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Vol. 2

Chapter Eleven: Betrayal

Months Earlier…

Paige entered her house with a paper bag folded and tucked under her right arm. She was dressed in a plain black tee with a pair of jeans hugging her gentle, womanly curves. Climbing the stairs, she joined James in the living room and immediately took her place at his feet. Unrolling the bag, she poured its contents onto the floor, revealing several colorful dildos of various sizes, each flat at their base. Half-naked on her couch, James watched her with a bemused grin.

“I got them,” Paige said, smiling back at him as she held up one of the dildos for him to see.

James had an open beer in his hand. He wore a stained t-shirt with his big belly sticking out and a pair of stretched underwear. To Paige’s trained eyes, he was the sexiest human being she had ever seen. The fat of his belly was hardly noticed over the way his fat shaft filled his underwear, plump despite his lack of arousal. Each of the dildos were smaller than him, and Paige had made a point to look for a few very large ones that might compete.

“I see what you got. What are they for?”

Paige laughed and lined the dildos up from smallest to largest. “They’re for my ass, James. I told you that I would get it ready for you, and I am.” Paige eyed them with a smile. Each of them was larger than her ex. Repositioning them precisely, Paige wondered if she could ever find one which might measure up to James’ incredible length or girth.

James just sat watching her, awed by the transformation of a woman who hated him so much. He laughed to himself, almost in disbelief of what he was hearing, and he asked, “You’re really gonna shove one of them up your ass?”

Paige gave him a smile. “The plan is to shove all of them up there,” she said. “Then, once I’m ready, I’m going to shove you up there, too.” She winked at him and picked up the third, smallest dildo. Holding it up, she laughed. “Funny. I used to think this was big.” She shrugged. “Oh well. It will be a good place for me to start.”

Standing, she shimmied out of her jeans and out of her panties afterward. Her smooth, waxed womanhood glistened with her arousal, and James watched her with an absent smile, aware that her grooming was done to appease him and no one else. Her large breasts bounced with each of her movements, and his gaze was drawn to them as she bent over to pick up the smallest dildo again.

She turned the dildo over in her hand before pressing it to her lips. Licking it and sucking to wet it, she then eased it into her wet gashed with a moan. As she did, she flexed and held it inside of her. Then, standing before James with her legs parted and her womanhood on display, she laughed. “Would you look at that,” she said, smiling at him. She bit her bottom lip. “Mm. It’s nothing compared to you.”

James had thickened some as he watched her, and he laughed with a big, dumb smile on his cruel, fat face. “Fuck, you’re a dick drunk slut, ain’t you?”

Prancing around for him, Paige shrugged. “I’m lucky,” she said. “Not every woman gets to have a man like you in their life.” She turned to show off her plump bottom to James, who took to staring at it immediately while he sipped his beer.

“What do you mean a man like me?”

Paige picked up the last two dildos and kneeled at James’ feet. With her free hand, she cupped his manhood and took to rubbing him through his briefs. She smiled as she did so, watching him swell, feeling him throb in her hand and reveling in his size. “A big man,” she purred. “A real man.” She stared him in the eyes. “May I pull your big, fat dick out? There’s something I want to show you.”

James, still holding a beer, shrugged. “Sure, why the fuck not?”

Paige chuckled. “Exactly,” she purred, and setting her dildos to the side she hooked his briefs with her fingers and waited for him to lift his hips. When he did, she quickly yanked his brief down his fat, hairy legs as his enormous manhood came into view with appropriate gravity. His shaft came to rest heavily across his thighs, and she stared down the length of his legs into the darkened valley of his crotch. James parted his legs for her afterward, giving her a clearer view of his dark, tangled pubic region. His shaft was improbably long and plump, even while limp, and so were his heavy, horse-sized testicles.

“Well, hello there, handsome,” she purred, and leaning forward she breathed in his musky, masculine stench before kissing each of his testicles. Holding him, she stroked him, and her kisses turned to licks. Soon, her licks were slurps as she brought him skillfully and eagerly to a full, massive erection in her right hand. When finished, she kissed her way up his thick dick to his crown, and there kissed him again while staring him in the eyes.

James stared back, mesmerized by her.

Paige stayed there a moment longer, stroking him from root to crown. Then, she sat back and licked her lips. “And that’s how you bring a stud to an erection. Any questions?”

“Yeah,” James grunted. “When the fuck did you get so slutty?”

Paige laughed before saying, “It’s actually a very funny story. There was a stud who decided that he was going to marry me and make me his slut, so he came to my house and made me blow him. After that, he fucked me, and since then he has moved in and trained me to be his slut.” She kissed his dick. “So, that’s where,” she finished.

Slurping down beer, James burped and then laughed. “Didn’t take much. You were a natural.”

Holding him by the root, Paige nuzzled him and winked. “For you, I am.” Reaching over, she grabbed one of her dildos, the middle-size one, and set it to rest on the couch beside him. Then, grabbing another dildo, she began stroking him from crown to root with slow, laborious affection. “Now, let’s see,” she said, picking up the smaller of the two dildos and holding it to his root. She compared them and found James was far longer and thicker than the dildo in her hands. It reached to perhaps half his length and seemed so thin that Paige was afraid it would be a waste to even use it. “This one is small.” She smiled at him, licking her lips. “Much, much smaller than you.”

Setting aside the first dildo, she grabbed the second and held it up to compare. This one was considerably larger but still much smaller compared to James. It was maybe three-quarters of his length, but nothing compared to his girth. Paige noted how her fingers could meet around the dildo, with the thumb and her middle finger barely touching around the base. James, however, was far too large for that.

Paige whistled at the results. “And this one is smaller, too,” she said with open pride. Setting the second aside, she reached between her legs. Balancing herself with her hand on his crotch, she grabbed the third dildo and worked it around her moist insides with a purr. “Mm. And both of those are larger than this one,” she said, and she pulled the smallest dildo from her tight, hungry snatch and held it, gleaming, up against James. The size difference was laughable. The dildo was half his length, and in girth looked fun-sized compared to his full-course meal.

James, laughed, too, and Paige smiled to hear it. “So, of course you’re much, much larger than this one. Twice its size.” Returning the dildo between her legs, she lined it up along her pussy and then bypassed it, finding the cleft of her ass instead and easing the dildo in there. She stretched with a moan, her butthole parting and almost sucking the dildo inside, as if excited for James’ eventual arrival.

Paige took the dildo to the root with a whine. “Ah! And now it’s in my ass, just like you will be once I’m ready for you!”

James stared with an absent smile, harder than he had ever been in his whole life. It was difficult for him to truly fathom the changes that had taken place in Paige’s pretty head. With a dildo firmly wedged inside of her, she leaned forward and took to showering his root with kisses, and she buried her face into his pubic hair to breathe him in. It was a stark contrast to the woman he had known. She had once hated James, as she seemed to hated everyone and everything. Now, she breathed him and tasted him in earnest worship.

Her devotion to him was simple, animal. She slobbered on him, and she stroked him, and she stared him in the eyes. Her every movement was meant to give him pleasure and to prove to him her willing and eager obedience. She loved James completely, with every breathe, with every touch, and James could see it in her all the time.

With her hand still between her legs, she began rubbing herself. Once her fingers were adequately wetted, she used them to carry her pussy juices to his shaft and applied it there. James, feeling this, realizing her intent, swelled thicker, and Paige smiled in response. Lowering herself, she nursed his testicles as she lubricated his shaft with her own arousal. “Mm,” she purred. “That seemed to turn you on.”

James grinned, partially stunned by her sluttiness, partially intoxicated by it. Seeing Paige, a woman who only cared about alcohol and hurt, made into a shameless, sobering slut was validating him in ways which nearly rewrote the heartache that brought him to her. “Shit,” he growled. “It always turns me on to see you being such a slut.”

Slurping him wetly, Paige grinned, too, before sitting back to say, “All women are sluts for men like you, James.” Holding him in both hands, marveling at his girth, she laughed. “Eleven-and-a-half inches is a lot of bargaining power, you know.”

James allowed a snort of laughter while watching her. “That’s what I’m finding out.” He flexed in her hands to make her coo, and then laughed quietly to himself as she leaned forward to kiss and sniff him. She used her pussy juices to add more lubrication to him and between that and his precum, she soon had him gleaming. Sitting back again, she stroked him with both hands, seemingly mesmerized by him. In truth, James was impressed, too. “You gonna stroke me, Paige?”

Paige nodded with a smile, and James growled.

“Yeah, you gonna take my load across your pretty, slutty face?”

Licking her lips, Paige smiled. “If that’s where you want it, then yes.” She stared down his length and added, “Otherwise, you can leave it wherever you like.” She kissed his shaft and stared him in the eyes. “My body is yours to play with, James.”

James laughed breathlessly as he throbbed in her hands. He could see the clear and obvious joy she took in stroking him, and he was intoxicated it but also felt the need to retake power. James enjoyed the vulnerability he had with Paige, but he could not allow himself to indulge in it for long. His entire life was one trial meant to prove him broken or worthless, and he had to do what he could to prove to himself that he had worth. Paige was completely devoted, but he wanted continued proof of her devotion, and he wanted power over her.

Reaching out, James smacked her across the face. It was a gentle smack but still unwarranted. Paige almost never challenged his authority, but he still made sure that his authority remained. “Damn straight it is,” he growled. “You still gonna marry me?”

Smiling, Paige kissed his fingers and purred. “Of course, James. I will be yours as long as you will have me.”

James throbbed again and forced his fingers into her mouth. He swelled fatter as he felt his balls tightened. Paige realized what was happening and wore her smile around his fingers as she sucked them. James, meanwhile, growled, “Of course I’ll have you, but I’ma’ have others, too. I’m going to marry you while I build myself a whole city of sluts, and your traitor fucking daughter is gonna to be one of them.”

Paige, wearing her smile as he fingered her face, nearly laughed. Kendall was a tall claim but, holding James’ pulsing, throbbing manhood, she believed he could do it before anyone else even had a chance. His veiny shaft was near to bursting, and she was afraid he might literally explode before he had the chance to figuratively explode.

Reaching out, James took her by the hair and dragged her about as he growled, “Bout to nut!”

Paige opened her lips to catch his cum and was not disappointed. A hot rope of semen jumped from his swollen, red crown and splattered across her face. She managed to catch the next two in her mouth and swallowed them down as she stroked him through his climax. Hot sperm gathered on her face and body, and she licked it up as she shivered in climax. Her orgasm was smaller than those he brought her when fucking her, but it kept her loyal. When he was finished, she took to sucking him as he sighed.

“Now, that was a good load,” he said, his head lulling back. He patted her head carefully to avoid the cum in her hair. “You sure know how to stroke a dick, Paige.”

She laughed around him. “You sure have a lot of dick to practice with, James.” Teasing him, she danced her tongue around his glans, sucking up the last of his cum before setting him to rest on his fat, hairy thigh. With his shaft to the side, she leaned forward to kiss his balls. “Mm. I’m going to go clean up before I start supper.”

As she stood, James took her by the hand, pulling her to a stop as he called her name. “Paige!” She turned to him with a sticky smile, her nipples swollen and her pussy moist. “I’m really gonna marry you,” he said. “I’ma’ use you to punish Kendall, but I will marry you. You know that, right?”

Paige, still smiling, laughed. She was covered in his cum but, to him, she looked almost elegant. “I know, James, and I’m going to buy myself the biggest engagement ring I can find so everyone else knows it, too.” She squeezed his hand. “I’m your slut, James, and I’m your woman, too. Soon, whenever you want it to happen, I’ll be your bride.” Giggling, she added, “As for Kendall, you can have anything and everything you want.” Lifting his hand, she kissed his fingers before slipping from his grasp.

James watched her go, the plug worked into her ass, and felt himself stirring. The vulnerability was a new thing for him, but he liked it and, with the weight of his shaft heavy against his thigh, it reassured him that he could control it. Every attempt he made to break her only seemed to make her more loyal, and in a way, he was grateful for that.

Present Day…

Kendall is horny on her way home. She had dropped off the girls and Jackson, professing love for each of them but calling the latter a cuck as she did it. James, she knew, will be waiting for her, and her pussy is wet with anticipation. She imagines him on her bed, his legs parted, his fat shaft in the air as he sits and farts on Jackson’s pillow. The plug is wedged deeper into her asshole from how she sits, and she wriggles to let it tickle her insides. She hopes James will spank her as he uses her and then wonders where thoughts like that come from.

James’ truck is waiting when she comes home, and her already swollen nipples throb with wanton excitement. She parks and quickly strips down to her slut tank top and shorts, leaving her normal clothes folded neatly on the passenger seat for her later. Then, rounding the car, she hurries to the front door excited to meet him. When she finds him, however, she is surprised to see that he has brought company with him.

He is very much how Kendall imagined he would be. He is on her bed with his pants off and big, hairy ass on Jackson’s pillow. His dick is of course hard and massive in size, looking normal only by comparison to his big, burly body. He is not alone on the bed, however, nor is he stroking himself as she had expected. Instead, he is in the care of a thickly built woman composed entirely of pale curves and dark curls. This woman has her dark hair swept to one side as she slaves over James’ thick cock. James watches her with an easy smile, a single hand in her hair to guide her as she slobbers on him. In his other hand, he holds an open beer.

When James sees Kendall, he regards her with a smile and a salute with his beer. “Oh, hey, slut, bout time you got home.” James turns his smile back down at the woman sucking him. “Sorry about this. Little slut couldn’t wait anymore, so we went ahead and invited ourselves in. Hope you don’t mind. Already took the liberty of getting the cuck’s pillow ready myself.”

With his dick still stretching the pale woman’s pink lips, James grinds his ass against Jackson’s pillow. Kendall, drunk on the sight of him and on the excitement still lingering from her ride home, bites her cheek to keep from smirking. There is something comically erotic about James’ juvenility and simple scope of revenge. He has already fucked her senseless and built himself a possible harem with his big cock alone, and yet he still amuses himself by grinding and farting on the pillow of a man who unintentionally slighted him.

James takes a drink of beer and burps before waving Kendall over with one of his big hands. “Well, don’t just stand there like a dumb bitch. Come over and join us.” He squeezes his shaft. “I got plenty of dick to go around.”

Kendall knows that is true. To call James well-endowed is like calling fire hot; it is a technically accurate statement that is also severely understated. The woman salivating on him looks familiar, Kendall realizes, but it isn’t until she is on the bed with them that Kendall recognizes her. She stops to stare as recognition hits, and she timidly guesses, “Allyson?”

Allyson, naked save for the lingerie, ignores Kendall at first. Like Paige, she is so wrapped up in her worship of James that she hardly has time or interest in anything outside of him. James, however, lifts Allyson by her dark hair and smacks her lightly with his open palm as a means of drawing her notice. She sees Kendall then, her eyes still lust glossed, and she smiles as she continues to stroke and lick James with Kendall watching.

James points at Kendall. “This slut is talking to you,” he says, and he regards Kendall with a big, shit-eating grin as Allyson returns to sucking him. “Sorry bout that. Sluts like you two just can’t help it. When my dick is out, ya’ll just go kind of brain dead.”

Kendall nods, knowing that is true, too, and she joins them on the bed. They are in a small twin bed, the one which Jackson had before she moved in, and there isn’t much room with James’ big body dominating the center of it. Allyson is curled on her knees over one of James’ legs, slobbering and drooling on him. Kendall assumes her position straddling James’ other leg and buries her face into his thick pubic hair to breath in big nosefuls of him before wetting her lips in preparation to suck him.

James stops her by putting his cold beer bottle to the back of her neck. She sits up with a shock and stares him in the eyes only to find him sneering at her. “The fuck you think you’re doing,” he asks, his voice light and amused but carrying a dangerous undertone.

Kendall stops and stares at him. To the side, she can see Allyson in her periphery, nursing James and watching her. Kendall searches James’ baboon grin and cold eyes for a clue as to his expectations but finds none. Swallowing, she whispers, “I—I was going to help her suck your cock…!”

James smacks her just as he finishes saying it. The smack is open palmed and light enough to keep her steady, but it does leave her cheek red and aching. She hears Allyson giggle off to the side, but as her eyes focus, she finds the dark-haired woman slurping on James again, eyes closed, focus entirely on him.

Meanwhile, James laughs. “Nah, you dumb cunt.  You ain’t earned it yet.” He nods and wiggles his toes. “Show your little friend Allyson what a good little slut you are.”

Kendall nods and repositions herself at the edge of the bed, with her ass up in the air. James’ shoes and socks are already off, and though his feet lack the sweat she has come to love so much, they do stink. She breathes deeply of this familiar scent and, finding it welcoming, breathes it in again just to enjoy it before she showers his heel with kisses. Gradually, she extends her tongue and licks her way up to his toes, which she begins sucking noisily.

James smiles. “Watch this, slut. Look at how broken this bitch is.” James redirects Allyson, who is quick to obey. Still stroking James, she smiles as she watches Kendall tonguing his foot and toes.

Kendall, at the edge of drunken arousal but kept coherent by the sting in her cheek, notices her friend’s eyes on her and closes her own eyes to compensate. She focuses on the flavor of James’ unwashed feet as she suckles his toes like they were tiny cocks. The flavor of him overwhelms her and eases the pain in her cheek, and she moans around them as she works her tongue between and around them.

Watching, Allyson giggles against James’ dick. She moves one hand down to cup his balls while kissing his cockhead. “Wow, what a slut,” she says, and she looks up at James, leaning into him and smelling his chest as she pouts. “You’re way too good for her, James, and you’re wasting your time with her every time you fuck her.” Returning her gaze to Kendall, she fixes a glare on her. “She deserves what she gets with her cuck’s tiny dick after what she did to you. You should have fucked her once and forgot her afterward!”

James, at comfort in anger, laughs as he gathers Allyson’s hair. He pulls it over her shoulder, exposing her enormous, swaying breasts to Kendall’s view. Kendall, toes in her mouth, is momentarily paused by the liquid motion of Allyson’s massive, pale breast as they sway and shift in response to the movements of her stroking hands. She has always known Allyson to be very well-endowed, but seeing her gargantuan bosom unclothed is still a shock to her. She goes wide-eyed before licking the arch of James’ foot.

Still grinning, James cups and crushes one of Allyson’s breasts with one of his big hands. “You know, I appreciate your support an all, but it ain’t your decision to make.” Releasing her breast, he smacks it and earns a coo from her. “You ain’t any less a slut than her, and from where I am, you ain’t any less guilty. So, you let me punish her, and I’ll keep punishing you, too.”

Moaning, Allyson spits down his shaft to keep him wet and strokes the saliva in. “Of course. I’m sorry for even opening my stupid cow mouth.”

“It’s fine,” he says, and he shrugs afterward. “Now, while we watch her work, why don’t you go ahead and fill her in on how you ended up my slut.”

Stroking him with both hands, Allyson licks her lips and smiles. Her breasts bounce and sway, and her nipples show through the sheer cups of her bra. “Gladly,” she mewls, and as she speaks James reaches down to cup her plump bottom with one hand while using the other hand to yank a bra cup down and expose one breast. Her heavy right breast spills out, exposing her swollen pink nipple standing long and thick on her striking pink areola. Her breast is very fair, and James cups it with his free hand and yanks her to him roughly. Allyson, slave to his pleasures, moans and strokes his precum-sticky, saliva-slick crown as he feeds on her breast.

Caressing his head, she purrs. “Mm, as you can see, Kendall, I am James’ slut, too, and it all started when you tricked me into helping you abandon him.” Her smile turns into a frown as she stares at Kendall. “After that, James came to my apartment looking for answers. After getting them, he decided to…” She pauses thoughtfully to pick her words, and she squeezes his crown before moaning the rest. “…Reeducate me!”

James snaps her bra and switches breasts, and Allyson smiles down at him. She cups his head to nurse him like he was the most violent adult-sized baby either have ever seen. Kendall, meanwhile, switches feet and buries herself into James’ toes. She slobbers on them while listening attentively to her friend’s story of submission. Like her mother’s story, it fascinates and horrifies her because once upon a time, for a few brief months, she and Allyson had been friends. They had worked together, and it was through Allyson that Kendall had gotten close to Jackson. In fact, Allyson had been the one to push Kendall into pursuing Jackson, and when Kendall had left James, Allyson and her boyfriend had been the ones to help her leave. Then, they had disappeared from her life, their friendship ending not with a roar but a whisper as Allyson phased Kendall out, speaking with her only to badmouth Jackson. Watching Allyson with James now, however, Kendall finally understands why.

Watching Kendall sucking James’ toes, Allyson smiles. She moves her hand to hold James at half his length. “He fucked me, Kendall.” She says it with finality, like the dropping of the other shoe, and then continues in a throaty purr. “He fucked me so hard, and he made me his. It was scary at first. He’s so big, and he’s so strong, but he taught me quickly, Kendall, and he told me all about you, his dumb cunt ex who left with his daughters to go play house with some cuck, who left to go chase a lie she doesn’t deserve instead of staying with the harsh truth who deserves better.” Allyson squeezes James, moaning as she does. “He taught me to hate you, and to hate every man who isn’t him.”

Smiling, she strokes him again, and she smiles at him as he manhandles her. Kendall can see a love that has no boundaries or borders, no limits. Allyson belongs to James, and there is no doubt in Kendall’s mount about it.

Looking at Kendall, Allyson sours. “How dare you, Kendall? How dare you hurt him like that? How dare you betray him like that?!”

Licking James’ toes, sucking them, and drunk on his musk, Kendall can hardly think straight. The smell of him in her nostrils, the taste of him in her mouth, and the sight of Allyson holding his enormity, her tiny pale hands so small around his gargantuan cock, has Kendall addled. All she can think about is his rich cum and the pleasure of him ripping her open. It makes it hard for her to remember leaving him, and harder still to remember why. Once, she had thought of it as an escape, but with his toes in her mouth, all she can think of is regret.

Removing James from her mouth, but still rubbing his feet with awe and reverence, she struggles to form words.  “He was…he was beating me.”

Allyson’s glare tightens and carries all the weight of James’ unspoken rage and resentment with it. James, meanwhile, watches with a lazy grin as Allyson chides Kendall. “You deserved it,” Allyson snaps. “You were planning to cheat on him!”

“I wasn’t planning,” Kendall retorts, and she buries herself back into James’ feet, kissing him for comfort. She feels wrong for feeling wrong about this. Even in her attraction and arousal, Kendall has never felt bad for leaving James. She regrets the pleasure she could have had, and she laments his violent and angry return, but she always knew that it was the right choice at the time. His cruelty since his return, while physically pleasurable, has been mentally taxing and proof enough of the necessity of her leaving. Even the pleasure he visits upon her is meant to break her, but watching Allyson stroking him as she glares, Kendall feels her resolve waning. She whines, “I didn’t want to cheat, Allyson. I wanted to leave!”

“You did leave,” Allyson spits back, her fury only growing. “You abandoned him!”

“I have children, Allyson. Daughters. I didn’t have a choice!”

The twisted frown on Allyson’s face deepens. Leaning over, she kisses James’ big, bloated belly while glaring at Kendall. “There’s always a choice, Kendall.” Moving her hand to hold James by the base, flattening his pubic hair and showing off his length, Allyson smiles. “You choose wrong.”

Kendall, face pinned to James’ feet, opens her mouth to speak but ends up being silenced with his toes. Allyson has her mouth plugged, too, as James forces her onto his enormous dick. Watching the two of them has been fun, but now James is bored. He swats Allyson’s hefty bosom and laughs. “Now, now, sluts, that’s enough.”

James then wraps one big hand around one of Allyson’s big breasts and squeezes it roughly. As he does, he guides her along his dick, forcing her to choke on his thick length. Allyson takes to it eagerly, throating him with some skill considering his size and closing her eyes to enjoy him as she does. Still, Kendall notices that Allyson’s eyes open again when James speaks and that all of her focus is put on his words and not his shaft. Like Kendall, Allyson is primed to listen and is eager to obey.

“Now, Allyson, I ain’t gonna say you’re wrong. You ain’t wrong, but Kendall has been a good girl lately, and I think she might even be more dedicated than you are.” Watching her choke on him, James smiles. “Now that I think about it, you’re pretty dedicated.” He turns that smile on Kendall. “But just watch what Kendall does for me and see for yourself.”

Removing his toes from Kendall’s mouth, James parts his legs and beckons her toward him. Kendall understands immediately and moves into position. The darkened cleft of James’ ass greets her, the smell of it filling her nostrils as she shuffles forward on her hands and knees. Her haughty pride might have stopped her, were she less dick-drunk. As it stands, she simply feels joy in being able to prove Allyson wrong in a display of submission.

James moves Allyson by her thick, dark hair, lifting her from his dick and holding her in place so that she can watch Kendall. Allyson strokes him as Kendall settles between his parted legs, and she watches Kendall lift his weighty balls and wet her lips.

“Now watch,” James hisses. “Watch what this slut will do for more.”

Smiling up at Allyson, Kendall buries her face into James’ hairy asshole. She leads with her tongue, moaning and slobbering as she tastes him. Allyson, still stroking James, watches in surprise and arousal at the depths of Kendall’s depravity and finds herself jealous of her former friend’s commitment. She internally justifies herself, thinking how she would eat James’ asshole if she were asked, but the image of Kendall smiling as she leapt is enough to give Allyson doubt. She might do it, but she would never smile like that if she did.

More frustrating, Allyson realizes, is the nature of Kendall’s relationship with James. Kendall will always occupy a special place in James’ heart. In fact, she is the reason for Allyson’s own submission. It was Kendall’s betrayal that set James on his path, and feeling James harden between her fingers, Allyson wishes for the first time that she had hurt him, too, just so that he could use her so recklessly as well.

In response to Kendall’s nimble tongue, James swells thicker and harder than Allyson has ever seen him. Precum gushes from his crown, pouring down his shaft and wetting and warming her fingers with his sticky gift. A new wave of jealousy washes over Allyson like a rising tide as she watched Kendall lap at James’ asshole.

James, meanwhile, was oblivious of this jealousy forming and instead grins and forces Kendall deeper. “Fucking disgusting,” he growls as Kendall mewls into him, and then he pulls her back up to free her from his stench. Kendall appears panting and winces as James takes hold of his cock and swats her in the face with it. Even more jealous than before, and without a cock to stroke, Allyson can only watch as James feeds Kendall his testicles.

Kendall nurses him readily, slobbering on his balls as she gave him a starry-eyed, lust glossed stare. Delight and hunger are written clearly across her face, and though it appalls Allyson, she cannot deny the truth. Kendall is every bit as much of a slut for James as Allyson is, and at this point, James is leaking for her.

James grunts. “Fucking nasty cunt!” He growls as he dragged her up his shaft by her hair. Kendall licks him on the way, holding herself steady by his hips and flourishing her tongue at his crown to taste him before being removed. James pulls her onto his lap with his cock at rest between her legs. “Get your tits up here and show your friend how good you are to me.”

Light returns to Kendall’s eyes as she understands his intent, and she mounts him with enthusiasm as she lines up and holds him ready to penetrate her. “Yes, daddy. Thank you!” Holding him steady, Kendall eases herself onto him, stretching around him and taking him to the root with one smooth, steady movement. She comes immediately, shivering on his gargantuan length and holding him by the chest with her free hand to keep herself steady. His dark pubic hair feels rough against her smooth, waxed vulva, and her breasts swing in his face as she settles.

Kendall sits up and removes her blouse to reveal her swollen pink nipples. Cupping his head, she feeds him one as she moans. Her insides are full of him now, and she can hardly remember disliking the taste of his asshole or the shame she felt in front of Allyson. All that matters now is her daddy’s thick shaft.

Kendall pants. “Fuck, daddy. So big! So good!”

While being cradled to her tits, James takes hold of her by the ass and drags her along his shaft. They work together, their bodies complimenting each other and finding pleasure in between. Allyson, meanwhile, watches from the side, her envy subdued by her awe. Kendall has, despite her deep insecurities, always appeared a powerful, almost primordial force to Allyson. She is not someone who would bow to anyone, and yet she clearly bows before James. Kendall rides him, broken by his dick, and is every bit as much a slut as Allyson is, and suddenly Allyson understands James’ desire to break Kendall, and she sees the appeal of Kendall’s submission.

Kendall, for her part, is lost in pleasure. She smiles as James slobbers on her and rides him with growing expertise. It not only feels good to have him in her, it feels right to her. Bouncing on him, holding him, she enjoys the roughness of his hands on her shapely rear and finds that the driving, forceful jabs of his cock against her womb only give her pleasure. All of the pain and humiliation he gave her feels distant now, and all of it is justified by this. She comes on him, and she becomes his again.

James growls, rising to meet her, pummeling her insides as he holds her tight. “Fuck! How the fuck are you so tight after two kids, Kendall?”

Kendall laughs and flexes around him, tightening further to stroke him with her pussy like Allyson had with her hands. At this point, she has lost track of her orgasms, knowing their number more by the wet slaps of their genitals than by anything else. “It’s that you’re so big, daddy! You’re so big that you stretch me!”

Laughing, James reaches out with one hand to pull Allyson to him by her hair. She falls into him, bosom first, and James buries his face into her breasts now. Like Kendall, Allyson welcomes him, cupping his head with one hand and her breasts with her free arm. She smiles, her body shaking from the force of the copulation happening beside her, and she watches them together. There is a primal beauty to them, a joy which Allyson feels watching another woman enraptured by James. James’ hand leaves Allyson’s hair and roams her body, settling on her ass and holding her in place with it.

Kendall whines, impaled on James. She wants to kiss him but knows better than to do it. Watching him with Allyson, though, has increased her attraction to him to an all-time high. Knowing what he had done to her mother and her brother was erotic, but it had been an extension of her. She had assumed the two of them had fallen like she did because of genetics. Seeing him with Allyson, however, destroys that myth. As much as she hates to admit it, the truth is that James is a stud now, and Allyson is the final nail in that coffin.

Drunk on James, and powerless in his display of raw sexual power, Kendall rides him hard. Her body shakes and quakes with each long, deep stroke as he shifts her insides. She locks eyes with Allyson, who smiles as James chews her nipples. Both are thoughtless with pleasure, drunk on his masculinity, and in that moment it becomes clear to Kendall: she is absolutely powerless against James. He is her king, and she is a lowly subject lucky to polish his scepter.

She tightens around him as another climax hits her. Thickening in response, James’ fat shaft forces another moan from her. His fat balls slap heavily against her as he flexes his bottom, meeting her thrusts. Another moan escapes, and she feels dizzy and away from herself. Reaching out, she holds Allyson’s shoulder for balance. It is a surprise at first, but Allyson is loyal to James and wants nothing to disrupt him. She holds Kendall and watches as a distant expression of joy overtakes the other woman’s face. Kendall smiles at her, and she mewls like an animal.

“He’s getting close, Allyson.” Her face scrunches as she rolls her hips, and Allyson can see James stretching her friend’s pussy. “Oh! Oh God! He’s coming!”

Allyson, nipple in James’ mouth, hugs his head as he nurses from her, and she can feel his moans boiling inside of him. Rubbing his chest, she coos, “Then do your job, you slut, and milk him like the bitch you are!”

Giggling and nodding, Kendall flexes and rides James through his orgasm. By the time he is done, her insides feel bloated and her head foggy and faraway. Resting against him, she feels James’ hot body and breathes in his sweaty stench. James’ fat crown is wedged into her deepest parts, up against her womb, and she moans against him, panting.

James removes both of them, shoving Allyson away first and then displacing Kendall into the other woman’s arms. Allyson catches Kendall and holds her. With his dick still in Kendall, James reaches around and squeezes her ass, smacking it for good measure while Allyson laughs. “See,” he pants. “Told you she’s my slut.”

Allyson smiles at James while holding Kendall to her. “She is,” she agrees. “You were right, as always, James.”

James, still breathless, smacks Kendall’s breast and gets only a complacent coo in response. “Damn right I am,” he says, and he takes Kendall from Allyson and holds her by the hair. He stares in her in her glassy blue eyes. There is affection in his features, though Kendall feels certain that it is only there to hide his unending animosity. “I’m pride of you, slut. You did good.”

Kendall’s womb throbs at his confession. Two years together, and she never wanted his affection. Now, she makes him proud and it feels better to her than an orgasm. He shoves her away, removing himself from her, and she falls back flat onto the bed, leaking semen across the sheets as she does. James mounts her, slapping his wet dick down across her face and feeding it to her.

On her back with Allyson watching, Kendall makes a show of cleaning James. She slobbers over him, showering him with wet kisses and eager licks. He tastes of her and, overwhelmingly, of himself. For her, it is less about showing off and more a show of gratitude for the man who has brought her literally dozens of orgasms over the course of two weeks. When finished with his shaft, she is given the chance to lift him and suckle his balls. She even kisses his asshole one last time, smiling as she does and feeling him throb in her hand before he removes himself.

“God damn,” he growls. “That nasty mouth of yours is dangerous.” Settling back onto Jackson’s pillow, James reaches out and smacks Allyson on her big, pale ass. It is a gentle slap, but it lands with enough force to draw her attention to him. “Go and take that slut to clean off. She needs to get that empty head of hers clean before her family comes home.”

Allyson nods. “Of course,” she says, rising from the bed and helping Kendall up. She supports Kendall’s weight, the leggy brunette standing nearly seven inches taller than her. They go to the bathroom together, leaving a trail of semen on the way. There, they strip and shower, Allyson overseeing Kendall as Kendall cleans herself. In the shower, with her head clearing, Kendall sees that Allyson, like her, has been groomed James’ specifications. At this point, it comes as no surprise to her.

They dry off together, Allyson’s plump body reflected in the mirror beside Kendall. “You really did well out there,” says Allyson while drying her hair, and she gives Kendall a smile. “I’m glad to see you’re trying to make it up to him. He doesn’t show if often, but you really hurt him. You have a lot to make up for before you make it right.”

Kendall stays quiet this time, knowing better than to argue. They were both gaslighted by dick, Kendall realizes, and even her own feelings are confused by this point.

After drying, they return to James naked and kneel at his feet. Together, they take to kissing him all over his body as he stands and dresses himself. James checks Kendall’s ass one last time, teasing the plug before giving her a swat and changing it out for a bigger size. Kendall is humiliated but proud to be stretched in front of Allyson.

When finished, James and Allyson leave. Kendall watches them from the living room window, still naked, still leaking semen. Returning to the bed, she sees the mess left and sets to work cleaning it before she has to go get Jackson and the girls. Her whole house stinks of James at this point, though, and no amount of cleaning will wash it away.


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