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Chapter Seven: The Royal Family

Trigger Warning: No more trigger warnings.  We're seven chapters in.  You know what to expect.

Months Earlier…

Paige landed heavily on James’ lap and shook as he held her by the ass. Like the day before, he forced her open and sent her howling in climax as she quaked on him. It was an experience that her body still could not cope with, even after three children.  James was the biggest man her body had ever known, and she was old enough to appreciate that to the fullest. Toes curled and head spinning, she cupped his head and held him to her bosom as he slobbered all over her breasts.

Clutching him and moaning, Paige was surprised when James pulled her into a kiss. She hesitated only until she tasted them, and then she held him by the cheeks and jammed her tongue into his mouth to drink him up. James was a cruel man, and he showed it whenever he could. For years, Kendall accused him of beating her and, though Paige never saw it, she was aware of the bruises. The day before, he had been anything but gentle with Paige herself, though she had enjoyed how rough and careless he was and associated it only with boyish enthusiasm.

Today, Paige has found James gentler. He still fucked her hard, and she wanted that to continue, but he allowed her freedom to move how she liked. Gone was the bravado of the day before, and it was replaced with an earnest desire to find mutual pleasure in each other. Experiencing that, and sharing that with him, Paige held him and sucked his tongue, drinking up his delicious saliva as she rolled her hips and flexed for him. At that moment, at least, even if everything Kendall said was true--which Paige believed it was--she still favored James over her own daughter.

Orgasm subsiding, Paige freed James’ head from her grasp and held him again to her breasts. With him returning his affections to her nipples, she smiled and lifted herself on him, riding him again and building another powerful orgasm deep in her loins. His cock barrelled into her and against her cervix, adding pain to the pleasure and curling her toes again in another powerful and sudden climax.

James chewed her nipple carelessly while guiding her by the hips. This time, he didn’t allow Paige time to recover and moved her on his dick, forcing her to ride him through her orgasm. Paige remained obedient, following his guidance without resistance or complaint. James was a brash lover, almost entirely without skill, but he made up for that lack of skill with an overabundance of masculine charisma and cock, and each powerful orgasm only made her like him more. “Oh God, James! Fuck! You’re so good!”

Her face tightened as she rode him through her orgasm, and he felt her flex again as another orgasm followed close on its heels. Smacking her ass, James laughed. “You coming again, slut?”

Paige smiled, slowing her movements and rolling her hips rather than bouncing. Another swat on the rear brought her back to full strokes, and each deep stab of his dick sent the air from her lungs. She wheezed and whined through her orgasms, an eager slut for his eleven-and-a-half-inches. “Mm. Yes, baby. I just can’t stop coming for you!”

Smiling, she carefully timed her movements to make up for his shortcomings. James was big but clumsy, and though the pain often added to the pleasure, she feared the times when it wouldn’t. So far, he had given her only orgasms, but with a weapon as wide as his, she felt it best to manage how he could wield it. If for nothing else, it was important to train James how to use her so that their mutual pleasure was assured. In her mind, it would be an equal tragedy for her to come continuously without him eventually joining her.

Even as flawed as he was, James remained not only the best sex of her life, but also her very definition of masculinity. Paige had few examples of positive relationships with men in her life and coming every few thrusts with James translated to something very positive in her mind. Nothing else in her life could compare to it, at least, or compare to him and, feeling affectionate, she kissed him on the forehead to let him know.

James, unaware of her growing affection, only smacked her on the ass as he watched her bouncing on him. “That’s what happens when you fuck a real man,” he growled.

Enamored with him, Paige cupped him by the cheeks and pulled him into another deep kiss. Their tongues met, and she found herself drinking his saliva for the second time that day. Parting, she sat back on him, flexing and rolling her hips while staring into his dumb, empty neanderthal eyes. Paige chewed her bottom lip, enjoying James for his dim stare that was absent of anything but pleasure. His desires were simple and obvious, and each jab of his wrist-thick cock only furthered her affection for him. She was positively gushing on him.

“You’re right, James! I’ve never been with a real man before I was with you.” Holding him by the shoulders, she rode him hard, slamming herself down onto his dick and taking him painfully into her depths as another orgasm assaulted and distorted her thinking. “AH! Fuck me, James! Fuck! You’re so fucking big, and you feel so fucking good!”

Grunting and squeezing her breasts roughly, James ran his hands along her body. Watching her, the wheels began to turn, and though he was simple, James still wanted control. Paige could see it in his eyes, and though he remained in awe of her supple, womanly figure, he preferred control to climaxes and was desperate to keep it. Moving his hands, he fixed them around her throat only briefly before Paige redirected him, moving his hands back down her body and setting them down beside him on the couch. Then, she dismounted his gleaming shaft without bringing him to climax, and James went feral. “The fuck are you going?”

Smiling in a practiced, placating manner, Paige kneeled between his legs. “I’m just showing you how much I love your big dick, you stud.” Cupping her breasts, she hugged them around his pussy-slick shaft and leaned in close to kiss him. James, understanding immediately, took her by the hair and guided her movement. Paige, meanwhile, could smell and taste their combined essence on him and purred as she sucked him. James wanted control, so all she had to do was hold herself ready for him as he took to thrusting up through her cleavage into her open mouth.

Having been in abusive relationships in the past, Paige was better equipped to predict James’ moods and knew well how to redirect him. Simple as he was, James wanted only pleasure and power. Pleasure was easy to give and even easier to share between them with a dick as fine as his. Power required thought, but for Paige was something she was willing to sacrifice for the pleasure James promised her. As a result, she was treated better by James than any other man she had ever been with, and it was all because of her willingness to cede control to him at tactical moments.

It helped her, also, that she sincerely wanted to sacrifice to him. Ultimately, her greatest fear wasn’t that James would hurt her but that he might ignore her. Yesterday’s blowjob and the fucking that followed had her completely convinced--she didn’t want a day to pass where he didn’t come either in her or on her. If his desires were animal, then hers were equally animal, and that worked for them both.

James went deep, with his balls slapping and sliding along her body. Paige gagged but did not choke. She also tasted herself on him, and was surprised to find that their combined flavor was both familiar but not unpleasant. It aroused her to taste her own pleasure on him, and it aroused her to know that he was leaking across her tongue. Their pleasure was mutual, and she was glad to let him slide his shaft smoothly through her cleavage like it was yet another pussy.

Judging from his grunts and growls, Paige figured that James liked it, too. He spoke his pleasure to her through barking pants as he called her a slut. With one of his big fists, he held her in place by the hair as he fucked up into her mouth. It made Paige feel like a slut. At her age, such degradation meant little more than a face full of cum, and with James she at least knew that the cum would be thick and accompanied by climax. To be a slut for a man like him was a good thing, she figured, and so she embraced it.

James stiffened between her breasts, and Paige moaned in response. Eager to feast on his thick seed as she had the day before, she sucked him with greater urgency. Before James, it was rare that she would swallow a man’s load. Staring down his shaft, however, and watching him rise through and fall between her glistening breasts, remembering how hot and thick his seed felt inside of her the day before, she can only look forward to his coming climax. His thick, delicious loads were, to her, just another way in which James was better than other men.

With another feral growl, James cussed, and then he came. Paige purred, holding her breasts tighter around him and meeting each upward thrust with her own downward stroke. Soon, she took over completely, stroking him through his climax while James sat back, shaft stiff, semen spilling out into her mouth and across her face. Paige took it with a low, willing croon, swallowing what she could before resting him against her face and riding out his climax. Semen gathered in her hair and across her bouncing bosom, warming her breasts and leaving her sticky with seed.

When finished, Paige sat up and continued stroking him, milking him onto her with a smile as his thick semen stuck to her face. She licked his twitching cock with a laugh. “Mm, James, that was a good one!”

James grunted. “They’re always good ones, slut.”

Paige chuckled. “That’s true, from what I’ve seen.” Purring again, she stroked him into her open mouth, sucking him, tasting him, with a smile. “Mm. You’ve got a big dick, and big orgasms. You’re the stud I’ve always wanted, and I’m the luckiest slut in the world to have you.”

James, the simple man that he was, smiled at her praise and stuffed himself back into her mouth. Paige accepted him eagerly and stared him in the eyes as he moved her along his shaft. “Yeah? You like that big dick, don’t you, slut?”


“Shit,” James growled, staring at her in disbelief and continued arousal. “If you keep treating me like this, then I’ma’ have to stay and fuck you again.”

Paige slurped James until he released her. Then, releasing him with a wet pop, she sat back to rub his semen into her breasts. “That is the plan, handsome. Let me go rinse off and bring you a fresh beer, and then we can discuss it in greater detail when I get back.”

James gave a crooked grin, his fat shaft hanging in the open air, half-erect and leaking semen onto the carpet in ribbons. “Sounds good.”

Kissing him one last time, Paige removed herself. She went to the upstairs bathroom to rinse her torso and face in the shower and then toweled herself off in front of the mirror. It was an effort to clean herself with how thick James’ semen was. Even after contact with the water, it remained thick enough to clog the drain for a few seconds. Paige watched it wash away with a frown. It seemed like a waste to her.

Once clean, she went to the kitchen to fetch him a beer. True to his command, she had bought him new beer and had it ready for him on his return. Opening the beer for him, she brought it back to him and then kneeled at his feet to clean him with her mouth. She held him by his root and marveled at his length and lingering rigidity. Even after climax, he remained plump and heavy in her hands, longer than any erection she had seen on any other man.

She smiled around him, sucking him delicately and licking his shaft as she praised him. “Fuck, James, I keep forgetting how big you are whenever I leave a room, and then I come and see you, and I’m stunned all over again.” She laughed. “I mean, if this is you limp, then how in the hell did I take you inside of me when you were hard?” She stroked him as she spoke.

“I don’t know.” James shrugged. “Maybe sluts like you open up for men like me.”

Laughing again, she licked him from shaft to root, gathering the remaining semen on him and swallowing it eagerly. “I must, if I took you yesterday.” Holding him, licking him, she remembered the day before when she joined him in her bedroom. He was already hard and stroking himself as she approached, a big man filling her big bed, and all she could see was his fat shaft wrapped up in his fat fist.

He filled her like no one else could and fucked her hard, showing not only stamina but prowess. James was a clumsy lover, but he made up for it through force and size. Paige couldn’t call him the best lay of her life, but he was clearly the best sex. His dick alone had reduced her to obedience, as had his scent, taste, and looks. Technique could be taught, she reasoned, dick couldn’t.

She tongued his glans to clean him and teased his urethra with affection. Stroking him, she felt some steel returning to him, and found herself awed by both his virility and his stamina. James was a big man in poor shape, but he could last like a stud. His endurance, combined with his size, made him a human-horse designed for dominance and impregnation. She kissed her way down his shaft to his testicles, and she kissed those, too.

Purring, she nursed his balls briefly before she said, “God damn, James. If I had known you were this good, then I would have been fucking you for years. As it is, you were wasted on a child like my daughter.”

Grinning, James took Paige by the hair and dragged her up his shaft. Paige moaned in response, licking him wherever he led her before sucking him back into her mouth. Watching her, feeling her wet mouth around his crown, James can feel life returning to his cock. He planned to fuck her again, and like yesterday, he intended to fill her up. “If I had known you were such a slut, I would have been fucking you all along.”

Paige slurped on him. “Mm. Good. Now, we can make up for lost time.”

Pulling himself from her, James held her by the hair and hung her over his dick. He smacked her across the cheek, twice, both of them gentle and meant only as exertions of control, not punishment. Paige held his gaze and smiled at him. It hurt, but it only hurt lightly, and though she saw it as a juvenile display of dominance, she allowed him his pleasure and took pleasure in it herself.

Reaching out with his free hand, James cupped one of her breasts and tugged it hard while rubbing his slick shaft along her face and forehead. “That’s fine, but don’t get me wrong, though. I’ll use you, Paige, but I’ma’ still plan to fuck your daughter and other women, too. We can make up for lost time or whatever the fuck you said was, but you better be ready to share.”

Using her hands, Paige stroked her saliva along his shaft and watched him swell. Staring down his hardened length, her smile swelled alongside him. She liked James’ rough hands, just like she liked his thick cock, and she loved the way he fucked and treated her. He was simple, but he was also the strongest man she knew, deserving of not only her devotion but also of a harem at his call. Kissing his crown, she purred, “Are you asking my permission, James?”

Frowning, he smacked her again. This time, he was not as gentle. “Fuck no, slut. I’m giving it to you how it is.”

Paige still wore her smile as she said, “I guess I’ll have to accept it, then, huh? Especially if I want to keep getting my fair share of your big, fat cock.” She ran her hand down his full, hardening length and smiled as she held him by the root. “And I want nothing more in this world than to keep fucking you, James.”

James gave her another slap, light but loud, drawing her attention back to his cold, cold eyes. “Then I got some fucking rules, slut.”

Kissing him, Paige stared him in the eyes. “I’m all ears, master.”

“First of all, you don’t fuck no one else.”

Paige laughed against him. “Why would I waste my time?”

“Don’t know, don’t care, just know that you and your fucking body belong to me.”

Paige nodded, purring against his swollen dick, nuzzling him as she did. James smiled despite his efforts at stern control.

“Second, you don’t own my dick. I can fuck whoever I like.”

“Mm.” Paige nuzzled him again and looked him in the eyes, staring affectionately, as if to point out that they had already established that.

“Last, you take care of yourself and keep your shit clean. That means no body hair, all of it waxed off. You should be smooth for me.”

“That should be easy enough,” Paige said, and she kissed him idly. “Anything else, handsome?”

“Yeah. No more drinking or smokes anymore. You get beer for me, and you keep it fully stocked, but you don’t drink a drop yourself. Got it?”

James was pushing buttons, and they both knew it. That was why it came as such a surprise to him when Paige showed no hesitation. Though an dedicated alcoholic and smoker, she was quick to suck him to the edge of her throat before surfacing with tears in her eyes. Kissing him and smiling, she mewled, “Yes, sir. I have something better to replace them both with.”

The sight of Paige reduced to his cock slut had him hard again. Pinning his crown to her lips, James grinned. “Good girl. Keep that up, and I might just fuck you again.”

Paige grinned. “Here’s hoping.”

Present Day…

Kendall adjusts her shorts, trying hard to hide her ass as James pulls up. She sees him outside and lingers in front of the mirror to check herself before greeting him. Her pink nipples show clearly through the thin fabric of her tank top and, despite her earlier effort, her shorts ride up further with each step. By the time she is at the door, her ass is on display, and the shape of her labia can be seen as well.

This morning, she dropped Jackson off in her sweats. Now, when her ex arrives, she wears almost nothing at all. The irony is not lost on her, though her own guilt is muted when she meets James at the door. Right and wrong have a way of fading out of focus when she stares James in the eyes. She smiles at him as he enters the room and offers him a cold, opened beer on the way.

“Good morning, daddy.” She greets him warmly. The hate lingers in her heart, though it loses meaning with each orgasm. The memories and the old hurts have been recontextualized and given new life. Each smack, each strike still hurts her, but from her current perspective, they are also precursors to the pleasure that will soon follow his violence. James will never change, and she no longer expects him to. Instead, she realizes that she must change to accommodate him.

James passes her, heading straight for the bedroom, and stopping beside her bed and waiting for her to join him. Kendall follows obediently. At this point she is well-trained and almost eager to serve him. The promise of eleven inches and a rain of thick cum are enough to keep her loyal, despite her misgivings.

“We’re doing it here today,” James says, sipping his beer and burping afterward. “You’re my woman again, and so I want to be comfortable when you blow me.”

Kendall frowns. Even in another room, she has fallen asleep to the smell of James’ dick in her nostrils every night for a week now, and as a result she still feels wrong betraying Jackson like this. Aloud, she says, “But, this is the cuck’s bed and…” Anything else dies with a loud smack. Kendall falls into the wall and braces herself for more to follow, but looking at James, she only finds him grinning as he stares her down.

“It might be the cuck’s bed, but you’re going to eat my asshole on it. Now, get the fucking bed ready for me. I want to sit bare-ass on his pillow.”

Cheek burning, Kendall obeys. Standing from the wall, she moves to the bed and repositions the pillows on it, removing her pillow and placing Jackson’s pillow at the center, near the headboard. She feels guilty until she turns back to James and finds his pants open and his fat cock hanging out.

He hands off his beer before stepping out of his pants entirely. A big man, he has to support himself against the wall as he leaves his pants, and his plump cock sways with his movements. Though not fully erect, he remains not only impressive but significantly larger than Jackson. Once on the bed, he remains true to his word and places his bare bottom on the pillow, though Kendall hardly takes notice. She is too distracted by the beauty of his rapidly swelling dick.

She hands him his beer once he is settled. “There you go, daddy.”

James laughs. “There’s a good girl,” he says, cupping one of her breasts off-handedly while taking a drink. Kendall moans. James’ big hands, rough and strong, feel good against her sensitive flesh and leave her horny and willing. Distracted by her growing arousal, she forgets her guilt and joins him on the bed. With James watching, Kendall leans forward with her rounded ass up in the air, and she takes his toes into her mouth with a purr. Through her shorts, James can see the faintest outline of the plug in her asshole.

“Cuck at work and the girls with your momma, and here you are at home, sucking my toes while I fart on your boyfriend’s pillow.” To emphasize his point, James lifts one leg and farts loudly across Jackson’s pillow. Though disgusted, Kendall allows a small laugh because she knows James is expecting it. At the bottom of her heart, though, she feels no good humor from it but no revulsion, either. Sucking his toes, she stares at his cock, and it is the center of her world. James says, “A lot has changed around here, huh?”

Kendall purrs around his toes again, closing her eyes and enjoying the flavor of him. It does astonish her to think that in under a week, James has not only dominated her, but he has also revealed to her the domination of her whole family. With eleven-inches and a grudge, he has completely rewritten her entire world, and watching his dick throbbing before her, she can only find herself gleefully aroused as a result of it.

James feeds her the sole of his foot and watches her lick him with her eyes closed. Any disappointment or disapproval has left her. All that is left is pleasure. Seeing this, James cusses. “Shit, you might even be a bigger slut than your momma, you know that?”

Laughing against him, Kendall showers his foot with kisses before switching to the other. “God, that reminds me: I still can’t believe that you fucked my mom or made Oliver dress like a woman.”

Frowning, James stuffs his toes back into her mouth. He draws a deep breath to calm himself and sips his beer before saying, “Olivia is a woman and always was. Just born wrong. As for your momma, I done plenty more than just fuck her. She’s mine now, same as you, only I been training her for longer. In fact, she’s engaged to me, gonna be my slut bride.”

Surprised, Kendall lifts her eyebrows but doesn’t dare to remove James’ foot from her mouth. She is absorbed by his flavor now, and absorbed with the slow, throbbing growth of his manhood. There was too much pleasure for her to be distracted now, so instead of letting her surprise register in any meaningful way, she chokes herself on his toes, mewling around him as she does and wiggling her tongue between them.

James watches her short-lived surprise with a laugh. “Your momma’s a slut just like you, Kendall. Only difference is she knows it, and she lives it proudly.” Taking her by the hair, James drags her up to his dick and seizes himself by the root to smack his crown along her face. Kendall takes it without resistance, staring him in the eyes as he leaves her cheeks red. She is devoted at this point and even coming to enjoy his abuse, especially when it is abuse given through his dick.

Guiding her along his shaft, James parts his legs and lifts his balls up onto her face. Now, Kendall faces his vast darkness, and she follows his guidance reverently. Already drunk on him, she parts his cheeks and licks his asshole. She wraps her arms around his thick thighs to hold him in place. Reaching up, she finds the head of his half-erect cock and slowly strokes him as she eats.

His asshole still has a pronounced, sour flavor that spreads across her tongue, but this time it produces arousal rather than revulsion in her. She knows deep down that it shouldn’t please her, but it does, and that makes all the difference. The heavy weight of his testicles on her forehead serve as a poignant reminder of her purpose there. She must please James, she must get him hard to get him off. If that means she has to suffocate herself on his stench, then she will, and her efforts are rewarded. James swells to an erection in her hand.

Impressively, her tongue has him hard in seconds. Fully erect, he swells out of her grasp and comes to rest against his big belly. Grunting, James quickly removes her from his asshole and lifts her to nuzzle his cock. Kendall does it eager, favoring his musky sweat to his sour ass. Nose buried into his cock root, she showers him in kisses as he strokes himself against her face.

James watches breathlessly, laughing as she drools against him. “Well shit, there are some things your momma don’t do for me.”

Kendall’s smile swells. It is wrong of her to take pride in something that should shame her, but his praise is valuable to her when she is cock-drunk on him. Repositioning herself, she takes him in both hands as she kisses and slurps his testicles. James releases his shaft, freeing her to stroke him while she stares up into his empty, unfeeling eyes. It was a shock to find that he had dominated both her mother and brother. More shocking, however, is how quickly she came to understand and accept it. James possesses a power over her that, apparently, extends to her family. She cannot even imagine herself refusing James, nor could she understand how any else could, either.

She moves to his shaft, licking and sucking his root while he gathers her hair and holds it out of her face. Kendall is sloppy with him, but she is doing it for show. James likes to watch her slobber on him, and he wears a childish smile as he guides her by the hair, dragging her up his shaft and to his crown. There, she pauses to kiss him before opening her mouth wide to suck him inside.

Holding him in both hands, stroking him, Kendall sucks him deeply once before settling on his crown. His girth intimidates her, and so does her length. Though she usually enjoys the feel of him in her throat, today she entertains herself by tracing his glans with her tongue and swallowing the precum that follows. His size is a challenge, straining her jaw even at a moment like this, but she believes that it is a challenge worth rising to meet.

Kendall slaves over him, bobbing her head and sometimes closing her eyes to moan. She knits her brow sweetly whenever she takes him particularly deep, and she strokes him throughout, spreading her saliva and sometimes cupping his balls just to enjoy their weight. Periodically, she steals glances at him, watching for his pleasure and smiling whenever he twitches between her lips.

In response, James groans and, guiding her by the hair, forces her deep. He swells fatter as she gags on him and, when he lets her up, finds her smiling and gasping as she strokes him against her cheek. Smearing her saliva along him, Kendall stares down his fat, throbbing length. “My God, James! I still can’t believe how big you are!” She punctuates her point by sucking him back into her mouth and bobbing with increasing vigor. Using her right hand, she strokes him up into her hungry mouth. Her left hand, meanwhile, drifts lower to cup and massage his heavy balls, stirring up the thick seed that rests inside of them.

James grins. “Yeah. You like me big, don’t you?”

Kendall flashes him a smile that, due to the way he stretches her lips, shows mostly in her eyes. Nodding against him, she mewls, “Mmhmm.”

Pulling his dick from her mouth with a loud, wet pop, James rubs himself along her face as she giggles and licks him. The glossiness of her eyes betrays her desire. At this point, she is his slut, and no thought of betrayal or guilt exists in her pretty head. “And I bet you want a big load inside of that mouth and all over your face, too, don’t you?”

Still cupping his balls, Kendall plants a kiss along his shiny red crown. “Yes, please.” She can feel him swelling and throbbing, and she takes to sucking him again when he allows it.

Holding her in place by her hair, James knocks her hands away and strokes himself into her mouth. Kendall, breathing rapidly around him, only smiles while staring him in the eyes. His fat crown rests against her soft lips, swelling and leaking as he strokes himself to completion. James’ knuckles knock her chin on each upstroke as she eats his precum. Kendall holds herself in place, caresses his thighs as he fires his first wad. She swallows it readily, clearing the way for more.

Two more ropes wet her throat before she chokes, and James pulls out to leave the rest across her face. Gasping and moaning, panting her way to breathing, Kendall lets James paint her with his semen. When he is finished, he feeds her his spent cock, and she sucks him clean, choking herself on him as his cooling seed oozes down her face.

James grunts afterward, falling heavily into the headboard, spent. “Fuckin’ hell, Kendall, that was a good nut.”

Smiling against him, Kendall bobs her head and strokes him in tandem, milking him of any remaining sperm. She purrs as she does. “Mmhmm.”

Pulling out, James takes her by the hair and holds her steady as he slaps his dick down across her tongue and face. Kendall allows it, smiling as he does it, laughing, soaked in his sperm. James holds his dick to her face and asks, “Think your cuck will smell ass on his pillow?”

Kendall kisses his shaft and shrugs. “I don’t know. Maybe. I can always smell you for hours after you come.” She sucks his shaft afterward.

James grinds his fat, hairy ass against Jackson’s pillow before standing. Kendall, fascinated with his body, watches him move. After a week of use by James, she has been trained to appreciate him now more than she ever did when they were dating. James remains a big man, his body shaking and jostling with his steps as his big cock sways before him, but Kendall is drawn to more than his cock now. She has come to enjoy almost everything about him, even that jiggle of his fat body as he steps heavily around the room to dress sends a spike of arousal through her.

James has his pants on before he returns to her. He does his belt beside the bed before reaching out to swat her ass. Groping the cheek he struck, he growls, “Pull down these fucking shorts and show me your ass.”

Turning her body toward him on the bed, Kendall whispers, “Yes, daddy,” and removes her pants. James watches with his beer in hand as Kendall’s tight shorts slide down her thick thighs, revealing her plump, rounded buttocks and the plug wedged between them. It looks tight inside of her, though neither of them can imagine how James might look or feel once he fills her. Both are curious to find out, though.

James sips his beer and swats her bottom again. Kendall coos as he holds the cheek he struck, molding it with his big hand while staring at her glistening pussy and stretched asshole. “Been wearing it all day?”

“Yes, daddy,” Kendall purrs.

“Cuck notice?”

She laughs. “No, daddy, of course not. I don’t let him see me in my underwear anymore, let alone naked.”

James grins. “Good girl.” He swats her bottom again before shoving her away. Kendall falls sideways on the bed and then lifts her hips to slip her shorts back up.

Kendall smiles and climbs from the bed. They walk to the front door together, and there they linger as James downs the rest of his beer. Kendall feels small standing beside his 6’2” frame. Staring up at him, she decides that one of the reasons she finds his body so attractive is that a big, tall man like him seems well-suited for the big, tall cock he has. Reflecting on him as he was before, she finds his size almost comical by comparison to his frame. Now, however, she feels giddy in his presence.

She takes the empty beer bottle and follows him to his truck. There, she squats down and kisses his crotch. James watches her with a smile, and she returns the smile as she stands. Her face is still sticky with his sperm, but she intends to wear it until Jackson or the girls get home. It is just too thick and rich to get rid of so quickly.

“The girls go back to school tomorrow.”

Kendall smiles. “They do, and Jackson will be at work all day.”

James laughs. “He’s working hard for you, ain’t he?”

A small nugget of guilt forms in her stomach, but looking at James, she can contain it. Kendall shrugs.

“Well, don’t matter. You’re mine now.” He cups her ass and gives it a hard squeeze. “We can change your plug tomorrow, I think, get you ready for me.”

Kendall smiles. “Yes, daddy.”

“Until then, keep by your phone. I ain’t saying I’ma’ call you, but if I do, I expect you to be there.”

“Yes, daddy,” Kendall says solemnly, powerless to stop James. “Always.”


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