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Open on Kendall cupping her breasts and staring at you with a smile. Her stiff nipples show through her tight top. She is wearing an orange sports bra with white trim along the edges, and a pair of matching orange high-waisted hotpants that hug the form of her figure. Each of them has a white P emblazoned on them.

Her makeup is orange, too, her lips painted the same shade of orange while she is wearing white eyeshadow. Her lashes are dark and fanned, and she wears her long hair in a braid that hangs to her shoulder blades. She flutters her eyelashes at you while waiting for permission to speak. When given permission, she says, “I know what the chapter title is, and the truth is that some websites might be upset about that. I want to make it clear—this is not an actual ad. We were not asked and are in no way being compensated to do this, and ultimately this is not at all a call to action. Instead, this is informational. We want to educate you on a problem that many erotica writers face and inform you of potential solutions to the problem..”

Moving her hands, she finds her nipples through her bra and gives them an experimental tug, lifting her breasts by them before leaving them to bounce. The effort is inexperienced, even clearly performative, but real pleasure does glitter in her eyes, mingling with surprise at what she just did for herself. Her smile returns, and after briefly glancing at her bosom, she returns her gaze to you. “So, think of this as just another silly chapter of KC’s BTS content. If it seems like an ad, then that’s a coincidence. It’s like the Wendy’s thing, though, I promise.” She winks as she says this, and then licks her lips before continuing. “It’s all hypothetical, and I have no actual, formal knowledge of the operations of websites.”

Lifting herself, Kendall settles on the edge of the stained brown couch, parting her long legs and showing off her shapely thighs and the outline of her vulnerable womanhood through her shorts. Her eyes drift off screen, and her smile broadens as she stares expectantly at something. Then, she returns her gaze to you. “As it stands, if KC were to have a Patroen, they would want to make one thing clear about it—they would hate Patreon’s interface.  The stories they write seem to look worse there, and they would have zero interest in trying to redirect readers to the actual site for the sake of reading.

“Which would mean that if KC were to have a Patreon, then it would be a tool to help support them as a creator of content which is hosted free on other websites and which those websites use to draw and keep traffic alongside other, similar content. Content, which I might add, they do not pay the other creators to produce, either. Also, KC would point out the inherently exploitative nature of that relationship, where a hosting website gains traffic for content which they do not create through stories which they do not produce either through effort or through compensation, and that to reject stories that have such calls to action actually incentivizes the creation of other websites to store stories in the name of seeking compensation for the work done.”

As she speaks, Kendall fingers the underside of her bra. She tugs it, lifting it to show a hint of her bosom. The underside of her breasts and cleavage come briefly into view before she stops, still smiling, tilting her head in amusement. “To be clear: KC would have zero interest in replacing the hosting sites with Patreon, which KC believes to be an inferior tool for the actual reading of such stories, but they do have an interest in receiving compensation for the work they do from people willing to compensate them, and they find that some websites which host their work and theoretically benefit from that work reject work that promotes such compensation, which not only makes it more difficult for them to receive compensation, but also makes it more necessary to create their own hub for content which will have to compete with the original host site, which is antithetical to the intentions of the original hosting site to begin with.”

Teasing with her sports bra again, Kendall tugs it up without much ceremony, revealing her breasts to you. They fall heavily, her puffy nipples pink and swollen, her tit flesh swinging and swaying to a stop. She laughs, cupping them as they settle and then teasing her nipples with a purr as her eyes find something off screen again. “There. Did I get it right?”

“Yes, you did,” I say. “James, you can join her.”

Kendall follows James with her eyes as he approaches, his big, fat cock swinging before him and already leaking precum. He approaches with a manic hunger in his eyes, his gaze fixed on her breasts in the same way that she is staring at his dick. Kendall releases his breasts when he reaches her and smiles up at him as he stops before her. Taking hold of him by the hips, she purrs and kisses his crown before sucking him into her mouth. James, meanwhile, growls in response.

“Hot fucking mouth,” he says, looking at you, and then he scowls. “Anyway, KC ain’t trying to preach or none of that shit. He ain’t boycotting or anything, either. He just don’t get the system and thinks there should be a better away about it, a way where he can get information to the reader that ain’t through the fucking forums, where the number of users would probably be smaller compared to traffic on the actual story.”

Grunting, James looks down at Kendall, who is staring him with urgent want. Saliva runs down her chin, dripping onto her large, swinging breasts as she holds him by the hips and fucks her face with shallow strokes on his dick. Then, he looks at me in open, animal frustration. “You actually fucking expect me to say all this shit while she’s blowing me?”

“I do.”

“Then you’re fucking stupid.”

“Just do your best.”

James’ frustration turns to anger. “Dumbass,” he mutters before taking hold of Kendall’s head to guide her along his dick, slowing her before turning his glare on you. “Fine. Here’s the fucking deal.  Smut writing ain’t fucking charity. Maybe someday UNICEF will get into the smut business, but until then, it’s done by people who deserve to be fucking compensated for their work. Some of them don’t want compensation. They do it for free, and that’s fucking fine, but that ain’t everyone, and the way things are, they’re narrowing the field of who can make money and making it to where traffic has to be leeched to do it anyhow.”

Still holding Kendall by the head, James begins to increase both the speed and the depth of her strokes. She chokes and gurgles on him, rings of saliva forming around his shaft as she holds him by the thighs. He forces her deep, holding her there until she struggles and then grunting as she slaps her pelvis. When he frees her, a thick film of frothy saliva and precum oozes from his shaft as she falls back, holding her throat and gasping.

“James! What the fuck?!”

Stroking himself, James ignores her and drags her back to his dick. He forces himself back into her mouth, holding his crown there and glaring down at her until she starts licking him again. Moaning, Kendall sucks him, her eyes now glassy with open want. She closes her eyes, sucking him and stroking his root with both hands while he holds her in place by her hair. Then, James glares at you again.

“See, not everyone is a little slut like this cunt,” he growls. “So, my point is, people wanting to get paid ain’t selfish or arrogant. It’s goddamn fucking fair, and options like Patreon, Kofi, or Subscribe Star are good alternatives to conventional paywalls, personal websites, or self-publishing that allow authors to be paid for the work they are already providing to websites for free. Keeping authors from promoting themselves and their payment methods or saying you’re paying with exposure only hurts the authors who are already providing you with free content and keeps people who want to pay them from even knowing they have the choice.”

Eyes still fixed on you, James removes himself from Kendall’s open, panting mouth. He drags her, whining, down his shaft, forcing her into his pubic root. Kendall writhes, struggles against his grip, but eventually finds his balls and takes to nursing them, mewling at the taste of them. She holds his root in a reverse grip with her left hand, stroking him as she switches between and slurps his balls.

“Which is how we got here,” James growls, and he looks at me. “You sure about this?”

“Go ahead.”

James rolls his eyes. “Fucking stupid,” he mutters, and then he looks at you again. “So, if KC were to have a Patreon that you wanted to support, here is what you would get.” As he says this, James holds Kendall in place, glaring down at her and smacking her across the cheek after a fresh struggle. Kendall glares back at him and reaches up to pinch him on the thigh. Releasing her hair, there is a brief, tense stalemate before she returns to her work, nursing her balls and closing her eyes to suckle him without complaint.

Standing straight, James returns his gaze to you. “Like I was saying, if KC had a Patreon, it would have two tiers: showers and growers.” Grinning and stroking himself, James says, “I’m kind of both, ain’t I?” Then, holding himself by his thick root, he watches as Kendall kisses and licks at his fingers as she removes herself from his balls.

“Showers would cost a single dollar and would be the slimmest amount of support. They would get KC’s thanks and access to stories early, though all stories will always end up free because, as I already mentioned, KC don’t even like how Patreon fucking looks. He don’t want traffic. He just wants compensation. It ain’t easy to create stories, and time spent writing those things is time he could spend elsewhere. Love and passion ain’t enough to keep a person,” he says, and he looks down at Kendall with a snort. “I know that from experience.”

Eyes open, Kendall moans around James’ dick as she licks and nuzzles his pubic hair.

James sees this and laughs. “Growers, then, would get things like voting rights on polls and previews of all upcoming work. As of right now, KC is trying to avoid exclusive content on Patreon and hopes to get to a point where he can post everything up for free as he finishes it, which sounds pretty reasonable, I guess.” Seizing Kendall by the hair again, he drags her along his shaft for a second time. Her face is a mess of saliva and precum, and her eyes glassy blue jewels wide with open hunger. He holds her to his fat crown, which she kisses while staring up at him.

“This ain’t no grift, and it ain’t about stealing anybody’s anything. It is about opening channels for easy compensation for work rendered, and anyone arguing is missing the goddamn point.” Yanking on her hair, James pulls Kendall up. “Come on, stand the fuck up,” he growls, slapping her on the ass as she stands.

Standing, Kendall’s big bottom is displayed in her tight shorts, the fabric having ridden up between her ass cheeks and now showing the pale globes of her bottom. He sits, turning her ass-first toward the camera, and holds her ass with both hands with his face beside her left cheek. He gives the right cheek a playful swat and watches it jiggle with a smile. “Look at this fucking thing,” he growls. “Gets better, though.”

Hooking his thumbs in her shorts, James yanks them down to reveal her full bottom and glistening folds. Her shorts struggle down her thighs as James leans forward to hold her ass cheeks apart again. Her peach is wet between her legs, and Kendall is bent, breathless, over his shoulder. “Fucking pretty, ain’t it?”

Removing her shorts entirely, James holds them as Kendall steps out of them and turns around to face you. She has a dizzy look to her face and is swaying absently, staring into the distance like she isn’t even there. When James cups her bottom and buries her face into her pussy, however, she goes wide-eyed and smiles. He laps at her with his big tongue while she leans forward, holding herself by her knees to keep from falling. Her heavy breasts hang, contained only by the sports bra, and undulate as she quakes in climax.

Closing her eyes, Kendall reaches back to run her hand across James’ scalp as she whines. “Oh! Fuck, that’s good!!”

Sitting up behind her, James runs his thick fingers along her wetted cleft with one hand while wiping his face dry with the other. “It’s about to get a whole lot better. You ready?”

Looking back at him over her shoulder, Kendall nods vigorously and lets James drag her back toward the couch toward him. Reaching down, he takes hold of his thick shaft and guides her back toward him. Kendall straddles him facing you, planting her feet around him like in the promotional shoot. Then, taking hold of him, she keeps him steady as she eases onto him, James taking hold of her around the ribs and thrusting up into her. His heavy balls slap her crotch on each thrust, and Kendall moans, shaking in response.

“Oh, fuck, James! That’s deep!”

“Ain’t complaining today, are you!?!”

Kendall, moving her arms to brace against the back of the couch, whines and bounces on him, meeting his thrusts with a wide-eyed want. “Just shut up and fuck me, damn it!”

James grunts beneath her, his fat thighs shaking as he lifted himself up into her. Kendall’s response is clumsy at first, but soon they find a matching rhythm, her pussy red from the force of their impacts. “God fucking damn it, Kendall, how the fuck are you so tight with two kids!”

Kendall laughs and then whines, her breasts bouncing wildly in her bra. “You’re just so fucking big!”

Removing one hand from her hips, James reaches up to take her by the hair. Knotting her ponytail around one hand, he holds her by the hips with the other and yanks her head back as he continues to hammer her. His big belly undulates, shifting like the sea as he gasps and wheezes behind her. His thrust s have grown choppy and slowed as he struggles to keep pace. Kendall doesn’t seem to mind and moves to make up for it, her body flexing and rolling on him as she throws herself into his dick.

“I’ma’ nut in your pussy today!”

Head back, Kendall nods as best she can with him holding her. “Do it,” she whines. “Do it!” She pants, staring at the ceiling as saliva runs out of her open mouth. “Fuck! You’re so fucking big, James! You’re so fucking deep in me!!”

Grunting and snorting below her like a pig, James gets a second wind. Driving hard up into Kendall, he sends her into a wailing climax before reaching his own orgasm inside of her. Barreling up into with a grunt, he falls with a huff and moans as Kendall lands on him. He unloads into her, Kendall smiling and shaking on him as he floods her. His grip in her hair lingers as he gasps, but when he releases her, Kendall sits forward with a smile and cups his hairy testicles, cooing as she holds them. “There we go,” she whines, her voice high and a blushing smile on her face. Their bodies glisten with perspiration as she holds him. “There’s a big one. A nice big load from a nice, big cock.” She giggles and then purrs. “Fuck, I’m think I’m coming from being pumped full.”  Closing her eyes, she wriggles on him. “God, this dick is a monster!”

Panting, James sits up and reaches around her body, gripping her bra from below and flipping it up to release her breasts. Cupping each breast, he crushes them rough in her hands, and Kendall laughs and holds his hands to her bosom, allowing him access. “Fuck!!”

Holding him by the hands, Kendall sits with him inside of her and smiles at you before releasing a sigh. “Whew. Okay, let’s see here.” She squints at the camera and then smiles. “There we go. KC isn’t an expert on these things. There are likely a lot of variables which he is unaware of, and he doesn’t run a website which hosts stories and has little understanding of the money required to keep it going. Despite that, he cannot determine a satisfactory reason why they would refuse authors the right to promote their own work when those stories provide free traffic for the website themselves. Views are not compensation, especially when those views come at the price of our own promotion.”

“Take it out and hold it to your belly,” James says.

Kendall looks back at him. “What? Why,” she asks, obeying. She lifts herself off of him and lets a deluge of sperm fall onto his thick pubic hair as she holds his spent cock to her belly, marveling at how deep he goes into her. James, meanwhile, smiles ta you over her shoulder.

“As it stands, even if you don’t want traffic taken, there are other ways for content creators to promote their work, ones that are more viable than the frequent suggestion of promoting on the forums, which get a fraction of the views their work will get. Either way, for anyone out there who wants to support KC, you could join the hypothetical Patreon, if it existed.”

Holding James to her with one hand, Kendall remembers where she is and looks up to wave at you with a smile, her bosom shaking as she sits breathlessly on James’ big body. “Thanks for reading and happy fapping!”

The camera goes dark, and before the chapter ends, Kendall can be heard saying, “Okay, wow, that was a good one.”

James responds, “You fucking know it.”


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