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Jean stared wide-eyed at Michael standing naked before her and experienced mixed feelings of fright and arousal as she stared at his big, hulking, blubbery frame. Michael stared back as he towered over her. He was an intimidating figure with his big shoulders and his crooked grin as he eyed her equally naked body. Jean was normally anything but dainty, being a fully grown woman with wide hips and thick thighs, but before Michael she appeared downright dainty by comparison to his enormous frame.

Off to the side, Jean’s husband, Brad watched with a frown on his face. He did not know what he had expected when he had asked Michael to come over and help them get pregnant, but he did know it had not been this. By looks alone, Brad had expected Michael to be larger than average, but he had no way of knowing exactly how much larger Michael would be. The rumors had not done the big man justice, and looking at the two of them together by the bed, Brad felt a deep, cold sickening feeling settling in the depths of his gut.

For Brad, the most frightening part was the expression on Jean’s face. At first, Michael’s arrogance had clearly caught her off guard and turned her stomach. As he got naked, her disgust had only grown more pronounced when she saw his flabby chest and quivering belly. When his dick came into view, though, Jean’s expression had changed to something less familiar to Brad. He had trouble placing it as he watched her, but he did know that he didn’t like it.

Honestly, Jean didn’t know how she felt, either. Michael’s dick was already large and yet still appeared limp. If he got hard, then she knew he would be bigger, but she could hardly imagine what exactly that would look like with him being so large already. To her own surprise and shame, she did want to find out, though.

Reaching out, Jean ran her fingers curiously across his cockhead and then found him smiling. She remembered her husband, so much smaller than Michael in every way, and looked at him standing cross-armed against the door as if he was just about to run away. She whispered to him, “Brad, darling, we don’t have to do this. We can do this the normal way. The conventional way. We don’t need his…” She paused and stared at his dick again, and her heart hammered so hard in her chest that she could barely hear herself speak. “…help,” she finished.

Brad looked at Michael standing arrogantly with his hands on his hips. He was far too confident for a man as big and fat as he was, but Brad could understand why. Even as she offered it, Brad wasn’t sure that his wife could follow through. Neither Michael or Jean seemed interested in stopping, and though Michael was fat, he was much bigger than Brad and could likely overpower the couple. “No,” he said. “We’ve tried for months now. Now…” He rubbed his eyes to keep the tears from forming and sighed. “We need him.”

“Don’t worry, little miss,” Brad drawled and he knotted her hair in one of his big hands and held her in place. Both Brad and Jean were shocked by his sudden advance but were also kept silent as he slid his cock forward along her cheek. He held her in place with her nose buried into his pubic hair as he let the warmth of his dick seep into her skin. She did not struggle and instead breathed deeply of his musky scent while she was there.

Against her cheek, Michael stroked himself hard as he said, “I’ll get you done right. I promise.” He swelled rapidly against her cheek, growing to his full enormous length. From this angle, it was hard for Jean to see him in his entirety, but what she saw was mesmerizing and almost impossible in scale. “Just shy of fourteen long,” Michael told her proudly, and he stepped away to show her his length.

Removed from her cheek, Jean could still feel his warmth there as his cock swung into view. She was astonished both by his size and by the way his big body makes him look almost proportional. Michael was tall and slovenly, but his dick was monstrous, too. Comparing him to Brad was a sad, sad joke. Where Brad was good and kind and normal, Michael was a horse-like monster made for impregnation. Brad had failed in his duty as a man, but Jean felt certain that Michael would not.

Gabe grinned at her open awe and then moved closer again. He swung his hips and brought his dick around to slap her across the cheek. There, it made contact with a loud smack and sent warmth spreading through her face. It had been deafening for Joan who stared up at him in shame and stunned silence afterward as an orgasm tore through her. Her loins went wet as Gabe went back to stroking himself.

He laughed. “Did you just come, sweet thing?”

Ashamed and shaking, Jean refused to look him in the eyes at first. When she finally did, all she could do was nod.

Michael laughed and struck her again with his cock. This time, he saw a shiver pass through her before he asked, “And again?”

Jean shook her head this time and watched him. “No,” she whispered. “But, I’m close.” Her confession was made with a shaking voice, and when he smacked her a third time a look of relief washed over her as she held her legs tightly and bit back a moan. “Oh! There we go…”


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