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Chapter Eight: EnDeared

Monday came, and Daisy returned to work. After two days spent half-naked, Daisy felt confined by the fabric encircling her body. Her breasts and belly, in particular, felt stifled, and her confinement only made her think more fondly of the time she spent with Dylan over the weekend. She woke after having dreamed of him and came to work horny. Even after a cold morning shower, she was moist by the time she arrived at work, and her swollen nipples drew attention the attention of her coworkers.

Her panties were moistened, too, by the time she arrived at work, and she could just barely make it to midday before she sent Dylan a text. She asked to meet him after work and smiled to see his immediate response, which was a winking smiley-face and a photo of his thick cock. Daisy sent him a picture back, one of her from above, tugging her blouse down enough to show off her hidden cleavage, and then she tucked her phone away and tried to focus.

It was impossible for her to focus, though, because she needed to be fucked. It hadn’t even been a full day since she had last seen Dylan, but the wait was already too long. Memories of him filled her just as he had filled her before, promising her pleasure which only Dylan could give. The image of his cock was burned into her brain and, moaning, she touched herself at work to sample her own arousal. Her panties were beyond moist now, and she was almost worried about the fluid loss.

Her fight with William had never found a resolution. She wondered if it ever would. At that point, it felt to her like there was no true solution to the problem. Her love for William had been fading since he cheated on her, and Dylan had only made that more apparent. Her youngest daughter, Autumn, was getting old enough that she would be looking to move out soon. After that, Daisy didn’t know. Dylan had very clearly taken her from William, plain and simple, and she didn’t know how long she could pretend at marriage.

Work dragged, and Daisy began to daydream. She thought about Summer and Dylan, and she looked for times when she could have snuck around and submitted to Dylan even back then. It would have been unthinkable at the time, but reflecting on her conversation with Summer on the phone, Daisy really had changed her mind. She wished that Summer had chosen him. She didn’t know how it would have changed her own relationship with Dylan, but she did know how it would have changed Summer’s life, and that would have been worth it.

By the time work was over, Daisy was desperate. She sped through town and parked at the back of the grocery store where her many trysts with Dylan always started. A few minutes later, Dylan pulled up beside her, his dusty old car rumbling as it came to a stop. She greeted him at his door with a smile and a hug. They kissed afterward, and he held her by the ass while staring down her body.  It had been some time since he’s seen her so covered, and it made him smile.

Dylan poked at her tit through her shirt. “What the fuck is this? I didn’t know you owned shirts that covered your cleavage.”

Daisy laughed and shook her breasts at him. “It’s Monday. I can’t dress like a slut at work, and some of us have to get jobs, Dylan. We can’t just fuck our way through life.”

Dylan shrugged beside her. “That sounds awful.”

Daisy laughed and, reaching down, unbuttoned her uniform to show a hint of cleavage. “After work, I can dress however I like.” She opened her blouse entirely, using his body and their cars to shield her from the view in the parking lot. Her bra was white and lacey, with small lacey flowers on the cup around where her nipple is. The fabric was sheer enough to show a hint of pink nipple. Dylan immediately went bug-eyed staring, and Daisy grinned in response. “Not so clever now, are you?”

“Honestly, I’m feeling a bit light-headed.”

Daisy purred. Finding him through his pants, she gave him a gentle squeeze. “I bet you are.” Turning to her SUV, she pulled the back door open and then began undoing her pants. She looked at him over her shoulder, her thick blond hair falling in curls to the side to reveal sultry blue eyes. “You coming, stud? We don’t have all day.”

Watching her pants open and revealing her love handles and the upper portion of her thick bottom, Dylan blinked. Then, remembering himself, he cleared his throat. “Oh. Right. Sorry!” He followed her into the SUV and climbed with her over the seat and into the back. After that, they fell into each other, Dylan’s skinny body collapsing onto Daisy’s softness. His hand came to rest on her breasts, and her laughter turned to moans as she groped her. “You okay?”

“Mm. I am now.” She cupped his hands and guided him in groping her. His hands were big, larger than hers, but also softer. He was not a hardworking, experienced man. Where William had rough, calloused hands of a man who had worked his entire life, Dylan had the soft hands of a man who had never had to work for anything. She wondered if that was why Summer hurt him so much. It was the first time he had ever been told no.

Normally, Daisy would have found such softness repugnant, but she indulged it with him. He was all man where it mattered most and, besides, she had experienced William’s rough hands before and found them dangerous. Dylan’s softness could and already had done her wonders, and soon she had her pants off and her legs parted. They kiss, and then Dylan sat up to stare at her body, naked save for her underwear. Smiling up at him, Daisy purred. “See something you like?”

“I haven’t seen nearly enough it.”

Daisy smiled and rolled her eyes. Then, she shrugged at sat up. “It’s you wasting your time, then,” she said, and she slid her wet panties down her legs. The moistened fabric clung to her pussy as she peeled them off.

Leaning forward, Dylan kissed her again. He aggressed her with his tongue, prying her lips open and tasting her. Daisy kissed him back, suckling him, drinking him, and as they parted both were breathless. He was enormously swollen, and Daisy wanted him even more as he grinned down at her. “Please,” he whispered. “You and I both know that you aren’t leaving before I come.”

Cupping him, Daisy whispered, “God, you’re an arrogant asshole.” Then, reaching into his pants she found him and cooed. “But I’ll be damned if you don’t have the right to be.”

Dylan smiled back at her as he leaned over her. While not extremely tall, he was tall enough that he had to crouch to fit into the back of the SUV. Daisy was before him, bent forward to rub him through his pants. She used her free hand to undo his belt and expose him as he held her hair out of her face. “If that’s how you feel, then show me.”

Pants opened, Daisy released him to use both hands to reveal him. His pants came down with his boxers, and his fat cock fell out fully erect and landed with a heavy smack across her forehead. Daisy winced and smiled as Dylan laughed above her. Holding him again, and marveling at his warmth and size, Daisy took to stroking him with both hands, working him from crown to root as she did. “Fuck, Dylan,” she cooed. “This right here is why you deserve to be arrogant. Jesus. No matter how many times I see it, I just can’t get over how big you are.”

Holding him to one side, Daisy tilted her head to lick and suck his shaft and root. She tasted him with a moan, slobbering and slurping on his pubic hair, drinking him in and stroking him slowly as she went. Her movements were sallow and gentle, meant to sustain him while she indulged herself. Dylan offered her no complaints or advice and only watched her, intoxicated by his own power and by her incredible beauty.

Daisy found his balls and suckled one and then the other as she stared him in the eyes. She hungered for him and devoured him with sloppy kisses. Slobbering on him, she wet his balls and drooled down her chin. When finished, she sat back to stare down his shaft and stroke him. Kissing him on the crown, she let semen gather on her lips before spitting down his length in a lewd display of want.

Her saliva mixed with his precum as she stroked him. Though he was already large, the added shine of their combined fluids made him appear even larger in her dainty hands. Daisy smiled and held him by the root to enjoy his length. Using her free hand, she cupped his balls and weighed them, suddenly hungry for a fresh load. Based on their weight, she felt he was ready to supply.

She licked her lips before kissing him again. “Christ, Dylan, do you happen to know what kind of horse your father was?”

Dylan laughed. Her colorful language was always good to amuse him. It helped that she kept licking his crown and drinking down his precum, too. “He was the kind of horse that was good for fucking MILFs in the back of their cars.”

Licking him again, Daisy smiled around his crown. “Mm. Sounds like the right kind of horse to me.” She took to stroking him with one hand while holding him steady with the other. “I just hope that you take after him.”

“I do,” said Dylan, shuffling toward her and removing her hands. He took hold of his dick with his left hand, and he held her head in with his right. Leaning forward, he wagged his dick in her face. “But first, I like to teach them whose boss.”

Dylan slapped Daisy across the forehead with his dick, and this time left a sticky smear of precum where their flesh met. Daisy winced but smiled, enjoying the degradation less than she enjoyed his display of power. For her, it was proof of his virility and of his raw masculine prowess. She understood that it demeaned her, and she would never allow William to treat her like that, but for Dylan, she was willing. She remembered enduring the same treatment as a teen, when the father of her first child was feeling haughty and forward.

It amused her to think how Dylan wasn’t even born back then. Being over two decades her junior, he was already in his early twenties but carried himself with the same self-righteous forwardness of a teen stud. Swinging his dick around, he struck her across the cheek this time and left another gleaming precum kiss where his shaft landed. Then, leaning back, he jammed himself into welcoming mouth as she gave a wet purr around him. He dragged her around the back, forcing her up against the side of the car as he held her by the hair.

When Dylan withdrew, he found Daisy rubbing herself and panting with burning want. “Oh, fuck, Dylan, you’re so hot!” Back against the SUV wall and legs parted, she held herself parted for him as he dragged her back and lined up to take her. “Fuck me, Dylan,” she whined. “Fuck me with that big, fat horse dick!”

Steadying himself with a hand on her hip, Dylan pulled her into him and entered her. Daisy moaned around him but took him with familiar ease. Her pussy was wet, yielding, hungry for him, and her cervix already open. She braced against the car as his cockhead opened her and filled her to her depths. Whining, her eyes went back as she came, lightheaded and giggling as she flexed around him. Dylan felt spasming and grinned before slapping her across her plump rear. “Feel good?”

“You know it does,” Daisy groaned, and as Dylan slid back, she whined. He returned to her depths shortly after, though, and a louder whine followed as his pelvis met hers. Holding herself by the thighs, she shook. “You’re so. Fucking. Deep!”

Holding her by the hips with one hand, Dylan cupped her left breast with the other. He used it for leverage as he began sawing in and out of her with slow, shallow strokes. Daisy’s toes curled as shallow for him was still a few inches, and her mouth hung open as two powerful orgasms hit her in a row. By the third, she had just become one giant pussy for him to use.

“I’m sending you back to work full of cum,” Dylan growled, picking up speed.

“Yes!” Daisy growled, too, and removed her hands from her quaking thighs to hold him by the shoulders. She stared him in the eyes as he fucked her. In this position, Daisy couldn’t do much but be fucked, and it left her powerless. Dylan had all the power, and they both enjoyed it. Even if he didn’t know how to fuck, and he was shaky on that at best, he had enough dick to make up for it. Each deep stroke fogged her mind and left her dizzy. Soon, she found it hard to breathe around all of her wailing climaxes.

Propping herself up on her elbows, Daisy took one of Dylan’s hands in her own hand and held it to her breasts. Her lips were part, saliva gathering as she forgot to swallow. Holding her by the teat, Dylan picked up speed, fucking her hard and deep as she flexed and moaned. She urged him to climax with her words and her body, looking forward to the next orgasm he would give her.

Daisy examined him as he fucked her. She watched him flexed and heard him grunt. Sweat was gathering on his brow, and connected to him as she was, she felt close to him. They had only been fucking for a few weeks, but he already commanded more affection from Daisy than William ever could. In all her life, Daisy had never felt this close to someone before. Not even her big dick baby daddy had made her feel like this.

Removing her hand from his, she slipped it around his neck and pulled him to her. Lifting herself up, she folded herself into a pretzel to kiss him. Their lips met, moist and open. Their tongues followed suit. Tongue in her mouth, Dylan’s dick swelled inside of her pussy, and Daisy smiled and moaned into his mouth as he hammered into her womb. It hurt parts of her, but it was the best pain of her entire life.

Holding her sweaty forehead to his, Daisy stared him in the eyes. “Fuck me, Dylan,” she whispered. “Fuck me and come in me. Send me back with your hot cum boiling in my belly!”

Panting and gasping, Dylan nodded with a grunt. He swelled fatter in her and then, holding her tight, he kissed her again as he climaxed. He laid onto her, holding himself into her depths as Daisy clung to him. Their tongues crashed like waves against the shore while his hot seed washed her womb. Then, Daisy came again, a fourth time and then a fifth shortly after, joining him in climaxes and mewling into his mouth.

Arms around her, Dylan held himself in her depths as he unloaded. His dick had bottomed out inside of her, stretching her, filling her, his semen trapped by his long, thick cock. When he sat up to regain his bearings, he found her staring and smiled back at her, breathing in her face as Daisy caressed his cheek in open affection.

“Dylan,” Daisy whispered, his name sounding like a confession. Dylan smiled in response.

Holding himself inside of her. “How was that, Daisy? Enough to keep you satisfied at work?”

Seated on Dylan with his hands on her hips and his big cock filling her tiny pussy, Daisy closed her eyes and flexed around him, moaning and cooing through the joy of him. “You’re the only man who can satisfy me,” she whispered, and she cupped his head and pulled him into another kiss. Dylan allowed it, still holding her, and then he wrapped his arms around her midsection, holding her to him.

It was at this point that Daisy understood it. They felt right together, and Daisy was glad to have found a warmth and safety in a man which she did not fear would disappear. William and Caleb both had proven themselves inadequate beside this skinny man. Above her, Dylan removed himself and then wagged his spent cock at her, and still smiling, Daisy leaned forward to attend to him.

She was smiling as she tasted their mixed juices on his shaft, and she remained happy as she sucked and licked him clean. His flavorful seed overpowered her own juices and made it easier for her to feel comfortable attending to him in this way. She silently told herself that it justified the act of sucking him clean if he tasted this good. She didn’t know if it was true, but she knew that Dylan made it true.

Holding him by his sticky shaft, Daisy licked his glans with a purr, running her tongue along the ridges of him to gather anything she might have missed. “Mm.” She sucked off of his crown with a pop and stared down his shaft. “Even after you come, Dylan, you stay so big!”

In her mouth again, Dylan shrugged. “What can I say? You’ve been wasting your time with boys.”

Removing him from her mouth but still holding him by the root, Daisy nuzzled his shaft and laughed. “I really have,” she purred.

Dylan swiveled his hips and brought his cock around across her cheek. He waited afterward as silence followed the slap, and when Daisy began laughing, he smiled, too. They made eye contact afterward, and he asked, “Can I see you tomorrow?”

Holding him, nuzzling him, smelling him, and still tasting him, Daisy’s thoughts were only of him. At home, she would think about him, too, and she would compare him to her husband and grow increasingly frustrated. Still smiling, she whispered to him, “Honestly, Dylan, at this point, I don’t think you could keep me away.”


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