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Chapter Nine: D-lectable

Dylan stared, his pants off, his back at rest against the wall of Daisy’s SUV while his cock hid one of her eyes from view. “Is this really what you want for lunch, Daisy?”

Daisy laughed around his testicles while staring up at him past his shaft. She stroked him, and he could see the glee in her eyes that matched her enthusiasm. She wasn’t sure how other women in his life had reacted to his endowments, but Daisy couldn’t resist nuzzling him and slobbering on him every time she saw him. Today, she did it half-naked, with her blouse off but her pants on. Licking him, she purred, “It’s full of protein, at least.”

She was the one who had called him asking to have a light lunch. Rather than eating, however, she only wanted to feed on his enormous dick. She had made this argument already when removing him from his pants, and Dylan still didn’t have the will to argue with her. When the short, stacked MILF stripped her top and took to stroking him, he went silent. Shortly after that, she started nursing his balls.

This kind of thing came naturally to Daisy, who had always considered herself something of a slut. She took no shame in the title, viewing it only as an accurate representation of who and what she was. Still, she had never been with a man like Dylan before, and slaving over his cock, she couldn’t help but feel both obedience and also devotion. With a dick and balls as big as his, Dylan could send her to work soaked in his cum, and she would go with a smile. In fact, she wanted to ask him to do just that someday, because the idea of smelling like him at the office turned her on.

Burying her face back into his pubic hair, Daisy sucked one of his extra-large testicles into her mouth. This close up, Dylan seemed impossible, too large to exist and far too large to bring her pleasure. Holding him, however, she had all the proof she needed and found herself grateful for his improbably dimensions. The real world was hardly worth living in sometimes, and she had been disappointed with William’s baby dick for too long. Comparing the two, Daisy felt like Dylan was truly a blessing or perhaps a reward for a hard life endured.

Watching her, Dylan reached forward and cupped her head. He held her to his balls as she nursed him dutifully. Behavior like this had done a lot to bolster his confidence. When Summer had turned him down, and when Caleb had attacked him, Dylan had felt small. Now, with a buxom blonde MILF slobbering on his balls while she stroked him, Dylan felt anything but small.

Daisy felt his confidence shifting, too. The initial face-fucking had been born of vengeance and shame. This, while still domineering, was eager, even proud, and it was mutually shared between them. Each orgasm he gave her was assurance to them both. As his confidence swelled, Daisy noted, so did his vanity and arrogance, but she didn’t blame him. If anything, it only made her like him more. Honestly, it was just a relief to be with a man who had something to be arrogant about.

She moaned around him as the pleasure of his rich flavor mingled with his powerful scent. Staring up into his eyes, she smiled, and she felt like the slut she always was. More than that, she felt possessed by him, like she truly was his woman, and she enjoyed that. Dylan felt it, too, and she could see it in his eyes. This time spent together was sacred to them, now, and for them both it felt more real than the lives they lived around it.

Leaning forward, Dylan swatted Daisy across the ass as she nursed him. Her fat bottom rippled from the force of his blow, and Daisy moaned around him while he smiled. He repeated the behavior three times more, leaving two slaps across both cheeks as he laughed. “Damn, Daisy, you really are fucking thicc. No wonder Summer is built like she was. She got it from you.”

Daisy responded with a moan as she licked and stroked him with open hunger.

Dylan laughed. “And you love my dick, don’t you?”

Another moan, and she stared him in the eyes and nodded.

“Fuck,” Dylan groaned, and he moved his hands to cup her heavy breasts. He teased her nipples as he held her and felt her moaning quietly through his dick. “I’ve fucked your pussy, your throat, your lips, and your hands, and even now, you get me harder than steel.” He thrust up into her mouth to choke her and felt her glide smoothly along him. “God damn, Daisy, where’d you learn to suck like this?”

Daisy smiled and freed herself from his dick. Sitting up, she pursed her lips and spit down his shaft, gathering her sticky saliva with her hands and using it to stroke him. Her fingers moved with a squish now, and she licked her lips clean before giving him the smile again. “Oh, I’ve had plenty of experience in the past,” Daisy said, and she met his eyes and nearly laughed. He was gushing precum, which she added to her saliva to really make him wet. “Mm. Though, I’ve never been with a man quite as big as you before.”

Dylan squeezed her breasts roughly, almost like a punishment, and when she met his gaze again, he growled, “You telling me you used to be some kind of slut?”

Daisy gave a noncommittal shrug. “Are you jealous, Dylan?”

He frowned. “Just answer the question.”

“Not that I think you want to know, but yes, I would have considered myself a slut.” She fluttered her eyelashes afterward and spoke in a sultry purr. “Now, Dylan, I’m just YOUR slut.” As she said it, Daisy took to stroking him with twisting hands. Her palms glided smoothly across his wet shaft, and he gasped.

“Fuck yeah, you are,” he grunted, and he swelled thicker. Watching each other in animal affection and interest, they could read the arousal on each other’s features. Dylan fucked her hands and panted in arousal, and Daisy smiled to see it and feel it. Yesterday, she had kissed him while they fucked. Today, she found herself wanting to kiss him again.

Leaning forward and burying his cockhead into her breasts on the way, Daisy kissed Dylan as she stroked him. Dylan was of course surprised but not upset. He returned the kiss, his tongue diving into her mouth, and he cupped her head and held her there so that she could drink him in.

Daisy moaned, tasting him, tonguing him, licking the inside of his mouth like she would like his cock. Even his saliva tasted good, she realized, and she smiled as she felt him pulse and swell before filling her cleavage with hot semen. She giggled into his mouth and held herself there, smiling a self-assured smile as she stroked him through his climax. He soaked her in semen, pouring it all out into her blouse and across her breasts and belly.

When finished, Daisy was allowed to sit back. She swept her hair back over her shoulder and looked at the damage he had done. Her hands and breasts were soaked with semen, and her belly was collecting it as it slid down her body. Cupping her breasts, she rubbed them while watching his spent cock sway and throb. Then, holding her sticky bosom with both hands, she leaned down to suck him clean.

Dylan allowed it, holding her hair out of her face like a gentleman as he watched her work. “Fuck,” he whispered, struck by her beauty and dedication.

Breathing around him and sucking him deeply, Daisy managed a smile before sitting up. She removed him from her mouth and licked her lips while staring down at her sperm-glossy bosom. “I’ll say,” said Daisy, holding her tits together with her forearms on each side. She tilted her head to show off her sticky smile. “That was quite the load.”

Dylan settled before her with a sigh. “Slut or not,” he said, “Daisy, you know how to stroke a cock.”

Still smiling, Daisy shrugged and took to rubbing his semen into her belly. The smell of him filled her SUV and would follow her for the day, and Daisy knew it wouldn’t end there. She would shower and wake the next day still smelling him. Sometimes, she wondered how William could be so oblivious, but she didn’t think it was right to complain about such things.

“To be fair,” she said, “You certainly did a lot to make a mess out of me.”

Dylan laughed. “Thanks, I guess.” He grinned at her. “Wasn’t that protein supposed to be your lunch, though.”

Daisy gave a quiet chuckle and cupped her breasts. “It still can be,” she said, and she formed a deep, sticky valley of semen between her breasts. Extending her tongue, she made a pass and gathered his semen. Then, leaning her head back, she made a show of swallowing.

Dylan stiffened watching her, his thick cock swelling back toward an erection. Daisy noticed and took him in hand, stroking him idly while licking her lips clean. “Or, if you have the time, I could just milk another load from this big thing.” She cupped his balls and purred. “Feels like there’s plenty left for me.”

Dylan moaned. “I’m game if you are.”

Still smiling, Daisy checked the time and sighed. “No, actually, I can’t,” she said, and she released him reluctantly to stare down his length. “Unfortunately, I don’t have the time.” She kissed his cockhead afterward and sucked him once before sitting up to pull her bra back on. “What a waste, though.”

Dylan groaned and stroked himself. “You’re a cruel, Daisy.”

Daisy smiled and watched him, his hand larger than she realized. His dick remained large, even in his grip, and on his scrawny body was almost laughably large. If she weren’t his slut, she could have seen how disproportionate it was. As it stood, all she could see was how hard he was. “If you’re that desperate, you could keep jerking and feed me your load before I drop you off.”

Dylan stiffened further, precum gathering on his crown already. Panting, he nodded. “I’ll climb into the passenger seat while you get dressed,” he said, and climbing over the seated, he called back, “Be ready to pull over when I say.”

Daisy laughed and crawled into her pants. “I’ll keep my ears open. Promise!”


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