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Hi everyone! This month's stories are coming along at a decent pace. I should have a few things ready by next weekend, and half of this month's commissions are already done. I intend to write out a first draft for another this weekend, with another being written out by next. Keep an eye on this month's gdoc. 

In the meantime, here is the script for Akari's section of Mariko's New Team. Two weeks from now it will be Code Geass Japanophilia, focusing on Euphemia. Two weeks after that? Well, this is why the poll exists! Enjoy.

Page 1: Akari is working on a farm, when Nodoka and Hinako approach. They introduce themselves.

Akari is training a group of pigs in the art of sumo. Six pigs are wearing sumo attire, and are trying to push each other out of a pen.

Akari: Mind your footing!

From the distance, we see Nodoka and Hinako (adult form) approach. In the background, Akari is still overlooking the pigs.

Hinako: Oh, goodness. She's as cute as your future daughter said.

Nodoka: Play your cards right with Soun and Akane will be your future daughter as well.

Akari notices them. 

Akari: Oh? Hello! Welcome to the Unryu farm!

Nodoka: Hello! You must be Akari. I am Nodoka Saotome.

Hinako: Yes, Ranma and Akane have told us all about you. I'm Hinako Ninomiya.

Nodoka: May we come inside? There is something we wish to discuss...

Page 2: 

Ryoga: This is useless, I don't recognise any of these landmarks.

Ryoga: I'll stop off here and ask for directions.

Ryoga walks right by a sign that says 'Unryu Farm'

Ryoga: Maybe they know where the Unryu place is?

Ryoga enters

Ryoga: Hello! Sorry for barging in, but I -

We see Akari, in full on cheering getup (with a piggy theme), cheering away alongside Hinako and Nodoka.

Ryoga: I... I... What?

Akari: Hehehe... Love to cheer...

Hinako and Nodoka: Almost there, it's time to play! As a cheerleader you will stay!

Page 3: 

Ryoga: Hold on, I know what's going on here! You're brainwashing my girlfriend!

Hinako and Nodoka are standing back to back, with sly expressions on their faces.

Hinako: Oh, darn. The lost boy's got us sussed.

Nodoka: Oh no, whatever shall we do?

Ryoga grabs Akari and makes her stand behind him.

Ryoga: It's alright, Akari! I'll deal with -

Suddenly, Akari kisses him on the lips.

Page 4: 

Hinako and Nodoka continue a simple cheering routine while back to back.

Nodoka: She's a strong G-I-R-L, isn't she?

Hinako: You'd have to be, to train pigs that size in S-U-M-O!

Ryoga pulls away

Ryoga: Akari, get ahold of yourself!

Akari: L-O-V-E you... Even more than P-I-G-S!

Hinako drains Ryoga with a coin.

Ryoga stumbles and lands on his butt.

Akari: Be a sweetie, be a dear, watch my love and watch me cheer!

Page 5: 

Akari cheers for Ryoga, while he's unable to do anything but watch.

Akari: Hip hip hooray! My boyfriend's come to watch me play!

Ryoga: No... Akari! Don't!

Akari continues to cheer, blowing Ryoga a kiss in the process. He's wobbling a bit.

Akari: Cheering will be really big, I love it like I love P-I-G-S!

Ryoga: I... can't... Fight it! She's too cute!

Akari sits in Ryoga's lap. He reaches his hand towards her face

Akari: Don't get lost, please don't miss. Let's settle this, with a...

Ryoga: Akari... I...

Cue passionate kiss on the floor while Hinako and Nodoka coo over them from across the room.

Nodoka: Aww! He went down so easily!

Hinako: Your son did say he's a bit of an idiot.

Nodoka: A happy idiot, perhaps. All that matters is he's H-A-P-P-Y!


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