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I drew Kaine a few days ago, but I was afraid to post because I'm very ashamed that I'm overdue for last month's work although I promised to draw a lot. For the last few weeks I feel a terrible shame in front of you, it even prevents me from painting.

In April it would seem that nothing should stop me from doing a lot of drawings, and I was even going to do double pictures, as with the Aqua. But a couple of small mishaps happened and my mood got terribly bad, and everything just sort of piled up. I started working with a psychologist. I am ashamed to write this because I have not kept my promises and it is hard to make new ones.

In any case my other two pictures for April are 30% done, I will continue them and finish them, and also I will try not to overdue the characters from the new polls and finish them in May.

How do you look at the psd newsletter in this context? I have a psd with an aqua and a Kaine. Maybe I should send one half of April now and the other half later?




This is your best one yet! I love Kaine! Do what you gotta do to feel better. Glad you’re getting help. I would prefer to just get both in the same month