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Chapter Two: Belonging

The following night was normal but also empty. Patricia went to bed horny and dreaming of Gregory. In her heart, she was still married to Josh, but her body had experienced more and knew better. It wanted what it now needed, and deep in her gut, she knew that her marriage would never be the same again. She woke fantasizing about Josh eating Gregory’s thick seed from her gushing pussy, and though it made her smile, it also made her angry.

She took care of Lydia while Josh prepared for work. She was nursing when Josh came to get his morning kiss, and she refused him, indicating that Lydia’s hunger came first. In reality, she had no physical interest in Josh anymore. She was Gregory’s woman. The dream had been proof enough of that for her.

After putting Lydia down for a nap, Patricia went for a shower. Out of the shower, she tied her thick, dark hair up in a towel and stared at herself in the mirror. For a woman of her age, and especially for a woman who just gave birth, she had a powerful figure. Her hips were wide, womanly, flowered to give life. Her thighs and breasts were thick and heavy. Despite a slight pooch of her belly, she was sex incarnate.

Pulling on a robe, Patricia went to make coffee and drop some toast for a quick snack. She sliced an avocado and spread it across the toast, and when it was ready, she took it to the computer and sat down to look up Gregory online. She pulled up his name expecting to find something but found almost nothing. Thinking about his last name, she pulled up Rasputin but similarly found nothing related to him. She did find a Grigori Rasputin, but it turned out to be a joke account that led her to a real life historical figure who was fascinating to her.

Reading about Grigori Rasputin, Patricia grew horny. He was a mad man, a monk who supposedly used sex in his rituals. With intensity and a huge, throbbing dick, he toppled an entire empire and put a royal dynasty to rest. She had heard the name before in the stories of Anastasia, the missing Russian princess, but she did not know this history or about his magical dick. She found the similarities to Gregory Rasputin, a boy obviously named for him, to be quite amusing.

Sitting in front of her computer, toast half-eaten, she tapped her finger and shook her foot, wondering who this mysterious young man was. He was at the school before Josh got the job, she knew that much, and rumors were that he had been there for some time. He had a reputation, too, one which she understood after last night. Girls seemed to flock to him, and the boys were intimidated by him. Josh, she realized, would be downright terrified of him, and that amused her to no end.

She was just returning to her toast when there was a knock at her door. Pulling her robe tight to hide her cleavage, she went to check the peephole expecting to find Josh back and having forgotten his keys. Instead, she found Gregory, standing tall and looking handsome with dark curls and boyish rosy cheeks.

Opening the door, she is greeted by Gregory’s big, muscular chest. Originally expecting her husband, she compared them again. Gregory is much taller than Josh and built of heavy muscle. He is a mountain of muscle, in fact, topped by a charming smile that left her blushing in his presence. She was still in her robe, her hair wet, but somehow still her hair held less moisture than her panties did looking at Gregory. She could hardly speak as she showed him in. “G-Gregory?”

Gregory smiled in return and moved around her, his big body brushing against her as he entered. Patricia was stunning, her robe hugging her wet body and with a few adjustments showing a hint of cleavage. He gazed openly but did not stare. “Have time to talk,” he asked coolly once inside of her home.

Patricia nodded vigorously, her bosom shaking, and led him to the couch. She wanted to strip naked and offer him her body but knew better. Gregory settled on the couch with his arms apart and his big body set on the center cushion. Patricia sat across from him on a loveseat, her hands folded neatly on her lap holding her robe down to keep him from seeing. Already, her arousal had her shaking.

She stammered, “W-What did you want to talk about, Gregory?”

Gregory parted his legs, and his big, heavy manhood showed through his jeans. His shirt was tight, showing off his powerful pectorals, defined even when at rest. He stared her in the eyes, and he smoldered. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened yesterday,” he said, and he grinned afterward. “You know, when I fucked you.”

Patricia shivered when he said the word, and she could feel the arousal gathering on her folds.

“I thought it would be good to clear the air since you and Josh live in the dorms. Didn’t want it to be awkward when I saw you around the building, but since I got here…” He stared at her half-exposed cleavage, and she followed his gaze. Seeing her bosom partially exposed, she thought to hide it but didn’t want to. She swallowed and stared him in the eyes again.

“Since you got here…?”

“Patricia, I’m not going to lie to you. That was the best sex I’ve ever had. Your pussy is unreal, and sitting here staring at your tits right now…Well, fuck.” He adjusted himself through his pants. “I mean, just look at you.”

It was inappropriate, but Patricia smiled. She felt her cheeks warming as she swept her hair back and adjusted her robe. Her adjustments did nothing to hide her cleavage, however, and she could tell by how Gregory was staring that he enjoyed it. As she moved, her robe rode up slightly, showing off her thick, shapely thighs. “Well, thank you for your honesty, and for your compliment. That’s very BIG of you, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise.” She licked her lips and purred, “You are a very BIG man.”

Grinning and holding himself by the dick, Gregory said, “You think I’m big, Pat?”

Tracing the hem of her robe, Patty chewed her bottom lip and exposed more of herself  to Gregory. “I know you are,” she purred. “I can tell by how you act, how you carry yourself. You’re a big man, Gregory. You’re all man. The biggest I’ve ever seen.”

“Bigger than your husband?”

She whined suddenly and stared at his crotch, at his plump dick in his big hand. “Much, much bigger,” she said, and as he opened his pants and pulled his dick out, she gasped. “You make him look like a child,” she whispered.

Gregory was mostly erect before the reveal. It took only a few tugs to get him all the way there, and Patricia watched in awe as he did it. Even his big hands seemed dwarfed by his mighty shaft. Staring at him, she tried to figure out how she had taken him the day before and determined it was impossible. She had to know suddenly, had to figure out how their dimensions fit together. Nearly drooling in her lust, she decided she had to try him again.

Meanwhile, Gregory stroked himself with a lazy grin on his face. “See something you like,” he asked, and she nodded vigorously in response, her breasts nearly popping out of her robe as she did. “You know, I didn’t mean for this to happen when I came over. I really just wanted to apologize.”

“It’s okay,” whispered Patricia, and she undid the knot on her robe without pulling it open.

Watching her, Gregory laughed. “You want me to fuck you again, don’t you?”

Chewing her bottom lip so hard that it almost bled, Patricia nodded. “Yes,” she whispered, and Gregory shrugged in response.

“Then give me a reason to do it,” he said, and he released his heavy dick and let it to fall heavily across his muscular stomach. Without his hand there to obscure it, it was clear how large he truly was. Just by looking at him, she could tell that he was longer than her forearm and thicker, too. Even against his already big body, he appeared impossibly large. Clearing his throat, he pulled her attention to his eyes and said, “I’ve shown you mine. Now, you show me yours.”

With another nod, Patricia stood. She didn’t know what time it was anymore, and she had no idea when Josh would be home. All she knew was that she had to have this. Pulling her robe open, she let it fall down her arms and displayed her thick, womanly figure. Seeing him stiff, and remembering the day before, she was comfortable in his attraction to her but still felt self-conscious about her belly and the milk leaking from her nipples. Seeing his big, fat cock, however, allowed her to set those things aside. She stepped out of her panties next, and then stood with her legs parted and stared at him. “Like this,” she asked, and her eyes were glued to his dick.

Gregory lifted himself again and stroked himself slowly as he examined her figure.

Patty was a thick woman, but she wore it well. She was easily the heaviest woman he had been with, but that weight seemed to centralized around her heavy, milk-laden breasts, which remained upthrust despite their size. Her nipples were stiff at the sight of him and, hidden just below her belly, was a recently trimmed pussy. Even at a distance, he could see the dew gathering there.

Sitting back and holding his dick straight, he lifted his eyebrows as he grinned at her. “All abord, then.”

Smiling back, Patricia straddled him eagerly. She mounted him and held herself high as she took hold of his shaft. Stroking him down to his fingers at the root, she gasped at the length of him. Then, lining him up, she cooed as he felt him easing into her. Gregory really was a big man with a big cock, one so thick and so stiff that she could fathom the blood flow required to power him.

“Oh, Greg,” she moaned. “Oh, you’re huge! You have the biggest dick in the world!” When he shrugged in response, Patricia smiled again. “And you’re modest, too!” Laughing, she teased herself with his fat crown before opening to him. “I had you inside of me yesterday,” she crooned. “All the day into my womb, and I have no idea how I am going to do it again today, but I am. I need it, Greg. I need you!”

Announcing that, she eased herself onto him. It was slow. Even opened up after yesterday, it felt like the first time again. Childbirth hadn’t even done enough to prepare her for him. Gregory was thick, perhaps too thick, but it only took a fourth of him to bring her the first orgasm. Riding it out, she waited on him, quivering and flexing around him, her hand on his wet shaft as she whimpered his name.

Staring at him, impressed as much by his control and confidence as she was by his big dick, Patricia leaned forward to kiss him as she took him deeper. As another inch entered her, she moaned into his mouth. She tongued him, tasted him, drank him, and opened for him, and as another inch disappeared into her, she sat back with a gasp and a whine, panting and smiling as she held him inside of her.

Gregory sat there, watching her milk-heavy breasts quivered as she came on him. Then, he held her by the waist and grinned. “How deep can Josh go?”

Patricia, moaning, stared up at the ceiling in thought. “You’re already deeper,” she whispered, and she laughed in disbelief. “You’re already deeper than he can go, Greg.”

Gregory lifted his eyebrows and laughed. He was just barely halfway inside of her, and though he seemed to understand his own size, he also seemed deeply amused by what he learned. Patricia understood why. He just figured out why she was so desperate to have him again. “Really,” he said, and Patricia sat back up to nod and stare him in his dark eyes. He grinned. “Poor you.”

Patricia giggled and stared Gregory in the eyes. With a deep breath and a hard plunge, she took him back into her cervix again, opening for him with a whine as he filled her. Another powerful orgasm hit that left her breathless on his lap. Riding it out, she shook on him, biting back her pleasure to keep from wailing like a slut. Her fingers dug into his strong shoulders, which remained resilient and powerfully sculpted, and as she recovered, she realized she was drooling.

“Happy me now,” she panted, and she sat back to hold her belly. “Greg…Greg, you’re so deep!”

Reaching up, Gregory took Patricia’s head into his big, strong hands. He held her gently despite his strength, and he stared her in the eyes. Feeding her his right thumb, he whispered to her, “And you’re so fucking pretty with my dick deep in your little cunt.”

Patricia couldn’t help it. She knew he was only a child compared to her, but she sucked his thumb and cooed around it. He tasted good to her, and she savored him until he removed his thumb and traced it around her lips, leaving them wet with her own saliva. She kissed his thumb while staring him in those beautiful eyes of his, her own eyes growing glossy with pleasure, and she flexed around him in urging. His big, hairy balls were nestled against her fat rear, and she knew they were heavy with his seed.

Removing his hands, Gregory cupped her rear and gave each cheek a firm squeeze. His hands were large, and even still he struggled to accommodate her thickness. Patricia’s entire body quaked and jiggled with her movements, and though she was a lot to manage, Gregory managed it quite well. Lifting her, he moved her on him, and soon she was coming again. She rode him now, and Gregory simply guided her, his long, fat shaft spearing her insides with long strokes from her. Her big breasts bounced in his face as she began to whine and whimper on him like an animal in heat.

“Oh! Fuck! Greg! Greg! You’re so big! You’re so! So! Deep!!”

Gathering herself enough to stare down at him, Patricia held him by the shoulder with one hand and the cheek with the other. She pulled him into another kiss, probing his mouth with her tongue, moaning as she tasted him. His meaty shaft explored her, and opened her, offering her pleasure her husband would never be able to give. Pregnancy had ruined her, and now Gregory was using that to his advantage to rebuild her to his own preferences, and she was grateful for it.

Holding her by the rear and moving her as he pleased, Gregory swatted her ass as they kissed. Patricia moaned into his mouth and rode him faster, and he in turn smacked her again, this time harder. Each blow found her with greater enthusiasm and vigor, and soon he had bruised her with a powerful blow that made her dance on him. Parting from him, Patricia whined and panted, driven to wild, animal lust by the depth of his strokes and the power of his hands.

As she rode him, she let him part her ass cheeks and tickle her asshole. Drunk on him, her eyes only widened briefly as she felt his fingers probe her. Then, when she felt him force his finger into her, she came again and rode him with increased speed as her pleasure was amplified by the sudden intrusion. It wasn’t that it felt good but that she was being changed for him, given new experiences, new pleasure meant only for Gregory.

Hanging from him, she moaned. “Fuck! FUCK! FUCK ME! You’re fingering me! Your finger is in me! Fuck, Greg! Fuck you’re so good! You’re so big! You’re so bad! FUCK!!”

Grinning below her, Gregory moved his finger and found a rhythm with it. He slipped his finger deeper into her as his dick left left her, and withdrew his finger again as he filled her once more. This way, he always had something inside of her. Patricia, of course, couldn’t ride him in wide enough strokes to remove him from anywhere but his cervix, but that did nothing to diminish the pleasure of it. He always had some part of her opened to him, some special place which only he could take or touch.

She loved it and hugged him close for it, shaking her body on him as orgasms rolled over her like waves. The ebbing pleasure had weakened, but she felt another powerful one swelling inside of her, threatening to overtake her and swallow her completely. Gregory felt it, too, and swelled inside of her, but his breathing was stable and his eyes fixed on hers. While she panted and whined on him like a wild animal, she realized that he was intently focused on her own pleasure to the neglect of his own.

She clawed at his chest, curling on him, feeling small against his big, muscular frame. “Come,” she whined. “Come for me, Greg. Come!”

Gregory noticed her whining and smacked her bottom again. When she moaned in response and started riding him again, he smiled. “Tell me, who do you like more, Pat? Me or your husband?”

“You!” She moaned it without hesitation or regret, and began to shower his muscular chest with kisses. “I like you more, Greg!”

“I came here to apologize, but I’m fucking you again!” He forced his finger into her again and began meeting her thrusts, his fat cock burrowing into her with each heavy stroke, his balls slapping her ass loudly and wetly. Patricia nearly went catatonic, she was so overcome by the pleasure. “I think it’s safe to say I own your pussy now,” he grunted, and Patricia nodded and whined in agreement. “Good. Then I’m not going to apologize again. Next time, I’m going to come over just to fuck you.”

Still nodding, still whining with pleasure, Patricia kissed him and moaned, “Yes. Good. Fuck me. Own me. So big. So deep!!”

“And I can come over whenever I want,” he asked, staring her in the eyes.

Patricia whined. “Come. Come whenever. Whenever you want. Wherever. I’m yours, Greg. I’m yours!” Quaking, she collapsed on him, letting him use her now. After riding him to several leg-numbing climaxes, she was broken, and she just lied there, eyes glossy, drooling against him as he hammered her. “All yours,” she cried. She had tears in her eyes.

Smiling at her, Gregory cupped the back of her head with one of his big, strong hands and pulled her into a kiss. Then, seizing her rear with his other hand, he moved her along his cock like he was using her to masturbate. Patricia, a heavy woman still carrying her baby weight, was not small, but Gregory moved her like she was weightless, his big, muscular body flexing beneath her as he pounded her roughly with rapid thrusts.

Clawing his chest again, Patricia moaned into his mouth. She tongued his tongue, tasted him, drank him, clutching him as he forced her toward even greater pleasure. Her entire world same as reality fell out from under her. He swelled inside of her, and she flexed around him with urgency. She belonged to him now, she reasoned, so it was only right that she milk every last drop.

Gregory moaned into her mouth. Then, releasing her, his head lulled back as he groaned, “Fuck! Coming, Pat! Coming!!”

Patricia hugged him, holding his close, crushing her breasts against him. To quiet herself, she bit his shoulder and purred as he filled her. His fat shaft was swollen even thicker, pulsing as it unloaded one hot salvo after another through her like a firehose. She ballooned to accommodate his semen, and his fat crown shot deep, plugging her cervix to hold his gift inside of her. It almost hurt, but the pain was eased by the lava-like warmth of seed inside of her.

Meanwhile, Gregory held her in place. As his orgasm eased, he released her, allowing her to rest against him, their sweaty skin slick. They glowed together, settling like foundation as their breathing synchronized. Patricia forgot herself and tickled his chin with her fingers. Touching him lightly, she pulled him into another kiss, this one gentle as she savored him. By her estimation, every part of him was a joy to behold.

Finally recovered, Gregory smacked Patricia across the bottom and watched her body jiggle. Patricia recovered, too, and smiled and giggled quietly in response. “So, how was it,” he asked.

Patricia stretched and groaned, resting on him again. “Just as good,” she said, and she flexed around him. “Maybe even better.” She smiled. “This time, I knew what to expect and could just sit back and enjoy it.”

“You hardly sat back,” said Gregory, and he flexed inside of her, too. When she moaned, he said, “And remind me: who does your pussy belong to again?”

Patricia gave a throaty chuckle and whispered, “You, Gregory.” She kissed him again, this time tenderly and on the chest as she rested against him. She ran her fingers through his dark, thick chest hair and sighed. “I’m all yours.” Then, she groaned. “After today, I honestly don’t think I could even feel Josh, even if we did try to have sex.”

Using Gregory for support, Patricia lifted herself up. Their sweaty skin and cooled and stuck, and so they peeled apart as she sat up. With him guiding her, she ended up on her knees in front of him, and his boiling semen leaked from her onto the carpet as she stared up at him in awe. She sucked him and tasted herself on him but cleaning him obediently while staring him in the eyes. It was the first time in her life ever doing something so depraved, but she found intimacy with Gregory in it.

In that moment, it really hit her what he meant when he said he owned her, and she accepted and embraced it as her new reality. She truly belonged to him. She was his woman, his property, and he could use her as he pleased. Remembering his finger in her asshole, she moaned and slobbered on him, determined to serve him properly.

Afterward, she walked Gregory to the door in semen-soaked panties. He kissed her deeper before leaving, and then she returned to the living room, which reeked of sex. Gathering her robe, she opened the window and went for another shower. Afterward, she went about cleaning up the mess on the carpet before cleaning up anything else around the house. She went out shopping afterward and thought of Gregory the entire time.

That evening, when Josh came home, she greeted him with warm absence. The house still reeks of Gregory, at least to her. Josh didn’t seem to notice, but that was no comfort to Patricia, who no longer cared what he noticed. After all, with her pussy still leaking semen, it was easy to remember that she belonged to Gregory now and not her husband.


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