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It has been a long time since I updated, and I feel like those of you supporting me on patreon deserve to know why.  There are two reasons:

1. My life has become busier, and while that won't slow down my production, it will limit how much time I have to post stories on here and other platforms.  Luckily, I always post new chapters here first, but it will be some time before I can post consistently again.

2. I had a few people join the patreon and then cancel it after reading the updated chapters.  I understand that this is how these things work sometimes, but it was still frustrating.  I work a full-time job and then some, and I do this on the side.  If this doesn't pay, then it has to be the first thing to go.

With that in mind, I would rather solve the problem then complain.  I am planning to get rid of the $2 tier and add more to the $1 tier, but I do not know  what to add.  So, I ask you, my most loyal of fans--what kind of benefits would you like to see?

As always, thank you for your support and happy fapping,



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