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Chapter Twenty: Rebirth

Present Day…

Kendall barely lasts a week before she begins planning her first trip home. Classes haven’t even started for her yet, and between the stress of moving and the time spent at home with Jackson, she finds herself missing the emptiness that James used to fill in her. Halfway through the week she is so horny that she almost makes a move on Jackson, but not can she not convince herself to have sex with anyone other than James, the mere sight of Jackson shirtless and in his briefs is enough to make her crying laughing.

Comparing them side-by-side, Kendall can say that Jackson is easily better looking than James. He is shorter, sure, but he has nicer, cleaner features. James is arrogant and better groomed, but he is also fatter and sloppy, only taking any care with his neatly groomed facial hair and heavily greased scalp. Jackson has darker, thicker hair and is handsome if somewhat boyish.

Even when comparing them this way, however, Kendall finds thoughts of James producing increased arousal in her. The difference, she realizes, is intellectual. While Jackson might be better to look in the eye, James is far better to look at from below. He is a big man, with a big, meaty cock and a bad attitude. Those two things combined are what make him more desirable, and that last going away ass-fuck was more than enough to prove it to her.

Before bed, she makes plans with her mother to visit and convinces Jackson that it was her mother who asked. Paige has covered for Kendall countless times and even gave her opportunities to enjoy James at home alone while keeping the girls busy while Jackson was at work. She does tease her daughter, taunting her and texting back, “And here I thought I’d have at least a month alone with him.”

Kendall blushes and responds with an tongue-sticking out emoji before turning in to bed. She has trouble sleeping beside Jackson, however, because she always wears multiple layers around the house to prevent her fiancé from seeing even a glimpse of her skin. The way she sees it, her body still belongs to James, even if James is in another town. She makes an appointment the next morning to get herself waxed before the weekend and, living in a bigger city now, has an easier time finding someone to do it for her.

The drive home is long and anxiety-inducing. Paige is willingly to corroborate the story, but she is also cruel and has a particular dislike for Jackson, whom Kendall could not convince to stay home. He comes along suggesting that they might spend time together, but Kendall insists on using the time wisely to get to know her new ‘daddy’ a little better.

“Why do you always call him daddy,” Jackson asks from the driver’s seat. He even drives different from James with both hands on the wheel and his eyes fixed on the road. Kendall blushes and stammers while stealing glances to make sure he isn’t catching on. She can tell that he is still oblivious, but he is jealous all the same.

“It’s just an inside joke,” she says. “It’s playful, like when I call you a cuck.”

Jackson frowns and glances at the girls in the backseat. Both have fallen asleep on the long ride. “You know I don’t like when you say that,” he whispers to her, and Kendall gives him a smile in place of a kiss that would actually balm his hurt feelings. Jackson shrugs and his frown grows. “Whatever. It’s your relationship, I guess,” he says, and he mutters, “And I trust you.”

Those last words actually hurt as Kendall, being driven home under false pretenses her daughters spending time with their grandmother, is really going home to get fucked by her well-endowed ex-boyfriend while her fiancé waits, oblivious.

They park at a local fast food restaurant, and Jackson waits inside without the car while Kendall hands off the girls. She gives her mother a hug and a quick kiss and gives her thanks before leaving. When she arrives at James’ home, she is disappointed to find Allyson’s car waiting outside. She strips in her car and goes to the front door wearing her thin tank top and her booty-showing shorts.

Oliver meets her in lingerie and smiles his pink, lip gloss smile when he sees her. “Daddy is inside with Allyson on the couch.”

Kendall, already haughty, frowns. “I figured,” she huffs, and she storms up the stairs. She stops to collect herself before entering the room and puts on a brittle smile when she finds James in a t-shirt and briefs. His dick is heavy and visible in his underwear, and he grins when he sees her. Allyson is completely naked beside him, her big, pale breasts hanging in his face while her plump bottom sways. She is not wearing panties, and her wet gash glistens on James’ thick fingers when Kendall sees her.

James withdraws his fingers from Allyson and moves his wet hand up to cup one of her big, heavy breasts. She moans, leaning into his rough palms, and lets those thick fingers that were in her now crush and molding her supple white breasts. “Hey, cunt,” James laughs. “You’re early!”

Kendall smiles when she sees him smile. It has been a week since has even spoken to her. A week without his smile, without his voice, and without his big cock, and all of her pint up excitement is now bubbling up to the service. Her mother and Allyson both have teased her, sending her photos of his dick or pictures of themselves soaked in cum. Kendall has fingered herself raw without him and imagined herself in their place. Now, she is so horny that she just might cry at the sight of him.

“I was just so excited to see you, daddy, and I couldn’t wait to leave!”

James laughs again while shaking Allyson’s tit. He pulls her breast to his mouth and says, “I bet you fucking were.” Then, lifting his left foot, he wiggles his toes at Kendall while sucking one of Allyson’s engorged nipples into his mouth. He slurps her sensitive flesh briefly while speaking to Kendall. “I’m busy right now, so you can go ahead and start with my feet. If you do good enough, maybe I could let you two share my dick for a while.”

Kendall licks her lips while staring at his feet. No, she didn’t drive an hour and a half to suck his toes, but she won’t complain if that is all she gets. Just the memory of his taste has her shaking with arousal, so much so that her legs give out, and she falls to her feet a few feet from him. From there, she crawls to him as James tugs Allyson to him, latching onto her other fat, pink nipple as Kendall sucks one of his toes into her mouth.

Meanwhile, Allyson watched Kendall with a smile while she held James to her tit. She felt superior to Kendall for the first time since she saw them fuck. Their past relationship still ate away at Allyson, who wished that she could date James and felt like she would treat him properly. It upset her that Kendall could break his heart and still be one of his favorites.

“Sorry, Kendall,” she teased while caressing James’ balding head. “First come, first served.”

Kendall rolled her eyes. She had her lips fixed around one of James’ big toes and was not at all upset that she drove over an hour to do that much. She was upset to see how her relationship with Allyson was under James’ guidance, however. Her family had been fixed by James’ cock, but her friendship with Allyson had not. It had improved, compared to where it was when the school year ended, but only in that it had gone back to normal.

Allyson was always a bit competitive and arrogant. She seemed intimidated by Kendall’s youth and work ethic, having accomplished only a portion of what Kendall had accomplished by Kendall’s age, and having done it without children while Kendall had done so much more with children.

Once, when they were shopping together, they decided to look at bras. Kendall remembered being embarrassed because she was still wearing her old maternity bras. When Allyson learned this, she not only teased Kendall for that but also for the difference in their breast sizes, as well. At the time, Kendall was only in a C and had not grown into the D cups James loves so well, which only made the differences between them more pronounced.

James removes his hands from Allyson’s big breasts and reaches around to cup her big, hefty bottom. He gives it a squeeze and a shake, and she giggles against him before wincing from the blow that followed. She is always expecting a spank from him, and she enjoys it, but his rough hands deliver pain buried deep within the pleasure, and Allyson doesn’t seem to have the same masochistic spell that Kendall does.

He swats both cheeks until they go red and then spits her tits from his mouth. “You get the fuck down there, too, slut,” he growls, glaring up at her.

Before she can respond, Allyson finds herself shoved from the couch. She lands heavily on her front, her forearms aching from the impact with the floor. Her breasts slap against the carpet, too, and her nipples chaff. She looks up at James, hurt, and then slips onto her knees as James jams one of his big, stinking feet into her face.

Allyson joins Kendall in sucking his toes, taking significantly less pleasure in it than Kendall does. Kendall smiles around James, who winks back at her while slurping his beer. They are like this for a while, Allyson falling slowly into rhythm, forgetting her disappointment in her desire to please him. Kendall, meanwhile, is shameless in her appreciation, sucking each of his toes and kissing them and licking his feet without prompting.

“Mm. Daddy, I have to tell you,” she murmurs, stealing words between kisses. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed your dick, but I’ve missed your feet, too.” She giggles against him. “Honestly, I think I’ve just missed being your slut.”

James laughs. “What? The cuck ain’t telling care of you?”

Kendall groans, rolling her eyes back at the thought of Jackson. He used to bring her such join, but now, he is like a nuisance as she tongues the areas between James’ toes. “He can’t,” she says, purring against his foot. “He doesn’t have a dick like yours. Even if I let him try, he couldn’t satisfy me. Not anymore.”

“Yeah? He’s got feet like mine, though, ain’t he?” James fucks her mouth with his foot as he asks, and Kendall moans and drools around him. Allyson watches from her own foot, envious of the shameless pleasure Kendall takes in this.

“Mm.” Kendall slurps off of James’ foot. “I wouldn’t know, daddy. I don’t do this for him, and he definitely doesn’t have the balls to ask me to.”

“Would you if he did,” James asks, and Kendall laughs in response.

“Oh, no. God no.” She stares at his foot and licks her lips, tasting him there. “Only you.”

Allyson, also licking James’ foot, kisses her way to his ankle and stops there to giggle. It feels good for her to hear Kendall degrade Jackson. Listening to her gush over him for months had been hard enough since Kendall was already dating James, but having to keep quiet for the months after James tamed her was nearly impossible. It almost physically hurt to see Kendall with Jackson while knowing that James was so much better. She still doesn’t understand Kendall’s decision to leave him, feeling personally that any amount of discomfort is worth James’ dick, but she does understand her return and even supports it.

“It’s good that you have a real man like James in your life,” whispers Allyson, licking and kissing his leg hair. “It sounds to me like you made the right choice becoming his slut, since James is the only one who can give you what you really need.

Rather than argue, Kendall mewls in agreement and attacks James’ foot with her tongue. It is difficult to explain to Allyson how she was never James’ slut before. Sometimes, she still wonders how James became the way he is and how he can control her the way he does. Mostly, at this point, she just enjoys it, and she even looks forward to their time together when she isn’t feeling guilty about it.

While Kendall drools on James, Allyson is far more delicate. Like Kendall, she has come to enjoy James’ natural, dirty flavor, but she lacks the consuming hunger which seems to drive Kendall. Comparing the two, it is easy to see that Kendall has a natural predilection toward submission, even if Allyson is the one who put up the least fight. It makes James wonder why she had fought her own debasement so thoroughly before when she clearly enjoys it now. Very clearly, she should have enjoyed it before and might have enjoyed it with Jackson, had James not returned and wormed his way into her head and into her loins with only a few words and his powerful, stinking dick.

As she licked James’ feet, Allyson’s jealousy turned to joy as she watched Kendall work. While she wanted to be favored like Kendall was, Allyson could also appreciate the depraved joy James took in Kendall’s subjugation. Like all women belonging to James, Allyson prized James’ pleasure above her own. Seeing Kendall working toward that common goal could never truly upset Allyson, who wanted to see James come more than she wanted to come herself. Furthermore, she could understand the pain Kendall had imposed on James, and she could understand the cruel pleasure he took in hurting Kendall in return.

Smiling and licking the side of James’ foot, Allyson whispered, “How is it living so far away from James, without his big dick there to keep you well-fucked?”

Kendall groans around James’ foot. She has her lips stretched around him and almost all of his toes in her mouth. Only his pinky toe sticks out to tickle her cheek. She pulls off with a slurp, and her pink lips look rubbery as she stretches her jaw before speaking. “It’s boring and hardly worth the move.” Even Kendall doesn’t know how much she means it as she says it. James’ presence has a way of distorting her thinking, but she has also come to learn that his absence makes her ravenous with lust. She takes to tonguing his toes again as he wiggles them in her mouth.

Allyson sits up, wipes her mouth, and laughs. “It’s clear you missed him from how you’re drooling over there.”

Kendall sucks James’ big toe into her mouth, slurps it for a moment, and then purrs as she slides her lips off of it. “Mm. Go without hm for a week and then come back, and then you tell me that you aren’t drooling.” She showers his foot with kisses, enjoying the rough callouses against her soft, pink lips, and she wonders how long she can really last without him. Smiling up at him, she mewls. “Daddy’s feet taste amazing! The only things better are his dick, his balls, and his cum!”

Watching her and listening to her makes James laugh. He had harbored fears that moving would give her an escape, that exposure was all that kept her loyal. Surprisingly, her departure had only made her hornier, if that were possible. James watches her with a lazy, crooked grin, rubbing his foot against her face as he says, “Damn, you’re one nasty cunt.” He shoves his heel into her mouth and lets her suck it. “And you just keep getting nastier.”

Kendall, smiling against him, sucking his foot, winks at him past his toes.

Meanwhile, Allyson spends her time rubbing his feet more than licking or tasting him. She kisses his toes, but even then, she doesn’t enjoy it like Kendall. The smell of him is powerful, unwashed, and while she finds that pleasant, she prefers his cock. Still, she takes what she can and doesn’t complain, because she knows that obedience is the quickest way to being rewarded with deep, rough sex.

Kissing James foot as she rubs the arch, Allyson whispers to Kendall, “You should count yourself lucky that you get any time with him at all. I’ve been his slut for months now, and I hardly see him. James is a busy man, and he has a whole harem of women all vying for his attention.” Looking him in the eyes, she finds him glaring, and licks his foot as a show of submission before adding, “And that’s why I’m happy to be here at his feet. Anyway, what I’m saying it, now that you’re broken, you need to get used to sharing.”

Kendall, drooling along his toes again, frowns with him in her mouth. New anxiety blooms in her heart as she imagines James with other women. Her return to him and evolving subservience would be a tragedy if, after being tamed, she never got to experience his dominion. Tasting him helps in the moment, but thinking of him an hour away from her using other women is upsetting. She enjoys being his bitch, but she doesn’t enjoy that he may have a whole kennel ready to replace her.

James seems to notice her concern and shoves Allyson away with his foot. Allyson falls back with a look of animal shock, fear that her master is upset with her, and he shows his anger with a balled fist and a glare. While he doesn’t strike her, Allyson almost wishes he would have. “Someone’s being fucking chatty today.”

Allyson sits up and hangs her head. Lowering herself, she kisses his foot and whispers, “I’m sorry, James. I’ll keep my cow-whore mouth shut.”

“Good.” James jams his foot up into Allyson’s mouth, choking her with the force of it. Then, meeting Kendall’s gaze, he smiles again. “Don’t you worry, you nasty little slut. You’re special to me, and with the things you’re willing to do for me, you’re just about one of my favorites. Why my dick gets so hard when you come around, and it’s why I keep using you. You’re just completely fucking shameless.”

Moaning, drooling, and believe his every word, Kendall nods around his foot before licking her way free. She hugs his foot to her chest while cooing. “Mm, daddy! I’m shameless for you. I’m your shameless, horny little cunt!!”

Grinning from ear to ear, James snaps his fingers at them like they are dogs. They look up to find him smiling, and both smile back. James ushers her toward him, and she sits up, breasts bouncing, saliva wetting her chin and her blouse, giving him a hint of her creamy cleavage beneath. “Then get that nasty, shameless ass up here, slut, and you can take the cow’s place on the couch with me while she apologizes to me like a proper slut.”

Kendall flashes Allyson a smile as she stands. “Yes, daddy!!” Removing her top without ceremony, she throws it aside and bounces her way over to him. As Kendall settles on the couch, Allyson sets to work to show James proper remorse. She mimics Kendall, sucking and drooling, but she fails to capture Kendall’s enthusiasm. While she is willing, Allyson is apologizing and attempting to win favor. This is sometimes Kendall’s motivation, but in the depths of her depravity, she is really sucking his toes for the sheer joy of his flavor, and it shows.

Kendall steps out of her short-shorts on the way, leaving her glistening pussy bare as she settles beside him. James eases two think fingers into her as she joins him, and she comes immediately against him, her juices gathering in his palm. “Ooooooh! Daddy, that’s it.” She grabs hold of him by his thick forearm, so much bigger and stronger than Jackson’s, and grinds. “That’s what your little slut needed!”

James wiggles his fingers in her and laughs. “I fucking bet it is,” he growls, tossing his empty beer bottle onto the floor and burping in her face. He grabs hold of her by the breast, then, and pulls her into his mouth. James chews her nipple with sloppy inattention while staring at the faint freckles across her nose. Kendall is truly a natural beauty, and right now, her eyes are gleaming with arousal.

He grinds his palm against her, drawing an aroused moan from her as he pants into her breast. “Good to see you’re keeping this shit smooth,” he growls, and Kendall parts her legs for him to see. She is on her knees on the couch and is holding his shoulder to keep her balance while she giggles.

“I got it done earlier this week, as soon as I saw the hair growing back in.” Smiling at him with girlish excitement, she cups his head and holds him to her breast while grinding against him and hugging his fingers with her wet slit. “There’s nothing in this world that’s going to keep me from getting fucked again when you want me. I’m your slut, daddy, and I’m ready for you whenever you want me!”

Pleasure builds in her, and she bites back her moans so that they linger in her throat. Her breasts shake in his face while she rides his fingers, and each time she opens her eyes, she finds him grinning at her. “That’s how it should be,” James says, sitting back but holding her by two fingers. He strokes himself while fingering her, squeezing his fat manhood through his tented briefs. Kendall’s eyes follow his hand and settle there.

The most profound transformation Kendall has undergone since being taken by James is in her attraction to him. His big belly jiggles as he fingers her, but she only finds herself appreciating his largesse rather than being repulsed by it. In her mind, his big body goes well with his enormous manhood, an what revulsion she would have felt a month ago has been completely transformed into a nearly reverent arousal. In her mind, he is raw masculine sexuality, and she is the soft, feminine arousal that welcomes him.

James removes his toes from Allyson’s mouth and releases himself. Snapping his fingers again, he waves her up to him, and Allyson joins him with a smile. Her breasts swing ponderously with her steps, and her belly does a little jiggle as her wet thighs chaff. She settles at his other side, letting him red a hand on her big, supple backside, and her smile mirrors Kendall’s as he eases two thick fingers into her.

Flanked by flesh on both sides, James looks at Kendall and growls, “Go ahead and take me out now, slut, and see what daddy’s got for you.”

“Yes, daddy,” Kendall coos, her smile so big that it seems to swallow her face. “My pleasure.” She runs her hands down his body, caressing his big belly on the way, and then finds him in his boxers. She feels him through the fabric, enjoying the enormity of him before he lifts his hip to help her, and she nearly falls from the couch removing his underwear. James keeps her in place with a wet hand on her back, and when she sits up, he cups her bottom and begins tickling her dripping cleft from below.

Kendall moans as he takes hold of his full length. “Fuck, daddy, his is a sight for sour eyes!”

James is enormous and stiff in her hand, his massive shaft jutting from a dark, untamed thicket of pubic hair. His fat balls are nestled between his meaty thighs, and he throbs in her hand, his crown wetting his shirt as his girthy manhood comes to rest across his bloated belly. Kendall strokes him lightly, tracing her fingers along his veiny shaft before finding his root and holding him there.

“Oh, fuck!!!” She almost laughs to hold him, comparing him against her few memories of Jackson. The difference is so great that it nearly has her climaxing again after a week without him. While she will never be used to James, or how her fingers fail to meet around him, seeing him again now is like seeing him for the first time. No matter how hard she tries, she just cannot properly envision his gargantuan proportions of his new improved dick without it falling short of the real thing.

She whines while stroking him from root to crown. On the other side of James, Allyson mewls and has her hand open to join Kendall with James’ permission.

“Oh God, daddy! I needed this!” She squeezes him and bites her bottom lip to swallow a groan of want. “Oh, I needed you!”

James pulls her to him by her rear and buries his smiling face into her cleavage again. “Well, now you got me, slut,” he says, sucking a nipple briefly and then spitting it out. “Today, I’ma let you stroke me and watch me shoot. How’s that sound to you?”

Kendall, still smiling, giggles. “So. Fucking. Hot!!” She lowers herself, setting her bare bottom on the couch and sniffing him through his shirt. He fingers are out of her now, but his wet hand feels strong against her back. She can smell his unwashed armpits from where she is, and she is horrified to find that even that turns her on. As her arousal grows, her lips parted, and she begins panting in her arousal as she strokes him. “Oh, daddy, you’re so fucking hot!”

Allyson finally gets James’ attention long enough to get an od from him and takes hold of his crown. She smiles at Kendall and swivels her hand, stroking him gently and smearing his precum along his shaft. “She’s right, James,” Allyson purrs, enjoying the smell of his sweat almost as much as Kendall does. While not as depraved as the younger woman, she is still James’ slut and is still primed to worship him. She kisses him along the neck and whispers, “You’re definitely the sexiest man I know!”.

Sandwiched between two beautiful sluts, James grins and grunts and swats Allyson across her fat bottom before taking hold of her flesh and shaking it for his amusement. She giggles against him as he forces two fingers back into her. “Why don’t we get this wet and sticky,” he growls, releasing her and swatting her bottom again to feel her ripple against him. “There should be some lube in that end table over there. I have Olivia keep it nice and stocked for her and her slut momma. Get it out for me.”

Allyson, grinning like a cat, gives James’ steely cock a quick squeeze before bending over to grab it for him. As she moves, her breasts hang and swing while she opens the drawer and grabs the bottle. Her plump bottom wiggles in his face, drawing his eye as Kendall takes to stroking him with both hands. When Allyson returns, she opens the bottle and pours it out over James’ leaking cockhead on Kendall’s upstroke. Lubricant gathers in Kendall’s fingers and around James’ glans before it is spread to his shaft. Somehow, it makes him look even bigger as Kendall strokes him.

“There we go,” Allyson purrs, closing the bottle and tossing it onto the floor before slipping back into James’ grasp. She takes hold of him with her hands wrapped around Kendall’s hand, and together they stroke him while giggling, their fingers intwining around him in the warm lubricant. “Look, Kendall, we made him a little hand-pussy!”

Kendall, blushing and grinning in stupid delight, laughs. “A hand-pussy? I don’t think even you know what that means, but who cares.” She sniffs him again and mewls. “All that matters is that he likes it!”

Holding both women by the ass, James leans back with a lazy smile on his face and sighs. “It’s good to have two big-tittied sluts jerking me off, let me tell you.”

Allyson smiles beside him and reaches down to cup his balls, kneading them gently as her breasts hang across his belly. Her face hovers over his dick, and she stares down the length, marveling at his gleaming shaft. She pants in open hunger. The tastes of his toes lingers on her tongue, but she soon expects it to be replaced by his rich cum. Even if it isn’t, however, she is happy, because like Kendall, she is completely drunk on him.

With four hands holding him, James quickens. Hardening and thickening, James’ sudden orgasm catches them both by surprise. They smile, though, as they stroke him through his climax. Allyson takes a great deal of thick semen across her face and hair and laughs as she closes her eyes and stays to collect it until James moves her. Holding Kendall by the hair, James drags her into the line of fire and lets the two milk him onto her pretty face next.

When finished, both women are soaked with jelly-thick semen and giggling like teenagers. They take turns licking him and eating his semen with animal purrs. James watches them, a hand on each of their heads, and enjoys their feminine giddiness as they attend to him. It is still astonishing to him how he can reduce two attractive, educated women to mewling beasts with a single orgasm.

Allyson moans against him, her own freckled face slimy with semen. She kisses him and slurps off of his shaft to smile while she strokes him into Kendall’s open mouth. “I bet you miss this, Kendall,” she purrs, and Kendall moans in agreement while affixing her lips to his crown. Allyson flips her hair back and joins Kendall in licking him again, taking special care to suck up the semen that got on his belly and in his pubic hair.

James groans and balls his fists in their hair. “Fuck, you two are fucking cum-drunk, ain’t you?”

Both of them continue to giggle as they nuzzle and lick him. Guiding them by the hair, James forces their lips together around his still swollen cockhead, and they understand without a word. They lick him first before their lips touch, and soon they are just licking each other. They gather mouthfuls of semen which they share, feeding it to one another as they kiss.

They lose themselves in this feminism softness, their individual flavors augmented and made better by James’ proximity. Soon, their breasts meet, hugging around his shaft as they kiss. Kendall, the hornier of the two, cupped Allyson’s thick head of hair and pulled her deeper into the kiss.

When they part, both are smiling but breathless. James smiles, too, especially when Knedall slips from the couch and onto her knees. Giggling again, she parts his thighs and lifts his balls while Allyson holds his half-erect cock in her tiny, tiny hand.  Both Allyson and James are stunned when Kendall forces her way into the rotten cleft of James’ ass and takes to licking him in her hunger.

James stiffens, grunting and stomping his feet around Kendall as she surprises him with her hunger. “Fucking slut!” Allyson laughs as she feels the steel returning to James. He nearly has another erection before he forces Kendall out of his ass and onto her back mewling, her wet pussy dripping with arousal. James pants down at her while she smiles and giggles and licks her lips. “You’re goddamn nasty, you know that?”

Knedall purrs, rubbing herself and holding herself open for him to see. “I am,” she coos. “I’m daddy’s nasty little size queen slut!”

They dress shortly after that, and Allyson walks Kendall out. Kendall is offered a shower but refuses it, wanting instead to wear James’ semen into her skin and to wear it home. She will have to wash eventually, but for right now she can taste him and smell him all around her, and she wants to hold onto that for as long as she can.

Allyson thinks she is nuts but envies her commitment and her hunger. Jackson, meanwhile, crinkles his nose when he smells her breath as the fast food restaurant where she left him.

“Ugh! What in the world is that smell,” he asks as she blushes crimson. He squints at her, sniffing the air between them. “Is that you?”

Kendall cups her mouth and breathes into her hand, and she can smell James’ stench on her. She bites back a smile. “I don’t know,” she says, shrugging, her entire body still sticky with James’ essence. “I don’t smell it.”

Jackson, still grimacing, shrugs and closes his computer, which is where he was while he waited. He can hardly look her in the eyes. Something about that smell makes him feel dizzy and horny, but he cannot bring himself to look at her. It is like her tank tops and shorts smelled, only stronger and, perhaps, dirtier. “So, how was your visit with your…” He forces himself to meet her gaze. “…Daddy?”

Kendall smiles now and feels a renewed rush of arousal sweep over her. “It was long, long over due.”

Jackson frowns. “And what does that mean?”

Kendall shrugs and, nipples feeling confined in the bra she put back on to see Jackson, she stares out the window and thinks of James. “I don’t know,” she admits, a hint of honestly bleeding in through all of her arousal. “I just missed him, and I can’t wait to see him again.”

Months Ago…

Paige worked while James stayed at home. She left early in the morning every day during the week and came home to serve him in the evening. Before moving in, James occupied his time alone, looking for homes and trying to find jobs to pay the bills Kendall left him with. After taking Paige, however, he moved in with her and took over her home and the security it gave her.

He started his morning without her stomping through the house and yawning as he pissed. He left his dick out after that, shuffling his way up the stairs to look for Paige to attend to him. When he found her missing, he checked the clock and frowned. She was gone, and he was alone until she came home. He hadn’t eaten yet, but he also refused to make himself brunch or to attend to his own needs ever again.

He went to Oliver’s room and entered without knocking, and he was surprised to see it cleaned. He had saw Oliver work hard to clean the house, but he hadn’t expected the change in attitude to follow him into his private dwellings. Everything was neatly organized and the trash was thrown away. Oliver turned to stare at James when he entered, stammering at the bigger man as they stood across the room from each other.

“J-James! I…I…!”

Oliver was naked save for his briefs. His tiny dick hardly through the tight fabric, and his long, slender legs looked like they belonged to a woman. His torso was graceful and lithe. Smoothly shaved as he was, he looked more like a woman than some women do, and James thickened at the sight of him. Oliver, noticing James’ dick, gaped and stared.

“You’re so big!”

James grinned when he saw the little man staring and said, “Looks to me like you’re a slut, just like your momma.” He crossed the room to Oliver, taking the slender man by the hair and dragging him over to his bed. James sat Oliver there and stood with his heavy cock hanging in Oliver’s face. “You like that, faggot? You like how big my dick is? Wanna give it another kiss?”

Oliver stared at James and blushed, breathing the big man’s musky stench in. He was hard now, and even then, James was easily twice Oliver’s length and girth. Oliver’s proudest erection made him look like a child beside James, and Oliver licked his lips as he smelled James and remembered the big man’s powerful taste. He did like it, and he did want to kiss it again.

He nodded, James smacked him across the face with his heavy cock and swelled further afterward. “Bet you wish you had a dick like mine, huh?”

Oliver shook his head and sat still after James rubbed his hot, veiny shaft across his cheeks. He felt small before James, but not inadequate. Compared to James, he was nothing, but he didn’t want to be compared. Oliver saw no reason for comparison because there was no proper comparison between them. James was clearly the bigger man, and any attempt at competition would be a waste of everyone’s time.

James laughed and stroked himself into Oliver’s face. “You don’t want a dick like mine?”

Oliver shook his head again, and still feeling small, stammered as he stared into James’ cold, cruel eyes. “N-No,” he said, and his gaze fell upon James’ dick again. He could hear James breathing above him as James’ big, thick cock swelled longer and fatter with each movement of James’ big, beefy hand. Staring at James, Oliver could remember the taste of James in the back of his throat, and he could feel James’ rough hands on his body again. Not only did Oliver want to taste him, he wanted to be taken again. He lacked the courage to seek what he wanted on his own and spoke into James’ growing dick like a microphone in a whine. “I…I wouldn’t know what to do with a big dick like yours. I’m not big or manly like you are, James, and I don’t deserve a big, beautiful dick like you do.”

James sneered down at Oliver, angered and aroused by how pathetic the little man was. He held his dick to Oliver’s lips and growled as he stroked himself. While James had no desire to compete against anyone, the timid weakness that came so naturally to Oliver revolted him as much as it kept him hard. “You think so,” James said sourly. “Then kiss it, faggot. Show me how a faggot like you likes my dick.”

Staring at James’ big dick waving in his face, feeling the fat crown brushing his lips, Oliver moaned. “Yes, sir,” he whispered, and he kissed James’ cockhead to get a taste of him, but he didn’t dare to lick his lips afterward this time. In his mind, James was in charge, and Oliver was there to satisfy James’ needs. James, meanwhile, stroked himself into Oliver’s pretty, feminine face while he sneered.

“How big is your baby dick, anyway?”

Oliver, lips parted to kiss James, looked at James and blushed. “I don’t know exactly,” he whispered. “I’ve never measured myself before, but I think I am less than five inches long.”

James heard this, stared for a moment, and then burst out into laughter. “Less than five inches,” he bellowed. James was small before, but he figured that Oliver had to be smaller based on what he heard. The confession made James hard as a result. “Fuck. Five inches ain’t even a dick. That’s a clit. You got yourself a little baby faggot clit.”

Oliver, lips pinned to James’ cock, nodded. He didn’t smile, but he took pleasure in the way James’ thickened against him. On each forward stroke, James’ fingers brushed Oliver’s lips and chin, and his urethra was open and leaking. He could feel James growing and felt his own excitement growing with him. He shook with anticipation, his own tiny penis harder than it had ever been before as he looked forward to James’ powerful orgasm.

“Y-You’re right, James. I don’t have a penis. I have a t-tiny little boy clit!”

James growled, the humor leaving his face as he took hold of Oliver by the hair. Tilting Oliver’s head sideways, he slapped his across the cheek with his hard cock, leaving precum flesh and leaving his pale features red as he held Oliver in place. “You ain’t got no boy nothing. You ain’t a man. You ain’t even a boy. You’re a fucking faggot girl!”

Swelling and throbbing, the two of them moaned together as James came. He unloaded onto Oliver’s face and held him in place as he covered him. James baptized Oliver in sperm and then fed Oliver his spewing crown, holding him in place and finding nothing surprising about the way Oliver sucked him. He watched Oliver’s pretty face scrunch around him, and he laughed as it happened.

“You listen here, you faggot slut. Your name ain’t Oliver no more. It’s…Olivia.” James wore a huge grin on his face while slapping his spent cock across Oliver’s sticky face and rubbing himself in Oliver’s long brown hair. “You’re Olivia the slut now.”

Olivia moaned against James while staring up into the big man’s cold blue eyes. His own orgasm had soiled his briefs, but he didn’t care. He was breathless and panting, and each breathe brought in James’ thick, sticky musk. The facial James had given him was baptism, and he was reborn for James. He was Olivia for as long as James wanted him to be.

“Now, stick out your tongue, slut.” When Olivia obeyed him, James slapped his thick cock down across Olivia’s tongue. The blow brought James’ full shaft down across Olivia’s nose, too, and Olivia giggled and smiled against James, still breathless and still covered in cum. Watching him, James growled, “You know your momma’s my slut, right? And you know I’ma marry her?”

Olivia, tasted James and soaked in his essence, purred. “Mmhmm.” The smile he wore was so big that he couldn’t hide it, not even behind all of the semen he was wearing.

Adjusting his grip on Olivia to take him by more than just his hair, James cupped Olivia’s head and dragged his dick across Olivia’s sticky face. Then, he fed Olivia his cock, and Olivia took him willingly and with a wet mewl. “Then that’d make me your daddy, wouldn’t it?” Olivia moaned again with his lips around James, and James snorted a laugh. “So, start calling me daddy from now on like you’re my fucking daughter, got it, faggot?”

Olivia, still moaning on James, slurped and sucked him until James removed Olivia from his shaft. Then, smiling up at James and kissing James’ shaft where he could, Olivia purred, “Yes, daddy.” Olivia’s voice was soft, almost feminine, and definitely more sultry than he had ever sounded. Pinned to James’ enormous dick, Olivia felt himself changing and becoming someone else, someone both men liked more.

Paige came home at the end of the day to find James on the couch, naked from his waist down. She smiled and dropped her purse to join him, stripping on the way and leaving her clothes in a trail behind her. Naked, she snuggled up to him and smelled his armpit before settling against him with one of his big arms around her shoulders. He groped her absently while staring at the TV and, for the life of her, she couldn’t imagine somewhere else she would rather be.

She stared at his dick. He was large and plump but also limp, his heavy shaft at rest against his hairy thigh. She traced her fingers along him, breathing him in with animal devotion. He smelled of alcohol and sweat, and she had just wrapped her fingers around his meaty root when Oliver entered the room with his hair tied back and completely naked.

Paige held James and watched her son gather her clothes and her purse. His pale skin was baby smooth and his tiny dick was stiff and on display. She almost laughed to see him as she compared him in instinct against James. Oliver noticed her, blushed, and scampered down the stairs with her clothes.

Still holding James and stroking him idly, Paige lifted herself to look into his eyes. He didn’t acknowledge her and only kept drinking until a commercial came on. Then, half-erect in her hand, he looked at her and burped. “What?”

Paige could smell the stench of his breath and feel it against her face. It made her cough, and then it made her laugh. “Well, I was just wondering why Oliver is running around naked while he cleans the house.”

“Not Oliver no more,” James said, and he swatted her tit. “That’s Olivia now. You ain’t got a son no more. Now, you got two daughters, and that one you saw is my slut.”

Moving his arm, James pulled her back into him as his show came back on. Paige settled against his fat, hairy body and stroked him from crown to root. She remembered what he had told her about an agreement being made between him and Oliver, but she hadn’t imagined that the agreement would look like that.

He swelled in her shaft, thickening and stiffening, and it frightened her. James held an unparalleled power over her and her family, and while it mostly aroused her, the sight of Oliver naked unsettled her. His tiny dick also unsettled her and left no room for argument with James. At a glance, her son really did look more like a woman to her than a man.

The answer she found was unsatisfying, but it was not one she could change. James had spoken and, hard in her hands, he had all of the bargaining power. She realized that and took satisfaction at least that James was there to give her a new life, even if that new life also meant a new life for her son.


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