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Chapter Five: [A]ss

Morgan’s guilt lasted until she came home and saw her husband. Alone with him for the evening, she felt justified fucking Chris. The differences between the two were just far too pronounced and, though Chris was just a boy in so many ways, he was a man in the ways that mattered. At night, Morgan saw her husband in his underwear and nearly laughed herself to sleep. She dreamed of Chris, and she woke up horny the next day.

After school, Chris came to her with yet another A on another assignment. Morgan stared at it critically, her interest clear. On the one hand, an A of any sort improved his grades, and as a teacher she should be willing to reward any hard work on his part, regardless of where the hard work manifested.

On the other hand, their deal was made for tests only. She already granted him one concession, and after her dreams and her orgasms, she was afraid that any reward rendered now would be done with impure intentions. Her pussy has been moist since the morning after dreaming of him, and it had only moistened since being alone in the room with him. In fact, her entire classroom reeked of their sex and of his cum when she arrived at school, and she didn’t open her window until lunch time because she enjoyed the smell so much.

She tried to look him in the eyes but found herself too horny to do it for long. Besides, she had to look up at him to do so, being so short, and when she found him staring back anxiously, his blue eyes gleaming in carnal desire, her nipples swelled. She stared at his chest then, and she remembered how his body flexed as he fucked her, and how his fat cock filled her and flooded her with warm, rich semen.

Morgan swallowed her desire. “Chris, I’m sorry, but this isn’t a test.” Chris, who had been shaking to this point, sagged. Morgan touched his arm lightly afterward to comfort him. “Hey, hey, I’m still really proud of you. This shows all the hard work we’re doing is really paying off, but our deal was for tests, right? And a deal is a deal, isn’t it?”

Chris frowned at the whiteboard, his homework now crumpled in his big hand. He sighed. “Yeah, I guess. I just...You tasted so good yesterday, and I really wanted to eat you again.”

Morgan smirked but put distance between them. As her arousal swelled, she felt warm all over, and so went to a closet in her room to keep herself distracted. Opening it, she dug around for homework inside to grade while Chris worked on his own. “Oh, did you,” she asked with her back turned to him, her ponytail swaying with her movements.

Chris nodded quietly, his eyes lingering on the whiteboard a moment longer before turning on her and fixing on her tight, firm bottom. Morgan exercised daily and vigorously, and it showed in her slender, lithe frame. Years of yoga had left her not only toned but limber, and many students coveted her. She was the resident cute, hot teacher, and her bottom alone was something of rumor and whispers. Chris swelled staring at it, and he swelled further to think that he was the closest anyone had ever gotten to it. “I at least had hoped to see your ass,” he said, and when she smiled at him over her shoulder, he stammered again. “I...I’ve always wanted to see it,” he explained lamely.

Still smiling, Morgan stuck her bottom out at him on instinct. “Have you now,” she said, opening a drawing and digging through it.

Chris nodded emphatically without realizing that she couldn’t see him. His voice cracked when he spoke again. “I...I’ve always stared at it.”

Morgan’s smile lingered as she felt his eyes on her rear. Years ago, a photo of her ass had been passed around the school, one which had been taken in class while her back was turned to her closet. The student who had taken it had gotten in trouble for the little prank, but that student wasn’t Chris. Her loins grew wet just remembering it, and she hooded in expectation as she imagined Chris staring at her rear. She hesitated. “And you promise that you just want to see it?”

Looking up from her ass, Chris found her staring at him. He blinked and swallowed. “Mm? Sorry, what?”

“No touching,” she whispered softly, “You just want to see it?”

Another vigorous nod, and Chris said, “Yeah. Yes! No touching!”

Shrugging, Morgan undid her jeans and slid them down her backside. “No harm in that,” she said, sliding her panties down with her pants and exposing her bare bottom to him. She bent forward in her cabinet and stuck her rear out at him. “Go ahead and look. We have to hurry so we can get to work when you’re done.”

Chris, stunned into silence, nearly tumbled over the desks between them in his rush. He stopped at the desk nearest to her bottom and leaned over it to stare. Her ass was small and round, pronounced by exercise and standing out against her tiny frame. Gazing, he was stunned by how clean she was and how well-groomed she kept herself. Between her slender, strong thighs he could spy the pink folds of her pussy framed by a subtle field of short red hair.

Morgan blushed to have him so close, but she smiled at his fascination. “So,” she said, “How does it look? Is it as good as you always imagined?”

“Better,” Chris murmured, reaching forward and hesitating with an inch between them. Morgan watched his advance but held her tongue. She was grateful to see his self-control but aroused by his near indiscretion. “God, Mrs. Klein, you have got to have the nicest ass in the entire world.”

Morgan giggled as butterflies stirred up her stomach. Her thighs were growing warm and moist in her arousal. “No offense, Chris, but I don't think you have the experience to say that. Still, thanks.” Still giggling, she wiggled her bottom at him. “But I do work hard.”

“It shows,” Chris said quietly. “It looks tight.”

Morgan, leaking at his praise, stuck her ass out at him. “Give it a squeeze and find out for yourself how tight it is.”

Chris hesitated, his eager hand hovering inches from her firm rear. Stammering again, he said, “A-Are you sure?”

Morgan, shaking and horny, shrugged. She wasn’t sure, but she didn’t want to show it. So, she said, “No harm in a squeeze…?”

“R-Right,” Chris stammered, and he reached out and cupped her with both hands. Her flesh molded to the shape of his strong fingers yet remained firm against his palms. Releasing her, he watched her return to form before his guidance. Her ass was supple yet strong, and it was entirely smooth and without a blemish he could find. Cupping her again, he squeezed a second time and this time drew a gasp from his favorite teacher.

“It’s so tight,” he whispered, his fingers in her flesh. “Your entire body is so tight, and so is your pussy,” he said. “I can see it between your legs.” Driven by instinct and teenage curiosity, Chris eased his thumbs into her pussy and held her folds open. Morgan tensed but parted around him, welcoming him inside with a moist kiss. At this point, she is so primed for Chris that she might be unable to resist.

She gasped, “Okay. I think that’s enough,” but Chris stood behind her and undid his jeans. Morgan closed her eyes to try and ignore it, but his fingers felt good and strong inside of her. When younger, her husband was strong, too, but he was never as strong as Chris. Bent over with her pants down and Chris hard behind her, Morgan felt the familiar giddiness forming in her belly. His fat cock fell heavily against her ass cheek, landing with a smack, and she cooed. “Chris, we shouldn’t.” She whispered the words, half-hoping he wouldn’t hear.

“You’re so wet,” he said in a trance. Driven by adolescent want more than reason, he stroked himself and lined up carefully. Morgan knew it was wrong, but when she felt him probing her folds with his sticky crown, she lifted her hips for him. Chris traced the length of her vulva with his manhood, and her wet lips parted for him and left him shiny. Seeing this, Chris remembered what Morgan had said about taking charge, and he slapped her ass once while growling, “I’m going to fuck you.”

Morgan, whining, slumped her shoulders and nodded. She held her hips up for him while Chris guided himself with one hand. Aimless and clumsy, he found a hole and thrust, and Morgan leapt into the cabinet with a cry. “OW! Fuck, Chris, ow! Wrong hole. Wrong hole!”

Faltering, Chris released her and stepped away. “Sorry,” he stammered, “Oh! I-I’m so sorry!”

The pain left quickly, and Morgan comforted herself by taking a deep breath and rubbing her bottom. “No, no, it’s fine,” she said, reaching back and taking him by the shaft. She pulled him back toward her and then switched hands, guiding him from between her legs as Chris followed her direction absently, his eyes fixed on her beautiful backside. “Come here,” she said, “I’ll help.”

Holding him by his fat, sticky crown, she smiled as she lined him up. Chris was hard and leaking precum. Pressing him to her moistened cleft, she held him in place and said to him, “Now, thrust.” When he did, Morgan went quiet. She held her cabinet tight as an orgasm tore through her. Comparatively, it was small, but it left her breathlessly and drooling as his balls came to rest against her thighs. As her orgasm settled, Morgan crooned. “Oh. Oh, yes! There. That’s the right hole. That is definitely the right hole!”

Holding himself inside of Morgan, with his hands at his side, Chris struggled to contain himself. His hands shook as he watched himself disappear inside of her, and now swallowed to the root, with her little bottom flat against his groin, Chris was speechless. Finally, with a groan, he muttered, “God, you’re so tight!”

“No,” Morgan purred, rolling her hips on him and then fucking him in slow, short strokes. “No, Chris, you’re just so stinking big!” She shivered as she widened her arch. “Mm. Gosh, you’re going to ruin me for my husband if you aren’t careful.”

Hearing this, Chris smiled and swelled thicker inside of her. Her praises the day before echoed in his head now, and they emboldened him to take hold of her by the ass and guide her along his shaft. Still inexperienced, Chris is clumsy but eager, and luckily his twelve inches made up for a lack of skill. Morgan found herself hanging from her cabinet, half afraid it might tip over on them as he fucked her hard and forced her, whining, into a series of powerful orgasms.

Chris, meanwhile, was mesmerized by Morgan’s tiny body. Most of the boys at school were. Morgan was small, but she was fit, and she worked hard to stay that way. It showed in her slender thighs, in her flat belly, and in her toned ass. Watching her jiggle and flex, Chris could not only see the effort she put in, but he could feel it, too. “Your ass is amazing, Mrs. Klein.” Another orgasm hits her and leaves her panting, and Chris grinned. “And I’m really glad you let me see it.”

Morgan gasped and grunted, breathless and shaking, drooling slightly in her pleasure. “Keep fucking me like this,” she panted, “And you can see it every day, you stud. Good God!”

Chris began fucking her with deep strokes. He lasted longer this time, hammering her womb with each forward thrust. The slapping of his balls on her thighs mixed with her wails of pleasure, creating a symphony of sex that filled the room and may have spilled into the halls. Drooling and hanging from the cabinet as Chris pummeled her depths, Morgan was vaguely afraid that they might draw the attention of other faculty but was mostly glad that she was getting fucked. Chris was too good to resist, she decided, and he was completely worth the danger.

As an experiment, Chris swatted Morgan’s ass and felt her tighten around him. She flexed, and she came around him and felt him swell in return. Each thrust grew clumsier after, and soon he had pinned himself inside of her so that he could swell her insides with his semen. His orgasm triggered another orgasm for Morgan, this one loud and thoughtless. Her brain went blank and opened up to the pleasure. Chris held her tight around the waist as he flooded her, and his fingers left bruises where they touched.

Morgan whined his name through the pleasure. “Chris!”

“Mrs. Klein!”

When finished, Chris staggered back and his semen cascaded down her thighs. He leaned into the desk behind him for support while Morgan hung still from the cabinet. She cooed, gathering herself with deep breathes before turning to face him. Though he had gone limp, he remained impressively large, his size emphasized by the way his shaft glistened with their combined pleasure. A long, lingering rope of cum dripped from his dick, and Morgan eyed it proudly. “Jeeze,” she said, taking his slick length in her hand as she reached for her towel.

Kneeling, she cleaned him before toweling herself and the mess she made. Though still young, Chris’ dick was long and beautiful. Every aspect of it, from his size to his shape, was utter perfection from where Morgan sat on the floor. Even the color of him aroused her, and she felt lucky to be his first. Someday, he is going to ruin some poor girl, she told herself, and she smiled. But, I got to ruin him, first, she thought, and it made her horny, and she kissed his cockhead and gratitude and felt him swell in response. Smiling, she stared at his dick a moment longer before looking up at him. “Now, now, don’t go getting any ideas, Mr. We don’t have time for a round two, not if you want to keep getting As and the rewards that come with them.

Stammering, Chris nodded. “S-Sorry, ma’am.”

“Don’t be,” Morgan purred, still holding his dick. Smiling, she kissed it again and watched him twitch. Giggling, she said, “That was incredible. YOU are incredible.” She kissed him a third time before removing herself. Chris was already fat and gaining steel, and if she wasn’t careful, Morgan could see herself fucking him again. “I need to clean up, but I’ll be back soon. Can you open the windows for me and air this place out? I’ll need it to get anything done.”

Chris nodded quickly and did up his pants, tucking himself away half erect. His sweats tented to accommodate him, and Morgan had to look away to keep from laughing. Young and eager as he was, he certainly fucked her like a man.

In the school bathroom, Morgan recalled fondly the praises Chris gave her and her ass. It hurt when he had accidentally pressed against her asshole, but it also sent a thrill up her spine. Turning, she gazed at her firm little backside and wondered if, since she could take him into her pussy so easily, there could ever be a way to take him up her ass. She had never done that before, but if there was anyone she would do it for, it would be Chris.


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