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In place of my preview I am going to put up some of the scraps I write while practicing or planning new things.  This is an idea that might be turned into something else but I just couldn't get it to work.

Lindsey was struck by how different the world looked the moment she let Gabriel slip that ring onto her right ring finger. She had been fairly happy in her marriage and quite devoted to her children until that ring went on, and then the moment it did, her entire world flipped. She smiled at Gabriel, not fully understanding her devotion to him but thinking of herself without irony or reluctance as his wife.

He smiled at her, and she felt her heart skip a beat as he held her by the hand. Then, releasing her hand, he said, “That dress looks so good on you.” He slipped his arm around her waist, his now freed right hand finding and cupping the cleft of her ass as he pulled her to him. Lindsey allowed it, her body belonging completely and entirely to him. Her breasts crushed up against his torso, and though his body was unfamiliar to her, it was not unwelcome. If anything, she felt better here than she ever had with her very own husband.

“Give me your hand,” he said, and he took her free right hand into his left hand and guided it without resistance to his crotch. She cupped him through his pants and gasped, a big smile appearing on her face as her eyebrows went up. She looked at her husband, laughing quietly to herself as she felt Gabriel’s impressive manhood.

Her husband watched quietly, the ring affecting him, too, and Gabriel removed his hand and found her breasts. He cupped one and then said, “We should really take this into the privacy of the room you rented out, shouldn’t we?”

Biting back almost unnatural pleasure, Lindsey nodded and let him lead her away. He held her by the ass, an easy smile on his face as she moved with him. It was a short walk to the party room, and there they stopped, her facing him while he looked her over, a grin on his face. “Lock the door,” he said to her, and she moved to obey. “Now stand at it with your ass out.”

“Okay,” she said, and she planted her hands against the door, her face in the window as Gabriel moved her hips. He bent her slightly and, holding her head to the window, lifted her skirt to look at her panty-clad ass. She glanced at him over her shoulder, suddenly feeling embarrassed as he stared, and said, “I hope you like what you see back there since I’ve already had two children.”

Gabriel swatted her exposed rear on one side, and she jumped slightly with a quiet yelp. “You look great,” he said, and then he hooked her panties and began peeling them down. He undid his pants once her panties were down past her wetted pussy, and though she couldn’t get a good look at him, she felt him parting her and went wide-eyed as she stretched to accommodate him.

He reached forward while easing himself into her, cupping her breasts again, this time with both hands, and squeezing them hard as he gave her his full length. Lindsey came, whining, gushing along his length, astonished that she could take him. He felt good inside of her, good holding her, cupping her. In all her life, she had never felt closer to someone, and she had only just met him. She moaned.

“You have a tight little ass,” he whispered to her in her ear, “And these big, MILF tits, and they’re all mine now.”

Lindsey, still moaning, nodded as she flexed around him. “All yours, master,” she purred, and she nearly came again as he held himself inside of her. When he moved again, she exploded, her pussy hugging him and flexing as she tried to drag him back inside. Gabriel merely laughed.

“We should take you outside to the pool and show your son, husband, and daughter what a little slut you secretly are.”

Lindsey laughed breathlessly and tightened around him as she thought about it. Her face faltered as she moaned.

Lindsey sat on my still hard cock as her son blew out his candles. She had completely lost interest in his birthday and was far more focused on the feeling of me filling her thirteen inches deep. Her husband noticed the distraction but did not let it bother him, even as his wife whimpered and rode me, her heavy breasts bouncing, no longer restrained by the bra I had removed earlier after our previous fuck.

I hooked her lips with my fingers, and she smiled and sucked them, her pussy moist with pleasure and semen. Her firm bottom slapped quietly against me as she rode me with slow, careful strokes. Leaning forward, I whispered into her ear, “Does your husband know?”

Lindsey turned her eyes on her husband and then shook her head. Her stiff nipples showed through her dress while she held me by the wrist. Lindsey sucked my fingers like she sucked my dick earlier and moaned on each downward stroke as she took me to the root. Sex had never felt this good to her before, and she was afraid that the orgasm she was growing inside of her would ruin her for her husband.

“What about your son and daughter? Do you think they know what a slut their mother is?”

Later, she let me fuck her hard from behind during the family photo. I held her by the hair while I hammered her and the picture caught her eyes rolled back as she drooled in climax. I finished in her afterward when we found privacy in another room at the pool, and Lindsey kissed me and drank my spittle as I flooded her with semen.

After that, Lindsey left her family to live closer to me. They were supposed to stay, but the promise of regular deep-dickings from me changed her mind. Her children wept as she fiddled with her collar, and though she would miss them, she had no regrets when she came to see me afterward and got a face full of my cum.


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