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When Gabriel first found the book, he had no idea what would come of it. For him it was an object of knowledge, and knowledge is always valuable. He learned quickly that this knowledge had real world application though. He could harness the books powers and use them to his advantage. He could not just remake his life, but he could remake his entire world.

He smuggled the book out of the house abandoned in the woods, and he took it home, and he read it page by page. It all seemed voodoo, taboo to him. At first he didn’t have any real use for it. He was contented, satisfied enough with his life to have no real need to fix it. Heart break has a way of changing people though. Gabriel found that out the hard way.

When his parents came to pick him up Gabriel felt empty and hollow. He moved his things home and said goodbye to his contented life. While unpacking he found the book, and he wiped the dust from the cover and remembered the promises of power within. He read it again, all in one sitting, and he decided that it was worth trying. Early one morning, with blood and black magic, Gabriel decided to change the world.

Vivian didn’t know how it happened. The changes were swift but not immediate. She could chart them. It all started a week ago. She woke up one morning and just felt different, stronger, and more resilient. She attributed it to a good night’s sleep and left it at that.

The next day found her feeling even better. She was a busy woman and didn’t have time to ponder the changes, but when she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror she was stunned. Wrinkles were receding. Hairs were no longer grey. She looked younger and full of life.

By the middle of the week she felt and looked entirely new. No one seemed to notice specifics, though many people complimented her on her beauty. She couldn’t account for it, but she was definitely changing. Her body was firmer, more athletic, and swelling in strange ways. Her bras didn’t fit anymore.

She had strange dreams. Again, specifics were lost on her, but she always woke feeling different. Somehow, she was growing into a different person, someone entirely new. At first she enjoyed the rush, the energy it gave her, but as the week wore on she became fearful. She had been Vivian so long; she didn’t know who this new person might be.

After five days she couldn’t recognize herself. Her bras were far too small, and her breasts far too large. Her hips were wider, having grown too broad for her pants. She looked younger and very, very sexy. Before work she had to buy clothes that fit.

Every day she saw her son. He gave her unbecoming looks, and she enjoyed them. Sometimes she even craved them. All of her shirts were tight around her new chest, and she loved the way Gabriel stared, though she would never admit it.

On her birthday she came home and found Gabriel waiting. He was on the couch with a collar in hand. Vivian froze in the doorway. There was something in the way he sat. From where she stood he looked like a king, and from how he looked at her it was obvious: she was beneath him.

After regaining her composure, Vivian walked into the kitchen. She slid the door shut behind her and dropped her purse on the table. Stripping her coat, she inadvertently pushed her chest out. Gabriel stared, and she felt momentarily self-conscious. Her new curves drew unwanted attention everywhere she went. The problem with Gabriel was that she didn’t know whether she wanted the attention.

She drapes her jacket over the chair. “What’s wrong,” she asks.

“Nothing, mom,” Gabriel says, and he smiled in a way that leaves her unsettled. “Why would anything be wrong?”

“I just thought since you were sitting in the dark…”

“I was waiting for you,” he said. She stopped in the doorway to the living room and stared.


“It’s your Birthday. Happy Birthday, mother,” he said at length. “I have a present for you.”

“Oh, what,” she asked, surprised and excited. He gestures toward the footstool nearby. She comes over and settles beside him. From this angle he can look down at her. She finds herself staring up at him, wide-eyed and silent, and awaiting his decree.

From behind his back Gabriel pulls out a collar. Vivian eyes it curiously.

“You got me a collar.”

“I did,” Gabriel said, a smiling on his lips. “Today is the beginning of the rest of your life,” he says, and he leans forward and, casually as ever, slips the collar around her neck. He clasps it tightly enough that she can feel it but not so tight as to choke her. While he did Vivian simply held her head up and exposed her neck for him.

When he finished she felt it. “Gabriel…”

“I’m not done yet,” Gabriel said. He pulled out a leash and clipped it to her collar. “There, now, there’s your gift.”

“…Gabriel, what are you…”

“Today, mother, for your birthday, I am making you my bitch, my pet.” The way he said it made it sound wonderful. Part of Vivian, despite her better sense, felt a thrill at his proclamation. Her pussy twitched hungrily.

Vivian felt at the collar but didn’t have the bravery to pull it off. Instead, she ran her fingers along the fabric cautiously. “Gabriel, you shouldn’t talk to me that way. This is highly inappropriate.”

“There’s nothing inappropriate about it, mother. I’ve been planning this for a while. In fact, it’s why I made you the way you are.”

Vivian stared at him in confusion. “…Made me…”

“Please, mother, you’ve certainly noticed the changes. You look and feel younger, happier, more intelligent, and your breasts…”

“My…” Vivian cupped her breasts without thinking. They were so much larger that she didn’t wear a bra anymore. She looked down at them and then back up at her son. “Wait, how did you…”

“Magic, mother, but that’s not important. What’s important is that I’m giving you a gift. I’m giving you something that you desperately need.”

“And what is that,” she asked haughtily.

“Freedom,” Gabriel said. “I am giving you freedom through submission. You see, I’m taking away the responsibility and rigor of decision making. I’m giving you a definition, a goal, an ambition.”


“By being my bitch you now have a purpose, mother. You live for me. You serve me. You pleasure me. Everything about you, from your mind to your body, is mine now. I am the entire point of your existence.”

“Gabriel, that isn’t freedom, and this isn’t right.”

“Isn’t it, though? As my mother didn’t you already prioritize me? Live for me?”

“This is different,” she said, and she tried to stand.

Gabriel pulled her leash and forced her to the ground. She kneeled at his feet and didn’t have the power to fight. Looking up, she saw his firm gaze, and she quivered below him. “Is it really different,” he said while he teased her hair and cupped her chin. “This is just another form of motherly love. Now, say it. Say that you’re my bitch.”

Vivian stared up into his dark eyes. She felt at the collar around her neck. Her throat was dry, and her body ached for him. Maybe even her mind did. Maybe somewhere inside of her said to submit, to obey. Perhaps she really did crave dominance, because when she spoke she said to him, without hesitation or shame, “Gabriel, I’m your bitch.”

He smiled. “I know. Now, give your new master a show,” he said. He stood and pulled her up by the leash. They switched seats. Her pulled her toward the couch and said, “Take off your pants, slut.”


Gabriel swatted her hard on the ass, and she fell silent. “No arguments. I want to see your naked pussy, and I want to see you finger fuck yourself. Now, do it.”

“Y-Yes, master,” she panted. She felt strangely arouse and alive. Bending at the waist, she yanked her pants and panties down. When she climbed onto the couch bare-ass and spread her legs, she revealed her slick womanhood to him. Petting it, she felt a bit like a slut.

Gabriel sat on the footstool and watched. Vivian felt on display. Her son was watching her touch her vagina. She felt disgusting, lewd, and shameless. Yet, she was wet and aroused. “Go ahead, mother, slip a finger inside.”

She nodded and panted, and then she slipped her right index finger into her pussy. It felt tighter and wetter than she ever remembered. Pleasure surged up her spine, more intense than ever before. It was so powerful that it made her want to finger herself.

As she teased her body her inhibitions lowered. She found herself thinking fondly of Gabriel. The more she pleasured her body, the more certainly Gabriel was her master. It shifted her mind, warped it, and made her into his bitch, just as he wanted.

She slid her middle finger in and shook in orgasm. It wasn’t intense, but it was rewarding, and having her son watching made it more intense. As the pleasure receded she found herself panting, nearly drooling, and staring across from him, hungering for his gaze.

Gabriel laughed and reached out, touching her bare thigh. She came again, this time more intensely. “There’s the look of a bitch in heat. Is that what you are for me? Are you my bitch in heat?”

She purred out an affirmative and nodded her head.

Gabriel moved his hand higher, closer to her womanhood. He could feel the heat and smell her musk. “Three fingers,” he said, and Vivian obeyed, sinking a third finger inside. She was shaking with lust by this point, and Gabriel’s hand was close to her pussy.

They made eye contact. He stared into her and through her, and she felt weak and small in his hands. Gently, he squeezed her shapely thigh, and despite herself she came again. He smiled. “How are you feeling, mother?”

“So good,” she panted.

“You look good, and you’re being such a good girl.”

She smiled faintly.

“Do you like fingering yourself?”

She bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Yes…”

“Do you like putting on a show for your master?”


“Do you want to put on an even better show for me?”

“Yes, master, I’ll do anything for you,” she said, and she gave a meaningful look toward his crotch. He was swollen and quite large from what she could tell. Her body tingled, ached for him. She felt so depraved lusting for her son, but she increasingly came to realize it was impossible not to.

“Then show me your big, fat tits, mother.”

She nodded and, clumsily, lifted her shirt with her free hand. Her breasts fell free from her bra. They gleamed with sweat and were capped by small, dark nipples. They shook as she fingered herself.

“Would you look at those? They’re enormous. I gave those to you, you know?”

“You did? So, you like them?”

“I love them,” he said.

She beamed. “I’m glad,” she groaned. Gabriel’s hand was sliding up her body and nearing her pussy. She yearned to find out how his fingers compared to hers and what pleasure they promised.

“You’re not wearing a bra, though?”

“They grew so quickly,” she whined. “They’re so much bigger than they used to be. My bras don’t fit.”

“Poor thing,” Gabriel said. “Your nipples look so hard. Why don’t you suck on one?”

“Suck…” She looked, dazed, at her nipple and then seized her breast with her left hand. She lifted the nipple to her mouth and sucked it in between her teeth, chewing it gently. As she did, she eyed her son.

“Well, don’t you just look so naughty sitting there sucking your nipples for me?”

She smiled and pulled her lips free, revealing her hard nipple underneath. It gleamed with saliva. “I hope so,” she breathed.

“You just want to make me happy, don’t you, darling?”

She nodded. “Yes, master, your little bitch only wants your happiness.”

Gabriel moved her hand away from her crotch, replacing it with his own. He sunk his thumb into her. It wasn’t the same as three fingers, and yet she felt an incredible surge of pleasure. She came wetly on his thumb, staining the couch, and she ground into his hand.

“Am I making you cum, mother?”

“Yes, baby, you’re making your mommy cum. You’re making her cum so hard!”

“Does your pussy belong to me now?”

“My entire body does.” She smiled, presenting her breasts to him. “I’m made for your pleasure.”

“You are.” Gabriel released her and took the leash. He pulled her to the floor so that she kneeled at his feet. His crotch was level with her face, and she stared at it expectantly, panting and flushed.


“To prove your obedience kiss my crotch.”

She looked up into his eyes and said, “Yes, master…”

Holding his gaze, she leaned forward, bracing against his leg, and kissed his crotch. He felt enormous and hard, and it made her pussy quiver. She reached down and cupped her womanhood, fingering it again, as she held her lips to his crotch. Then, in a haze of lust, she ran her tongue along his bulging crotch.

He took her head and pulled it into him. He ran his hardness against her face, and she nuzzled it and fingered herself and moaned. Whatever size he was, he felt perfect to her, and she lusted for him even harder.

Then, suddenly, he released her and left her on the ground, fingering herself and whimpering. He patted her on the head. “Good girl,” he said. “You’ve been such a good girl. Now, I’m sure dad will be home soon, so you should go and clean up.”

She nodded shakily.

“Oh, and mother, make sure to keep that collar and leash on you and safe,” Gabriel said. “You wouldn’t want to lose that, now would you?”

“No, of course not,” she said. She lifted the leash and looked at it fondly. It was a gift from her master, and the collar was a sign of her submission. She would cherish both forever.

Vivian wakes up early the next morning. When she first got her job, she was forced to wake up in the middle of the night to make it there on time. Upper-management decided to start opening later, which meant Vivian could start sleeping in, but her body wasn’t willing to adapt. So, she was used to waking up in the middle of the night. What was different tonight was why she woke up.

Today her body is betraying her.  After that ghastly display the night before, Vivian looked forward to a good night’s sleep to wash it all away. When she wakes, though, she feels intensely aroused and in need of attention.

Her husband sleeps soundly beside her. For a moment, she considered using him to bring herself off, but the idea turns her stomach. No matter how horny she is, she simply isn’t willing to sink that low.

She slips out of bed to prepare for work. In the shower she can barely keep on task. Her nipples ache each time she touches them. Her pussy burns for recognition. Inadvertently, she brings herself to an orgasm, one so small that it only serves to make her more aroused than before.

When she gets out of the shower she dries off carefully, but it doesn’t help. She needs something, and she knows where to get it. Back in her bedroom she kneels down beside the bed and fishes out the leash and collar from where she hid them. Looking at them for a cold, hard minute, she shamefully makes her decision and puts them on.

Quietly, Vivian tiptoes through the house. She is now leash and collared like the bitch she is. Aside from that, she wears only a robe to hide her figure. Like her other clothes, her robe did not fit her new figure well. Her breasts bulged and strained against it. She let the leash hang down her body.

Gabriel’s room is dark and quiet. She enters silently, closing the door behind her and kneels down beside the bed. He slept with his blanket half over his body. He was shirtless and handsome, lacking the cruel expression from the day before. Vivian sighed fondly and ran her hand along his thigh.

She wanted to touch him, and she didn’t wholly understand why. Her body did though, and it seemed to know her needs better than her mind. It was in line with her heart, however she ashamed she felt.

Tentatively, she ran her hand along his leg and thigh, moving gradually up until she brushed his limp cock. It was still quite sizable, being both long and plump. She blushed and pulled her hand away quickly. Then, gingerly, she brushed her hand along it and familiarized herself with his warmth and size. Just as she got the courage to grab him Gabriel woke up.

He sat up groggily, rubbed his eyes, and looked at her. “Mother…”

“Oh, I was…” She pulled her hand away quickly. Though Gabriel couldn’t see it, she was blushing. She felt so naughty being in his room, trying to touch his cock, and yet that only made her feel hornier. The more she thought on it, the more believable it was that she was his slut.

He reached out and flicked her collar. “Looks like you’re wearing your gift.”

Vivian touched the collar thoughtfully. “Yes…”

Gabriel looked down at his uncovered body, and he smiled. “Oh, did momma slut miss her master in the night?”

Vivian looked at the floor guiltily. Gabriel swiveled on the bed, placing her between his legs, and he smiled down at her. Taking her by the hair, he forced her to look up. She gasped at the contact and the way it made her body break out in goose bumps.

“I asked you a question.”

“I did,” she whispers.

He released her head and said, “I missed you, too, see?”

Vivian stared at his enormous bulge. His underwear strained to contain all of him, and Vivian wanted to free it. But she sat obediently on her knees, awaiting his command.

Rather than speak, Gabriel took her by the hair and pulled her forward. He buried her face into his clothed crotch, and she nuzzled him eagerly. Even through the underwear, she could smell him and feel his heat. Everything about him was perfect, and she cursed a creator who gave her such an ideal man and made it her son.

“If you missed me so much, show me. Finger yourself,” Gabriel said, and Vivian complied quickly. She worked her hand down and assaulted her pussy to thought of Gabriel’s enormous cock, free and swinging like the hammer of a god. Instinctively, she kissed his swollen shaft and balls before licking it. She couldn’t taste him, but she pretended she could.

Gabriel was shocked as his mother sucked on his cock through his underwear. Her warm mouth felt strange around his dick. Even though he was covered, she sucked hard on him while staring up into his eyes. They never broke eye contact.

She licked and sucked her way down to his bulging ball sack, and she sucked on that, too. It frustrated her. She hungered for his cock, but she couldn’t taste him. She just left wet fabric on his underwear. She could smell him though, and she savored his musky scent.

Vivian moved back up to his cock head and bobbed her head on him. She closed her eyes and imagined that he was bare and how wonderful he would taste. In her mind, he was fleshy yet delicious and perfect. His hard shaft stretched her lips and jaw, and she swore for a moment she could taste his pre-cum through his underwear.

She came. Even the simple thought of tasting him brought her to the apex of pleasure. She moaned into his crotch and shook while continuing to finger herself. A second orgasm follows closely on the third, and then she reaches up and grabs him through his underwear.

He is enormous. His thick shaft fills her hand and then some. She strokes and sucks in tandem. Now, she had to have him. Her orgasms only served to make her even hornier, and looking up she reached out to untuck his cock and reveal it to him and the world.

Gabriel took her hand and stopped her. With his free hand, he took her by the hair and pulled her away. She mewled and whimpered while trying to struggle, but a smack across the face stopped her dead. Panting, she looked up at him, “But, master…You need to cum.”

“I’m fine,” Gabriel said, but his cock was so hard it almost hurt. He pulled a blanket over it when Vivian stared. “You need to get to work, and I will, too.”

“But…But…” Vivian cupped her breasts in offering. “Master…”

“No, now,” Gabriel stood and took her by the leash. He yanked her through the door and shoved her out off the room. When she looked back he cracked the door, and she could still see his enormous bulge. “Now, slut, you go get to work. You’re late as is.”

“I don’t care about that…” Gabriel slammed the door shut. Vivian stood, waiting patiently like a bitch, until she realized it was over. She whined again and thought about returning, but she had to obey him. So she turned and left.

She didn’t bother to shower. She just dressed and headed out. The cold air helped to ease her frustrations some, but not by much. The drive was long and boring, and inside of the car she kept thinking about Gabriel’s hard cock and how big it must be.

In the end, she was nearly an hour late for work.

Vivian was plagued with arousal throughout work. By midday she managed to subdue it, though she felt a dull ache in her pussy that she knew belonged to Gabriel. Having work to focus on helped though, and by the end of the day she didn’t feel so needy.

On the way home she stopped by the store. Part of her did it to avoid returning home so early. It was her hope that, if she wasted enough time, her husband would be home, and that would protect her from Gabriel.

Her pussy wetted at the thought of her son.

She walked idly, going from place to place with a basket in the crook of her arm. She didn’t really have much to shop for, but she needed to waste time. So, she hovered around the underwear section. Ever since her transformation, her new figure went unrestrained. Customers noticed how her breasts hung, and she was drawing undue attention.

She bought a few bras and a package of matching panties. Like all of her underwear, she shopped for efficiency and not frills. She wore plain white or black underwear.

Before returning home she stopped by to buy some dog food and found herself in the toy aisle, standing before the collars and leashes. She eyed them and traced her fingers along them. The one Gabriel gave her was very old and dirty. It made her feel disgusting to wear it, but the idea of a clean collar affixed around her neck was comforting.

Without thinking, she pulled one down and held it to her neck. It seemed a right fit. He undid it and put it in place. Just then, a young female worker approached and asked, “Hello, ma’am, can I help you?”

Vivian froze, the collar halfway around her neck. She looked the worker in the face and blushed. “I’m…” The woman watched, almost as if confused. “I’m sorry. I’m…” Vivian holds out the collar in front of her. “It’s hard to explain, but my son-my youngest, I have four-he made me his bitch and put a collar on me. The collar I have is old and has been through a lot though, so I wanted to get a new one that I didn’t mind wearing so much, so that way when he makes me put it on I don’t feel so dirty, and I can focus on serving him.”

“Oh,” the woman said with the utmost understanding. “Well, let me see, hold that one up again?”

Vivian was taken-aback, both by her own admission, and by the woman’s acceptance. She holds the collar to her neck as if testing it, and the woman examines it critically. Then she shakes her head.

“No, no, that one won’t do,” she says, approaching and pulling down another collar. “I mean, it will fit, but the collar is all wrong.” She pulls down a red one and holds it to Vivian’s neckline. “See, that collar makes your skin pop.”

“Yes, I do see,” Vivian said, taking the collar from the woman.

“Go ahead, try it on.”

Vivian obeyed, putting on the collar. She tightened it around her neck to where it fit comfortably. Then she stood, her arms at her side, as if modelling it. The woman smiled and, while putting away the other collar, said, “That’s the right one for you. Your son will love it.”

Vivian felt the collar tentatively.

“Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“No, no, I’m fine, thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome! Have fun, and I hope your son likes the collar you bought,” she says with a wave.

Vivian stood in the isle, her fingers tracing the collar. She had just admitted her own position to a woman who barely knew her. Not only that, the woman accepted it without a care. Vivian felt so depraved and so very, very horny.

When Vivian got home she hid her things away and went about the day. Gabriel didn’t act different toward her. Periodically she would catch him staring. When that happened she simply blushed and tried to ignore him, but she couldn’t deny her growing arousal.

She wore her new underwear, which fit her figure well enough. Vivian’s new breasts would require something more expensive to fit better, but she made do with what she had. The extra support helped.

That night before bed, Vivian took the time to look at herself in the mirror. Since growing her new breasts she had taken to slouching, but she stood straight and thrust her breasts out proudly. They looked enormous on her thin, athletic body, and she couldn’t deny the appeal of them. If Gabriel changed her, then he definitely had good taste.

She stretched her back, pushing her breasts out. This made them swell even more. Their gargantuan size was a spectacle she knew her son would adore, and the thought made her wet. She was ashamed of her own arousal, but she also felt grateful for the attention. Her husband was never a fan of larger breasts, and so Gabriel’s eyes reaffirmed her beauty. Recently she felt like a wilting rose, but now she was invigorated and proud of herself.

The next day Vivian went to work with her head held high. She proudly regarded the men who leered and felt no shame in their stares. Some of her coworkers commented on how happy she seemed that day and how good she was looking. Vivian laughed it off and played modest, but she knew they were telling the truth. She caught sight of herself in the mirror and couldn’t deny the way her top fit tight to her breasts was very, very sexy. It just wasn’t fitted for her new figure.

When she got home Gabriel was waiting. He had the collar and leash ready. Vivian stood in the door way, frozen in place. Her heart hammered in her chest. Part of her wanted to run. The rest of her wanted to submit. In compromise, she hung her head in defeat.

He came up and slapped the collar on. Then he latched the leash and said, “Dad is busy today and will be home late. That means we have time.”

“Yes, master,” she whispered.

He walked away and tugged on the leash when she fell behind. Vivian felt humiliated, but she followed him.

He lead her into the bedroom and closed the door behind them. Sitting on the bed, he smiled at her. “Drop the purse, you won’t need it,” he said, and she obeyed. “Now, are you ready for your master’s orders?”

She nodded quietly.

“Strip for me.”

She swallowed hard. “But…”

“I want to see your butt,” he joked, but she didn’t laugh. He shook his head. “Come on, do we have to go through this again?”

“Gabriel, I am your mother, and…”

He gave a sharp tug on her leash, and she staggered forward. After regaining her footing, she looked him in the eye and found him staring her down. Her knees felt weak, her pussy, hot. “You’re my bitch, and you will obey me.” He pointed for to the floor in front of him. “Now, I command you to strip for me.”

Vivian stared at the spot on the ground where he pointed to. Then she moved into place and nodded. “Yes, m-master.” Her voice was shaky, but she couldn’t tell whether it was from arousal or shame. She grabbed at the hem of her shirt and fiddled with it. She looked him in the eyes, and he stared right through her.

He nodded. “Go ahead,” he said.

“Y-Yes,” she breathed, feeling almost liberated. “What about…” She looked down at the leash.

Gabriel grinned. “Well, I guess you have a point.” He stood and undid the leash. “Be a good girl,” he said before sitting back down on the edge of the bed.

Vivian smiled bashfully and nodded. She was blushing and felt jittery, as if it were her wedding night. The feeling of euphoria returned to her. She had finger fucked herself for his pleasure, and it was the best thing in her life. She quaked as she lifted her blouse up over her head and tossed it to the side.

Gabriel marveled at her figure. Her waist was trim, with an athletic core, and her breasts were quite large, but not unsettlingly so. They were large, but almost proportionate and fit her wonderfully. At some point she had bought a bra that fit her better. It was simple and black, but it looked good on her.

He held up his hand for her to pause, and she obeyed on instinct. “Press your breasts together,” he ordered. As she obeyed, she leaned forward to give him a better view, and she even smiled bashfully. “Now, that is a great sight. You have an amazing rack.”

“You said you made it that way.”

“I did,” Gabriel said. “Do you like them?”

Vivian looked down at her breasts, and she nodded. “Yes, I think I do.” She looked back up at him. “They’re soft.”

“Really, let me see,” Gabriel said.

Vivian released her breasts and let her son reach forward and cup one. It was the first time he had touched her since the transformation, since her growth, and it was unlike anything else in her life. Gabriel’s grip was firm yet gentle. She felt horny stripping for him, but his touch was nearly orgasmic. She shuddered in his grasp.

“They are soft,” he said while hefting it, “Though, the bra kind of gets in the way.”

She straightened up and, chewing on her bottom lip, said, “I can take it off for you, if you like.”

Gabriel grinned. “I did tell you to strip.”

“Right,” she nodded. Reaching back, she unclipped her bra. Her breasts spilled forth, tumbling free. Her nipples were and areola were small, brown, and very swollen. She tossed the bra to the side and let her breasts hang. Her chest was full, symmetrical, perfectly shaped.

“Come closer,” he said, wiggling his finger. She did as told and stood before him. “Bend,” he said, and she did. Her breasts hung like udders. He reached up and cupped both, pressing them together. They were indeed quite soft, pillow-like. He brushed his thumbs over her nipples, and she shivered. He smiled up at her. “Enjoying yourself,” he asked.

“Y-Yes,” she said, nodding.

“Do my hands feel good?”

“They feel like magic,” she breathed.

He released her. “Continue, please,” he said.

Vivian stood straight and reached for her pants. She didn’t know why it felt so nerve-wracking. She had showed Gabriel her pussy before. Hell, she had finger-fucked herself for his pleasure. Despite this, she felt anxious revealing herself for him.

Vivian undid her pants and shimmied out of them. Her hips were broader now, and her pants fit tighter than before despite how trim she was. Her underwear cut tight into her waist and was plain, white, and wet in arousal. She hadn’t bought new panties, only new bras. Gabriel didn’t seem to mind.

He reached out and ran his finger along her wet slit. “Horny, mother?”

Vivian nodded. He hooked his finger and pressed into her womanhood, and Vivian nearly came for him. She jerked and quivered in his grasp.

“You’re acting like it. What’s the phrase? A bitch in heat.” He looked up into Vivian’s eyes, and she stared back at him in shock. “Are you my bitch in heat, mother?”

It felt like a silly question. He had already declared her his bitch. Still, she nodded, and it made him smile, so that was enough. Gabriel tapped her pussy gently, and she shook again.

“Then take off your panties and show me how hot you are now, bitch.”

“Y-Yes.” Vivian was quick to drop her panties, and then she stood for him, spread leg, and on display. He had seen her pussy before, but he was so close now. It felt intimate.

He reached forward and slid his right index finger into her. Vivian came. It wasn’t hard, but it was lasting. Her toes curled on the carpet and she nearly lost balance. “Wet,” Gabriel said. He pulled his finger out and wiped it off on her belly. She was breathing heavily. “What, did you cum?”

“Y-Yes,” she gasped.

“Such a dirty, shameless bitch,” Gabriel said while cupping her pussy again. This time he found her clit and teased it for her. Vivian appreciated the gesture greatly. “Now, mother, I have to admit that you’ve got a great front side. Your tits are amazing, your pussy is tight, wet, and warm, but there’s more than that. Turn around and show me that back-side.”

Vivian nodded and, as soon as he released her, turned for him. She even bent forward and stuck her round ass out at him. Vivian had always been somewhat flat assed. Now, she was blessed with a considerable backside and enjoyed showing it off.

Gabriel smacked her ass hard enough to make it shake. To Vivian’s surprise, she found that felt extremely good, and she even wiggled her ass gently at him. The metaphor of her being a bitch was becoming more real with each passing day. Now, she even wagged her tail when her master pet her.

He reached between her legs and found her pussy. She pushed back against his fingers, pulling them deep inside. With his free hand he rubbed her ass cheeks all over. “You’ve got a perfect ass, too, mom. I did a good job, didn’t I?”

“Yes, master,” she purred.

“Then you should say thank you.”

“Thank you, master.”

“Thank you for what?” He jammed his fingers into her hard. She could feel an orgasm growing inside of her, but it had to be nurtured. Submission would ease it.

“Thank you for making me your bitch,” she panted, and he slammed her again. “Thank you for giving me this perfect body!” He gave another thrust. “Thank you for fingering me!” He twisted his fingers in her, and she quivered. “Thank you for making me come!”

This orgasm was intense and mind breaking. She braced against the wall and shook on his hand, and when it finally ended Gabriel withdrew his fingers and wiped them on her ass. She turned around, breathless, and kneeled at his feet. His pants were bulging with something she desperately wanted.

“You’ve such a good slut,” Gabriel said, and he fed his sticky fingers to her. To her own surprise and shame, Vivian sucked his fingers into her mouth. She could taste herself, a fact which brought her a mixture of arousal and disgust. “Now, I’m quite pleased with the bitch I have, but there are some things I want from you.”

“Anything,” she whispered. She wrapped her tongue around his fingers. “I will do anything for you.”

“Then I want you to shave your body free of hair except your head and your pussy.”

“My pussy, master?” Vivian had shaved her pussy for years. The idea of letting it grow made her feel dirty.

“Yes, mother, I think a hairy pussy would suit you, so don’t shave it.”


“No arguments. You’re a good little bitch, aren’t you?”

“Yes, of course, master,” she said, desperate to earn his praise again.

‘Good, and as for the hair on your head. Wear it in a braid from time-to-time. I think that would look cute.”

“Yes, master.”

“And lastly, buy some new panties for god’s sake. I like your bras, but your panties are just sad.”

Vivian looked at the discarded garments. “Yes, master, of course.”

“Good.” Gabriel stood. His bulging crotch was only inches away. Vivian licked her lips and expected a chance to see it, but he went to the door. “Now, dad will be home soon, so get cleaned up. I’ll see you later.”

Vivian stared sadly at the door and then said, “…Yes, master…”

The next day, after work, Vivian found the living room empty. At first she felt relief, but her body burned and ached for him. Seeing his bulging crotch the day before had left her feeling hornier than ever before, and she wasn’t able to turn it off. All day she thought about him, lusted for him, and despite her shame, she wanted him.

She ran to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. Surely he was in his room, but before she went to see him, Vivian wanted to be cleaned and smoothly shaven. As instructed, she shaved her legs, her arms, arm-pits, but she left her pussy alone. Short hairs were growing in and started to cause irritation, but that would soon pass.

Out of the shower she dried and looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were warm and flush. Her nipples were hard. She couldn’t deny her growing arousal or excitement. Soon, she would see what Gabriel was smuggling in those pants of his. She was determined.

She tossed her towel aside and went to dress. Before coming home she stopped to pick-up some more clothes. She bought some new panties. They fit better than her old ones and were white and silk. They matched one of the bras she bought the other day.

After that she pulled out her sexiest clothes. Sadly, these were a low-cut tank-top which barely even fit over her new chest and a pair of short-shorts, which were similarly tight. Before going to Gabriel, she checked herself in the mirror. The clothes were tight, form-fitting, and showed off the figure he loved so much. He would appreciate it.

Before leaving she made sure to put her collar and leash on. She held the leash in her hand and stared at her reflection. Her hair was wild. Her clothes bulged with her womanly charms. The collar, the leash, and the manic look in her eye told her everything she needed to know. She was Gabriel’s slut, regardless of how she felt about it sometimes.

She took a deep breath and left the bathroom. Gabriel’s room was on the other side of the house. On the way she passed her bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, the game room, and she stopped at his door. Memories filled the house. Gabriel’s return was sudden and unfortunate, and he changed everything within a week of coming.

Knocking on his door would change everything. She hesitated, her hand held in place, her body tense with arousal and regret. Gabriel had power over her. If he ordered her to strip naked and run through the streets, screaming his name, then she would, but he didn’t command this. Vivian was at his door of her own will and her own arousal. Knocking meant betraying her old life and submitting to Gabriel.

She stared at the door and imagined him inside. She had sucked on him through his underwear, and it had been the best moment of her life. Whenever she submitted and gave into the pleasure, she felt happiness, rapture beyond compare. But that was wrong. Incest was wrong, and so was adultery.

She bit her bottom lip. Gabriel was in his room. She knew. Somehow, she would feel him. Her body burned for him. Her pussy gushed. She closed her eyes and knocked on the door, accepting her face.


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