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here is the genie story that was requested in the request thread.  i am taking longer to work on it which will probably be a thing but i am making progress.  these are the planned characters.  names are not final.  if you have any suggestsion for names feel free to put leave them in the comment.  also remember that $5 patrons get to post in story request.  a few things were changed but some of the basic bones were kept.

Main Characters

Frances: Main character. Chubby kleptomaniac. Upper middleclass. White. Big dick. A classically ugly person from an ugly family. He thinks he is better than the people around him and often says as much. When he finds a magical lamp that can be used to turn women into submissive genie slaves, he cannot resist using it.

Farah: Libyan MILF. Curvaceous with large breasts and a big, round bottom. Very kind. Was made into a genie slave by a Djinn when she was young and given to a rich man’s son. That son showed her kindness and lived with her as his wife without using her lamp to rule her. This lamp is later found by Frances, who is not so kind. Under Frances’ direction, she grows corrupted and lewd. Muslim

Amina: Farah’s younger daughter who still lives at home. Knows Frances and does not like him. Seeks social status and is ashamed of her heritage and Muslim roots. She is made into a slave by Frances and her mother.

Abdul: Farah’s husband. Chubby. Thick, dark mustache. He comes from money but left his family behind when he refused to use the lamp to enslave his wife. The two married out of love and have a happy life together until Frances interrupts it.

Frances’ Mom: A fat, rich liberal. She claims progressivism but often puts her foot in her mouth. She is secretly racist. Large breasts but big bodied like her son. Married Frances’ father for money and status but is secretly ashamed of both him and Frances. Made a slave like the others as revenge.

White Female Friend

Lincoln: Black. Frances’ best friend since childhood. Grew up tall and fit. Good at sports but is angry at the white society he lives in. Wants to fuck Frances’ crush to hurt Frances before the school year ends.

Shoshanna: Lincoln’s mother. Single mother who worked her way from nothing. Hardworking but cut throat. Greedy and status seeking. Hates Frances but always treats him with kindness out of necessity.

School Counselor: Asian. Knows that Lincoln and Frances have been friends for a long time and is surprised to see them estranged in their last year of high school. She tries to help them make amends but ends up becoming his genie slave, too.

Farah’s Older Daughter: Farah’s older daughter who went away to school. Frances seized her and enslaved her while she visited home for winter break and made her into his slut.


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