might be, is always something Vivian is excited about.

She takes each finger to the knuckle, one-by-one. While she does, she stares into his eyes. It is an invitation and a promise. She is saying, “I am doing this with your fingers. Imagine what I would do with your cock.” When done sucking, she her tongue between each finger for good measure.

“All clean,” she asks in a coy, high tone. Her eyes gleam in ornery arousal.

Gabriel clutches her neck in a show of dominance. He restricts breathing in a way a doesn’t quite suffocate and smiles darkly at her. “All clean,” he says, and he releases her. He climbs out of the back seat and closes the door. Then he opens the front and helps her out, taking her leash immediately as she steps down. “Now, let’s go have lunch.”

“Yes, master,” Vivian says breathlessly. She stares at him in awed lust and wants nothing more than to fuck him senseless, but if there was anything that displayed proved, it was that he is in control and she is his pet.

Supper, for Vivian, is something of a slow torture. Gabriel sits between her and Li and has them rub his crotch throughout the meal. As always, no one seems to notice. James doesn’t even notice Li’s new collar which she sports so proudly. If Vivian isn’t mistaken, she sees a hint of sadness and irritation on Li’s face because of it. She seems to have adjusted to her new role in life rather easily. Vivian almost envies her for it.

Having her hands on Gabriel’s cock is little relief. She knows him well enough that as she feels him through his pants, she creates lovingly detailed images of him in her mind, and in her mind their family isn’t around to interrupt her fun. In her mind it is just the two of them, alone, in their own private world and he has endless boners.

She smiles. That isn’t far from the truth sometimes.

She looks at Li, who seems completely at ease with the situation. She has her hand fixed firmly around Gabriel’s balls and has been there almost the entire time. At the very start she worked her hand up, around Gabriel’s shaft, just to get a feel. Afterward, she respectfully gave Vivian free reign and moved accordingly.

Meanwhile, Vivian has rubbed her hand along Gabriel’s length considerable. She settled on the tip and shaft only after it drew Henry’s unwelcome attention. He looked into her eyes, and she blushed and gave a guilty nod. After that he avoided her gaze.

Sometimes, Vivian wishes she could plead some form of guiltless ignorance, as if she enjoys herself without any knowledge of why it is wrong to. Unfortunately, she is not so naïve or foolish. Instead, she knows full well why being her son’s bitch is inappropriate and even sometimes gets off on it. Those times are the best and worst for her.

By the end of the meal Vivian is lost in a lust filled reverie and hardly notices that the check has even come. James pays without even a second thought and wishes Gabriel a happy birthday. They stand and Vivian is hardly aware enough to even say her goodbyes. She walks Li to James’s car with Gabriel.

At the car Gabriel and Li kiss quite deeply. Watching from the side, Vivian is sure that she sees their tongues touching. She also notices Gabriel’s hands drifting downward, cupping Li’s newly plump rear in audacious abandon. James and Henry don’t seem to notice at all.

Vivian watches them enviously until they break apart. Then, Li gives Gabriel her cell number and they part ways. Gabriel leads his mother away by her leash, and somehow Vivian feels even hornier than before. She imagines being in Li’s place, being the one kissing her son so deeply, being the one with his hands on her ass. The thought is disgustingly erotic for her.

The ride home offers her no relief. She tries to sleep, but her mind can’t help but wonder. Having her hand on Gabriel’s cock the entire meal is enough to keep her mind singularly fixed on the inappropriate. Every time she closes her eyes, she sees that perfect mental model of Gabriel’s cock, swollen and surging, and she sees herself at his feet and covered in cum.

She glances back through the rear view. If only, she thinks.

Normally, such thoughts would give her a feeling of shame. Normally, she would wrestle with that shame, wrestle with herself, her morals, her upbringing until Gabriel forces himself upon her or reveals her cock. In that moment, she would recognize that it is too late, that things have progressed too far, and that resistance is futile. So, instead, she will give herself over to the pleasure and enjoy the ride and vow to do better next time.

This time, however, she doesn’t even have the pleasure of a guiltless conscious. Rather, her lust is unforgiving and constant. As they leave the city it is twilight. The landscape is painted in a beautiful shade of gold and the warmth light bathes her, and all she can see in that beauty is her own submission and her own cock drunken want.

On the way home Gabriel rests, and Vivian is unsure of how that happens. She stares at him through the rearview and, in his placidity, finds her lust continually swelling. She imagines climbing into the back and getting a throat full of cock but thinks against it. Not only would Henry see, but Gabriel would wake up and reprimand her for it. It is better to wait, because Gabriel can be obstinate when his authority is challenged.

She rubs her thighs together. Her pussy is leaking, and she isn’t too sure her pants aren’t stained. It is too dark to see now, but her thighs feel wet and clammy. It should disgust her. Instead, the knowledge that Gabriel has such power over her is somehow arousing. It justifies her devotion to him.

He wakes just before they get home, and when they pull into the drive everyone gets out and stretches. It is pitch black now, and the wind is rising. The cold air hits like a sledge hammer. Vivian’s lust endures. If Henry weren’t out there she would drop to her knees and beg Gabriel for a taste right now, and the only reason why she won’t know is the fear of rejection.

They go inside and Gabriel heads straight to his room. Vivian takes off her jacket and hangs it, and she watches his back. She follows him but is interrupted by Henry, who meets her in the kitchen. He has a hopeful, half-smile on his face.

“Hey, I’m getting ready to put a show on. What do you want to watch?”

“I don’t care,” she snaps quickly, and his face turns. He looks a mixture of hurt and angry, and in the moment she doesn’t care much. She looks past him, and Henry follows her gaze. His expression changes quickly, to one of solemn defeat.


She looks back at him, but she hardly sees him. Her lust makes him into a wall, an obstacle to be defeated.

“We can’t have just one family evening, can we?”

She is quiet but unforgiving, and she just stares through him.

“You know, Gabriel isn’t the one making you do this. He went back to his room, and you’re the one following.”

“Fine,” Vivian says warily, “I’m the one doing it. I want to go back there, I want to…”

“Spare me the details,” Henry says quickly. He steps aside and waves her on. “Go ahead and go back there like a good dog.”

Vivian gives a small, low, hateful bark and sashays past him. Part of her wants to explain how Gabriel made her like this, and how it wasn’t willing. She wants to explain how magic brought her to the point of subservience and lustful obedience. She wants to tell her husband that she loves him, but that she chemically needs more. She wants to say so much, but it all seems pointless and dishonest.

She knocks at Gabriel’s door and is granted entry. Once inside she closes the door behind her and then stands there, her back straight and her breasts out.

Gabriel is watching television. His cock is still hard, from what she can see, but he has an easy smile on his face. He mutes the television and looks at her. “Yes?”

Vivian wrings the hem of her skirt. It is cut high enough that this exposes her sopping panties to him. Her thighs gleam in her arousal. If she weren’t wearing a bra her nipples would be visible.

“Mother, if you want something, then just ask for it. I am too tired for games.”

Too tired for games, the thought bounces around in her head. She, too, is too tired for games, and decides to adopt that mantra. Dropping coy, she lets an easy, lustful smile spread across her face, and she lifts her skirt entire for him, showing her wet panties to him.

“I’m too tired for games, too.” She saunters over with dramatic sways of her hips and stops at his feet. “You’ve been teasing me and toying with me all day, and now I’m here to give you your comeuppance.” She kneels at his feet, between his legs, and rubs his thighs in the process. His cock is tucked down the left leg of his pants. When she finds it, she gives a surprised, girlish coo.

“And how will you do that?”

“It’s your birthday today, Gabriel, and I haven’t even given you a present.”

“I thought that outfit was the present.”

“Silly boy,” she says while running her hands along his cock. He feels bigger, harder than she remembers. “That was just the wrapping.” She sits back and plucks at the bow between her breasts. It unravels, rending her blouse in two and letting it fall apart, baring her body to him. “The present is what is inside.”

Gabriel laughs and looks down at her hands. While they were speaking she began undressing him. His pants are now unzipped and unbuttoned, and she has them pulled up. His hard cock strains noticeably against the blue fabric of his boxers and looks enormous. A bit, sticky, wet spot marks his own arousal.

“Speaking of unwrapping things,” Gabriel says.

Vivian looks down. Up to that point she was working on thoughtless instinct. Now, she is brought back into the moment. The sight of his pre-cum has her nearly salivating. She moves her hands from his pants and rubs his cock through his underwear. It feels warmer and harder now. “Happy birthday, baby…”

“If it’s my birthday, why do I get the feeling that you’re going to be doing all of the blowing?”

She looks up at him and winks. “You can still make a wish. Who knows, it might just come true.”

“It might come true? And here I thought my wishes were your command.”

Laughing, Vivian hooks her fingers into Gabriel’s underwear and prepares for the big reveal. “Your wishes are my command? What am I, a genie?”

“A slut,” Gabriel says. He seizes her by the hair and jerks her head about. They meet gazes again, and she is smiling and panting. Her hands shake around his cock. “Pull out my cock.”

She moans momentarily and then says, “Gladly.”

The reveal is nothing less than glorious. Gabriel springs up, thirteen inches fully erect and showering pre-cum everywhere. His cock sways hypnotically from side-to-side before falling flat against his chest. Vivian carefully rests the elastic band against the thick root of his cock. She stares at the large, pink tip hungrily.

“That is a sight for sore eyes and a hungry pussy.”

Gabriel grimaces down at his shirt. “Look at the mess you’re making.”

“I’m sorry!” Vivian grabs him by the base and swings his cock up. It is heavy and steel hard in her hands. The feel is comforting. After a day of teasing and near contact, direct flesh is a sweet relief. She nearly shudders in an orgasm right then.

Gabriel slips his shirt off. His body is average, not particularly glorious in anyway, but to Vivian it is a work of art. She eyes his nipples and chest, and she wonders if his cum bled through the shirt. If so, she would happily lick it off.

She runs one hand from his cock and tugs impertinently on his boxers. Her fingers brush the form of his swollen testicles. Each is huge and filled with rich cum, the meal she is desperate for. She looks up into Gabriel’s eyes. “Why don’t you just take everything off? Then we can celebrate appropriately.”

Smiling smugly, Gabriel lifts his hips, and his mother quickly yanks his pants down with one hand. With her other hand she holds his cock tightly, to keep it from leaving much of a mess. She strokes him slowly, from base to center. As he settles again she cups his balls and stares in awe as they spill out of her palm like water. “Finally,” she whispers while holding them up.

“Slut, you’ve been undressing me with your eyes all day.”

Vivian giggles up at him. “And now I am doing it for real.” She leans forward, kissing the part where his balls meet his cock, and gives a long, lingering lick. “Thank god for the change of pace.”

She licks his dark pubic hair lovingly and then moves along the side of his shaft. Her tongue dances over half of his cock before she moves back down and buries her nose into him, sucking one of his balls into her mouth without ceremony or flourish. Her mind fogs with his musky scent. She strains for coherent thought.

Gabriel sighs and leans his head back. He holds her head and lets her work for a while, enjoying the wet, hot grip of her mouth on his balls. Then, he says, “You know, it’s my birthday and you haven’t even properly unwrapped my gift yet.”

Vivian releases him with a pop and looks up at him, a lecherous grin playing across her face. Saliva is smeared across her lips. “You have a horny, sexy bitch sitting between your legs, devouring your balls, and all you can think about is how you haven’t gotten your birthday present.” She shakes her head. “Spoiled kids these days.”

“Smack yourself with my cock.”

Vivian stops and looks up at him curiously. “What?”

“Smack yourself in the face with my cock,” he says. “Do it now.”

Rather hesitantly, Vivian obeys. She holds his cock with both hands and swings it around, bringing the sticky crown sharply against her right cheek. To her surprise, a small orgasm shivers its way through her. She closes her eyes and lets out a bewildered moan of pleasure.

“Now the other side,” Gabriel says calmly.

She looks at him in bemusement and then obeys, bringing his cock around from the other side. Another splash of pre-cum explodes upon her cheek, this time on the left side, and she releases a high, aroused gasp. This time, she keeps her eyes open and straight ahead, meeting his gaze, and she watches a smile unfold on his face and mimics it in her lust drunken stupor.

“See, that’s why I’m so spoiled, because I have a pretty little mommy bitch who does anything her baby boy says.”

“You do,” she croons while running her hands along the length of his shaft. “Your mommy loves your big cock, honey.”

“I know she does,” Gabriel says. “And I love your body, so show it off for me.” He twists his hips and brings his cock against her cheek. She is shocked at first, but a smile works its way onto her face. “That’s an order, mommy.”

“If it’s an order…” She holds him with her right hand and shrugs her top off her left shoulder. Then, she works her arm out of her bra on the left side and replaces her hand on his cock. She repeats the process with her right hand and then brings her bra around. Shimmying it around, she unclips it and tosses it to the side, leaving her completely topless.

Next, she lifts herself off of the ground, but only long enough to yank her skirt and panties down clumsily. She nearly tumbles forward in the process. While she does, Gabriel reaches forward and teases her nipples idly. She sighs lustfully in response.

“Oh God, teasing me again? After what you did at the court house…”

“Yeah, I was a real heel today, wasn’t I?”

“You were awful,” she says, and she looks him firmly in the eyes. “And here I am rewarding you for it.” She slides back between his legs and goes back to kiss his balls. This time, she is much more patient, taking her time with small, butterfly kisses and simply enjoying his smell for a while.

“How horny did you get today?”

“Crazy horny,” she says. “I would have done anything for your cock.”

“Anything? Would you have sucked me off in that conference room?”

She grins with her mouth full of testicles and pulls back. “For starters,” she says before applying another long, lavish lick. “Wouldn’t even have to fuck me for that, though, because a nice, long throat fuck is its own reward with you, baby.”

Gabriel laughs. “You’re such a horny slut.” She nods in agreement but keeps her mouth busy on his crotch. Gabriel grinds up against her, rubbing his shaft along her face, and she stares up at him hungrily as a result. “So, all of the games aside, how is this a birthday present? I can get this whenever I want.”

Vivian sits up and sweeps her hair back. “Complain, complain, complain,” she mutters, and she shuffles forward. “This is what I had in mind.” She reaches into the cabinet on his desk and pulls some lube out. Wrapping her tits around his cock, she undoes the bottle and pours a liberal amount onto his shaft and the tops of her breasts, then she uses her free hand to rub it in. “This is something new for you, isn’t it?”

The warming lotion takes effect quickly, and Gabriel feels the warm, soft embrace of his mother’s D-cups in short time. She wrestles with both of them in her slick hands, wrapping them firmly against his dick. “Something a bit special.”

“Not complaining,” Gabriel says as he thrusts up into her tits. His balls slap against the bottom of her breasts, and she giggles as his cock spews a bit more pre-cum. He is going tense and becoming short of breath. His eruption will be soon. “But, this isn’t anything special.”

“Gabriel, master, with all due respect, just shut the fuck up and enjoy yourself.” Vivian says this shortly and then immediately licks his exposed cock. Gabriel grins and takes her advice, leaving the teasing for a later date and simply enjoying his mother’s sinful figure.

It isn’t long until Vivian has him surging. She can feel him quicken through his cock. It swells considerably and, on the down stroke, Vivian plugs her mouth with him. She twirls her tongue around his crown while looking up into his dark eyes. Gabriel winces and groans, and his balls ache with the power of his orgasm.

As always, he comes plentifully, and for Vivian it is the sweetest relief. A geyser of sperm erupts into the air in an impressive display of virility. His first surge of sperm splatters across her breasts and face and is followed by an equally powerful second volley. Two more thick, white ropes blast out, painting her face and breasts thoroughly before she wraps her mouth around him to stem the tide.

The fifth and sixth shot go straight down her throat. She swallows them greedily and prepares for the seventh. By the eighth she is choking on him and pulls back long enough to catch her breath, getting the ninth and final spray straight to the face. She coughs and sputters but smiles under the abuse.

At the end she is an idol painted in white. Sperm oozes down the sides of her breasts and into her cleavage. It clings wetly to her face, jiggling softly as she moves, and she smiles up at Gabriel in a sticky, satisfied way. She licks and sucks the last few drops free from his cock and shows it to him for good show.

“Mmm,” she purrs, “That is what your mommy slut is talking about. A nice, long tit-fuck followed up by a delicious facial.” She rubs his sperm into her tits and hefts them up, running them along his slick shaft. “And this right here is why you’re the boss. No one can tit-fuck me like you can, honey.”

“And no one better try.”

She laughs and tugs purposefully on her gooey collar. “Trust me, Gabriel, everyone knows who this bitch belongs to.”

“This mommy bitch.”

“This horny, slutty mommy bitch,” she corrects, and she stands. Sperm drips down her nipples and onto his lap. “As cum hungry as I always am, I think I should grab a towel to clean this up.”

“Good thinking. I guess I haven’t fucked you stupid yet.”

“You just haven’t tried hard enough,” she says with a wink at the door, and Vivian skips away to the nearest bathroom. While inside she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror. It isn’t the first time Vivian has seen herself in full slut mode or even the first time she has been covered in sperm. It is, however, the most lustful she has ever been. Her eyes shine with unfulfilled need.

She takes a moment to eye herself. She is covered in sperm from her head to her torso. It is running down her breasts, between them, oozing down her stomach toward her slick bush. The sight is a testament to Gabriel’s virility at its finest, and it is enough to send a fresh wave of arousal through her. She can’t even begin to imagine how he will flood her pussy. And I don’t have to imagine. Soon, I’ll have the real thing.

She grabs a towel and wipes herself off. It is a slow, arduous task, but she is thorough. Gabriel won’t fuck her dirty, so she makes sure to get clean. It takes two towels and a lot of patience, but she returns to him with a third towel in hand and wipes his sticky cock clean. Afterward, she holds him to her cheek and smiles.

“All done,” she says triumphantly.

He pats her matted hair appreciatively. “Good girl. Now that we’ve cleaned up you can go, spend your night with Henry.”

She laughs. “Yeah, we’re not done yet.”

“Excuse me, I came, didn’t I?”

“Yes,” she says with a hint of indignity. She nuzzles his crotch; kisses his balls. “And I was more than happy to do that. I needed it, but I still need more,” she whispers. She runs her tongue along his balls, one slow swipe after another, and his cock twitches in response. There we go. I know that tit-fuck isn’t enough. She looks him in the eye. “Mommy needs taken care of now, baby, and she isn’t leaving until you fuck her deep and fill her with a thick load like the one she just swallowed.”


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