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This will be next month's 3D Comic. In two weeks time, the followup focusing on Juvia. Then two weeks after that will depend on what you vote for below. For now, here we go!

Lucy picks up a key from the floor in an unfriendly looking place.

Lucy: Huh? A spirit key? What's it doing in a place like this?

Lucy: Alright! Let's see who it is! Come out!

Out comes a bimbo stereotype

Bimbo: Yay! I've been summoned! And by a real cutie too!

Lucy: Huh? That's no spirit I recognise.

Bimbo: Hi! Hi! I'm Bimbo, pleased to meetcha!

Lucy: B-Bimbo? Not exactly a great name. What can you do?

Offscreen: It doesn't matter what she can do.

A group of mages have appeared, looking to start a fight with Lucy

Mage: Found you, Fairy Snail! Give it up, you're outnumbered!

Lucy: Ack! They found me! Quick, do something!

Bimbo: Okay!

Bimbo possesses Lucy, transforming her on the spot.

Lucy: Wh-What the heck?!

Lucy: Woah! What, like, happened?

Mage: ... Uh?

Mage 2: Quit staring and get her already!

Lucy kicks one of them over.

Lucy: Hya!

Lucy elbows another one

Mage: Oof!

Mage 2: What the -

Mage 3: How did she-?

Lucy: Woah! Since when could I move that fast?

Mage 2: Ack!

Mage 3: Stay still!

Lucy drops the last one with another attack

Mage 3: Ah!

Lucy: I'm totally not this fast normally.

Lucy: Yay! I won!

Bimbo spirit inside Lucy: Yep! That's my thing, I boost your, like physicals while possessing you! Teehee!

Lucy: That's a totally handy power! Any, like, downside?

Bimbo: Um, not really no.

Mage:L-Laugh it up while you can! Your friends won't be laughing long!

Lucy: Oh no! Gray and Juvia, I totally need to help them!

Cut to Gray and Juvia, not too far away, losing a battle against more of those mages

Mage: Give up, you'll never beat all of us!

Juvia: I won't let you hurt my Gray!

Gray: I'm not your Gray!

Gray thinks: This is bad, They have a strange field that prevents magic damage. I could take down one of them, but there are too many -

Lucy offscreen: Yahoo!

Mage: Huh?

Lucy dives in.

Dust Cloud punchup!

Lucy: Ta-da! I won! Yay!

Juvia: Lucy? What happened?

Lucy: I found a new Spirit Key! It was totally awesome!

Juvia: A new Spirit Key...?

Close up of Gray now

Gray: Huh...? That's strange. Why can't I stop-

POV of him staring at Lucy

Gray: Staring... at Lucy? There's something about her that I can't resist.

Lucy: Come on out! Yay!

The spell pops on Gray

Gray: Huh?

The bimbo is there now. Lucy's body is back to normal, but...

Lucy: You see, she's, like, super awesome right?

Bimbo: Hi, hi! I'm Bimbo, and I'm here to help!

Juvia: Nice to meet you, Bimbo.

Lucy: Come on, let's go home! We've totally cleared this mission, tee-hee!

Juvia: Lucy is in a good mood. Juvia likes to see that.

Gray: Huh... I guess it was nothing.

Close up of the smiling Bimbo.

Gray: Still, something bothers me about this spirit. I wonder what it is...?


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