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Chapter Three: RuineD

A week passed, and it felt like torture for the constantly horny Daisy. Nearly every night, she rubbed herself raw to maintain her lust, and she even made an effort to seduce her husband one night to help her along. Seeing his tiny penis, however, turned her off, and it was only thoughts of Dylan that returned her to arousal. She refused William after that, sparking a short-lived fight that left him on the couch.

The problem was that William had cheated on her, and they both knew it. William didn’t have the gumption to fight her about it or to stand his ground. He had done wrong, and he felt wrong for doing it. As a result, he hardly argued with her anymore. His temper would allow him to start fights, but his guilt always found him retreating from them.

Daisy, meanwhile, felt very little guilt at all. She tried a few times to let go of her arousal, but Dylan would appear in her head unbidden, floating in and out of her focus in the form of sudden wants. It reminded her of hot flashes. One moment she was living a normal life with her guilt-ridden husband, and the next she was horny and clawing at herself. Her days grew long as the week went on, and each felt emptier than the last.

Saturday came, and Dylan text her, and Daisy smiled. She threw on an outfit and scooped up her phone, typing a quick response before rushing to the front door. “Will? I’m going out.” She had her purse on her shoulders before he responded.

“Where to?” This was him beginning a fight that he wouldn’t win. His stare bore through her, and Daisy could understand why. She had made sure to stuff herself into tube top that hid her belly but showed off her generous cleavage, and she tucked it into a pair of jeans so tight that they looked like they had been painted on. William had cheated on her, and though he trusted her, he could see the writing on the wall.

Daisy tucked back her curly blond hair and smiled at him. She knew what he was suspecting, and she knew he was right, but she had a lot of leverage against him. William had cheated because of a misguided sense of betrayal and hurt, one which she still seethed to think about. Daisy, however, was cheating because Dylan was a better man. He was younger, larger where it counted, and he could give her something William never could—orgasms. In fact, he had already given her some, and a few of them were from him fucking her throat.

“Just going for a drive,” she said, and though she had intended to remain calm, she ended up applying pressure anyway. “Why, William, is something wrong?” She arched her eyebrows in a way to tell him that this is dangerous territory.

Fear and excitement mingled inside of her. William, though not a particularly large man, was strong from years of construction and military service. In the past, he had been abusive toward her, though the sin of infidelity and intervention by his father had softened him considerably. The adrenaline was still there inside of her, though, and a part of her wanted to punish her husband by letting her see what Dylan could do to her. In the past, when she first started dating William, she used to imagine her ex fucking her in his place to help her feel good. With Dylan, she didn’t need to imagine anything anymore.

William frowned at her but stayed quiet. He didn’t like how she was behaving, but he didn’t have anything appropriate to say as a response. There was no evidence to support his claims other than her strange dress and behavior, and the only one between them who had a history of infidelity or domestic violence was him. He had done wrong, and they both knew it. “You’re just,” he paused to rub his neck and look away, “You’re showing a lot of skin is all.”

Daisy smiled, enjoying how he squirmed. “It’s hot out, William!” She said it not just with conviction but with disappointment and anger. It wasn’t meant to hurt him, necessarily, but to make him feel silly for questioning her.

William’s doubt lingered on his face as he stared at her. Rubbing the back of his neck, he sighed, his shoulders sagging. “I…I guess that is fine.”

Daisy smiled. “It will have to be, won’t it?”

She left with her nipples stiff, the thrill of almost being caught only working to increase her arousal as she rushed to her SUV. She drove quickly, taking the dirt roads a bit too fast on her way to see Dylan. The ride seemed to last longer than usual as her excitement grew, and when she arrived at the grocery store, she was frustrated to have trouble finding him. Her heart hammered as she made circles in the parking lot, and she stopped only as he pulled in. Once he was parked, she pulled up next to him.

They met outside of their cars, and Dylan looked her over with a smile. He seemed at ease with himself, a cocky grin on his face as he stared at her. “You look good.”

Daisy smiled back at him. “You, too,” she said, and she found that she halfway meant it. Dylan was tall and lean, almost skinny, a direct opposite of her short and heavy husband. He had lightly muscled shoulders and a plain face, not handsome but not disfigured. His eleven-inch dick, however, helped to paint him in a positive light.

He stared her in the cleavage before going to her car. Daisy returned to the driver’s seat, fastening her seatbelt and putting the strap between her breasts. She adjusted her blouse to keep his interest. “So, where to,” she asked.

Dylan, grinning, adjusted himself, too. “Same place as yesterday,” he said. “Maybe we can get out and fuck standing up this time?”

Daisy’s cheeks warmed like a teenager at the thought of him drilling her from behind. She backed out of her parking space and then sped out of the parking lot. They drove along the dirt road, throwing rocks and dust in their wake. Dylan whipped his dick out as soon as they left town and took to stroking himself. He was hard by the time that they parked, and he had intentions for her already.

Daisy noted that Dylan began their trysts with his dick out and wondered if it was somehow a method of compensation. He was a skinny lad, farm-tanned by not farm-bred like the others in their community. Though he seemed proud, he also seemed to use his dick as a leverage, a way of seizing control of it. It never failed to hold her interest, but she wondered if there was insecurity hidden behind that, insecurity she could somehow leverage in return. Staring at his dick, though, she had trouble formulating much of a plan.

As the car went off, Dylan took Daisy by the hand and made her hold him. “Let’s start with your throat first,” he said, and cupping her head, he pulled her toward him. Daisy did not fight him. In fact, she moaned as she took him into her mouth and guided him to the edge of her throat. Saliva gathered around her lips, forming a ring around his cock where she tightened the seal. This saliva was forced out by the sheer, meaty girth of him but still served to wet him as she sucked. Holding him, she stroked him with one hand while cupping his balls with the other. Each downstroke of her head as she sucked him forced a gurgle from her.

Dylan gasped and his head lulled as wet pleasure surrounded him. He groaned, suddenly struck as she throated him once as an experiment. Daisy heard him and purred in response, taking him to almost half his length on her second attempt to throat him. Compared to her husband, or even to her well-hung ex, Dylan was larger and larger still. His age added another appeal, a strange but flattering taboo that further stoked her flames. He might have been plain, even a bit scrawny, but his powerful dick made him special.

Holding her hands flat around his cock, Daisy took him deeper, remembering the forceful power of his throat stretching face-fucking as she did. This display of erotic need was revealing to him, proving to him that while he was young, he had proved himself a man to her on that day at the parking lot. Daisy realized that, too, and comparing him now to the milquetoast version of himself from the day before, she was able to merge the two disparate images of him into one cohesive, eleven-inch whole.

Dylan, comforted by her hunger, gathered her hair in one hand and let her work. He touched her wherever he pleased and earned no reprisal for it. Save for quiet moans when he pleased her, he was allowed to tease her as he pleased. Dylan was well-endowed but inexperienced, and his failure with Summer had left him with both a broken heart and a broken spirit. With Caleb gone and Daisy throating him, however, Dylan felt empowered to take what was rightfully his. He had never intended to do this to start with, of course, but felt suddenly emboldened after their run in at the store. Now, he reveled in the success.

After exploring her body with a caressing hand, he settled on her bottom and gave it a squeeze. She moaned around him, and Dylan tightened his grip and forced her deeper with a grin. “Yeah, like that, Daisy? You like having my big cock stretching your throat? How does William compare, huh? Can you choke on him like you choke on me?”

Daisy gurgled as spittle gathered and foamed around her lips. Her eyes were fixed on his unkempt pubic hair. He had her held in place but released her before it hurt. She came up for air and stroked him with both hands, coughing and wheezing with saliva glossy on her chin. His cock looked angry, his crown red, and his shaft steel hard and slick in her hands. She could tell that his balls were swollen with need. That is when it hit her: Dylan wouldn’t be fucking her today. To her surprise, that revelation did not upset her in the least.

Easing him back into her mouth, Daisy slurped him noisily while staring him in the eyes. She watched him, reading him for pleasure of any sort, desperate to serve him with her mouth and with her throat. She moved to please him however she could, driven by his fat cock to thralldom and hunger. The last time they were together, Dylan had fucked her into submission, and this time she wanted to thank him for it.

Dylan moaned. Her obedience struck him, left him silenced and drunk. His head lulled back as he forced her deep, but he let her set the pace. Daisy, understanding his want, fucked her own face with his thick shaft, hugging him by the hips as she took him. Lifting his head, Dylan watched and panted. Even Summer hadn’t been this mesmerized by his dick. He groaned. “Fuck, Daisy, your throat feels so good!”

Daisy purred around him, “Mmhmm.” She agreed. The pleasure he felt was communicated to her, carried through her body. It hurt a little, but it was a positive pain, one that showed her growth.

Dylan groaned again, and this time he grinned. Holding her head, he forced her deep again, grunting as he did. “Yeah. You like choking on my big dick, don’t you? You like it when I gag you with my long, fat cock!” Spittle ran over out of her lips and gathered in his pubic hair. Dylan slapped her on the ass. “That’s why you didn’t fight me last time I fucked your face, huh? You’re a size queen, through and through!”

He smacked her ass again and watched her fleshy bottom undulate. Daisy was a woman of thick curves, but she wore them well. Her three daughters had done nothing to diminish her beauty and seemingly had improved or enhanced her figure. From what little Dylan knew of her youth, she was voluptuous to begin with. Her children added curves to curves, giving her a feminine shapeliness which only a mother can have.

Dylan slapped her ass again, squeezing and molding it in his hands. “Fuck! You’ve got such a thick, fat ass, Daisy!” He grinned. “Maybe that’s what I should fuck next!”

Daisy, throating him, gurgled uncertainly. She had tried anal before, and she had even enjoyed it, but she had never been with a man like Dylan before. Sucking him, choking on him, she imagined his thick shaft filling her bowels instead of her throat. To surprise, she took joy in the thought. Her pussy tightened and tingled imagining him in her ass, and as a result, she moaned loudly around him as he used her.

Hearing her, Dylan picked up speed, thrusting into her throat and smacking her ass again as he laughed.  Saliva gathered on his root, wetting his pubic hair. He removed himself from her mouth and slapped his saliva-slick shaft down against her cheek. “You like the sound of that, Daisy?” As he spoke, Dylan slapped her with his dick. Daisy extended her tongue, tasted him and gave him a landing as she drooled into his pubic hair. “You want me to fuck your big, round bubble butt?”

Daisy moaned against him, breathing him in, thoughtless in their mutual pleasure. “I want you however you want me, Dylan.” She whined, licking him. “Fuck, your dick is so fucking big!”

Suddenly shaking, Dylan shoved his door open and climbed from the SUV. “Then get out and come around the car. And lose the fucking pants on the way. I want you bare ass and hanging out of the car as I fuck your throat!”

Daisy groaned and obeyed, climbing from the passenger seat and rounding the SUV. She stripped her pants on the way as he had suggested, holding onto the hood of the car to keep her balance as she stepped out of her jeans. When she met him on the other side, in the shadow cast by the SUV, she was without pants and panties, her bare ass and wet thighs jiggling as she moved. She left her clothes on the hood.

Dylan forced her back between his legs, choking her as he bent forward to smack her ass. He spanked her with both hands while she choked him down, and then he sat back to guide her by the hair. They made eye contact as he swelled inside of her mouth. They could both feel it coming, feel him coming, and both looked forward to it.

“Fuck, your throat is tight like your pussy.” Dylan groaned. “Your husband clearly hasn’t been taking care of you, which is sad, because,” he said, staring at her plump bottom as she throated him with smooth movements of her head and mouth, “Because you’re a fine fucking slut for the right kind of man.”

Daisy smiled around him and winked with teary eyes. Dylan smiled back.

“Are you a good slut for me, Daisy? Am I the kind of man you need?”

Daisy gagged on him in response. She made wet sounds with her throat and let Dylan move her. He held her by the face and fucked her throat with abandon. Swollen as he was and nearing climax, Daisy only tightened her lips to help him along. He groaned in response and, removing her, took to stroking himself in her face as she extended her tongue to preparation for the storm.

They shared a climax. Daisy came from his orgasm, and Dylan left his load across her face. Daisy swallowed, mewling through her own pleasure and sucking him clean afterward while he stroked the last of his semen onto her hungry, wriggling tongue. Both were left breathless, both staring at each other with hungry infatuation.

Leaning over her, Dylan reached down and swatted her ass one last time. “Damn, that was a good one.”

Daisy, holding him in her mouth, sucking him as his hot semen cooled on her face, smiled up at him. “I’ll say it was.” She licked her lips and cupped her breasts, scooping semen up and feeding it into her mouth. “Nice and thick, and delicious, too.”

Dylan stared, laughing. “Fuck me, you’re wasted on William.”

Daisy laughed, too, and winked at him. “Agreed.” Taking hold of him, she stroked him idly, producing another pearl of thick, white cum. She licked it up, mewling around him as she stared down his long, thick shaft. “You,” she purred. “Mm. You’re just perfect for me.”

Dylan gave a crooked grin. “I’m going to ruin you.”

Daisy, staring fixedly at his dick and holding him in both hands, sighed and smiled. “Oh, I know you will.” She looked up at him, kissing his crown, and whined. “Actually, I think you already have.”


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