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Chapter Fourteen: Broken Bonds

Present Day…

Kendall’s relationship with Jackson has changed. While it might be difficult for some people to believe, she does still love him. The bond they have shared for nearly a year now, while strained, is not entirely broken. If anything, her trysts with James and Jackson’s consistent patience have only helped to prove his kindness to her. The worse James is, the better Jackson appears by comparison.

No, she still loves him dearly. The problem isn’t a lack of love but a lack of attraction. While morally better than James, Jackson cannot compare sexually. Even on his best days, Jackson lacks the raw masculinity and violent sexuality which James seems to sweat. Comparing their penis’ alone, Jackson is just barely over half of James’ length and is less than that in girth. In the past, that would not have mattered to her, but in the last week James has proven time and time again to her the importance of girth.

In fact, James has used his dick to prove a lot of things to Kendall. Firstly, he has proven to her without a doubt that size matters. At least, it matters to women like Kendall, women who were closeted size queens pretending at a normal life. Where she once would have denied her attraction to James and his near foot in wrist-thick cock, she now spends her days mindlessly chasing the next orgasm which only he seems capable of providing her.

“No one can compete with him,” she told herself one night on her way home after seeing him. “No one.”

She tells herself this often, usually when she is alone and feeling guilty. With his dick and his domineering attitude, James has built himself a whole harem with at least four people in it. He is still training Kendall, but the others have been his for some time now without her knowing. They have earned their place in his harem. Kendall still gets teased by him, taunted and degraded, tormented as she continues to struggle and sort her own feelings.

The second thing James has proven to her is that not only is she a size queen, but her family are size queens, too. Even her own brother, Oliver, has been made an almost literal woman, and all so that he can serve James’ big cock like a slut. Furthermore, Kendall knows that he has done the same to Allyson, at least, if not other countless women, as well.

It makes her wonder if all women are secretly sluts like herself, and it makes her envious of her mother and brother that they can accept it so easily. It isn’t an outfit that they get to put on like Kendall does. Oliver and Paige live as James’ sluts full-time, and while it thrills Kendall to stare him in the eyes and to serve him, she knows that it isn’t permanent. She gets to come home to her family, to her cuck, but lately she isn’t sure whether that is so good.

Moreover, James’ big cock and his dominion have actually brought her family closer together. Before James feminized him, Oliver was recluse who refused to leave his room. The last time she had seen him, which was nearly a year ago, he was pale and unkempt, with empty eyes and a gaunt figure. Somehow, using his dick and his rough hands, James has not only brought Oliver out of his shell but also put him into makeup and lingerie. Now, when Kendall sees him, she sees a young man of beauty and purpose, a small smile on his face, always happy to be his daddy’s little slut.

James has invoked the same positive change in her mother. Before him, Paige was an angry alcoholic mess. Now, she is at peace with herself and, most surprising, at peace with Kendall. Soon, she will be James’ big breasted, MILF bride, and Kendall, to her own shock and shame is more than happy for her. Kendall is impressed with her. All her life, Kendall has looked up to Paige, and now having seen Paige with James, shameless and proud in her submission, Kendall cannot help but emulate her mother and recklessly pursue her own pleasure.

Even now, as she spends time at home with her daughters and her cuck, Kendall cannot stop thinking about how much joy James has brought to her life. Kendall and Paige hadn’t really spoken for years, and in ways they had never actually spoken in their entire lives. With Oliver living with Paige, Kendall didn’t get to see him, either. Now, she sees them both regularly and is on good terms with them.  She speaks to her mother every day, in fact, and has even eaten cum off of her cheeks. Their conversations revolve around James, but even that is an improvement Kendall is willing to enjoy.

These thoughts are, of course, interrupted by a text from her mother. Seeing each other in person so much, they rarely text. Anymore When they do, Paige is often giving Kendall some sort of advice or, more often, sending her quick pictures of James’ massive, meaty cock. The advice is often insightful, but Kendall does prefer the pictures. This new text is one such picture, which she stares at until Jackson joins her in the living room.

“Hey, babe,” he says, joining her on the couch with a soda in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other. “What are you looking at?” Kendall quickly tucks her phone away.

“Nothing,” she says quickly. “Just a text from my mom.” She smiles at Jackson, feeling nervous.

Sometimes, Kendall worries that Jackson can pick up on her nervous energy. He is a kind man, very empathic, and very interested in the feelings of others. Luckily for her, he was also respectful to a fault, creating a barrier between them that was not obliviousness but respect. It disappoints her, sometimes, how respectful he is. While she knows that he is ultimately powerless to stop this, she cannot help but think how he contributes to his own pain. The house reeks of sex, and almost daily she has smelled of raw, unwashed semen. She loves it, but she hates that her own fiancé doesn’t feel compelled to address it.

Her smile strains. “What’s up?”

Jackson slips an arm around her and frowns as she scoots away from him. Lately, even his touch feels like a betrayal of James and her commitment to him. At this point, her loyalty has shifted significantly, and while she still does love Jackson, and prefers his company to James’, she views her body as being exclusively for James’ pleasure.

Jackson notices her movement but does not press it. He settles in his seat, frowning briefly before trying to put on a smile. “Nothing,” he says, his body clearly sagging a bit. “I just noticed that you seem so tired lately. Between school and the girls, you just seem fried all the time.” He tries to smile again, but it is just as strained and limp as her own. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with your family, which is great. I’m happy for you, but we haven’t had much time together.” He shrugs. “I was wondering, I guess, if you wanted to have a little stay at home date with me after the girls go to bed tonight.”

Now, Kendall smiles, but it is a sad smile. Jackson is very sweet, but he is too kind to acknowledge the smell of semen on the wall. Unfortunately, as he speaks, Kendall spends her time comparing him to James rather than listening, and such comparisons never favor Jackson. Despite his good looks and his kind demeanor, he just cannot compare sexually to James and the pure, masculine authority the bigger man carries. Every softness Jackson displays is measured against James’ rough edge, and one of the things James has taught her about herself is that Kendall really, really likes it rough.

“Actually…” Kendall pauses, the word cuck sitting at the edge of her mouth. She smiles and dances her way around it, but the thrill of it still stiffens her nipples. “I have plans with my family again tonight. Sorry, but it’ll be you and the girls for supper tonight.” She pauses to look at him, adjusting her pants beside him. “Unless you have a problem with that.”

Jackson goes quiet beside her, drawing a deep breath and holding it. Kendall watches him, looking for some hint of resistance or frustration. It might not change anything, but she wonders if it would give her the power to fight back. When he releases his breath, she finds him wearing a strained smile again.  “No,” he says. “No, that’s fine. I know how much your mother means to you, and I really am happy for you.” He tries to take her hand but can only get a few fingers before she stands. “I’m glad you two are reconnecting,” he says.

Hearing that gives Kendall pause. She has been calling him cuck and nothing else for two weeks, and she tells him it is a joke because she cannot tell him the truth. Jackson accepts it, accepts her lies, accepts her cruelty, and as much as she wants to call it weakness, she knows that it is actually his strength. His kindness is something she should prize, and she does, in a way, even if her body and her mind have been corrupted by James’ toxicity. She doesn’t want to call him a cuck, but she cannot stop herself.

Conversely, as much as it is true that she doesn’t want to call him a cuck, it is equally true that her arousal comes from her lack of control. James can compel her with a word, with a simple suggestion. With a rigid cock and rough hands, he can control her, and Jackson takes it in stride. Corrupted as she is, she is beginning to view his endless patience with her as complacency, and while she does love him, she is also coming to resent him, too.

She feels his eyes on her, on her plump backside and perky breasts. Even through multiple layers of clothes, her curves are difficult to hide. It feels wrong for her to present herself like this, like she is enticing him, like she is offering him something which they both know he cannot have. She turns to him and places a single kiss on his forehead. “You’re a good man, Jackson,” she says, and she stares him in the eyes. His eyes are dark, welcoming, completely opposite of James. She smiles sadly looking at him. “And someday, I am going to make it up to you, I promise.”

Jackson stares back at her, clearly bewildered. He tilts his head to one side. “What? Kendall, what are you talking about?” He tries to take her by the hand again but can only just give her fingers a squeeze before she removes herself from his grip. Dressed like she is, and always withdrawing, she feels like she is hiding from him. Jackson frowns. “Kendall, sweetie, are you okay?”

Kendall looks at him sadly and wipes her eyes. “I’m,” she pauses, and she sighs. “I am as good as I am going to get,” she says. “It’s hard to explain, but I’m just so glad that I have you. I’m so glad that you understand. That’s all.” She checks her phone and sighs again. “I should be leaving soon, but I’ll be back after supper and will kiss the girls goodnight then.” She gives him a sad smile from the doorway. “Thank you,” and she pauses to avoid calling him a cuck. “Just, thank you for everything you do for me.”

Jackson smiles at her, still confused but always patient in his confusion. “You’re welcome. You know, it’s easy to do for you. I love you so much.”

Hearing that, Kendall lingers. She thinks to tell him everything, to confess her sins, to hurt him now so that she won’t hurt him later. She thinks to beg him for help, to beg him for safety. The words won’t form, though, so all she does is smile her sad smile and blow him a kiss before leaving.

A Few Minutes Later…

It is a short drive to James’ house, and Kendall spends the ride wondering when it stopped being her mother’s home in her head. When she parks, she changes, stripping her t-shirt and sweatpants to reveal the short-shorts and tank-top that James expects. She regards her swollen pink nipples through her nearly transparent top with disdain. She is dressed like trailer trash, and she knows that it is just another game for James. It is another way in which he teases her, taunts her, and degrades her. As she climbs from the car, she stops to pull a wedgie from her plump bottom before going to the door.

Growing up poor and having children as a teen, Kendall often worries how other people see her. Once, in high school, a classmate called her trailer trash, and it was a moniker that stuck with her. Though never having lived in a trailer for her life, she understood the intent, and a fear was planted deep inside of her. In her eyes, Jackson was a guardian angel that saved her from such a fate. While he wasn’t rich, he had ambition to match her own and a kindness needed to support her when she couldn’t support herself. Together, they could escape the small town that they lived in. Together, they could be and build something better.

Approximately two weeks ago, James returned to her life and left her plans in pieces. She knocks and stands at the door in her short-shorts and tank-top, nipples displayed, body quaking with anticipation. Honestly, at this point, she feels like an addict, desperate without James and completely miserable with him. She has to stop to pick another wedgie, the shorts are so short.

Oliver meets her again, this time wearing pink lingerie. The crotch of his panties are nearly flat his penis is so small, and it amuses Kendall to see it. She silently compares him to James and has to hold back her laughter. It is still strange for her to see him dressed like a woman, but his beauty is not lost on her. Oliver is equally as beautiful as Kendall is, Kendall realizes, and he is many times more proficient at using makeup. She doesn’t know where he learned it, but he always looks so elegant when she sees him. Beside him, Kendall feels like a cheap hooker.

Kendall follows Oliver up the stairs, watching his skinny ass flex with each step. In the living room, she finds James seated on the couch, half-naked as always. Today, he wears a tee and a pair of stained briefs. His hairy legs are parted as he watched tv with a beer in hand. Her mother is leaned against him, tracing her fingers along his chest and sometimes feeling his crotch. James pays her no mind, not even when she feels him through his briefs. He doesn’t even acknowledge Kendall when she arrives.

Kendall joins them quietly, kneeling at James’ feet and silently taking to his toes. She massages his right foot first, sniffing it and breathing it in before slobbering on him. She rubs his legs, too, running her fingers through his dark, thick hair. Staring at his crotch, she can see the heft of him but notes that he is still not yet hard. Judging by his glazed eyes, Kendall can tell he’s not yet interested in coming. She had left her home under the assumption of getting fucked and is now disappointed to realize she may not even get to stroke him. Still, she belongs to him and knows better than to complain.

Even without a word said, however, her mother can see her clear disappointment and responds with a wink. Kendall, seeing the wink, smiles and sucks one of James’ big toes into her mouth, slurping it loudly and with enthusiasm, savoring his flavor and stench in the process.

They have supper shortly afterward, Oliver announcing it before leading everyone back into the dining room. James sits at the head of the table and is served a big, heavy burger and a greasy plate of French Fries as he likes them. His women, Oliver included, are allowed salads around him. Kendall picks at her food while watching James in disgust. He eats like an animal, chewing open-mouthed and talking throughout. Oliver waits on everyone like a servant, serving seconds at James’ command and refilling drinks. Kendall looks at her mother and gets another smile and wink afterward.

Rather than watch James, Kendall uses the time to assess her mother. Paige has changed so much. Without alcohol, she is thoughtful and aware, even kind in a way. There is still the acerbic bite of her mother that remains. Even James gets that sometimes, too, but that is central to who she is. The baggage has faded, though, replaced by submission and rapture. Without so much hurt, Kendall finds, her mother has more room to be thoughtful, careful, and kind. Though she would never admit it, Kendall is happy for her mother and grateful for the sudden affection, especially in these strange and trying times.

For Paige, it was different. While she has always loved Kendall, she has always resented her, too. Kendall was born lucky, a beautiful girl with a beautiful mind. Her life was difficult, but when she met Jackson and started settling down, it seemed to Paige that Kendall was getting something she had never experienced herself—a genuine and pure love.

Paige had been drinking all of Kendall’s life. She knew what a failure she was as a person, and she had become a failure of a mother, too. That is how she saw herself, and she never pretended to be anything else. When Kendall had found not only happiness but a way out, it didn’t feel like success to Paige. It felt like she was surpassed and, maybe in a deep part of her that she would always struggle to accept, like she was being left behind.

Then James came along, and he ruined Paige and redeemed her. He took away the alcohol, the smoking, and gave her a clear purpose, a metric by which to measure her worth by. She became his slut, and then she knew who she was and what she was meant to do. She committed to James and was freed of her stress, from her failure, and from the burdens that both imposed on her.

When James mentioned Kendall to Paige, Paige saw a distant opportunity for both to have their revenge. She didn’t believe it, though, until she saw it. Kendall on her knees, nursing James’ toes had been a delight. Kendall eating his asshole, however, was all the proof she needed. Her daughter was gone, broken by James, and Paige loved it. Kendall on her hands and knees with her asshole getting reamed, though, was when Paige finally felt camaraderie for her daughter again. It was when she chose to be a mother again. It was when it became clear to her that not only was Kendall not leaving, but she was no better. Hell, if anything, James favors Paige, and that makes Paige the better one.

Supper ends and James takes both women back to the living room while Oliver cleans up. Kendall is still hungry, only having picked at her food, and her arousal only makes it worse. James strips his briefs at the couch and sits with his legs parted. His fat manhood slaps against his bulbous belly as he settles. With his legs parted, she can see the darkened cleft of his ass and it produces a strange, distracting stirring in her loins.

“James,” she whispers. “I thought we would have…” She stops, sighs, and reconsiders what she means to say. “I should really be getting home,” she finishes. “The cuck will be worried.”

James, who has been grinning to that point, frowns and the air goes tense. He does not move, but his glare has become a hard blow for Kendall’s sensitive soul. She winces. “Fucking excuse me,” he growls. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? And who will be worried again? And why the fuck should I give a shit about what he worries about?”

Desperate to ease his frustration like a child, Kendall stammers. “I’m sorry, daddy! I didn’t meant to up…”

“Damn right you’re sorry, you stupid sack of shit! I can’t fucking believe you! I got half a mind to…”

Kendall winces, expecting physical retribution. Instead, Paige intervenes, placing a placating hand on James’ chest. He turns his glare on her, but it lasts only long enough for him to huff before he begins to pout like a giant, furious child. Paige meet his rage with a calm smile and speaks in a measured but understanding tone. “Now, James, sweetie, you have every right to be angry. Kendall should respect you as both her future father and her big-dicked master. However, you also ordered her to keep a normal life with her cuck as a punishment for her previous infidelity, and as a mother myself, I can’t blame her for wanting to get home and see her children off to bed.”

As Paige speaks, she gives Kendall a smug stare. Kendall is grateful for her mother’s assistance, but the display is not lost on her. This is her way of showing Kendall how much power she has compared to Kendall. James is still the king of the house. They both know it, but Paige has considerably more pull than her daughter does.

“Though, Kendall, we both know where your priorities should lie, don’t we, young lady?” Reaching down, Paige cups James’ heavy, hairy balls and purrs. “Your daddy comes first, literally,” she says, laughing. “Mm, but you’re a good girl, and you work so hard. You’re still learning.” Paige smiles at James. “I think we can forgive her just this once, don’t you?”

“I guess,” James says, still pouting. Looking at Kendall, his pout turns to a haughty glare. “You should thank your momma, slut. She just saved your stupid ass a beating.”

Kendall, who likes the idea of a spanking but knows it would be much more and much worse than that, nods shakily. “Y-yes, daddy.” She looks at her mother and whispers, “Thanks.”

Paige winks back as James parts his legs again. With his balls being teased by Paige, he is already quite hard, but he still wants more. “Now,” James growls. “No more barking and bitching about your little cuck waiting at home for you. You get your ass over here and do your fucking job.”

Staring at his darkened, hairy ass crack, Kendall nods and falls to her knees. She shuffles forward with saliva gathered in her mouth. Tongue wet, she touches his asshole and brings James to a steely, almost painful hardness. Holding him, Paige feels the change and laughs, stroking him as her daughter obediently ears his asshole.

“It’s always impressive when she does that,” says Paige, who is now stroking James from root to crown as she leans over to watch her daughter work. “And it gets you so fucking hard.”

Below, Kendall has her eyes closed as she laps at James’ stinky asshole. His balls are at rest against her forehead now, and she is hugging his thighs, wholly devoted to the task. For her, it is an apology meant to show James both her devotion and her guilt. For Paige, it is a source of endless amusement and arousal as she sits back laughing.

“My God, what a slut.”

Even through the laughter, Kendall can hear pride in her mother’s voice and begins to feel pride in herself in turn. She has never in her life before wanted to be considered a slut. In fact, after the birth of Penelope, she was often given the label against her will. Now, tonguing James’ asshole while her mother watches and strokes him, she can think of nothing better to be. Opening her eyes, she stares up at him and finds only his massive testicles there, hiding the obvious joy which marks him.

Buried by him, Kendall moans and works her tongue harder. James’ asshole still reeks, and the flavor is revolting. If asked, Kendall cannot honestly imagine a situation where eating James’ asshole will ever be pleasant to her. Still, it does please her to do it because it turns them both on. This is because her relationship with James is and has always been defined by control. His asshole is awful, but licking it is a display of his control, and doing it is the only way in which she can exert control over him in turn. Knowing that she can make him diamond hard with a flick of her tongue is intoxicating for her, and the pride in her mother’s voice has only made it more rewarding.

James leaks precum, and Paige gathers it with a coo and strokes it down his shaft. “Oh, see that, James? Do you see what a good little slut she is for you? There’s no reason to hit her, at least not as a punishment, is there? She’s such a good girl.” Paige smiles at her daughter. “Are you a good girl, Kendall?”

Face buried in James’ ass crack, eyes closed as she works, Kendall nods and moans. “Mmhmm!”

James moans, too, and cups her head to hold her in place. “Fuck!” He releases her, panting. “Get those plump lips up here! I’ma’ fuck your throat!”

Smiling, Kendall purrs as she licks her way out of his asshole and up to his balls. She tastes them on the way, mewling as their familiar, masculine flavor works to displace what he left on her tongue. She kissed and licks his shaft on the way up, whining , the taste of him made better as it replaces her shame. On her way up his shaft her phone begins to ring, buzzing and chiming from her purse across the room. Kendall ignores it, too drunk on James to care until he pulls her off of his dick and slaps her across the face.

“Hey, slut, what the fuck is that?”

Kendall stares at him dizzily, tongue tasting of many different parts of him. She smiles vaguely as she looks him in his clear blue eyes and giggles. “I don’t know,” she says. “My phone? Maybe the cuck is calling.”

James, noticing the way her eyes follow the movement of his dick, laughs and smacks her again. This time, it is affection, a love tap as he holds her in place. “Maybe you should go answer, then.”

Kendall whines and takes hold of his shaft, stroking him slowly. “I don’t want to, daddy. I just want to throat you right now.” Moving just a few inches forward, she kisses his cockhead in a show of want.

Still holding her head, James gathers her hair around his fist and holds her poised to take his cock. “There’s a good girl,” he croons. “Now, open wide.”

Paige stops James as he moves her daughter. Taking hold of him, she kisses James into silence while removing his hand from Kendall’s chestnut hair. Then, angling his cock away from Kendall’s lips, she laughs to herself as she listens to her daughter whine. “Go and answer,” she says. “And then bring it over here so you can throat your daddy while your cuck is on the phone.”

James’ dick visibly twitches, swelling fatter at the suggestion. Feeling this, Paige laughs and kisses James again and is rewarded with a cupped rear and two thick fingers in her pussy. She coos into his mouth, tasting him as she does. Kendall, meanwhile, goes to her purse in a fugue.

She answers her phone absently, eyes fixed on her mother and Jameson the couch. She is speechless at the beauty of them, her mother holding James’ enormous dick, his crown swollen and leaking, his shaft gleaming and veiny. His heavy balls are hairy and full. The sight of the two of them together, her mother, her new daddy, is breath-taking and horrifying in their beauty. She hardly has words left even as she answers the phone, muttering a half-hearted, “Hello?”


She is surprised by how distance Jackson sounds, like he is far away, like even through a phone she can hardly hear him. He sounds the same, like the man she loves, like a clarifying force in a world without clarity or meaning. Trapped in James’ house, smelling James’ smell, however, she remains fogged. Jackson is not the safe harbor that he normally is. Right now, he is barely even a distraction.

“Hi, baby. I’m sorry if you’re busy, I was just wondering when you would be coming home. It’s getting late, and I’m about to put the girls down for bed.”

“Oh,” says Kendall absently, the words floating into her but failing to take root. She thinks vaguely of her daughters as an idea and not a reality as her mother waves her over to join them. Kendall takes the few short steps to the couch and then falls immediately to her knees, once again suffocating on James’ powerful musk as she comes closer. Shimmying forward on her knees, her eyes are fixed on his massive cock.

Above her, Paige laughs quietly and swings James’ dick, slapping it down across Kendall’s face and drawing a gasp from her cock-hungry daughter. “OH!” Precum leaks across her forehead, leaving a sticky smear where his dick landed and soaking into her hair. Kendall smiles afterward and stares cross-eyed at his heavy, veiny shaft.

On the other end, Jackson sounds frantic. “Kendall? Are you okay, sweetie?”

Kendall chews her bottom lip and purrs. “Mm. Yeah, I’m just, uh…” She looks at her smiling mother and then back at the hard dick before her and breathes, “I’m distracted.”

Moving forward, Kendall balances herself against his thigh and leans in to bury her face into his pubic hair. She breathes him in again, his pubic hair tickling her nose as she leaves a series of silent kisses along his cock root and his balls. Jackson’s voice becomes a distant echo of an echo, so far away that she can hardly believe it is real. She can hear his words, but she can barely comprehend a single one of them any longer. “Mm. Um, I’m sorry. I know you were talking but, um, I couldn’t quite hear you. Could you, uh, repeat what you just said?”

“Uh. Sure. I guess I was just, um, saying that we finished supper and that the girls were going down. They said they missed you and love you and wanted to know when you would be home to kiss them goodnight.”

“Oh. Night. Of course.” Kendall watches as her mother hefts James’ mighty shaft back up and then licks her way up him. She swallows her own pleasured moans, refusing to announce it and holding Jackson away from her ear to enjoy him. She tastes her mother’s stroking fingers on the way to his crown, where she stares down his impossible length. Again, her voice is stolen from her by the glory of him. “I…will be home late tonight, I think.”

Staring James in his cold, uncaring eyes, she plants a single kiss upon his sticky crown. Jackson, meanwhile, yammers in her ear, unheard and unheeded. In this moment, she realizes a harsh truth. Right now, at least, Jackson is the definition of a cuck and, with James’ dick in her life, all he is good for is tending to the girls while she gets fucked.

James takes hold of his dick and rubs it along her lips, urging her mouth open. Kendall smiles in response and holds the phone away, parting her lips and welcoming him into her. She moans now, on instinct and in pleasure as James’ rich, masculine flavor fills her mouth and warms her wet tongue. Then, without stopping, she takes him into her throat and gags loudly, no longer caring if she is heard and completely incapable of resisting.

Meanwhile, on the phone, Jackson began talking a mile a minute to cover up his hurt feelings. “Oh, you’re running late? That’s fine. It’s important to see your mom and keep close to family. Honestly, I’m just glad the two of you are getting along better, and I don’t want you to feel bad thinking I miss you or the girls miss you, that we’re trying to burden you. I’m sorry if I’m being pushy or needy, baby. Our relationship is still young, and I’ve never been a father before. Obviously. And…” He pauses as Kendall goes deep. “Kendall, sweetie, what’s that sound?”

James in her throat, Kendall almost doesn’t surface, but James releases her, and she can see the joy this is bringing him in her eyes. She slides off of him with a purr and sits up with his wet cock at rest against her face. She takes hold of him, replacing her mother’s stroking hands with her own. “Mm. I was just having…dessert.” She kisses James’ cockhead and smiles into his eyes. Licking his urethra, she gives a throaty moan. “Oh, baby, it tastes so good!”

Having never seen Kendall like this, so shameless and cruel, James throbs. Her cruelty has him feeling even crueler and, hard and gleaming in her hand, licking precum, James whispers to himself and to Paige beside him, “Holy fuck, this is hot.”

Paige leans in to kiss him on the cheek and nods as she hugs him by the arm. “I know,” she says, smiling as she watches Kendall. “My girl is such a good little slut.”

Hearing their quiet praises, Kendall smiles and kisses James’ cockhead. Again and again, she kisses him, showering him with kisses and licks, holding the phone away to pant against him before throating him a second time. Each stroke of her mouth makes a loud, wet sound as the air is forced from her. Stroking him with her free hand, Kendall stares him in the eye with teary-eyed obedience, and he is harder than ever before, even harder than when she licks his ass. Kendall mewls imagining how he might react if she were to remove him from her throat and lick him there now.

Listening quietly, Jackson whispered on the other end of the phone, “Wow. It sounds like you’re enjoying it, whatever it is. You keep choking. Are you okay?”

Smiling around James, Kendall sits back and releases him from her lips. She strokes him still, spreading her excess saliva along his shaft while licking her rubbery, stretched lips in open hunger and arousal. “Mm. I am enjoying it. It tastes so good that I’m just in a rush to stuff it into my mouth. I really should be careful, though. It’s a big dessert, and I could hurt myself if I get too excited.” As she speaks, she watches her hand glide from root to crown along his big, gleaming dick.

Leaning forward again, panting as she holds the phone away from her face, she licks her way down James’ shaft and plants a kiss on both of his testicles. Then, releasing his shaft, she moves her hand to cup his balls and heft them up, revealing to herself his darkened butthole yet again. It is then that he understands her intent and scoots forward to accommodate her. Parting his legs, he allows her to stare at her prize, and already his dick s gushing fresh precum.

Smiling at James, Kendall murmurs, “But this is a special dessert, and I’ll do anything for it.” Then, phone forgotten, Kendall buries her face back into James’ revolting asshole and tongues him. She slurps him loudly, salivating along his cheeks as she holds Jackson’s call away. This time, she takes to eating his asshole without shame or hesitation. All she has is want and devotion in her as his enormous dick falls back heavily onto his fat belly, causing his stomach to ripple and gleam as precum oozes into the dark hair there. Balls on her face, Kendall reaches up to stroke him in a revere grip, and James is grunting, barely able to keep from shouting he is so turned on.

Paige removes herself from James’ grasp to reach down and lithely take the phone. She holds it to hear ear and can hear Jackson prattling on the other end. “Hello? Cuck?”

Jackson pauses. “Uh, what? Who is this?”

“This is Paige, Kendall’s mother.” She smiles. “And you’re the cuck, right?”

“I don’t really like being called…”

“Yes, that’s fine,” she interrupts. “I just know that’s what she calls you.”

“Sometimes,” he says meekly, and he begins another word, but Paige doesn’t allow him time to finish it.

“Sure. Anyway, Kendall is busy eating the dessert that her new daddy just made for her, and you’re interrupting some important family bonding time. She was too polite to ask, but could you please wait to talk to her until she gets home.”

Freed from her phone, Kendall had licked and kissed her way down James’ shaft to his balls. She nurses them at first before parting his legs and holding his ass cheeks apart. Stroking him with one hand, she takes to licking him loudly, her face buried between his hairy cheeks.

Jackson had made to speak again, but Paige sees her daughter and is quick to cut him off again. “Sorry, cuck, but we’re busy right now, and I personally don’t appreciate how controlling you are being. So, unless you’re going to apologize for how rude you’re being, I think our conversation is finished.”

A pregnant pause fills the air, broken only by the wet and sloppy slurping of James’ asshole. It ends only as Kendall lifts her head out to lick his balls while stroking his leaking dick with a smile on her face. Then, Jackson murmurs out a meek, “I—I’m sorry.”

Hearing this, Paige allows a vicious smile as she watches her daughter work. “That’s fine, sweetie. Now, I really should be going.” Without waiting for a response, Paige hangs up on Jackson and tosses Kendall’s phone aside before returning to the couch with a smile. “He seems sweet,” Paige says, joining James and snuggling back up to him. “And absolutely pathetic. No wonder you’re over here eating your daddy’s asshole instead of being home at him. It must be exhausting to live with a cuck when you have a real man just a few minutes away by car.”

Paige takes over stroking James as she speaks, and Kendall breathlessly nurses his balls. Clearly, the debauchery was too much for the young woman and has reduced her to a thoughtless, desperate slut for the time being. All she wants is James’ cum now, and she lifts herself to kiss and lick his cockhead before sucking him back in with a moan and throats him carelessly. Due to his size, she can only take a third of him, but that third is enough to bring her to climax.

Moaning around him, and choking around him, as she gushes, she can feel him swelling. Teary-eyed and shameless, she stares up at him and mewls, causing him to swell and spew shortly after. His hot seed sticks to her throat and warms her belly at first, and then he holds her there, choking her on his dick and his semen until it backs up and flows out of her nostrils.

She comes up sputtering when he releases her, coughing and moaning as Paige strokes him the rest of the way through his climax. James paints her hair afterward and messes her face while Paige gives a matronly coo as she milks James’ big, fat cock. “There we go, there’s a good girl,” she croons. “You did your daddy right tonight, sweetie. Now, take his load. Be a good little whore for your daddy.”

Paige milks James onto Kendall’s face and then shakes the last of his semen off as her daughter smiles. When offered his dick by her mother, Kendall takes him with a luxuriant mona, cleaning him with open glee as his semen soaks into her skin. Paige strokes him a few more times before leaving him entirely in Kendall’s eager and capable hands. She snuggles back up to James, kissing his arm and shoulder and whispering to him. “She did a good job tonight, didn’t she?” Paige grins. “She seemed to like her dessert.”

James laughed. “You two bitches are crazy,” he said, and he took himself by the root to wave his dick in Kendall’s face. She follows the movements and then puckers her lips to kiss him when he is still. “Think the cuck is going to be mad?”

Kendall, still kissing him, shrugs thoughtfully and then giggles. “I don’t know,” she says, licking her lips to taste him. “Maybe? He doesn’t say very much when he is angry. He just pouts.” She sighs again and kisses James’ dick. “He’s not a real man like you, daddy.”

Paige smiles. “Good,” she said. “He sounds like the ideal cuck: kind, loyal, and too much of a coward to rock the boat when you come home stinking of your daddy’s cum or ass.”

Licking James, Kendall can only purr in response.

James grins at the sight of his ex soaking and stinking with cum. The idea that Paige just gave him is too good to ignore. Cupping his hands, he barks, “Olivia! Get your faggot ass in here!” Oliver appears in lingerie, his tiny dick seemingly always hard and leaking. James takes his own dick away from Kendall and wags it in the air. “Take your sister’s place and clean my dick!” As Oliver joins them, James turns his sneer on Kendall. “And you, take your slut ass home as is and talk to your cuck. Send me a text later and tell me what he says.”

Kendall would normally argue, but she is too dick-drunk to say anything of value. Instead, she kisses his cockhead one last time and then stands to dress. She wears his cum as instructed and goes home with her nipples showing through her thin, now sperm-transparent blouse. She changes in James’ driveway, the semen there soaking into her clothes and making them clingy.

His hot cum is cold by the time she arrives, and the change in temperature helps her sober some. Guilt is settling where arousal once was, but she is without options. Kendall cannot drive back to James’ home—her mother’s home—to shower. Not without James’ permission. Besides, Jackson is already worried, and the girls are waiting.

Jackson meets her at the door, but Kendall does not stop to greet him as she enters. He smiles all the same when he sees her, even as she avoids her. By this time, James’ semen has slid down her face and gathered at the neckline of her blouse. Her skin is still glossy and her lips stretched. Her shirt clings to the form of her braless, bouncing breasts. Jackson’s eyes linger as she moves, and Kendall covers herself to avoid his gaze.

He quickly clears his throat and looks her in the eyes. “Hey, Kendall, welcome home. Did you have a nice visit?”

Kendall thinks back and gives an absent smile. “Yeah, cuck, I did.” She sees the hurt on his face and remembers her mother taking the phone. Cheeks burning, she quickly changes the subject. “How were the girls?”

Jackson, who had been smiling, is now crowning. “Fine,” he whispers, and he follows Kendall as she moves quietly toward the bathroom. He stops at the doorway once she is inside and watches her as she grabs her towel. “Kendall, we need to talk.”

Kendall pauses, towel in hand. She looks back at him and wonders what it is he has to say.

“I love you. I really do, but I don’t like that you’ve been calling me a cuck lately. I mean, I know it’s a joke and everything, but your mother has started calling me a cuck, too, and the girls have done it a few times as well. So, I’m asking you nicely, please stop.”

In the five months that Kendall has been with Jackson, this is the closest thing they have had to a fight. It is also the angriest she has ever seen Jackson, who has met her every insecurity and frustration with grace and patience. Even in times of stress, when her trauma would take hold and find her wild and senseless, Jackson has met violent words and even actions with gentle selflessness and affection.

Looking at him now, staring into the dark eyes which used to so captivate her, Kendall feels mixed guilt and disinterest. Inside, she is roiling, a volcano of shame threatening to erupt and spill over in a confession meant to absolve and free her. The scent of James thick in her hair and on her torso, however, keeps her steady. Skin sticky with his remaining semen, Kendall and bite back her self-loathing in service to a greater cause. James has spoken and made it clear that her continued infidelity to Jackson was a part of the punishment that both must endure, and his decrees are law.

Knowing the situation to be hopeless, Kendall recalls her mother’s advice and throws herself into her role. Turning away from him, she starts the water and murmurs, “Sorry, cuck, but I really need a shower.”

Standing in the doorway, Jackson regards Kendall’s back with a deepening frown. Kendall turns, expecting him to be waiting but surprised by the tension in his body. If it were James, she would have been frightened. Jackson, however, almost gets a laugh out of her. The hurt in his eyes is all that prevents it.

“Kendall, we really need to talk about this.”

Kendall hangs her head and sighs. “Do we really?” She tries to sound angry and manages it by latching onto the hatred she has for herself. At this point, she doesn’t even blame James. He is more akin to a natural disaster than a person, and his relationship with her mother and brother have proven that to her. James is base, as simple as simple can be. He operates only on rage and arousal and, like a child, if given a new toy, he is going to use it until it breaks.

Thanks to his new dick, Kendall is his new toy, and based on her actions lately, he is well on his way to breaking her. That he had the patience to fuck his way through her mother, brother, and friend was actually more a miracle than anything else. It showed greater ambition and forethought than anything else James has ever done in his life. In two years, Kendall had never seen that sort of planning out of him.

Jackson is equally innocent. Guilty only of his everlasting kindness, Kendall does resent him, but only because he lacks the tools required to protect her. Though she knows it is impossible, a part of her desperately wishes that Jackson had been the one blessed with the dick, that he was the one to seduce her, to tame her, and to fuck her into submission. She knows deep down, however, that even with an all-powerful cock, he wouldn’t have the personality needed to properly use it. James, as awful as he was, was well-suited for a wrist-thick mammoth dick capable of reducing women (and Oliver) into willing slaves.

Hurt by his hurt and feeding on his anger, Kendall rolls her eyes. “Listen, I’m sorry if it hurts your precious feelings, but I’m not going to stop just because you’re sad.”

Frown evolving into a scowl, Jackson crosses his arms and stares at her from the doorway. It is the closest to anger she has seen from him, and for a moment she remembers the pain James had inflicted on her for two years and is afraid that Jackson will hurt her, too. What would excite her with James, however, repulses her here. There is nothing sexy, she thinks, about Jackson’s small, baby-soft hands punishing her.

“How can you say you’re sorry if you won’t stop,” he snaps back, and Kendall finally turns to glare at him. This pushback, she decides, is way to little and far too late. She regards him with her hands on her hips, standing tall in defiance of him and glaring back at him with increased vigor.

“Know what, CUCK? I don’t have to give you a fucking answer. You either trust me or you don’t, so it doesn’t matter what I say to you. Me calling you anything, especially as a joke, doesn’t make it true!” What makes it true, she thinks, is the sperm James left all over my body without you knowing. She almost smiles but she is too angry to allow it. All she really wants is for the fight to end, for her shower to begin, and for her to find her way into bed next to him so that she can pretend the rest of the night is normal. Her emotional batteries are on empty, and she needs time to recharge them before her daddy comes calling again.

She approached the door and grabs hold of it, stopping with her hips cocked to one side as she holds his gaze. Jackson is hurt, but she can also tell by his body language that he is relenting. She pushes again to end this. “Now, can I take a shower or not? Because, as you can tell, I made a real mess of myself with my dessert, and I need to clean up.”

Still in the doorway, Jackson draws a deep breath and lets his calm in. “Yeah,” he sighs. “I’m sorry, I guess. I had just thought…Well, I guess I wasn’t really thinking at all.” He shrugs, looking anywhere but at her. “I guess I worry about my masculinity sometimes.” He laughs bitterly to himself. “Ironic because I’m not being a very good man getting this aggressive with you, considering your past.” He manages to look at her and is almost smiling bashfully. “I’m sorry, Kendall, and I love you.”

Kendall’s expression softens. She meets his gaze and nearly breaks into tears. A sad smile fills her face as he wipes her eyes.  On the few occasions that they do fight, Jackson always apologizes first. Kendall, not as ready with her words, would apologize with a hug or a kiss, but she can’t do that anymore. Her body isn’t his anymore. It’s not even hers to use as she pleases. Her body belongs entirely to James now.

“It’s okay,” she says. “I forgive you.” The words sound alien to her considering the conversation. Forgive him for what, she thinks, but aloud she says, “And I love you, too, cuck.” The word leaves her lips before she has time to reign it in. She smiles afterward to soften the blow, to make it into a joke. Jackson hesitates but smiles back. The hurt is there, though, and Kendall needs a break. She yawns. “Now, it’s getting late, and I want to grab a shower before I sneak in and say goodnight to the girls.”

Jackson nods quickly and turns partway. “Right, right,” he stops and looks over his shoulder, lingering in the hall of the bathroom as Kendall gives him a forlorn stare. “Um, hey, one question before I go.”

Kendall sighs, her affection for Jackson wilting the face of her growing impatience and frustration. “Yes,” she asks quietly. “What is it?”

“Your mom, when she wasn’t calling me a cuck,” says Jackson, “She was telling me that you met your new father today?”

Remembering James, Kendall nods and her nipples swell at the memory of him. “Yes,” she asked curtly. “As?”

Jackson shrugs and looks away, staring fixedly at the carpet on the floor. “I guess,” he says, kicking at the ground as a child might, “I just wanted to know where or what he is like.”

Kendal smiles to herself with her back turned. “He’s a big man,” she said, finishing with, “Strong.” She thinks of his big dick again and licks her lips, tasting the residual cum that had lingered and dried there before she spoke. She blinked her way out of her short-lived reverie,” Anyway.” She gave a smile which was short enough and precise enough that they did it to me without needing a kennel “I’ve really got to shower. See you in bed?”

Jackson, watching her from the hall, smiles and waves before closing the door after himself. Standing alone in the darkened hall, he stares at the bathroom door. Inside is Kendall, his fiancé, his true love, and he is oblivious to the real her that has taken root and is seeding its “See you in bed,” he whispers, and he turns to go to the bedroom.

Months Earlier…

Allyson called into work as soon as she woke up the next day. Normally a very good employee, this was her first time calling in since the new year, and she felt silly and ashamed for doing it. She had went to sleep intending to go, but her pussy felt empty when she woke up and the promise of James’ big, thick cock as a reward for her obedience was good great to ignore. So she called in, first, and then she goggled local places to get something done about waxing her body on short notice.

It took her nearly an hour to find a place and another hour after that to drive there. Afterward, she stopped to buy herself some lingerie on the way home. It was blue and sheer, hugging her thick figure in all the right areas and exposing pale flesh tactically to emphasize her form. Her body was still sore from the waxing and a bit swollen in places, but she looked good, and she could understand why James wanted it done.

She was on the way out when she got a call from her boyfriend, her own, more disappointing James, and she answered it without thinking. “Hello?”

She was paying when she heard his voice and held her phone pinched between her shoulder and cheek as she ran it on her credit card. Her breasts bounced with her purposeful footfalls on the way out of the store.

“Allyson, sweetie, is everything okay? Daphne said you called in today, and I got worried.”

Allyson rolled her eyes. Once, she might have found this sort of fussing attractive, even endearing. After being exposed to James, however, she was feeling different. “I am fine,” she said, and her tone betrayed her annoyance. She hadn’t always been this irritated by him, but now she couldn’t even say his name without thinking of a better man. Her James just seemed like a waste of time. She got to her car and opened it. “I just had something to take care of today.”

“Okay, well, I love you, babe,” said her boyfriend as she reached her car. “I hope you have a good day.”

“Thanks,” said Allyson as she imagined showing off her smoothly waxed womanhood to James. She smiled. “Talk to you later.”

Allyson hung up knowing full well that she had no intention of talking to him. At this point, she doubted that she even loved him or held love for him. Comparing him to James was not kind. Between the two, the new James was clearly superior, so much so that he completely reframed her entire relationship. As a result, she began to wrestle with the question of how she could continue to love a man whom she now found so revolting.

Allyson grew wet on the drive home as she thought about James. She wondered how he would like her lingerie and laughed as she thought about Chambers. He would never see her in this lingerie or even see her naked again. She should really break it off with him, she decided, because while she hated to miss work, she would do it again for James in a heartbeat, and she didn’t want there to be questions the next time it happened. The feel of her wet panties against her smooth pussy was something of a comfort to her, however.

James’ truck was waiting when she pulled up, and he got out to meet her after she parked. She stared at him in awe. Chambers’ own truck wasn’t home yet, but Allyson wouldn’t care if it was. She had other, better things to worry about and felt certain that, if Chambers were home, it wouldn’t come to blows. Even if it would, she felt comfortable that James would win the fight. Even still, if James did lose, well, she would choose him anyway.

She met James at his truck, staring up at him with a smile. “James!”

James stared down at her imperiously. Allyson was a short woman, and though James was about as tall her boyfriend, he felt taller to her. She could smell him even inches apart, the smell of unwashed sweat, and it made her wet. Looking at her, he said a single word: “Slut.” That alone left her shaking with want.

Taking hold of his hand, she led him up to her apartment and showed him inside. There, she led him to her couch before returning to lock the front door, and then she brought him a beer on ice and put the rest she bought into the fridge for him. James watched her with a smile as she returned to wait on him. “I think I’ma’ like you,” he growled, swatting her big, meaty ass before slurping his beer. Allyson responded with a smile.

“I bought some other things for you,” she said. She spooky nervously, with a giddy, teenage lilt to her voice. Everything about him made her feel dainty. “Can I leave you to go get changed.”

James burped. “Fine. Go ahead, but I better like it when you get back.”

Allyson, blushing bright red, giggled on her way out of the room. “Oh, I think you will.”

Alone in her room, Allyson set her phone aside but saw a message from her boyfriend. It read, hey, I saw your car out front. Can I come over? She smiled and whispered to herself. “Dumbass.” Then, she typed a quick message saying, no, busy right now. <3<3<3 Afterward, she tossed her phone onto her bed to be forgotten for the night.

She stripped naked and stared at herself in the mirror. She was voluptuous, her heavy breasts swinging ponderously and capped by long, swollen pink nipples. Her pussy was smooth and gleaming. She stood with her hands on her hips and her wavy black hair swept back. This body, she decided, was wasted on her boyfriend. She was meant for someone bigger, someone better, and remembering her new James, she dressed quickly.

The lingerie hugged her figure, accentuating the thickness of her thighs and breasts while also displaying the suppleness of her form. Her nipples showed through the sheer, blue fabric, and so did the leaking lips of her vulva. Her arousal had the fabric wet and dripping. Before returning to James, Allyson stopped to tie back her messy hair, and when she returned, she was proud to see him watching her with a smile.

She stopped before him and displayed herself. He had almost finished his beer and made a point to down the rest of it while she stood before him. Lifting her arms like she had before, she shoved out her bosom for him to see. “Is this good enough for you?”

James laughed. “Fuck yeah, it is. Get your ass over here and let me look at you.”

Allyson approached giggling, stopping just at his feet and letting him touch and move her. His rough hands roamed her body, squeezing, groping, and directing her. He crushed her heavy breasts in his giant palms, pinning them to her body before letting them fall and watching them move. He smacked them, too, and guffawed as they swayed. “Shit, you got yourself some big, fat milk-cow titties, don’t you?”

Enjoying his praise, Allyson giggled again and swung her breasts for him. His words were crude but not without merit. Her breasts were quite large, and she remembered how well they fit around his cock. It was a blessing, she decided, to be so well-suited for James, but he had already lost interest in her bosom and had turned her by her hips to slap her ass.

“And a big ass to keep you from falling over.” Cupping her ass, squeezing it hard, James growled. “Fuck, you’re a thick one, ain’t you?”

Having previously hated her figure before, Allyson suddenly took pride in it. She looked at James over her shoulder and nodded. “I am.”

James grinned as he looked her over. He could smell her arousal from where he sat, and he could see it on her thighs and in the stiffness of her long nipples. “And you went out and bought all this shit for me?” Reaching forward, he hooked her panties in his hand and peeled them to the side to reveal her smoothly glistening peach. Slipping his finger inside, he feels around and whistles. “Shits smooth as a baby’s bottom now.”

James smiled at her. Seated, he was nearly as tall as she was and could easily bury his face into her enormous cleavage from here. Allyson was desperate to see him do it, too. In the lingerie she viewed herself as a buffet, and she looked forward to when James lost control and decided to dig in.

“Been a busy day, huh, slut?” Shifting his fingers under the fabric, James found her pussy and eased one thick finger inside. Allyson gasped and nodded, barely able to hold her breath back. He felt good inside of her, better than her ex’s full length, especially once his knuckle reached her labia. Tickling her inside, James brought her to a climax.

Allyson whined and held James by the shoulder as she murmured through her climax. “Oh. James! Oh, God!” As she settled, she smiled down at him. James smiled back.

“You like that, slut?”

“Yes,” Allyson said, nodding and sending her dark hair swinging. “Your fingers are so thick they almost feel like a dick.” She whimpers. “It’s so good!”

James laughed. “Yeah? And what do you like more, my fingers or your boyfriend’s dick?”

Keeping balanced by holding his shoulders as the world swings and sways around her, Allyson flexed her pussy around his finger. She stared into his cold eyes with a smile. He was such a big man, even compared to her own James, and when she did compare the two, she felt cheated. It made her angry to know that Kendall had this James, the better James and chose to throw him away for Jackson. Even more angering is the knowledge that Allyson had wasted so long on an inferior product.

James moved inside of her, rousing her again, and she moaned. “Your fingers,” she whined, and then she laughed. “Heck, your fingers feel like they might even be bigger than he is down there.”

Laughing, James rammed his fingers in to the knuckle and felt her squeeze him. “Now, that’s just cruel,” he said, and Allyson held him by the shoulders and shrugged. Then, she moaned as he added a second finger. “If that’s the case, then we know something that’s even bigger than that.”

Staring through the valley between her breasts, Allyson can just see his big, fat cock beyond his protruding belly. Even with his fat in the way, she cannot help but notice his enormity, his perfection. She mewled as a climax neared, and she sighed in disappointment when he removed his fingers entirely from her.

James stood, moving her with his body as he did. He towered over her, and she stood against his belly, staring up at him like he was her world. At this point, he practically was. “Let’s go to the bedroom where we can do this more comfortably,” he said, snorting like a bull afterward.

Allyson nodded shakily and took him by his big, rough hands. His fingers were still wet from her, and she chewed her bottom lip before whispering to him, “Yes, sir.”

James led them and undid his belt on the way. Inside the bedroom, it was dark, with only the light from the living room to see by. James reached back and took Allyson by the hair, dragging her forward and throwing her onto the bed. She landed heavily on her arms and then rolled over to watch him open his pants. He stepped out of them to reveal his massive cock. Though he wasn’t fully erect yet, he was close, and he took hold of his own shaft while standing next to the bed.

“Get hat shit off. I wanna fuck you bare.”

Allyson nodded shakily and scrambled out of her lingerie. The fabric fit her tight and was a struggle to come off. She couldn’t get the panties off before James was in the bed with her. Erect, James just reached out and hooked his finger in the crotch of her panties, ripping the fabric as he lined up to take her.

At rest on her back, Allyson held her legs wide. James opened them wider with one big hand and holding himself steady with the other. Allyson was gushing beneath him, body primed for him but eyes wide as she saw his full length. He moved her and treated her with masculine indifference, but she wanted him. She wanted to be used by him more than anything else in the world.

James glared down at her, his fat crown at the entrance of her pussy. “You ready?”

Hands clutched to her chest, holding her enormous breasts together for him, Allyson nodded timidly and winced as he entered her. He had fucked her before, and this time was just the same as the last time only better. Prepared for him, her body knew it roles and fulfilled it beautifully, opening for him and hugging him, urging him into her depths. As he slid deeper, his crown kissed her cervix, and she came for him.

A raspy whine escaped her lips as she writhed against him. Opening her eyes, she found James’ big body looming over her. He smiled a crooked, uncaring smile, built on narcissism and primal pleasure. Allyson smiled it back, a mirror reflecting the pleasure without a thought for herself.

“Now how do I compare?”

Allyson, moaning and wriggling like an animal in heat, wanted more. She held him by his big arms and squeezed them, feeling the muscle beneath the fat. Below, she hugged him with her womanhood and whined, “Compare to what?”

“How does my dick compare to your boyfriend’s dick, slut?”

Allyson laughed a distant, mewling laugh full of hate and cruelty, because if anything made her hate her boyfriend, it was this moment. All she wanted was this James, and he was the only thing she wanted on her mind. That he was taking the time to ask about her boyfriend displayed his own vanity, of course, but she still blamed her boyfriend for it. If she were single, then James would only care about how he broke her and ruined her. With a boyfriend to consider, he harassed her with questions about superiority.

“Better,” she growled, and James began to move. He moved slowly to start, not for the sake of her pleasure but to build up speed. Allyson wanted him deeper and held him by the hips but lacked the strength or the leverage to move him how she pleased. “You’re better, James. In every way, you’re bigger, harder, and deeper than him. You are better!”

James licked his lips and stabbed her deep again. His crown hit her cervix, and she wailed as pain and pleasure mingled inside of her. Holding him, her vision blurred as she came. His dick was so hard, so big, and it speared her open, and she loved every single inch of him. “Do you hate him,” James asked, clutching her, grinning as she stared up at him in a daze of pleasure.

Allyson squirmed beneath him as he picked up speed. James was big, heavy, and he used his body weight to hammer her harder. She felt her cervix opening, softening, parting for him. It hurt, but every time withdrew from her, she felt empty. She wanted him back inside of her. Most of all, she wanted him in to the root. She whined, “Yes,” and there were tears in her eyes and a wail in her throat as he went deep.

She felt disembodied with James inside of her, shaking and moaning as saliva ran down her cheeks. She coughed and clawed, coming harder than she had ever come before. Opened for him, she took him to her womb and from that moment on, she never looked back. If there was any doubt left in her, it had been fucked forcefully out of her. Allyson was James’ woman, and she was happier for it.

James felt the shift in her and grinned. Cupping her head, he pulled her into a sloppy kiss. It was graceless, without affection, all tongue and spittle. She drank his saliva like it was ambrosia, sucking his tongue and mewling happily at what she could taste. He broke her, and she worshipped him for it.

In that moment, her boyfriend became nothing to them. James, this James, was the only James she knew. Legs crushed against her body, his big frame pinning her to the mattress, all she could smell was sweat and sex. Clutching him, holding him, she cried as he whispered into her ear. “Your pussy just got broken up, didn’t it? That means you’re mine now, slut.”

Allyson, holding him, nodded. She was sore but satisfied, happier than she had ever been. There were tears in her eyes as she cried with joy and gratitude over the future she had been given. Mewling, she whispered back, “Yes! James, I’m yours! Only yours! You own me! You fuck me! My pussy! My body! All of it is yours! Fuck me, James! Fuck your pussy! Use me to come!”

Sitting up with a wheezed, James held her by the thighs and began to fuck her hard. His strokes were long and heavy, his immense weight behind each one. He hammered her womb with his thick crown as Allyson came repeatedly through the pain. She would be sore in the morning, but for the moment, she was grateful. The ache made the pleasure feel that much better to her.

Fucking her harder and deeper, James swelled fatter inside of her. Allyson, having experienced him before, knew what was to come and tightened accordingly. When James came, he deposited himself into her depths to give her all his seed. Allyson clung to him, swelling with his semen as she rode out his orgasm in blank, orgasmic bliss. As he finished inside of her, she was lost to him, her inside full, his shaft plugging her up.

Grunting and panting above her, James released her milky thighs and found them bruised. Laughing, her smacked her pussy once with his rough hands to wake her, and then withdrew. As she stirred, he slapped his spent shaft down across her face as her pussy gushed semen like a ripe fruit. Allyson giggled and licked him in response while he sneered down at her. “There we go,” he growled. “Now we got you fucked properly, didn’t we?”

Allyson, face wet with their combined juices, suffocating on their raw sex, purred in agreement. He fed her his hairy balls, and she breathed him in deep, knowing that he had marked her, knowing that he now owned her. She didn’t care, except that she was excited about it. She wanted everyone to know. She wanted Kendall to know.

James held her in place, allowing her to nurse him and tongue him. It was a big job to clean his spent cock, and Allyson was both inexperienced and hesitant. Though she was loyal, James knew it was a lot to ask. He didn’t mind her reluctance, only having dominated Paige before her. He had little to compare her depravity against and felt confident that he would see Allyson equally loyal in time. For the moment, at least, she was obedient if distracted, and once he was adequately cleaned, he climbed off the bed and held his dick to her face for her to kiss before dressing.

James left Allyson after that, hardly paying her attention. Allyson laid in the mess, her pussy open, weeping semen, her body already sore. The arousal was still there, but it had died to cinders rather than the inferno it had once been. She climbed carefully from the bed and walked slowly to the shower for a long, hot soak, and she had just finished when she heard knocking at her front door.

Still leaking semen, she felt giddy as she rushed to the door in only a towel. She still hurt, but she was excited thinking that James had returned for another fuck. Instead, she found the wrong James on the other side and that eager excitement left her within the space of a breath. She stared at him dead eyed, adjusting her towel to hide her body from his prying eyes. “Oh. It’s you.”

He smiled meekly at her, his cheeks red as he eyed her form. He hadn’t noticed the semen running down her thighs and was too bashful to examine her closely. The sight of her voluptuous body barely contained by the towel was enough to have him hard, Allyson noted in disgust. “Sorry, is this a bad time,” he asked, looking away.

James would have already been inside and had her towel off, she realized, and she felt even more perturbed. “I guess not.” She turned to walk away, leaving the door open after her without inviting him in. She went to change, quickly pulling on regular panties and a bra before finding her heaviest, longest sweater and slipping into it. With curves like hers, it was impossible to hide them completely, but she made no effort with him. With a wimp like this James, he would be too ‘polite’ to check her out. Even if he did, he would only see her leaking pussy. She felt so wrong for wasting so much time on him.

Feeling suddenly hungry, Allyson passes him in the living room on her way into the kitchen.  He closed the door behind him and followed her like a sad puppy. She was just stuffing something frozen into the microwave when he entered the kitchen, and she stopped him with a glare. “Do you need something?” She almost said his name, but she felt like he didn’t deserve it anymore.

“I just thought we could hang out,” he said. “I haven’t seen you all day.”

“I’ve been busy,” she said, and she returned to the fridge. That fuck had been hard and rough, and it had taken a lot out of her. Now that she was certain that James wasn’t returning, she felt the need to fuel up for the next time she saw him. Adrenaline had carried her this time, but now it was fading and the ache was setting in. She wanted a warm supper, a cold dessert, and an ice pack to see her through the night.

She closed the fridge and looked at her boyfriend. “I’m sorry, could you go? I’m really tired, and we can talk later or something.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry,” he said, showing himself back to the door. He seemed sad, but he didn’t say it or show it much. He did stop at the door to stare at her. “Hey, uh, one question, what’s that smell in here?”

Allyson, thighs wet with semen, grinned to herself. The entire apartment stunk of sex. It was, honestly, one of the few things keeping her going. “Don’t know,” she said, and staring at him with haunted dismissal, she muttered a goodnight.

He left, and Allyson locked the door after him. Certain that he was confused, she was also glad to see him gone. She didn’t really care how he felt anymore. Really, she hardly saw him as much of a boyfriend, and she certainly didn’t feel like his girlfriend. No, she told herself, she belonged to someone else, someone much better and far more deserving of her time.


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