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It took early four weeks for the subject to come up at work, and even then it wasn’t in the way Vivian expected. On the first day back, while it is slow, one of Vivian’s girls asks about the collar and nothing else.

“Why are you wearing a collar?”

It was an innocent question, and a legitimate one considering the circumstances. Vivian tenderly touches the collar and blushes. “Well, it’s a bit of a story,” she says while contemplating her answer. The words pour out from her lips without thought though, and before she can stop she says, “The collar is a sign that I am my son’s slut and personal bitch.”

“Oh,” her employee says, and then, “That makes sense.”

Vivian, blushing and heart pounding, sighs. “Really?”

“Yeah,” her employee says. “I mean, you said it yourself you’re his bitch, like his dog, right? So, he makes you wear a collar so no one thinks you’re a stray. That makes sense.”

“Yeah,” Vivian says uncertainly.

“So, what do you do as his bitch?”

“Blow him, fuck him,” Vivian says without thinking, and then she winces. “I mean, I do other stuff, too. I do anything he wants, obey his every command.”

“So, you like cook and clean for him,” she asks.

“Occasionally,” Vivian says. “He’s smart, though, capable, so mostly I just fulfill his sexual needs.” Vivian winces again and fights not to fight her own tongue. To her surprise her employee is not at all put off. Then, a thought crystalizes and makes it into words before Vivian can even cringe. “He comes a lot, so I’m always busy, and his cock is really, really big.”

“Lucky you,” her employee laughs. “Sounds like you’re really happy.”

Vivian blushes and smiles bashfully.

“Is it weird being his mother, though? Not that I’m judging, I’m just asking.”

“Know what,” Vivian says before giving herself chance to answer. “We should probably get back to work.”

“Oh, right, sorry,” her employee says. “We’ll talk about it later.”

“Um, sure…”

Nora isn’t sure when the changes started, but she figured it was somewhere around Christmas. No one else seemed to notice, or if they did, they made no mention. Her husband didn’t comment on it either, which she found peculiar, so she kept it to herself.

It started with a great thirst. Every day for a week she drank increasing amounts of water, as if her body were yearning for it, and every morning she woke to find herself more different, to find herself younger, more beautiful.

Now, she stares at herself in the mirror and can barely recognize the woman who looks back. In youth, Nora was pretty, but age left her old and decrepit. The Nora in the mirror, though, was young, shapely, and beautiful. She showed no blemish, no wrinkle. It was like the hands of time had been turned back.

There were improvements upon the original canvas though. Nora’s breasts were much larger and fuller. Her thighs were meaty, as was her rear, and her hips were wide. Her lips were fuller, too, and her nipples juicier and larger. The only thing that hadn’t seemed to change, truthfully, was her need for glasses, but the look seemed to suit her.

Along with her new body and curves, Nora found, she had a new sex-drive. Her nipples were more sensitive than ever, and she frequently tugged on them in the shower and teased her hot, tight pussy absently in the process. In fact, in this moment, she is just checking herself in the mirror before the shower, chronically any new changes. So far, it seems the transformation is finished.

She teases her left nipple and shivers. Nora was always sexual, even in her youth. Half the reason she married her husband was for his big cock. As she got older, however, that fire died in her. It wasn’t enough to simply steal her looks. Age also took her lust. In the previous week, however, both came back in a flood.

Sex seems to be on her mind constantly. She keeps a drawer with toys and condoms for the occasional throw, though she hasn’t used them in a long while. The condoms, in particular, are useless, as is her husband’s penis, but that thought doesn’t discourage her. She yearns for something different now, anyway, though she can’t quite place it.

Her left nipple aches, so she strokes it gently like a tiny cock and sighs. Masturbation isn’t enough, no matter how she does it. The toys don’t satisfy her, though she does use them when they are at hand. Right now, though, she is alone in the bathroom, preparing for a shower, and enjoying her own lewd body.

She runs a finger through her pussy hair and grazes it along her slit. She is wet, but she always seems to be wet. A shadow hovers in the back of her mind, a silhouette of someone perfect, someone who fulfills her. Their name is always on the tip of her tongue, though she can’t quite place it, but she knows they are close to her, that they are someone important.

She slips a finger into her pussy and shivers. Her pussy hair chaffs against her wrist, and she twists her nipple and quakes. The orgasms are always close, but never quite there. She looks down at her pussy and pants. Then she looks at herself in the mirror. Pulling her hand free, she rubs the damp finger along her pussy hair.

I wonder…

A razor is on the sink, one which she uses when shaving her legs or arms. Despite her age, Nora believed in protocol and tradition, and she believes firmly in remaining feminine. She teases her pussy hairs, pulling them straight up and eying them. They look dirty, out of place. She wets the razor.

I think it’s time for a change. With that thought, she shaves her pussy.

Li noticed the changes at the start of the week but didn’t think on it much. As her breasts swelled and her body tightened, she just felt grateful. The world was watching out for her, rewarding her for her perseverance and hard work, and she was sure it was the Chinese diet that improved her physique.

When she first came to America, Li put on quite a bit of weight. When she met Noah this continued. He ate like an American, with his greasy, fatty foods, but he was always so thin, and it always made her feel worse about herself. She, however, put on weight.

It wasn’t until she had her first son, Avery, that the weight dropped. Using a special Chinese diet that she shares with no one, she quickly dropped the weight and became the thin, beautiful Chinese woman she was always meant to be. Christmas this year, it seems, brought even greater change.

Over the course of a week her breasts swelled dramatically. Now, she spills out of her B-cup bras and struggles to even get them clasped. Over the weekend, she plans to go out and buy herself some new underwear to fit her new chest.

It isn’t just her breasts that are different though. Her body is toned, almost athletic. Despite this, she has a shapely rear and thighs. What limited fat she has accentuated her femininity and enhanced her beauty grateful. At the end of the week when she sees herself, she is now stunned by the buxom bombshell that she is.

It isn’t just physical changes that she has experienced. Her mind is different as well. She always enjoyed sex, and she found Josh to be an adequate lover, but over this past week that has changed. Her arousal is at a constant pique, and Josh doesn’t satisfy her. She lusts for something more, something different, something beyond her description, and she doesn’t understand it entirely.

By the end of that first week she stopped trying to fuck Josh. Not only did it lead to inevitable disappointment, but he doesn’t even notice the changes she has undergone. No one does. They all seem to think she has always been blessed with sizable breasts, and Li wants to be noticed, to be praised, to be used.

She blushes while eying herself in the mirror. She is in her underwear, which barely fit. Her panties can’t get all the way up her round bottom and leave some of her ass crack revealed. Her breasts are nearly spilling out the top. She must dress soon, go to work, but for now she just admires her body and tries to imagine what it would be like to be taken by a real man, because Josh is just not enough.

Normally, Chrissie is a bit of a prude. In her youth she experienced strong sexual desires, but her upbringing repressed them. She learned sex was wrong and served only for reproduction. Anything else was blasphemy.

When she met Chris, her husband, she made him wait. Nearly two years after meeting, on the night of their honeymoon, they coupled for the first time. She felt his penis in the dark and was awed by it. His size was commendable, as was his girth, and he felt full inside of her.

Sex became a past-time, a pleasure for her, and to justify her own sex drive she said it was in the name of procreation. A year later, after plenty of unprotected sex, she went to the doctor to find out why she hadn’t gotten pregnant, only to learn that it was impossible. She is barren.

Heart-broken and distraught, Chrissie vowed off sex and found solace in her faith and chastity. She pushed Chris away, forced him to sleep apart from her, and turned their king-size bed into a pair of twins separated by a few feet of floor and a couple of nightstands.

The adoption of their two beautiful daughters only drove a deeper wedge between them. Unable to have children of her own, Chrissie became overprotective and controlling. Her daughters spent only a few years in public school before she pulled them out and started micromanaging their lives. Chris tried to talk to her, to reach her, but she fought him at every turn and broke his spirit in time. Now, she has an iron grip on the house and her family.

Christmas brought on a change, though. It was subtle, at first, and became far more pronounced over the course of the week. Life had taken a toll on her. Once, she was beautiful, but the years made her soft and then saggy. Her face was lined with myopia and contempt. Bitterness wore her down, left her jagged and hateful. Sex no longer held any allure.

By the time they returned home, however, Chrissie found herself hot and lusting, though after what she was unsure. Chris still didn’t hold any charm. Despite his size, he was older now, as worn down as her, and the week wasn’t so kind to him. She needed something younger, perhaps even larger, and something much more fulfilling.

Her breasts have swollen, becoming perfectly symmetrical and ponderous. Due to her weight she was already chesty, but her new breasts are preposterous in size, spilling out of her D-cup bra. Her nipples are fat, long, red, and very, very sensitive, and they chaff against the rim of her bra cup.

Fat on her body has migrated, clinging to delicate, sensitive areas while withering away elsewhere. Her waist is now tapered, and her hips broader. She has an hourglass to be envious off, and her curves are dramatic and hypnotizing. Combining that with her fuller, sultry red lips and her long, dark hair, and Chrissie is a sight to see.

Her pussy aches every day, begging for attention, and she doesn’t know where to find it. One night she tries Chris. It feels tighter than usual. She hugs him close to her new figure, to her new bosom, and he doesn’t seem to notice the change. He gives a few uncomfortable pumps and then spills his seed, and it does nothing but leave her unsatisfied.

Now, she is shopping. Her clothes hardly fit. Her pants are tight against her hips and hang halfway off because she can’t pull them up. She wears larger shirts to compensate. Her breasts bulge and sway, nearly unrestrained. The bras she has no longer fit, so she wedges her bosom into a camisole that is many sizes too small. It isn’t enough, but it helps. Her nipples protrude, but she doesn’t know how to hide it.

She shops alone while Chris is at home with the girls. Normally, she doesn’t like to. She doesn’t trust Chris to keep them on her studies, but the changes she has undergone have left her irritable to say the least. It is quicker and less frustrating to shop alone. This way, it is a matter of her own personal efficiency.

She passes the pet isle and stops. Leashes and collars hang halfway down, the metal gleaming. It catches her eye. She stares and feels around her throat. The rough straps fasten around her throat. It is comforting, affirming. Her nipples ache, and her pussy grows wet.

A family passes by. She shakes herself out of the reverie and looks ahead. Her face is flushed, but she is quiet, resolute. Marching forward as if nothing is amiss, she pushes the thought of the collars from her mind. These changes are sudden, dramatic, but momentary, she is sure of it.

Seth left that evening, just after Vivian got home. Another day passed without undressing for Gabriel. Undressing alone now feels strangely surreal, like she is violating a sacred pact of some sort. She strips self-consciously and eyes the door, hoping it opens and her youngest son steps through.

Unfortunately, Gabriel seems to avoid her. Even after Seth leaves, Gabriel retreats to his room, leaving Vivian alone in the living room. She watches television absently from her spot on the couch. On the other side of the room, Henry sits in his recliner. Unlike her, he seems to be enjoying herself.

I should go visit Gabriel, Vivian thinks, and then she chides herself. Shameless whore! He’s your son. Maybe he’s come to his sense and is finally done with you. She chews her bottom lip. I hope not. My pussy is aching!

The show goes to a commercial break, but Vivian hardly notices. By this point she is staring through the television and into the distance. Her mind is on other things. In particular, she is charting the course along Gabriel’s long shaft and up to his crown and how she would navigate it with her tongue.

Around then Gabriel comes through with a glass in hand. He fills his water in the kitchen and, on the way back, Vivian calls out to him.

“Gabriel, baby, could you come here for a minute?”

Gabriel gives her a look over and shrugs. He comes into the living room, within reach. Vivian eyes his crotch. His big cock is bulging his pants. She is sure that it is limp, but she knows exactly how to fix that. She reaches out and grabs him by the pants and tugs him forward. Then, unceremoniously, she undoes his pants and yanks them open.

His underwear bulges with cock meat. Vivian eyes it hungrily, smiling at her prize. Tenderly, she strokes his manhood through his underwear and sighs. “This is what momma needs.” She hooks his underwear and tugs. His cock and balls spill out into her free hand, and she cradles them reverently.

Looking up, she smiles and winks at her son. “Been a while, let me give you a proper hello,” she says, and then she opens wide and takes him into her mouth. It is like homecoming, and she is eager to welcome him back. In one smooth, wet stroke, Vivian takes him to the back of her throat and gags.

Surprised, Gabriel nearly spills his water and, moving carefully, manages to set it aside on the coffee table. He smiles down at her and rests his head on the back of her head. She is bobbing along his cock, and he swells in her hands and mouth. Her mouth is warm and wet, and she is sucking quite loudly.

From his chair, Henry glares at them. “Okay, now you two are just being disgusting. I know about your relationship, but that doesn’t mean I want to see it,” he snaps contemptuously. “Couldn’t you at least do me the favor of some modesty, Gabriel?”

“Hey this wasn’t my idea,” Gabriel says while casually caressing his mother’s head. “She’s the one who called me in here.  I swear, I had no plans on this. I was going to give her the night off.” Vivian groans around his cock, as if the idea upsets her, and Gabriel looks down. “Truth told, I don’t think she can wait anymore, though. Let’s see.”

Vivian is so into sucking Gabriel’s cock that she hardly hears the conversation. It isn’t until he pulls her back from the air, and she is gasping and stroking him, that the words register. Deliriously, she looks up at Gabriel, her lips puffy and wet and with trails of saliva running from her mouth to his cock. “Gabriel, why…”

“Dad’s upset, blaming me for this, saying we’re being indecent. Just wanted to hear your thoughts…”

Vivian hugs Gabriel’s wet cock to her cheek and looks at Henry overtop it. He looks fat, impotent, especially in the context of the situation. She pouts. “I’m sorry, honey, I thought I was being respectful by not stripping down and fucking him.” With both hands she speeds up, stroking Gabriel in a blur of movement. “But Gabriel’s right, I just can’t wait, I need him now.”

“There it is, straight from her lips,” Gabriel says while angling his cock back up. Vivian gives him a quick, pleading look, and then dives back down on him. She closes her eyes, savoring his taste and feel, and she purrs around his cock in satisfaction. “Oh, fuck, she is so good.”

“Whatever,” Henry says, tossing his remote aside and retreating into the bedroom. His sweats can’t hide his erection, though. Gabriel laughs after the door slams.

“I think we might have hurt his feelings,” Gabriel says, but Vivian is too busy sucking to care. Gabriel grins. “You’ve become such a shameless whore. Let’s see how deep you can take my cock!”

Taking her head in both hands, Gabriel forces his way down into Vivian’s throat. At first she is surprised, her eyes going wide with shock. She pushes on his hips half-heartedly and gags wet and loud, but then she looks up into his eyes and relaxes, offering only a mewl in response. Gabriel smiles down and caresses her cheek as tears run from her eyes.

“Look at you, my beautiful mother, with her mouth and throat full of cock. You’re quite the sight to see. Maybe next time I’ll get a camera, so we can take a photo, and I can show you what a slut you are. How would you like that?”

Unable to speak, Vivian merely gurgles around his cock. Spittle leaks out the sides of her mouth and oozes down her chin. Air is coming in smaller amounts and only with greater effort. She pushes again on his hips as her head goes light.

“Having trouble breathing?”

She nods around his cock.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Again she nods, and then she looks up at him, into his eyes, and shakes her head.

“What is that, mommy slut? I can’t tell what you mean.”

She shakes her head. Her throat is relaxing, adjusting around him, and the fight for air is getting easier.

“Are you saying you want me to keep my cock in your throat?”

She nods again. More tears streak down her cheeks. Gabriel wipes a few away.

“You’re such a good girl,” he says tenderly, and he pulls her slowly from his cock. Pre-cum and spittle line his shaft. When he is free from her mouth Vivian coughs and sputters, and she holds her neck while eying his cock in a mixture of arousal and apprehension. In short time she is stroking him again, even as she gasps for air. He smiles smugly down at her. “Looks like you’ll need more training in that.”

Vivian coughs and laughs, and she wipes her eyes. “A lot more training,” she says while stroking him. She regains her composure in short time and then leaps back onto his cock, mouth first, this time willingly gagging herself. Gabriel leans his head back and groans.

It hasn’t even been a full week without Gabriel’s cock, but Vivian’s hunger is without end. Her stomach aches for a sample of his sperm, and so does her pussy and her ass. All over, she itches for Gabriel’s cock and his cum. It’s like her entire being is consumed with sexual desire for her son and master.

She bobs furiously on his cock, gagging on each down stroke. While sucking, she strokes him with both hands. Luckily, he has more than enough for her to shower with attention. At thirteen inches long, Gabriel has enough cock to shove half down her throat and still have room for four hands. The thought of it makes Vivian quake.

Gabriel slides his hand down her neck and grabs hold of her collar. With a pull, he jerks her from his cock and pins her to the couch. Now, he is straddling her, with his hard, gleaming cock waving only inches from her mouth. She extends her tongue, trying to reach for him, but cannot. He wags it at her tauntingly.

“What, do you want to keep sucking my cock?”

“Yes,” Vivian pants. “Let me keep sucking and choking on your cock.” She continues stroking him with both hands while gazing desperately at him. “You’re so close to coming, I can feel it!”

Gabriel smirks. “I am getting close, you’re right, but I had an idea.”

“Oh,” she asks coyly, looking up at him. She bats her eye lashes. “And I’m sure it’s an amazing idea, so please do share.”

“Well, I was actually wondering if you remember what we were doing in the bathroom up and granny and gramps’ the other day.”

Vivian sticks out her bottom lip and looks thoughtful. Meanwhile, she strokes him idly now, enjoying his slick warmth grazing along her fingers. “Well, we talked about you putting those funny seeds inside of Chrissie, Li, and your grandmother, and then…”

“Yes,” Gabriel asks.

“You dry humped my tits!” She says it excitedly, and she smiles up at her son. Releasing him with one hand, she reaches down and cups her tits through her shirt, wedging them together, and she looks down at them. “Why, Gabriel, does your idea involve mommy’s big, fat tits?”

“It does indeed,” Gabriel says. “I was thinking that we could finish what we started there, only this time we don’t make it so dry.”

Vivian smiles at him. The smile is dangerous, lecherous, and full of meaning. “Oh, that does sound like a wonderful idea.”


“Definitely,” Vivian says, and she fists him a bit more quickly. “This way I can eat your cum and bathe in it at the same time.”

“Say you’re my slut,” Gabriel says while seizing her by the hair.

“I’m your slut,” Vivian says, and she lets Gabriel force his cock into her mouth and throat. She gags and tears up, and he releases her, pulling back.

“Say it again.”

Vivian purrs. “Mommy is Gabriel’s slut,” she says, and she braces herself this time. Again, Gabriel goes deep, and Vivian meets him by thrusting forward. He pulls back and throws her onto the couch.

“Take that shirt off. I want to fuck your tits.”

“Gladly,” she says, and she seems to melt out of her top. In a matter of seconds her blouse and bra are off and her breasts are on display. She holds them together and looks up at Gabriel, smiling and panting. “There you go, honey, there’s mommy’s tits for you to fuck!”

Watching Vivian, Gabriel leans over and grabs a bottle of lubricant off of her end table. Ever since her conversion, Vivian has taken to keeping edible and flavored lubricants around the house in various places for easy access. Even when she is feeling prudish, she is aware enough to understand the power Gabriel wields over her and the need for good lube at any moment.

He flips the cap and slaps his cock down between her breasts. Then he applies a liberal amount of oil and watches while his mother rubs it in. She keeps rubbing until her breasts and his cock gleam. The air smells vaguely of strawberries, though the scent can hardly block out the smell of Gabriel’s natural musk for Vivian.

Gabriel clicks the lid close and tosses the lube to the side. “Are you ready, slut?”

“Yes,” Vivian hisses, and she wrestles her breasts into position around her son’s fat shaft. “Fuck mommy’s titties, baby, put them to good use!”

Leaning forward, Gabriel hovers over his mother. His cock is held in the warm, soft embrace of her D-cup breasts. His balls rest on her taught, undulating belly. Her eyes are wide with lust, and she is staring at his swollen cock head hungrily. Periodically her tongue flicks across her lips.

He thrusts forward, driving his thirteen inch cock up into her face. Vivian opens her mouth and lets her tongue head out. His shaft runs the length of her face and his balls and crotch press firmly into the underside of her cleavage. Though he is covered in strawberry flavored lubricant, she can still taste the natural flavor of his flesh on him.

When he pulls back Vivian swipes her tongue, lapping up some of the lubricant. Pre-cum oozes out of him and lathers her tongue, and she shivers at the contact. Vivian was never much of one for blowjobs, but with Gabriel they are pleasure in themselves. She loves how his skin tastes and how his cum tastes, and is almost sad to have the taste of strawberries interfering.

On the next thrust Gabriel reaches down and pulls her head up. The angle is awkward, straining, but worth it when his cock fills her mouth. He brushes against her throat, and Vivian drives herself down on him hard enough to gag. She sucks, trying to hold his cock in place and hoping for a mouthful of cum.

He is swelling. Vivian can feel his orgasm drawing near. He pulses in her breasts and in her mouth. More pre-cum sprays out onto her tongue, and she laps it up like a hungry down. He pulls back and a trail of saliva follows him into the depths of her cleavage. Her head is still pinched against the couch, and she is staring down into the dark crevice between her breasts.

Now, Gabriel picks up speed. His thrusts make his balls slap loudly against her breasts. Each time he swats her face with his cock, often going just shy of her mouth. She tries to follow and keeps her mouth open. She wants his cock in her mouth, and when he comes she wants that, too. Her tongue hangs out like a dog in heat, and she is flushed faced and desperately horny.

Finally, the final pulse hits. Gabriel pulls back and quickens, and he is coming before even breaking the threshold of her breasts. Sperm fills her cleavage and spills out the top. By the third pulse he breaks free, escaping the sticky embrace of her chest. Sperm surges forward, covering her face and the couch behind her.

She latches onto his crown and gets two loads directly into her mouth. He is holding the couch tightly panting, and she stares up at him starry-eyed. His ‘o-face’ is beautiful and inspiring. Vivian’s pussy tingles, and she swallows his cum and feels it warming her stomach. Twirling and sucking, she tries to get more from him.

Gabriel holds his body tense against her, his balls nestling against her breasts. Vivian moves her body, stroking him with her bosom and milking his cock into her mouth and onto her face. He comes far too much for her to eat every drop, so she has to let some out onto her face, but she makes no complaints. Her nipples are aching hard and her pussy is leaking uncontrollably.

After thirteen powerful blasts Gabriel finally eases. He continues straddling her, but his grip loosens, and he stares down at her with a tired smile. Beneath him, Vivian is stroking the last of his cum onto her face and smiling up at his cock.

He sighs. “Was it worth the wait?”

Vivian moans out a reply. “Yes, always worth a face full of your cum, baby.” She pouts, but Gabriel can hardly see it underneath the mask of sperm. “I was hoping for a deep fucking since your father is out of the room, though.”

Laughing, he shakes his head. “You have no shame, do you?”

“It’s been so long,” Vivian whines. “And you keep teasing me. What kind of son are you, teasing your poor mother?”

“What kind of mother are you, begging your son for his cock?”

“The slutty kind,” Vivian says before sucking his cock back into her mouth. She gives it a few good swipes of her tongue while staring him in the eyes. Then, she releases him with a pop. “The very kind you want me to be,” she adds.

Gabriel could see the shameless lust in her eyes. Lifting himself, he pulls his cock from her soft, wet embrace and lifts it up. He stands just over her and dangles his balls into her face. Maintaining eye contact, she sucks his balls into her mouth and sucks on them hungrily.

Despite his recent orgasm, Gabriel feels life surging through his limp cock. Vivian sees him twitch and releases her breasts to take him in hand. Sperm falls down her hanging breasts, leaking down the sides, but she doesn’t mind, she focuses on his cock.

“It’s only been three days, you know.”

“Three days too long,” she whispers into his balls sack. She strokes him with both hands and notes how quickly he hardens in her grasp. Staring into his eyes while doing it only makes her feel that much better. “I’m used to sucking you off every morning and fucking you ever evening. Three days isn’t enough, not after you opened Pandora’s Box with his big old cock of yours.”

“You’re out of control,” Gabriel whispers. He is smiling and enjoying himself though.

“Then discipline me,” Vivian says. “Spank me and fuck my ass until I’m a good girl.” She purrs at the thought. “If you insist,” Gabriel says. “Take off your pants, it’s time for you to learn a lesson.”

“Gladly,” Vivian says, and smiling, she crawls out from between his legs and out of her pants in one smooth motion.


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